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Room ofCasting and Fishing Tools inLogging

1.打捞器:(打捞短钢丝与绳帽)本仪器适合打捞10米以下断钢丝。ﻫFishing to ol:( salvaging short steel wire and the rope headgear ) Itis usedfor salvaging broken steel wireswithin thelength of 10meters.ﻫ2.打捞器:专用打捞井底的外丝扣仪器,本仪器与加重杆配套使用。ﻫFishin gtool:It is for the special use of salvaging outerbuckles under well accompanying withaggravated poles. ﻫ3.打捞器(打捞长钢丝)适合打捞10米以上钢丝必须与加重杆、钢丝绞车配合使用。

Fishing tool: It is fit for salvaging steel wiresupwards of the length of10meters using aggravated poles and steel winchestogether.

4.油管内壁取胶圈专用扳手,专用于取井底胶圈。ﻫSpecial-purpose spanner of fetching rubber collarout of the inner wall oftubing, fetchi ng rubber collar under well only.ﻫ5.打捞器:(打捞内丝扣)专用打捞掉入井底的内线扣仪器,与加重杆配套使用。

Fishingtool:(salvaginginnerbuckle): forthe special use of salvaginginner buckle under well using aggravatedpoles toget her.

6.堵塞器:与水嘴配合使用,调节水量。ﻫPlugging instrument: adjusting liquid flow, usingwaterfaucets together, .ﻫ7.打捞器:(打捞震荡筒)本仪器是专门打捞震荡筒的专用打捞工具。

Fishing tool: (salvagingvibrating tubes) an applyingtool for t

8. 打捞器:专门打hespecial use ofsalvagingvibrating tubes.ﻫ

捞堵塞器小卡瓦,本仪器必须和投捞器配套使用。ﻫFishingtool: for the special purpose of salvagingsmall slips in the plugging instrument. 9.验封压力计:验证封隔器的密封情况。ﻫTest and insulation manometer: tes tingthe sealing state of insulation instrument.

ﻫ水井井下工具室ﻫRoomofDownholeToolsofWater Injection Wellsﻫﻫ1. Y341-95(JH)封隔器:用于套管修复井、变径井等小通道井。

Y341-95(JH) Insulation Instrument:fornarrowchannelwel ls , such asthecasing mending wells,alterable diameter wells.2. Y341-9(C6封隔器)用于套管修复井、变径井等小通道井。

Y341-9(C6 Insulation Instrument):for waterinjectionwells narrow channels, such as the casing mending wells, alterablediameterwells.

ﻫ 3. Y341-114套管保护封隔器: 一般下于第一级封隔器,用于保护套管。ﻫY341-114Insulation Instrument for CasingProtection: setting in it d own tothe first stageof test and separationinstrument, toprotectcasing tubes.ﻫ4.挡球座:注水井用井下开关、起单流阀作用。ﻫBall Shield: using the on-off buttonof water injection,working as a check valve.ﻫ5. 小直径偏心配水器(外径95mm)用于小通径井。

EccentricWaterDistribution of Narrow Diameter Wells (outer diameter is 95mm): for water injection wells narrow channels.6. K344-95封隔器:用于小通径井。

K344-95 InsulationInstrument:for water injection wells narrow channels.

7. Y341-104封隔器:用于油井堵水。ﻫY341-104Insulation Instrument:forwater block of oilwells.


Roomof DonwholeToolsofOil Wellﻫ

1. 丢手接头:起丢送作用,将堵水管柱丢于井下。

Releasing Joint: releasingthe tubingstringofwater block downto wells.

2. Y441-114封隔器:用于封堵。ﻫY441-114 InsulationInstrument: for sealing andblocking.

3. Y341-114FP封隔器:用于油井堵水。

Y341-114FPInsulation Instrument:for water blocking of oil wells.ﻫ4. Y441-114FK封隔器:用于分层注水管柱。

Y441-114FK Insulation Instrument: forthe tubingstring

5. 帽型活门:of waterinjectingaccording to different layers.ﻫ


Cap-like Valve: performingthe sealingfunction after wellservicing,thechannel canbe switchedoff in the next treatm6.强磁防蜡器:下于泵下,起防蜡作用。


StrongMagneticParaffin ProtectionInstrument: settlingunder pumps to protect paraffin.

7. DSⅢO堵水器:用于油井配产。ﻫDSⅢO Water Blocking Instrument: forthe productiondistributionof oil wells.ﻫ8. 脱接器:用于大脱泵脱卡。

JointInstrument:protecting thepowerfulpumps from cli pescaping.

9. 托卡工作筒:与脱接器配合使用,用于脱卡器的脱接。

The working Tubeof Supporting Clips:for jointing the escaper, working with joint instrument together.

10. 抽油杆防磨接箍:用于抽油杆扶正。

Anti-polishing coupling ofsucker rod: for centralizing sucker rods.ﻫ11. 电泵油管头:悬挂油管,密封油套环空。ﻫTubingHeadof Electric Pump:hanging tubingpipes,sealingtheinner wallof tubi


ng andcasingpipes.ﻫ

13. 电泵井桶杆:与滑套活门配合Centralizer: centralizing tubing strings.ﻫ


Barrel pole of electric pump wells:switchingonand off the sliding valves, andworking withsliding valves together.ﻫ

14. 滑套活门:与丢手封隔器配合。ﻫSlidingvalve:assortingwith releasingIns
