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1.Li Jun is Chinese. He can s________ a little English.

2.---Can I help you? ---I want to j_______ the chess club.

3.There are too many p_________ in the bus and the air in it is dirty (脏的).

I choose(选择) to travel by train.

4.The park is in the c________ of the city.

5.Beethoven (贝多芬) is a great m___________. We all like his music.

6.We usually (通常) don’t go to school on the __________.

7.I am free on Sundays. I like to stay (呆) at h_________ and watch TV.

8.My brother and I like s_________ in the river in summer.

9.Jim’s grandmother often t_________ him funny stories.

10.Mr. Zhang is a teacher. He t_________ us music.

Keys:1 speak 2 join 3 people 4 centre 5 musician 6 holiday 7 home 8 swimming 9 tells 10 teaches


1. Before he goes to bed, Tom often takes a s_________ in the bathroom (浴室).

2. Jenny u________ has breakfast at home before she goes to school in the morning.

3. Mr. Lee is hard-working (勤劳的). He often w________ very long hours every day.

4. After I get up, I begin to brush my t_________ every morning.

5. Scott is a good student. He often does his h_________ at home after school.

6. ---What ‘s your uncle’s j_________? ---He is a teacher in a middle school.

7. People usually sleep (睡觉) at n_________ and go to work in the daytime (白天)

8. Wei Zheng is my b_________ friend. I mean (意思)that he is my favorite friend.

9. My brother doesn’t go to bed at nine. I don’t go to bed at nine, e___________.

10. Six f_________ has the same meaning(含义) as ten to seven.

Keys: 1 shower 2 usually 3 works 4 teeth 5 homework 6 job 7 noon 8 best 9 either 10 fifty


1. I believe (相信) my dream can come t_________.

2. My English teacher is k_________ my mother to me.

3. His son is sixteen y________ old now. He is a student.

4. There are many r_________ and lakes(湖泊) in China.

5. ---Where do you l________? ---In a small village far away.

6. There are fifteen m_______ in a quarter.

7. Look both (两者) sides before you c_________ the road(马路). Sometimes it’s dangerous.(危险的)

8. Look! There are some b________ on the river.

9. ---What’s ten and n_________? ---It’s one hundred.

10. People usually take the p________ from Beijing to Guangzhou.

Keys: 1 true 2 kind 3 years 4 rivers 5 live 6 minutes 7 crossing

8 boats 9 ninety 10 plane


1. He thinks there are many r_________ in his house.

2. All the students have to w________ the school uniforms on school days.

3. They like to eat in the d________ hall at school.

4. My school is big and clean. It’s not small and d__________.

5. My aunt usually makes lunch at twelve in the k___________.

6. Tom’s grandfather is s_________ with him in the river.

7. The classroom is q_________. It’s not noisy.

Keys: 1 rooms 2 wear 3 dining 4 dirty 5 kitchen 6 swimming 7 quite
