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achieve 6. achievement (动词) _________ sails 7. sail (第三人称单数) _________ decide 8. decision (动词) _________ trains 9. train (第三人称单数) _________ careers 10. career (复数) _________
23.— What do you think of Miss Wang’s class? — It is always very lively. All of the students in our class love her. A. interesting and exciting B. surprising and exciting C. helpful and interesting 24.— Would you like to turn your hobby into your career, Sam? —Yes, I’d like to. I think it will be a wonderful thing if I can do my favourite things every day. A. future life B. future dream C. future job
achieve 【总结】 【展示】 1.Work hard and you will “ achieve your dream. achieve 为动词,意思是 (年长期努力 )” 达到 (某目标、地位、标准)”. 努力工作,你将会实现你的梦想。 2.Our always proud of our 短语 parents achieve are one’s dream 意为“实现某人的梦 achievements. 想”,如例 1; achievement是其名词形式,意思 我们的父母亲总是以我们取得的成就为傲。 是“成绩;成就”,为可数名词,如例 2。
【解析】 1.It looked like black velvet with a million diamonds it. 本句中 lookon like 意为“看起来像……”. 是动词词 组,其中like是介词,后接名词或者代词作宾 它看起来就像有着百万颗钻石的黑丝绒一样。 语;with在句中作伴随状语,表示在进行一项动 作的同时在进行另外一个动作。 例如:1. Li Ming looks like his mother. 李明看起来像他的妈妈。 2. He came in with a book in his hand. 他手里拿了一本书进来了。
根据汉语意思,完成句子。每空一词。 4. 每节课持续1个小时。 lasts Each lesson _________ for an hour. 5. 我们将要学习最后一单元。 We are going to learn the _________ unit. last 6. 狂风终于停了下来。 At last the wild wind calmed down. ________ ________
2. I use my knowledge to tell people about the stars in a lively way. 我利用我的知识,用一种生动的方式告诉人们 星星 (的知识)。 【解析】 use是动词,意为“用、利用”, use sth. to do sth.意为“用……做……”。 例如: I like to use the radio to get the latest news. 我喜欢用广播了解最新的新闻。
(T)3. When Patrick Moore learnt a little about stars, he wanted to find out more and more.
(T)4. Patrick Moore is the host of a TV programme called The Sky at Night. (F)5. Patrick Moore thinks people cannot turn their hobbies into their careers.
用所给单词的适当形式填空。 go 1.We used to ________ (go) swimming last year. build (build) houses 2.These trees are used to________ here. 3. I am used to running ________ (run) every morning.
2.Once I learnt a little about them, I soon wanted 【解析】 to find out more and more. once 是连词,意为“一旦”,在句中引导时间状 一旦我了解它们一点点,我就想了解更多 (有关 语从句,与 as soon as意思相近。 星星的知识 ) 。 例如: Once I make a decision, I will try my best to make it come true. 一旦我做出决定,我会尽我最大的力量去实现它。
last 【总结】 【展示】 1.The hot weather lasted for the whole month of last可作动词,有“持续;维持”的意思,如例 June. 1; 也可作形容词,意思是“最后的”,如例2; 炎热的天气在六月持续了整整一个月。 at last是其短语形式,意思是“最终,终于”, 2.He was the last one to leave the classroom. 与finally 同义,如例 3。 他是最后一个离开教室的。 3.We reached the top of the mountain at last. 最终我们到达了山顶。
For unit 8
used to
【展示】 【总结】 1.He used to sth. go to school on foot. used to do 指过去常常做某事,而现在不做 他过去常常步行去学校。 了,如例1; 2.The knife used cut被用于做某事,如例 fruit. be used tois do sth.to …… 2; 这把刀是用于切水果的。 be used to sth./doing sth.习惯于、适应于(做) 某 3. 事,与 I’m used to getting up early. get used to sth./ doing sth.同义,如例3。 我习惯早起。
1. Sometimes we saw stars shooting brightly across the sky. 有时候我们看到明亮的星星掠过天空。 【解析】 shoot across意为“掠过”,表示速度非常地快, 其中shoot是动词,其过去式是shot。 例如:That plane shot across the sky. 那飞机掠过了天空。
II. 词组汉译英。 in the future 11. 将来_______________ used to 12. 曾经_______________ go outside 13. 外出 _______________ look like 14. 看起来像_______________ more and more 15. 越来越多_______________
more ________ and more people like 4. Now________ ________ working in big cities. used ________ to be 5. David________ ________ afraid of dogs. But he likes to make friends with dogs now. 6. — I think robots will help people do lots of in the future work ________ ________ ________. —I agree with you.
根据汉语提示,补全句子。每空一词。 1. 你看到一个巨大的火球掠过了夜空了吗? shoot ________ across Did you see a huge fireball________ the night sky? 2. 请用字典去查找这个单词的意思。 Please ________ the dictionary___ use to ______ look _____ up the meaning of the word.
6.be proud of 7.last for 8. turn…into… 9.grow up 10. go sailing 为……感到自豪 持续 把……变成…… 长大 去进行帆船运动
根据句意选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空, 补全句子。 go outside 1. It is very cold. I shall not ________ ________ without a coat. 2. — Alice, what do you want to be when you ________ grow ________? up —I want to be a singer. 3. — I don’t think I can do well in this job. — Don’t give up. If you try your best,we’ll be proud ________ of always________ ________ you.
III.选出与划线部分意思相同或相近的选项。 21.— The meeting begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 3:00 p.m. —Oh, it lasts for 7 hours. A. leaves B. waits C. continues 22.— When did you go outside to play basketball with your friends yesterday? —At about 3:00 in the afternoon. A. go out B. come in C. go back
根据汉语意思,完成句子。每空一词。 7. 她最终实现了她的当教师的梦想。 She ________ achieved her dream of becoming a teacher at last. 8. 马克•吐温在写作上取得了很大的成就 achievement in Mark Twain made a great ____________ writing.
I. 按要求写出相应的单词。
planets 1. planet (复数) _________ 2. shoot (过去式) _________ shot hosts 3. host (第三人称单数) _________ lasted 4. last (过去式) _________ anybody 5. anyone (同义词) _________
Unit 8短语聚会 (Reading - Listening)
1.in the future 2.used to 3.go outside 4.look like 5.more and more 将来 曾经 外出Leabharlann Baidu看起来像…… 越来越多
Unit 8短语聚会 (Reading - Listening)
根据Reading部分的内容,判断正误。正确的填 “T”,错误的填“F”。 (F)1. Patrick Moore began his hobby at the age of eighteen.
(F)2. Patrick Moore’s mother and he saw the same groups of stars in different seasons.
grow up 16. 长大_______________ go sailing 17. 去进行帆船运动_______________ be proud of 18. 为……感到自豪_______________ last for 19. 持续_______________ turn ... into ... 20. 把……变成……_______________