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1.Choosing presents

Da ming’s grandparents like to stay healthy, So every day they got some exercise in a park near their home. They sometimes wear T-shirts.

Da ming’s mother likes chocolate, but she doesn't often buy any because it isn't very healthy. She likes going shopping and always buys expensive clothes. She has got 1l silk scarves, 20 dresses and a lot of shoes. She spends a lot of money.

Betty's cousin likes reading and she reads lots of books and magazines. She also likes films and often goes to the cinema, but she never watches sport.

Tony's sister likes music. She likes going to concerts but it's often expensive. She buys CDs of her favorite songs. Lingling's aunt and uncle like football, but they don't go to football matches. They usually watch football on television at weekends. They always like watching AC Milan, but they sometimes watch Manchester United

(外研版七年级上Unit2 She often goes to concerts. )

2.For sale

NIGEL: Good afternoon. I believe that this house is for sale.

LAN: That’s right.

NIGEL: May I have a look at it, please?

LAN: Yes, of course. Come in.

NIGEL: How long have you lived here?

LAN: I’v lived here for twenty years.

NIGEL: Twenty years! That’s a long time.

LAN: Yes, I’v been here here since 1976.

NIGEL: Then why do you want to sell it?

LAN: Because I’v just retired. I want to buy a small house in the country.

NIGEL: How much does this house cost?

LAN: £68,500.

NIGEL: That’s a lot of money!

LAN: It’s worth every penny of it.

NIGEL: Well, I like this house, but I can’t decide yet. My wife must see it first.

LAN: Women always have the last word.


3.What can I do for you?

(Maria and her mother are in a shop.)

Salesman: What can I do for you,madam?

Mother:I want to buy some clothes for my daughter。Salesman: The clothes are there, madam .

Mother: Thanks

Salesman: Not at all

Saleswoman: May I help you?

Maria: Yes, please. I like the red coat. Can try it on? Saleswoman: Sure

(Maria tries on the coat.)

Mother: Wow! It looks very nice on you. How much is it ? Saleswoman: It's seventy yuan, madam

Mother: That’s fine. We'll take it.

仁爱版初中英语七年级上册Unit 4 《Having fun》

4.How much is this blouse?

Shop assistant: May I help you, madam?

Customer: Yes, please. How much is this blouse?

I can’t find a price tag on it.

Shop assistant: Let me see. 41 dollars, madam.

Customer: May I try it on ?

Shop assistant: Yes, of course...

(a few minutes later)

Shop assistant: How do you like it?

Customer: Er...it’s too large. I’d like to try a smaller one.

(a few minutes later)

Customer: Good. This blouse is just right for me.

Do you accept credit cards, please?

Shop assistant: Yes, you can pay either by credit card or in cash.

What card do you have?

Customer: I have a Visa card.

Shop assistant: OK...

Please sign your name here.

And here’s your receipt.

Customer: Thanks.
