
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

'Call Plugin.Web.Go("/")
'RunApp "C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"

//将附件中所有后缀是bmp的文件释放到c盘 ,很有用处的
'PutAttachment "c:\", "*.bmp"

'Call Plugin.Web.HtmlInput("410522************","id:txtUserName")
'Call Plugin.Web.HtmlInput("7604185813","id:txtPassword")
'Call Plugin.Web.HtmlClick("id:btnSubmit")
'Sub OnScriptExit()
'Call Plugin.Web.Tips("登录成功了!")

'MessageBox "脚本已经停止!"
'End Sub
'MsgBox "网页打开后请按回车键!"
'Rem 等待
'If key=13 Then
' Goto 离开
'End If
'Goto 等待
'Rem 离开

IsFile = Plugin.File.IsFileExist(".\Log.txt")
If isfile=true then
Text = Plugin.File.ReadFileEx(".\Log.txt")
m = split(Text,"|")' m(0)为姓名,m(1)为帐号,m(2)为密码
If m(1) = "" or m(2)="" Then
msgbox "帐号或密码为空!将直接监控学习界面!"
Goto xuexi
End If

msgbox "没有发现写有帐号和密码的文本文件!将直接监控学习界面!"
Goto xuexi
End If

RunApp ""
Delay 3000
Call Plugin.Window.Max(Hwnd)
//RunApp "你的IE路径"
//delay 2000
//Hwnd = Plugin.Window.Foreground()
//delay 200
//Call Plugin.Window.Max(Hwnd)

Call FindPic(0,0,1365,767,"Attachment:\gb1.bmp",0.9,x,y)
If x>=0 and y>=0 Then
MoveTo x, y
Delay 100
LeftClick 1
Delay 100
End If
Call FindPic(0,0,1365,767,"Attachment:\gb2.bmp",0.9,x,y)
If x>=0 and y>=0 Then
MoveTo x, y
Delay 100
LeftClick 1
Delay 100
End If
Call FindPic(0,0,1365,767,"Attachment:\gb3.bmp",0.9,x,y)
If x>=0 and y>=0 Then
MoveTo x, y
Delay 100
LeftClick 1
Delay 100
End If
Call FindPic(0,0,1365,767,"Attachment:\gg.bmp",0.9,x,y)
If x>=0 and y>=0 Then
MoveTo x, y
Delay 100
LeftClick 1
Delay 100
End If
Call FindPic(0,0,1365,767,"Attachment:\gg1.bmp",0.9,x,y)
If x>=0 and y>=0 Then
MoveTo x, y
Delay 100
LeftClick 1
Delay 100
End If

ScreenX = Plugin.Sys.GetScRX()
ScreenY = Plugin.Sys.GetScRY()
MoveTo ScreenX/2, ScreenY/2
If msgbox(m(0) & ",是否自动登录你的账户?", 4, "自动登录") = 6 Then
Goto xunzhao1
goto xuexi
End If

Rem xunzhao1
Call FindPic(0, 0, 1365, 767, "Attachment:\yonghuming1.bmp", 0.9, x, y)
If x>=0 and y>=0 Then
MoveTo x+60,y'1055, 690''上边的帐号输入框
Delay 100
LeftClick 1
Delay 100
KeyPress "Right", 1
SayString m(1)'"410522************"'"410522************""410522************"
Delay 200
Goto xunzhao2
End If
Goto xunzhao1

Rem xunzhao2
Call FindPic(0, 0, 1365, 767, "At

tachment:\mima1.bmp", 0.9, x, y)
If x>=0 and y>=0 Then
MoveTo x+60,y'1360, 456'右边的下滚动条
Delay 100
LeftClick 1
KeyPress "Right", 1
SayString m(2)'"134034"
Delay 100
Goto xunzhao3
MoveTo 1360,286'1060, 190'下边的密码输入框
Delay 500
LeftClick 1
End If
Goto xunzhao2

Rem xunzhao3
Call FindPic(0,0,1365,767,"Attachment:\denglu.bmp",0.9,x,y)
If x>=0 and y>=0 Then
MoveTo x,y'下边的登录按钮
Delay 100
LeftClick 1
Goto xuexi
End if
Goto xunzhao3'以上代码将只运行一次

Rem xuexi'以下代码将重复运行
Call FindPic(0,0,1365,767,"Attachment:\bz.bmp",0.9,x,y)
If x>=0 and y>=0 Then
a = Plugin.Sys.GetTime()
If a - aa > 60000 Then
aa = a
MoveTo int(Rnd*1366),int(Rnd*768)
End If
End if

Call FindPic(0,0,1365,767,"Attachment:\q.bmp",0.9,x,y)
If x>=0 and y>=0 Then
MoveTo x, y
Delay 500
LeftClick 1
Delay 500
End if
Call FindPic(0,0,1365,767,"Attachment:\qd.bmp",0.9,x,y)
If x>=0 and y>=0 Then
MoveTo x, y
Delay 500
LeftClick 1
Delay 500
End if
Call FindPic(0,0,1365,767,"Attachment:\start.bmp",0.9,x,y)
If x>=0 and y>=0 Then
MoveTo x, y
Delay 500
LeftClick 1
Delay 500
Call Plugin.Media.Play("C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\梨花又开放.mp3")
End If
Call FindPic(0,0,1365,767,"Attachment:\100.bmp",0.9,x,y)
If x>=0 and y>=0 Then
Call Plugin.Media.Stop()
End If

Call FindPic(0,0,1365,767,"Attachment:\gb1.bmp",0.9,x,y)
If x>=0 and y>=0 Then
MoveTo x, y
Delay 100
LeftClick 1
Delay 100
End If
Call FindPic(0,0,1365,767,"Attachment:\gb2.bmp",0.9,x,y)
If x>=0 and y>=0 Then
MoveTo x, y
Delay 100
LeftClick 1
Delay 100
End If
Call FindPic(0,0,1365,767,"Attachment:\gb3.bmp",0.9,x,y)
If x>=0 and y>=0 Then
MoveTo x, y
Delay 100
LeftClick 1
Delay 100
End If
Call FindPic(0,0,1365,767,"Attachment:\gb4.bmp",0.9,x,y)
If x>=0 and y>=0 Then
MoveTo x, y
Delay 100
LeftClick 1
Delay 100
End If
Call FindPic(0,0,1365,767,"Attachment:\gg.bmp",0.9,x,y)
If x>=0 and y>=0 Then
MoveTo x, y
Delay 100
LeftClick 1
Delay 100
End If
Call FindPic(0,0,1365,767,"Attachment:\gg1.bmp",0.9,x,y)
If x>=0 and y>=0 Then
MoveTo x, y
Delay 100
LeftClick 1
Delay 100
End If
Call FindPic(0,0,1365,767,"Attachment:\laba.bmp",0.9,x,y)
If x>=0 and y>=0 Then
MoveTo x, y
Delay 500
LeftClick 1
Delay 500
End If
Call FindPic(0,0,1365,767,"Attachment:\bofang.bmp",0.9,x,y)
If x>=0 and y>=0 Then
MoveTo x, y
Delay 500
LeftClick 1
Delay 500
End If

Goto xuexi
