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6B Unit 3 The healthy diet 学习任务单




1. like eating sweets喜欢吃糖果

2. like drinking water 喜欢喝水

3. drink a little water every day 每天喝一点儿水

4. some bread and milk 一些面包和牛奶

5. a lot of rice 大量的米饭

6. some fish and some meat 一些鱼和肉

7. a few eggs 几个鸡蛋8. every week 每周

9. a healthy diet 健康的饮食10. eat an egg 吃一个蛋

11. eat a little rice 吃一点儿米饭12. like sweet food 喜欢甜食

13. eat a little at a time 一次吃一点儿14. get out 出去

15. much food 很多食物16. in the fridge 在冰箱

17. have to go to the supermarket 必须去超市18. want to come with me 想和我一起去

19. have some cola 喝(要,买)些可乐20. take a small bottle 拿一个小瓶的

21. drink too much cola 喝太多可乐22. want this big fish 想要这条大鱼

23. need a lot of rice 需要很多大米24. take the big bag 拿那袋大的

25. too heavy 太重26. have a rest=take a rest 休息一下

27. want this big fish 想要这条大鱼28. in your meals 在你的膳食中


1.What do you usually have for breakfast? I have some noodles. 你早饭通常吃什么?我吃些面条。

2.What about lunch and dinner? For lunch and dinner, I often have a lot of rice, some meat and some vegetables.


3.What does Mary have for breakfast? She always has some bread, an egg and some porridge.


4.My brother doesn’t like drinking water. He only drinks a little water every day.


5.Are there any eggs in the fridge? Yes, there are. 冰箱里有些蛋吗?是的,有。

6.Is there any milk in the glass? No, there isn’t. 玻璃杯里有牛奶吗?不,没有。

7.You can have some meat and fish in your meals. You can also have a few eggs every week.


8.Sweet food is nice, but it is not good for your teeth. Don’t eat too much.


9.Yang Ling likes sweet food too, but she eats a little at a time. 杨林也喜欢甜食,但她每次只吃一点儿。

10.Does Yang Ling have a healthy diet? Yes, she does. 杨林的饮食健康吗?是的。

11.Can I have some cola? Yes, but don’t take the big bottle. 我可以喝些可乐吗?可以,但不要拿那个大瓶的。

12.You shouldn’t drink too much cola. It’s bad for your health. 你们不应该喝太多可乐。它对你们的健康是不利的。

13. Chinese people often have some porridge and steamed buns for breakfast. 中国人经常早饭吃粥和馒头。

14. Western people often have cereal, bread, eggs and sausages for breakfast.


15. Now they are going home. 他们正打算回家。

16. Milk is good for your body. 牛奶对你的身体有益

17. Sweet food is nice, but it is not good for your teeth. 甜食虽然美味,但是对我们的牙齿是不好的。



“许多”: many , much ,a lot of, lots of。

many + 可数,much+不可数,a lot of = lots of +可数或不可数。

“一些”:some + 可数名词或不可数。

“少,几个”:a few, a little, a few + 可数,a little+ 不可数。


饮料:milk, coffee, tea, water, juice

食品:meat, beef (牛肉), bread, rice, food, ice cream , fish(鱼肉)

sweets是糖果, a sweet一颗糖果,是可数名词,而s weet food是甜食,是不可数名词。

***另外vegetables, noodles都通常以复数形式出现。



Eating vegetables is good for your health.

healthy是形容词,意思是健康的,用来修饰名词,如“健康的饮食”a healthy diet, 健康的食物healthy food

5. 本单元容易忽略的词:

(1) take 表示拿,或者带去。如:拿一个小瓶的take a small bottle

现在下雨了,带把伞It’s raining now, take an umbrella with you.

(2)some和any的用法, some在一般疑问句和否定句中要改成any, 但是征询别人意见并希望得到肯定答复时,疑问句中的some不变,如Can I have some cola? Would you like some coffee?
