



巴斯光年的经典语录1. "要开拓新的领域,你必须敢于跳出自己的舒适区。

"2. "不要害怕失败,它只是成功的一部分。

"3. "相信自己,没有什么是不可能的。

"4. "勇敢面对困难,只有这样才能成长。

"5. "团队合作是实现目标的关键,没有一个人能独自成功。

"6. "拥抱变化,因为它是进步的源泉。

"7. "保持乐观的心态,积极面对每一天。

"8. "付出努力是值得的,因为成果是属于那些勇敢者的。

"9. "不要轻易放弃,坚持到底才能看到希望的曙光。

"10. "每一次失败都是一次宝贵的经验,从中汲取教训,再次出发。


















《玩具总动员1》(Toy Story 1)中英文对照一、剧情简介《玩具总动员1》讲述了玩具们的生活故事。




二、主要角色及对照1. 胡迪(Woody)胡迪是安迪最喜欢的玩具,一个勇敢、聪明的牛仔警长。


Woody is Andy's favorite toy, a brave and smart sheriff. He always believes he is the most beloved toy, but his status is challenged with the arrival of the new toy, Buzz Lightyear.2. 巴斯光年(Buzz Lightyear)巴斯光年是一款太空人玩具,他误以为自己是一名真正的太空英雄。


Buzz Lightyear is a space ranger toy who mistakenly believes he is a real space hero. His arrival threatens Woody, leading to conflicts between the two.3. 翠丝(Jessie)翠丝是一只活泼、勇敢的女牛仔玩具,她在《玩具总动员2》中首次亮相。


4. 蛋头先生(Mr. Potato Head)蛋头先生是一个幽默、机智的玩具,他的身体由多个零部件组成,可以随意拆卸和组装。

Mr. Potato Head is a humorous and clever toy whose body consists of various parts that can be easily assembled and disassembled.5. 弹簧狗(Slinky Dog)弹簧狗是胡迪的忠实伙伴,他善良、忠诚,总是支持胡迪的决定。



Woody:Buzz!You're flying!
Buzz:This isn't flying.This is falling with style!
Buzz:Years of Academy training wasted.
Buzz:This is no time to panic.
Woody:This is a perfect time to panic!
Alien:I have been chosen.Farewell,my friends.I go to a better place.
Woody:Hey,look,everybody!It's the *real* Buzz Lightyear!
Buzz:You're mocking me,aren't you?
Woody:Oh no,no no no,no.- Buzz look,an alien!
Woody:(slaps knee and laughs hoarsely)


Has anyone found Woody's hat yet?
Keep looking, men. Dig deeper! Negatory. Still searching.
The lawn gnome <i>next</i> door says it's not in the yard, but he'll keep lookin'.
This'll be the first year I miss cowboy camp, all because of my stupid hat!
- Woody, look under your boot. - Don't be silly.
- My hat is not under my boot. - Would you just look?
What news?
The good news is I found your hat, Woody.
My hat! Slink, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- My little sweet potato! - You found it!
It's so nice...
to have a big, strong spud around the house.















巴斯光年的经典语录巴斯光年(Buzz Lightyear)是迪士尼动画系列电影《玩具总动员》(Toy Story)中的一个角色,他是一位机器人玩具,也是主人公们的朋友和守护者。


1. "我不是个玩具,我是个行动快如闪电的太空长官!" 这是巴斯光年一开始时自以为是的自我宣称。



2. "到了无依无靠、被抛弃的时候,对一个玩具来说最伤心的日子...是生日。

" 这句话表达了巴斯光年对玩具们情感的理解和同情。



3. "为正义而战!为自由而战!" 这是巴斯光年常常喊出的口号,展现了他对正义和自由的强烈渴望。



4. "陀螺嘀嗒嘀嗒嘀嗒嘀嗒!" 这是巴斯光年在第一部电影中一度以为玩具们是外星生物所发出的警告声。



5. "友情,就是搏斗在一起的伙伴。

" 这句话展示了巴斯光年对友情的深刻理解。




6. "有时候,成为别人的英雄比当真人英雄重要多了。

" 在第二部电影中,巴斯光年逐渐认识到自己只是一个玩具,没有真正的超能力。



玩具总动员十句经典句子英文回答:1. "To infinity and beyond!" Buzz Lightyear.This iconic catchphrase from Buzz Lightyear is aperfect example of his adventurous and optimistic spirit.It is often used to express determination and excitement about exploring new possibilities. For example, when I was faced with a challenging project at work, I would say to myself, "To infinity and beyond!" to motivate myself to overcome obstacles and achieve success.2. "Reach for the sky!" Woody.Woody, the cowboy sheriff, often says this line to inspire his fellow toys to aim high and never give up. It can be used in various situations to encourage someone toset ambitious goals and strive for excellence. For instance, when my friend was feeling discouraged about his studies, Itold him, "Hey, reach for the sky! You can do it!"3. "You've got a friend in me." Randy Newman.This heartfelt song from the Toy Story soundtrack reminds us of the importance of friendship and support. It can be used to reassure someone that they are not alone and that they have someone who will always be there for them. For example, when my sister was going through a tough time, I told her, "Remember, you've got a friend in me. I'm here for you no matter what."4. "I'm not a toy! I'm an action figure!" Buzz Lightyear.Buzz Lightyear's initial confusion about being a toy instead of a "space ranger" is captured in this humorous line. It can be used in a playful way to assert one's identity or uniqueness. For instance, when someone mistakenly refers to me as a "kid," I might jokingly say, "Hey, I'm not a kid! I'm an adult! Well, at least in age."5. "The claw!" Aliens.The cute and lovable aliens in Toy Story have a fascination with "The Claw," a game machine in the arcade. They exclaim this phrase when they believe they are being chosen by the claw. It can be used to express excitement or surprise. For example, when my friend surprised me with concert tickets, I exclaimed, "The claw! You're amazing!"6. "I'm not a sad toy. I'm a cool toy!" Rex.Rex, the insecure and anxious dinosaur, often tries to convince himself and others that he is not just a "sad toy." This line can be used humorously to boost one's confidence or self-esteem. For instance, when I tried a new outfit and felt unsure about it, I might say, "I'm not a sad dresser. I'm a cool dresser!"7. "You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity." Buzz Lightyear.Buzz Lightyear delivers this line to Sid, the toy-destroying neighbor, in a moment of superiority. It can be used sarcastically to express disapproval or pity towards someone's actions or behavior. For example, when a colleague tried to take credit for my work, I might say, "You are a sad, strange little person, and you have my pity."8. "I can't do it. These short little arms!" Rex.Rex's self-doubt and frustration about his short arms are captured in this line. It can be used humorously to express a feeling of helplessness or inability to accomplish something. For instance, when I struggled to reach something on a high shelf, I might say, "I can't do it. These short little arms!"9. "You've got a playdate with destiny!" Mr. Potato Head.Mr. Potato Head uses this line to encourage Hamm, the piggy bank, to take risks and embrace new opportunities. It can be used to motivate someone to seize the moment andmake the most out of life. For example, when my friend was hesitant about pursuing a new job opportunity, I told him, "Hey, you've got a playdate with destiny! Go for it!"10. "That's not flying. That's falling with style!" Woody.Woody says this line when Buzz Lightyear attempts to prove he can fly by leaping off a staircase. It can be used humorously to point out someone's unconventional or unique approach to a situation. For instance, when my friend tried a different cooking technique that didn't turn out as expected, I might say, "Well, that's not cooking. That's burning with style!"中文回答:1. "到无尽的宇宙,超越极限!" 巴斯光年。



Ha Ha Ha Ha哈哈哈哈Money; money; money Hey钱钱钱嘿- You got a date with justice; One-Eyed Bart. - Too bad; Sheriff.- 独眼巴特 "正义"与你有个约会- 太糟啦长官I'm a married man.我已经结婚了One-Eyed Betty独眼贝蒂I think you dropped something; Mister.我想你好像掉下了什么东西先生- Jessie - Give it up; Bart. You've reached the end of the line.- 翠丝 - 投降吧巴特你已经无路可逃了I always wanted to go out with a bang.我一直希望以爆炸作为结局- Oh no - The orphans- 哦不要 - 孤儿们Hate to leave early; but our ride is here.还想陪你们玩会的但我们的专车到了It's me or the kiddies; Sheriff. Take your pick.追我还是救孩子长官你自己选吧Ride like the wind; Bull's-eye 跑出风驰电掣的感觉吧红心Hold 'em steady.抓紧了Woody; hurry伍迪快点No...不...- Glad I can catch the train. - Now let's catch some criminals. - 真高兴我接住了火车 - 现在我们去抓罪犯吧To infinity and beyond.飞向宇宙浩瀚无垠- Reach for the sky. - You can't touch me; Sheriff.- 举起双手 - 你抓不到我的长官I brought my attack dog with a built-in force field.我的战犬可是内建磁力场的Well; I brought my dinosaur who eats force fields dogs.好啊我也带来了专吃磁力场狗狗的抱抱龙Evil Doctor Pork Chop.邪恶的猪排博士That's Mr. Evil Doctor Pork Chop to you.这是邪恶的猪排博士送给你们的礼物Buzz; shoot your laser on my badge. Woody; no; I'll kill you.巴斯用你的激光枪射我的徽章伍迪不行我会把你射死的Just do it.你只管射就是了You're going to jail; Bart. Ah; watch out你得去坐牢了巴特啊小心- Mom - No; no; no. Just keep playing. Just pretend I'm not here.- 妈妈 - 别停别停继续玩吧就当我不在- Oh; no; Molly - No; it's ok; Mom.- 哦别这样 Molly - 没事没关系的妈妈It's a 50 feet baby from outerspace.这是一个有50只脚的从太空来的娃娃And she's on a rampage Run for your lives她在横冲直撞大家快逃命吧Does the red light mean it's going红灯亮表示已经开始录了吗Come on say "Happy Birthday" to Molly.来吧对Molly说"生日快乐"- Happy birthday. - Oh. Charming.- 生日快乐 - 哦真可爱Look how tall you're getting.瞧瞧你都长这么高了Buzz Lightyear to the rescue.巴斯光年前来救援Good work; Buzz.干得漂亮巴斯- Ok; places; everyone. Come on; come on. Get in position. - Wait;I can't find my other eye.- 好了各就各位快点 - 稍等我的另一只眼睛找不到了- All right; whose foot's in my face - It's mine; give it back. - 哎谁把脚放到我脸上了 - 是我的还给我You saved our lives. We are eternally grateful.你救了我们我们这辈子都感激不尽Buzz; mind if I squeeze in next to you巴斯你介意我挤在你旁边吗Yes. No. I mean; why would I mind if I squeeze... squeeze in next to... you是的不我是说我怎么会介意挤... 挤在你... 旁边呢- Is it hot in here - Oh; here they come.- 这里太热了吧 - 哦他们来了- Sarge; you got it - Mission accomplished.- 警长你们搞到了 - 完成任务Hooray万岁Careful. Careful.小心小心All right guys. We've got one shot at this.好了大伙儿我们只有一次机会- Everybody ready - We're ready; Woody. Let's do it.- 大家准备了吗 - 我们准备好了伍迪开始干吧Ok Buzz; make the call.好的巴斯打电话吧- Target is on approach. - Just like we rehearsed it guys.- 目标正在靠近 - 就跟我们排练的情形一样伙计们Hello. Hello. Anyone there喂喂有人吗- Molly; stay out of my room. - I wasn't in your room.- Molly 别进我的房间 - 我没去你房间- Then who was messing with my stuff - It wasn't me.- 那是谁在乱搞我的东西 - 不是我- Well; that went well. - He held me He actually held me- 哈进展还真顺利 - 他拿起我了他真的拿起我了- Uh; this is just sad. - Who we kidding The kid's 17 years old. - 呃真悲哀 - 我们在骗谁啊这孩子已经17岁了We ain't ever getting played with.我们不能再在一起玩了Guys; hey; hold up. We need a staff meeting. Everyone; a staff meeting.大伙儿嗨等一下我们得开个全体会议大家都过来开全体会议- Oh; not again. - Oh come on. Sling; gather everyone up.- 哦别又开会 - 哦拜托弹簧狗把大家都召集来Uh; we are together; Woody.呃我们都在啊伍迪Ok. Uh; first off ... we all knew "Operation Playtime" was a long shot.好的呃首先... 我们都知道"游戏时间"这个计划成功的希望很渺茫- More like a misfire. - But we've always said this job isn't about getting played with- 貌似失败了 - 但我们一直说我们的目的不是玩耍- it's about ... - Being there for Andy. We know.- 而是为了... - 陪在安迪身边我们知道But we can try again; right但我们可以再试一次对吗- I'm calling it guys. We're closing up shop. - What- 哦还是算了各位我们就此打住吧 - 什么Andy's going to college anyday now.现在安迪要去上大学了That was our last shot.刚才的行动就是我们最后的机会We're going into attic mode folks. Keep your accessories with you at all times.我们要转移到阁楼上了伙计们保证你们的附件佩戴齐全Spare parts; batteries ... anything you need for an orderly transition.备用零件电池... 把需要的所有东西都带上有序搬迁Orderly Don't you get itWe're done Finished. Over the hill.有序你还不明白吗我们玩完了结束了风光不再了Hey; hey; hey. Come on guys. We all knew this day was coming.嘿嘿嘿拜托了各位我们都知道这一天迟早会来临- Yeah; but now it's here. - Look; every toy goes through this. No one wants to see ...- 没错但现在这一天真的来了 -听我说每个玩具都要经历这一天没人希望看到...- Hey Sarge What are you doing - War's over folks.- 嗨警长你们在干什么 - 战争已经结束了伙计们Me and the boys are moving on.我和兄弟们要离开这里了- Moving on - You're going AWOL - 离开 - 你们要擅自离开We've done our duty.我们已经完成了使命- Andy is grown up. - Let's face it ...- 安迪已经长大了 - 让我们面对现实吧...when the trash bags come out; we army guys are the first to go.等开始收垃圾的时候最先被丢进去的就是我们- Trash bags - Who said anything about trash bags- 垃圾 - 谁说我们要变垃圾啊It has been an honor serving with you. Good luck folks.很荣幸曾与你们并肩作战各位祝你们好运- You're gonna need it. - No; no; wait; wait; wait.- 你们会需要垃圾袋的 - 不不等等等等等等- We're getting thrown away - No. No one's getting thrown away.- 我们会被扔掉 - 不没有人会被扔掉- How do you know - We're being abandoned.- 你怎么知道 - 我们被抛弃了- We'll be fine; Jessie. - So why did Sarge leave- 我们会没事的翠丝 - 那警长为什么要离开- Should we leave - I thought we were going to the attic- 我们也要离开吗 - 我以为我们要去阁楼的啊- Oh I hate all this uncertainty. - Whoa; whoa; whoa; whoa; whoa. Hold on a minute. Quiet- 哦我讨厌这种不确定的感觉 - 喔喔喔等一下安静No one's getting thrown out; ok 没有人会被扔掉明白了吗We're all still here. I mean; yeah; we've lost friends along the way ...我们还会都在这儿我是说没错我们一路走来也曾失去过一些朋友...- Wheezy and Etch and... - Bo Peep.- 吱吱和画板还有... - 宝贝儿Yeah; even; even Bo.没错甚至宝贝儿All good toys who've gone on to new owners.这些好玩具都已经找到了新主人But through every yard sale; every spring cleaning...但经过了那么多次旧货出售春季扫除...Andy held onto us.安迪留下了我们He must care about us or we wouldn't be here.他一定很在乎我们否则我们早就不在这儿了You wait. Andy's gonna tuck us in the attic. It'll be safe and warm.你们等着瞧安迪会把我们收到阁楼里的那里既温暖又安全- And we'll all be together. - Exactly.- 而且我们全都会在一起 - 完全正确- There's games up there and books and ... - The racecar track.- 那里有游戏有图书还有... - 赛车道- The racecar track; thank you. - And the old TV.- 赛车道谢谢 - 还有旧电视There you go; the old TV. And those guys from the Christmas decorations.你说得对还有旧电视还有圣诞节装饰用的那群伙计Well; they're fun; right是的他们很有趣对吧And some day; if we're lucky; Andy may have kids of his own.有朝一日如果我们幸运的话安迪会有自己的孩子And he'll play with us then; right他又会跟我们一起玩了对吧- We'll always be there for him. - Come on guys ...- 我们会在阁楼里等着他 - 来吧大伙儿...let's get our parts together; get ready and go out on a high note.让我们收拾好东西准备光荣引退吧- I'd better find my other eye. - Where'd you leave it this time - 我得找到我的另一只眼睛 - 这次你又把它丢在哪儿了Some place dark and dusty.一个黑乎乎的布满灰尘的地方Come on. Let's see how much we're going for on eBay.来吧我们看看我们在易趣网上值多少钱Don't worry; Andy's going to take care of us. I guarantee it.别担心安迪会照顾好我们的我保证- You guarantee it; huh - I don't know; Buzz.- 你保证能这样呃 - 我不知道巴斯What else could I say我还能怎么说Well; whatever happens; at least we'll all be together.好的不管发生什么事至少我们全都在一起For infinity and beyond.飞向宇宙浩瀚无垠- Can I have your stereo - No. - 能把你的立体声音响给我吗 - 不行Why not为什么不行- Can I have your computer - No. - 能把你的电脑给我吗 - 不行- Your video games - Forget it; Molly.- 那你的游戏机呢 - 想都别想MollyOk Andy; let's get to work here. Anything you're not taking to college ...好了安迪我们开始干活吧你不带到学校去的东西...either goes to the attic; or it's trash.要么放到阁楼上要么当垃圾扔掉- Mom; I'm not leaving till Friday. - Come on; it's garbage day.- 妈妈我礼拜五才走呢 - 快点今天是收垃圾的日子- Mom - Look; it's simple. Skateboard: college.- 妈妈 - 看着这很简单的滑板: 带到大学Little League trophy: probably attic.联赛小奖杯: 可能放到阁楼上Apple core: trash.苹果核: 垃圾- You can do the rest. - Why do you still have these toys- 剩下的你来收拾吧 - 你为什么还留着这些玩具- Molly; out of my room - Threemore days and it's mine.- Molly 别呆在我房里 - 再过三天这儿就归我喽Molly You're not off the hook either. You have more toys than you know what to do with.Molly 你也逃不掉你有很多玩具不知如何处置Some of them can make other kids really happy.有些玩具能让别的孩子很开心的- What kids - The children at the daycare.- 什么孩子 - 幼儿园里的孩子They're always asking for donations.他们总是要大家捐赠- What's daycare - Sh Sh Sh.- 什么是幼儿园 - 嘘嘘嘘- Mom - No buts. You choose the toys you want to donate; I'll drop them off at Sunnyside.- 妈妈 - 别反对了你选择想捐赠的玩具我把它们送到阳光幼儿园去- Poor Barbie. - I get the Corvette.- 可怜的芭比 - 雪佛兰跑车归我了Andy; come on. You need to start making decisions.安迪快点你得开始做决定了- Like what - Like; what are you going to do with these toys- 什么决定 - 比如说你打算怎么处理这些玩具- Should we donate them to Sunnyside - No- 要不捐给阳光幼儿园行吗 - 不行Maybe sell them online 那要不在网上出售Mom; no one's going to want those old toys.妈妈没人想要这些旧玩具- They're junk. - Fine. You have till Friday.- 他们都是些破烂 - 好吧你可以把它们留到礼拜五Anything that's not packed for college or in the attic...没打包带去学校或者放到阁楼上的...- is getting thrown out. - Whatever you say; Mom.- 都会被扔掉 - 好吧好吧妈妈- What's happening - We're getting thrown out; you idiot That's what's happening- 发生什么事了 - 我们要被扔掉了你这个白痴就是这么回事- You need a hand - I got it. - 要帮忙吗 - 我自己能行Here. So you gonna miss me when I'm gone给你我走后你会想我吗If I say "no"; will I still get your room如果我说"不" 我还能得到你的房间吗- No. - Then; yes; I'll miss you. - 不能 - 那就是吧我会想你的- I can't breathe. - This can't be happening.- 我喘不过气来了 - 怎么会发生这种事Quiet What's that sound安静那是什么声音Andy安迪That's not trash. That's not trash那不是垃圾那不是垃圾Think; Woody. Think; think; think.想想办法伍迪想想办法想想办法Buster; come here boy. Come here.巴斯特过来宝贝过来Ok boy; to the curb. Heeyah好的宝贝到路边去驾No; Buster No不巴斯特不要Get up; Buster.起来巴斯特- We're on the curb - Oh; I knew it come to this.- 我们在路边了 - 哦我就知道会这样Pull everyone Pull大家用力拉拉It won't rip拉不开Oh for goodness ... It'striple-ply; high-density polyethylene.哦天哪... 有三层塑料袋高密度聚乙烯的- There's gotta be a way out. - Oh Andy doesn't want us. What's the point- 一定有办法出去的 - 哦安迪不要我们了还有什么意义Point; point; point有意义有意义有意义- Push Push - I can hear the garbage truck- 拉拉 - 我能听到垃圾车的声音It's getting closer.越来越近了Buzz Jessie巴斯翠丝- Andy threw us out. - Like we were garbage.- 安迪把我们扔出去了 - 把我们当成垃圾一样Junk. He called us junk.破烂他叫我们破烂How could he他怎么能这样- This doesn't make any sense. - I should have seen this coming. - 这没道理啊 - 我应该预料到的- It's Emily all over again. - The Sarge was right.- 这是Emily的翻版 - 警长是对的- Yeah and Woody was wrong. - Wait a minute. Hold on. This is no time to be hysterical.- 是的伍迪错了 - 等一下等等现在没时间歇斯底里- It's the perfect time to be hysterical. - Should we be hysterical- 这正是该歇斯底里的时候 - 我们应该歇斯底里吗- No. Yes. - Maybe; but not now. - 不没错 - 也许现在不是时候Yee haw Fellas; I know what to do.耶呃伙计们我知道该怎么办了What the heck搞什么鬼- Oh; we should have done this years ago. - Jessie wait. What about Woody- 哦我们早就该这样做的 - 翠丝等等伍迪怎么办He's fine; Buzz. Andy's taking him to college.他没事的巴斯安迪要带他去大学Now; we need to go.现在我们得走了You're right. Come on.你说的对来吧- Buzz - Woody.- 巴斯 - 伍迪What's going on Don't you know this box is being donated这是怎么回事难道你们不知道这个箱子是要捐赠的吗- It's under control; Woody. We have a plan. - We're going to daycare.- 一切尽在掌握中伍迪我们有一个计划 - 我们要去幼儿园Daycare What; have you all lost your marbles幼儿园什么你们都疯了吗- Well didn't you see Andy threw us away. - No; no; no. He was putting you in the attic.- 嗯难道你没看到安迪抛弃了我们 - 不不不是的他是要把你们放进阁楼的- Attic So how did we end up on the curb - That was a mistake. - 阁楼那我们怎么最后到了路边- 那是个误会- Andy's mom thought you were trash. - Yeah; after he put us in a trash bag.- 安迪的妈妈把你们当垃圾了 -没错是他先把我们装进垃圾袋的- And called us junk - Yeah; I know it looks bad. But guys; you gotta believe me.- 他还叫我们破烂 - 是的我知道这很令人伤心但伙计们你们得相信我- Sure thing; college boy. - Andy's moving on; Woody.- 当然大学生 - 安迪已经开始新的生活了伍迪It's time we do the same.我们也该这样做了Ok; out of the box. Everyone; right now好了所有人立刻从箱子里出来- Come on Buzz; give me a hand. We gotta get this thing. - Woody; Woody.- 来吧巴斯帮我一把我们得把这个弄下去 - 伍迪伍迪We need to figure out what's best for everyone.我们得搞清楚哪种选择对大家最好Oh great; great. It'll take us forever to get back here.哦完了完了我们永远也回不来了Oh it's all right; Barbie.You'll be ok.哦没关系的芭比你会没事的Molly and I have been growing apart for years.Molly已经冷落我很久了It's just .. I can't believe she would throw me away只是... 我真不敢相信她会把我丢掉- Welcome to the club; Toots. - Ok; everyone listen up...- 我们是同命相怜小姑娘 - 好了大家听好了...We can get back to Andy's but we gotta move fast.我们有办法回到安迪家但我们得动作快一点- We'll hide under the seats till we get back home. - Get it through your vinyl noggin Woody...- 我们先躲在座位下面直到我们回到家 - 别犯傻了伍迪...- Andy doesn't want us anymore. - He was putting you in the attic - 安迪已经不想要我们了 - 他是要把你们放进阁楼的- He left us on the curb - All right; calm down; both of you- 他把我们丢在路边了 - 好了你们两个都安静一下- Ok. Fine; fine. Just wait until you see what daycare's like. - Why What's it like- 好好的好的你们就等着看看幼儿园是什么样子吧 - 为什么那是什么样子Daycare is a sad; lonely place for washed up old toys who have no owners.幼儿园是一个悲伤孤独的地方专门收留没人要的废弃旧玩具- Quite the charmer; aren't you - Oh; you'll see; as soon as we get to daycare- 你还什么都知道哈 - 哦等着看吧等你们一到幼儿园you'll be begging to go home.你们会哭着闹着要回家- Can anyone see anything - There's a playground.- 你们能看见什么吗 - 那儿有一个游乐场Wow哇- We hit the jackpot; Bull's-eye. - So much for sad and lonely; huh - 我们中头奖了红心 - 忧伤孤独从此拜拜是吧Ok calm down guys. Let's keep this in perspective.伙计们冷静点让我们正确地看待这件事- Perspective This place is perfect. - Woody; it's nice.- 怎么个正确法这地方简直完美- 伍迪这儿妙极了See The door has a rainbow on it.看见了吗门上还画着彩虹- Hey; there. - Wow. I haven't seen you in ages.- 嘿我来了 - 哇真是好久不见I just wanted to drop these old toys off. Is this Bonnie我是来捐这些旧玩具的这是Bonnie吗- Look how big you are. - Say hi; Sweetie.- 都长这么大了呀 - 亲爱的快打招呼呀- Hi. - Hey; how are your kids Molly and Andy- 嗨 - 你孩子们怎么样啊 Molly 和安迪呢- Not kids anymore. Andy's going to college on Friday. - What- 不是小孩子了安迪周五就上大学去了 - 真的吗- Can you believe it - You sure they won't miss these- 难以置信吧 - 你确定他们不会想念这些玩具吗No; they never get played with.不会的早就不玩这些东西了- Do you see any kids - Where's she taking us- 你看见小孩子了吗 - 她要把我们带到哪儿去- Look. - Wow.- 快看 - 哇What What is it啥有啥呀I can't see.我看不到Ok; everyone recess. Come on.好了休息时间到来吧- So now what do we do - We go back to Andy's.- 现在我们怎么做呢 - 回安迪家去- Anyone see an exit - Exit; schmexit.- 有没有看见什么出口 - 什么出口不出口的- Let's get played with. - Careful. These toys might be jealous of new arrivals.- 让我们和孩子们玩吧 - 说话小心不然其它玩具会嫉妒我们这些新人的I want to see. It's my turn.我要看看该轮到我看了New toys新玩具- Howdy; glad to meet you. - Buzz Lightyear at your service.- 你好很高兴认识你 - 巴斯光年乐意为您效劳Oh; thank you. May I Oooh.哦谢谢可以吗哦哦The Claw.利爪Well; hello there.嗯欢迎诸位I thought I heard new voices. Welcome to Sunnyside; folks.我就说自己刚刚听到了一些新声音欢迎来到阳光幼儿园伙计们I'm Lotso; hugging bear. But please call me Lotso.我是抱抱熊请叫我抱抱熊Buzz Lightyear. We come in...巴斯光年我们到此...First thing you gotta know about me; I'm a hugger.识人先识习抱抱熊喜欢抱人Look at you all. You been through a lot today; haven't you看看你们今天累坏了吧是不是- Oh; it's been horrible. - Well; you're safe now.- 哦不堪回首啊 - 好了现在你们安全啦We're all cast-offs here. We've been dumped; donated...我们都是弃儿被抛弃被捐赠... yard sales; second-handed and just plain thrown out.宅前贱卖二手交易甚至赤裸裸地被丢弃But just you wait; you'll find being donated was the best thing to ever happen to you.且莫伤心在这儿你们将意识到被捐赠其实是最好的归宿Mr. Lotso; do toys here get played with everyday抱抱熊先生这儿的玩具每天都有人玩吗All day long. Five days a week.周一到周五一天24小时- But what happens when the kids grow up - Well now; I'll tell you.- 当孩子们长大了呢 - 问得好让我来告诉你When the kids get old; new ones come in.一群孩子长大了又一群孩子进园来When they get old; new ones replace them.大孩子走了新宝宝来了周而复始You'll never be out-grown or neglected; never abandoned...你们永远是适龄玩具永远不会被冷落被抛弃...or forgotten. No owners means no heartbreak.或是被遗忘没有常主就意味着不会心碎- Yee haw - It's a miracle- 嘢哈 - 梦一样的生活And you wanted us to stay at Andy's.而你还叫我们留在安迪家- Because we're Andy's toys - So you got donated by this Andy; huh - 因为我们是安迪的玩具 - 于是你们被这个安迪捐出去了对不- Well; it's his loss; Sheriff. He can't hurt you no more. - Whoa; whoa; whoa; whoa.- 那是他的损失啊警长他再也不能伤害你了 - 哦不哦不Now let's get you all settled in. Ken Where is that boy Ken现在来给你们安新家肯尼呢那家伙到哪儿去了肯尼- New toys. - Far out. Down in a jiff; Lotso.- 来新玩具了 - 棒极了抱抱我马上下来So; who's ready for Ken's dream tour那么谁准备好了踏上肯尼的梦幻之旅- Let's show our new friends where they'll be staying. - Uh folks; if you wanna step right this way...- 带我们的新朋友参观一下他们的新家 - 啊伙计们请这边走...- Hi. I'm Ken. - Barbie.- 你好我叫肯尼 - 我叫芭比- Have we ever met - Uh uh. I would have remembered.- 我们以前见过吗 - 啊没有你这样的美人我见过一定会记住的- Love your legwarmers. - Nice ascot.- 我喜欢你的裤袜 - 你的领带也不错- Come on; Ken. Recess don't last forever. - Right on; Lotso. This way; everybody.- 快点肯尼课间一会就过去了 - 没错抱抱熊诸位这边请You got a lot to look forward to; folks. The little ones love new toys.伙计们值得你们期待的东西很多岁数小的孩子们喜欢新玩具- What a nice bear. - And he smells like strawberries.- 多好的一只熊啊 - 而且闻起来像草莓Folks; if I could share... here at Sunnyside we've got just about anything a toy could ask for...伙计们容我为你们介绍... 一个玩具想要得到的东西阳光幼儿园应有尽有Spare parts; super glue and enough fresh batteries to choke a hungry; hungry hippo.备件强力胶电池电池之足可以塞满一只极度饥饿的河马Think you're getting old Well; stop your worrying.担心老无所依打消这个顾虑吧Our repair spot will keep you stuffed; puffed and lighted up.我们的修理点会为你填充松化保你焕然一新And this... well; this is whereI live. Ken's Dream House.而这里... 正是我住的地方肯尼的梦之屋It has a disco; it's got a dune buggy and a whole room just for trying on clothes.内有迪厅沙滩车还有一个专用试衣间- You have everything. - Everything; except someone to share it with.- 你拥有一切 - 一切独缺一位女主人You need anything at all; you just come talk to me.如有任何需要请告知我Here we are.我们到了Well; thank you; Big Baby. Why don't you come meet our new friends谢谢你大宝宝来见见我们的新朋友好吗Poor baby. We were thrown out together... me and him.可怜的宝宝我和他... 我们是同时被丢弃的Abandoned by the same owner. But we don't need all this at Sunnyside...被同一个主人遗弃但在阳光幼儿园我们不需要主人...We own ourselves. We're masters of our own fate.自主命运我们就是自己的主人We control our own destiny.我们掌握着自己的命运Oh; watch out for puddles.哦当心脚下Here's where you folks will be staying.这儿就是你们的新家啦The Caterpillar Room.毛毛虫小儿室- Look at this place - Wow- 瞧这地方 - 哇- Holy moley guacamole - Jackpot; baby- 全能的主啊 - 中头奖了宝贝Hello. Hello. Hello.你好你好你好It's so beautiful太漂亮了Huh What the...嗯这是...Oh; hey; little guy.嘿小家伙How long's it been since you all got played with你们有多久没被玩了- It's been years. - Well; just you wait...- 好多年了 - 那么稍安勿躁...in a few minutes; that bell's gonna ring and you'll get the playtime that you've been dreaming of.静候几分钟当铃声响起你们梦寐以求的玩耍时间就到来了Play. Real play. I can't wait玩耍真正的玩耍我迫不及待了Now; if you'll excuse us; we best be heading back.现在请原谅我们也该回去了- Welcome to Sunnyside; folks. - Thank you. Bye.- 伙计们欢迎来到阳光幼儿园 -谢谢再见- Will I see you again - Oh;I'll see you tonight...- 我还能再见到你吗 - 哦我今晚就能见到你...- in my dreams. - Ken; let's get a move on.- 在我的睡梦中 - 肯尼我们走吧Barbie; come with me. Live in my Dream House.芭比跟我走吧住进我的梦之屋I know it's crazy. I know we just met. Ah heck; you don't know me from GI Joe...我知道这很疯狂我们才刚刚认识该死你未曾见过我在特种部队时的风姿...- but when I look at you; I feel like we were... - Made for each other- 但当我看到你时我感觉我们是... - 天造地设的一对- Yay - Yes- 嘢 - 太好了- Ken - Coming; Lotso- 肯尼 - 来啦抱抱熊It's so exciting太兴奋了- Sounds like kids to me. - Oh;I want to get played with.- 听起来像是孩子的声音 - 哦我想陪他们玩耍- Why can't time go faster - How many are there out there- 时间怎么就不能走得快一点呢- 有多少个孩子啊Oh; they sound so sweet哦他们真可爱Look everyone; it's nice here; I admit.大家听说我我承认这儿很好- But we need to go home. - We could have a whole new life here; Woody.- 但我们还是得回家 - 我们可以在此开始崭新的生活伍迪- A chance to make kids happy again. - Why don't you stay- 有机会再次给孩子们带来欢乐 - 你为什么不留下- Yeah; Woody stay with us. - Come on; Woody stay.- 对呀伍迪和我们一起留下吧 - 伍迪留下吧- You'll get played with. - I can't. No. No. Guys; really; no - 会有人和你玩的 - 我不能不不伙计们不I have a kid. You have a kid. Andy.我已经有一个孩子了你们也有他就是安迪And if he wants us at college or in the attic...如果他希望我们跟去大学或是留在阁楼...Well; our job is to be there for him.那么为他而存在于某处是我们的职责所在Now I'm going home. Anyone who wants to join me is welcome.现在我要回家了有人愿意一道我举双手欢迎Come on; Buzz. Buzz走吧巴斯巴斯Our mission with Andy is complete; Woody.我们陪伴安迪的使命已经结束了伍迪- What - What's important now is that we stay together.- 什么 - 现在重要的是我们待在一起We wouldn't even be together if it weren't for Andy要不是因为安迪我们根本没机会聚在一起Look under your boot; Buzz. You too; Jessie. Whose name is written there巴斯看看你的靴底你也是杰西看看那上面写着谁的名字- Maybe Andy doesn't care about us anymore. - Of course he does. He cares about all of you.- 也许安迪再也不在乎我们了 - 他当然在乎他在乎你们所有人He was putting you in the attic.I saw... You can't just turn your back on him now他准备把你们放进阁楼我看见了... 你们不能现在背弃他Woody; wake up It's over伍迪醒醒吧一切都结束了Andy is all grown up.安迪已经长大了Ok. Fine. Perfect. I can't believe how selfish you all are.好行太棒了真不敢相信你们居然这么自私So this is it After all we've been through...就此分道扬镳哪怕我们共同经历过那么多往事...Bull's-eye; no. You need to stay.红心不你得留下Bull's-eye; no. I said stay红心不我说了留下Look; I don't want you left alone in the attic; ok听着我不想你孤零零地待在阁楼好吗Now stay.你留下吧BonnieBonnie啊I... I gotta go.我... 我得走了Bonnie; you in hereBonnie 你在这儿吗Come on; Come on... No; no快快... 不不What What the heck什么见鬼了Ah; that's better.啊这就好多了Bonnie Oh; there you are. Bonnie 你在这儿呀Come on; honey. It's time to go home.亲爱的是时候回家了No; no; no; no...不不不不...Reach for the sky.一飞冲天Bluebells; cockleshells; eeny; miney...风铃草海扇壳点兵点将...You're my favorite deputy.你是我最好的副手- Bonnie - Coming- Bonnie - 来了Oh; great这下好了- Oh; it's gonna be ok;Bull's-eye. - Woody's going to college with Andy.- 哦没事的红心 - 伍迪会跟着安迪去大学- It's what he always wanted. - Ah; he's crazy.- 那正是他所期望的 - 啊他疯了- College is no place for a toy. - Toys are for playtime.- 大学容不下一个玩具 - 玩具是为玩耍而生的Oh speaking about playtime...。



巴斯光年的经典语录巴斯光年(Buzz Lightyear)是迪士尼动画电影《玩具总动员》系列中的角色,他是一名睿智、勇敢和乐观的太空游侠,深受观众的喜爱。



1. "我是巴斯光年,来自星际警备队!"("I am Buzz Lightyear,I come in peace.")这句经典的开场白是巴斯光年的自我介绍,展示了他作为太空游侠的身份,以及他对和平的愿望。


2. "在无尽的宇宙中,到处都是无法预料的冒险!"("To infinity and beyond!")这句经典台词是巴斯光年的座右铭,它强调了巴斯光年对未知世界的探索和冒险的精神。


3. "我不是玩具,我是一个行动派!"("I'm not a toy, I'm an action figure!")这句话展示了巴斯光年对自己的身份的坚持和自豪,他认为自己是一个行动派,而不是普通的玩具。


4. "勇气不是没有恐惧,而是面对恐惧并克服它。

"("Courageis not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that somethingelse is more important than fear.")这句话讲述了勇气的真正含义,巴斯光年认为勇气并不意味着没有恐惧,而是在恐惧面前判断出有更重要的事情而去克服它。





让我们伴随着动画片的60句经典台词来集体卖一回萌,因为这个世界需要更多的想象力!To infinity and beyond!《玩具总动员123》皮克斯“飞向宇宙,浩瀚无垠!”(巴斯光年起飞模式,或许是三部曲中最著名的一部台词)I've set my laser from stun to, kill.《玩具总动员》1995,皮克斯“我把镭射光从击昏模式调到了击毙模式。

”(亲,你真的是个玩具)My name is Dug. I have just met you, and I love you.《飞屋环游记》2009,皮克斯“我的名字叫道格。


”(金毛犬道格,我的主人为我做了个会说话的项圈)Feed me...if you dare.《怪物史瑞克4》2010,梦工厂“喂我…如果你敢”(靴猫,爱他就帮它减肥,几年不见,它从萌界大大统领变成了挺着大肚子的吊丝)I create feelings in others that they themselves don't understand.《汽车总动员》2006,皮克斯“我让人们心中产生一种他们自己都不理解的感情。

”(闪电麦昆,骄傲的地表最快4轮物体)You're in kindergarten, right? I used to love kindergarten. Best three years of my life.《怪物公司》2001,皮克斯“你在上幼儿园?我过去也很上喜欢幼儿园。

哥人生中最美好的三年”(大眼仔Mike ——知道我还喜欢什么嘛?玩躲避球。



)I'm H2O intolerant.《海底总动员》2003,皮克斯“我忍受不了水”(Nemo上学第一天遇到的小海马Sheldon)I did my best but he's too fantastic.《超级大坏蛋》2010,梦工厂“我尽了最大努力,但‘他’太不可思议”(自我激励大师Megamind,这是变形后的他在变相夸自己呢)You call THIS predictable?《超级大坏蛋》2010,梦工厂“你把这叫‘不出意料’?”(megamind,大坏蛋和超级大坏蛋之间的差距就在于:表达能力!)I never look back, darling! It distracts from the now.《超人总动员》2004,皮克斯“我从来不看过去,亲爱的!那会使人对现在分心。



1. “嘿,巴斯光年,飞向宇宙,浩瀚无垠!”就像每次我拿起我的巴斯光年玩具,感觉自己也能穿越星空去冒险。

2. “我的靴子里有条蛇!”我小时候经常和小伙伴玩玩具总动员角色扮演,我一说这句他们就哈哈大笑。

3. “胡迪曾经是安迪最喜欢的玩具,这一点永远不会变。


4. “我们是一伙的!”每次我把一群玩具摆在一起,感觉它们真的就是一伙好伙伴。

5. “虽然我现在不是很起眼,但我也有辉煌的过去。


6. “我可不害怕任何 Wetterson 家的人。


7. “他们是我的朋友,我不能抛弃他们。



- You're gonna need it. - No, no, wait, wait, wait.
- We're getting thrown away? - No. No one's getting thrown away.
-我们会被扔掉? -不没有人会被扔掉
- Moving on? - You're going AWOL?
-离开? -你们要擅自离开?
We've done our duty.
- Andy is grown up. - Let's face it ...
when the trash bags come out, we army guys are the first to go.
That was our last shot.
We're going into attic mode folks. Keep your accessories with you at all times.
Hey, hey, hey. Come on guys. We all knew this day was coming.
- Yeah, but now it's here. - Look, every toy goes through this. No one wants to see ...





1. “Just keep swimming.” - Finding Nemo(《海底总动员》)这句话来自电影《海底总动员》中的一只小丑鱼多莉。


2. “You can’t handle the truth!” - A Few Good Men(《尽善事》)这句话来自于电影《尽善事》,是由杰克·尼科尔森扮演的人物说出来的。


3. “You had me at hello.” - Jerry Maguire(《甜心先生》)这是由蕾妮·齐薇格在电影《甜心先生》中说出的一句经典台词,表达了女主角对男主角爱情的表白。


4. “May the Force be with you.” - Star Wars(《星球大战》)这句话是由电影《星球大战》中的绝地武士尤达经常对其他角色说的。


5. “There's no place like home.” - The Wizard of Oz(《绿野仙踪》)这是电影《绿野仙踪》中多洛西对自己的故乡说的一句话。


6. “To infinity and beyond!” - Toy Story(《玩具总动员》)这是由像巴斯光年这样的玩具对自己自信强硬充满探险的信心时说的一句话。


7. “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.” - Forrest Gump(《阿甘正传》)在电影《阿甘正传》中,这是主角阿甘的妈妈对他说的一句话。





玩具总动员里的经典台词1All right, everyone! This... is a stickup! Don't anybody move! 大家注意这是抢劫通通都不准动Now, empty that safe!掏空保险箱Ooh-hoo-hoo! Money, money, money!钱钱钱Stop it! Stop it, you mean, old potato! 住手住手可恶的蛋头Quiet, Bo Peep, or your sheep get run over!闭嘴宝贝否则你的羊会遭殃Help! Baa! Help us! 救命救命啊Oh, no, not my sheep! Somebody do something!别伤害我的羊谁来帮帮忙啊Reach for the sky! 飞向天空Oh, no! Sheriff Woody!不是胡迪警长I'm here to stop you, One-Eyed Bart.我是来阻止你的独眼蛋头Doh! How'd you know it was me?你怎么知道是我啊Are you gonna come quietly?快跟我走吧You can't touch me, Sheriff!你休想警长I brought my attack dog with the built-in force field我带了我那只凶狠的斗犬来了Well, I brought my dinosaur who eats force-field dogs. 我带了我的`恐龙它专门吃凶狠的斗犬Yipe, yipe, yipe, yipe! -呀You're going to jail, Bart! Say good-bye to the wife and later tots. 你要去坐牢了蛋头跟你老婆小孩说再见吧You saved the day again, Woody你又拯救了危机胡迪You're my favorite deputy. 你是我最喜欢的副警长You've got a friend in me片名:玩具总动员 "我是你好朋友"You've got a friend in me你什么也别愁"Come on, let's wrangle up the cattle.来我们来抓牛When the road looks rough ahead道路坎坷困难多"And you're miles and miles from your nice, warm bed要十万八千里才到家门口"Just remember what your old pal said牛仔把他们围起来 "你只要想起我在你左右"Boy, you've got a friend in me "我是你好朋友"-Yee-haw! - Yeah, you've got a friend in me "哦对我是你好朋友"Hey, cowboy!嗨牛仔"有些人比我能干比我强"Some other folks might be a little bit smarter than I am"身体健壮走起路雄赳赳" Big and stronger too来吧胡迪-Come on, Woody. Maybe"也许没有人能像我这样爱护你" But none of them will ever love you the way I do"对你是毫无保留" It's me and you, boy"多少的岁月中" And as the years go by -Whoa!"我们的友谊更加深厚" -Whoa! - Our friendship will never die "你会看到"-Whoo! You're gonna see"我们的命运紧相连 It's our destiny"我是你好朋友" -好耶- You've got a friend in me -All right"哦对我是你好朋友" -得分- Yeah, you've got a friend in me -Score!"我是你好朋友" -酷- You got a friend in me -Wow! Cool!-你喜欢吗-妈咪真是太棒了-What do you think? -Oh, this looks great, Mom!-喜欢就好小寿星 -就跟我在店里看到的一样-Okay, birthday boy -We saw that at the store! I asked you for it!好棒好棒... 希望能摆得下-I hope I have enough places. -Wow, look at that! That's so...一二三四 -One, two. Four.好这样就可以了Yeah, I think that's gonna be enough. -Oh, my gosh, you got...可以留到搬家吗-Could we leave this up till we move? -Well, sure!-去抱茉莉你的朋友马上就要来了-Your friends are gonna be here any minute.-好派对要开始了-Okay. It's party time, Woody.-好耶“编剧:乔斯维登安德鲁使丹顿等人”-Yee...haw!,你好小姐Howdy, little lady,有人在水源区下了毒 Somebody's poisoned the water hole.来茉莉你好重哦 -Come on, Molly. Oh, you're getting heavy.再见了胡迪 "导演:约翰拉赛特" -See you later, Woody.,我的天哪今天要开生日派对Pull my string! The birthday party's today?,好了各位已经安全了 Okay, everybody, coast is clear!我盒子上写得很清楚适合三岁以上 -Ages 3 and up. It's on my box.怎么叫我当口水公主的临时保姆呢Ages 3 and up. I'm not supposed to be baby-sitting Princess Drool.嘿火腿 -Hey, Hamm.-你看我是毕加索 -我听不懂 -Look, I'm Picasso! -I don't get it.没有文化的肥猪看什么看啊你这个大扁脸 You uncultured swine! What're you lookin' at, ya hockey puck?-队长看到弹簧狗没有-报告长官没有-Hey, Sarge, have you seen Slinky? -Sir! No, sir!好了谢了稍息Okay. Hey, thank you. At ease.我在这儿胡迪这次我要红的Right here, Woody. I'm red this time.-不行弹簧狗... -No. S-Slink.-好吧那红的让给你好了 -Oh, well, all right. You can be red if you want.-等一下弹簧狗我有一些坏消息 -坏消息-N-Not now, Slink. I got some bad news. -Bad news?去叫大家集合来开干部会议了知道了-Just gather everyone up for a staff meeting, and be happy. -Got it.开心点呀-Be happy! -Ha, ha, ha, ha!各位干部会议了长蛇、机器人准备讲台-Staff meeting, everybody! Snake, Robot, podium please.还有画板拔枪Hey, Etch. Draw!-你又赢了-Oh! Got me again.画板你拔枪练得不错嘛西部最快的神枪手Etch, you've been working on that draw. Fastest knobs in the west.大伙儿要开干部会议了快点快点Got a staff meeting, you guys. Come on, let's go.我的那个呢Now, where is that... Oh.谁把我涂鸦板拿走的Hey, who moved my doodle pad way over here?-抱抱龙你干嘛 -吓到没有? 要说实话-How're you doin', Rex? -Were you scared? Tell me honestly.这一次我差一点就被你吓死I was close to being scared that time.我一直想可怕一点但是我老是没有灵感I'm going for fearsome here, but I just don't feel it.我只是一个惹人厌的家伙I think I'm just coming off as annoying.玩具总动员里的经典台词21.很高兴我接住了火车 - 现在让我们去抓些罪犯吧。



九年前外面正下着倾盆大雨It's raining cats and dogs out there!希望他们能顺利回来I hope they make it back all right.小心安迪来了Heads up! Andy's coming!安迪晚饭时间到了Andy, time for dinner.太棒了我好饿Yes! I'm starving!你别忘了洗手Don't forget to wash your hands!好的妈妈Okay, Mom!-你看见他了吗-没有- Do you see him? - No.他完蛋了Well, he's done for.他永远都回不来了He'll be lost! Forever!杰西巴斯弹簧狗去莫莉房&hearts;间Jessie. Buzz. Slink. Molly's room.其余人原地待命The rest of you, stay put.宝贝Bo!什么情况Situation?玩具丢失在侧院Lost toy. Side yard.比利小羊怪叫升起百叶窗Billy. Goat. Gruff. Raise the blinds.他们还有名字They have names?你从来没和我说过You never told me that.你从来没问过You never asked.他在哪Where is he?在那里There!我们怎么才能接近他How do we reach him?拉玩具行动Operation Pull-Toy!-弹簧狗-没问题胡迪- Slink! - You got it, Woody!芭比们Barbies!上Go!手电筒Flashlight.坚持住遥控车Hang on, R.C.!我的弹簧到头了I ain't got any more slink!它真漂亮It's beautiful.我很乐意看到这盏旧台灯有一个好归宿I'm so glad to see this old lamp go to a good home.莫莉还是婴儿时我们就有它了We've had it since Molly was a baby.莫莉你确定这没关系吗Molly, are you sure it's all right?-嗯我不想要它了-谢谢你- Yeah, I don't want it anymore. - Thank you.胡迪呢Where's Woody?你好我好像把钥匙落在屋里了Yeah, hi. I think I left my keys here.-胡迪-快点- Woody. - Quick!我们在他回来之前偷偷溜进树篱We'll sneak in the hedges before he's back.胡迪没关系的Woody, it's okay.什么不不不你不能走What? No! No, no, no. You can't go!-对安迪来说的最佳... -胡迪- What's best for Andy is that... - Woody.我不是安迪的玩具I'm not Andy's toy.什么What?是时候去找下一个孩子了It's time for the next kid.再次感谢你们所做的一切And thank you again for everything.我真的非常感激I really appreciate it.不客气很高兴一切都很顺利My pleasure. I'm glad it all worked out.你知道的You know,孩子们每天都会弄丢玩具kids lose their toys every day.有时他们被落在了院子里或者... Sometimes they get left in the yard or...被放进了错误的箱子put in the wrong box.然后那个箱子就被拿走了And that box gets taken away.妈妈胡迪在哪Mom, where's Woody?安迪快进来Andy! Come inside!我找不到胡迪了I can't find Woody!晚安Well, good night.再见开车小心Goodbye. Drive safe.你在这呢There you are.妈妈我找到他了我找到他了Mom, I found him! I found him!太好了快进屋吧Oh, good. Come on and get inside.♪我是你的好朋友♪♪You've got a friend in me ♪You've Got a Friend In Me - Randy Newman 举起手来Reach for the sky!♪我是你的好朋友♪♪You've got a friend in me ♪跑起来牛仔Ride 'em, cowboy!♪道路坎坷困难多♪♪When the road looks rough ahead ♪♪温馨的家远在千里之外♪♪And you're miles and miles from your nice warm bed ♪我靴子里有条蛇There's a snake in my boot.♪记住我这个老朋友说的话♪♪You just remember what your old pal said ♪♪我是你的好朋友♪♪Boy, you've got a friend in me ♪飞向宇宙浩瀚无垠To infinity and beyond!♪我是你的好朋友♪♪Yeah, you've got a friend in me ♪♪其他人或许比我聪明♪♪Now, some other folks might be a little bit smarter than I am ♪我的牛仔My cowboy!♪或许比我强壮♪♪Big and stronger, too ♪胡迪我们走Woody, let's go!♪或许吧♪♪Maybe ♪♪但是没有人像我这样爱你♪♪But none of them will ever love you the way I do ♪你是我最爱的警官You're my favorite deputy!玩具总动员♪我们友谊深厚♪♪It's me and you, boy ♪♪岁月流逝♪♪And as the years go by ♪♪我们的友谊永不消逝♪♪Our friendship will never die ♪飞向天空[举起手来]Reach for the sky!♪你会明白这是命中注定♪♪You're gonna see it's our destiny ♪他们逃跑了正向我们冲来They've escaped and they're headed right for us!♪我是你的好朋友♪♪You've got a friend in me ♪全速前进Full speed ahead!♪我是你的好朋友♪♪You've got a friend in me ♪♪我是你的好朋友♪♪You've got a friend in me ♪邦妮这里越来越热了It's getting hot in here!-我耳朵去哪了-你踩我脚上了- Where's my ear? - You're on my foot!别挤了Quit shoving.-抱歉是我的角-能请你挪一挪吗- Sorry! That was my horn. - Could you move over a bit, please?飞向宇宙浩瀚无垠To infinity and beyond!我知道是你蛋头I know that was you, Potato Head.大家听好我以为我跟你们说过了Everyone, listen. I thought I told you...当妈妈像那样快速打扫房&hearts;间时when Mom quickly cleans the bedroom like that...就要做好被放进壁橱里的准备expect to be put in the closet.还有多久How much longer?尽量低声咆哮霸王龙Keep it to a dull roar, Rex.深呼吸杰西深呼吸Deep breaths, Jessie. Deep breaths.冷静弹簧狗Settle down, Slink.坐下乖狗狗Sit. Good boy!警长我需要担心吗Sheriff, do I need to be worried?不用我的伙计们身经百战他们可以的No, no. My guys are veterans. They'll hang in there.很好在收到消息前让他们保持冷静Good. Just keep them calm until we get word.是女士Yes, ma'am.你今天感觉怎么样How are you, uh, feeling about today?挺好挺好挺好的Good, good. Yeah, good.我挺好的I'm good.挺好Good.大家准备邦妮吃完早饭了We're on! Bonnie's done with breakfast!-随时都会进来-你们听见了吗- Any minute now. - You hear that?随时都会进来Any minute now.打起精神上好发条Wind 'em if you got 'em.清理好你们的电池活动开你们的关节Keep your batteries clean, your joints unlocked...谢谢胡迪交给我吧Thanks, Woody. I got it.好的对不起你说得对你说得对Yes, I'm sorry. You're right, you're right.小镇开张啦The town is open!你好镇长Hi, Mayor!银行家Banker!你好冰淇淋摊主你好帽子店老板Hi, Ice-Cream Man! Hi, Hat Shop Owner!邮递员Mailman!还有警长And the sheriff!好了玩具们再见Okay. Bye, toys!杰西警长Sheriff Jessie!驾红心Giddy-up, Bullseye!他们朝那边去了They went that way!快去追他们Chase them!多漂亮的帽子店啊What a beautiful hat shop!-你有这么多帽子-他们在玩"帽子店"- You have so many hats... - Wow. They're doing "Hat Shop."我们上次玩这个是什么时候了When's the last time we ever got to play that?记得她玩"过家家"的时候吗Remember when she played "House"?我喜欢"过家家"I liked "House."以前的好日子啊Those were the days.非常简单It was basic.建一个家在里面过日子成了You made a house, you lived in it, done.这是你这周第三次没被选中了That's the third time you haven't been picked this week.我不知道我没有在算I don't know. I don't keep count.你不用算You don't have to.-我来帮你算-好好我明白- I'll do it for you. - Okay, okay, okay, I get it.-是有一阵了-瞧瞧看- It's been a while. - Oh, looky there.你有了第一个灰尘团You got your first dust bunny.真可爱How adorable.你要给它起什么名字What you gonna name it?叫尘尘怎么样What about Dusty?-弗朗西斯-哈里- Francis! - Harry!-凯伦-毛球- Karen! - Fuzzball!-勒布朗-不毛茸茸- LeBron. - No, Fluffy.-桑普兔怎么样-风滚草- How about Thumper? - Tumbleweed!"风滚草" 这个好这个好"Tumbleweed." Oh, that's good. That's good.他是个牛仔因此这个名字很合理He's a cowboy, so that makes a lot of sense.选择太多了So many choices.我决定不了I just can't decide!邦妮Bonnie?你在做什么我们得走了What are you doing? We got to go.你不想幼儿园迎新会迟到吧对吗You don't wanna be late for kindergarten orientation, do you?但...我不想去But... I don't wanna go.我们聊过的We talked about this.我们要去见你的老师们We're gonna meet your teachers,-看你的教室-我能带玩具去吗- see your classroom... - Can I bring a toy?玩具不能带去上学这是规矩Toys don't go to school, that's the rule.别动大家不许动Freeze! Nobody move!邦妮总是会忘带什么Bonnie always forgets something.她随时都会回来She'll be back any second.你也不许动火腿That goes for you, too, Hamm.但这是钱啊But it's money!你没事吧胡迪You all right, Woody?下次她一定会选你的I'm sure she'll pick you next time.拜托我没事没关系Come on, I'm fine. No problem.胡迪给Woody. Here.谢谢杰西Thanks, Jessie.我们支持你伙计We're here for you, buddy.-我不想演面包师-刺毛裤- I don't want to play the baker. - Pricklepants.-我天生就该演帽子店老板-好吧- The hat shop owner is the role I was born to play! - Okay.好了刺毛裤回你的面包房&hearts;吧All right, Pricklepants, back to your bakery.不好意思桃莉Excuse me, Dolly?胡迪你没看见我正在恐吓大伙吗Woody, can't you see I'm threatening everyone?-回壁橱里去-我知道只是...- Go back to the closet. - Yeah, I know. I know. It's just...我很担心邦妮I'm worried about Bonnie.应该有个玩具陪她去迎新会A toy should go with her to orientation.你没听到爸爸说的吗你会害邦妮惹麻烦的Didn't you hear Dad? You'll get Bonnie in trouble.是啊但幼儿园很不一样Yeah, but kindergarten is so different.小孩可能觉得吃不消It can be too much for a kid.如果能有个伙伴陪着渡过难关Having a buddy with them to get through it会很有帮助的can really help things.我记得以前我就会和安迪一起去上学...I remember with Andy, I would go to school with him...抱歉胡迪我也不想像复读机一样唠叨I'm sorry, Woody. I hate to sound like a broken record.但邦妮不是安迪But Bonnie is not Andy.对对对当然了我明白No, no, no, of course, I get that.-但如果你能... -大家就位- But if you would just... - Places, everyone!邦妮Bonnie?你躲在这里做什么What are you doing back there?快点我们必须走了Come on, we have to go.这才是我的乖女儿That's my big girl.快点我们得赶紧了好吗Come on. We got to hurry, okay?别忘了你的书包Don't forget your backpack.会很好玩的You're gonna have so much fun.好了你说到哪了胡迪All right. Now what was it you were saying, Woody?胡迪Woody?我们到了Here we are.欢迎参加迎新会邦妮亲爱的没事的Bonnie, honey, it'll be okay.你好你是邦妮吗Hi! Are you Bonnie?我是温迪老师My name is Miss Wendy.以后我就是你的幼儿园老师I'm going to be your kindergarten teacher.我们有个特别的地方给你放书包We have a special place where you can put your backpack.想看看吗You want to see?就是这里邦妮你专用的Here we are, Bonnie. Just for you.迦勒薇薇安托尼邦妮安东好了同学们Okay, class,大家在桌子旁边找个位子坐下let's all find a seat at a table...我们马上就要开始手工时间了so we can start craft time.上学的第一天On the first day of school,你们都需要有个地方来放铅笔you'll need a place to put your pencils.所以今天我们就来做笔筒So, today, we're going to make pencil holders.现在每个人拿出一个杯子Now, everyone take a cup...然后我们用美术用品来装饰它们and we'll use the art supplies to decorate them.你好Hi.邦妮邦妮真有创意Bonnie. That is so clever."你好我叫叉叉很高兴认识你""Hello, I'm Forky. Nice to meet you!"你好叉叉很高兴认识你Well, hello, Forky, it's nice to meet you.我是温迪老师I'm Miss Wendy.妈妈爸爸看看我做了什么Mom! Dad! Look what I made!他叫叉叉His name is Forky!棒极了That is so cool!我上完幼儿园了I finished kindergarten!不今天只是迎新会No. That was just orientation.但你这么勇敢But for being such a brave girl,我们要给你个惊喜we have a surprise for you.什么惊喜What is it?既然还有一周才开学Since school doesn't start for another week,那我们就来个自驾游we are going on a road trip!-我能带叉叉去吗-当然可以- Can I bring Forky? - 'Course you can!太好了Yay!他们还说我不该跟邦妮去学校And they said I shouldn't go to school with Bonnie.幼儿园的情况尽在我们掌控之中对吧We got this kindergarten thing under control, eh?不敢相信我居然在跟叉勺说话I can't believe I'm talking to a spork.玩具们好Hi, toys!玩具们再见Bye, toys!他果然去幼儿园了He did go to kindergarten!-我就知道-不不不各位听我说- I knew it. - No, no, no, guys, listen...你要给邦妮惹麻烦吗You tryin' to get Bonnie in trouble?不当然不是No, of course not!你可能会被没收You could have been confiscated.-那是什么意思-被带走- What does that mean - Taken away.-不-还有更吓人的- No! - Or worse.你可能会被弄丢You could've been lost!不不不各位听我说No, no, no, guys, listen.邦妮在幼儿园度过了快乐的一天Bonnie had a great day in class...而且我们还要去自驾游and we're going on a road trip.-自驾游-度假- Road trip - Vacation!然后发生了一件怪事But then something really weird happened.邦妮在课堂上做了个朋友Bonnie made a friend in class.-这孩子真不错-她已经交上朋友了- What a kid. - Oh, she's already making friends.不是她真的"做"了个新朋友No, no. She literally made a new friend.没事的It's okay.出来吧就这样Come on out. That's it.没事的出来吧Come on, there you go.来吧我拉你出来Come on, let's get you out of there.你能行的You got this.好很好Good. Good.各位认识一下叉叉Everyone, I want you to meet Forky.-我的老天爷-快看啊- Golly Bob howdy! - Look at that!他的胳膊可真长Look how long his arms are!-垃圾-不- Trash? - No.不是玩具No, toys.他们都是玩具They're all toys.玩...玩...垃圾T-Toy... Trash.不不不No, no, no.那才是垃圾That's the trash.这些是你的朋友These are your friends.你好Hi!垃圾Trash!-不不没事的-垃圾- No, no, it's okay. - Trash!胡迪我有个问题Woody, I have a question.实际上不止一个问题Well, actually, not just one,我满脑子都是I have all of them.满脑子都是问题I have all the questions.他为什么要去垃圾桶那儿Why does he want to go to the trash?-因为他是用垃圾做的-垃圾- Because he was made from trash. - Trash!听着我知道这有点奇怪Look, I know this is a little strange, but-但你们要相信我-垃圾- you got to trust me on this. - Trash?叉叉现在是Forky is the邦妮心目中最重要的玩具most important toy to Bonnie right now.重要Important?他是个叉勺He's a spork.是的没错我知道但这个叉勺Yes. Yeah, I know, but this spork...这个玩具是邦妮适应this toy is crucial to Bonnie幼儿园生活的关键getting adjusted to kindergarten.胡迪你这样是不是太小题大做了Woody, aren't you being a little dramatic about all this?我知道大家有点不适应I know this is new to everybody...但你们应该明白这个小家伙but you should see how much对于邦妮来说意义非凡this little guy means to Bonnie.当她开始跟他玩时When she started playing with him...她脸上的笑容是有史以来最灿烂的she had the biggest smile on her face.要是你们能看到就好了I wish you could have seen it.邦妮当时真的很难过Bonnie was really upset...我发誓她做好叉叉之后and I swear, once she made Forky...就完全变了个人it was a complete transformation.-胡迪-稍等杰西- Woody? - Just a second, Jessie.所以我们都要确保他平安无事So, we all have to make sure nothing happens to him.他已经有事了Something happened to him.要了老命了Chutes and Ladders!-垃圾-不不不- Trash. - No, no, no! No! No!你现在是玩具了叉叉别这样You're a toy now, Forky! Come on!住手停下Stop! Stop it!-不不不别这样-垃圾- No, no, no! Come on! - Trash!垃圾垃圾Trash! Trash!好吧我只能一直看着他Well, I guess I'll just babysit him直到他习惯这个房&hearts;间till he's used to the room.叉叉Forky?你在哪里叉叉Where are you, Forky?你在这里There you are!我以为我把你弄丢了小傻瓜I thought I'd lost you, silly.不不不No, no, no.大孩子好可怕Big girl scary!我告诉过你邦妮一点都不可怕Like I said before, Bonnie's not scary.她爱你而且你得...She loves you and you need to...叉叉Forky?邦妮Bonnie!该起床了Let's go!太阳晒屁&hearts;股&hearts;了Rise and shine!谁想去自驾游Who wants to go on a road trip?我我要带桃莉小奶油Me! I'm gonna bring Dolly, and Buttercup...还有叉叉还有...and Forky, and...叉叉你在哪里Forky Where are you?他肯定就在附近He's got to be here somewhere.叉叉Forky?叉叉Forky!走吧我们吃完早饭就上路Come on. Let's eat some breakfast and hit the road!走吧叉叉Let's go, Forky!他还真难对付胡迪He's quite a handful, Woody.自驾游路上你需要帮忙吗You need help with him on the road trip?不不用我能行我能行No. No, no. I got it, I got it.我们不会离开房&hearts;车的We'll just be stuck in an RV.他走不远的我能行He can't get far. I got this.我能行I got it.♪我不能让你♪♪I can't let you ♪I Can't Let You Throw Yourself Away - Randy Newman♪我不能让你♪♪I can't let you ♪♪我不能让你自暴自弃♪♪I can't let you throw yourself away ♪♪我不能让你♪♪I can't let you ♪♪我不能让你♪♪I can't let you ♪♪我不能让你♪♪I can't let you ♪♪我不能让你♪♪I can't let you ♪♪我不能让你自暴自弃♪♪I can't let you throw yourself away ♪加油站♪你可想清晨看旭日东升♪♪Don't you want to see the sun come up each morning ♪不不No, no!♪你可想傍晚赏落日余晖♪♪Don't you want to see the sun go down each day ♪♪你可想与深爱你的小女孩相知相随♪♪Don't you want to see that little girl that loves you so ♪邦妮♪如果你离开♪♪Her heart would break ♪太棒了Oh, yeah!♪她会心碎♪♪If you should go ♪♪我不能让你♪♪I can't let you ♪♪我不能让你♪♪I can't let you ♪♪我不能让你♪♪I can't let you ♪♪我不能让你♪♪I can't let you ♪♪我不能让你自暴自弃♪♪I can't let you throw yourself away. ♪不不不No, no, no!不不不No! No! No!♪虽然我觉得你顽劣不堪♪♪So it seems to me like you're never gonna behave yourself ♪♪我也无法日日照看♪♪Since I'm not gonna do this every day ♪大盆地♪总有一天你得学会自救♪♪Come tomorrow, you're gonna have to save yourself ♪♪无须多言♪♪Got nothing more to say ♪♪你也不愿再听♪♪You're not listening anyway ♪♪我不能让你♪♪I can't let you ♪♪我不能让你♪♪I can't let you ♪♪我不能让你♪♪I can't let you ♪♪我不能让你♪♪I can't let you ♪♪我不能让你自暴自弃♪♪I can't let you throw yourself away ♪垃圾我来了Trash, here I come!别这样Come on.♪我不能让你♪♪I can't let you ♪♪我不能让你♪♪I can't let you ♪♪我不能让你自暴自弃♪♪I can't let you throw yourself away ♪我不想做玩具I don't wanna be a toy!♪我不能让你♪♪I can't let you ♪♪我不能让你♪♪I can't let you ♪♪我不能让你♪♪I can't let you ♪♪我不能让你♪♪I can't let you ♪♪我不能让你自暴自弃♪♪I can't let you throw yourself away ♪伙计Hey, buddy.巴斯Hey, Buzz.你还好吗You doing okay?我说不好巴斯I don't know, Buzz.我知道安迪小时候你不在I know you weren't around when Andy was little... but 但我记得他小时候没这么难搞I don't remember it being this hard.想让我帮你站下一班岗吗Want me to take the next watch?我来盯着叉叉I'll keep an eye on Forky.不不我得自己来No, no. I need to do this.我放弃的话That little voice inside me内心的声音就会喋喋不休would never leave me alone if I gave up.你觉得是谁Who do you think it is?谁Who?你内心的声音你觉得是谁The voice inside of you. Who do you think it is?是我Me?你知道是我的良心You know, my conscience?良心会为你解释很多事情That part of you that tells you things?告诉你自己的真实想法What you're really thinking?真奇妙Fascinating.内心的声音为你出谋划策So, your inner voice advises you.什么What?这是在未知领域执行的秘密任务It's a secret mission in uncharted space.出发Let's go.叉叉去哪了Where's Forky?不好叉叉Oh, no! Forky!叉叉Forky!叉叉Forky!我不是玩具I am not a toy!我是叉勺I'm a spork.安静点Be quiet!我是用来喝汤吃沙拉I was made for soup, salad...也许还有辣椒酱最后沦为垃圾的maybe chili, and then the trash.我是垃圾I'm litter!自&hearts;由&hearts;了Freedom!火腿离下一站还有多远Hamm, how far to our next stop?8.56公里左右5.32 miles, give or take.那我赶得及I can make that.咱们房&hearts;车营地见I'll meet you at the RV park.胡迪等一下胡迪Woody, hold on a minute. Woody!叉叉Forky!叉叉你在哪Forky, where are you?叉叉Forky!叉叉你在哪Forky, where are you?-抱我走-不要- Carry me - No.我为什么一定要做玩具Why do I have to be a toy?因为你的木棍底下Because you have Bonnie's name写着邦妮的名字written on the bottom of your sticks.为什么我的木棍底下Why do I have Bonnie's name写着邦妮的名字written on the bottom of my sticks?因为她...Because she...她经常和你一起玩对不对Look, she plays with you all the time, right?对Yes.是谁每晚陪着她入睡And who does she sleep with every night?那个大大白白软软的东西The big white fluffy thing?不不是她的枕头No, not her pillow.是你You.好了叉叉All right, Forky.你要明白自己现在有多幸运You have to understand how lucky you are right now.你是邦妮的玩具You're Bonnie's toy.你要和她共创欢乐美好的回忆You are going to help create happy memories...她的余生都将对此回味无穷that will last for the rest of her life.你说什么What?我这是为了邦妮Okay. Doing it for Bonnie.为了邦妮你这是为了邦妮Doing this for Bonnie, you're doing it for Bonnie.接不接受你都是个玩具Okay, like it or not, you are a toy.就算你不喜欢做玩具Maybe you don't like being one,你也注定是个玩具but you are one nonetheless.也就是说在安迪需要你的时候...Which means you are going to be there for Andy when he...安迪是谁Who's Andy?我是说邦妮I mean, Bonnie.在邦妮需要你的时候不离不弃You have to be there for Bonnie.这是你的职责That is your job.你的职责是什么Well, what's your job?目前就是监督你履行自己的职责Well, right now, it's to make sure you do yours.-抱我走-不要- Carry me - No.安迪是谁Who's Andy?安迪曾经是我的孩子Andy was my other kid.你还有其他孩子You had another kid?对啊对啊Yeah, yeah.很长一段时间For a long time.一段美好的时光And it was pretty great.我还是他最喜欢的玩具不瞒你说I was a favorite toy, actually.我的职责就是统领全局Running the room was my job.让所有的玩具恪尽职守Keeping all the toys in place...他觉得安迪的房&hearts;间是颗星球So, he thought Andy's room was a planet?-真是够蠢的-可不是吗- That is messed up. - Right!他登场的时候我就是这么想的That's exactly what I thought when he first showed up.是啊你们不会觉得他很烦人吗Yeah. I mean, how is that not annoying?-谢谢支持-说真的这也太...- Thank you! - Seriously, that is the...看着孩子们渐渐长大Well, then you watch 'em grow up然后长大成人and become a full person.最终离我们而去And then they leave.他们会离开去做你永远见不到的事情They go off and do things you'll never see.别误会你仍然会为他们感到自豪Don't get me wrong, you still feel good about it.但终有一日你会发现But then somehow you find yourself,这么多年以来after all those years...守在壁橱里感觉自己...sitting in a closet just feeling...百无一用Useless?对Yeah.你的任务已经完成Your purpose fulfilled?没错Exactly.胡迪我知道你的问题在哪了Woody, I know what your problem is.你知道You do?你和我一样You're just like me.垃圾一个Trash!你到底和垃圾有什么不解之缘What is it with you and trash?-很温暖-恶心- It's warm. - Ew.-很温馨-可能吧- It's cozy. - I guess.充满安全感And safe!仿佛有人在你耳边轻声说道Like somebody's whispering in your ear, "一切都会好起来的""Everything's gonna be okay."叉叉就是这样Forky, that's it.邦妮和你在一起的时候就是这种感觉That's how Bonnie feels when she's with you. -是吗-没错- She does - Yes!让我想想Wait a sec.-你是说她觉得我很温暖-对- You mean she thinks I'm warm? - Yep.-很温馨-没错- And cozy - Uh-huh.有时候还黏糊糊的And sometimes kinda squishy?这个嘛对没错Well, that, too. Yes.我现在懂了I get it now.我是邦妮的"垃圾"I'm Bonnie's trash.对等等你说什么Yes! Wait, what?我是邦妮的"垃圾"I am Bonnie's trash!不不不不至于No, no, no, not exactly.我不在她一定很伤心She must be feeling awful without me.胡迪快走她需要我Woody, we got to get going, she needs me!邦妮我来了Hey, Bonnie, I'm coming!叉叉慢点叉叉Forky, slow down! Forky!邦妮我来了Bonnie, I'm coming!叉叉Forky!大盆地嘉年华狂欢节古董店叉叉快看邦妮就在那边Forky, look. Bonnie's right over there.快点Hurry!胡迪Woody?宝贝Bo?胡迪Woody?我们不去我们不去找邦妮吗Aren't we, aren't we going to Bonnie?我知道我知道但我朋友可能在里面I know, I know. But my friend might be in there.朋友Friend?朋友朋友就是A friend, uh... Well, a friend is...朋友就像你和我一样Well, a friend is like you and me.-垃圾-垃圾就像...没错- Trash - Trash, like... Yes.我现在很担心她可能被弄丢了And I'm very worried that she might be lost.但是胡迪邦妮就在那边But, Woody, Bonnie's right there.在她醒来前一定送你回去来吧Yeah, we'll have you back before she wakes up. Come on.抱歉我们打烊了第二机会古董店宝贝Bo?宝贝Bo?宝贝Bo?宝贝Bo?宝贝Bo?宝贝Bo?宝贝Bo?宝贝Bo.宝贝宝贝宝贝Bo, Bo, Bo...宝贝宝贝宝贝Bo, Bo, Bo...-宝贝-宝贝- Bo? - Bo?宝贝宝贝宝贝Bo, Bo, Bo...宝贝宝贝宝贝Bo, Bo, Bo...我们能回去找邦妮了吗Can we go back to Bonnie now?我没看到你的朋友I don't see your friend.是啊好吧Yeah, okay.她不在这里She's not in here.来吧我们走Come on, let's go.那个是不是宝贝Is that Bo?你好啊Hey, howdy.你好抱歉打扰你了...Sorry to bother you, but...没事你没有打扰到我们Why, you're not a bother at all.我们只是出来晨间散步而已We were just out for my early morning stroll.你看我们遇到了你And look... we met you!我叫嘉比嘉比My name is Gabby Gabby.这是我的好朋友本森And this is my very good friend Benson.我叫胡迪很高兴认识你们Woody. Pleasure to meet you.很高兴认识你胡迪这位是...Well, it's nice to meet you, Woody. And you are...?这位是叉叉This is Forky.我是垃圾I'm trash.我们的孩子创造了他Our kid made him.孩子这里的玩具都没有孩子Kid? Toys around here don't have kids.你们两个是不是被弄丢了Are you two lost?弄丢了没有没有Lost No, no.我们在找一个被弄丢的玩具But we are looking for a lost toy.她是小塑像曾经在展示窗的那盏灯上She's a figurine. Used to be on that lamp in the window?名叫牧羊女宝贝Name's Bo Peep?牧羊女宝贝Bo Peep?-对我认识宝贝-你认识- Oh, yes, I know Bo. - You do?坐进来我们带你们去见她Hop on in. We'll take you to her.不用这么麻烦你们You don't have to do that.好吧本森对我们的新朋友温柔点Benson, be careful with our new friends.服务真周到What service.谢谢你的帮助Thank you for your help.我已经很多年没见过宝贝了I haven't seen Bo in years.冒昧问一句你产于哪一年May I ask, when were you made?我吗Me?我不确定50年代末I'm not sure. Late '50s?我也是Me, too!老天我们会不会是同一家工厂生产的Gee, I wonder if we were made in the same factory.那样是不是太了不起了Wouldn't that be something?不得不说你护理得非常棒I got to say, you are in great condition.我尽量保持活跃Well, I try to stay active.而且你看And look at that,你和我一样有个声匣you have a voice box like me.本森给他看看Benson, show him.这就不必了That's really not necessary.我叫嘉比嘉比I'm Gabby Gabby我爱你and I love you.你这个得修一修了You need to fix that.我的录音带是好的My record works just fine.是声匣坏了It's the voice box that's broken.你的还能用吗Does yours still work?我靴子里有条蛇There's a snake in my boot!听听这声音让我看看Listen to that! Let's see it.肯定和我是同款I bet it's the same type.不用了谢谢我的缝在体内了No, thanks, mine's sewn inside.宝贝在这里吗我们还得...Is Bo around here? Because we need...商店要开门了The store is about to open.别担心我们带你去没人能看到的地方Don't worry, we'll take you where no one will see us.不行我们不能逗留Oh, no. We can't stay.你们当然可以Yes, you can.我们该走了We got to go.你还不能离开你身上有我需要的东西You can't leave yet. You have what I need.就在你身体里面Right inside there.第二天就把台灯退回来了Returned that lamp the next day.你在开玩笑吗You're kidding me!妈妈我们能去公园了吗Mom, can we go to the park now?哈莫妮Harmony!请拦住他Stop him, please.怎么回事What's going on?快快跑Come on! Let's go!他过来了他过来了我看到他了He's coming, he's coming! I see him!叉叉我们得从这里逃...Forky We got to get out of...胡迪。



《玩具总动员》经典台词(9)这只是一个天大的误会了this was all just a big mistake.对吧? 伙伴uh? Right? Buddy?我只是要让你知道虽然你一直想要毁灭我I just want you to know that even though you tried to terminate me,但是在我们的星球并不鼓励我们复仇revenge is not an idea we promote on my planet.-那很好 -但这里不是我的星球对吧?-Oh. Well, that's good. -But we're not on my planet, are we?好你来啊Okay, come on!你想要拆了我吗You want a piece of me?-巴...巴斯光年拯救宇宙-Owww! -Buzz, Buzz, Buzz Lightyear to the rescue.-下一站-Aah-ouch! -Next stop.-比萨星球-Pizza Planet! Yeah!他不知道我不在车上吗Wh... Doesn't he realize that I'm not there?我被遗弃了I'm lost!我是个没人要的玩具Oh, I'm a lost toy!巴斯光年任务日志Buzz Lightyear mission log.警长跟我似乎在一个很巨大的燃料补给站The local sheriff and I seem to be at a huge refueling station of some sort.-根据我的导航电脑...-According to my nava-computer, the- -Shut up!-闭嘴给我闭嘴白痴 -Just shut up, you idiot!-警长现在没有时间惊慌 -Sheriff, this is no time to panic.现在是惊慌的好时机我被遗弃了安弟走了This is the perfect time to panic. I'm lost. Andy is gone.他们再过两天就要搬家了这全是你的错They're gonna movefrom their house in two days, and it's all your fault!我...我的错? My... My fault?如果你一开始没有把我推出窗外...If you hadn't pushed me out of the window in the first place...对如果不是你Oh, yeah? Well, if you...坐着那艘笨太空船出现hadn't shown up in your stupid little cardboard spaceship并且抢走and taken away everything...原来属于我的东西的话... -你不能怪到我身上that was important to me.. -Don't talk to me about importance!就是因为你使整个宇宙的安全受到危险Because of you the security of this entire universe is in jeopardy!什么啊你在说什么啊What? What are you talkin' about?就是现在查克皇帝在银河系边缘Right now, poised at the edge of the galaxy, Emperor Zurg...秘密建立了一种武器has been secretly building a weapon...那个玩意儿足以毁灭整个星球with the destructive capacity to annihilate an entire planet!只有我有资料可以击破这武器唯一的弱点I alone have information that reveals this weapon's only weakness.而你朋友就是你耽误了And you, my friend, are responsible...我跟星际总部会合的时间for delaying my rendezvous with Star Command!你是个玩具You... are... a... toy!你不是真的巴斯光年You aren't the real Buzz Lightyear! You're a..《玩具总动员》经典台词(9) 这只是一个天大的误会了this was all just a big mistake. 对吧? 伙伴uh? Right? Buddy? 我只是要让你知道虽然你一直想要毁灭我I just want you to know that even though you tr 推荐度:点击下载文档文档为doc格式。




I don't recall playtime being quite that strenuous.2、你不过是个配件! 你就是个长着腿的女式钱包!Youre an accessory! Youre a purse with legs!3、她从没爱过我! -跟任何孩子一样都爱过玩具。

She never loved me! - As much as any kid ever loved a toy.4、你个打领带的八卦狂! 你就不算个玩具!You ascot-wearing pink nosier! Youre not a toy!5、几分钟后那个铃会响起接着你们梦寐以求的玩耍时间就到来了。

In a few minutes, that bells gonna ring and youll get the playtime that youve been dreaming of.6、Woody曾经冒着生命危险救了我,如果我不愿意做同样的事,那我就不配做他的朋友。

Woody once risked his life to save mine, and I couldn't call myself his friend if I wasn't willing to do the same.7、朋友就是在全世界都抛弃你的时候,还陪伴在你身边的人。

A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out.8、幼儿园是一个悲伤寂寞的地方专门收留没人要的废弃旧玩具。

Daycare is a sad, lonely place for washed up old toys who have no owners.9、只要你从底层做起任劳任怨这里的生活总有一天会梦想成真的。



玩具总动员英文版好词好句介绍玩具总动员(Toy Story)是一部由皮克斯动画工作室制作、华特迪士尼影视公司发行的电影系列,它以生动的玩具角色为主线,展示了玩具们的冒险和成长故事。


故事情节1. A world where toys come to life在《玩具总动员》的世界中,独具魅力的玩具们能够在人类不在场时醒过来,展开各种有趣的冒险。


2. A group of toys on a mission电影中的主要角色包括了活力十足的牛仔公仔Woodie和他的好朋友,机灵可爱的太空巡逻员Buzz Lightyear。


3. The challenges they face电影中的玩具们会面临各种各样的挑战,比如被人类遗弃、迷路、被捐赠给慈善机构等。


角色塑造1. Woodie – The loyal and compassionate cowboy牛仔公仔Woodie是一个非常忠诚和有同情心的角色。



2. Buzz Lightyear – The adventurous space ranger太空巡逻员Buzz Lightyear是一个富有冒险精神的角色。



3. Sid – The misunderstood kidSid是一个被误解的角色。








1. "至无人之境,永不放弃" - 这句话表达了巴斯光年在追求正义和挑战困难时的坚持。




2. "太空警察巴斯光年,来自太阳系的守护者,全程坚守岗位" - 这是巴斯光年自我介绍时的台词。




3. "为正义而战!" - 这句话展示了巴斯光年对正义的追求。




4. "宇宙无限,未知等待" - 这句话传达了巴斯光年对未知世界的好奇和冒险精神。




5. "你们是我的朋友,直到永远" - 这是巴斯光年向其他玩具表达他的关心和友谊的一句话。



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00:06:19,740 --> 00:06:25,110WOOD- Ok, places, everyone. Come on, come on. Get in position.土豆女- Wait, I can't find my other eye.00:06:25,110 --> 00:06:27,950猪- All right, whose foot's in my face?土豆男- It's mine, give it back.00:06:27,960 --> 00:06:30,580外星人-You saved our lives. We are eternally grateful.00:06:30,870 --> 00:06:32,980牛仔女-shi…Buzz, mind if I squeeze in next to you?00:06:32,990 --> 00:06:37,580BASS-Yes. No. I mean, why would I mind if I squeeze... squeeze in next to... you? Is it hot in here?恐龙 - Oh, here they come.00:06:44,020 --> 00:06:46,200WOOD- Sarge, you got it?士兵- Mission accomplished.00:06:46,200 --> 00:06:48,100众-Hooray!00:06:49,190 --> 00:06:51,480WOOD-Careful. Careful.00:06:53,710 --> 00:06:55,880WOOD-All right guys. We've got one shot at this.00:06:55,880 --> 00:06:58,550WOOD- Everybody ready?牛仔女- We're ready, Woody. Let's do it.00:06:58,550 --> 00:07:01,880WOOD-Ok Buzz, make the call.手机响,恐龙WOO~00:07:13,230 --> 00:07:18,500BASS- Target is on approach.WOOD- Just like we rehearsed it guys.手机响。

00:07:33,640 --> 00:07:38,920男孩-Hello. Hello. Anyone there?00:07:38,920 --> 00:07:43,080男孩-Molly, stay out of my room.女孩-I wasn't in your room.00:07:43,080 --> 00:07:47,900男孩 Then who was messing with my stuff?女孩-It wasn't me.00:07:52,550 --> 00:07:58,980土豆男- Well, that went well.恐龙-He held me! He actually held me!00:07:59,210 --> 00:08:03,210猪-Uh, this is just sad.土豆男-Who we kidding? The kid's 17 years old.00:08:03,210 --> 00:08:05,890弹簧狗-We ain't ever getting played with.00:08:09,040 --> 00:08:13,730WOOD-Guys, hey, hold up. We need a staff meeting. Everyone, a staff meeting.00:08:13,730 --> 00:08:17,000猪- Oh, not again. -WOOD-Oh come on. Sling, gather everyone up.00:08:17,000 --> 00:08:20,120弹簧狗:Uh, we are together, Woody.00:08:20,120 --> 00:08:26,100WOOD:Ok. Uh, first off ... we all knew "Operation Playtime" was a long shot.00:08:26,100 --> 00:08:30,960土豆男:More like a misfire.WOOD: But we've always said this job isn't about getting played with00:08:30,960 --> 00:08:33,590WOOD:it's about ...牛仔女:Being there for Andy. We know.00:08:33,590 --> 00:08:35,950恐龙:But we can try again, right?00:08:36,820 --> 00:08:40,030WOOD: I'm calling it guys. We're closing up shop.众:What?00:08:40,030 --> 00:08:42,970WOOD: Andy's going to college anyday now. That was our last shot.土豆女:Ohh。

00:08:45,170 --> 00:08:48,720BASS: We're going into attic mode folks. Keep your accessories with you at all times. Spare parts, batteries ... anything you need for an orderly transition.00:08:52,130 --> 00:08:55,810土豆男:Orderly? Don't you get it? We're done! Finished. Over the hill.00:08:55,810 --> 00:08:58,660WOOD: Hey, hey, hey. Come on guys. We all knew this day was coming.00:08:58,660 --> 00:09:03,640士兵: Yeah, but now it's here.WOOD: Look, every toy goes through this. No one wants to see ...00:09:03,640 --> 00:09:06,220BASS: Hey Sarge! What are you doing?士兵:War's over folks. Me and the boys are moving on.00:09:09,330 --> 00:09:10,300WOOD: Moving on?BASS: You're going AWOL?00:09:10,330 --> 00:09:11,650我们已经完成了使命士兵:We've done our duty.Andy is grown up.士兵2:Let's face it ...when the trash bags come out, we army guys are the first to go.00:09:17,260 --> 00:09:19,830土豆男: Trash bags?WOOD: Who said anything about trash bags?00:09:19,830 --> 00:09:23,850士兵:It has been an honor serving with you. Good luck folks.00:09:25,250 --> 00:09:28,680士兵3:You're gonna need it.WOOD: No, no, wait, wait, wait.00:09:28,680 --> 00:09:31,710恐龙:We're getting thrown away?WOOD: No. No one's getting thrown away.00:09:31,710 --> 00:09:33,930- How do you know?牛仔女: We're being abandoned.00:09:33,930 --> 00:09:36,040BASS:We'll be fine, Jessie.猪:So why did Sarge leave?00:09:36,040 --> 00:09:38,610土豆女: Should we leave?弹簧狗:I thought we were going to the attic?00:09:38,620 --> 00:09:42,510恐龙: Oh I hate all this uncertainty.WOOD:Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a minute. Quiet! No one's getting thrown out, ok? We're all still here. I mean, yeah, we've lost friends along the way ... Wheezy and Etch and...恐龙: Bo Peep.00:09:55,300 --> 00:09:58,430WOOD: Yeah, even, even Bo. All good toys who've gone on to new owners. But through every yard sale, every spring cleaning...00:09:59,759 --> 00:10:02,457胡迪- AII good toys who've gone on to new owners.00:10:02,495 --> 00:10:06,228胡迪- But through every yard sale, every spring cleaning, Andy held on to us!00:10:06,866 --> 00:10:09,734胡迪- He must care about us, or we wouldn't be here.00:10:10,202 --> 00:10:14,572胡迪- You wait. Andy's gonna tuck us in the attic. It'll be safe and warm...00:10:14,607 --> 00:10:17,043巴斯- And we'll all be together.胡迪- Exactly!00:10:17,076 --> 00:10:18,977胡迪- There's games up there, and books, and...00:10:19,011 --> 00:10:22,050巴斯- The racecar track!胡迪- The racecar track. Thank you!00:10:22,081 --> 00:10:25,518弹簧狗- And the old TV.胡迪- There you go, the old TV.00:10:25,551 --> 00:10:29,751胡迪- And those guys from the Christmas decorations box. They're fun, right?00:10:29,789 --> 00:10:31,188土豆男- 嘟囔土豆女- Yeah.00:10:31,290 --> 00:10:34,989胡迪- And someday, if we're lucky, Andy may have kids of his own.00:10:35,027 --> 00:10:37,622恐龙- And he'll play with us then, right?00:10:37,663 --> 00:10:39,428胡迪- We'll always be there for him.00:10:39,598 --> 00:10:45,300巴斯- Come on, guys. Let's get our parts together, get ready, and go out on a high note.00:10:45,337 --> 00:10:47,136土豆女- I'd better find my other eye.00:10:47,173 --> 00:10:49,211土豆男- Where'd you leave it this time?00:10:49,241 --> 00:10:52,371土豆女- Someplace dark. And dusty.00:10:52,411 --> 00:10:55,848猪- Come on. Let's see how much we're going for on eBay.00:10:55,881 --> 00:10:59,546胡迪- Don't worry. Andy's gonna take care of us. I guarantee it!00:11:24,643 --> 00:11:26,647巴斯- You guarantee it, huh?00:11:26,679 --> 00:11:29,741胡迪- I don't know, Buzz. What else could I say?00:11:30,649 --> 00:11:33,517巴斯- Well, whatever happens, at least we'll all be together.00:11:34,887 --> 00:11:36,891巴斯- For infinity and beyond.00:11:38,390 --> 00:11:39,825妹妹- Can I have your stereo?哥哥- No.00:11:39,859 --> 00:11:42,056妹妹- Why not?哥哥- 'Cause I'm taking it with me.。
