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明日新闻主要用JSP编辑,SQL Server 2005数据库、Tomcat 网络服务器,并且在Eclipse上编码新闻发布网。

关键字:SQL Server JSP 新闻发布


Nowadays information technology is highly developed, journalism has accounted for more dominant position in the Internet industry. And our life is closely linked with news, Read news online every day is one of the habits of our lives. We can know variety of anecdotes without going outside through the Internet. At the same time, we can also save the cost of traditional paper-based newspapers and magazines. We start from actual situations, first, doing some actual investigation and analysis for today's mainstream news portal sites (eg: Sina News, Sohu News). Building a basic functional modules establish news site needs to implement.

The building of this news website based on B/S module, we can access through a Web browser, and make the browse of news more convenient. This system divided into two aspects, one is foreground interface, users can scan columnar news, issue news comments, register ordinary members,links and other functions, to achieve sharing of information; the other is background landing as a system administrator, changing news , real-time release, adding news columns ,registered members of management and other system maintenance functions.

This website uses JSP as the mainly development language, database uses SQL Server to manage the data, the programming environment is in the MyEclipse, back-ground server set up by Tomcat, it is a web-based news publishing website.

Key Words: SQL Server JSP News publishing website


第一章绪论 (1)

1.1课题开发背景及意义 (1)

1.2开发工具及技术 (1)

1.2.1 JSP技术简介 (1)

1.2.2 Eclipse简介 (2)

1.2.3 SQL server 2005 数据库简介 (2)

1.2.4 JDBC简介 (3)

1.3开发软件与硬件配置 (4)

第二章系统分析与设计 (5)

2.1系统需求分析 (5)

2.2系统可行性分析 (5)

2.3系统功能结构设计 (5)

第三章数据库分析与设计 (7)

3.1数据库的概念结构设计 (7)

3.2数据库的逻辑结构设计 (9)

第四章系统功能实现 (12)

4.1系统前台模块 (12)

4.1.1首页模块 (12)

4.1.2用户注册模块 (14)

4.2 系统后台模块 (16)

4.2.1管理员登录模块 (16)

4.2.2 系统用户管理模块 (18)

4.2.3 新闻类别模块 (19)

4.2.4 新增新闻模块 (21)

4.2.5 留言板模块 (23)

4.2.6 友情模块 (25)

第五章系统测试 (27)

5.1测试方法 (27)

5.2系统功能测试 (27)

总结 (32)

辞 (33)

参考文献 (34)
