高二英语人教版必修5Unit 5 Section Ⅲ 语篇理解、随堂检测、课时作业(含答案解析)

Section ⅢLearning about Language & Using Language[基础词汇]1.throat n.咽喉;喉咙2.ceremony n.典礼;仪式;礼节3.ambulance n.救护车4.scheme n.方案;计划[拓展词汇]5.tight adj.牢的;紧的;紧密的→tightly ad v.紧地;牢牢地6.firm adj.(动作)稳定有力的;坚定的→firmly ad v.坚固地;稳定地7.bravery n.勇敢;勇气→brave adj.勇敢的8.treat v t.& v i.治疗;对待;款待n.款待;招待→treatment n.对待;治疗9.apply v t.涂;敷;搽;应用;运用v i.申请;请求;使用;有效→application n.申请→applicant n.申请人10.pressure n.压力;挤压;压迫(感)→press v.挤;压1.prevent...from... 阻止……2.a__number__of 若干;许多3.put__one’s__hands__on 找到4.make__a__difference 区别对待;有影响;起(重要)作用5.be__presented__with 被授予6.be__proud__of 为……感到骄傲7.get__involved__in 卷入,介入8.a__knowledge__of__first__aid急救知识9.cut__off 切断,切除1.was/were doing...when...句型John was__studying__in__his__room__when (正在房间里学习这时) he heard screaming.2.It is/was...that...强调句型It__was (是) John’s quick action and knowledge of first aid that saved Ms Slade’s life.3.There is no doubt that...There__is__no__doubt__that (毫无疑问) John’s quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at school saved Ms Slade’s life.Read the text and then choose the best answer according to the text.1.John slowed the bleeding of the injuries by________.A.dressing them in tea towelsB.putting pressure on the woundsC.dressing them in bandagesD.keeping Anne Slade lying still2.From this accident, we can see________.A.the Young Lifesaver Scheme is a health care organizationB.a knowledge of first aid is helpful in lifeC.it was only John’s quick thinking that saved a lifeD.everyone should be alert against crimes3.In the last paragraph, the writer mentioned the Prime Minister in order to show________.A.the Prime Minister also attended the Young Lifesaver SchemeB.it is a great honor to be awarded by the Prime MinisterC.Anne Slade works in the governmentD.the government is concerned about life safety答案:1-3.BBDHEROIC TEENAGER RECEIVES AW ARDSeventeenyearold teenager,John Janson,was honoured①at the Lifesaver Awards last night in Rivertown for giving lifesaving first aid on his neighbour after a shocking knife attack.John was presented with②his award at a ceremony③which recognized the bravery④of ten people who had saved the life of another.John was studying in his room when he heard screaming⑤.When he and his father rushed outside,a man ran from the scene⑥.They discovered that Anne Slade,mother of three,had been stabbed⑦repeatedly with a knife.She was lying in her front garden bleeding very heavily⑧.Her hands had almost been cut off⑨.It was John’s quick action and knowledge of first aid that saved Ms Slade’s lifeB10.He immediately asked a number of⑪nearby people for bandages,but when nobody could put their hands on⑫any,his father got some tea towels and tape from their house.John used these to treat⑬the most severe injuries to Ms Slade’s hands.He slowed the bleeding by applying⑭pressure⑮to the wounds until the police and ambulance⑯arrived.①be honoured 感到荣幸;受到嘉奖②be presented with 被授予③ceremony['serImənI]n.典礼;仪式;礼节④bravery['breIvərI]n.勇敢;勇气⑤be doing...when...为重要句式,意为“正在做……,突然……”。

高一上学期词汇解析Unit5 The silver screenWords and expressionssilver n.[u] a white precious metal 银Some coins are made of silver. 有些硬币是用银做的。
silver screen 银幕;电影〔业〕hero n. a man who is admired for his great or noble deeds 英雄The whole school turned out to welcome the PLA heroes. 全校师生都出来欢送解放军英雄。
n. most important man in a story, play, etc.〔小说、戏剧中〕男主角The hero of a story usually is a fine person. 故事中的男主人公往往都是品质好的人。
scene n. a small part of a play 戏剧的一场The first act is divided into four scenes. 第一幕分成四场。
n. background on the stage of a theatre 布景;场景The scene of the play is a kitchen. 这出戏的场景是厨房。
law n. rule for all the people of a country 法律;法令Everybody is supposed to be equal before the law. 法律面前〔应该〕人人平等。
n. the laws of nature 自然规律;自然法那么Find out the inner laws of nature and you'll succeed.如果能理解自然的内部法那么,你就会成功。
career n. job for which special training is needed职业Carol wants a career in sport. 卡罗尔想在体育界找个职业。
人教版高中英语必修五Unit 5单词详解(可打印修改)

Unit 51、aid n. & vt.帮助;援助;资助with the aid of在…的帮助下,在…援助下observe the moon with the aid of a telescope通过望远镜观察月球in aid of 用以援助…;作为援助…之用,作为对…的帮助例:1.What is the money in aid of? 这钱用来做什么的?2.They gave a show in aid of charity'tʃærəti]。
)3.He asked her what her crying was in aid of.他问她为什么哭。
give aid to给…予帮助give aid to developing countries援助发展中的国家give first-aid to the wounded救护伤员Rich countries should give more aid to developing countries.富有的国家应对开发中的国家多予援助。
first aid急救;急救护理,救护站aid in vt. 帮助;帮助(在...给予帮助)temporary storage暂时存储器;暂时库容;中间存储器temporary work临时工作;临时工程temporary shelter临时避难所;临时收容中心;临时安置所;临时庇护站temporary construction临时建筑工程;临时结构,临时构筑物temporary job临时性工作temporary employment短工temporary file暂时文件;暂存文件temporary housing临时住房,应急住宅;临时住宿temporary road临时道路brain injury [医]脑损伤personal injury人身伤害serious injury重伤;严重损害head injury头部伤害bodily injury身体伤害industrial injury工伤;工业损伤back injury背部损伤injury time(足球比赛中)伤停补时cold injury冻伤skin injury皮肤损伤14、△essential adj.最重要的;不可缺少的;本质的essential condition必要条件language barrier n. 语言障碍,trade barrier贸易壁垒a barrier to progress 进步的障碍。

Unit 5 The Plug-in Drug: TV and the American FamilyA quarter of a century after the introduction of television into American society, a period that has seen the medium become so deeply ingrained in American life that in at least one state the television set has attained the rank of a legal necessity, 1safe from repossession in case of debt along with clothes, cooking utensils, and the like, television viewing has become an inevitable and ordinary part of daily life. Only in the early years of television did writers and commentators2have sufficient perspective to separate the activity of watching television from the actual content it offers the viewer. In those early days writers frequently discussed the effects of television on family life. However a curious 3myopia afflicted those early observers: almost without exception they regarded television as a favorable, beneficial, indeed, 4wondrous influence upon the family.在电视机这项发明进入美国人生活的25后,他已经在美国人的生活中根深蒂固,甚至美国至少有一个州的法律规定电视机是生活的必须品,而且如果负债,它可以和衣物,厨具一样免于作为财产抵押,而且看电视也成为人们生活中非常普遍甚至是不可避免的活动。
高英UNIT5课后答案及单词汇总The - Sad - Young - Men

高英UNIT5课后答案及单词汇总The - Sad - Young - Mennostalgic (adj.) : looking for something far away or long ago or forformer happy circumstance怀旧的---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- illicit (adj.) : not allowed by law,custom,rule,etc.:unlawful;prohibited违法的,违禁的,非法的---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- thrill (n.) : tremor of excitement(一阵)激动----------------------------------------------------------------------------------speakeasy (n.) : [slang]a place where alcoholic drinks are sold illegally,esp. such a place in the U.S.during Prohibition[俚](美国禁酒期的)非法的酒店---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- denunciation (n.) : the act of denouncing控告;指责,斥责 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------amour (n.) : a love affair,esp. of an illicit or secret nature 恋情;(尤指)不正当的男女关系 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------sedan (n.) : an enclosed automobile with two or four doors.and two wide seats.front and rear(两扇或四扇门、双排座的)轿车---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- naughty (adj.) : improper,obscene不得体的;猥亵的---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- jazzy (adj.) : (a party)playing jazz music(舞会)放爵士音乐的 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------flask―toting (adj.) :always carrying a small flask filled with whisky or other strong liquor身带烈性酒的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------sheik (n.) : (Americanism)a masterful man to whom women are supposed to be irresistably attracted[美国语](能使女子倾心的)美男子----------------------------------------------------------------------------------vagary (n.) : an odd,eccentric,or unexpected action or bit of conduct古怪行径;难以预测的行为----------------------------------------------------------------------------------flapper (n.) : [colloq.](in the 1920’s)a young woman considered bold and unconventional in actions and dress [口](在20世纪20年代被认为)举止与衣着不受传统拘束的年轻女子,轻佻女郎----------------------------------------------------------------------------------perspective (n.) : a specific point of view in understanding or judging things or events,esp. one that shows them in their true relations to one another正确理解或判断事物相互关系的能力---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- jazzmad (adj.) : blindly and foolishly fond of jazz music爵士乐狂 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------aftermath (n.) : a result or consequence,esp. an unpleasant one结果,后果(尤指令人不愉快的后果)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------provincial (adj.) : narrow,limited like that of rural provinces狭窄的;偏狭的;地方性的 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------gentility (n.) : he quality of being genteel;now,specifically,excessive or affected refinement and elegance有教养,斯文,温文尔雅;(现尤指)假装文雅,假装斯文 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------aggressiveness (n.) : bold and energetic pursuit of one’s end,enterprise有进取心,进取精神---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bustle (v.) : hurry busily or with much fuss and bother繁忙,奔忙 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- medium (n.) : environment环境----------------------------------------------------------------------------------catalytic (adj.) : acting as the stimulus in bringing about or hastening a result起催化作用的;起刺激作用的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------precipitate (v.) : throw headlong;cause to happen before expected,needed;bring on猛抛,猛投;突然发生;促使----------------------------------------------------------------------------------obsolescent (adj.) : in the process of becoming obsolete即将过时的;逐渐被废弃的 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mores (n.) : customs,esp. the fixed or traditional customs of a society,often acquiring the force of law习俗----------------------------------------------------------------------------------sophistication (n.) : the state of being artificial,worldly―wise,urbane,etc.老于世故 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- faddishness (n.) : the following of fads赶时髦,赶时尚----------------------------------------------------------------------------------hectic (adj.) : characterized by excitement,rush,confusion,etc.兴奋的;忙乱的;混乱的---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gaiety (n.) : cheerfulness;the state of being gay高兴,快乐 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------perversion (n.) : a perverting or being perverted;corruption走入邪路;堕落;败坏 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Prohibition (n.) : the forbidding by law of the manufacture,transportation,and sale of alcoholic liquors for beverage purposes;specifically in the U.S.,the period(1920―1933)of prohibition by Federallaw(特指美国20~30年代的)禁酒法令 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------orgy (n.) : any wild riotous licentious merry―making;debauchery纵酒饮乐;狂欢 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- spree (n.) : a lively,noisy frolic狂欢,纵乐----------------------------------------------------------------------------------reveler (n.) : a person who makes merry or is noisily festive狂欢者,狂宴者---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sober (v.) : make or become serious,solemn变清醒;变严肃 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------prolong (v.) : lengthen or extend in time or space延长;拖长;使持久 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------stalemate (n.) : any unresolved situation in which further action is impossible or useless;deadlock僵持;困境----------------------------------------------------------------------------------insolence (n.) : being boldly disrespectful in speech―or behavior;impudence(言行)无礼,鲁莽;傲慢---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- belligerent (adj.) : at war;of war处于交战状态的;战争的 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------adventurousness (n.) : being fond of adventure;willingness to takechances喜欢冒险;大胆--------strenuous (adj.) : vigorous,arduous, zealous,etc.奋发的;使劲的 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------jingoism (n.) : chauvinism characterized by an aggressive。

Unit 5 Theme ParksDate:_______________Teaching aims:1.Get the students to learn the new words and expressions in this unit.2.Let the students to get some information about parks and theme parks.3.Develop students’ ability in reading and speaking English.4.Get some knowledge about word-formation.Teaching important points:1.Remember the new words and expressions as many as possible.2.Get the general idea and try to retell the passage.3.Learn to use the new words and expressions correctly.4.Learn to use the knowledge of word-formation to remember new words. Teaching methods:1.Task-based teaching and learning.2.Cooperative learning.Emotion aims:1.Get some knowledge about parks and theme parks, and get to know that themeparks can offer us not only amusement, but also kinds of knowledge and exciting experiences.2.Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning.Teaching procedures:Step One: Leading-inHave a free talk about their experiences of parks.1.Have you ever been to any parks? What impressed you deeply in the park?2.Have you ever heard about Disneyland?Teaching difficult points:3.Learn to use the new words and expressions correctly.4.Retell the passage .5.Learn to guess the meaning of a new word by using the knowledge ofword-formation.Step Two: Warming upSB Book 4 Page 33.Step Three: Pre-readingWhat do you think a theme park is?Skim the passage on page 34 and try to check your ideas.Step Four: Reading1.Fast reading2.Intensive reading and notes-making.3.Retell the passage according to their own notes.Step Five: Homework.Try to finish the exercises of the unit in the students’ book.Teaching aims:1. Teach the new words and expressions.2. Let the students recite these new words.Teaching important point:To make the students have a full understanding of the words. Teaching difficult points:1. To improve the students’ ability.2. To enable the students to master the words.1. theme n(谈话、写作或乐曲的)主题,题目,主旋律theme park主题公园theme song主题歌The theme of our discussion today is “Asia in the1990s”.今天我们讨论的主题是二十世纪九十年代的亚洲。

Lesson 1 Where Do We Go from Here1. 一个无关紧要的谎言总比一个善意的谎言要好。
2. 为了挫败各种蓄意培植的低人一等的心态,黑人必须直起腰来宣布自己高贵的人格。
3. 黑人必须以一种竭尽全力自尊自重的精神,大胆抛弃自我克制的枷锁。
4. 必须懂得没有爱的权力是毫无节制、易被滥用的,而没有权力的爱则是多愁善感、脆弱无力的。
5. 正是这种邪恶的权力和没有权势的道义的冲突构成了我们时代的主要危机。
6. 在本世纪之初,这种建议会受到嘲笑和谴责,认为它对主动性和责任感起到负面作用。
7. 事实上,人们从事改善人类处境的工作,从事传播知识、增强实力、丰富文学财富以及升华思想的工作并不是为了谋生。
8. …….它能够花费几十亿美元帮助上帝的孩子自立于这个世界。
9. 除非主张暴力的少数人得到大多数人的同情和支持,不和他们对抗,否则,暴力革命很少或者说几乎没有成功的。
10. 我们要懂得道义的苍穹长又长,它终将落向正义。
Lesson 2 Two Kinds B. Sentences1. 我的头发没有做出我要的大卷花,而是给我弄成一头乱蓬蓬的黑色小卷毛。
2. 在她告诉我答案前,她对了对手中的杂志,看看赫尔辛基是否能这样发音。
3. 她似乎被这音乐吸引住了。
4. 如果她的才气和她的脾气一样大,她早就出名了。
5. 我最喜欢练习的部分是花哨的谢幕行礼的动作:先出右脚,脚尖点在地毯的玫瑰图案上,身子侧摆,左腿弯曲,抬头,微笑。
6. 一股凉气从头顶开始,然后一点点传到全身。
7. 她的脸部失去了表情,嘴巴紧闭,双臂无力地垂下。
高中英语必修五 Unit5 整套学案 (词汇+语法+练习)及详解答案

Book 5 Unit 5 First aid教案一(词汇课)日期__________________________ 教案数______________________课时__________________________ 课型________________________教课目的知识目标:掌握以下要点词汇及短语的意思及用法。
2. 能够用要点词汇及短语造简单的句子。
1._________ n.&vt. 救助;资助;救援__________________ 抢救give/do/offerwith the aid/help/assistance of... 在……的帮助下aid sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事aid sb. in/with... 为/用……帮助某人[即学即练1](1) They ______ the poor country ______ money.他们用钱帮助那个穷国。
(2)His workmates ______ him ____________ the difficulty.他的工友们帮助他战胜了困难。
2._____________ v.(使)膨胀;增加(_________, ___________)n.涌浪;海浪的涌动swell(sth.) into/to sth.(使某物)膨胀,肿胀,加强,增加[即学即练2](1)A small business ____________ a big company.小商铺发展成大企业。
(2)Her heart __________________ as she watched her son receiving his award.看着儿子领奖时,她心中充满了骄傲。

Unit 51.西蒙受他父母的影响,在蔬菜和肉类之间喜欢蔬菜。
( influence, prefer)2.这支包括四名工程师和两名教授在内的队伍明天将前往那个偏远的村庄。
( including)3.看到动物被杀的残忍方法后,她变成了个素食者。
(contain, include)6.我们不再用木头而用塑料。
(instead)7.Tom 没出去踢球而是待在家里了。
2020-2021学年高中英语Unit5 课后习题新人教版必修1

at home.A well
mother will
have a great influence on a child’s future.(educate)
(devote) to his work leads to his success.
2.It does serious harm to children’s character that too much v
is shown
on television.
3.The product is of very good q
,so it sells well.
5.I want to be a
(law) when I grow up.
6.He was
(attack) by a dog when he was walking along the street.
7.You should be active
help others in trouble.
6.Stop at the gas station and we’ll 答案:blow up
the tyres.
四、完成句子 1.只有用这种方法我们才能解决这个问题。
Only in this way 答案:can we solve
this problem.
the majority of her supplies.The last week of the trip,she survived on a handful

高级英语基础英语5练习册翻译及答案U11) (drive something home)在举出许多事例并列出一些统计数字后,他终于把他的论点说清楚了。
After citing many facts and giving a number of statistical figures, he finally drove home his point.2) (more or less)差不多花了半年功夫,我们才完成了那研究项目。
It took us half a year more or less to carry through the research project.3) (subtle)他说的话如此微妙我们很难理解他的真实意图。
What he said was so subtle that we could hardly make out his true intention.4) (squarely)他的新书明确无误地审视当代的社会问题。
His new book looks squarely at the contemporary social problems.5) (be alive to)今日的年轻一代对互联网上的最行新信息很敏感The younger generation today are very much alive to the latest information found on the Internet.6) (a matter of)外语是不是在童年更容易学好?这是一个观点问题。
It is a matter of opinion whether a foreign language is more easily learned in one’s childhood or otherwise.7) (take courage )在挫折面前千万不要丧失信心;鼓起勇气坚定不移地去克服它。

Many people take God’s name in vain.2我代表中国人民向你表示热烈欢迎。
I extend you a warm welcome in the name of the Chinese people.3工厂的生产突飞猛进。
Production in the factory has been increasing by leaps and bounds.4让我护送你到家。
Let me escort you to your home.5暴风雨终于平息了。
The storm quieted down at last.6他的演讲不断被一阵阵掌声所打断。
His speech was punctuated by bursts of applause.7你在这个句子中漏掉了一个词。
You have left out a word in the sentence.8如果你每天阅读英语报纸,你的英文水平就会很快提高。
If you read English newspapers everyday, your English will improve by leaps and bounds.9该货将依法充公。
The goods will be confisticated in the name of the law.10四辆警察的摩托车一路护卫着总统的汽车。
Four police motorcycles escorted the president’s car all along the route.1那位电影明星走下飞机时,立刻就被欢呼的影迷们围住了。
When the movie star stepped off the plane, he was immediately surrounded by cheering fans.2这个村子和它周围的景色非常美丽。

一、根据汉语意思填写单词(单词拼写)1. The secret of success is ________(诚实) and fair dealing. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)2. Permit me to offer you my ________(真诚的) congratulations. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)3. We set out on this voyage of ________(探索) with an open mind. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)二、完成句子4. The colours of the flowers ________(从黄到红不等). (根据汉语提示完成句子)5. 很遗憾你昨晚没有参加聚会。
___________you didn’t attend the party last night.三、根据所给汉语提示填空6. There are few people nowadays,________ (如果有的话), who remember him. (根据汉语提示完成句子)7. This collection ________________ (由……构成) three parts: poems, essays and short stories. (根据汉语提示完成句子)8. She________(吓得要死) at the strange noise. (根据汉语提示完成句子)四、汉译英(整句)(翻译)9. 你最好尽快为志愿工作做好准备。
10. What do you usually do when a flying insect lands on your arm? Most likely you blow it away. But what if that bug is a ladybug(瓢虫)? Then chances are that you would let it stay. What is it about ladybugs that we like?Farmers once thought ladybugs were a good luck sign. A ladybug in the field meant that the crops(庄稼) would be successful and the weather would be good. The farmers may have been exaggerating(夸大) about what a very small bug can do, but in fact ladybugs do help out with the crops. They eat harmful insects.Actually, it is not the ad ult ladybug that eats the other insects. It’s the ladybug larvae(幼虫). Ladybugs lay their eggs on leaves that are covered with aphids or other insects. When the larvae come out of the eggs, they are very hungry and will eat mites, aphids, mealybugs, green flies, and other crop-destroyers.A single ladybug larva can eat over 1,000 aphids in one day. In the 1800s, ladybugs were brought all the way from Australia to California and set free among orange trees that were dying from being eaten by insects. The litt le red and black “eating machines” completely saved all the trees.Ladybugs go about their daily business without worrying much about anything. Very few birds or insects will eat a ladybug because it gives off something that is dangerous to eat. Ladybugs also protect themselves by playing dead. They fall off leaves and remain very still until their enemy goes away.So next time you see a ladybug, think about what it may be up to. Maybe it is off to save an orange tree. Maybe its next move will be to fall off a leaf and play dead or stand up to a bird about 100 times its size. Maybe it’s letting you know that the weather will be good tomorrow. Who knows? Ladybugs are special.1. What do we know about mites and aphids?A.They do harm to the crops. B.They eat more than they should. C.They are food for adult ladybugs. D.They are the enemy of ladybug larvae. 2. What does the underlined part “stand up to” in the last paragraph probably mean? A.Play with. B.Worry about. C.Get along with. D.Fight back against.3. What does the author think of the ladybug?A.It is a crop-destroyer. B.It is a good luck sign.C.It is a little flying helper. D.It is a big eating machine.文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。

Translation1.上海世博会的文化多样性是世界是有史以来最为丰富的(ever seen onearth)The cultural diversity of Shanghai Expo, which was the richest we ever seen on earth.2.那个地区的贫困状况几乎是无法想象的(beyond imagination)The poverty is beyond imagination in that area.3.不要问他父亲在车祸中丧生的事,这事连提都别提。
(to allude to)Don’t allude to something of his father died in an accident, never and evermention it!4.在这片荒原上连棵大树也看不到。
(in sight)There is nothing of tree in sight in this wasteland.5.尽管遭受了特大自然灾害,灾区的人民依然相信爱,相信未来。
(despite)Despite the people in disaster have suffered massive natural disaster, they still believe in love, trust future.6.总的来说,你的报告写得很好,但还有很大的改进余地(plenty)To sum up, your report is very good but it still has enough plenty to improve.7.我决定不买汽车,在城市里我更喜欢骑自行车(to prefer)I decide not to buy a car because rather than drive I prefer to ride a bike in city.8.不少儿童对网络游戏的爱好近于疯狂(to border upon)The interests of online games of some children border upon to craziness.。

高二英语必修5U5课后翻译练习答案第一篇:高二英语必修5U5课后翻译练习答案Unit 51.这些症状表明她的手腕是二度烧伤。
Her symptoms showed that she had second degree burns on her wrist.2.你可以按压伤口让血流得慢些。
You can slow bleeding by applying pressure to the wound.3.当凯特试图阻止歹徒刺伤那个妇女时候,她显示出了巨大的勇气。
Kate showed great bravery when she tried to stop the man stabbing the woman.4.让我看看你喉咙上的瘀伤,看起来很严重呢。
Show me that bruise on your throat;it looks rather serious.5.在他们到达之前,马丁已经打了数次电话叫救护车。
Martin had called the ambulance service a number of times before they arrived.第二篇:英语课后翻译答案UNIT1 政府采取的一系列措施不但没有化解矛盾,反倒激起更多的暴力冲突。
(give rise to;form an alliance with;launch;bring about)Instead of resolving contradictions, the series of measures taken by the government gave rise to more violent clashes.The Opposition formed an alliance with the trade unions and launched a general strike, which ultimately brought about the downfall of the government.2 如今,大学与现实世界的距离越来越小,学生也变得越来越实际。

2022-2021学年高中英语同步课后练习(8)及答案:Unit5(人教新课标必修5)Unit 5First aid----Warming Up & ReadingⅠ.单词拼写1.Hundreds of homes suffered a ________(临时的)loss of power after the quake.2.The ________(障碍)to reform has always been political,not economic.3.The brain is a complex________(器官)with much of its work unknown.4.So you should release your pressure,or the________(症状)will be more severe.5.Let me start off by saying that sleep is________(至关重要的)to our well-being and health.6.She________(挤)the water out of the bottle.7.You can't work out such a ________(简洁的)problem in just a few pages.8.The first________(救济)skills are of great use when needed.9.Don't lift that box—you'll do yourself an________(损害).10.It's so hot today,but the ________(电的)fan isn't working.Ⅱ.单项填空1.The lemon looks very dry to me,but you may be able to________a few drops.A.leave out B.apply forC.squeeze out D.sweep up2.(2022·合肥高二检测)After a long travel,he got home,hungry and tired,then ________.A.was ill B.fell illC.got an ill D.felt ill3.(2022·淄博高二月考)Some insects bit her face and soon it began to________.A.swell B.injuryC.damage D.destroy4.She________her trouble to me over a cup of coffee.A.poured from B.poured downC.poured out D.poured in5.If everyone in the country________some________,many lives would have been saved in the accident.A.had known;first aids B.had known;first aidC.knew;first aids D.knew;first aid6.As more and more cars are produced and used,the emission from their exhaust-pipes contains an even larger volume of________gas.A.poisonous B.variousC.continuous D.delicious7.With everything________,he started the slide show.A.in the place of B.in placesC.in place of D.in place8.(2022·德州高二检测)The earthquake hit the southeast of the country,causing 6 deaths and hundredsof________.A.hurts B.damagesC.wounds D.injuries9.It is well known that Thomas Edison invented the ______ lamp.A.electrical B.electronicC.electric D.electricity10.I didn't like the job,because it lacked________,that is to say,I was doing the same thing all the time.A.variety B.energyC.reward D.benefit11.(2022·江西省六校联考)The skin,an________part of your body and its largest organ,________as a barrier against diseases.A.vital,acting B.vital,actsC.essential,acting D.essential,acts12.(2022·天门高二检测)My grandfather is fond of talking about the good old days,________is often the case with old people.A.when B.as C.that D.what13.(2022·福州高二检测)A small car is big enough for a family of three ________you need more space for luggage.A.once B.becauseC.in case D.unless14.—Do you often visit your grandparents?—Mmm...________,I'm afraid.I usually phone them.A.over and over again B.time and againC.once again D.now and again15.You are supposed to report it to your headmaster________,otherwise he will be angry.A.if it was necessary B.if necessaryC.if necessarily D.if you are necessaryⅢ.完形填空If you see someone drowning,speed is very important.Once you get him out of the__1__,if he isn't__2__,youhave four minutes before his brain is competely__3__.Support his neck,tilt(使翘起)his head back and press hischin(下巴)upwards.This__4__the tongue blocking the airway in the throat and is sometimes enough to get him breathing again.If that doesn't__5__,start mouth-to-mouth breathing.Press his nostrils(鼻孔)together withyour__6__.Open your__7__wide and take a deep breath.Blow into his lungs until his chest__8__.Then remove your mouth and watch his chest fall.Repeat twelve times a minute.Keep doing__9__help arrives.To bring a child back to __10__,keep your lips around his mouth and nose and gently__11__his mouth.Give the first four breaths as quickly as possible to__12__the blood with oxygen.If,__13__your efforts,he starts turning a blue grey color,you can__14__no pulse,then pressing is the__15__chance of saving his life.With arms straight,rock(摇摆)forwards pressing down on the lower half of the breastbones.Don't be toohard__16__you may break a rib(肋骨).Check how effective you are seeing if his color__17__or his pulse becomes independent to your chest__18__.If this__19__,stop the pressing.Otherwise__20__until the rescue arrives.1.A.ground B.room C.water D.forest2.A.dying B.breathingC.swimming D.crying3.A.destroyed B.coveredC.thinking D.moved4.A.keeps B.makes C.does D.stops5.A.work B.matter C.breathe D.start6.A.feet B.arm C.fingers D.face7.A.eyes B.handC.mouth D.tongue8.A.falls B.movesC.becomes warm D.rises9.A.when B.after C.as D.until10.A.speak B.life C.safety D.smile11.A.touch B.pressC.open D.blow into12.A.make B.fillC.produce D.watch13.A.as a result of B.because ofC.in spite of D.thinking of14.A.feel B.get C.watch D.see15.A.best B.first C.latest D.last16.A.but B.or C.so D.since17.A.improves B.changesC.remains the same D.is still good18.A.hitting B.touchingC.pressing D.moving19.A.does B.happensC.works D.disappears20.A.pressing B.keepC.go D.continueⅣ.阅读理解(2022·佛山二检)Carbon monoxide(一氧化碳)poisoning kills and injures many people and animals around the world. The gas has been a problem since people first began burning fuels to cook food or to create heat.It is a problem in all parts of the world that experience cold weather.Carbon monoxide is called the silent killer because people do not know it is in the air.The gas has no color.It has no taste.It has no smell.It does not cause burning eyes.And it does not cause people to cough.But it is very deadly.It robs the body of its ability to use oxygen.Carbon monoxide decreases the ability of the blood to carry oxygen to body tissues.It does this by linking with the blood.When the gas links with the blood, the blood is no longer able to carry oxygen to the tissues that need it.Damage to the body can begin very quickly from large amounts of carbon monoxide. How quickly this happens depends on the length of time a person is breathing the gas and the amount of the gas he or she breathes in.Carbon monoxide poisoning has warning signs. But people have to be awake to recognize them.Small amounts of the gas will cause a person's head to hurt. He or she may begin to feel tired.The person may feel sick.The room may appear to be turning around.The person may have trouble thinking clearly. People develop severe head pains as the amount of the gas continues to enter their blood.They will begin to feel very tired and sleepy.They may have terrible stomach pains.Medical experts say carbon monoxide affects people differently.For example, a small child will experience health problems or die much quicker than an adult will.The general health of the person or his or her age can also be important.An older adult with health problems may suffer the effects of carbon monoxide more quickly than a younger person with no health problems.People with heart disease may suffer chest pains.They may begin to have trouble breathing.1.Why is carbon monoxide called the silent killer?A.Because it tastes and smells good.B.Because it is not easily noticed.C.Because it kills and injures people.D.Because it always harms people.2.How does carbon monoxide harm people?A.It makes people's blood unable to move.。
高中英语 Unit5全套预习和随堂练习及重难点讲解(含答案)

Unit 5: Nelson Mandela –a modern hero基础知能回扣一. 核心词汇1,重点单词:2.词形变化:1. 品质;质量 n. __________ 数量n . ____________2. 积极的,活跃的adj._________ adv.______________ 活动n. _____________3. 残忍;残酷n.__________ adj. ___________4. 自我;自身n. _______ 自私的adj._______ 无私的,忘我的adj._____无私地adv.______5. 贡献;专心于 vt. __________忠实的/ 忠诚的adj._______________6. 建立;建设 v _______________ n. _____________7. 和平的 adj.__________ 和平n . _____________8. 法律.n ___________ 律师n ____________9. 暴力;暴行n.___________ 暴力;暴行的adj. ______________10. 相等的;平等的adj.________ adv._______________ n. ___________11. 乐意的 adj.____________ 愿望 n . ________12. 不公平的adj. ____________ 反义词 _________二. 高频短语.1. 献身于 ______________________2. 为/反对…而战__________________3. 以和平的方式_________________4. 从…中获得自由__________________5. 失去勇气/信心_________________6. 充气;爆炸______________________7. 处于不幸中___________________ 8. 被判处________________________9. 失业___________/______________ 10. 相等的;平等的__________________11. 事实上;实际上______________ 12. 建立;创立_____________________13. 积极参与____________________ 14. 建议某人做某事_______________15. 把…投入监狱__________________ 16. 乐于做某事__________________17. 以暴治暴______________________ 18. 违反法律_____________________19. 当权;上台_____________________ 20. 死于(内/外)_____________________21. 实现某人的梦想_________________ 22 乞讨________________________23.阻止某人干某事________________ 24. 求助于_____________________三. 重点句式.1. We first broke the law in a way which was peaceful; when this was notallowed…Onl y then did we decide to answer violence with violence.2.The school where I studied for only two years was three kilometers away.3.I felt bad the first time I talked to the group.4.He taught us during the lunch breaks and the evenings when we should havebeen asleep.5.The time when I first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period ofmy life.6.“The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stoppingour rights and progress, until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.”7.This was a time when one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg.四. 课文回顾Nelson Mandela was the first black president of South Africa. He _______all his life to making black and white people______. In 1952, he _________ a law office to offer _________to the poor black people on their _______ problems. Elias was helped by him when he was ________ and then he became more _______ about his life. Later when Mandela organized the ANC ____________ he joined it as soon as possible and fought together for the equal rights. They first broke the law in a ________ way. Only when that was not allowed _____________ decide to answer violence with _________. ________________, Elias didn’t like violence, but he was happy to help _____________ some of the government buildings because of their dream. Unfortunately, they were ______________and _____________five years’ hard labor there. However, they didn’t ____________ but made efforts to be better ________. In 1993, Mandela ___________ and founded the new South Africa. Elias got a job ______ tourists round his former prison. He felt bad _____________ he talked to a group, but later better because he knew the work and the pay were his _____ after working all his life for equal rights for the black people.五. 单词拼写1. With the help of government, children in the poor area can be e________ in all kinds of schools now.2. The lady offered a r___________ of $5 for the finder of a lost necklace.3. According to the weather report, the fine weather will c___________ till this weekend.4. It was the happiest p________ in my life when I lived with my parents ina small village.5. He and his wife are always f___________ about who will look after the children.6. She has many good q____________, but the best one is her kindness.7. I’ve received a gift from him, but I’m not going to a__________ it.8. As a m___________ of fact, we don’t like the talk given by Pro. Wang.9. Fifty people got killed in the accident, i___________ two children.10. The little boy took an a__________ part in all kinds of activities is when he was five years old.11. He is always w___________ to help anyone who is in t__________.12. Whatever difficulty you meet, I hope you will never lose h_________.13. People in Iraq are dreaming of living a p__________ life, that is they hope to live in peace.14. The final examination is coming. Our teacher a ________ to go over our lessons carefully.15. If it c________ to rain for some days, the crops would be destroyed.16. He received a sum of money, b ut he didn’t want to a_________ it.17. They don't want to solve the problem with v____________. Instead, theyhope to solve it in a peaceful way.18. In some countries, especially in some poor countries, women are not reallye________ to men.19. If you feel cold while sleeping, you can add a b________ on your quilt.20. As a well-educated person, it's hard for us to imagine that she treat the boy with such ________(残忍).六.短语巩固1.选词填空:1. _________________, when the new leader of Atlanta started working, the city had only $1.64.2. No matter what will happen in the future, I ____________ on your side.3. The World Trade Centre that was 411 meters high ______________ by terrorists.4. The Labor Party ________________ at the last election.5. If you don’t get the homework finished in time, I will be _____________.6. Though he failed many times in his experiments, he never ________________.7. The thief ____________ three years for stealing some money from the store.8. Anyone who ________________ will be punished by law.9. The girl who _____________ for a year finally found a job in a restaurant.10. It was dangerous because if Elias was caught he could be _______________ for years.1.选词填空答案:1. As a matter of fact, 2, am willing to, 3, was blown up 4, came to power 5. in trouble 6. lose heart, 7, was sentenced to 8. breaks the law 9. hadbeen out of work 10. put in prison2、短语翻译(每空一词)。
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Unit 5 Speech on Hitler's Invasion of the U.S.S.R.词汇(Vocabulary)horde ( n.) :a large,moving crowd or throng群,人群croquet ( n.) :an outdoor game-、n which the players use mallets to drive a wooden ball through a series of hoops placed in the ground槌球游戏(一种用木槌击木球钻小圈的游戏)luncheon ( n.) :a lunch,esp. a formal lunch with others午餐;午宴;午餐(聚)会Nazi (adj. & n.) :designating,of,or characteristic of the German fascist political party(German National Socialist Party).founded in 1919 and abolished in 1945德国国社党的,纳粹党的;纳粹党党员,纳粹分子indistinguishable ( adj. ) : that cannot be distinguished as being different or separate不能区别的,不能辨别的,难区分的devoid ( adj.) :completely without;empty or destitute(of)完全没有的,缺乏的(后接of)excel ( v.) :be better or greater than,or superior to(another or others)优于;胜过ferocious ( adj.) :fierce;savage;violently cruel凶猛的,残忍的;凶恶的unsay ( v.) :take back or retract(what has been said)取消(前言);收回(前言)folly ( n.) :foolishness;any foolish action or belief愚笨,愚蠢;愚蠢的行为(或思想等)threshold ( n.) :doorstill;entrance or beginning point of sth.门槛;人口;开端till ( v.) :work(1and)in raising crops,as by plowing,fertilizing,etc.;cultivate耕种;耕耘;耕作immemorial (adj. ) : extending back beyond memory or record;ancient无法追忆的;无文字记载的;古老的wring (v.) :.get or extract by force,threats,persistence,etc.; extort强求;榨取;勒索primodial (adj.) :not derivative;fundamental;original根本的;基本的hideous ( adj.) :horrible to see,hear etc.;very ugly or revolting;dreadful骇人听闻的;非常丑陋的;可怕的onslaught ( n.) :a violent,intense attack猛攻clank ( v. ) : make a sharp,metallic sound发当啷声,发铿锵声dandify ( v.) :make a look like a dandy;dress up使打扮得像花花公子;给……穿上盛装,给……乔装打扮crafty ( adj.) :subtly deceitful;cunning;artful;sly狡猾的,狡诈的,诡计多端的cow ( v.) :make timid and submissive by filling with fear or awe;intimidate恫吓,吓唬,威胁docile ( adj.) :easy to manage or discipline;tractable易管教的;顺从的,温顺的,驯服的;听话的brutish ( adj. ) :of or like a brute;savage;gross野兽般的,残忍的;粗野的plod ( v.) :walk 0r move heavily and laboriously;trudge沉重缓慢地走swarm ( n.) :a moving mass,crowd,or throng(移动的)大群,大堆locust ( n.) :any of various large grasshoppers,often traveling in great swarms and destroying nearly all vegetation in areas visited蝗虫smart ( v.) :feel mental distress or irritation,as in resentment,remorse,etc.感到痛苦;感到伤心prey ( n.) :an animal hunted or killed for food by another animal:a person or thing that falls victim to someone or something被捕食的动物;牺牲者;牺牲品villainous ( adj.) :of,like,or characteristic of a villain;evil;vicious;wicked坏人的;邪恶的;恶棍似的cataract ( n.) :any strong flood or rush of water;deluge洪水;急流;大雨concur ( v.) :agree(with);be in accord(in an opinion,etc.)同意,赞成,与……(意见)一致(常与with,in 连用)irrevocable ( adj. ) :that cannot be revoked,recalled,or undone;unalterable不能取消的;不可废止的;不可改变的;无可挽回的vestige ( n.) :a trace,mark,or sign of something that once existed but has passed away or disappeared残迹;遗迹;痕迹parley ( v. ) :have a conference or discussion,esp. with an enemy;confer会谈(尤指与敌方的谈判)creed ( n.) :a statement of belief,principles,or opinions on any subject信条;信念divergence ( n.) :departure from a particular viewpoint,practice,etc.偏离,背离,背驰moralise ( v.) :think,write,or speak about matters of right and wrong,often in a self—righteous or tedious way(在言谈或写作中)论道德问题;说教catastrophe ( n.) :any great and sudden calamity,disaster,or misfortune骤然而来的大灾难;灾祸;祸患blood—lust ( n.) :a strong desire to kill or wound杀人欲,嗜杀狂lure ( v.) :attract,tempt,or entice(often with Dm)吸引;诱惑;不断引诱(常与on连用)hurl ( v.) :throw or fling with force or violence猛投,猛掷;猛抛prelude ( n.) :anything serving as the introduction to a principal event,action,performance,etc.;preliminary part;preface;opening序言;序幕intervene ( v.) :come or be in between as something unnecessary or irrelevant;interpose干涉,干预subjugation ( n.) :bringing under control;conquering征服,制服hearth ( n.) :the fireside as the center of family life:family life;home炉边;家庭生活;家庭短语(Expressions)round up: cause sb.or sth.to gather in one place驱集,使集拢例:The guide rounded up the tourists and led them back to the coach.导游把游客集合在一起,领他们回到车上。
count on: rely on sb.or sth.with confidence依靠,信赖,指望例:Don‟t count on a salary increase this year.别指望今年会加薪水。
go all out: do one‟s utmost,spare no efforts全力以赴例:I‟lle team is going all out to win the champ ionship.这个队为了争取冠军而全力以赴。
make a reference to: speaking of or mentioning sb.or sth.提到,提及例:The commentator made a pointed reference to the recent scan.dal.这个评论员有针对性地提到了最近的丑闻。
to the effect that: with the meaning that…,giving the information that…大意为例:He left a note to the effect that he would not be returning.他留下一张字条,大意是说他不回来了。