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freshman 大一新生principal 校长

register 注册,报到,登记dean 系主任

enrolment 登记,入学student ID card 学生证

orientation 新生介绍会recommendation letter 推荐信

department 系,学部application form 申请表


register for/sign up for/enroll in/enlist in/take 选(课或专业)

required/compulsory course 必修课optional/elective/selective class 选修课

semester 学期science courses 理科课程

quit/drop a course 退课arts courses 文科课程

pick up 学习,选择curriculum 课程

major in 主修seminar 研究班课程,短期强化课程

earn a credit 修学分workshop 讲习班,研讨性的课程

course sheet 选课单linguistics 语言学

credit course 给学分的课程philosophy 哲学

non-credit course 学分的课程psychology 心理学

unit 单元economics 经济学

quota 名额political science 政治学

quota reached 名额已满literature class 文学课

quota not used up 缺名额engineering 工程学

available 可获得的architecture 建筑学

sit in 旁听astronomy 天文学

alternate 候补accounting 会计学

workload 负担geology 地质学

transfer credits 转学分archaeology 考古学

waive a course 免修一门课程biochemistry 生物化学audit a course 旁听一门课程bioengineering 生物工程学introductory course 初级课程anthropology 人类学prerequisite course预修课程botany 植物学intermediate course中级课程algebra 代数

advanced course高级课程math数学


lecturer 讲师confused/puzzled 迷惑不解的

supervisor/advisor 导师pushover 很容易对付的人visiting professor 客座教授doze off 昏昏欲睡teaching assistant/assistant instructor助教drop off 睡着了tutor 辅导老师/家教stay awake 保持清醒

cancel/call off 取消finish classes late 拖堂

postpone/put off 推迟finish class early 提前下课

make a presentation 作陈述或介绍boring 枯燥的

school timetable/class schedule 课程表thought-provoking 发人深思的

stimulating/inspiring 令人兴奋的build the interest 培养兴趣fascinating/fabulous 精彩的,非常好的attendance 出席人数,出席

impressive 给人印象深刻的presence 出席,到场

terror 引起恐怖的人或事物absence 缺席

strict 严格的active involvement 积极参与

call the roll 点名punctual 守时的,准时的

catch/follow 跟上,听懂take notes 记笔记

make sense of/make heads and tails of/figure out 明白,理解

skip the class 逃课make up... 弥补(课或工作等)

get lost 不明白slide/transparency幻灯片

complicated 复杂的platform 讲台


academic performance 学习表现instruction after class 课后指导

academic achievement 学术成绩prepare lessons before class 预习

enthusiasm 热情exhausted 疲惫,筋疲力尽

improvement 进步,提高take a break 休息一下

concentrate 集中精神relax 放松

distraction 使人分心的事物help sb. out 帮助某人摆脱困难lack confidence in 缺乏对的信心come up with 赶上

discouraged 泄气的,灰心的think highly/much of 对评价很高


participate in 参加,参与campaign manager 活动负责人

enroll in 登记candidate 候选人

take part in 参加,参与ticket office/box office 售票处

sign up for 参加(俱乐部/课程等) book a ticket 订票

participant 参加者,参与者ticket line 排队买票的队伍

recruit 招收line up for tickets 排队买票

taste 兴趣,爱好discount 折扣

extracurricular activities 课外活动contest/competition 竞赛alumni association 校友会award奖

club president 社长deserve 值得

working staff 干部semi-final 半决赛

club organ 社刊go on to the finals 进入决赛

camping 露营get eliminated 被淘汰

chorus/choral group 合唱队guitar 吉他

university band 校园乐队violin 小提琴

photography club 摄影社cello 大提琴
