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1. was born being good at all things. You can do well in things through hard work. As an English learner, you can’t be excellent without enough practice.

A. Everybody

B. Somebody

C. Nobody

2.—What do you think of these two books?

—______ of them are interesting. And I’ve read them several times.

A. Both

B. Neither

C. None

D. Either

3.There is _____ wrong with my computer. It doesn' t work now . I ' ll buy a new one .

A. nothing.

B. something.

C. everything.

4.—Mum, I' m hungry. Is there to eat?

—Yes, you can have some bread on the table.

A. something

B. nothing

C. anything

5.—Does your English teacher chat with you on QQ?

—Yes, sometimes. It’s _______ we enjoy doing at weekends.

A. anything

B. something

C. everything

D. nothing

6.“I don’t think I am different from else. I am just the son of a farmer,” Mo Yan said.

A. anyone

B. nobody

C. someone

D. everyone

7.There were only two paintings for sale and he bought ____.

A. all

B. any

C. both

D. some

8.There is only one ticket for Lucy and Susan. So ______ of them will go to the movie.

A. either

B. neither

C. both

9.My host family tried to cook ________ for me when I studied in New Zealand.

A. different something

B. different anything

C. something different

D. anything different

10.My family has two dogs. One is white, ________ is black.

A. other

B. another

C. the other

D. others

11.Our English teacher bought us many new books. ______of them is very interesting.

A. All

B. Both

C. Every

D. Each

12.—Don't be angry with your kid when he makes a mistake again, will you?

—No, I won 't. I know that of us are perfect after all.

A. none

B. neither

C. each

D. all

13.—Which of the two T-shirts will you take?

—I’ll take . One is for my brother and the other is for myself.

A. either

B. both

C. neither

D. all

14.---Morning, class. Is _________ here?

---No, sir. Tom is absent.

A. anybody

B. everybody

C. nobody

D. somebody

15.Your tea smells great!

It’s from India.Would you like ________?

A.it B.this C.some D.1ittle

16.__________ is waiting for you at the gate. He wants to say thanks to you.

A. Somebody

B. Anybody

C. Everybody

D. Nobody
