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And it was the place where our heroes sacrificed .
This is the Five heroes of Langyashan memorial tower
Baiyangdian Lake is located in Hebei Province, China. It is the largest natural lake in northern China and thus referred to as the "Kidney(肾 脏) of North China". In terms of environment, the lake is home to about 50 varieties of fish and multiple varieties of wild geese, ducks and other birds. The lake and side parks also are home to a vast number of lotus and other precious plants. From harvesting the fauna(动物群) and flora(植物 群) of the lake, the locals make a living.
special- cooked ass meat
The famours writer Sunli (孙犁)had wrote a lot of works that all search spots from baiyangdian lake .
The tomb of four emperors. They are yongzheng 、jiaqing、 daoguang and guangxu. And there are a lot of empresses and princesses.
Baiyangdian Lake is a national and international tourist attraction flaunting its peaceful water scenes and vast lotus gardens. Hand-driven and motorized boats are available for small to medium sized groups, and large motorized boats are available for larger groups usually accompanied by a tour guide. It is classified as a AAAAA scenic area by the China National Tourism Administration.
This is the old root(老城根) of our city!
It seems that it is full of history.
But now it is the wall of a zoo!
Do you know where it is?
It is very beautiful!
My hometown is baoding in hebei province,which is an ancient city with thousands years of history ! Baoding is located in the central of hebei province and situated in the center of shijiazhuang ,beijing and tianjin,so baoding is also called the capital Southgate.
Ranzhuang is a small village in Qingyuan County. During the Anti-Japanese War period, the militia (民兵)in Ranzhuang dug the subways to fight the Japanese puppet army(日伪 军) . RanZhuang tunnel stand sites(冉庄地道战遗址)are very important battleground of war sites on the north of China in the Anti-Japanese War period .
Yi River(易水河)
In the Spring and Autumn period Yan dynasty established in Baoding. Yi River is located in Yi county(易县), and it branches into South Yi River, Middle Yi River and north Yi river.易水河因燕 太子丹送荆轲刺秦于此 作别,高渐离击筑,荆 轲合着音乐高歌:“风 萧萧兮易水寒,壮士一 去兮不复还!”而名扬 天下 。
• Baigou is a famous bussiness town in north of China. Luggage is an important support industry of Baigou. The luggage industry in Baigou stimulates the development five neighboring counties and more than 50 towns. It helps more than ten thousand people took the path to riches. You may not know Baigou, but the bags you carry are probably produced in Baigou.
Jingke tower
Yishui inkstand(易水砚)
• Yishui inkstand can date back to the Tang dynasty. The material of the inkstand is drawn from the river bank of Yi River. The stone is a kind of violet(紫色的) and soft aqueous rock( 水成岩).
Look at the old grandpa. I don’t think I can hold five iron balls in hand as calmly as he does.
shadow puppet涿州皮影
According to the research, Zhuozhou shadow puppet is the source of the shadow puppet of Beijing, Tangshan, even Chengde and Liaoning province.
• YeSanPo, a national key scenic spot, is a famous tourist resort in the north of China. • Special natural scenery , pure ecological environment, unique ancient cultural relics.
The triple gem of Baoding(保定三宝)
• Iron balls is a piece of sports equipment. People are very fond of it, especially for the middle-aged and elderly people. • You generally use a hand to hold the two iron balls and move them around in your hand. It helps move the muscles and strengthen the body.