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人教新起点六年级Unit1 知识汇总


live 居住;生活 quite 很,相当 scarf 围巾airport 机场

pupil 小学生arrive 到达meet 迎接;遇见;会面

wardrobe 衣柜


1. What’s the weather like there? 那里的天气怎么样?

2. Bill is going to Canada and is going to stay there for five months. 比尔打算去加拿大并且打算在那里待五个月。

3. It is very cold and snowy in Canada in the winter. 加拿大的冬天非常冷而且多雪。

4. My aunt is a doctor in a hospital. 我婶婶是医院的一名医生。

5. -- Who is that girl? 那个女孩儿是谁?

-- That’s Jenny, my cousin. 那是詹妮,我堂妹。

6. My grandma is a writer. 我祖母是一名作家。

7. I arrived in Toronto this morning. 今天早上我到达了多伦多。

8. In the room, there is a big wardrobe and a desk. 房间里有一个大衣柜和一个书桌。


1. What’s the weather like + 其他?

eg: What’s the weather like in Xi’an? 西安的天气怎么样?

2. What does + 主语(第三人称单数)+ do?

eg: What does your father do? 你爸爸是做什么的?3. Who is that + 某人?

eg: Who is that boy? 那个男孩儿是谁?

4. There is a/ an + 某物+ 地点.

eg: There is a bank near the Chinese restaurant. 在中餐厅旁边有一个银行。

5. I am + 数字+ year(s) old.

eg: I am seven years old. 我七岁了。



show...around 带领......参观 Queen’s Park 女王公园

art gallery 画廊;艺术馆public library 公共图书馆

downtown 闹市区,市中心 Lake Ontario 安大略湖

stadium (露天)体育场


1. -- Is there a library? 有一个图书馆吗?

-- Yes, there is. 是的,有。

2. -- How can I get there? 我怎样才能到那儿?

-- Go straight. Turn left at the second crossroads. The library is on the right. 直走。在第二个十字路口左转。图书馆在右边。

3. There are many beautiful buildings in downtown Toronto. 多伦多市中心有许多美丽的建筑物。

4. There is a big lake in Toronto called Lake Ontario. 多伦多有一个大湖叫安大略湖。

5. You can see the sports stadium near the lake. 你可以在湖附近看到体育场。

6. There is a famous restaurant next to the stadium. 体育场旁边有一家著名的餐厅。

7. -- Where are Bill and Ted? 比尔和特德在哪里?

-- They’re in Willow Primary School. 他们在柳树小学。

8. -- What are they doing? 他们正在做什么?

-- Ted is showing Bill around the school. 特德正带领比尔参观学校。

9. What classes do you have? 你有什么课?

10. -- What does Miss Jackson look like? 杰克逊老师长什么样?

-- She has curly black hair. She wears glasses. 她梳着黑色的卷发。她戴眼镜。


1. How can I get (to) + 地点?

eg: How can I get to Renmin park? 我怎样才能去人民公园?

2. There are + 某物(复数)+ 地点.

There are many beautiful flowers in the park. 公园里有很多漂亮的花。

3. Where is + 地点?

eg: Where is the library? 图书馆在哪?

4. What classes do you have(+其他)?

eg: What classes do you have on Monday? 星期一你有什么课?



volunteer 志愿者 sandwich 三明治 top 上边,上面
