沃尔沃D 发动机资料

Excellent Performance and Cruising RangeThe D12-715 marine diesel engine is spe-c ial l y designed and developed for in s tal -la t ions in fast planing craft fea t ur i ng the lat e st advanced diesel technology. Excellent performance is assured with a rich torque curve matched to the high pow e r output for quick out of the hole ac-c el e r a t ion and high top and cruising speed. Low fuel consumption for long cruising range and low emission levels is assured with:–Electronic Unit Injectors–4-valve technology–Electronically controlled injection tim i ng –High pressure 8-hole injector nozzles–EDC governingThis technology combined optimizesen g ine performance and effi ciency, en s ures effi cient combustion by injecting the right quan t i t y of fuel at the right time, which min-i m iz e s quantity of unburned fuel, re d uc i ng fuel consumption and exhaust emis s ion lev-e ls. The Volvo Penta D12-715 fuel system is designed to give full output regardless of fuel temperature.This technology, in combination with the high power output, gives the boat a wid e r operating range in combination with higher speed.High qualityThe D12-715 is built in the world’s most high l y automated diesel engine factory line with a totally robotic machining and as-s em b ly line with computer controlled audit checks, which ensures the highest quality level.The D12-715 is a further development of the well-proven Volvo Penta in-line six en-g ine concept which ensures high re l i a bil i t y and long term durability.Operation and comfort Electronic remote controls, push button twin engine synchronization and changeof active station ensures easy and smooth op e r a t ion and maneuvering.The electrical control levers are op e r a t e d more smoothly and precisely, requiring much less force.and main t e n ance points contributes tothe ease of ser v ice of the engine.Worldwide service supportin more than 100 countriesThe Volvo Penta parts and servicedeal e r network is a truly internationalop e r a t ion with authorized service deal-e rs around the world. These servicecenters offer Gen u i ne Volvo Penta partsas well as skilled per s on n el to en s ure thebest pos s i b le ser v ice. Con t in u o us andthor o ugh product and ser v ice train i ngen s ures that Vol v o Pen t a prod u cts arewell sup p ort e d.D12-715 – a true marineengine from a true marineengine companyThe D12-715 is a true marine engine asit is developed by a true marine com-p a n y with the best there is to be foundin ma r ine experience and know-how,and built and assembled with the bestpro d uc t ion method there is to be foundin the world.The D12-715 delivers excellent per-f or m ance and cruising range, high re li -abil i t y and durability, in combination withthe high e st level of quality.Automatic twin engine synchronizationre d uc e s noise and vibration levels, andin c reas e s service life of engine.This in combination with the well-bal-a nced D12-715 in-line six cylinder enginewith powerfully dimensioned crankshaftbear i ngs and vibration damper on cam-s haft ensures smooth, vibration-free op-e r a t ion with low noise levels.Low exhaust emissionlevelsThe D12-715 advanced diesel technologygreatly contributes to more effi cient com-b us t ion with higher power and reducednox i ous exhaust emissions.The D12-715 is certifi ed according toIMO.Easy installationThe D12-715 gives a time saving and re-l i a ble installation, as it is a complete de l iv -ered compact and tailor-made propulsionsys t em from one single supplier.Plug-in water-protected harnesses andconnectors, compact dimensions and theEDC system ensures an easy, simple andtime-saving installation.Ease of service andmaintenanceThe EDC system features a self-di a g -nos t ic facility. Easily accessible service* Power rating – see Technical DataD12-715Technical DataEngine designation.......................................D12-715 No. of cylinders and confi guration.............in-line 6 Method of operation.....................................4-stroke,direct-injected, turbocharged diesel engine with aftercooler Bore, mm (in.)............................................131 (5.16) Stroke, mm (in.).........................................150 (5.91) Displacement, l (in3)...........................12.13 (740.2) Compression ratio...........................................16.5:1 Dry weight, kg (lb).................................1400 (3086) Dry weight with reverse gearZF 325A-EB, kg (lb).............................1570 (3461) Crankshaft power,kW (hp) @ 2300 rpm ................................526 (715) Max. torque,Nm (lbf.ft) @ 1600 rpm.......................2925 (2159) Recommended fuel toconform to.........................ASTM-D975 1-D & 2-D, ..............................................EN 590 or JIS KK 2204 Specifi c fuel consumption,g/kWh (lb/hph) @ 2300 rpm................228 (0.369) T echnical data according to ISO 3046 Fuel Stop Power andISO 8665. Fuel with a lower calorifi c value of 42700 kJ/kg and density of 840 g/liter at 15 °C (60 °F). Merchant fuel may differ from this spec ific a t ion which will infl uence engine power output and fuel con s ump t ion.Rating: 5The engine is certifi ed according to IMO.Technical description:Engine and block—Cylinder block and cylinder head made ofcast-iron—One piece cylinder head—Replaceable wet cylinder liners and valve seats/guides—Drop forged crankshaft with induction hard-e ned bearing surfaces and fi llets with sev e n main bearings —Four valve per cylinder layout with over-h ead camshaft—Each cylinder features cross-fl ow in l et andexhaust ducts—Gallery oil-cooled forged aluminum pis t ons—Three piston ringsLubrication system—Integrated oil cooler in cylinder block—Twin full fl ow oil fi lter of spin-on type andby-pass fi lterFuel system—Six Electronic Unit Injectors, one per cyl-i n d er, vertically positioned at the center inbetween the four valves—Gear-driven fuel pump, driven by tim i nggear—Electronically controlled central pro c ess i ngsystem (EDC – Electronic Die s el Con t rol)—Electronically controlled injection tim i ng—8-hole high pressure injector noz z les—Single fi ne fuel fi lter of spin-on type, withwater separatorTurbocharger—Freshwater-cooled turbo chargerCooling system—Freshwater-cooled charge air cooler—Gear-driven coolant pumps—Tubular heat exchanger or single-cir c uitkeel coolingElectrical system—24V electrical system, 24V/60A al t er n a t orReverse gear—ZF 325A-EB, elec t ri c al l y shiftedOptional equipmentContact your Volvo Penta representative.Not all models, standard equipment and accessories are avail-a ble in all countries. All spec ific a t ions are sub j ect to changewithout notice.The engine illustrated may not be entirely identical to pro-d uc t ion standard engines.3-23©23ABVolvoPenta.AB Volvo PentaSE-405 08 Göteborg, SwedenDimensions D12-715 with ZF 325A-EB Not for installationFuel consumptionRpmPower1.Crankshaft pow errpmTorqueRpm。

正常: 75--95度 报警: 高于110度(功 率类型 I )
高于105度(功率类型 II )
正常: 400-500KPa
报警: 低于80KPa
注意: 除非紧急情况, 正常关停发动机时, 应让其在低怠速运行至少3分钟.
1. 将操纵手柄移到中间位置脱开正倒车机构 2. 将起动钥匙转到"S"位置并保持, 直到发动机停车. 取出钥匙. 3. 停机后检查发动机是否有泄露 4. 关闭燃油开关和海水开关 5. 关闭电门开关 6. 读取小时计并做好记录, 按照维护计划表进行预防性维护工作.
紧急停机 1.将调速杆(1)移至低怠速。 2.沿图中箭头方向移动停机杆(2)直至发动机停机。发动机停机 后, “无充电电压”和“润滑油压力低” 报警显示灯将亮起。 3.将钥匙转至位置“0”并拔下钥匙。此时报警显示灯将熄灭。
柴油冷却器(选购件) 海水泵
热交换器(包括膨胀水箱) 冷却水泵
小于 0.5%
燃油含硫量重量百分比% 0.5-1.0%
大于 1.0%
500 小时或 12 个月
250 小时或 12 个月 125 小时或 12 个月
VDS = Volvo发动机润滑油规格 ACEA = 欧洲汽车制造商协会 API = 美国石油学会
更 换 机 油 滤 清 器
发动机 排气管
节温器 齿轮箱滑油冷却器(选购件)
(TA) 型机器
Volvo D13K500, TURBO-TC 发动机说明书

Volvo´s engines together with the emission aftertreatment system are highly efficient and are exceeding the legal requirements referred to as Euro 6 Step D version.
Low noise emission at idling The D13K, TURBO-TC meets the relevant noise emission requirements. The crankshaft and camshaft feature hydraulic vibration dampers that minimise noise and vibrations. Preinjection of fuel is used to further dampen noise at idling.
Crankcase ventilation The D13K, TURBO-TC offers a choice of two types of closed crankcase ventilation. CCV-C is recommended down to -25 degrees Celsius. CCV-OX is only recommended for arctic markets.

沃尔沃发动机性能介绍Volvo Penta工业发动机的用户遍及世界各地,不管是移动的仍是固定式的用途,在那些能够想象取得的苛刻工作环境里,你都能够找到它们。
历经了90连年的发动机制造历史,Volvo Penta那个品牌已经成为运行靠得住、技术创新、性能一流和利用寿命的象征。
咱们相信这些特点也正是你对新的Volvo Penta 工业发动机所期盼和要求的。
所有的发动机均装有电子操纵治理系统(EMS 2)、涡轮增压器、中冷器、恒温操纵的冷却系统及电子调速技术说明发动机和气缸体气缸体和气缸盖采纳合金铸铁制造7挡主轴颈经感应淬硬的曲轴可改换的温式气缸套有润滑油冷却的铸铝活塞3道活塞环。
顶环为“梯形”环有7挡轴承、感应淬硬的顶置的凸轮轴第缸4气门可改换的气门座圈和气门导管燃油系统燃油供给采纳微处置器的操纵单元(EMS 2)齿轮驱动的供油泵中心布置的带电磁操纵燃油阀的泵喷嘴旋装式二级燃油滤清器和油水分离器润滑系统水冷的润滑油冷却器齿轮驱动的润滑油泵2个全流和1个旁通的旋装式润滑油滤清器增压系统涡轮增压器冷却系统带澎胀水箱的散热器空气冷却的中冷器皮带驱动的水泵活塞式节温器电气系统24V电气系统带充电传感线的充电发电机,80A(110A可选)装在发动机上的紧急停机按扭EMS 2EMS 2(Engine Management System)是一个具有CAN(Controller Area Network-操纵器区域网络)通信功能的电子系统,用以实现对柴油机的操纵。
此系统由Volvo Penta开发,包括燃油操纵和诊断功能。
VOLVO D13L发动机使用说明书

发动机高温时应避免打开冷却液加液口盖,因在失压 的同时蒸汽或高温冷却液会喷射出来,从而造成烫 伤。
如果当发动机高温时,仍须打开冷却液加液口盖或拆 卸冷却液软管等,则在完全打开加液口盖并开始工作 前,必须先小心缓慢地拧松盖子以卸压,并注意此时 的冷却液温度仍然很高会造成烫伤。
加注燃油时会有着火和爆炸的危险。禁止吸烟,并必 须关停发动机。
在起动发动机或进行任何维护保养工作之前,请认真仔细地阅读本使用说明书,这有关您的人身安全。不正确 的操作会导致人身伤害和产品或相关设备的损坏。 本章介绍了本说明书中以及在产品上是如何标明有关安全事项的警示。同时还提供了有关使用和维护发动机时 应采取的基本安全措施。 如果仍有不明确之处,则请与您的Volvo Penta经销商联系以取得帮助。 注意!在阅读之前,请核对所用的使用说明书应与您的发动机型号对应相符。如不符合,请与您的
关停发动机 在打开或拆卸发动机的盖/ 罩之前,应先关停发动 机。除另有说明外,发动机的保养和维修工作均应在 停机的情况下进行。 为防止发动机被意外起动,应拔出起动开关钥匙并用 主电源开关断开电源,且将其锁定在“O F F (断 开)”位置上。 如果仪表面板上没有钥匙开关,则使用主电源开关断 开系统电压。 同时要在该操作工位上放置告知标志以示明正在进行 维修工作。 靠近运行中的发动机或在其上操作是有危险的。头 发、手指、松散的衣服或坠落的工具,都有可能被卷 入转动着的零部件而造成严重的人身伤害。Vo l v o Penta 建议,所有要在发动机运行时进行的维修工 作,应由经授权的Volvo Penta 维修厂来进行。
只能在通风良好的环境中起动发动机。在有限的空间 内运行发动机时,必须把发动机的排气和曲轴箱的废 气排出室外。

997010260/988010260/9880 980010080/969010080/9690 6760 6980/6500 6980/6500 6220 5930/5650 5930/5650 9470 9690/9620 9690/9620 6620 6800/6700 6800/6700 3640 3890/3910 3890/3910 9690 2990 2940 10260 2990 3190 10260 3190 3190
10720/10430/10190 10550/11070 10520/10230/9980 10330/10860 7350/7050/6850 6850/7450 6480/5890/5730 5350/5790 10080/9910/9660 10170/10340 7040/6870/6670 7090/7290 4180/4230/4220 4320/4280 10530 3190 3350 11330 334013F VOLVO D13F VOLVO D6E VOLVO D6E VOLVO D6E VOLVO D7E VOLVO D7E 增压(带中冷器)高压共轨 增压(带中冷器)电控直喷式 (带中冷器)高压共轨 增压(带中冷器)高压共轨 增压(带中冷器)高压共轨 增压(带中冷器)高压共轨 增压(带中冷器)高压共轨 增压(带中冷器)电控直喷式 170(231) 265(360)/1800 123(167)/1800 123(167) 123(167) 138(188) 138(188) 215(292)/1700 169(230) 156(348)/1800 110(150)/1800 115(156) 115(156) 137(186) 137(186) 208(283)/1700 1080/1350 1580/1300 1800/1400 730/1350 730/1350 730/1350 870/1350 870/1350 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7.1 12.8 5.7 5.7 5.7 7.1 7.1 12.8 变量柱塞泵x2 变量柱塞泵x2 变量柱塞泵x2 变量柱塞泵x2 变量柱塞泵x2 2x200 2x207 2x207 2x240 2x240 齿轮泵x1 齿轮泵x1 齿轮泵x1 齿轮泵x1 齿轮泵x1 1x18 1x18 1x18 1x18 1x18 定量柱塞马达x1 定量柱塞马达x1 定量柱塞马达x1 定量柱塞马达x1 定量柱塞马达x1 变量柱塞马达x2 变量柱塞马达x2 变量柱塞马达x2 变量柱塞马达x2 变量柱塞马达x2 机械式 机械式 机械式 机械式 机械式 11.6 12.1 12.1 11.9 11.9 5.5/3.2 5.7/3.5 5.7/3.5 5.5/3.5 5.5/3.5 35°(70%) 35°(70%) 35°(70%) 35°(70%) 35°(70%) 183 183 183 217 217 147.1 152 152 186 186 104.9 110 110 129 129 43.1(0.44) 47.1kpa 44.1kpa 47.6kpa 48.6kpa 350 160 9940/9540 9750/9350 6730/6330 5830/5520 9450/9220 6650/6430 3650/3670 9700 2990 2940 375 140 9970 9800 6760 6220 9470 6620 3640 9690 2800 2940 375 140 470 195 470 195 变量柱塞泵x2 变量柱塞泵x2 2x263 2x300 齿轮泵x1 齿轮泵x1 1x18 1x31 定量柱塞马达x1 定量柱塞马达x1 变量柱塞马达x2 变量柱塞马达x2 机械式 机械式 10.7 10.3 5.4/3.4 5.3/3.4 35° 35°(70%) 247 276 203 243 146 219 58kpa 69.1kpa 470 195 620 227 变量柱塞泵x2 2x358 齿轮泵x1 1x32 定量柱塞马达x1 变量柱塞马达x2 机械式 8.8 3.1/5.1 35°(70%) 330 311 253 72.6kpa 685 270 12040/11710/10930 11810/11480/10680 7720/7370/6580 7110/6670/5990 11020/10860/10600 7640/7480/6970 5090/5130/4780 12140 3440 3650

VOLVO(沃尔沃)系列柴油发电机组:瑞典 VOLVO (沃尔沃)集团是众所周知的世界久负盛名的大公司之一,其下属的VOLVO PENTA 公司是生产柴油发电机组用、专用车辆用及船用等柴油发动机专业公司,VOLVO 只专注于直列六缸柴油机生产,它在此技术上傲视群雄,如今已有超过100万台的VOLVO PENTA 柴油机之发电机组在世界各地运行。
1) 直列六缸、水冷、废气涡轮增压、四冲程、进气为水对空气中冷式(TWD 型),或进气为空气对空气中冷式(TAD型),直喷式燃油系统。
2) 低惯量增压器和直列式柱塞喷油泵、一体式的机械式调速器或GAC电子调速器,多孔式喷油器所组成的反应讯速的喷油系统,使发动机具备了在很短的恢复时间内有高的承受载荷能力。
3) 湿式可更换缸套,带阻火台肩,可使汽缸头抗高温。
4) 在进气歧管中的电加热器可使发动机在冬季低温时起动快捷、可靠,并可降低废气排放。
5) 全新设计的全电喷发动机还具有:可靠性更高,无大修时间超过3万小时,达到业界领先水平;更低的油耗,使成本降低;符合欧盟二号排放标准;高海拔功率下降少,每上升1000米功率下降≤2.5%;分步负载性能更优异,转速降少且恢复时间更短;更佳的低温冷启动性能;许较大的排烟背压,这意味着可进行更有效的消音或使用更长的排烟管华动牌柴油发电机组发电机采用英国独资无锡新时代斯坦福发电机和华动牌发电机英国独资无锡新时代斯坦福发电机简介:总部设在英国的新时代国际有限公司是世界交流发电机技术先导和首屈一指的生产商,交流4级5KW—3000KW发电机在世界市场上占有30%以上份额,在英国、印度、美国、印度尼西亚及中国的无锡设有生产厂,斯坦福交流发电机是在国际标准ISO9001要求中按多种国际认可标准完成。

VOLVO PENTA GENSET ENGINE TAD1641GE473kW (643 hp) at 1500 rpm, 546 kW (743 hp) at 1800 rpm, acc. to ISO 3046 The TAD1641GE is a powerful, reliableand economical Generating Set DieselEngine built on the dependable in-line sixdesign.Durability & low noiseDesigned for easiest, fastest and mosteconomical installation. Well-balancedto produce smooth and vibration-freeoperation with low noise level.To maintain a controlled working tem-perature in cylinders and combustionchambers, the engine is equipped withpiston cooling. The engine is also fittedwith replaceable cylinder liners and valveseats/guides to ensure maximum dura-bility and service life of the engine.Low exhaust emissionThe state of the art, high-tech injectionand charging system with low internallosses contributes to excellent combus-tion and low fuel consumption.The TAD1641GE complies with EUStage 2 exhaust emission regulations.Easy service & maintenanceEasily accessible service and mainte-nance points contribute to the ease ofservice of the engine.Technical descriptionEngine and block– Optimized cast iron cylinder block with opti-mum distribution of forces without the blockbeing unnecessary heavy.– Wet, replaceable cylinder liners– Piston cooling for low thermal load on pis-tons and reduced ring temperature– Tapered connecting rods to reduce risk of piston cracking– Crankshaft induction hardened bearing surfaces and fillets with seven main bear-ings for moderate load on main and big-end bearings– Nitrocarburized transmission gears for heavy duty operation– Keystone top compression rings for long service life– Viscous type crankshaft vibration damper– Replaceable valve guides and valve seats– Over head camshaft and four valves per cylinder equipped with camshaft damper to reduce noise and vibrations. Lubrication system– Full flow oil cooler– Full flow disposable spin-on oil filters, for extra high filtration– The lubricating oil level can be measured during operation (Standard dipstick only)– Gear type lubricating oil pump, gear driven by the transmission Fuel system– Self de-aerating system. When replacingfilters all fuel stays in the engine.– Non-return fuel valve– Electronic unit injectors– Fuel prefilter with water separator and wa-ter-in-fuel indicator / alarm– Gear driven low-pressure fuel pump– Fine fuel filter with manual feed pump andfuel pressure switch– Fuel shut-off valve, electrically operatedCooling system– Efficient cooling with accurate coolant con-trol through a water distribution duct in thecylinder block. Reliable sleeve thermostatwith minimum pressure drop– Belt driven, maintenance-free coolant pumpwith high degree of efficiency– Coolant filter as standardTurbo charger– Efficient and reliable turbo charger– Extra oil filter for the turbo chargerElectrical system– Engine Management System 2 (EMS 2), anelectronically controlled processing systemwhich optimizes engine performance. It alsoincludes advanced facilities for diagnosticsand fault tracing– The instruments and controls connect to theengine via the CAN SAE J1939 interface,either through the Control Interface Unit(CIU) or the Digital Control Unit (DCU). TheCIU converts the digital CAN bus signal toan anolog signal, making it possible to con-nect a variety of instruments. The DCU is acontrol panel with display, engine control,monitoring, alarm, parameter setting and di-agnostic functions. The DCU also presentserror codes in clear text.– Sensors for oil pressure, oil temp, boostpressure, boost temp, coolant temp, fueltemp, water in fuel, fuel pressure and twospeed sensors. Crank case pressure, pistoncooling pressure, oil level and air filter pres-sure drop sensors.– Alternator 24V / 80AFeatures– Maintained performance, air temp 40°C– Tropical cooling system (55°C)– Fully electronic with Volvo Penta EMS 2– Dual frequency switch (between 1500 rpm and 1800 rpm)– High power density– Emission compliant– Low noise levels–Gen Pac configurationPower StandardsThe engine performance corresponds to ISO 3046, BS5514 and DIN 6271. The technical data applies to an engine without cooling fan and operating on a fuel with calorific value of 42.7 MJ /kg (18360 BTU/lb) and a density of 0.84 kg/liter (7.01 lb/US gal), also where this involves a deviation from the standards. Power output guaranteed within 0 to +2% att rated ambient conditions at delivery. Ratings are based on ISO 8528. Engine speed governing in accordance with ISO 3046/IV, class A1 and ISO 8528-5 class G3Exhaust emissionsThe engine complies with EU stage 2 emission legislation according to the Non Road Directive EU 97/68/EEC. The engine also complies with TA-luft -50% exhaust emission regulations.Rating GuidelinesPRIME POWER rating corresponds to ISO Standard Power for continuous operation. It is applicable for supplying electrical power at variable load for an unlimited number of hours instead of com-mercially purchased power. A10 % overload capability for govering purpose is available for this rating.MAXIMUM STANDBY POWER rating corresponds to ISOStandard Fuel Stop Power. It is applicable for supplying standby electrical power at variable load in areas with well established electrical networks in the event of normal utility power failure. No overload capability is available for this rating.1 hp = 1 kW x 1.36InformationFor more technical data and information, please look in the Gener-ating Set Engines Sales Guide.TAD1641GEAB Volvo PentaSE-405 08 Göteborg, SwedenTechnical DataGeneralEngine designation ........................................................................TAD1641GE No. of cylinders and configuration .......................................................in-line 6Method of operation ...............................................................................4-stroke Bore, mm (in.) .....................................................................................144 (5.67)Stroke, mm (in.) ..................................................................................165 (6.50)Displacement, l (in³) ....................................................................16.12 (983.7)Compression ratio .....................................................................................16.5:1Dry weight, kg (lb) ..........................................................................1480 (3263)Dry weight with Gen Pac, kg (lb) ...............................................1910 (4211)Wet weight, kg (lb) ........................................................................1550 (3417)Wet weight with Gen Pac, kg (lb) ..............................................2020 (4453)Performance1500 rpm 1800 rpm with fan, kW (hp) at: Prime Power430 (585) 485 (660)Max Standby Power473 (643)546 (743)Lubrication system 1500 rpm 1800 rpm Oil consumption, liter/h (US gal/h) at:Prime Power 0.10 (0.026) 0.11 (0.029)Max Standby Power 0.10 (0.026) 0.12 (0.032)Oil system capacity incl filters, liter ................................................................42Fuel system1500 rpm 1800 rpm Specific fuel consumption at:Prime Power, g/kWh (lb/hph) 25 % 223 (0.361) 232 (0.376)50 % 201 (0.326) 202 (0.327)75 % 196 (0.318) 197 (0.319) 100 %198 (0.321) 200 (0.324)Max Standby Power, g/kWh (lb/hph) 25 % 218 (0.353) 228 (0.370)50 % 199 (0.323) 201 (0.326)75 % 195 (0.316) 197 (0.319)100 %198 (0.321)205 (0.332)Intake and exhaust system 1500 rpm 1800 rpm Air consumption, m³/min (cfm) at: Prime Power 32 (1130) 42 (1483)Max Standby Power 35 (1236) 45 (1589)Max allowable air intake restriction,kPa (In wc) 5 (20.1) 5 (20.1)Heat rejection to exhaust, kW (BTU/min) at: Prime Power 326 (18539) 373 (21212)Max Standby Power 356 (20245) 442 (25136)Exhaust gas temperature after turbine, °C (°F) at: Prime Power 475 (887) 435 (815)Max Standby Power 490 (914) 470 (878)Max allowable back-pressure in exhaust line,kPa (In wc) 10 (40.2) 10 (40.2)Exhaust gas flow, m³/min (cfm) at:Prime power 79.0 (2790) 97.0 (3426)Max Standby Power 84.9 (2998) 106.6 (3765)Cooling system 1500 rpm 1800 rpm Heat rejection radiation from engine,kW (BTU/min) at:Prime Power 30 (1706) 32 (1820)Max Standby Power 34 (1934) 33 (1877)Heat rejection to coolant kW (BTU/min) at:Prime Power 172 (9781) 185 (10521)Max Standby Power 176 (10009) 199 (11317)Fan power consumption, kW (hp) 11 (15)19 (26)Standard equipmentEngineGen PacEngineAutomatic belt tensioner • •Lift eyelets • •FlywheelFlywheel housing with conn. acc. to SAE 1 • •Flywheel for 14” flex. plate and flexible coupling • •Vibration dampers • •Engine suspension Fixed front suspension • •Lubrication system Oil dipstick• •Full-flow oil filter of spin-on type • •By-pass oil filter of spin-on type • •Oil cooler, side mounted • •Low noise oil sump • •Fuel systemFuel filters of disposable type • •Electronic unit injectors• •Pre-filter with water separator • •Intake and exhaust systemAir filter with replaceable paper insert • •Air restriction indicator• •Air cooled exhaust manifold• •Connecting flange for exhaust pipe • •Exhaust flange with v-clamp • •Turbo charger, low right side • •Cooling systemTropical radiator incl intercooler •¹) •Belt driven coolant pump • •Fan hub • •Thrust fan •¹) •Fan guard − •Belt guard−•Control systemEngine Management System (EMS) with CAN-bus interface SAE J1939 ••CIU, Control Interface Unit – –AlternatorAlternator 80A / 24V • •Starting systemStarter motor, 7.0kW, 24V• •Connection facility for extra starter motor • •Instruments and sendersTemp.- and oil pressure for automatic ••stop/alarm 103°C Other equipmentExpandable base frame − •Engine Packing Plastic wrapping••1)must be ordered, se order specification − optional equipment or not applicable • included in standard specificationNote! Not all models, standard equipment and accessories are available in all countries. All specifications are subject to change without notice.The engine illustrated may not be entirely identical to production standard engines.E n g l i s h 12-2006. © 2006 A B V o l v o P e n taA* = 1587 mm / 62.5 in B* = 1120 mm / 44.1 in C* = 1976 mm / 77.8 inD = 2296 mm / 90.5 in (During transport)D = Max 3311 mm / 130.5 in* Including radiator and intercooler。

Max wu - Application
AB Volvo Penta
经过燃烧后柴油机所排出的废气温度很高,并具备一定的压力, 速度很快。
AB Volvo Penta
Max wu - Application
AB Volvo Penta
观察盖 透气口
吸口约高于箱底20mm, 建议带有滤网结构
回油口必须在最低 油位之下
Max wu - Application
Max wu - Application
AB Volvo Penta
Max wu - Application
滤前进气口位置应该处于: 1、灰尘浓度小的位置 2、温度尽可能与环境温度接近 3、水无法进入 4、免受雨水 5、避免废气被吸入
进气口按压降最小原则设计 在进口处最低处应设计有放水口,避免有雨 水等聚积
AB Volvo Penta
Max wu - Application
AB Volvo Penta
排烟管和消音器套接 弹性节
弹性通道 热风出口
日用 油箱
Max wu - Application

本公司以专业经营道依茨发动机总成和发动机配件为主,道依茨风冷发动机FL912, 913,914,413,513系列,水冷发动机FM1011, 1012, 1013, TCD2011,2012,2013,2015系列!公司按市场客户的业务需求下设:整机销售部,配件销售部,售后维修服务部,并设立业务在线咨询,提供24小时服务!本公司同时销售服务“燃气机组一绿色动力”业务。
Volvo D12D发动机技术参数

缸盖上的气门座角度(B): 进气门..... 30° 排气门..... 45°
© 版权归沃尔沃零部件公司所有 此处包含的信息处于最初发布状态,随时可能发生更改。阅读者的打印行为不受限制。
5 / 51
气门头和缸体表面之间的测量值: 进气门..... 0.9 -1.4 mm 排气门..... 1.2 -1.7 mm
数量/缸盖..... 38 螺纹规格..... M16 长度..... 200 mm
类型..... 6 缸 长度..... 1,078 mm 宽度..... 397 mm 高度..... 135 mm 最大不平度(基座平面)..... 0.1 mm
类型..... 湿式,可更换 总高度..... 273 mm 缸体表面上密封面的高度..... 0.15-0.21 mm 每个缸套的密封环数量..... 1 + 3
© 版权归沃尔沃零部件公司所有 此处包含的信息处于最初发布状态,随时可能发生更改。阅读者的打印行为不受限制。
6 / 51
2009年1月27日 星期二
名义值 加大尺寸型
直径(C): 进气门/排气门..... 43.0 mm
43.2 mm
深度(D): 进气门/排气门..... 11.2 mm
内气门弹簧: 左侧螺旋弹簧 未加载荷的长度..... 67-68 mm 带243 N载荷..... 52 mm 带447 N载荷..... 39 mm 最大刚性长度..... 36 mm 右侧螺旋弹簧 未加载荷的长度..... 70-71 mm 带330 N载荷..... 54 mm 带630 N载荷..... 41 mm 最大刚性长度..... 37 mm

DH12D 发动机设计与功能学生手册DH12D发动机目录 本手册主要介绍了发动机的设计与功能。
1 DH12D型发动机.................32 发动机标识....................43 缸盖..........................64 缸体..........................75 活塞,缸套和密封圈............86 配气机构......................97 正时齿轮.....................108 曲轴.........................119 润滑系统.....................1210 润滑系统的工作过程...........1311 机油冷却器和机油泵...........1512 燃油系统.....................1613 燃油系统组成.................1714 燃油喷射系统.................1915 整体式喷油器充油相位.........2016 整体式喷油溢流油相位.........2117 整体式喷油器喷油相位.........2218 整体式喷油器减压相位.........2319 进气口和空气滤清器...........2420 涡轮增压器...................2521 充气冷却和启动预热...........2622 废气压力调节器...............2723 发动机制动...................2924 控制阀.......................3125 凸轮轴和排气摇臂.............3226 排气门操作...................3427 压缩制动工作过程.............3528 冷却系统.....................3629 冷却液循环...................3730 散热风扇.....................391 DH12D型发动机 DH12D是一款12升发动机标识,该款发动机用于Volvo B 12M和B12B型客车。
Volvo Trucks D8K350, EU6SCR 发动机数据手册说明书

The D8K350, EU6SCR is an in-line six-cylinder diesel engine wi th a di splacement of 7.7 li tres, equi pped wi th a turbocharger and intercooler. The engine produces 350 hp and 1400 Nm of torque. The eng ne meets the EU exhaust em ss ons requirements according to the Euro 6 standards.The engine has a single cylinder head and an overhead camshaft which operates four valves per cylinder via rocker arms. The engine’s functions are controlled electronically. Fuel injection takes place using common rail technology. In combination with SCR emission control, the engine emissions meets the Euro 6 emission standards. Through optimized calibration of the electronic engine control system, particulate emissions have been cut by 50 % and NOx by 80 % compared with the corresponding Euro 5 levels. As a result, this engine is environmentally optimised and particularly suitable for vulnerable city environments and metropolitan green zones that impose tough particulate and smoke emission standards.Ready for alternative fuelThe engine is also certified for usage of HVO - EN15940 (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil). It reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases dramatically and is the perfect option if you want to help environment and enjoy (if applicable) the incentives in your market.• Excellent driveability thanks to a wide torque range and swift response to the accelerator.• Efficient combustion and exhaust filtration with SCR and DPF technology contribute to low fuel consumption, long service intervals and very low emissions.FEATURES AND BENEFITSExcellent driveabilityThe engine has a particularly wide torque range, which means that it is possible to stay within the economy rev band easily and with minimal gear changing. The engine has a VGT (Variable Geometry Turbine) turbocharger. It provides excellent torque from low revs, which results in quick response to the accelerator and enhanced driveability at low speeds.One contributing factor to the excellent driveability is fuel injection using common rail technology. The fuel is injected under high pressure (2000 bar). Injection pressure and injection timing are controlled electronically, which results in precisely metered and exceptionally finely atomised fuel being sprayed into the combustion chamber. The control function is adjusted instantaneously to suit current operating conditions and the possibility of also injecting fuel after the main charge adds considerable flexibility. Efficient combustionLow emission ratings and low fuel consumption with the help of electronic engine control – EMS – make for precise fuel injection and efficient combustion.The piston crowns feature a recess that forces the gases out towards the edges of the combustion chamber, thus contributing to efficient combustion. The shape of the inlet ducts in the cylinder head leads to slower rotation speed and lower pressure drop. This contributes to lower exhaust emissions and a higher efficiency rating. Low noise levelThe timing of the fuel injection is variable. This has a positive effect on the engine’s noise level and emissions. Before the main injection charge, small amounts of fuel are injected, thus significantly reducing ignition delay and lowering the noise created during the main combustion sequence.Exhaust emission control with SCR technology for Euro 6 fulfilmentVolvo has chosen to supplement optimum combustion technology with SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) technology for after-treatment of the exhaust gases. In this process, an additive (AdBlue) is injected into the exhaust gases before they pass through an SCR catalytic converter. In the catalytic converter, the AdBlue reacts with the nitrogen oxides in a process that ignificantly reduces emissions. This takes place through conversion of the nitrogen oxides into nitrogen gas and water vapour. The pre-catalyst increases the SCR catalyst efficiency at low exhaust temperatures. It also improves the life-time durability of the SCR catalyst in the muffler. The SCR technology is robust and dependable, resulting in low service costs and long service intervals.The electronically controlled and water-cooled EGR valve improves gas-flow, ensuring that the exhaust gases reach an optimal temperature before entering the after-treatment system – EATS. The after-treatment process starts in the diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) where NO2 is generated. This is necessary in order to create an optimal particle combustion in the DPF filter. The procedure provides the heat needed for regeneration in cold conditions as well. The heat for active DPF regeneration is created by oxidizing diesel fuel from a 7th injector.The second step of the process is the diesel particle filter where the particles are stored until the autoregeration function is activated (and the particles are burned off). Then, the emissions reach the mixing zone/Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR), where they are sprayed with AdBlue. This process turns the nitrogen oxides into harmless nitrogen gas and water. As the exhaust gases reach the final step in the process, Ammonia Slip Catalyst (ASC), remaining ammonia (if any) is removed.Long service lifeThe cylinder block and cylinder head are made of cast-iron which gives a strong but light frame. The cylinder liners are of the dry type. The engine can either be equipped with open crankcase ventila-tion or with a closed version (min -25° C).The oil change interval is depending on different operating conditions for the truck. For Volvo FE with VDS 4 or VDS 4.5 oil, it is up to 100 000 km (or once every second year).Volvo Truck Corporation800600100012001400160018002000220024002600800500400 300900Volvo retains the right to modify design and specifications without prior notification.SPECIFICATIONType designation .................................................................D8K350, EU6SCR Max power at 2200 r/min ...................................................350 hp (258 kW)Max revs ..............................................................................................2650 r/min Max torque at 1200 – 1600 r/min ...................................................1400 Nm No. of cylinders ....................................................................................................6Bore ............................................................................................................110 mm Stroke ........................................................................................................135 mm Displacement ..........................................................................................7.7 dm3Compression ratio ......................................................................................17,5:1Economy rev range ............................................................1200 – 1600 r/min Exhaust brake output (EBR-EPG) ............................137 kW at 2650 r/min Engine brake output with EBR-CEB(compr. brake) .................................................................................................................................170 kW at 2650 r/min Oil-change volume incl. oil filter ......................................................25,5 l (FE)Cooling system, total volume ................................................................17 litres Oil filter ........................................................................Green Oil filter, 1full-flow Dry weight (base engine) .........................................................approx. 732 kgRear engine PTO (+ 28 kg)• 600 Nm at 800-1200 r/min • Position at 12 ‘o clock• Ratio 1.1: DIN5462, SAE1410, DIN100Power hpTorque NmEngine speed r/min。

CAN ---采用J1939链路
J1939 链路:管理发动机控制单元EMS2和通信接口(如CIU)或DCU 之间,以及由所谓J1708 /J1587 链路管理的诊断等的所有通信。
CAN链路远比J1708 /J1587 链路快。CAN链路已经准备用SAE J1939 协议与其他零件(如仪表和传动装置)相连接。
冷却活塞润滑油压力传感器 冷却液温度传感器
曲轴箱箱 压力传感器
凸轮轴相位传感器 机油压力传感器
- 泵喷嘴 - 起动马达 - 主继电器 - 预热继电器
传感器提供有关当前运行状况的准确信息,以使控制单元中的处理器计算出 精确的燃油喷油量和正时,并检查发动机的状况等。
当燃油阀开启时,燃油经由泵喷嘴内的油孔 并继而通过油道 流出。此时燃油并未被喷入气缸。
当燃油阀关闭时,由泵喷嘴通过机械驱动的柱塞开始建立油 压。当达到足够的压力时,燃油就通过泵喷嘴的喷嘴孔喷入 气缸。
燃油阀重新开启,泵喷嘴中的燃油压力下降,同时停止向气 缸喷油。
为确定燃油阀何时开启和关闭,控制单元必须得到来自凸轮 轴相位传感器和开关触点的信号。
CIU – 控制接口单元
CIU 是发动机管理系统(EMS2)和用户控制面 板之间的“译码器”。CIU具有两个串口通信链 路,一为快速链路,一为慢速链路。 快速链路即CAN链路。该链路控制所有与仪表、 指示灯、触点和电位计有关的数据。 慢速链路J1708/J1587链路,则用于控制诊断信 息,其中包括闪存代码。诊断工具VODIA也使 用J1708/J1587链路与系统通信。

该发动机为带有涡轮增压器、中间冷却器和电控燃油喷射(EMS - 发动机管理系统)的直列六缸直喷式柴油机。
它具有五种功率输出机型:360 hp、400 hp、440 hp、480 hp 和520 hp。
发动机整个名称(D13A440)的含义是:• D = 柴油•13 = 气缸容积(升)• A = 代•440 = 类型(输出功率,单位:马力)发动机标识摇臂室盖左侧固定有两个标签(1和2),用于识别不同的发动机类型。
控制单元后部的标签(3) 上还压印有发动机系统的数据(包括零件号)。
标签2 主要包括一些其它信息:•喷油嘴类型:1 = 发动机拥有E3型单体泵•排气制动:VEB = 沃尔沃发动机制动EPG = 排气制动•发动机型号:EC01 = 欧3排放等级发动机缸盖缸盖用一块铸铁铸造而成,这可以确保顶置凸轮轴有稳定的支撑基础。

该发动机为带有涡轮增压器、中间冷却器和电控燃油喷射(EMS - 发动机管理系统)的直列六缸直喷式柴油机。
它具有五种功率输出机型:360 hp、400 hp、440 hp、480 hp 和520 hp。
发动机整个名称(D13A440)的含义是:• D = 柴油•13 = 气缸容积(升)• A = 代•440 = 类型(输出功率,单位:马力)发动机标识摇臂室盖左侧固定有两个标签(1和2),用于识别不同的发动机类型。
控制单元后部的标签(3) 上还压印有发动机系统的数据(包括零件号)。
标签2 主要包括一些其它信息:•喷油嘴类型:1 = 发动机拥有E3型单体泵•排气制动:VEB = 沃尔沃发动机制动EPG = 排气制动•发动机型号:EC01 = 欧3排放等级发动机缸盖缸盖用一块铸铁铸造而成,这可以确保顶置凸轮轴有稳定的支撑基础。

发动机有两种功率输出:300 hp 和 340 hp。这两种不同的功率输出满足了 Euro 4 的排放要求。 发动机可靠性高,适用工况范围广。较高的扭矩输出使发动机具有较好的操纵性能,减少了换档次数,并 使发动机的平均转速高而均匀。该发动机耗油也较低,从而节约了运行成本。
D9B 发动机
设计及功能 学员手册
D9B 发动机
本培训手册讲述了沃尔沃各类客车中的 D9B 9 升发动机。尽管讲述的是 D9B 这一型号发动机的 设计和功能,但可以在多种不同的变型中用到此类 发动机。由于冷却风扇传动装置、感应系统、冷却 系统及排气系统等的不同,不同客车型号的发动机 装置也可能有所区别。
沃尔沃客车于 2006 年将 D9B 型发动机投放市场。该型发动机是早期 D9A 的最新变型。 D9B 发动机主要为满足新的、更苛刻的废气排放要求,如:Euro 4 和 Euro 5 排放标准。 发动机为直列式 6 缸直喷式柴油发动机,气缸容量为 9.36 升。D9B 发动机配有涡轮增压器、中冷器及 电控燃油喷射系统。
(F Flen 制造厂)
D9B380 名称说明
380 功率输出(马力)
全球培训 GT2200133eng
3 气缸盖
1 气缸盖 2 轴瓦
3 凸轮轴 4 轴承座圈
5 单体泵 6 铜套管
气缸盖由一块合金铸铁镶铸而成。D9B 发动机的六个气缸共用一个气缸盖。由于顶置凸轮轴需要所有轴 承完全成一条直线且彼此定位稳定,而两个或多个气缸盖很难满足这一要求,因此需要一个整体的气缸盖。 凸轮轴由 7 个轴瓦支撑,经曲轴通过两个中间齿轮驱动。单体泵位于中心,由顶置凸轮轴驱动。气缸盖 通过 26 个 M16 螺栓固定在气缸体上,这 26 个螺栓均匀分布在各个气缸周围。
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注意: 机器起动后,钥匙应保持在 I 位, 不 能放于 0 位
42400XW / 2020/7/11
控制功能 使用同一杆(1)进行切换和发动机转速控制 。 N= 空档位置/发动机怠速位置、驱动器/齿轮 箱脱开,发动机以怠速运转。 F= 驱动器/齿轮箱启用、船前进 R= 驱动器/齿轮箱启用、船后退 T= 控制发动机转速(RPM)
此功率等级适用于重载用途的排水型商用船舶,每年的运行小时数不受限制 可在满功率和全速下持续运行
42400XW / 2020/7/11
功率类型 2 – 中等载荷商业用途
功率设定 kW (hp)
D 5 A TD 5 A T AD 7 A TD 7 A T AD 7 C T A 1 9 0 0 rp m 8 3 (1 1 3 )1 0 3 (1 4 0 )1 2 6 (1 7 1 )1 5 3 (2 0 8 )1 6 9 (2 3 0 ) 2 3 0 0 rp m 9 5 (1 2 9 )1 1 8 (1 6 0 )1 2 9 (1 7 5 )1 7 4 (2 3 7 )1 9 5 (2 6 5 )
42400XW / 2020/7/11
1、始终使用Volvo Penta的正宗原产滤清器。如用其它的空气 滤清器,请与Volvo Penta联系并得到其允许;
2、务必等待压力下降指示器显出红色时,才更换滤清器; 3、清理空气滤清器时,绝对不要将其在地面上磕打或使用压
42400XW / 2020/7/11
节温器安装于冷却系统中,以将冷却液的温度保持在一定的 温度范围内。 如果将节温器拆下,则将会发生: 1、发动机加温到正常的工作温度要花很长时间; 2、发动机的润滑油温度达不到正确的水平; 3、在无节温器的情况下运行的发动机,不在担保的范围内。
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42400XW / 2020/7/11
此功率等级适用于周期性工作的半滑行型或排水型船体的商用船舶,每年工 作时间不超过3000小时 。 每12工作小时里可使用最大功率不超过4小时, 其余时间里,机器转速至少要比该船机器的最高转速降低10%。
42400XW / 2020/7/11
主控制位和特别控制位仪表板。 1. 温度表、显示冷却液温度。 2. 油压表,显示发动机油压。 3. 电压表,发动机运行时显示系统充电电压。发动机停
1 .5
1 .0
0 .5
-0 .5
-1 .0
-1 .5
[m ]
42400XW / 2020/7/11
1) 喷油泵 2) 高压油管 3) 机体 4) 垫片 5) 滚珠挺柱 6) 凸轮轴 7) 油量齿条 8) 油道 9) 喷油器 10) 加热塞
9 10 8
42400XW / 2020/7/11
止时显示电池电压。 4. 转速表。显示发动机每分钟的转速 5. 计时器。显示发动机总的运行时间。 6. 报警测试开关。 7. 报警喇叭。有报警灯亮时喇叭鸣叫。 8. 报警显示。 9. 钥匙开关。 10. 仪表灯开关。 11. 油压表,显示齿轮箱油压。 12. 进气压力表,显示增压压力。
42400XW / 2020/7/11
报警显示 如果报警喇叭鸣响,仪表盘上的三个 警示灯(1-3)中的一个会开始闪烁, 显示警告的原因。 1. 发动机冷却液温度过高。 2. 机油压力低下。 3. 发电机无电流输出。 4.显示灯(不用)。
42400XW / 2020/7/11
42400XW / 2020/7/11
钥匙开关 在钥匙开关上有一个标贴,记有钥匙代码, 用于订制钥匙。
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42400XW / 2020/7/11
进气阀: 0.30mm 排气: 0.50mm
42400XW / 2020/7/11
气温在-29℃以上的地区使用; 7、-50号轻柴油适用于风险率为10%的最低
避免长时间在怠速和低负荷下运行 此类运行将造成: 1、润滑油耗增多; 2、排气歧管中漏燃油或润滑油; 3、涡轮增压器的涡轮轴密封漏油; 4、在活塞上、活塞环槽、气门和增压器中的严重积炭; 5、低燃烧温度将造成燃油燃烧不完全,导致润滑油稀释;
柴油冷却器(选购件) 海水泵
热交换器(包括膨胀水箱) 冷却水泵
发动机 排气管
42400XW / 2020/7/11
节温器 齿轮箱滑油冷却器(选购件)
(TA) 型机器
热交换器(包括膨胀水箱) 冷却水泵
海水泵Biblioteka 发动机 排气管42400XW / 2020/7/11
42400XW / 2020/7/11
更 换 机 油 滤 清 器
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燃油含硫量重量百分比% 0.5-1.0%
500 小时或12 个月
250 小时或12 个月 125 小时或12 个月
VDS = Volvo发动机润滑油规格 ACEA = 欧洲汽车制造商协会 API = 美国石油学会
42400XW / 2020/7/11
1、10号轻柴油适用于有预热设备的柴油机; 2、5号轻柴油适用于风险率为10%的最低气
温在8℃以上的地区使用; 3、0号轻柴油适用于风险率为10%的最低气
温在4℃以上的地区使用; 4、-10号轻柴油适用于风险率为10%的最低
气温在-5℃以上的地区使用; 5、-20号轻柴油适用于风险率为10%的最低
气温在-14℃以上的地区使用; 6、-35号轻柴油适用于风险率为10%的最低
•检查发动机润滑油油位 •检查冷却液液位
首次运行50小时后 • 清洁正倒车机构滑油过滤器 • 更换正倒车机构滑油
42400XW / 2020/7/11
•传动皮带检查、调整 •气门间隙检查 •发动机滑油检查油位
每运行125--500小时/或每12个月 •发动机润滑油更换
42400XW / 2020/7/11
42400XW / 2020/7/11
正常: 75--95度 报警: 高于110度(功 率类型 I )
高于105度(功率类型 II )
润滑油压力 正常: 400--500KPa
报警: 低于80KPa
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21 20 19
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18 17
13 11
14 15 16
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42400XW / 2020/7/11
装有空气后冷器 装有增压器
42400XW / 2020/7/11
1、空气滤清不良会导致发动机磨损加剧。对于连续运行的发 动机可能只需若干小时就会使气缸套和气缸受到损害;
2、这种不必要的磨损大大缩短了发动机到下一次大修的时间 ,并且在极端的条件下可损坏发动机;
3、滤清不良或滤清器堵塞的其它影响是增加燃油和润滑油的 消耗并降低发动机的性能。
1. 打开燃油开关 2. 打开海水阀 3. 进行维护计划表中“起动前的每日检查” 4. 4. 接通主开关
42400XW / 2020/7/11
1. 将控制器柄置于中间位置 2. 将起动钥匙置于"1"位置, 接通电源 3. 检查报警灯和报警器 4. 起动发动机(注意起动时间) 5. 检查仪表并运行发动机进行暖机 6. 检查正倒车齿轮箱中的润滑油油位
节温器 齿轮箱滑油冷却器(选购件)
8 9 74
1) 油底壳 2) 转子泵 3) 压力释放阀 4) 滑油冷却器 5) 油压控制阀 6) 滑油滤器,带溢流阀 7) 活塞冷却(喷嘴) 8) 顶杆 9) 摇臂
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