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( )21. What bad weather we have! It has rained _____ the day before yesterday.

A. on

B. in

C. at

D. since

( )22. --- Have you ever seen _____ one-eyed elephant ? --- No, never. And you?

A. a

B. an

C. any

D. some

( ) 23. Nobody except Tom and Millie ____ that park before. Only they can be our guides.

A. have been to

B. has been to

C. has gone to

D. have gone to

( )24. —Let’s turn on the TV and watch the foot ball match.

—It’s too late. It for an hour. And the result was 1-0. China won.

A. has finished

B. has begun

C. has been on

D. has been over

( ) 25. It ________ her about two hours to go to Australia by plane.

A. used

B. spent

C. paid

D. took

( ) 26. This kind of cake smells ______ and sells ______.

A. nice, well

B. nice, good

C. well, well

D. good, nice

( )27.Lily __________ Hong Kong for a week, and she’ll come back tomorrow..

A. has gone to

B. has been in

C. has been to

D. has gone in

( )28. --Where did you ___________the magazine? --From the school library.

---How long can you ____________ it? --For two weeks.

A. lend; borrow

B. borrow; lend

C. borrow; keep

D. lend; keep

( )29. ---Thank you for giving me so much help.


A. It’s my pleasure.

B. Don’t say so.

C. It’s nothing.

D. No thanks.

( )30. ______ of them has arrived yet. So I’m afraid that the meeting must be held next


A. All

B. None

C. Each

D. Every



66. The policemen found a woman __________ (死) in the bedroom

67. Harry has been to Shanghai on __________ (生意) for two years.

68. I don’t know all my __________ (亲戚) names.

69. Hong Kong is famous for its __________ (国际化的) theme park.

70. We had a _________(美妙的) time in the park with The Greens..

(B) 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空,每空一词。

71.---How long have they been _________ (marry)? ---Since 2 years ago.

72.People have been dreaming of _____ (live) on Mars for many years.

73.Miss Yang used to live in the __________ (south) part of the city.

74.The UK is an old __________(Europe)country with a long history.

75.It has been famous for its theatres since the early ________(twenty) century.

(C) 根据句意,用所给动词的适当形式填空。

76.--- Where’s Tom? .----He ___________(print)in the library.

77.My grandpa often uses the computer __________(receive) emails.

78. I couldn’t stop ___________ (scream) when I heard the surprising news.

79.What great fun we had ___________ (pick) the plays on the Internet!

80.Look! The rain ___________(stop). Let’s go and clean our car.


Do you like (81) t____________? Travelling sometimes (82) c_______ a lot. What will you do if you don’t hav e (83) e__________ money? Don’t worry. You can go couch surfing(沙发冲浪).
