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1. 表示原因(通常在句中作状语)

1) because of:表示实际原因(表达一种较强的因果关系)

2) on account of:常用来引述逻辑、理性和事实因素

3) out of + 抽象名词:常用来引述心理、情感因素,如out of one’s own will(出于自愿)

4) owing / due to:着重把原因归于某事物,既可作状语又可作定语,due to还可以作后置定语,如:Mistakes due to carelessness may cause serious consequence. 由于粗心犯的错误也许会引起严重的后果。

5) thanks to:后面通常接表示积极意义的原因,意为"多亏,幸亏由于"。例句:

He walked slowly because of his bad leg. 他腿不好,所以走得很慢。

Michel and Billy, on account of their wide experiences in climbing, were voted leaders. 迈克尔与贝利由于有丰富的登山经验,被选为队长。

She did it out of sympathy. 她这样做是出于同情。

Most of the problems were owing/due to human errors. 大部分问题都是由于人为的错误造成的。

Thanks to your energy and intelligence, the development scheme has been finally realized. 多亏了你的精力和智慧,这项发展计划终于实现了。

2. 表示排除

1) with the exception of意义与except, except for相同,但比它们正式

2) apart from (=美式英语中的aside from)是个复合介词,既可表示"除……之外",相当于except (for), 又可以表示"除……之外,(还,也)"相当于besides。例句: They all passed the physics examination with the exception of Tom. 除汤姆外他们物理考试都及格了。

We had a smooth journey apart from(= except for) a flat tyre. 我们一路上很顺利,只是车胎漏了一次气。

Apart from(= besides) a flat tyre, we had broken brakes. 我们不但车胎漏了气,而且刹车也出了毛病。


1) 表示"关于"的介词:concerning(较为正式),respecting(关于,至


He quarreled with his neighbor concerning the house. 他因房子问题和邻居发生了争吵。

I’m at a loss respecting his whereabouts. 我全然不知道他的踪迹。

Regarding the punishment, what would you advise?


2)表示"关于"的介词短语:with respect to(关于,就……而言);in respect

of(就……而论,在……方面);in / with regard to, in / with reference to,

in connection with也都表示"(正式用语)关于,有关";as for和as to在用于句首表示"至于"时区别不大,可以互相通用,但as to表示"关于"时不能和as for 互换,相当于about和concerning。

4. 表示"在……之前"

1) ahead of意为in advance of,可表示"(在空间或时间上比某人或某事物)更前,更早";还可表示"领先,优于"

2) in front of 多指空间的前后关系,"在……正前方"

3) prior to(正式用语)指时间与重要性方面"在……之前"

4) previous to指时间与顺序上在……前

5) preparatory to意为in readiness for, as a preparation for, 为做准备而在……之前

6) on the eve of "在……前夕",如:on the eve of our examination / victory 在我们考试/胜利的前夕例句:

5. 表示"支持,赞成"

1) in support of 维护,支持,支援

Mr. Smith spoke in support of the motion. 史密斯先生发言支持这项提议。

2) in favor of 可指某人"支持,赞成",也可指事物"有利于……"

Are you in favor of the proposal? 你赞成此建议吗?The exchange rate is in our favor.


6. 表示"鉴于,由于;根据,按照"

1)in the light of 按照,考虑到

He rewrote the book in the light of further research. 考虑到进一步的研究,他重写了那部书。

2)in terms of 就……而言,谈到

The job is great in terms of salary, but it has its disadvantages. 就薪水而言,这是份好工作。但它也有不足之处。

3)on the grounds of; on ... grounds 以……为理由/根据

Their request for a permission to open a mine was denied on environmental grounds. 基于对环境问题的考虑,他们开矿的请求没有被许可。

4)in accordance with 与……一致,书面语

5)according to 根据;按照A diplomat must act according to circumstances. 外交官必须会随机应变。
