

商务英语教程第一课基础工作词汇Business English Course 01

商务英语教程第一课基础工作词汇Business English Course 01

Lesson 1: Essential Job Vocabulary第1课:基本工作词汇Welcome to Lesson 1 of the Business English Course - Essential Job Vocabulary.欢迎学习第1课-基本工作词汇Where do you w ork?你在哪里工作Let's begin by answering the question, "Where do you work?" This seems like a simple question, but there are many ways to answer it:•I work at...•I work in...•I work for...•I work with...You're going to learn when to use each preposition.您将学习何时使用每个介词。

I work at/for... (name of company)我在XX(公司名称)工作/我为XX工作(公司名称)For example, "I work at Espresso English" or "I work for Nike." You can also use "for" if you work directly for a famous person: "I work for Tom Cruise. I'm his public relations manager.”例如,“我在Espresso English工作”或“我为耐克工作”。

如果您直接为一个名人工作,也可以使用“ for”:“我为Tom Cruise工作。


”I work in...我在XX(一个地方)工作...a place:一个地方:•I work in an o ffice. 我在办公室工作。



教案课程名称:___________________________________ 课时:___________________________________ 班级:___________________________________ 任课教师:___________________________________ 教材:_《新视野商务英语综合教程1(第二版)》_Unit 2 Company StructureUnit Overview (单元概览)By studying this unit, students are expected to:●Learn the common types of company structure;●D escribe a company’s structure;●Know how to write an e-mail to introduce a new colleague.Lead-in (主题导入)●Write the word “function” on the board and ask the students how they understandit.●Divide the students into six groups, each discussing the function of one particulardepartment.●Ask each group to give their report on their discussion. Encourage other groups tomake comments.Reading A (精读课文)Task 1●Ask the students to search for related information before class.●In class, ask the students to work in pairs and share their findings.●Invite some volunteers to report their findings in class. Write down the factors asthey report on the board. A class discussion could generate some interestingideas.Task 2●Pre-teach the words in the task which might be difficult for your students.●Ask the students to read through the text and do the task individually.●Check the answers and ask the students to locate the supporting information inthe text.Task 3●Ask the students to answer the questions with the books closed.●Ask the students to read the text again to check their answers.Activity 1●Ask the students to make a list of the advantages and disadvantages of each typeof structure.●Ask the students to share their opinions in pairs and summarize the features ofeach type of structure.●Encourage the students to summarize with their own words. Try to avoidrepeating or reciting sentences from the text.●Choose several pairs to present their ideas to the class.Activity 2●Divide the students into small groups. Each group is to focus on one particularcompany.●Ask the students to divide the online-searching work among group members, forexample:Student A: a brief introduction of the company;Student B and C: structure of the company and its features;Student D and E: factors that may affect the company’s choice of structure.●Ask each group to prepare the introduction by putting together the information.Each group member should have a role in the introduction.PPT or handouts are preferred for the introduction.Focusing on Grammar●动词后缀●被动语态叙述客观事实Reading B (泛读课文)Listening (听力练习)Task 1●Introduce this task by asking the students what they know about theresponsibilities of the departments in the right column. Some of them have been discussed in Lead-in. This pre-listening exercise helps the students predict the information they will hear.●Make sure that the students can pronounce the names properly.●Ask the students to listen to the recording and try to do the match work.●In the second listening, ask the students to write down the keywords describingthe duties of different departments, e.g. recruiting, training, money, payment, cost analysis, etc.●Check the answers with the class. Ask the students to describe the duties of thefive persons in one or two sentences by referring to their notes.●Ask the students to do oral exercises in pairs in a question-and-answer format. Task 2●Give the students some time to read the chart. They can predict some answersbased on the information they’ve got from previous sections.●Pre-teach some words, e.g. welfare, recruitment, compensation, if necessary.●Play the recording a few times so that the students can get enough information tofill in the blanks. They can discuss and work in pairs.●Draw the students’ attention to the phrases describing the duties and the reportingstructure in the recording, e.g. be in charge of, report to, be responsible for, deal with, etc.●Divide the students into several groups. Ask each group to make a list of themembers of the Class Committee and then describe their duties accordingly by using the phrases they’ve learned.●Encourage the students to summarize the information and make it into a shortpresentation.Task 3●Review the features of a divisional structure with the class before they listen.●Ask the students questions like “Can you list the brands in Household Care Unit?To whom will the new employee report?” This makes their listening more focus-based.●Play the recording twice and ask the students to do the task.Communication Project (商务沟通)●Ask each group to choose one member as the note taker.●Ask the students to exchange ideas within the group and ask the note taker towrite down the ideas of the group members.●Invite two or three note takers to report the results of Step 2.●Each group should draw a chart to illustrate the strength of P&G’s structure.●Ask several groups to show their chart and make an introduction to P&Gstructure.●Note that the students can choose some other companies for introduction insteadof P&G.Writing (商务写作)●Ask the students to read Task 1 and discuss how to arrange the contents in an e-mail.●Ask the students to read Task 2 and discuss in pairs how to put the information inTask 1 in the blanks.Moral Reflections (补充教学资源)Unit Overview不以规矩,不能成方圆。





教学目标1. 培养学生的商务英语听力技能,提高听懂商务场景对话和演讲等的能力。

2. 培养学生的商务英语口语表达能力,提高有效沟通和商务演讲的能力。

3. 培养学生的商务英语阅读能力,提高理解商务文件和文章的能力。

4. 培养学生的商务英语写作能力,提高书写商务邮件和报告的能力。

5. 培养学生的商务英语翻译能力,提高译写商务文件和口译的能力。

教学内容1. 商务英语听力训练:通过听取商务对话、会议和演讲等,提高学生的听力技能。

2. 商务英语口语表达:研究商务用语、礼貌用语和商务演讲技巧等,提高学生的口语表达能力。

3. 商务英语阅读理解:阅读商务文章、合同和报告等,培养学生理解商务文本的能力。

4. 商务英语写作:研究商务邮件、报告和商务文案的写作技巧,提高学生的书写能力。

5. 商务英语翻译:练商务文件和口译的翻译,提高学生的翻译能力。

教学方法1. 授课讲解:通过讲解商务英语的基本知识和技能,帮助学生理解和掌握。

2. 听力训练:提供商务听力材料,让学生进行听力练和理解。

3. 口语练:组织角色扮演、对话练和商务演讲等活动,提高学生的口语表达能力。

4. 阅读训练:提供商务阅读材料,让学生进行阅读理解练。

5. 写作练:布置商务写作任务,让学生练书写商务邮件和报告。

6. 翻译练:布置商务翻译任务,让学生练商务文件和口译的翻译。

考核方式1. 课堂参与度:学生积极参与课堂讨论和活动的情况。

2. 个人作业:学生完成的听力、口语、阅读、写作和翻译作业情况。

3. 综合测试:对学生综合掌握商务英语能力的考核。

参考教材1. 《商务英语教程》(第一册),李明等编著,外语教学与研究出版社。

2. 《商务英语阅读与写作教程》,张瑞芳编著,外语教学与研究出版社。



高级综合商务英语1课件unit1Unit 1: The Global EconomyIntroduction:In today's interconnected world, understanding the global economy is essential for businesses to thrive. This unit will cover key concepts related to the global economy, including international trade, economic systems, and exchange rates. By gaining a deeper understanding of these topics, students will be better equipped to navigate the complexities of the global marketplace.Key Concepts:1. International Trade:International trade plays a crucial role in the global economy, enabling countries to exchange goods and services across borders. In this section, students will learn about the benefits of international trade, including increased economic growth, market access, and specialization. They will also explore key trade theories, such as comparative advantage and the theory of absolute advantage.2. Economic Systems:Different countries have different economic systems that dictate how resources are allocated and goods and services are produced and distributed. Students will learn about the four main types of economic systems – capitalism, socialism, communism, and mixed economies – and their key characteristics. They will also examine the impact of globalization on economic systems and the rise of global supply chains.3. Exchange Rates:Exchange rates play a crucial role in international trade, as they determine the value of one currency relative to another. In this section, students will learn about the factors that influence exchange rates, including interest rates, inflation, and political stability. They will also explore the mechanics of foreign exchange markets and how exchange rates are quoted and calculated.Case Studies:To enhance their understanding of the global economy, students will analyze real-world case studies that illustrate the concepts covered in this unit. These case studies will include examples of successful international companies that have leveraged international trade to expand their business, as well as examples of countries that have experienced economic crisesdue to mismanagement of their economic systems and exchange rate policies.Conclusion:By mastering the concepts covered in this unit, students will be better prepared to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the global economy. Whether they are pursuing a career in international business, finance, or trade, a solid understanding of the global economy will be a valuable asset in today's competitive marketplace.。

人民大2023综合商务英语(第1册)(第二版)教学课件综合商务英语B1 U1

人民大2023综合商务英语(第1册)(第二版)教学课件综合商务英语B1 U1

Questions on Text A
(3) The profits that a firm earns are dependent on three conditions. What are they? --First, there needs to be a demand for the service that a firm offers. Second, a firm need to attract customers, meaning that they choose a firm instead of their competitors. Third, to earn high profits, a firm need to keep their expenses low.
Questions on Text A
(5) Sequence five factors of production in Text A from the most important one to the least important one, and give reasons for your choice. The most important one is human resources. Human resources are the people who are able to perform work for a business. They may contribute to production by using their physical abilities. The second is natural resources, and it is commonly used by businesses to produce products or services is land.
























Romance: e.g. French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese Germanic: e.g. German, Swedish Norse: language spoken by Scandinavian inhabitants Celtic: mainly spoken in Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Cornwall and the Isle of Man
Research and discussion
• Julius Caesar • Duke of Normandy • Old English • Latin • French • Middle English • A Table Alphabeticall • Samuel Johnson • Webster • Oxford
2. Reveal the true, objectionable nature of (someone or something)
e.g. He has been exposed as a liar and a traitor.
3. If someone is exposed to something dangerous or unpleasant, they are put in a situation in which it might affect them. e.g. Most people in the world are non-smokers and have a right not to be exposed to other people's smoround
Detailed Reading



The foundation of success lies in good habits
当你尽了自己的最பைடு நூலகம்努力时,失败也是伟大的, 所以不要放弃,坚持就是正确的。
When You Do Your Best, Failure Is Great, So Don'T Give Up, Stick To The End
演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日
Unit 1 Vocabulary
• Greece 希腊 • Greek 希腊人 希腊的 希腊人的 • Brazil 巴西 • Chinese 中国人 中国的 • Italian 意大利人 意大利语 • Italy 意大利 • Kuwait 科威特 • Kuwaiti 科威特的 科威特人的 • Oman 阿曼 • Omani 阿曼人 阿曼人的 • Poland 波兰 • Polish 波兰的 波兰语 • Russia 俄罗斯 • Sweden 瑞典 • Swedish 瑞典语 瑞典的 • Turkey 土耳其 火鸡 • Turkish 土耳其人 土耳其语的

教学大纲 商务英语1 国家开放大学

教学大纲 商务英语1 国家开放大学
2.模块的重点难点 “商务英语 1”课程每个单元分为两大模块:听说模块和读写模块。听说 模块的重点、难点是各种商务相关场景的听力技巧和口头表达技巧;读写模块 的重点、难点是对商务词汇的记忆、商务礼仪和商务交际内容的理解与简单商 务应用文写作等。 五、课程教学形式与策略 1.教学形式 “商务英语 1”课程的教学应以自主学习与面授辅导、远程辅导、小组讨论、 在线互动相结合的方式展开。 2.教学策略 在组织课程面授教学和提供远程辅导与支持服务时,既要注重将语言基本 技能训练和职场工作紧密结合,又要注意英语学习策略、学习技巧和交际能力 的培养,引导学生养成良好的英语学习习惯、选择适合自己的学习方法。充分 发挥成人学生理解能力与逻辑思维能力强和具备相关行业背景知识的优势,帮 助学生克服成人模仿力较差、母语干扰、羞于开口、工学矛盾突出等学习外语 的不利因素,提高并保持其学习兴趣和学习积极性。
第一部分 大纲说明 一、课程的性质和任务 1.课程的性质 “商务英语 1”是为国家开放大学经济类专业(专科)开设的公共英语课 程;计 3 学分,54 学时,开设 1 学期,建议第一学期开设。本课程将英语学习 与金融、会计、市场营销、物流、工商管理等专业的职场活动相结合,以真实 的语言素材为载体创设职场情景,在进行英语语言基础知识和基本技能训练的 同时,培养学生在职场情景下使用英语进行初步交流的基本能力。 2.课程的任务 通过“商务英语 1”课程的学习,学生应能掌握一定的英语语言基础知识 和基本技能,具有初步的读、听、说、写能力;同时,了解商务活动中最基本 的英语词语及表达方式,能在涉及金融、会计、市场营销、物流、工商管理等 专业的职场活动中进行简单交流;并为在今后职场英语应用能力的进一步提高 奠定基础。 3. 课程的教学对象 “商务英语 1”课程的教学对象为国家开放大学经济类的金融、会计、市 场营销、物流、工商管理等专业的成人学生和具有同等英语水平的业余学习者。 4. 课程的衔接 “商务英语 1”的后续课程为“商务英语 2”。 二、课程设计理念与思路 1. 课程设计理念 (1)根据最新学习理论和英语教学论的进展,将英语学习与教育技术深度 融合,结合课程教学内容特点确定多种媒体教材的编制内容,以方便学生自主 学习为指导思想,力求实现课程建设总体目标。 (2)加强助学、导学的远程教育课程设计,弥补缺乏英语语言环境的不足, 加强学生与教学内容之间的交互性,进而促进学生学习兴趣的提高和维持。 (3)语言练习形式活泼多样,以短小的任务为主,既方便学生有效利用较 为零散的学习时间,也提高学生的学习兴趣;同时提供适时反馈,帮助学生理 解所学语言素材,提升学习成就感,减缓学习梯度,使学生以较少的时间和精 力投入,取得较佳的学习效果。 (4)注重对学生学习能力的培养,将英语学习策略有机融入语言的训练。 2. 课程设计思路 (1) 将教学内容、练习活动、助学导学内容有机结合,构建适合自主学习 的合一型的文字教材体系;在文字教材基础上,设计制作与之匹配的录音教材



大学商务英语综合教程1课后练习题含答案第一部分:词汇练习题1.__________ is the activity of buying and sellinggoods and services. A. Business B. Industry C. MarketingD. Advertisement 答案:A2.A __________ is someone who starts a business. A.Consumer B. Investor C. Manager D. Entrepreneur 答案:D3.__________ is the amount of money that a companyhas after all expenses have been pd. A. Revenue B.Profit C. Investment D. Budget 答案:B第二部分:语法练习题1.Choose the sentence that contns an error insubject-verb agreement. A. The team is planning itsstrategy for the game. B. The committee have finallyreached a decision. C. The company is expanding itssales force. D. The administration has promised toaddress the issue. 答案:B2.Choose the correct form of the verb to complete thesentence. The marketing department __________ everyone to attend the meeting. A. wants B. want C. has wanted D.will want 答案:A3.Choose the sentence that contns an error in verbtense. A. The company hired a new employee last week. B.The sales team has been preparing for the trade show for months. C. The manager was reviewing the financialreport when the phone rang. D. The project will becompleted by the end of the week. 答案:D第三部分:阅读理解练习题Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.Many companies use social media to promote their products and connect with customers. However, some companies have learned the hard way that social media can also be a double-edged sword. Inappropriate or insensitive posts can quickly go viral and damage a company’s reputation.One example of this is the case of a famous clothing company that was criticized for a tweet that made light of a serious political situation. The tweet received widespread backlash and the company issued a public apology, but the damage had already been done.Another example is the case of a fast-food restaurant that was accused of underpaying its employees. A former employee started a social media campgn that gned momentum and putpressure on the company to increase its wages. The company eventually responded by rsing its base pay.These examples illustrate the power of social media andthe impact it can have on a company’s image and bottom line. Companies that use social media need to be careful and thoughtful about what they post and how they respond to criticism.1.What is one risk of using social media forpromotion? A. Customers may not see the posts. B.Competitors may copy the posts. C. Posts may beinappropriate or insensitive. D. Social media may be too expensive. 答案:C2.What was the result of the clo thing company’stweet? A. The company gned many new customers. B. Thetweet was ignored by the public. C. The companyapologized and took responsibility. D. The companycontinued to make similar tweets. 答案:C3.How did social media pressure the fast-food companyto increase its wages? A. Many employees went on strike.B. The government passed new laws.C. A former employeestarted a social media campgn. D. The company’s profits began to decline. 答案:C第四部分:写作练习题Some people believe that businesses exist solely to make a profit, while others argue that businesses have a responsibility to contribute to society in other ways. In my opinion, businesses should strive to make a positive impact on society while also making a profit.Firstly, businesses have a responsibility to their employees. They should provide fr wages, safe working conditions, and opportunities for professional development. By treating employees well, companies can create a positive work culture and improve employee retention.Secondly, businesses have a responsibility to the environment. They should strive to minimize their impact on the planet by reducing waste, using sustnable resources, and implementing eco-friendly practices. By doing so, companies can contribute to a healthier planet for future generations.Finally, businesses have a responsibility to their communities. They should give back by supporting local charities, sponsoring community events, and promoting volunteerism among employees. By doing so, companies can build goodwill and strengthen their ties to the community.In conclusion, businesses have a responsibility to be profitable, but they should also strive to make a positive impact on society. By treating employees well, caring for the environment, and giving back to the community, companies can build a better world for everyone.。


Language points
During these almost unimaginable stretches of time, the environment has been on many edges. unimaginable a. -incredible, unbelievable The children in the conflict area have lived through unimaginable horror.
随着时间的推移,环境在很多方面都有所失衡,危害到各种生态系统,这种破 坏有时非常剧烈。
Text Understanding
Language points
There have always been correctives; life itself is robust. corrective n. -sth that is intended to correct a fault or mistake This move might he a corrective to some inefficient practices within hospitals. Synonyms: remedy corrective a. -setting right corrective treatment
I need a job that will stretch me.
skill/ intelligence
Text Understanding
Language points
The last couple of centuries have seen an extraordinary stretching of our understanding of space and time. Paraphrase We've got an outstanding achievements in discovering the space and the time during the last couple of centuries.


Culture Focus
Business English
How to read a Business Card?
BALTPROF Consulting Group
Nikolai Ivanov Accountant
Company’s name Name of the person Job title Address
Key Language:
Learn different Job Titles Learn countries and nationalities
Reading: Describing People
Sபைடு நூலகம்ills Introducing yourself and others
Case Study Aloha in Hawaii
Listening Talking about yourself
Business English
“Humans are social animals. To find an individual choosing to live alone in the world is so rare as to confirm that human beings need to live amongst each other and group together.” “Networking begins with introducing yourselves.” “You never have a second chance to make a good first
Business English
Reading aloud practice



Questions on Text A
(3) What are the performances of dishonesty at work?
--Go places that are off limits; take things that aren’t yours; and most gossip and rumors are also dishonest.
Questions on Text A
(4) Why is teamwork vital to achieving the company’s goal?
--Teamwork will get the job done better than any individual could do alone. Without good teamwork, the quality of service a company is trying to deliver is in serious jeopardy. When you get along with your fellow workers and are a good team player, you will enjoy your job much better.
5 Case Study
第四单元Lead-inFra bibliotek1. What do you think is the best way to be a good employee? 2. What are the necessary qualities that a high performer should possess in a company? 3. What do you value most when you are working in a company?



第1 课主课文译文新长征“中国制造”这个标记很久以前就不新鲜了,它贴在鞋子上、玩具上、服装上,以及为跨国公司制造的其他商品上,世界各地到处可见。




一些人认为,在创业精神饱满的本地管理层的协助下,或者在一些想在其产品系列里添加新产品的外国公司的协助下,中国商品在极具竞争力的价格的基础上,若把卖点放在产品质量和异国情调上,那末10 年之内,中国品牌将一个一个地走向全球。

总部在香港的广告公司中国精信(Grey China)的执行董事陈一木丹(Viveca Chan)说:“如果世界上只有一个国家具备创立全球品牌的潜力,那么这个国家就是中国。


中国总部设在上海的泰勒·娜尔森·索福瑞(Taylor Nelson Sofres)市场调研公司的中国区总经理Kevin Tan 说:“与中国相联系的神秘色彩还有许多。





整个20 世纪90 年代,“中国品牌”这个概念一直在发育着,而目前在国内受到的重视更大了。


7. In economic terms, “business” applies to the process of creating and exchanging economic values… 在经济学中,“商务”这个属于可用于经济价值的创造和交换过程…
8. … a retail business might buy products from a wholesaler which in turn acquires them form a manufacturer… 零售商可以从批发商那里购买产品,而批发商又从生产商那里采购产品。
* While-reading: Difficult sentence: 1. In fact, in modern society we are heavily dependent upon organized business activity.
2. We are engaged in business activities every time we exchange our labor for wages and every time we use our wages to buy goods and services. 每当我们用劳动换取工资,并用工资来购买商品和服务时,我们就是在从事商业 活动。
1. Grammatical rules
2. Fundamental syntactic patterns 3. Identifying sentence elements 教学难点:
教学方法和手段:采用课堂快速阅读和课后自主精读相结合的方式。在协调发展学生的英语 听说读写能的基础上,突出学生阅读能力。 教学方法设计:采用“自主精读”、“课堂快读”、“协作学习”等多种学习方式交互的学习方法。 教学分组:在自愿的基础上,将学生分组进行课堂讨论。 教学条件:Computer assisted learning;Place of the class:Language laboratory

U1-2.Unit Task 导学(学习指引+参考答案)

U1-2.Unit Task 导学(学习指引+参考答案)
专科商务英语专业(外贸电子商务方向) 《综合英语(1) 》课程 Unit 1 Reception
Article 3: How to Make Your Client Comfortable During Business Reception 【如何使您的客户在商务接待期间感觉舒适】 The ability to entertain clients is one of the best skills in any company. If you impress your clients, it means possible repeated business. The trick of entertaining clients is to find out what they enjoy doing and make sure that they have a good time while in your company. With some preparation, you can have fun during business reception. Feed them. Taking clients out to a nice dinner is a basic part of entertaining. Take them to a recreational event. You could entertain your clients with golf or karaoke. Show them around your city. Come up with some creative ways to entertain them.



新世纪商务英语综合教程1课后答案1、4.—Let's fly a kite when you are ________ at the weekend.—Good idea. [单选题] *A.warmB.kindC.smallD.free(正确答案)2、Hearing that he had passed _____ health examination, he immediately made _____ call to his parents. [单选题] *A. a; /B. the; /C. the; a(正确答案)D. a; the3、The organization came into being in 1 [单选题] *A. 开始策划B. 进行改组C. 解散D. 成立于(正确答案)4、Location is the first thing customers consider when_____to buy a house. [单选题] *A.planning(正确答案)B.plannedC.having plannedD.to plan5、20.Jerry is hard-working. It’s not ______ that he can pass the exam easily. [单选题] *A.surpriseB.surprising (正确答案)C.surprisedD.surprises6、68.—How ________ apples do you want?—I want two kilos. How ________ are they?—They are 5 yuan. [单选题] *A.much; manyB.many; much(正确答案)C.many; manyD.much; much7、—______ you speak French?—Yes, I can.()[单选题] *B. Can(正确答案)C. MightD. Must8、Mary, together with her children ,_____ some video show when I went into the sitting room. [单选题] *A. were watchingB. was watching(正确答案)C. is watchingD. are watching9、As I know, his salary as a doctor is much higher_____. [单选题] *A. than that of a teacher(正确答案)B. than a teacherC. to that of a teacherD. to a teacher10、Sitting at the back of the room()a very shy girl with two bright eyes. [单选题] *A. is(正确答案)B. areD. there was11、He didn't allow _____ in his room. Actually he didn't allow his family _____ at all. [单选题] *A. to smoke; to smokeB. smoking; to smoke(正确答案)C. to smoke; smokingD. smoking; smoking12、A lot of students in our school were born _______ March, 1 [单选题] *A. in(正确答案)B. atC. onD. since13、The famous writer, _____ writings for China Daily I appreciate a lot , is invited to give a speech in our university. [单选题] *A. thatB. whose(正确答案)C. whomD. who14、--Don’t _______ too late, or you will feel tired in class.--I won’t, Mum. [单选题] *A. call upB. wake upC. stay up(正确答案)D. get up15、--Do you know _______ girl with long curly hair?--Yes. She is Mary. She plays _______ piano very well. [单选题] *A. a; /B. the; /C. the; the(正确答案)D. a; the16、Just use this room for the time being ,and we’ll offer you a larger one _______it becomes available [单选题] *A. as soon as(正确答案)B unless .C as far asD until17、His remarks _____me that I had made the right decision. [单选题] *A.ensuredB.insuredC.assured(正确答案)D.assumed18、Boys and girls, _______ up your hands if you want to take part in the summer camp(夏令营).[单选题] *A. puttingB. to putC. put(正确答案)D. puts19、How lovely a day,()? [单选题] *A. doesn't itB. isn't it(正确答案)C.shouldn't itD.hasn't it20、I like this house with a beautiful garden in front, but I don't have enough money to buy _____. [单选题] *A. it(正确答案)B. oneC. thisD. that21、What lovely weather,()? [单选题] *A.is itB. isnt it(正确答案)C. does itD.doesn’t it22、36.This kind of bread is terrible. I don't want to eat it ______. [单选题] * A.any more(正确答案)B.some moreC.no longerD.some longer23、At half past three she went back to the school to pick him up. [单选题] *A. 等他B. 送他(正确答案)C. 抱他D. 接他24、I was astonished when I heard that Louise was getting married. [单选题] *A. 惊讶(正确答案)B. 气愤C. 高兴D. 想念25、The city is famous _______ its beautiful scenery. [单选题] *A. for(正确答案)B. ofC. asD. to26、The students _____ outdoors when the visitors arrived. [单选题] *A. were playing(正确答案)B. have playedC. would playD. could play27、If you had told me earlier, I _____ to meet you at the hotel. [单选题] *A. had comeB. will have comeC. would comeD. would have come(正确答案)28、Was()that I saw last night at the concert? [单选题] *A. it you(正确答案)B. not youC. youD. that yourself29、59.—Can I talk to the manager?—Please wait ________ minute. [单选题] * A.anB.a(正确答案)C.theD./30、I hope to see you again _______. [单选题] *A. long long agoB. long beforeC. before long(正确答案)D. long。



《综合商务英语Ⅰ》课程教学大纲Course syllabus of Business English: An IntegratedCourse Ⅰ一、课程基本信息Course Information课程代码: 16068004Course Code: 16068004课程名称:综合商务英语ⅠCourse Name: Business English: An Integrated Course Ⅰ课程类别:专业必修课Course Type: Compulsory学时:60学时Course Period: 60 hours学分:4学分Course Credit: 4适用对象: 商务英语专业1年级学生Students: First year undergraduate考核方式:考试Assessment: Examination先修课程:无Preparatory Course: None2、课程简介Course Introduction综合商务英语Ⅰ是为商务英语专业学生开设的1门专业技能必修课。





The undergraduate course Integrated Business English prepares students to play an active and creative role in today’s globalized world by exploring English languageand Business across cultures. The course bookBusiness English: An Integrated Course Book 1 constructs 8 topics for the whole semester, each containing 3 articles with language skill practices and in class discussions.3、课程性质与教学目的综合商务英语是1门专业技能必修课,是为商务英语专业开设的1门基础阶段主干课程。

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At about 1200 B.C. in China, cowry shells became the first medium of exchange, or money. The cowry has served as money throughout history even to the middle of this century. 返回
1.She uses her physical attractiveness to seduce an assortment of males. 她利用自己极富魅力的肉体引诱各式各样的 男性。 2.This shop has a good assortment of goods to choose from. 该店各色货物俱全,任君选择。 3.The forbidden forest is home to a wide and strange assortment of creatures. 禁林是一些庞大而奇怪的生物的家。
reservoir: (储藏;汇集)
n. (fig.) collection of sth
Trans.企业应储备廉价的劳动力。 Enterprise must have a reservoir of cheap labor. Other meanings(水库):
e.g. 1.This reservoir gives water to the whole city. 2.The reservoir was formed by flooding the valley.
What do you think is the role of banking played in your daily life?
While saving is a tradition of Chinese people, more and more young people in China nowadays would prefer to get a mortgage. which do you prefethe Text
gold standard
legal tender money orders instruments of credit
supply and demand
current account
deposit account
Words to drill:
transaction back currency creditor asset medium reckonable inflation stabilize allocate valuables guardian issue intermediary reservoir
Role-play: Direction: Your company decides to participate in the Trade Fair in April on May 5th. The secretary of your company Paula contacts the booking office through telephone for the tickets. But there are no tickets available there. As the company has already ordered the stand, Paula tries to find a solution to the problem. 返回
Structural Analysis
Paragraphs 1~3:Money
Paragraph 4:Banks are closely concerned with the flow of money
Paragraphs 5~8: Banking
Questions for Discussion
Intermediary: (中间人,调解人 )
n. person who acts as a means of communication between two or more others.
Trans. 他在人质问题的危机中充当调解
人。 He acted as an intermediate in the hostage crisis. intermediate adj. 中间的,居间的
In 1,000 B.C., tools made of metal, like knives and spades, were also used in China as money. From these models, we developed today's round coins that we use daily. The Chinese coins were usually made out of base metals which had holes in them so that you could put the coins together to make a chain.
Can you name them?
Various types of ---
Can you name them?
Various types of ---
Can you name them?
Text A:Money and Banking
Terms Used in the Text Words to Drill Structural Analysis Questions for Discussion Exercise and Quiz Assignment
Unit One
商务英语综合教程 第二册
Question for Discussion: Is money really important?
Learning Objectives:
>To know the history of money; >To know the relation between money and banking; >To use theme-related vocabulary and expressions in real situations.
2. Elections alone do not necessarily improve the of public expenditures. (allocate)
3. The dog was a jealous child. (guard) of the
4. The company has to ____the benefits against the costs in the last three months. A. boast B. blame C. block D. balance 5. ___by the look on her face she didn't catch what I meant. A. Judging B. Judged C. Judge D. To judge
Write a composition on getting a mortgage or saving money in about 200 words.
Text B
Background to the Euro
Text B Background to the Euro
Cultural Notes
1.What denomination do you prefer, please? 请问您要换成哪种面额的? 2.This is not shown in the denomination. 这在等级分类中未有体现。 3.The firm is still operating under another denomination. 这家公司改用了名称仍在继续营业。
loanable fluctuation credit debit
inflation: (通货膨胀 )
n. rise in prices resulting from an increase in the supply of money, credit, etc. e.g.
1、 We are suffering from runaway inflation. 我们正经受着失控的通货膨胀之苦。 2、We should keep inflation in check. 我们应该使通货膨胀受到抑制。
allocate: (分配)
n. to assign sth for a special purpose
allocation n.
Trans. 工程必须在指标内完成。
The project has to be finished within the allocation.
Syn. appropriate, designate, earmark
Yom Kippur War(斋月战 争)
the Maastricht Treaty :马斯特里 赫特条约
Word Explanation
assortment counterfeiter denomination in full swing referendum shopping trolleys sterling
Translation Exercise
1.Two-thirds of card transactions are now made using debit cards.
2. I open my wallet and found it empty, reached into my pocket and found few coin, searched my life and I found you ! Then I realized how rich am I !