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我们的地球是颗蓝色的行星Ours is truly a blue planet.
水覆盖了大部分地球表面Water covers most of the world's surface.
在这里我们是旁观者Here we are the outsiders.
但碧波之下,有种生物却很兴盛But under the waves one group thrives.
鱼类是水中高手Fish are masters of the waters.
旗鱼又是所有鱼中最快的And sailfish are the fastest of them all.
速度使它们成为海洋里最可怕的食肉动物之一Their speed makes them one of the ocean's most fearsome predators.
墨西哥海域,30条旗鱼包围着一群沙丁鱼Off the coast of Mexico
要抓到猎物,不仅仅单靠速度To catch their prey requires more than speed alone.
急转弯时,鱼鳍依旧结实In the tightest turns
它们靠镰刀形的尾巴驱动前进Their sickle-shaped tail powers them forwards
外形奇特的背鳍能够恐吓猎物and that extraordinary dorsal fin helps intimidate their prey.
肉眼看来,它们的动作太快了To the naked eye
选定一个目标非常困难Just picking a target is hard enough.
通过敲打使它失去平衡,并将之从鱼群里孤立出来Knocking it off balance
这需要极高的技巧This requires extraordinary skill.
并非每次尝试都能成功Not every attempt is successful.
但随着越来越多的旗鱼加入,一个失手,另一个迅速跟上But as more sailfish join in
这群沙丁鱼被有条不紊地猎食殆尽The shoal of sardines is methodically wiped out.
旗鱼是顶级猎食者,极少生物能威胁到它们Sailfish are top predators
对大多数的鱼类来说,不是这回事But for the majority of fish this is not the case.
开阔的海洋对它们是极度危险的For most fish the open ocean is extremely dangerous.
有些能作出惊人之举,只为逃生And some go to extraordinary lengths just to survive.
飞鱼Flying fish.
靠超长的鳍,它们飞出水面Free of the water they soar on elongated fins
将猎食者远远甩在后面leaving their predators far behind.
鱼类的飞行家A flight of fish.
飞鱼所面临的考验,不仅仅只是逃避天敌Escaping predators is not the only test facing the flying fish.
它们也必须保护发育中的后代They must also protect their developing young.
飞鱼在寻找一种特殊的东西,使之成为可能These flying fish are searching for the one thing that will make this possible.
在如此辽阔的海洋里,并不容易In such a vast ocean it's not easy.
它们很幸运They're in luck.
一片棕榈叶A palm frond.
海洋里漂流的微型岛屿It's a tiny island adrift in a huge ocean.
它可以提供庇护所,但不是为飞鱼And like an island it offers shelter
而是给它们的卵but for their eggs.
雌鱼在叶子上产卵,雄鱼使它们受精The females lay eggs on the raft
一条鱼的排卵会引发其它的鱼也开始排卵The first fish spawn and this triggers the others to start.
不一会儿,成千上万条鱼参与进来Soon thousands join the melee.
产下难以计数的卵Innumerable strands of eggs are laid.
重压之下“木筏”开始倾斜The raft starts to tilt under their weight.
最佳产卵地点在叶子的中间The best place to lay eggs is right inside the frond.
有些尝试被证明是失败的,它成了一些鱼的坟墓For some the attempt proves fatal and living fish become entombed.
在如此多鱼卵的重压下,它开始下沉The raft starts to sink under the weight of so many eggs. 但这并非灾难But this is far from a disaster.
沉到水面以下,实际上可以提高鱼卵的存活机会Sinking away from the surface actually improves the eggs' chances of survival.
在深处安全地躲避着,几天后In just a few days
它们全都孵化出来they'll hatch out.
其它的鱼则用不同的方式保护后代Other fish protect their offspring in different ways.
有些在照料后代方面走的更远Some go to far greater lengths to care for them.
澳大利亚南部的浅水区The shallow waters of southern Australia
是许多奇异生物的家园are home to many strange creatures.
童话般的海马王国It's a fairytale world of sea horses...
鳐鱼..and stingrays.
但谁也比不上海藻龙的美丽But none compare with the beauty of the weedy sea dragon.
它的背鳍快速地震动The dragon's tiny fins beat frantically
防止自己被水流冲走to prevent the current from sweeping it away.
现在是早春It's the beginning of spring
海藻龙的求爱期开始了the season when sea dragons begin their courtship.
在夜光下,它们开始跳舞And in the evening light
在优美的二重奏里,一只龙能准确地模仿伴侣的动作In a graceful duet
夜色很快就将这一对儿笼罩Darkness will soon draw a veil over the pair
但它们会继续跳舞,直到深夜but they will dance on
两个月后,它们的爱情结晶就会出现Two months later
雄性海藻龙,它是携带着卵的那只It's the male and he's the one that's carrying the eggs
一排一排的固定在它的尾巴上with rows and rows of them embedded in his tail.
那一夜,雌性将卵移交给了它That night the female transferred her eggs to him.
从那以后,它将独自照看这些卵Since then
这样随身带着它们可以保证安全By carrying them with him he's kept them safe.
现在,是它的付出得到回报的时候了And now it's time for his efforts to be rewarded.
卵开始孵化The eggs are ready to hatch.
在一个宁静的夏日早晨In the calm of a summer morning
一个还带着卵囊小海龙诞生了 a baby sea dragon
海藻床为能够自己觅食的The weed bed shelters older dragons
成年海龙提供庇护that are already able to feed themselves.
尽管这些小海龙从父亲那里得到了很好的照料Although these dragons were well cared for by their father
如今,它们必须独自寻找食物now they must find their own way in the world.
然而,还有一种鱼There are fish
能够给后代提供更为长久的保护which provide their young with a safe refuge for far longer.
太平洋西南部The south western Pacific.
喷沙鱼(译者自命名)A convict fish
它是海底的建筑师and it's something of a marine architect.
在地下制造了迷宫一样的通道Underground it has created a labyrinth of tunnels.
成年鱼从来不敢从洞里出来,它吃什么仍旧是个谜This adult never ventures out of its burrow 但它并非独住But it doesn't live here alone.
另一个门口露出了许多小脸儿At another entrance faces peer out.
幼年喷沙鱼Juvenile convict fish.
不像成年鱼,这些小子不会被地洞所束缚Unlike their parent
一旦它们现身,细流会变成洪水And as they start to emerge
成千上万There are thousands of them.
它们都帮助做家务And they all help with the chores.
鱼多力量大Many hands make light work.
它们在一起游动The young fish swarm together.
上万张嘴吞食食物Thousands of mouths gulping plankton.
成年鱼吃什么,应该跟这些小鱼有关What the adults eat must somehow involve these youngsters.
到底是小鱼们通过反刍来喂养大鱼呢?Whether the young feed their parents by regurgitating food
还是有其它的方式,我们无从得知or through some other mechanism
无论答案如何,小鱼们给大鱼提供食物Whatever the answer
它们的父母则提供庇护所作为回报their parents with a meal and in return get a roof over their heads.
繁衍后代只是一个挑战Producing young is just one challenge.
寻找食物和居住场所,是鱼类必须面临的进一步考验Finding food and somewhere to live are further trials fish must face.
加利福利亚海岸,生存着大量的生物The Californian coast
这也意味着生存空间的竞争异常激烈But all this life means competition for living space is intense.
老掉的贝壳是很宝贵的Old shells are highly prized.
这个壳被一个怪头鱼(译者自命名)所占据And this one is occupied by a sarcastic fringehead. 这种鱼非常的好斗These fish are exceptionally quarrelsome
它们必须保护自己的住所they have to be
一条章鱼An octopus.
一不小心就进入了怪头鱼的地盘Inadvertently it's wandered into the fringehead's territory
这是无法容忍的and that can't be tolerated.
章鱼用特殊的腕足猛戳怪头鱼The octopus's impressive jab holds the fringehead at bay.
这种行为远非坏脾气所能解释There is more to this behaviour than being bad-tempered.
想要得到充足的食物,怪头鱼必须守住自己的场子The fringehead needs to defend its patch if it is to get enough to eat
章鱼就是个对手and the octopus was competition.
蟹可不是那么好吞的Crabs are not the easiest of mouthfuls.
由于生存空间狭小,这里总有不间断的领土纠纷Because of the shortage of living space there
are constant boundary disputes
特别是和另一条怪头鱼especially with other fringeheads
这家伙越界了and this one has got too close.
尽管面对如此夸张的恐吓Despite the most extravagant threats...
它们都不打算收手..neither is prepared to back down.
怪头鱼从来不会放松警惕,因为竞争者实在太多A fringehead can never drop its guard
有些鱼类则迁移到竞争相对较少的地方Some fish have moved to places where they have fewer rivals.
弹涂鱼,一生中大部分时间都在水外度过A mudskipper a fish that spends most of its life out of the sea.
它能在地上爬行,呼吸空气It can walk on land and breathe air.
生活方式和大部分的鱼很不相同Its life is very different from that of most fish.
一般的鱼偶尔也会出水A fish out of water maybe
但它们在日本的这个地方却很繁盛but they thrive here in Japan.
所以,为何作出如此大的改变?So what's made this upheaval worthwhile?
答案就在泥巴里The answer lies in the mud.
退潮后,暴露出一片滩涂As the tide retreats it exposes mudflats.
阳光照耀在肥沃的泥土上,各种小型生物得以繁盛Sunlight hits the rich silt and tiny plants and animals flourish there.
这些都是弹涂鱼的食物All food for a mudskipper.
但陆上生活并非没有麻烦But life on land is not without problems
很难找到配偶it's hard work to find a mate.
从泥滩上高高跃起,可以让自己受到关注Jumping high above the mud will get you noticed. 弹涂鱼那双长在头顶的双眼With eyes perched on top of their heads
时刻关注着朋友,警惕着敌人the mudskippers keep a look out for both friend and foe.
雄性还会同入侵者打斗And males fight those who intrude on their territory.
它们也要谨防自己被晒干They must also take care not to dry out in the sun.
在泥浆里打滚能够降温并且保湿Rolling in the ooze keeps the skin cool and moist.
对这种小动物来说For this smaller species
退回地下乃是上策a better option is to retreat underground.
所以它在泥巴里为自己挖好了地道So he digs himself a tunnel down into the mud.
它洞外堆积的泥巴能显示出挖掘的深度His heap of spoil is an indication of the extent of his excavations.
潮水会每天两次淹没地道With the tide flooding the tunnel twice a day
维修工作比较繁重maintenance is a real burden.
地道不仅仅是躲避太阳的The tunnel is more than a refuge from the sun
也有另一种重要的用途it serves another very important purpose.
地道实际上是U型的,末端有个封闭的小室The tunnel is actually U-shaped and at the far end is a sealed chamber
墙壁上布满了鱼卵the walls of which are lined with eggs.
鱼卵保持露天状态,因为空气中的氧气含量比水中要高The eggs are kept in air as it's richer in oxygen than the water.
问题是这里所储存的空气支持不了多久The problem is the air that's trapped here won't last for
所以雄鱼会游到洞口,吞下新鲜空气So the male travels to the open end of the tunnel to gulp fresh air.
再潜回地道将空气吐到孵卵小室里Back he goes down his tunnel where he releases it into the egg chamber.
补充卵孵化所需的氧气Replenishing the oxygen on which the eggs depend.
它会一次又一次地重复这个过程,直到后代孵化出来He will repeat this hundreds and hundreds of times until his young hatch.
尽管这种生活方式很辛苦This lifestyle is very demanding
弹涂鱼还是能设法解决每一个问题yet the mudskipper has found a way around every problem. 海洋里严酷的生活挑战The harsh challenges of life in the ocean
也迫使另一种鱼离开了大海have encouraged other fish to leave the sea.
不是去到陆地,而是淡水Not for land
夏威夷是地球上最偏远的群岛Hawaii is the remotest island chain on the planet.
这溪流看起来是个鱼类生存的好地方These pools look the perfect place for a fish to live
独立,没什么竞争和猎食者secluded and free from competition and predators.
但这里很少有鱼,一个很大的原因是Yet few contain fish
没有鱼能上游到这里来Surely no fish could swim up this.
但有一种来自海洋的鱼,下决心要移民到这条溪流But one fish comes from the ocean
小虾虎鱼,攀岩高手It's a tiny goby and it's a rock climber.
它的腹鳍呈盘状,像个吸盘With pelvic fins fused into a disc
小虾虎鱼只需爬过一层薄的“水墙”all the goby needs is a film of water to climb through.
先锋不一会儿就被其它的追随The pioneer is soon followed by many others
可能是沿着它的气味possibly following its scent trail.
它们逆着水流向上爬行They clamber on
水滴下来如同炸弹Drops of water fall like bombs.
失误会导致体力的浪费False leads waste crucial energy.
有些需要休息Some must rest.
另一些,消耗太多For others
会在半路上死掉Many die in their attempt to reach to top.
尽管困难重重,还是有少数能英雄般地到达上面Against all the odds a few heroic individuals do make it to the top.
它们为自己找到了一个近乎完美的栖息地They find themselves in a near-perfect fish habitat... 在那儿,小虾虎鱼能够安宁地生长、繁衍..where the gobies can feed and grow and breed in peace.
最后,它们的后代会被水流冲走,到达大海In time their own young will be swept downstream and out to sea
然后开始新一轮的循环and the cycle will begin all over again.
淡水给鱼类带来了特殊的挑战Fresh water presents particular challenges for fish.
春天的淡水中,营养非常稀少Nutrients can be in very short supply in spring water
所以要找到食物,必须把握住每一个机会so here fish must take every chance they can to find food.
雨水落到肯尼亚山上,从岩石中渗出来The rain that falls on these Kenyan hills percolates through the rocks.
最终形成一个个清澈的水池Finally emerging as crystal clear pools.
是很多鱼类的家,包括鲃鱼Pools that are home to fish including barbel.
鲃鱼和很多其它的生物在此共存The fish share these waters with all sorts of creatures...
包括河马..including hippopotamus.
这些巨大的素食者对鱼类没有威胁These giant vegetarians are no threat to the fish
事实上,它们是鱼儿在此生存的关键in fact they're key to their survival here.
河马们经过陆地上一夜的饱餐After a night of grazing on land
返回到凉爽的水塘里呆上几小时to spend the daylight hours in the cooling waters.
鲃鱼们前来迎接And the barbel come to meet them.
每头河马身后一下子就跟来一群鱼Soon each hippo is trailed by a shoal of fish
等待着开饭呢waiting for their breakfast.
河马排便Hippo droppings.
但鲃鱼对河马的粪便并不感兴趣But it's not just the hippo's dung the fish are interested in.
当河马来到水池里合适的地点后When the hippos reach one particular spot in the pool
它们便站着不动,等待they stand still and wait.
鲃鱼们开始清除它们身上的And the fish start to clean them...
虱子、寄生虫以及可口的碎屑..removing ticks
对鲃鱼来说,河马就像是个移动餐厅To the fish the hippos are a mobile cafeteria.
河马们看起来很享受呢The hippos seem to be enjoying the sensation.
唯一能打断这场宴会的The only thing that interrupts the feast
是河马必须浮出水面呼吸is the need to take an occasional breath.
给河马清洁皮肤只是开胃菜Cleaning the hippo's skin was just the hors d'oeuvre.
现在到了正餐环节Now it's time for the main course.
鲃鱼还是河马的口腔医生the fish look after the hippos' dental hygiene.
这种方式对双方都有利It's an arrangement that suits both parties.
但有可能鲃鱼们获利更多But perhaps it is the fish that are the overall winners.
它们能吃到那些本来遥不可及的the abundant vegetation that would otherwise be beyond their reach
生长在水池旁边陆地上的东西growing around their pool
很明显,提供清洁服务是混口饭吃的好办法Providing a cleaning service is clearly a good way of getting a meal.
在海洋里,也有时需要清理服务And there is cleaning to be done in the sea as well.
这种濑鱼的生活主要集中于清除其它鱼身上的寄生虫The life of this wrasse is centred on removing parasites from other reef fish...
包括"食肉杰克"(译者自命名)..including predatory jacks.
通常他们能一口吞下这样的小鱼Normally they would snap up such a little fish
但它们有明确的关系but this is an established relationship
双方都明白游戏规则and both sides know the rules.
由于食肉杰克太多,而濑鱼很少With so many jacks and only a few wrasse in attendance
并非所有的都能得到清理not all the jacks are going to get cleaned.
这里的生物也引来了其它猎食者But all this life attracts other predators.
银鲨Silvertip sharks.
珊瑚礁能给小鱼提供庇护The reef provides shelter for the smaller fish
食肉杰克依然暴露but the jacks remain exposed.
这样或许有了机会Yet this may be a chance
食肉杰克们可以解决清理问题for the jacks to solve their cleaning problem.
T它们觅得时机They've spotted an opportunity.
银鲨的皮肤就像砂纸Sharks have skin like sand paper.
从鲨鱼的侧边撞过去And bumping into the sharks' flanks
能够帮助食肉杰克清除掉身上的寄生虫和死皮helps the jacks to rid themselves of parasites and dead skin.
也许它们发现这种清洁方法比濑鱼还要有效Perhaps the jacks find this a more effective alternative to the cleaner fish.
不久就有一群食肉杰克尾随着鲨鱼And soon swarms of jacks pursue the sharks.
都跑过来蹭几下痒痒All itching to have a scratch.
这种行为无疑让鲨鱼很烦恼Unsurprisingly all this attention bothers the sharks
它们掉头游向深水区and they head back to the blue water
使得珊瑚礁居民的生活回复了宁静leaving the residents of the reef to resume life as normal.
珊瑚礁是地球上最富饶的生物栖息地Coral reefs are the richest habitats on Earth.
毫不意外的是It's not surprising that
这么多种不同动物紧密地生活在一起with so many different kinds of animals living so closely together
必然会演化出一些特殊的种间关系some extraordinary relationships have evolved.
小丑鱼,没有自卫能力的珊瑚礁居民A clownfish
看起来选了个糟糕的生活场所It seems to have picked a tough place to live
在海葵的触手之间amongst the tentacles of a sea anemone.
每支触手都有毒刺,可以杀死一条鱼Each tentacle is armed with paralysing stings that can kill a fish.
但小丑鱼完全不受影响Yet the clown fish are totally immune.
这一组合,海葵就像城堡For this pair
只要它们呆在海葵周围,就很安全So long as they stay surrounded by the tentacles
它们也在这里产卵and so this is where they choose to lay their eggs.
经过仔细的地点选择After carefully selecting the site
它们开始清扫表面work begins on preparing the surface.
两条鱼分担工作Both fish share in the labour
然后由较大的雄鱼决定是否就绪though it's the larger female who decides when all is ready.
一行行的小鱼卵被黏附在岩石上,然后受精Lines and lines of tiny eggs are stuck to the rock and then fertilised.
这些卵很靠近海葵,所以比较安全They're laid so close to the anemone they will be safe.
接下来的七天,它们会得到始终如一的照顾And for the next seven days they'll receive constant care...
大部分来自鱼爸爸..much of which is provided by the male.
它看起来如此担心那些卵,是有原因的His seemingly obsessive concern for the eggs is for good reason.
鱼卵在海葵丛中并不十分安全His position in the anemone is far from secure.
雌鱼关注着它的一举一动The female watches his every move
她掌控着这里,如果雄鱼的努力不符合她的要求she's in charge here and if his efforts don't match up
她就会赶走他to her standards
排队候补的是一群半大的小丑鱼In line to take over are a host of immature clown fish...
每一个都伺机取而代之..each waiting to move up the hierarchy.
对雄鱼来说,得到雌鱼偏爱的最好方法For the male the best way to stay in the female's favour 就是好好照顾鱼卵is by lavishing care on the eggs.
所以它集中精力,使它们保持清洁、健康So he focuses all his efforts on keeping them clean and healthy.
卵发育很快,不久就能看见它们跳动的小心脏The eggs grow rapidly and soon their tiny beating hearts are visible.
看起来它干得不错It seems he's done a good job.
小丑鱼可以躲进海葵里休息了Clown fish can hide away within an anemone.
但大多数的鱼没这个办法But most fish don't have this option.
有一些,它们逃离危险的唯一途径For some
就是躲进一大群is by hiding amongst their own kind...
同类中..in shoals.
尽管很挤,但没一条凤尾鱼跑出来Packed close together
通过感官对同伴的行动做出迅速反应By sensing and reacting to the movements
它们可以做到“千鱼一律”of their immediate neighbours
对捕食者来说,从中挑出一条,几乎是不可能的For a predator
团结就是力量The shoal's unity is its strength.
尽管每条鱼的动机都是利己的Yet each fish is acting from selfish motives.
通过整体行动,鱼群使得海狮如此迷惑Moving together
它们只得离开,去别处寻找小的、不这么狡猾的目标that they leave to look elsewhere for a smaller
鱼群整体击败了海狮The sheer size of the shoal defeated the sea lions
但有的鱼可以挫败这种战术but there are fish that can overcome such strategies.
南非海域Off the coast of South Africa
这群沙丁鱼被一条锯齿鲨尾随this huge shoal of sardines is shadowed by a ragged tooth shark. 其它鲨鱼也加入了“护航”Other sharks join the menacing escort.
这群鱼被一股冷流逼进了浅水区The shoal has been driven into the shallows by a cold ocean current.
这就给了鲨鱼们机会And this gives the sharks an opportunity.
几百条鲨鱼就位Hundreds have moved into position.
鲨鱼有特殊的感官,能侦测出Sharks have a special sense
猎物移动时发出的电信号the electrical signals their prey gives off when it moves.
这就是使它们占优势的第六感It's a sixth sense that can give them an edge.
但现在成千上万条鱼挤在浅水区But with hundreds of thousands of fish crammed into the shallows
鲨鱼就只能依靠自己的速度和敏捷the sharks now need only rely on their speed and agility.
一旦第一条鲨鱼开始认真捕猎As the first shark starts to hunt in earnest
一场狂乱的盛宴爆发了 a feeding frenzy breaks out.
鱼群的防线开始削弱The shoal's defences are weakened
这里没有足够的空间来迂回there isn't enough space to manoeuvre.
鲨鱼可以吞下它们And the sharks can gorge themselves.
尽管伤亡很多Despite the casualties
但鱼群太过庞大,鲨鱼造成的影响其实非常微小the shoal is so vast that the sharks have little effect on its size.
鱼类不仅以群体方式进行防御Fish not only come together in great shoals for defence
还会在生命中的另一些关键时刻but at other critical times in their lives
比如它们排卵when they're ready to spawn.
这事情只会发生在每年的那几天These events only occur for a few days each year.
真鳍蓝雕通常独立生活,但它们从伯利兹城海岸Snapper are normally solitary
远道而来,聚集在一起from hundreds of miles away to gather off the coast of Belize.
沿着这块礁石,真鳍蓝雕形成一个巨大的群体Along this one reef
60米水下,有着阴森、冰冷的感觉60 metres down
但马上就要热闹起来But things are about to hot up.
月圆之夜,潮水刚好It's the evening of the full moon
一大群鱼从海底蹿升A great column of fish leaves the bottom.
上升途中,一小部分从鱼群中冲出As they rise through the water
雌鱼在前排卵,雄鱼在后面紧追Each burst is led by a female
排出卵后,雄鱼将精子与之混合As she sheds her eggs
由于它们聚集时已同期发情By synchronising the time when they gather together
产卵时,参与的鱼能够达到最大数量the maximum numbers of fish can join in this mass spawning.
数百万的受精卵被释放Millions of fertilized eggs are released
汇入了洋流cast into the ocean currents...
直接进入危险的世界..and straight into a dangerous world.
鲸鲨,地球上最大的鱼Whale sharks
每一条鲸鲨可重达10吨Each shark might weigh ten tonnes
但它们却吃极为微小的生物,如真鳍蓝雕的卵yet they feed on the tiniest creatures
生命的被创造、延续、被消灭Life is being created
在一次大事件里同时发生in one huge event.
生存斗争,全都浓缩在了这一时刻The struggle for life
海洋是危险的生存之地The oceans are perilous places to live
鱼类已进化出非常特殊的方法以求生存yet fish have developed the most extraordinary means for survival.
它们惊人的多样性,亿万年的进化成果Their astounding diversity
使它们获得成功of evolution
统治着目前我们自己还无法占据的栖息地Dominating the one habitat that we have so far failed to make our own.
水下拍摄给Life制作组带来了各种各样的困难Filming under water raised all sorts of problems for the Life team.
他们在氧气瓶里的气体用完之前Not least of which was that they were only able to experience 只能短暂体验一下这个水下世界the underwater world for as long as the air on their backs or in their lungs held out.
但三年来,制作组非常有幸地拍下了But over three years the team were lucky enough to
capture on film
一些鱼类非同寻常的精彩瞬间some extraordinary moments in the lives of fish.
墨西哥尤卡坦半岛海域The waters off the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico
是旗鱼富饶的猎食场所are a rich hunting ground for Sailfish.
摄影师Rick Rosenthal Cameraman Rick Rosenthal
和海钓队长Anthony Mendillo合作has teamed up with sport fishing Captain Anthony Mendillo 试图拍下这些奇异生物的猎食场面to try and film the hunting behaviour of these amazing animals.
鱼来了!It's fish!
食鱼鸟带领他们找到了旗鱼Feeding birds lead them to the sailfish.
在这儿,在这儿呢Right here.Right here.
在它们的宴会结束前,快速赶到并且下水Getting to the bait balls and into the water quickly is key
是非常关键的before the feast is consumed.
准备Get ready.
都抓紧了!Everybody hang on.
我们下水吧,下,下Let's go swimming
去那里Go on get in there.
让Rick赶快是没错的It's all very well telling Rick to hurry
这群鱼能游出时速60英里以上but these fish are capable of swimming at over 60 miles an hour. 想跟上它们非常困难Just keeping up with them is hard enough.
正好进入它们中间是很必要的Getting right in amongst the action is vital
但是Rick还必须尽量不要打扰到它们but Rick has to try to avoid becoming part of it.
体长接近一米,以刀锋一样的速度破水前进Bills nearly one metre long
是极速竞赛的保证are guaranteed to get the heart racing.
Rick绷紧神经But Rick holds his nerve
旗鱼在他面前逐一地干掉一条条的沙丁鱼as the sailfish pick off sardine after sardine right in front of him.
就在这一切开始时,就差不多结束了Almost as soon as it started
今天这真是一场野性的盛宴That was a wild feed show out there today.
非常狂野Really wild.
那里应该有50条旗鱼Must have been 50 sailfish if there was...
49条吧,非常具有侵略性,极度饥饿,每条都在行动Or 49
我必须不停地把摄影机转啊,转啊,转啊……and I had to just keep kicking and kicking and kicking
以便跟上节奏and kicking and kicking and kicking to keep in the action
因为不一会儿,沙丁鱼就被吃光了because after a while the sardine patch was eaten up
只剩下一些残肢碎片,结束了to just a little sliver and then it was over.
在加勒比海另一边2000英里外Nearly 2
另一小组正在进行另一种拍摄another crew is taking a slightly different approach.
他们打算拍摄飞鱼They are trying to film flying fish.
摄制组在拂晓时乘Hog Snapper号渔船出发The team sets out at dawn on the Hog Snapper
这里的条件比墨西哥那边的渔船要糟糕的多Conditions are in stark contrast to the gleaming sport fishing boat in Mexico.
这是Doug,他准备好了,看There's Doug he's ready for action
他们希望借助本地人的经验,将他们适时地带到合适的地点They are hoping to use a local fisherman's expertise to put them in the right place at the right time.
晚餐、午餐和早餐You catching dinner
这只船不大,组员的卧室现在成了厨房It's not a big boat and the crew's bedroom has now become the kitchen.
今天早餐你们吃煎咸肉和煎鸡蛋We're having fried bacon and fried egg this morning.
煎咸肉和煎鸡蛋Fried bacon and fried eggs.
我受过厨师训练……I'm the trainee chef and I don't...
所以我不必要穿白色雨靴So I don't get to wear the white wellies.
与其在海面上到处追寻它们Rather than racing around the ocean chasing the action
飞鱼摄制组干脆the flying fish team have to sit it out
坐等飞鱼来找他们and wait for the fish to come to them.
飞鱼在水里是分散生活的Flying fish will spawn onto debris in the water
组员们绑了根棕榈叶在船后and the team tie on to a floating palm frond
确保飞鱼们会聚集着跟过来to try and make sure they're close by in case the action begins.
果然,他们没等太久And sure enough
水面下聚集了成千上万条飞鱼Thousands of fish have massed below the surface
它们都在追逐棕榈叶all intent on reaching the frond.
飞鱼们并不只是将卵排到棕榈叶上And the frond is not the only thing
(还弄到摄影师身上)that they're trying to lay their eggs on.
鱼卵的重量将叶子压沉The weight of the eggs sinks the palm frond
然后产卵结束,拍摄工作也结束了and puts an end to the spawning and to the crew's filming. 好了,看起来这就是我们想要的Well
一切顺利Everything was right.
光线好,蓝色的水The light was right
四吨多的飞鱼都发狂了the four tonnes of flying fish all going mental.
多谢,Barry 别客气Thanks
但现在,飞鱼的注意力转向了更大的家伙But now the fish's attention is turned to something bigger.
它们直接朝船上排卵Their spawning directly onto the boat.
Barry很担心,提起了一大片鱼卵Barry is worried as he drags up a huge sheet of eggs.
得把它弄起来,查看一下Gotta bring it on the boat and check it out.
我五分钟前已经把这个清理干净了,对吧I cleaned this off like five minutes a go. Right?
现在的问题是,这里的飞鱼太多了Right now the problem is this
太多了,我们周围Too many...around us.
如果我们在这里抛锚过夜,灯开着If we moor through the nights with the lights on and stuff 会引来越来越多的飞鱼,它们会将卵排在船体上more and more will keep coming and what they're doing is they're actually laying on the boat now
就是说船将成为它们的目标,这可不妙so the boat has become their object and that is not good. 简单的说,你是在担心,如果我们呆在这里So basically you're worried that if we just stay on this drift
船可能会沉we're gonna sink the boat.。