
一、交际用语共5题,15分1— I'm sorry. I am late due to the heavy traffic.— ________A.Well, it's OK .B.No, it's all right.C.You are welcome.D.You are wrong.正确答案:A解析:道歉用语,第一句话“I'm sorry. I am late due to the heavy traffic.对不起,因为堵车我迟到了。
Well, it's OK.好吧,没关系。
B. No, it's all right. 不,没事。
C. You are welcome.你客气啦。
D. You are wrong.你错了。
2— It's rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window?— ________A.Yes, please.B.No, please.C.Sure, please.D.I don't like it.正确答案:B解析:考查表请求的交际用语。
No, please.不介意,关吧。
It's rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window?这里有些冷,我关上窗子,你不介意吧?这里考察的是Do you mind if I句型的用法,对于此句型的回答如下:关于如何回答该句型的问题.1.若表示“不介意”或“同意”时,常用否定形式.如:① No, of course not.① No, certainly not.① No, not at all.① No, go ahead.① No, do as you like.① No, indeed.① No, please.① No, I don't mind.① No, do it please.① Not in the least.等.2.若表示“介意”或“不同意”时,则常用较委婉的方式加以拒绝.如:① I'm sorry but I do.① Sorry,you'd better not.① I'm afraid you can't.① I wish you wouldn't ...① I'm sorry,but it's not allowed ...① Yes,I do mind.等. 其中,很少用Yes,I do mind来回答,因这种答语显得较生硬.3— ________— He teaches physics in a school.A.What does your father do?B.Who is your father?C.What is your father doing?D.Where is your father now?正确答案:A解析:询问职业用语,先看回答句:He teaches physics in a school.意思是:他在学校教物理。

大学英语四级测验模拟试卷及参考答案(第一套)————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:大学英语四级考试模拟试卷及参考答案(第一套)Part II Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)Directions: There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is foll owed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are fou r choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and ma rk the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage OneQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.There is a difference between science and technology. Science is a method o f answering theoretical questions; technology is a method of solving practical problems. Science has to do with discovering the facts and relationships betwee n observable phenomena in nature and with establishing theories that serve to o rganize these facts and relationships; technology has to do with tools, techniq ues, and procedures for implementing the finding of science.Another distinction between science and technology has to do with the progr ess in each.Progress in science excludes the human factor. Scientists, who seek to comp rehend the universe and know the truth within the highest degree of accuracy an d certainty, cannot pay attention to their own or other people's likes or disli kes or to popular ideas about the fitness of things. What scientists discover m ay shock or anger people-as did Darwin's theory of evolution. But even an unple asant truth is more than likely to be useful; besides, we have the choice of re fusing to believe it! But hardly so with technology; we do not have the choiceof refusing to hear the sonic boom produced by a supersonic aircraft flying ove rhead; we do not have the option of refusing to breathe polluted air; and we do not have the option of living in a non-atomic age. Unlike science progress, te chnology must be measured in terms of the human factor. The legitimate purpose of technology is to serve people in general, not merely some people; and future generations, not merely those who presently wish to gain advantage for themsel ves. Technology must be humanistic if it is to lead to a better world.21. The difference between science and technology lies in that _____.A) the former provides answers to theoretical questions while the latter to practical problemsB) the former seeks to comprehend the universe while the latter helps chang e the material worldC) the former aims to discover the inter-connections of facts and the rules that explain them while the latter, to discover new designs and ways of making the things we use in our daily lifeD) all of the above22. Which of the following may be representative of science?A) The improvement of people's life.B) The theory of people's life.C) Farming tools.D) Mass production.23. According to the author, scientific theories _____.A) must be strictly objectiveB) usually take into consideration people's likes and dislikesC) should conform to popular opinionsD) always appear in perfect and finished forms24. The author states that technology itself _____.A) is responsible for widespread pollution and resource exhaustionB) should serve those who wish to gain advantage for themselvesC) will lead to a better world if put to wise useD) will inevitably be for bad purpose25. The tone of the author in this passage is _____.A) positive B) negative C) factual D) critical Passage TwoQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.Americans have always been ambivalent in their attitudes toward education. On the one hand, free and universal public education was seen as necessary in a democracy, for how else would citizens learn how to govern themselves in a res ponsible way? On the other hand, America was always a country that offered fina ncial opportunities for which education was not needed: on the road from rags t o riches, schooling-beyond the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic-was a n unnecessary detour.Even today, it is still possible for people to achieve financial success wi thout much education, but the number of situations in which this is possible is decreasing. In today's more complex world, the opportunities for financial suc cess is closely related to the need for education, especially higher education.Our society is rapidly becoming one whose chief product is information, and dealing with this information requires more and more specialized education. In other words, we grow up learning more and more about fewer and fewer subjects.In the future, this trend is likely to continue. Tomorrow's world will be e ven more complex than today's world, and, to manage this complexity, even more specialized education will be needed.26. The topic treated in this passage is _____.A) education in general B) Americans' attitudesC) higher education D) American education27. Americans' attitudes toward education have always been _____.A) certain B) contradictory C) ambitious D) unclear28. Today, financial success is closely related to the need for _____.A) higher education B) public education C) responsible citizens D) learning the basics29. It can be inferred from the third paragraph that _____.A) information is our only productB) education in the future will be specializedC) we are entering an age of informationD) we are living in an age of information30. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A) The History of American Education.B) The Need for Specialized Education.C) The Future of the American Educational System.D) Attitudes toward American Education. Passage ThreeQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.A growing world population and the discoveries of science may alter this pa ttern of distribution in the future. As men slowly learn to master diseases, co ntrol floods, prevent famines, and stop wars, fewer people die every year; andin consequence the population of the world is steadily increasing. In 1925 ther e were about 2,000 million people in the world; by the end of the century there may well be over 4,000 million.When numbers rise the extra mouths must be fed. New lands must be brought u nder cultivation, or land already farmed made to yield larger crops. In some ar eas the accessible land is so intensively cultivated that it will be difficult to make it provide more food. In some areas the population is so dense that the land is parceled out in units too tiny to allow for much improvement in farmin g methods. Were a large part of this farming population drawn off into industri al occupations, the land might be farmed much more productively by modern metho ds. There is now a race for science, technology, and industry to keep the outpu t of food rising faster than the number of people to be fed. New strains of cro ps are being developed which will thrive in unfavorable climates: there are now farms beyond the Arctic Circle in Siberia and North America; irrigation and dr y-farming methods bring arid lands under the plough, dams hold back the waters of great rivers to ensure water for the fields in all seasons and to provide el ectric power for new industries; industrial chemistry provides fertilizers to s uit particular soils; aeroplanes spray crops to destroy locusts and many plant diseases. Every year some new means is devised to increase or to protect the fo od of the world.31. The author says that the world population is growing because _____.A) there are many rich valleys and fertile plainsB) the pattern of distribution is being alteredC) people are living longerD) new land is being brought under cultivation32. The author says that in densely populated areas the land might be more productively farmed if _____.A) the plots were subdividedB) a large part of the people moved to a different part of the countryC) industrial methods were used in farmingD) the units of land were made much larger33. We are told that there are now farms beyond the Arctic Circle. This has been made possible by _____.A) producing new strains of cropsB) irrigation and dry-farming methodsC) providing fertilizersD) destroying pests and disease34. Which of these words is nearest in meaning to the word "strains"?A) types B) sizes C) seeds D) harvests35. The author's main purpose is to _____.A) argue for a belief B) describe a phenomenonC) entertain D) propose a conclusion Passage FourQuestions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.For some time past it has been widely accepted that babies-and other creatu res-learn to do things because certain acts lead to "rewards"; and there is no reason to doubt that this is true. But it used also to be widely believed that effective rewards, at least in the early stages, had to be directly related to such basic physiological(生理的) "drives" as thirst or hunger. In other words, a baby would learn if he got food or drink or some sort of physical comfort, no t otherwise.It is now clear that this is not so. Babies will learn to behave in ways th at produce results in the world with no reward except the successful outcome.Papousek began his studies by using milk in the normal way to "reward" the babies and so teach them to carry out some simple movements, such as turning th e head to one side or the other. Then he noticed that a baby who had had enough to drink would refuse the milk but would still go on making the learned respon se with clear signs of pleasure. So he began to study the children's responses in situations where no milk was provided. He quickly found that children as you ng as four months would learn to turn their heads to right or left if the movem ent "switched on" a display of lights-and indeed that they were capable of lear ning quite complex turns to bring about this result, for instance, two left or two right, or even to make as many as three turns to one side.Papousek's light display was placed directly in front of the babies and he made the interesting observation that sometimes they would not turn back to wat ch the lights closely although they would "smile and bubble" when the display c ame on. Papousek concluded that it was not primarily the sight of the lights wh ich pleased them, it was the success they were achieving in solving the problem, in mastering the skill, and that there exists a fundamental human urge to make sense of the world and bring it under intentional control.36. According to the author, babies learn to do things which . A) are direc tly related to pleasure B) will meet their physical needsC) will bring them a feeling of success D) will satisfy their curiosity37. Papousek noticed in his studies that a baby .A) would make learned responses when it saw the milkB) would carry out learned movements when it had enough to drinkC) would continue the simple movements without being given milkD) would turn its head to right or left when it had enough to drink38. In Papousek's experiment babies make learned movements of the head in o rder to .A) have the lights turned onB) be rewarded with milkC) please their parentsD) be praised39. The babies would "smile and bubble" at the lights because .A) the lights were directly related to some basic "drives"B) the sight of the lights was interestingC) they need not turn back to watch the lightsD) they succeeded in "switching on" the lights40. According to Papousek, the pleasure babies get in achieving something i s a reflection of .A) a basic human desire to understand and control the worldB) the satisfaction of certain physiological needsC) their strong desire to solve complex problemsD) a fundamental human urge to display their learned skillsPart III Vocabulary (20 minutes)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each senten ce there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer S heet with a single line through the center.41. It's the in this country to go out and pick flower on the first day of spring.A) case B) custom C) habit D) precedent42. He didn't take the flat because he couldn't afford the .A) hire B) fare C) rent D) salary43. I've made an for you to see the dentist at 5 o'clock tomorrow.A) appointment B) interview C) opportunity D) assignation44. The house was poorly built; for , the roof leaked.A) short B) certain C) one thing D) sure45. the weather is concerned, I do not think it matters.A) So long as B) So far as C) As long as D) So far46. The continuous rain set the harvesting of wheat by two weeks.A) off B) back C) down D) about47. The helicopter hovered the trees.A) in B) over C) down D) up48.The mother made a shirt for the boy out of the of the cloth.A) odd and end B) odd and ends C) odds and end D) odds and ends49. Let's get this old barn. It's of no use to us.A) over B) ready C) rid of D) used to50. George's ability to learn from observations and experience greatly to h is success in public life.A) owed B) contributed C) attached D) related51. I asked him where my sister was, and he the store across the street.A) nodded B) indicated C) figured D) guessed52. They are staying with us the time being until they find a place of thei r own.A) during B) for C) since D) in53. 100 competitors had the race.A) put their names for B) entered forC) put themselves for D) taken part54. He me by two games to one.A) beat B) conquered C) gained D) won55. They have put the bird in a cage to it from flying away.A) avoid B) prevent C) forbid D) control56. In recent years, new buildings have up like mushrooms in the city.A) jumped B) sprung C) leapt D) put57. I from among the crowd an old friend of mine whom I hadn't seen for ten years.A) figured out B) picked out C) realized D) picked over58. I thought he'd never anything, but it's turned out that I was wrong.A) arrive B) amount to C) reach for D) add to59. He managed to pay off his debts.A) anyhow or other B) anyhow or anotherC) somehow or other D) somehow or another60. You'd better not Mr. Ganz. He may get angry.A) play a joke on B) play outC) play into the hands of D) play at61. We existed on nothing but the necessities.A) empty B) bare C) hollow D) undressed62. The seasons change, independent anyone's wishes.A) on B) to C) with D) of63. The mail was for two days because of the snowstorm.A) misled B) lost C) delayed D) damaged64. He has been absent class for quite some time.A) in B) for C) with D) from65. I owe a great deal my parents and teachers.A) to B) for C) toward D) of66. We must manage to do our work better with people.A) less money and few B) less money and fewerC) little money and less D) few money and less67. Mr. Black is to our English evening.A) more pleased than to come B) more pleased to come thanC) more than pleased to come D) more pleasing than to come68. You that car with the brakes out of order. You might have had a serious accident.A) ought to drive B) oughtn't do driveC) ought to have driven D) oughtn't to have driven69. If it for their support, we would be in a very difficult position.A) is not B) weren't C) was not D) be not70. If only we as we were told! This would never have happened.A) would do B) had done C) do D) didPart IV Cloze (15 minutes)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank th ere are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the ONE that b est fits into the passage.Everyone ___71___ of the President of the US ___72___ the most powerful man in ___73___. But when the representatives of the 13 former British colonies __ _74___ to draw up the constitution of the new country ___75___ 1788, ___76___ o f them were not sure whether they ___77___ to have a President at all. There we re even ___78___ who ___79___ a king, ___80___ their successful war against the British king, George III. The decision was in doubt ___81___ the last moment. One group wanted ___82___ for life, while ___83___ suggested that ___84___ not be a President, because a Committee would govern the country better; a third gr oup ___85___ a President ___86___ term of office would last seven years but who could not stand for reelection, because they were afraid he would spend his ti me ___87___ votes at the next election. In the end they chose George Washington as President for four years and let him ___88___ for reelection because they t rusted him. But they were ___89___ to make rules in case a future President ___ 90___ badly and these rules were used to get rid of President Nixon two hundred s years later.71. A) use to think B) think C) thinks D) uses to think72. A) to be B) being C) like D) as73. A) western world B) the western world C) accident D) the accident74. A) found B) met C) encountered D) put together75. A) at B) by C) on D) in76. A) a number B) a great deal C) a large amount D) the most77. A) should B) would C) needed D) must78. A) few B) a few C) little D) a little79. A) had preferred B) would have preferredC) should have preferred D) were preferring80. A) although B) however C) nevertheless D) in spite of81. A) until B) as far as C) so far as D) by82. A) that the President was elected B) that the President would be electe dC) to elect the PresidentD) to be elected the President83. A) another B) other C) the other D) some other84. A) it should B) it would C) there should D) there would85. A) would have liked B) would rather C) would like D) would be liking86. A) that's B) whose C) which D) of which87. A) looking for B) to look for C) to look at D) looking at88. A) stand B) to stand C) be standing D) that he stood89. A) so careful B) too careful C) careful enough D) enough careful90. A) would carry B) carried C) would behave D) behavedPart V Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a compos ition on the topic "The Expenses of an Average Worker". You should study the fo llowing table carefully and base your composition on the outlines given below. You should write at least 100 words.1. The changes in the worker's expenses from 1990 to 2000.2. The possible reasons for the changes.3. My prediction.The Expenses of an Average Worker2015年6月大学英语四级考试模拟试卷参考答案(第一套)21-25. DBACC 26-30. DBABD 31. CDAAA 36-40. CCADA41-45. BCACB 46-50. BBDCB 51-55. BBBAB 56-60. BBBCA61-65. BDCDA 66-70. BCDBB 71-75. CDBBD 76-80. ACBBD81-85. ACACC 86-90. BAACC。

大学英语四级模拟试卷一及参考答案Part I Writing(30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Choosing an Occupation. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:1. 选择职业是一个人要面对的众多难题之一。
2. 需要花时间去选择职业。
3. 选择职业时可以向多人寻求建议和帮助。
Choosing an OccupationPart II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(15 minutes) Directions:In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1.For questions 1-7,choose the best answer from the four choices marked[A],[B],[C]and [D]. For questions 8-10,complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.Will We Run Out of Water?Picture a “ghost ship” sinking into the sand, left to rot on dry land by a receding sea. Then imagine dust storms sweeping up toxic pesticides and chemical fertilizers from the dry seabed and spewing them across towns and villages.Seem like a scene from a movie about the end of the world? For people living near the Aral Sea in Central Asia, it’s all too real. Thirty years ago, government planners diverted the rivers that flow into the sea in order to irrigate(provide water for)farmland. As a result, the sea has shrunk to half its original size, stranding ships on dry land. The seawater has tripled in salt content and become polluted, killing all 24 native species of fish.Similar large-scale efforts to redirect water in other parts of the world have also ended in ecological crisis, according to numerous environmental groups. But many countries continue to build massive dams and irrigation systems, even though such projects can create more problems than they fix. Why? People in many parts of the world are desperate for water, and more people will need more water in the nextcentury.“Growing populations will worsen problems with water,” says Peter H. Gleick, an environmental scientist at the Pacific Institute for studies in Development, Environment, and Security, a research organization in California. Hefears that by the year 2025, as many as one third of the world’s projected 8.3 billion people will suffer from water shortages.Where Water GoesOnly 2.5 percent of all water on Earth is freshwater, water suitable for drinking and growing food, says Sandra Postel, director of the Global Water Policy Project in Amherst, Mass. Two-thirds of this freshwater is locked in glaciers and ice caps.In fact, only a tiny percentage of freshwater is part of the water cycle, in which water evaporates and rises into the atmosphere, then condenses and falls back to Earth as precipitation(rain or snow).Some precipitation runs off land to lakes and oceans, and some becomes groundwater, water that seeps into the earth. Much of this renewable freshwater ends up in remote places like the Amazon river basin in Brazil, where few people live.In fact, the world’s population has access to only 12,500 cubic kilometers of freshwater—about the amount of water in Lake Superior. And people use half of this amount already. “If water demand continues to climb rapidly,” says Postel, “t here will be severe shortages and damage to the aquatic environment.”Close to HomeWater woes may seem remote to people living in rich countries like the United States. But Americans could face serious water shortages, too especially in areas that rely on groundwater. Groundwater accumulates in aquifers, layers of sand and gravel that lie between soil and bedrock. (For every liter of surface water, more than 90 liters are hidden underground.)Although the United States has large aquifers, farmers, ranchers, and cities are tapping many of them for water faster than nature can replenish it. In northwest Texas, for example, over pumping has shrunk groundwater supplies by 25 percent, according to Postel.Americans may face even more urgent problems from pollution. Drinking water in the United States is generally safe and meets high standards. Nevertheless, one in five Americans every day unknowingly drinks tap water contaminated with bacteria and chemical wastes, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. In Milwaukee, 400,000 people fell ill in 1993 after drinking tap water tainted with cryptosporidium, a microbe that causes fever, diarrhea and vomiting.The SourceWhere do contaminants come from? In developing countries, people dump raw sewage into the same streams and rivers from which they draw water for drinking and cooking; about 250 millionpeople a year get sick from water borne diseases.In developed countries, manufacturers use 100,000 chemical compounds to make a wide range of products. Toxic chemicals pollute water when released untreated into rivers and lakes. (Certain compounds, such as polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, have been banned in the United States.)But almost everyone contributes to water pollution. People often pour household cleaners, car antifreeze, and paint thinners down the drain; all of these contain hazardous chemicals. Scientists studying water in the San Francisco Bay reported in 1996 that 70 percent of the pollutants could be traced to household waste.Farmers have been criticized for overusing herbicides and pesticides, chemicals that kill weeds and insects but that pollute water as well. Farmers also use nitrates, nitrogen-rich fertilizer that help plants grow but that can wreak havoc on the environment. Nitrates are swept away by surface runoff to lakes and seas. Too many nitrates “over enrich” these bodies of water, encouraging the buildup of algae, or microscopic plants that live on the surface of the water. Algae deprive the water of oxygen that fish need to survive, at times choking off life in an entire body of water.What’s the Solution?Water expert Gleick advocates conservation and local solutions to water-related problems; governments, for instance, would be better off building small-scale dams rather than huge and disruptive projects like the one that ruined the Aral Sea. “More than 1 billion people worldwide don’t have access to basic clean drinking water,” says Gleick. “There has to be a strong push on the part of everyone—governments and ordinary people—to make sure we have a resource so fundamental to life.”1.What caused the Aral Sea to shrink?[A]The rivers flowing into it have been diverted.[B]Farmers used its water to irrigate their farmland.[C]Government planners over-pumped its water.[D]High temperature made its water badly evaporate.2.The construction of massive dams and irrigation projects .[A]does more good than harm[B]solves more problems than what they created[C]does more harm than good[D]brings more water to people than expected3.The chief causes of water shortage include .[A]population growth and water waste[B]water pollution and dry weather[C]water waste and pollution[D]population growth and water pollution4.Americans could suffer from greatly serious water shortages?[A]living in rich areas[B]living in big cities but poor condition[C]depending on groundwater[D]bearing high standards of safe drinking water in mind5.What is the main pollutant in developed countries?[A]Untreated toxic chemicals from manufacturers.[B]Raw sewage into rivers and streams.[C]Herbicides and pesticides used by farmers.[D]Household cleaners poured down the drain.6.How does algae make threats to life of a body of water?[A]By covering the whole surface of the water.[B]By competitively using oxygen life in water needs.[C]By living more rapidly than other life in water .[D]By releasing hazardous chemicals into water.7.According to Gleick, who should be responsible for solving water-related problems?[A]government and housewives.[B]farmers and manufacturers.[C]ordinary people and manufacturers.[D]government and every person.8. According to Peter H. Gleick, by the year 2025, as many as of the world’s people will suffer from water shortages.9.Two thirds of the freshwater on Earth is locked in.10.In developed countries, before toxic chemicals are released into rivers and lakes, they should be treated in order to avoid.Part III Listening Comprehension(35 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked [A],[B],[C]and[D], and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.11.[A]Wait for the sale to start.[B]Get further information about the sale.[C]Call the TV station to be sure if the ad is true.[D]Buy a new suit.12.[A]He doesn’t think that John is ill.[B]He thinks that perhaps John is not in very good health.[C]He is aware that John is ill.[D]He doesn’t think that John has a very good knowledge of physics.13.[A]Before six.[B]At six.[C]After six.[D]After seven.14.[A]It is bigger.[B]It has a prettier color.[C]It has a larger yard.[D]It is brighter.15.[A]Australian and American.[B]Guest and host.[C]Husband and wife.[D]Professor and student.16.[A]1∶30.[B]11∶00.[C]9∶30.[D]10∶00.17.[A]He prefers staying at home because the bus is too late. [B]He prefers staying at home because he doesn’t like to travel.[C]He prefers taking a bus because the plane makes him nervous.[D]He prefers traveling with the woman.18.[A]He thinks she should visit her cousin. [B]Her cousin doesn’t visit very often.[C]Her cousin is feeling a lot better today.[D]He doesn’t think her cousin has been at home today.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19.[A]Two different types of bones in the human body.[B]How bones help the body move.[C]How bones continuously repair themselves.[D]The chemical composition of human bones.20.[A]They defend the bone against viruses.[B]They prevent oxygen from entering the bone.[C]They break down bone tissue.[D]They connect the bone to muscle tissue.21.[A]They have difficulty identifying these cells.[B]They aren’t sure how these cells work.[C]They’ve learned how to reproduce these cells.[D]They’ve found similar cells in other species.22.[A]To learn how to prevent a bone disease.[B]To understand differences between bone tissue and other tissue.[C]To find out how specialized bone cells have evolved.[D]To create artificial bone tissue.Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.23.[A]A new fuel for buses.[B]The causes of air pollution.[C]A way to improve fuel efficiency in buses.[D]Careers in environmental engineering.24.[A]Her car is being repaired. [B]She wants to help reduce pollution.[C]Parking is difficult in the city.[D]The cost of fuel has increased.25.[A]A fuel that burns cleanly.[B]An oil additive that helps cool engines.[C]A material from which filters are made.[D]An insulating material sprayed on engine partsSection BDirections:In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked [A], [B], [C]and [D].Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.26.[A]From three to five months.[B]Three months. [C]Five months.[D]Four months.27.[A]Watch traffic.[B]Obey commands.[C]Cross streets safely.[D]Guard the door.28.[A]Three weeks. [B]Two weeks. [C]Four weeks. [D]Five weeks.Passage TwoQuestions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.29.[A]Two to four times.[B]Four to six times.[C]Four to eight times.[D]Six to ten times.30.[A]Sleeping pills made people go into REM sleep quickly.[B]People had more dreams after they took sleeping pills.[C]People became angry easily because they didn’t take sleeping pills.[D]Sleeping pills prevented people from going into REM sleep.31.[A]People dream so as to sleep better.[B]People dream in order not to go into REM sleep.[C]Because they may run into difficult problems in their dreams.[D]Because in their dreams they may find the answers to their problems.Passage ThreeQuestions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.32.[A]A sales representative.[B]A store manager.[C]A committee chairperson.[D]A class president.33.[A]To determine who will graduate this year.[B]To discuss the seating arrangement.[C]To choose the chairperson of the ceremonies.[D]To begin planning the graduation ceremonies.34.[A]Their names, phone numbers and job preference.[B]The names and addresses of their guests.[C]The names of the committee they worked on last year.[D]Their dormitory name, address and phone number.35.[A]In an hour.[B]Next week.[C]In one month.[D]Next year.Section CDirections:In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks,you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.In the English (36)system, students take three very important examinations. The first is the eleven-plus, which is (37) at the age of eleven or a little past. At one time the (38)or (39) shown on the eleven-plus would have (40)if a child stayed in school. Now, however, all children continue in (41) schools, and the eleven-plus determines which courses of study the child will follow. At the age of fifteen or sixteen, the students are (42)for the Ordinary (43)of the General Certificate of Education. (44). Once students have passed this exam, they are allowed to specialize, so that two thirds or more of their courses will be in physics, chemistry, classical languages, or whatever they wish to study at greater length. (45). Evenat the universities, students study only in their concentrated area, and very few students ever venture out-side that subject again. (46).Part Ⅳ Reading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)(25 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.Shopping habits in the United States have changed greatly in the last quarter of the 20th century. Early in the 1900s most American towns and cities had a Main Street. Main Street was always the 47 of a town. This street was lined on the both sides with many48 businesses. Here, shoppers walked into stores to look at all sorts of merchandise: clothing, furniture, hardware, groceries. In addition, some shops offered49 . There shops included drugstores, restaurants, shoe repair stores, and barber or hairdressing shops. But in the 1950s, a change began to50 place. Too many automobiles had crowded into Main Street while too few parking placeswere51 to shoppers. Because the streets were crowded, merchants began to look with interest at the open spaces outside the city limits. Open space is what their car drivingcustomers52 . And open space is what they got when the first shopping centre was built. Shopping centers, or rather malls,53 as a collection of small new stores away from crowded city centers. Attracted by hundreds of free parking space, customers were drawn away from 54areas to outlying malls. And the growing55of shopping centers led in turn to the building of bigger and better stocked stores. By the late 1970s, many shopping malls had almost developed into small cities themselves. In addition to providing the 56 of the stop shopping, malls were transformed into landscaped parks, with benches, fountains, and outdoor entertainment.[A]designed [F]convenience [K]cosmetics[B]take [G]services [L]started[C]heart [H]fame [M]downtown[D]needed [I]various [N]available [C]though [H]popularity [M]cheapnessSection BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C]and [D].You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.Culture is one of the most challenging elements of the international marketplace. This system of learned behavior patterns characteristic of the members of a given society is constantly shaped by a set of dynamic variables: language, religion, values and attitudes, manners and customs, aesthetics, technology, education, and social institutions. To cope with this system, an international manager needs both factual and interpretive knowledge of culture. To some extent, the factual knowledge can be learned; its interpretation comes only through experience.The most complicated problems in dealing with the cultural environment stem from the fact that one cannot learn culture—one has to live it. Two schools of thought exist in the business world on how to deal with cultural diversity. One is that business is business the world around, following the model of Pepsi and McDonald’s. In some cases, globalizationis a fact of life; however, cultural differences are still far from converging.The other school proposes that companies must tailor business approaches to individual cultures. Setting up policies and procedures in each country has been compared to an organ transplant; the critical question centers around acceptanceor rejection. The major challenge to the international manager is to make sure that rejection is not a result of cultural myopia or even blindness. Fortune examined the international performance of a dozen large companies that earn 20 percent or more of their revenue overseas. The internationally successful companies all share an important quality: patience. They have not rushed into situations but rather built their operations carefully by following the most basic business principles. These principles are to know your adversary, know your audience, and know your customer.57.According to the passage, which of the following is true?[A]All international managers can learn culture.[B]Business diversity is not necessary.[C]Views differ on how to treat culture in business world.[D]Most people do not know foreign culture well.58.According to the author, the model of Pepsi.[A]is in line with the theories that the business is business the world around [B]is different from the model of McDonald’s[C]shows the reverse of globalization[D]has converged cultural differences59.The two schools of thought.[A]both propose that companies should tailor business approaches to individual cultures[B]both advocate that different policies be set up in different countries [C]admit the existence of cultural diversity in business world[D]both A and B60.This article is supposed to be most useful for those.[A]who are interested in researching the topic of cultural diversity[B]who have connections to more than one type of culture[C]who want to travel abroad[D]who want to run business on International Scale61.According to Fortune, successful international companies.[A]earn 20 percent or more of their revenue overseas[B]all have the quality of patience[C]will follow the overseas local cultures[D]adopt the policy of internationalizationPassage TwoQuestions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.There are people in Italy who can’t stand soccer. Not all Canadians love hockey. A similar situation exists in America, where there are those individuals you may be one of them who yawn or even frown when somebody mentions baseball. Baseball to them means boring hours watching grown men in funny tight outfits standing around in a field staring away while very little of anything happens. They tell you it’s a game better suited to the 19th century, slow, quiet, and gentlemanly. These are the same people you may be one of them who love football because there’s the sport that glorifies “the hit”.By contrast, baseball seems abstract, cool, silent, still. On TV the game is fractured into a dozen perspectives, replays, close-ups. The geometry of the game, however, is essential to understanding it. You will contemplate the game from one point as a painter does his subject; you may, of course, project yourself into the game. It is in this projection that the game affords so much space and time for involvement. The TV won’t do it for you.Take, for example, the third baseman. You sit behind the third base dugout and you watch him watching home plate. His legs are apart, knees flexed. His arms hang loose. He does a lot of this. The skeptic still cannot think of any other sports so still, so passive. But watch what happens every time the pitcher throws: the third baseman goes up on his toes, flexes his arms or brings the glove to a point in front of him, takes a step right or left, backward or forward, perhaps he glances across the field to check his first baseman’s position. Suppose the pitch is a ball. “Nothing happened,” you say. “I could have had my eyes closed.”The skeptic and the innocent must play the game. And this involvement in the stands is no more intellectual than listening to music is. Watch the third baseman. Smooth the dirt in front of you with one foot; smooth the pocket in your glove; watch the eyes of the batter, the speedof the bat, the sound of horsehide on wood. If football is a symphony of movement and theatre, baseball is chamber music, a spacious interlocking of notes, chorus and responses.62.The passage is mainly concerned with .[A]the different tastes of people for sports[B]the different characteristics of sports[C]the attraction of football[D]the attraction of baseball63.Those who don’t like baseball may complain that. [A]it is only to the taste of the old[B]it involves fewer players than football[C]it is not exciting enough[D]it is pretentious and looks funny64.The author admits that.[A]baseball is too peaceful for the young[B]baseball may seem boring when watched on TV[C]football is more attracting than baseball[D]baseball is more interesting than football65.By stating “I could have had my eyes closed.” the author means (4th paragraph last sentence).[A]the third baseman would rather sleep than play the game[B]even if the third baseman closed his eyes a moment ago, it could make no difference to the result[C]the third baseman is so good at baseball that he could finish the game with eyes closed all the time and do his work well[D]the consequence was so bad that he could not bear to see it66.We can safely conclude that the author.[A]likes football[B]hates football[C]hates baseball[D]likes baseballPart Ⅴ Cloze (15 minutes)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C]and [D]on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Who won the WorldCup 1994 football game? What happened at the United Nations? How did the critics like the new play?67 an event takes place, newspapers are on the streets68 the details. Wherever anything happens in the world, reports are on the spot to69 the news. Newspapers have one basic70 , to get the news as quickly as possible from its source, from those who make it to those who want to71 it. Radio, telegraph, television, and 72inventions brought competition for newspapers. So did the development of magazines and other means of communication.73 , this competition merely spurred the newspapers on. They quickly made use of the newer and faster means of communication to improve the74and thus the efficiency of their own operations.Today more newspapers are75 and read than ever before. Competition also led newspapers to branch out to many other fields. Besides keeping readers76 of the latest news, today’s newspapers77 and influence readers about politics and othe r important and serious matters. Newspapers influence readers’economic choices78 advertising. Most newspapers depend on advertising for their very79 . Newspapers are sold at a price that80 even a small fraction of the cost of production. The main81 of income for most newspapers is commercial advertising. The82in selling advertising depends on a newspaper’s value to advertisers. This83 in terms of circulation. How many people read the newspaper? Circulation depends84on the work of the circulation department and on the services or entertainment85 in a newspaper’s pages. But for the most part, circulation depends on a newspaper ’ s value to readers as a source of information 86 the community, city, country, state, nation, and world—and even outer space.67.[A]Just when[B]While[C]Soon after[D]Before68.[A]to give[B]giving[C]given[D]being given69.[A]gather[B]spread[C]carry[D]bring70.[A]reason[B]cause[C]problem[D]purpose71.[A]make[B]publish[C]know[D]write72.[A]another[B]other[C]one another[D]the other73.[A]However[B]And[C]Therefore[D]So74.[A]value[B]ratio[C]rate[D]speed75.[A]spread[B]passed[C]printed[D]completed76.[A]inform[B]be informed[C]to informed[D]informed77.[A]entertain[B]encourage[C]educate[D]edit78.[A]on[B]through[C]with[D]of79.[A]forms[B]existence[C]contents[D]purpose80.[A]tries to cover[B]manages to cover[C]fails to cover[D]succeeds in81.[A]source [B]origin[C]course[D]finance82.[A]way[B]means[C]chance [D]success83.[A]measures[B]measured[C]is measured[D]was measured84.[A]somewhat [B]little[C]much[D]something85.[A]offering[B]offered[C]which offered[D]to be offered86.[A]by [B]with[C]at[D]aboutPart Ⅵ Translation(5 minutes)Direction: Complete the sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.87.There’s a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means (想找麻烦).88.Why didn’t you tell me you could lend me the money? I (本来不必从银行借钱的).89.(正是由于她太没有经验) that she does not know how to deal with the situation.90.I (将做实验) from three to five this afternoon.91.If this can’t be settled reasonably, it may be necessary to (诉诸武力).参考答案及解析Part I Writing【写作思路】本文是一篇关于择业的议论文。

福建师范大学网络继续教育——大学英语(1)期末考试复习资料模拟题(模拟题参考答案在此文本最后两页)模拟题1一、阅读:30%(1)What makes a person a scientist? Does he have ways or tools of learning that are different from those of others? The answer is "no". It is not the tools a scientist uses but how he uses these tools that makes him a scientist. You will probably agree that knowing how to use a power is important to a carpenter. You will probably agree, too, that knowing how to investigate, how to discover information, is important to everyone. The scientist, however, goes one step further, he must be sure that he has a reasonable answer to his questions and that his answer can be confirmed by other persons. He also works to fit the answers he gets to many questions into a large set of ideas about how the world works.The scientist's knowledge must be exact. There is no room for half right or right just half the time. He must be as nearly right as the conditions permit. What works under one set of conditions at one time must work under the same conditions at other times. If the conditions are different, any changes the scientist observes in a demonstration must be explained by the changes in the conditions. This is one reason that investigations are important in science. Albert Einstein, who developed the Theory of Relativity, arrived at this theory through mathematics. The accuracy of his mathematics was later tested through investigations, Einstein's ideas were shown to be correct. A scientist uses many tools for measurements. Then the measurements are used to make mathematical calculations that may test his investigations.1、What makes a scientist according to the passage? ________A. The tools he uses.B. The way he uses his tools.C. His ways of learning.D. The various tools he uses.2、The underlined part in the passage shows_______.A. the importance of informationB. the importance of thinkingC. the difference between scientists and ordinary peopleD. the difference between carpenters and people with other jobs.3、A sound scientific theory should be one that _________.A. works not only under one set of conditions at one time, but also under the same conditions at other timesB. does not allow any changes even under different conditionsC. can be used for many purposesD. leave no room for improvement4、The author quotes the case of Albert Einstein to illustrate __________.A. that measurements are keys to success in scienceB. that accuracy of mathematicsC. that investigations are important in scienceD. that the mathematical calculations may test his investigations5、What is the main idea of the passage? ________A. The theory of relativity.B. Exactness is the core of science.C. Scientists are different from ordinary people.D. Exactness and ways of using tools are the keys to the making of a scientist.( 2 )There are three kinds of goals: short-term, medium-range and long-term goals.Short-term goals are those that usually deal with current activities, which we can apply on a daily basis. Such goals can be achieved in a week or less, or two weeks, or possibly, months. It should be remembered that just as a building is no stronger than its foundation, long-term goals cannot amount to very munch without the achievement of solid short-term goals. Upon completing our short-term goals, we should date the occasion and then add new short-term goals that will build on those that have been completed.The intermediate goals build on the foundation of the short-term goals. They might deal with just one term of school or the entire school year, or they could even extend for several years. Any time you move a step at a time, you should never allow yourself to become discouraged or overwhelmed. As you complete each step, you will enforce the belief in your ability to grow and succeed. And as your list of completion dates grow, your motivation and desire will increase.Long-term goals may be related to our dreams of the future. They might cover five years or more. Life is not a static thing. We should never allow a long-term goal to limit us or our course of action.6、Our long-term goals mean a lot _______.A. if we cannot reach solid short-term goalsB. if we complete the short-term goalsC. if we have dreams of the futureD. if we put forward some plans7、New short-term goals are built upon______.A. a daily basisB. your achievement in a weekC. current activitiesD. the goals that have been completed8、When we complete each step of our goals, ________.A. we will win final successB. we are overwhelmedC. we will build up our confidence to achieve successD. we should have strong desire for setting new goals9、What is the main idea of this passage? _______A. Life is a dynamic thing.B. We should set up long-term goals.C. Different kinds of goals in life.D. The limitation of long-term goals.10、Which of the following statements is wrong according to the passage? _______A. The long-term goals cannot amount to very munch without achieving short-term goals.B. The intermediate goals build on the foundation of the short-term goals.C. Life is a static thing, thus never allowing a long-term goal to limit us.D. We should often add new short-term goals to what have been completed.( 3 )In the United States there was an unusual tale telling of the daughter of a mechanic. One day while walking along the bank of a lake, the girl happened to see 20 eggs laid by a wild goose. After some time the girl realized the mother would not return to her eggs and she decided to take them home. There she carefully placed the eggs in the heat of a lamp. Several days later the eggs broke and the baby geese came into the world.Geese are known to take the first living thing they see as their mother. Thus, to these young geese, the girl was their mother.As they grew, the girl was able to lead her birds to run across the grass, but she could not teach them to fly. The girl became increasingly worried about this, both when awake and in her dreams. Later, she had an idea. She would pilot a plane to guide them in flight. She asked her father for a plane and he assembled small aircraft for her.Caring about her safety, the father decided to pilot the plane himself. However, the birds did not recognize or follow him, and instead slept in the grass.One day, the girl climbed into the plane, started it and soon left the ground. Seeing their mother take to the air, the birds eagerly flapped their wings and set out. She flew the plane freely in the sky, her young birds following.11. Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?A. The Daughter of a Mechanic.B. A Girl and Her Father.C. A Girl and Her Geese .D. How to Teach Birds to Fly.12. Why did the girl decide to take the eggs home?A. Because she liked the eggs.B. Because she wanted to eat the eggs.C. Because her father asked her to do so.D. Because she knew that the mother goose will not come back.l3. The baby geese naturally took _________ as their mother.A. the mother geeseB. the girlC. the first thing they touchD. the girl’s father14. W hat did the girl’s father do to help her?A. He assembled a small plane.B. He piloted the plane himself.C. He taught the geese how to fly.D. Both A & B.15. How did the young geese learn to fly?A. By following the girl in the plane.B. By themselves.C. By following the girl’s father.D. By staying in the plane.二、交际用语(此部分共有10个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请你从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

机密★启用前大连理工大学网络教育学院20XX2月份《大学英语1(开放英语1)》课程考试模拟试卷考试形式:闭卷试卷类型:(A)☆注意事项: 1、本考卷满分共:100分;考试时间:90分钟。
学习中心______________ XX____________ 学号____________I Choose the best answer from each of the following sentences. (本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分)1. An overseas student studies _____.A. aboardB. abroadC. at seaD. on board2. The food in the canteen is very______.A. delightedB. detailedC. pleasedD. delicious3. The monitor is ______ charge ___ the class.A. in, ofB. on, ofC. at, on D in, on4. Please _____ me to introduce my sister to you.A. giveB. haveC. allowD. ask5. My family will ____ to the city next year.A. beB. meetC. changeD. move6. ____ them is from Shanghai.A. BothB. Both ofC. Either ofD. All of7. Kate and her sister went to spend holiday with a cousin of .A. theirB. theirsC. herD. them8. The writer was to during the meeting. His book was well-known all over the world.A. referredB. shownC. broughtD. taken9. He ____ many beautiful post cards to us.A. takesB. showsC. obtainD. has10. Apples, oranges, and pears are famous, but which do you think tastes ____ ?A. mostB. firstC. bestD. worst11. We are looking forward to the Games. So we will be _____ when they begin.A. pleasedB. unhappyC. sorryD. impatient12 .Andy will ____ at the train station on Saturday.A. see him offB. see himC. see off himD. see him away13 .I have ____ a taxi for us.A. arrangeB. planC. arrangedD. planned14. Kurt designed the buildings. He is probably ______.A. an engineerB. an architectC. a builderD. a mechanic15 .The teacher asked us to write a ____ in one hour.A. two-hundred-word composition C. two-hundreds-words compositionB. two-hundred-words composition D. two hundreds of words composition16. John ate ____ of the pears.A. third twoB. two thirdsC. two thirdD. thirds two17. The young lady must be in her _____.A. thirtyB. the thirtiethC. thirtiethD. thirties18. The Chang Jiang River is ____ river in the world.A. a third longestB. the third longestC. the third longerD. the third long19. She got ____ on the final exam.A. two fiveB. two fifthC. second fiveD. two fives20. The percentage “88%” reads ____.A. percent the eighty-eight C. the percent eighty-eightB. eighty-eight percent D. percent eighty-eight21. They ____ good friends and often visited each other.A. are used toB. are used to beC. used to beingD. used to be22. The factory has money and fewer workers than last year.A. muchB. manyC. lessD. litte23. After he ____ that unforgettable love, he became afraid of it.A. feelB. feltC. experienceD. experienced24. The cinema, last month is very popular, especially among the young people.A. openedB. to openC. opensD. opening25. John is busy ___ his girlfriend ___her paper.A. help… withB. to help…withC. helping… withD. to help…/26. English _______ all over the world.A. has spokenB. is spokenC. are spokenD. speaks27.There’s nothing in the box, _______ ?A. isn’t thereB. is thereC. is itD. isn’t it28. It’s very kind _______ you to help me.A . for B. to C. of D. with29. His father has been _______ for a year.A. diedB. deadC. dyingD. death30 .March 8 is _________ Day.A. womanB. women’C. woman’sD. women’sII Cloze (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)31 we think of paper, we think of newspapers, books and writing paper. But there are many other 32 Each year, more and more things are made of paper. We have had paper cups and dishes for quite 33 long time. But now we hear that chairs, tables, and even beds can be made 34 paper. With paper boots and shoes, you can 35 paper hats, paper dresses, and paper raincoats. When you have used them once, you throw them away and buy new 36 .The 37 in paper seems to be paper houses. These are not small houses for children to play in, hut real, big houses for people 38 . You can put it up yourself . In 39 hours, and you can use it for about five years. People have made paper boats, but they have not yet made paper airplanes or cars. Just wait --they probably 4031 A. When B. Until C. Before D. Because32 A. use B. uses C. to use D. using33 A. an B. the C. a D. x34 A. from B. in C. for D. of35 A. wear B. put on C. turn on D. take away36 A. one's B. those C. ones D. once37 A. late B. later C. latest D. letter38 A. to live B. living C. being lived D. to be lived39 A. a little B. little C. few D. a few40 A. are B. will C. shall D. about toIII Reading Comprehension (本大题共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)Passage 1Mrs. Brown has a small garden behind her house, and in the spring she plants some vegetables in it. She looks after them very carefully, and when the summer comes, they look very nice.One evening, Mrs. Brown looks at her vegetables and says, “Tomorrow I am going to pick them.”But early in the next morning, her son runs in and shouts, “Mother! Mother! Come quickly! Our neighbor’s duck eats in the garden and it is eating our vegetables!”Mrs. Brown runs out, but it is too late, all the vegetables are finished(吃了)! Mrs. Brown cries(喊)and her neighbor(邻居)is very sorry, but that is the end of the vegetables.One day before Christmas, the neighbor brings Mrs. Brown a nice and fat duck(鸭子), and on the duck’s back is a piece of paper with the words:“Enjoy your vegetables.”41. The vegetables in Mrs. Brown’s garden grow ______.A. fastB. fineC. carefullyD. bad42. The next morning the neighbor’s duck ______.A. goes into the garden C. are finishedB. comes and eats up the vegetables D. comes to pick the vegetables43. The neighbor feel very ______ for that.A. happierB. gladC. interestingD. sorry44. One day before Christmas, the neighbor brings Mrs. Brown ______.A. a big duckB. a small duckC. a thin duckD. a nice and fat duck45. What’s on the duck’s back? ______A. Some vegetablesB. Some moneyC. A note(便条)D. A paper Passage 2When I (Katherine) leave university in July, I don’t want to get a job straightaway. I have worked hard for 3 years, and I need a long holiday. I’ll have to work for the rest of my life, so now is a good time to take a break. I’d like to travel around the world for a few months. I’ve already bought a ticket to go and visit my relatives in New Zealand. I leave on August 14th. I plan to work there for a while. On the way back from there I hope to visit an old friend of mine in America, and I want to go to Canada as well. I might stop in some other places, too. I haven’t decided yet.When I finish traveling, I will have to get a job. I studied economics at Bristol University, and my father works in a bank, so I’ll probably work there at first. I am not looking forward to that, but I want to buy a house one day, so I’ll have to earn some money.46 .Katherine wants to __________.A. get a job as soon as possibleB. work hard for three yearsC. take a breakD. stay home to help her parents47 .Katherine plans to travel __________.A. for a few weeksB. for a few monthsC. until she starts her jobD. for a few days48. Katherine ______________.A. has a ticketB. will buy a ticketC. was given a ticketD. hasn’t a ticket49 .Katherine ______________.A. will only visit three countriesB. will visit more than three countriesC. might visit more than three countriesD. might visit less than three countries50 .When she returns, Katherine __________.A. has a job arranged for her in a bankB. will probably get a job in a bankC. will have to get a job in a bankD. hasn’t found a jobPassage 3Some pupils usually have their summer holidays in about the middle of July. They will have holidays for about seven weeks. Many schools will not open for lessons until the beginning of September. But many pupils like going back to school to play games, pingpong, basketball, football etc.Some boys and girls do not like their holidays. They do not enjoy it because they can not play games at school with their schoolmates. During their holidays they, especially those older girls, work in factories, so as to earn some money for their parents. If they are not old enough to work in factories, their parents may ask them tohelp looking after their younger brother or sisters at home, or they may even help cooking their daily meals.There is another group of school children who need not do household work or earn money for their parents. For this group, many schools will let them play games, enjoy film shows or go for visits so that they will not be left unattended during the holidays.51. School pupils have their summer holidays ____ .A. in MayB. in JuneC. from July to SeptemberD. in August52. ____ in September.A. Schools will closeB. Schools will open againC. Pupils will leave schoolD. Pupils will attend school53. During the holidays some schools let pupils ____ .A. have visits to placesB. study in schoolC. work in factoriesD. stay at home54. Some pupils don’t enjoy their summer holidays ____ .A. for they have to help their parentsB. for they still study at homeC. for they can not play at schoolD. for they miss their teachers and classmates55. Some pupils help their parents ____ .A. by studying hardB. by looking after their brothers or sistersC. by selling walletsD. by doing a part- time jobPassage 4Helen’s husband is Mark. Mark and Helen have got two children: a son and a daughter. The son’s name is Andrew and the daughter’s name is Joyce. Joyce has got two children, a son and a daughter. So Helen and Mark have got two grandchildren. Helen’s granddaughter’s name is Pam and her grandson’s name is Dan. Andrew isn’t married and he doesn’t have got any children. Pam and Dan like playing on the computer with their uncle. Andrew also likes playing football with his brother-in-law, Tom.56. Who is Andrew?A. Andrew is Dan’s father.B. Andrew is Dan’s uncle.C. Andrew is Dan’s grandfather.D. Andrew is Dan’s son..57. Who is Mark?A. Mark is Dan’s father.B. Mark is Dan’s uncle.C. Mark is Dan’s grandfather.D. Mark is Dan’s son58. Who is Tom?A. Tom is Dan’s father.B. Tom is Dan’s uncle.C. Tom is Dan’s grandfather.D. Tom is Dan’s son .59. Who is Joyce?A. Joyce is Tom’s wife.B. Joyce is Helen’s s ister..C. Joyce is Andrew’s sister-in-law.D. Joyce is Helen’s daughter.60. Who is Pam?A. Pam is Andrew’s niece.B. Pam is Joyce’s sister.C. Pam is Helen’s grandson.D. Pam is Helen’s nephew.IV. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)61. The old man is at least eighty years old, but he is still very healthy.62. I was born in the north, then my family moved to a city in the south.63. The house is nice and the area is very safe.64. I had a nice weekend with my parents in the countryside.65. The old man likes walking slowly in the garden in the morning.V. Writing.(本大题共10分)Directions: For this part you are required to write a composition On Making Friends in 3 paragraphs. Your part of the composition should not be less than 100 words.Points that should be covered:1.人们为什么要交朋友。

大学英语B机考模拟试卷(一)(考试时间:90分钟)第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)1. ——What’s wrong with your car?——____________________.A. It’s very expensive.B. I like it.C. One of the windows is broken.D. It’s not for sale.2. ——What does Maggie look like?——___________________.A. She looks very well.B. She likes parties a lot.C. She likes her mother.D. She is tall and pretty.3. ——What does Tom’s wife do for a living?——____________________________.A. She is a doctor.B. Both Tom and his wife are doctors.C. She has a happy life.D. She lives far from here.4. ——How do you like this dress?——______________________.A. Very well, thank you.B. The price is reasonable.C. I bought this dress at a sale.D. It’s my sister’s.5. ——How tall is your sister?——____________________.A. She is not very tall.B. She is 28 years old.C. She is very nice.D. She is as tall as I am.第二部分:阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)Passage 1Very few people were coming to eat at the White Rose Restaurant, and its owner didn’t know what to do. The food in his restaurant was cheap and good, but nobody seemed to want to eat there.Then he did something that changed all that, and in a few weeks his restaurant was always full of men and their lady friends. Whenever a gentleman came with a lady, a smiling waiter gave each of them a beautiful menu(菜谱). The menus looked exactly the same on the outside, but there was an important difference inside. The menu that the waiter handed to the man gave the correct price for each dish and eachbottle of wine; while the menu that he handed to the lady gave a much higher price! So when the man calmly ordered dish after dish and wine after wine, the lady thought he was much more generous than he really was!6.To whom did the waiter give a beautiful menu when a gentleman and his lady friend came into the restaurant?A. The gentlemanB. The ladyC. Both of themD. Neither of them7. Were the menus for the guests the same?A. Yes, they were.B. No, they weren’t.C. They were the same on the outside but different inside.D. They were different on the outside but the same inside.8. Why could the male guest remain calm when he ordered dish after dish?A. Because the prices of the dishes were reasonable.B. Because he could have some discount(折扣).C. Because he was rich.D. Because he knew that the lady would like to share the cost with him.9. What did the lady think of her friend after a meal at this restaurant?A. She thought he wanted to impress her.B. She thought he only pretended to be generous.C. She thought he was very rich.D. She thought he was very generous.10. What does the story mainly suggest?A. Knowledge of customer psychology (心理学) helps promote(促进) business.B. A restaurant owner should design different menus for different guests.C. All men pretend to be generous before their lady friends.D. People like to go to expensive restaurants.Passage 2Mrs Jones’s telephone number was 3463, and the number of the cinema in her town was 3464, so people often made a mistake when they wanted the cinema.One evening the telephone bell rang and Mrs Jones answered it. A tired man said, “At what time does your last film begin?”“ I’m sorry,” said Mrs Jones, “but you have the wrong number. This is not the cinema.”“Oh, it began twenty minutes ago,”said the man. “I’m sorry about that. Goodbye.”Mrs Jones was very surprised, so she told her husband. Mr Jones laughed and said, “The man’s wife wanted to go to the cinema, but he was feeling tired, so he telephoned the cinema. His wife heard him, but she didn’t hear you. Now they will stay at home this evening, and the husband will be happy.11. Why do people often telephone Mrs Jones when they want the cinema?A. Because she lives next door to the cinema.B. Because she knows the cinema program very well.C. Because her telephone number is similar to that of the cinema.D. Because the telephone company’s computer goes wrong from time to time.12. Why was Mrs Jones so surprised at a a phone call one evening?A. Because the call was from a stranger.B. Because the man on the phone knew her name.C. Because the man on the phone asked a question and then answered it himself.D. Because the man on the phone invited her to the cinema.13. According to Mr Jones, why didn’t the man on the phone want to go to the cinema?A. Because he had seen the film before.B. Because he was feeling very tired that evening.C. Because the film wasn’t worth seeing.D. Because the film had started already.14. What do you think the man’s wife wanted to do that evening?A. To stay home with her husband.B. To find out when the last film started.C. To go to the cinema with her husband.D. To eat out with her husband and then go to the cinema.15. What can you conclude from the story?A. The man on the phone was not interested in films.B. The man on the phone was rather clever.C. The man’s wife was fond of films.D. The telephone companies are inefficient sometimes.第三部分:词汇和结构(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)16.We are thinking ______ going to Guangzhou for our holidays but we haven’t decided yet.A. ofB. overC. outD. for17. It’s _____ that he was wrong.A. clearlyB. clarityC. clearD. clearing18. There _____ a book and some magazines on the desk.A. isB. areC. haveD. has19. She is not only my classmate ______ my good friend.A. alsoB. butC. andD. too20. He asked the waiter ______ the bill.A. onB. ofC. forD. after第四部分:完型填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)The air surrounding us is important to everyone. Without air, we could not ___21____. Everyone understand that. But air is necessary in many other ways that are not always so ___22____ or widely known.For example, if we did not have air, there would be no sound. Sound travels through air. ___23___ there is no air, there is no sound. Without air, there would be no fire. There would be no automobiles, ___24___ motors need air in order to operate.Without air there would be no wind or clouds. There would be no __25___, as we know it. the night time would be very cold, the days very hot. we would be ___26___ to seek shelter from the sun, as here would be no atmosphere to protect us from the sun’s ___27___ rays.The atmosphere is all the air surrounding the ___28___. Atmosphere pressure is the weight of all that air against the surface of the earth. If we did not have ___29___ pressure, we could not have automobile tires. The tires would swell or burst if they did not have the pressure of the atmosphere ___30___ their surface.21. A. living B. lively C. exist D. alive22. A. obvious B. obviously C. clearly D. knowingly23. A. What B. Which C. Where D. Why24. A. however B. since C. but D. and25. A. air B. breeze c. weather D. climate26. A. forcing B. forceful C. force D. forced27. A. deadly B. dead C. dying D. death28. A. floor B. earth C. land D. ground29. A. the atmosphere B. atmosphereC. atmosphericD. atmospherics30. A. under B. above C. beneath D. against第五部分:英译汉(共3小题;每小题5分,满分15分)请在15分钟内把下列3句英文翻译成中文,把答案写在答题纸上。

I. MultipleChoice.(1pointforeach,altogether20points)Directions:Thereare20sentencesinthissection.Beneatheachsentencetherearef ourchoicesrespectivelymarkedbylettersA,B,CandD.Choosethewordthatyouthink bestcompletethesentence.Writeyouranswersontheanswersheet.1.Thehouseisn'tbigenoughforafamilyoffour,and,thepriceisnotreasonable.A.eventhoughB.furthermoreC.thereforeD.inthat2.Nowthereisnoneedtoworryaboutthedeadlinesinceweareaheadof.A.tableB.chartC.scheduleD.graph3.Doingallthehouseworkmymotheratleastthreehoursaday.A.spendsB.affordsC.occupiesD.spares4.theformwithyournameandyouraddress.A.WriteB.FillinC.TakedownD.cover5.Therunnercanrun2milesinfifteenminutes.monualC.averageD.general6.Sinceitislatetochangemymindnow,Iamtocarryingouttheplan.A.obligedmittedC.engagedD.resolved7.BythetimeyougettoNewYork,IforLondon.A.wouldbeleavingB.amleavingC.havealreadyleftD.shallhaveleft8.Researchersdiscoveredthatplantsinfectedwithavirusgiveoffagasthatdisease resistanceinneighboringplants.A.contractsB.activatesC.maintainsD.prescribe9.Bylaw,whenonemakesalargepurchase,heshouldhaveopportunitytochangehismind.A.accurateB.urgentC.excessiveD.adequate10.Thearticlesuggeststhatwhenapersonunderunusualstressheshouldbeespecially carefultohaveawell-balanceddiets.A.isB.wereC.beD.was11.Ifheofallthedangers,heshouldchangehismind.A.knowsB.beclearC.hearsD.beaware12.Thiscrophassimilarqualitiestothepreviousone,bothwind-resistantandadaptedto thesametypeofsoil.A.beingB.beenC.tobeD.havingbeen13.Hewentovertheexaminationpaperthereshouldbesomemistakes.A.ifB.incaseofC.sothat D.lestD.itwas D.beingshort 14.ChristmasEveIhungupmystockingalongwithmysisters.15.Andthere,thegifts,allsortsofwonderfulthings.A.weretheyB.theywereC.wasit16.Wateronthemountains,webuiltmanywells.A.wasscarceB.scarceC.beingscarce17.Wemovedtothefrontrowwecouldhearandseebetter.18.Shecouldnothelpweepingaftershehadfoundherfavoritewatch.A.missB.missedC.missingD.tobemissed19.Itisquitenecessaryforaqualifiedteachertohavegoodmannersandknowledge.A.extensiveB.expansiveC.intensiveD.expensive20.Notonly,butsheisadancer.A.sheisasingerB.beingasingerC.issheasingerD.isasingerII. Cloze(1pointforeach,altogether10points)Directions:Decidewhichofthechoicesgivenbelowwouldbestcompletethepassageifinsertedinthec orrespondingblanks.Writeyouranswersontheanswersheet.WhatdowemeanbyaperfectEnglishpronunciation?Inone21thereareasmanydifferentkindsofEnglishastherearespeakersofit .Noneofthetwospeakersspeakinexactlythesame22.Wecanalwaysheardifferencesbetweenthem,andthepronunciationofEnglish 23agreatdealindifferentgeographicalareas.HowdowedecidewhatsortofEnglishtouseasa24?Thisisnotaquestionthatcanbeanswer edinthesamewayforallforeignlearnersofEnglish.25youliveinapartoftheworldlikeIndiaorWestAfrica,wherethereisalong26ofspe akingEnglishforgeneralcommunicationpurpose,youshouldaimtoacquireagoodvarietyofthepronunciationofthisarea.Itwouldbe2 7inthesecircumstancestouseasamodelBBCEnglishoranythingofthesort.Ontheotherhand,ifyouliveinacountry28thereisnotraditi onaluseofEnglish,youmusttakeasyourmodelsomeformof29Englishpronunciation.Itdoesnotmatterverymuchwhichformyoucho ose.Themost30wayistotakeasyourmodelthesortofEnglishyoucanhearmostoften.21..[A]meaning22..[B]sense [C]case [D]situation[A]type23..[B]form [C]sort [D]way[A]changes24..[B]varies [C]shifts [D]alters[A]direction25..[B]guide [C]symbol [D]model[A]Because26..[B]When [C]If [D]Whether[A]custom [B]use [C]tradition [D]habit[A]fashion28..[B]mistake [C]nonsense [D]possibility[A]where29..[B]that [C]which [D]whereverA.OnB.AtC.In D.ForA.soasB.sothatC.because D.suchthat27.[A]practical[B]domestic [C]native [D]new30..[A]effective [B]sensitive [C]ordinary [D]carefulIII. ReadingComprehension.(2pointsforeach,altogether30points)Directions:Therearethr eepassagesfollowedbyquestions.Beneatheachquestiontherearefourchoicesrespectivelymarke dbylettersA,B,CandD.Choosetherightanswerforeachquestion.Writeyouranswersontheanswe rsheet.Passage1Penguins(企鹅)livetogetherinlargeandbusycolonies.Everypairhasalittlepieceof ground.Whenapenguinwantstowalkthroughhisneig hbor'sgroundhemustaskpermission.If hedoesnot,hewillhavetofight.Penguinscomeandgoallday.Theyfight,fishandlookaftertheirchildren.Allpenguinsaregoodparents--theEmperorpenguinsareperhapsthebestparentsintheworld.Theywa lkinfromtheseainthemiddleofthedarkAntarcticwinter.Theychoosetheirwivesinthedark.Theycanonlyhearthem——notseethem. Thenthefemaleslaytheireggsandgoawayfortwomonths.Themaleslookaftertheeggs.Theyholdthemontheirfeetinsideafoldofskin. Iftheeggsgetcoldtherewillbenochicks.Thereisnofood.Thesnowfalls.Thewindblows--sometimesat150kilometresanhour.Thepe nguinsdonotmove.Whenthefemalesreturnfromtheseatheywillnotremembertheirhusbands.Itdoesnotmatter.Onlyonethingmatter s--theeggs.Emperorpenguinsneverfight--unlessapenguinleavesachickforaminute.Thentheyfightbecausetheyallwantit.Theyare strangeandwonderfulbirds.31.Eachpairofpenguinslivestogetherwith.[A]theirparents[B]somegoodneighbors[C]manyotherpenguins[D]theirchicks32.Accordingtothepassage,Emperorpenguinsfightagainsteachotherfor.[A]apieceofground[B]afemale[C]anegg[D]achickleftalonebyitsparents33.Whatisveryimportantis.[A]femalepenguins[B]malepenguins[C]eggs[D]apieceofground34.Penguinsarestrangeandwonderfulbirdsbecause.[A]theyonlycareabouttheirchildren[B]thefemalesdonotlookaftertheireggs[C]themaleseatnothingwhileholdingtheireggsinsidetheirwarmfoldofskin[D]alloftheabove.35、Thispassagemainlytellsreaderssomething.[A]strangeaboutthebestparentsintheworld[B]wonderfulaboutEmperorpenguins[C]interestingaboutpenguins'life.[D]funnyaboutthefightbetweenthemalepenguinsPassage2ThomasAlvaEdisonwasawardedmorepatents(专利)oninventionsthananyotherAmerican.Whenhediedin1931,Americanswonderedhowtheycouldbestshowtheirrespectforhim.Onesuggestionwasthatthenationobservesaminuteortwooftotalblackout.Allelectricpowerwouldbeshutoffinhomes,streets,andfactories.PerhapsthissuggestedplanmadeAmericansrealizefullywhatEdisonandhisinventionsmeanttothem.Electricpowerwastooim portanttothecountry.Shuttingitoffforevenashorttimewouldhaveledtocompleteconfusion.ABlackoutwasoutofthequestion.Onth edayofEdison'sfuneral,manypeoplesilentlydimmedtheirlights.Inthiswaytheyhonoredthemanwhohaddonemorethananyoneelsetoputthegreatforceofele ctricityathiscountrypeople'sfingertips.36.PeopledecidedtohonorEdisonwhen.[A]hemadethefirstelectriclight[B]electricpowerwas100yearsold[C]thecountryrealizedelectricity'simportance[D]hediedin193137.Thesuggestedplanwasto.[A]turnoffthelightsinfactoriesandschools[B]observeafewminutesoftotalsilence[C]dimallelectriclights[D]shutoffallelectricityforashorttime38.AmericansfullyrealizedwhatEdison'sinventionsmeantwhenthey.[A]heardofhisdeath[B]heardoftheplantohonorhim[C]firstusedelectricpower[D]triedtocarryouttheplan39.Theplanwasnevercarriedoutbecause.[A]noteveryonewantedtohonorEdison[B]itwastoodifficult[C]electricpowerwastooimportanttothecountry[D]ithonoredonlyoneofEdison'sinventions40.Thispassagewasprobablywrittento.[A]tellaboutEdison'sinventions[B]explainelectricity[C]provethatpeoplewishedtohonorEdison[D]showwhatagreatmanEdisonwasPassage3Friendsorcontemporaries(同龄人)areagreatinfluenceontheactions,thoughts,andwordsofyoungpeople.Thisinfluence,knownaspeerpressure,isquitecommonamongchildren.Whyarechildrensoeasilyaffectedbywhattheirpeersdo,think,orsay?Mostofus,childrenincluded,feelastrongneedtobelikedbyothers.Weseekacceptanceandfriendship.Inordertogainthem, weactlikeourfriends,andlistentotheiradvice,whetherornotitishelpful.Someofusevenbegintothinklikeourfriends,sometimesatt heexpenseofourownbeliefsandvalues.Anexamplethatcomestomindistheyoungpersonwhogetsinvolvedwithdrugsbecausehispe ergroupisexperimentingwiththem.Parentsmaytrytoexertpressuretokeephimawayfromdrugs,butfrequentlypeerpressureistoogr eat.Thisconflictbetweenbeingyourownpersonand,atthesametime,respondingtothepressuresofagroupremainsaproblemforyou ngpeople.41.Thepassagemainlytalksabout.[A]friendship[B]peerpressure[C]conflictsbetweenyoungpeopleandtheirparents[D]problemsforyoungpeople,“them”refersto.42.Inthethirdsentenceofthesecondparagraph[A]children[B]strongneedstobelikedbyothers[C]acceptanceandfriendship[D]ourfriends'advicebeingyourownperso in”thelastsentencemostprobablymeans.43.“[A]actingaccordingtoyourownbeliefsandvalues[B]tryingnottotellanylie[C]keepingyourselfawayfromdrugs[D]havingenoughself-confidence44.Thesecondparagraphfocuseson.[A]whatpeerpressureis[B]howyoungpeoplestarttotakedrugs[C]whatparentsshoulddofortheirchildren[D]whyyoungpeopleareeasilyinfluencedbytheirpeers45.Whocaninfluenceusontheactions,thoughts?[A]teacher[B]father[C]mother[D]friendsandcontemporariesIV. Blankingfilling.(1pointforeach,altogether10points)Directions:Completeeachofthefollo wingsentenceswiththecorrectformoftheitalicizedwordontheleftofeachsentence.Writeyouransw ersontheblanksbelow.46.patient ThemanagershowedsuchwithmethathecutshortwhatIwastellinghim.V. Translation.(3pointsforeach,altogether30points)Directions:TranslatethefollowingsentencesintoEnglish,usingthewordsorphrase sinthebrackets.Writeyouranswersontheanswersheet.56. 艾米过去除了咖啡,什么都不喝(nothingbut)57. 研究所(researchinstitute)所长(director)亲自查明一切都没问题。

1.— Could you show me your passport?— _________.A. Sure. Here you are.B. I haven’t got it with me.C. Yes, I couldD. I don’t want to2.— I’m very grateful to you.—_________A. My pleasure.B. It doesn’t matter.C. Don’t worry about it.D. That’s OK.3.—Congratulations! You won the first prize in today’s speech contest.— ________.A Yes, I beat the othersB No, no, I didn’t do it wellC Thank youD It’s pleasure4.— I think he is a good lecturer.—________.A Sorry, it doesn’t matterB I don’t mindC Yes. It’s a good ideaD So do I5.— Hi, is Mary there, please?— ________A. No, she isn’t here.B. Hold on. I’ll get her.C. Yes, she lives here.D. Yes, what do you want?6.—How do you do?—________A. Fine, thank you.B. Very well.C. Not too bad.D. How do you do?7.—Are the Williams here yet?— ______A. No, they don’t.B. No, he is not.C. Yes, they are.D. Yes, he is.8.— Can I help you?— ________.A OK, I’ll take itB That’s goodC Yes, I’d like a sweaterD I t’s too dear9.— Good-bye for now.— ________A. The same to you.B. That’s OK.C. So long.D. Long time no see.10.— I must apologize to you for the delay.—_________A. That’s all right.B. No trouble at all.C.You are welcome.D. All the best.第二部分:阅读理解(共10小题;每小题3分,满分30分)此部分共有2篇短文,每篇短文后有5个问题。

大学英语模拟试题一、单选题1. --- Have you been to the Great Wall before?--- Yes, this is our ______ time to visit the Great Wall.A. secondB. twoC. twiceD. secondly2. --- Excuse me, could you please tell me where the nearest post office is?--- Sorry, I have no idea. I ______ here only a couple of days ago.A. am arrivingB. arrivedC. have arrivedD. arrive3. --- I wonder how much the T-shirt costs.--- It is on ______ sale. You can get it for half the original price.A. cheapB. specialC. regularD. discount4. --- What do you think of the movie we watched yesterday?--- It was so boring that I nearly ______ asleep in the cinema.A. fellB. will fallC. have fallenD. have been falling5. --- Amazon is expected to be able to ______ your order within 24 hours.--- That sounds great. I can't wait to get my new book.A. handleB. leaveC. remainD. deliver6. --- What do you think of the actor who starred in the new film?--- He won the Best Actor Award, didn't he? He ______ be good.A. is supposed toB. is certain toC. can'tD. must7. --- Could you please help me check if there is any mistake in my physics homework?--- Let me see. Oh, your answer is wrong. You should have added a couple of brackets _______.A. right after the equationB. to the equationC. after the brackets.D. just after the equation8. --- Your room is in a _______ state now. Could you please tidy it up a bit?--- I will do it later. I am studying for the upcoming final exam now.A. messyB. dirtyC. cleanD. tidy9. --- What do you think of Li Bai's poem The Moon Shines Bright?--- It's a very beautiful poem. I _______ like it more than any other of his works.A. rarelyB. merelyC. simplyD. greatly10. --- Have you booked the train tickets for the trip next month?--- Yes, I _______ them online yesterday. We won't have to worry about the tickets.A. have already bookedB. will bookC. am bookingD. had booked二、阅读理解Passage OneDo you often leave things too late? Do you say to yourself ' Why bother?" Well, there are reasons why you should bother. Here are a few tips on how to cope with procrastination (拖延症).First, understand why you leave things to the last minute. There are many reasons for procrastination. Panic is the most common one. However, the panic that is generated by leaving things to the last minute is bound to affect your work.Next, try not to take on too much. You are not likely to do your best work if you try to do too much at once. Finally, organize yourself. Have a goal in mind before you start. Write a plan or a timetable of what you need to do.So when you are tempted to leave things to the last minute -- don't. It is silly. Procrastination is just a bad habit.(155 words)11. What is the main idea of the passage?A. The reasons for procrastination.B. How to cope with procrastination.C. Causes of panic.D. Disadvantages of leaving things to the last minute.12. What's the first tip on how to cope with procrastination?A. Leave things to the last minute.B. Engage in panic.C. Understand why you leave things to the last minute.D. Take on as much as you can.13. According to the author, which of the following can affect your work most?A. Taking on too much at once.B. Planning and organizing yourself.C. Procrastination habit.D. Panic caused by procrastination.14. What is the intended result of writing a plan before the work?A. Dont organinze yourself.B. Do your best work.C. Leave things to the last minute.D. Panic.15. What does the final sentence imply about procrastination?A. It's a good habit.B. It should be saved for the end.C. It's just a bad habit.D. Panic is healthy.Passage TwoLearning a foreign language is not easy, but it's very rewarding. Here are tips to learn a new language:First, start with the basics. Learn the alphabet, numbers, and common phrases. Next, focus on pronunciation. Immerse yourself in the language. Listen to music, watch movies, read books, and speak with native speakers. Don't be afraid to make mistakes.Third, practice regularly. Consistency is key. Review vocabulary, grammar, and phrases each day. Use flashcards, apps, and language exchange partners to help you. Finally, remember to have fun! Learning a language shouldn't feel like a chore. Enjoy the process and celebrate your achievements.(139 words)16. What is the passage about?A. Traveling to foreign countries.B. The reward of learning a foreign language.C. The challenges of pronunciation.D. The importance of grammar.17. What should you start with when learning a new language?A. Advanced level vocabulary.B. Grammar structures.C. Basic knowledge like alphabet and numbers.D. Phrasal verbs.18. According to the passage, how can you practice regularly?A. By speaking only to non-native speakers.B. By reviewing vocabulary daily.C. By avoiding making mistakes.D. By being inconsistent.19. How can you improve your pronunciation?A. By only speaking with friends.B. By only reading books.C. By listening to music and speaking with native speakers.D. By playing language exchange games.20. What does the passage suggest about learning a language?A. It should feel like a chore.B. It's best to avoid making mistakes.C. The focus should be on grammar only.D. It should be fun and rewarding.三、改错题Remember that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong, so be well prepared.21. anything前加上it22. be改为get四、作文Write a composition (120-150 words) about your favorite movie and explain why you like it.My Favorite Movie: Forrest GumpForrest Gump is perhaps one of the most heartwarming movies I have ever watched. The story of a man with a low IQ who inadvertently becomes part of some of the most historic events in American history, all while trying to reunite with his childhood sweetheart, Jenny, is truly inspiring. The movie's message about the power of love, friendship, and perseverance resonated deeply with me. Tom Hanks' portrayal of Forrest is remarkable, bringing both humor and tears to the audience. The movie's soundtrack is also exceptional, perfectly capturing the emotional rollercoaster of Forrest's journey. Every time I watch Forrest Gump, I am reminded of the importance of kindness, hope, and never giving up on one's dreams.Five, 近义词辨析23. manyA. lots ofB. muchC. littleD. few24. escapeA. musicB. runC. hideD. sing25. urgentA. quickB. healthyC. busyD. slow26. promptA. on timeB. lateC. earlyD. yesterday27. copyA. originalB. imitateC. fakeD. different。

大学英语B1一、交际英语1. - Excuse me, could you tell me the time?- _________A. You'd better buy a watch.B. It's three thirty by my watch.C. Can you see the clock?D. It's late I think.答案:B解析:-打扰了,请问几点了?-我的表上3点半了。
2. - I wonder if I could use your computer tonight?- ___________ I'm not using it right now.A. Sure, here you are.B. I don't know.C. It doesn't matter.D. Who cares?答案:A解析:-请问今晚我能用你的电脑吗?-当然,给你。
3. - Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office?- ______Oh yes! Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue. You can't miss it.A. I beg your pardon?B. What do you mean?C. You're welcome.D. Mm, let me think.答案:D解析:-打扰了,请问最近的邮局在哪里?-嗯,让我想想!噢,对!从这里过两个街区,在格林大街,你不会错过。
4. - Could I borrow your car for a few days?- ________A. Yes, you may borrow.B. Yes, go on.C. Sure, here is the key. Enjoy your journey.D. It doesn't matter.答案:C解析:-我能借你的车用几天吗?-当然可以。

⼤学英语精读模拟试卷1⼤学英语精读模拟试卷 1⼤学英语精读(⼀) 模拟试题(⼀)考⽣注意:1.考试时间:120分钟2.本套试卷共五道⼤题,满分100分。
- - - - - - - - - - - -答案Part ?. Vocabulary and Structure (每题1分,20⼩题,共20分。
)Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part .For each sentence there arefour choices marked A、B、C、and D .Choose the one that best completes the sentence.1.It was not until the train had left _____the stationA、I arrivedB、did I get toC、that I arrivedD、that I reached2.It was several minutes before I became _____was happening in the classroom.A、aware ofB、aware thatC、aware of thatD、aware of what 3._____we have disturbed you at your work. Among A,B,C and D,which one CAN'T be used here?A、It is sureB、I'm sureC、It is certainD、I'm certain 4.Dr Smith went into the lab, his students _____him closely.A、followedB、followingC、to followD、being following 5.The police investigation discovered three young men were _____in the robbery.A、joinedB、includedC、connectedD、involved 6.It's getting colder and colder,for winter_____ .A、has round the cornerB、has come onC、is round the cornerD、is drawing7.John writes beautiful handwriting _____his age.A、thinkingB、consideringC、inD、regarding of 8.Myra _____tears when she learned her husband had been injured in an accident.A、broke outB、broke inC、broke throughD、broke into 9.The article is _____to be studied carefully.A、worthB、worthy ofC、worthyD、worth while 10.Rain does not_____bring down the temperature.A、certainlyB、undoubtedlyC、necessarilyD、completely 11.The house was not very old. It _____knocked downA、ought to beB、ought to have beenC、ought not have beenD、should not have been12. His failure in the exams _____in part _____his laziness.A、resulted…fromB、resulted…inC、ca me up…withD、kept up…with13. Which of the following is wrong?A、Nobody knew the answer besides me.B、The carpet is good exceptfor its price.C、He rarely goes to anywhere except to her parents.D、Amy used to drink nothing but coffee.14. You should _____this opportunity and try to make a good impression on them.A、take use ofB、make the use ofC、take advantage ofD、take the advantage of 15 Father insisted that the homework _____before ten in the evening.A、is to be finishedB、ought to be finishedC、be finishedD、had to be finished 16. Sorry, I took your umbrella by_____ .A、mistakeB、errorC、faultD、wrong17. When the class was over,the children went _____home.A、directB、rightC、straightD、immediate18. I received a _____parcel yesterday and I am still wondering who may have sent it.A、sincereB、dullC、efficientD、mysterious19. They _____the foreign-owned plants one after another.A、took overB、took onC、took upD、took off20. _____,you have the right to go to school.A、No matter whoever you areB、Whoever you areC、Whomever you areD、NO matter who are youPart?. (每题2分,10⼩题,共20分。

大学英语六级听力模拟试题(一)及答案听力试题1. A) It will reduce government revenues.B) It will stimulate business activities.C) It will mainly benefit the wealthy.D) It will cut the stockholders’ dividends.2. A) She will do her best if the job is worth doing.B) She prefers a life of continued exploration. C) She will stick to the job if the pay is good.D) She doesn’t think much of job D) She doesn’t think much of job-hopping. -hopping.3. A) Stop thinking about the matter.B) Talk the drug user out of the habit.C) Be more friendly to his schoolmate.D) Keep his distance from drug addicts.4. A) The son.B) The father.C) The mother.D) Aunt Louise.5. A) Stay away for a couple of weeks.B) Check the locks every two weeks.C) Look after the Johnsons’ house.D) Move to another place.6. A) He would like to warm up for the game.B) He didn’t want to be held up in traffic.C) He didn’t want to miss the game.D) He wanted to catch as many game birds as possible. 7. A) It was burned down.B) It was robbed.C) It was blown up.D) It was closed down.8. A) She isn’t going to change her major.B) She plans to major in tax law.C) She studies in the same school as her brother.D) She isn’t going to work in her brother’s firm.9. A) The man should phone the hotel for directions.B) The man can ask the department store for help.C) She doesn’t have the hotel’s phone number. D) The hotel is just around the corner.10. A) She doesn’t expect to finish all her work in thirty minutes.B) She has to do a lot of things within a short time.C) She has been overworking for a long time.D) She doesn’t know why there are so many things to do.Section B Compound Dictation注意:注意:听力理解的B 节(Section B)为复合式听写(Compound Dictation),题目在试卷二上,现在请取出试卷二。

35. A.one’sB. itsC. theirD. the
IV. Reading Comprehension(60 points)
Directions: There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five
7.The ski resorts are usually crowded. There are many peopleskiing.
A. enjoyB. that wantC. who enjoyD. want
8. Would you liketo the United States?
A. tripB. voyageC. goingD. to travel
C. will beD. will have been
17.I think they are dating. Theya lot of each other recently.
A. had seenB. had been seeingC. have seenD. have been seeing
18. Ithe paperafter lunch. That’s one of the things I really enjoy.
A. used to readB. am used to reading
C. use to readD. have used to read
19. I am against childrento school before they are six.
大学英语(一)模拟试卷 所有翻译句子 答案

(seem to, appearance)Appearance he was not looking like a 80 year-old man.2、她停顿了一会,用一小块手帕擦了擦嘴,然后又继续给我们讲衬衫厂里发生的事情。
(pause, wipe)She pauses for a moment, wiped his mouth with a small piece of a handkerchief, and then continue to shirt factory where we talk about what is happening.3、我怎么能为他讲的话负责呢?(be responsible for)how can I speak for him, then be responsible?4、他努力控制自己的感情,假装没有听见那个令人心痛的消息。
(pretend to do)He tried to control their own feelings and pretend did not hear that distressing news.5、这位古希腊哲学家(Greek philosopher)似乎能够用简单的文字表达复杂的思想。
(turn sth. into sth.)The ancient Greek philosopher seem to be able to use simple language to express complex ideas6、在过去的二十年中,对于癌的起因的研究在数量上有了很大的增长。
(research on sth.)In the past two decades, the causes for cancer research in number has been greatly increased.7、科学家们一致认为更好地了解人脑将有利于充分利用其巨大的潜力。
华东理工大学继续教育学院大学英语 1(专升本)模拟试卷

大学英语(1)专升本练习题Ⅰ. 单词汉译英(10%)1、违背,违法2、使联系起来3、乏味的,冗长的4、推迟、使延期5、挤入,猛推6、主办、发起7、抛弃8、使尴尬9、支持,保持10、理智的Ⅱ、词组英译汉:10%1、take a chance (on sb.)2、more than a little3、straighten out4、put across5、ask round6、do with7、bring about 8、turn out9、check on 10、take holdⅢ、句子汉译英:15%1、她决定坚持下去直到他们给她涨工资。
Ⅳ、课文段落填空:10%Tony did not begin on the ____1_____ rung of the ladder. He began in the basement. Tony’s ____2______ were tiny; the greatest industrialists’affairs were______3______. But, after all, the _____4______ sheets were exactly the ______5______. The only ______6_________ was where you put the decimal point. Tony Trivisonno came to America ____7_________ the American Dream. But he didn’t find it----he ____8_______ it for himself. All he had were 24 ______9_______ hours a day, and he ____10______ none of them.V. 课文段落英译汉:10%Suddenly I wanted to write about that, about the warmth and good feeling of it, but I wanted to put it down simply for my own joy, not for Mr. Fleagle. It was a moment I wanted to recapture and hold for myself. I wanted to relive the pleasure of that evening. To write it as I wanted, however, would violate all the rules of formal composition I’d learned in school, and Mr. Fleagle would surelygive it a failing grade. Never mind. I would write something else for Mr. Fleagle after I had written this thing for myself.Ⅵ、选择题:25%( ) 1. On my way to school, I saw people ____ advertisements andsample products.A) conveying B) creating C) discarding D)distributing( ) 2. The city government promise to ____ the problem ofunemployment in real earnest.A) postpone B) tackle C) compose D)anticipate( ) 3. The professor thought that I was making good progress in my studies and told me to ____ my good work.A) keep up B) go ahead with C) hold back D) come up with( ) 4. Because of the mist, none of those who saw the flying object could tell its ____ shape.A) steady B) likely C) precise D) rigid( ) 5. “You ____ call me uncle because I am about the same age as your father,” said the visitor to the boy.A) more or less B) may just as well C) sort of D) off and on( ) 6. A good teacher is able to ____ a complicated idea in very simple terms.A) work out B) go by C) put across D) bring about( ) 7. The milk smells ____ sour.A) as if it is B) like it is C) as if it was D) like it was( ) 8. Tom woke up late and left home without breakfast, ____ another long and boring day at school.A) having anticipated B) anticipatedC) being anticipated D) anticipating( ) 9. ____ a solution to the problem of water shortage, we have to put all our efforts together.A) To work out B) working outC) Work out D)Being worked out( ) 10. “The Internet will ensure that the children of the future are not going to know ____ nationalism is,” an expert at MIT declared.A) how B) that C) what D) as( ) 11. ____ in mind as well as in body, the child needs more than medical care.A) Sick B) Be sick C) Because sick D) For sick( ) 12. The cost of this building ____ to be over a million.A) is estimated B) estimatesC) has estimated D) having been estimated( ) 13. The purpose of this test is to measure students’ ____ tolearn instead of their present achievements.A) capacity B) attitudeC) confidence D) determination( ) 14. Lying in hospital, the patient ____ the outside world bywatching news programs on TV every night.A) kept in touch with B) faced up toC) turned the clock back D) slowed down( ) 15. The birth rate in a city ____ to fall as its gross domesticproduct (GDP) rises steady.A) estimated B) anticipates C) assumes D) tends( ) 16. To postpone ____ the debt will ruin our business reputation.A) paying B) to pay C) pay D) paid( ) 17. ____ to understand a single word of Chinese, he hired an interpreter when he visited Beijing.A) For being unable B) UnableC) Because unable D) Without able()18. It is a huge task to ________ all the rooms in the building in such a short time.A)go ahead with B) keep up C) clean up D) work out ( ) 19. I have searched all the book stores in this town. The book you asked for is not _____.A) tedious B) vivid C) available D) sufficient ()20. I always______ what I have said.A) get to B) hold to C) lead to D) see to()21. He was_____ of having asked such a sily question.A) sorry B) guilty C) ashamed D) miserable()22. We are interested in the weather because it_____ us sodirectly---what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel.A) benefits B) affects C) guides D) effects()23. Children are very curious________.A) at heart B) in person C) on purpose D) by nature()24. You______ all those calculations! We have a computer to do that sort of thing.A) needn’t have done B) must not have doneC) shouldn’t have done D) can not have done()25. ______ the advances of science, the discomforts of old agewill no doubt always be with us.A) As for B) Besides C) Except D) DespiteⅦ、阅读理解:20%Passage oneThere are three kinds of goals: short-term, medium-range and long-term goals. Short-range goals are those that usually deal with current activities, which we can apply on a daily basis. Such goals can be achieved in a week or less, or two weeks, or possible months. It should be remembered that just as a building is no stronger than its foundation, our long-term goals cannot amount to very much without the achievement of solid short-term goals. Upon completing our short-term goals, we should date the occasion and then add new short-term goals that will build on those that have been completed.The intermediate goals build on the foundation of the short-range goals. They might deal with just one term of school or the entire school year, or they could even extend for several years. Any time you move a step at a time, you should never allow yourself to become discouraged or overwhelmed. As you complete each step, you will enforce the belief in your ability to grow and succeed. And as your list of completion dates grow, your motivation and desire will increase.Long-range goals may be related to our dreams of the future. They might cover five years or more. Life is not a static thing. We should never allow a long-term goal to limit us or our course of action.1.Our long-term goals mean a lot__.A. if we complete our short-range goalsB. if we cannot reach solid short-term goalsC. if we write down the datesD. if we put forward some plans2.New short-term goals are built upon__.A. two yearsB. long-term goalsC. current activitiesD. the goals that have been completed3.When we complete each step of our goals ,__.A. we will win final successB. we are overwhelmedC. we should build up confidence of successD. we should strong desire for setting new goals4.Once our goals are drawn up,__.A. we should stick to them until we complete themB. we may change our goals as we have new ideas and opportunitiesC. we had better wait for the exciting news of successD. we have made great decision5.It is implied but not stated in the passage that ___.A. those who have long-term goals will succeedB. writing down the dates may discourage youC. the goal is only a guide for us to reach our destinationD. every should have a goalPassage twoOn the night of December 8, 1992, when he was standing in a parking lot talking to friends, Tracy Marsh jumped to the top of a car, as he had done a hundred times before. This time, though, Tracy lost his balance. His head struck the ground, hard.All night, Cory, Tracy’s mother, stood next to her son, who was lying in a hospital bed, his brown eyes fixed in a lifeless stare. She remembered that Tracy had once mentioned organ donation. Maybe I can spare another family this pain, she thought. When the time came, she and her husband Bill signed the forms permitting his organs to be donated.Tracy was declared dead the next day. Twenty=-four hours later, in a Boston hospital, Tracy’s liver was made part of my husband, David, Who was suffering from a hopeless liver disease.Months later, we learned from the local organ bank that the donor’s parents wished desperately to meet someone who had gained life through the gift from their son. A meeting was arranged by the organ bank to bring together two families linked by the most bittersweet ties imaginable.The meeting was risky, but worth it. We talked for 3 hours. They showed us a picture of Tracy. We learned for the first time how he had lived and died. We learned something about Bill and Cory too.For the Marshes, seeing David and knowing he was well seemed to ease their suffering. I’ll never forget seeing David’s tall figure stooped over Cory, her arms around his waist, as a mother would hug a son. For a long time they held each other tight. It was hard to know if she was saying hello or good-bye she was saying both.6. We learned from the passage that Tracy died______.A. on December 8, 1992.B. of brain damageC. 24 hours after he fell off the roof of a carD. in a car crash7. Tracy’s parents decided to donate Tracy’s organs because______.A. Tracy told them to do so just before he diedB. they wanted to save others the pain of seeing a dear one dieC. David’s life could continue in a meaningful wayD. they knew David was suffering from a hopeless liver disease8. The meeting between the writer’s family and Tracy’s parents ws arrangedbecause_____,A. the writer and her husband wished to express their thanks to Tracy’s parentsB. the local organ bank wanted to seed how both families felt about thedonationC. Tracy’s parents wanted to see someone whose life had been saved by thedonationD. the two families were linked by the most bittersweet ties imaginable9. The writer and her husband learned how Tracy died______.A. from his parentsB. from the organ bankC. from the hospitalD. from the doctor who performed the operation10. The meeting between the two families helped to ease the Marshes’ sufferingbecause_______.A. they saw that David looked very much like their sonB. they saw that David had regained health with Tracy’s liverC. they now had someone to share their memories of TracyD. they now knew for sure they had done the right thing答案Ⅰ. 单词汉译英(10%)1.violate2.associate3. tedious4.postpone5. thrust6. sponsor7. abandon8.embarrass9. sustain 10. sensibleⅡ、词组英译汉:10%1. 碰运气,冒险2. 很、非常3. 解决4.解释清楚5. 四处打听6. 对付、处理7. 引起、导致8. 编写,制造9. 检查,调查10. 生根、确立Ⅲ、句子汉译英:15%1.She decided to persevere until they got her pay raised.2.At the moment, the public is in two minds about science.3.It is reported that the local government has taken proper measure to avoidthe possibility of a severe water shortage.4.I asked our people to check on his family and see that everything wasproperly handled.5.Doris walked in the forest cautiously, afraid of being attacked by giant.Ⅳ、课文段落填空:10%bottom affairs giant balance same difference seeking created precious wastedⅤ、课文段落翻译成中文:10%突然我就想描写那一切,描述当时那种温馨美好的气氛,但我把它写下来仅仅是想自得其乐,而不是为弗里格尔先生而写。

海南大学大一上英语期末考试模拟试卷海南大学大一上英语期末考试模拟试卷姓名:____________学号:___________班级:____________成绩:_____________ 考试时刻:120 分钟仔细应考,祝考试成功!I.Multiple choice .1.They are all interested ______ English.A. inB. onC. to2.My sister _____ a letter when I got home last night.A. is writingB. was writingC. wrote3.He asked me if I ______ the play.A. sawB. had seenC. have seen4._____ is raining now. You'd better stay at home.A. ItB. WeatherC. This5.He will write to you as soon as he ______ there.A. will getB. to getsC. gets6.The bus stop ______ in 1999.A. was builtB. will be builtC. built7.The work must ______ in time.A. be doneB. didC. is doing8.The policeman told us ______ in the street.A. don't playB. not to playC. to not play9.Tom told me that he _____ to England the next week.A. would goB. will goC. is going10.The Blacks ______ in this factory since 1996.A. has workedB. has comeC. have been11.There are about five ______ students in our school.A. hundredB. hundredsC. hundred of12.Saturday is the ______ day of the week.A. firstB. secondC. last13.. Get up early,______ you'll catch the early bus.A.soB. andC. butD. or14.Hurry up,______ you'll be late for class.A. soB. and C or15.. The PRC was founded ______ October 1st,1949.A. inB. onC. with16.—Which sweater do you like better?—______.A.Good ideaB. I ca n’t decideC. Yes, it’s nice17.—How do you like the new film?—______.A. Very kindB. Very deliciousC. Very lucky18.—Could you come, please? I want some help.—______.A. Yes, I couldB. You’re welcomeC. That’s right19.—Don’t pick flowers in the school garden next time, Lili.—______A. I have no ideaB. Sorry, I won’t.C. Is that so?—Sorry, mummy. I can’t tie my shoe.20.—Don’t worry, dear. ______.A. I want to help youB. I’ll help youC. I’d like to help youII.Reading Conprehension.Directions: Read the following passages carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words (not exceeding 10 words).1.Skipping ReadingPersonality is to a large extent inherent—a type parents usually bring about a type offspring. But the enviroXXXent must also have a profound effect, since if competition is important to the parents, it is likely to become a major fact or in the lives of their children.One place where children soak up A characteristics is school, which is, by its very nature, a highly competitive institution. Too many schools adopt the win at all costs moral standard and measure their success by sporting achievements. The current passion for making children compete against their classmates or against the clock produces a two-layer system, in which competitive A types seem in some way better than their B type fellows. Being too keen to win can have dangerous consequences: remember that Pheidippides, the first marathon runner, dropped dead seconds after saying: “Rejoice, we conquer!By far the worst form of competition in schools is the disproportionate emphasis on examinations. It is a rare school that allows pupils to concentrate on those things they do well. The merits of competition by examination are somewhat questionable, but competition in the certain knowledge of failure is positively harmful.Obviously, it is neither practical nor desirable that all A youngsters change into B’s. The world needs types, and schools have an importantduty to try to fit a child’s personality to his possible future employment. It is top management.If the preoccupation of schools with academic work was lessened, more time might be spent teaching children surer values. Perhaps selection for the caring professions, especially medicine, could be made less by good grades in chemistry and more by such considerations as sensitivity and sympathy. It is surely a mistake to choose our doctors exclusively from A type stock. B’s are important and should be encouraged.Questions:1. Beside inherence, personality is also deeply effected by______________________.2. Person who has A characteristics is______________________________________.3. What was disagreed to in schools by the author?______________________________.4. Why is top management of school to fit a child’spersonality____________________.5. According to the 5th Para., B’s characteristic is suggested to be ________________.2.Deeply ReadingKite flying is the sport of sending up into the air,by means of the wind , a light frame covered with paper,plastic or cloth. The frame can be one of many different shapes and is attached to a long string held in the hand or wound on a drum. Kites have a long history of practical application and many different types of kite have been debeloped to serve various purposes.The ancient Chinese used bird-kites to carry ropes across rivers and valleys. The current folding kite which will dive excitingly is an improved type of such a kite. With its long flat body and single pair ofbird-like wings,it looks just like a large bird in the air. The modern version is usually made of tissue-paper rather than the traditional silk. Man-lifting kites were developed in ancient times, again by the Chinese, for getting information from walled cities and army camps. In fact , as recently as world 2 ,German U-boats flew kites from their towers to lift people into the air to watch the land. These kites ,which are no longer in existence,were made of light-weight cloth.They were much larger and stronger than the Chinese ones. Their design,however, was simply that of the cutter kite. Smaller in size,this type of kite is still very popular as a toy for children, being easy to make with a diamond-shaped frame,no wings and brown-paper covering.Box-kites are another type of kite found in toy shops today. The first box-kite,named for its box-like body,was developed in the nineteenth century to test theories of flight and this type of cotton-covered kite greatly assisted the success of early aeroplane.These kites are the ancestors of a heavier version of the box-kite,which consists of two main sections,placed side by side. Developed for the peacetime purpose of fishing in strong sea wind,it is the only modern kite described which has practical value . A long-lasting plastic material has to be used for this kite,which carries fishing lines.1.The ancient Chinese bird-kites were usually made of light frames covered with_____.a.silkb.paperc.clothd.plastic2.The kites used by German U-boats in would war 2 for the military purpose were made of _____.a.brown paperb.plastic materialc.light-weight clothd.traditional silk3.The ancient Chinese man-lifting kites were used_____.a.to carry ropes across rivers and valleysb.for the military purposec.as toy for childrend.for fishing in strong sea wind4.Which of the following statements is not ture?a.The frame of a kite is attached to long string held in the hand or wound on drum.b.The ancestor of the double box-kite.c.The cutter kite has a diamond-shaped body but no wings.d.The current folding kite is developed to test theories of flight.5.The best title for this passage may be______.a.The ancestors of modern kitesb.The history of the chinese kitesc.different types and uses of kitesd.the different between ancient and modern kites.3.Fast ReadingWhy Integrity MattersWhat is Integrity?"Integrity" is defined as "adherence to moral and ethical principles; honesty." The key to integrity is consistency--not only setting high personal standards for oneself (honesty, responsibility, respect for others, fairness) but also living up to those standards each day. One who has integrity is bound by and follows moral and ethical standards even when making life's hard choices, choices which may be clouded by stress, pressure to succeed, or temptation.What happens if we lie, cheat, steal, or violate other ethical standards? We feel disappointed in ourselves and ashamed. But a lapse of integrity also affects our relationships with others. Trust is essential in any important relationship, whether personal or professional. Who can trust someone who is dishonest or unfair? Thus, integrity must be one of our most important goals.Risky BusinessWe are each responsible for our own decisions, even if the decision-making process has been undermined by stress or peer pressure. The real test of character is whether we can learn from our mistake, by understanding why we acted as we did, and then exploring ways to avoid similar problems in the future.Making ethical decisions is a critical part of avoiding future problems. We must learn to recognize risks, because if we can't see the risks we're taking, we can't make responsible choices. To identify risks, we need to know the rules and be aware of the facts. For example, one who doesn't know the rules about plagiarism may accidentally use words or ideas without giving proper credit, or one who fails to keep careful research notes may unintentionally fail to quote and cite sources as required. But the fact that such a violation is "unintentional" does not excuse the misconduct. Ignorance is not a defense."But Everybody Does It"Most people who get in trouble do know the rules and facts, but manage to fool themseWhy Integrity MattersWhat is Integrity?"Integrity" is defined as "adherence to moral and ethical principles; honesty." The key to integrity is consistency--not only setting high personal standards for oneself (honesty, responsibility, respect for others, fairness) but also living up to those standards each day. One whohas integrity is bound by and follows moral and ethical standards even when making life's hard choices, choices which may be clouded by stress, pressure to succeed, or temptation.What happens if we lie, cheat, steal, or violate other ethical standards? We feel disappointed in ourselves and ashamed. But a lapse of integrity also affects our relationships with others. Trust is essential in any important relationship, whether personal or professional. Who can trust someone who is dishonest or unfair? Thus, integrity must be one of our most important goals.Risky BusinessWe are each responsible for our own decisions, even if the decision-making process has been undermined by stress or peer pressure. The real test of character is whether we can learn from our mistake, by understanding why we acted as we did, and then exploring ways to avoid similar problems in the future.Making ethical decisions is a critical part of avoiding future problems. We must learn to recognize risks, because if we can't see the risks we're taking, we can't make responsible choices. To identify risks, we need to know the rules and be aware of the facts. For example, one who doesn't know the rules about plagiarism may accidentally use words or ideas without giving proper credit, or one who fails to keep careful research notes may unintentionally fail to quote and cite sources as required. But the fact that such a violation is "unintentional" does not excuse the misconduct. Ignorance is not a defense."But Everybody Does It"Most people who get in trouble do know the rules and facts, but manage to fool themseWhy Integrity MattersWhat is Integrity?"Integrity" is defined as "adherence to moral and ethical principles;honesty." The key to integrity is consistency--not only setting high personal standards for oneself (honesty, responsibility, respect for others, fairness) but also living up to those standards each day. One who has integrity is bound by and follows moral and ethical standards even when making life's hard choices, choices which may be clouded by stress, pressure to succeed, or temptation.What happens if we lie, cheat, steal, or violate other ethical standards? We feel disappointed in ourselves and ashamed. But a lapse of integrity also affects our relationships with others. Trust is essential in any important relationship, whether personal or professional. Who can trust someone who is dishonest or unfair? Thus, integrity must be one of our most important goals.Risky BusinessWe are each responsible for our own decisions, even if the decision-making process has been undermined by stress or peer pressure. The real test of character is whether we can learn from our mistake, by understanding why we acted as we did, and then exploring ways to avoid similar problems in the future.Making ethical decisions is a critical part of avoiding future problems. We must learn to recognize risks, because if we can't see the risks we're taking, we can't make responsible choices. To identify risks, we need to know the rules and be aware of the facts. For example, one who doesn't know the rules about plagiarism may accidentally use words or ideas without giving proper credit, or one who fails to keep careful research notes may unintentionally fail to quote and cite sources as required. But the fact that such a violation is "unintentional" does not excuse the misconduct. Ignorance is not a defense."But Everybody Does It"Most people who get in trouble do know the rules and facts, but manageto fool themseelves about the risks they're taking by using excuses: "Everyone else does it," "I'm not hurting anyone," or "I really need this grade." Excuses can get very elaborate: "I know I'm looking at another's exam, even though I'm supposed to keep my eyes on my own paper, but that's not cheating because I'm just checking my answers, not copying." We must be honest about our actions, and avoid excuses. If we fool ourselves into believing we're not doing anything wrong, we can't see the real choice we're making--and that leads to bad decisions.To avoid fooling yourself, watch out for excuses and try this test: Ask how you would feel if your actions were public, and anyone could be watching over your shoulder. Would you feel proud or ashamed of your actions? If you'd rather hide your actions, that's a good indication that you're taking a risk and rationalizing it to yourself.Evaluating RisksTo decide whether a risk is worth taking, you must examine the consequences, in the future aswell as right now, negative as well as positive, and to others as well as to yourself. Those who take risks they later regret usually focus on immediate benefits ("what's in it for me"), and simply haven't considered what might go wrong. The consequences of getting caught are serious, and may include a "0" on a test or assigXXXent; an "F" in the class; Suspension or Dismissal from school; transcript notation; and a tarnished reputation. In fact, when you break a rule or law, you lose control over your life, and give others the power to impose punishment: you have no control over what that punishment might be. This is an extremely precarious and vulnerable position. There may be some matters of life and death, or highest principle, which might justify such a risk, but there aren't many things that fall in this category.Getting Away With It--Or NotThose who don't get caught pay an evenhigher price. A cheater doesn't learn from the test, depriving him/herself of an education. Cheating undermines confidence and independence: the cheater is a fraud, and knows that without dishonesty, he/she would have failed. Cheating destroys self-esteem and integrity, leaving the cheater ashamed, guilty, and afraid of getting caught. Worst of all, a cheater who doesn't get caught the first time usuallycheats again, not only because he/she is farther behind, but also because it seems "easier." This slippery slope of eroding ethics and bigger risks leads only to disaster. Eventually, the cheater gets caught, and the later he/she gets caught, the worse the consequences. Students have been dismissed from school because they didn't get this simple message: Honesty is the ONL Y policy that works.Cheating Hurts Others, TooCheaters often feel invisible, as if their actions "don't count" and don't really hurt anyone. But individual choices have a profound cumulative effect. Cheating can spread like a disease, and a cheater can encourage others just by being seen from across the room. Recent statistics suggest 30% or more of college students cheat. If a class is graded on a curve, cheating hurts others' grades. Even if there is no curve, cheating "poisons" the classroom, and others may feel pressured to join in. ("If I don't cheat, I can't compete with those who do.") Cheating also has a destructive impact on teachers. The real reward of good teaching is seeing students learn, but a cheater says, "I'm not interested in what you're trying to teach; all I care about is stealing a grade, regardless of the effect on others." The end result is a blatant and destructive attack on the quality of your education. Finally, cheating can hurt the reputation of the University, and harm those who worked hard for their degree.Why Integrity MattersIf cheating becomes the norm, then we are in big trouble. We must rely on the honesty and good faith of others every day. If not, we couldn't put money in the bank, buy food, clothing, or medicine from others, drive across a bridge, get on a plane, go to the dentist--the list is endless. There are many examples of the vast harm that is caused when individuals forget or ignore the effect their dishonesty can have. The savings and loan scandal, the stock market and junk bond swindles, and, of course, Watergate, have undermined the faith of many Americans in the integrity of political and economic leaders and society as a whole. Such incidents take a tremendous toll on our nation's economy and our individualwell-being. For example, but for the savings and loan debacle, there might be funds available to reduce the national debt and pay for education. In sum, we all have a common stake in our school, our community, and our society. Our actions do matter. It is essential that we act with integrity in order to build the kind of world in which we want to live.1. A person of integrity not only sets high moral and ethical standards but also _______.A) sticks to them in their daily lifeB) makes them known to othersC) understands their true valuesD)sees that others also follow them2. What role does integrity play in personal and professional relationships?A) It helps to create team spiritB) It facilitates communicationC) It is the basis of mutual trustD) It inspires mutual respect3. why must we learn to identify the risks we are going to take?A. To ensure we make responsible choices.B. To avoid being overwhelmed by stress.C. so that we don’t break any rules.D. so that we don’t run into trouble.4. Violation of a rule is misconduct even if _______?A. it has caused no harm.B. it is claimed to be unintentional.C. it has gone unnoticed.D. it is committed with good intentions.5. What should one do if he doesn’t wish to fool himself?A. Avoid making excuses.B. Listen to other people’s advice.C. Make his intensions public.D. Have others watch over his shoulder.6. Those who take risks they regret later on _______.A. will often become more cautiousB. are usually very aggressiveC. value immediate benefits most.D. may lose everything in the end7. According to the author, a cheater who doesn’t get caught right away will _______.A) pay more dearlyB) become more confidentC) be widely admiredD) feel somewhat lucky8. Cheaters at exam don’t care abo ut their education, all they care about is how to _______9. Integrity matters in that all social activities rely on people’s _______10. Many Americans lost faith in the integrity of their politicalleaders as a result of _______.III.翻译1.Charity groups organized various activities to raise money for the survivors of theearthquake.2.Linda couldn’t have received my e-mail,otherwise, she could have replied。
⼤学英语四级考试模拟试卷⼀[1]⼤学英语四级考试模拟试卷Part ⅡReading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)The Right Amount of EnergyWe all enjoy being around people with energy. They inspire us. They are stimulating, fun and uplifting. And energetic person has passion in his voice, a bounce in his step, and a smile on his face. Energy makes a person likable, and likeability is a key ingredient in persuasive communications. Many business professionals underestimate the energy level required to generate enthusiasm among their listeners. But electrifying speakers bring it. They have an energy that is several levels higher than the people they are attempting to influence.Most business professionals could use an energy boost for public speaking situations such as Webinars, podcasts, staff meetings, conference calls, and television and radio interviews. Each of these opportunities requires a higher level of energy than would normally be appropriate if you were just chatting to someone in the hallway. But how do you project the right level of vigor without seeming over the top? By weighing yourself on an energy scale. And on this scale, more is better.The Energy ScaleRecently I helped an executive prepare for his first major presentation in his new role."Tell me where your energy is right now on a scale of one to ten," I asked. "One being fast asleep and ten being Jim Cramer on Mad Money. Y ou know, the guy who's yelling and gesturing wildly on his CNBC show. Where are y ou now?”"A three," the speaker replied."OK, what would it feel like to be a seven, eight or nine? Give it a try," I suggested.If they're being honest, most presenters place themselves at a three to six on the energy scale. That means there is plenty of room to boost your energy while not appearing too zany. But keep in mind, once you hit a ten or higher, you could be the next Y ouTube (GOOG) hit--which is not necessarily your top objective! Here are several surefire strategies in boosting your energy presence.1. Practice leaving your comfort zone.Record several minutes of your presentation as you would normally deliver it. Play it back, preferably with someone else watching and listening as well. Ask yourself and the observer, where am I on the energy scale? Now try it again. This time, break out of your comfort zone. Ham it up. Raise your voice. Use big gestures. Put a big smile on your face. Get to a point where you would feel slightly awkward and uncomfortable. Now watch it. Most likely your energy level will be far more engaging and still remain appropriate for the situation.2. Smile and have fun.Why do most people seem to enjoy Virgin entrepreneur Richard Brauson? Because the guy has fun and it shows. He always has a warm, engaging smile on his face. Of course, you can argue that it's easy to walk around with a smile when you're worth $4 billion! But seriously, smile. It won't hurt and it will make you more likable. Most business professionals don't smile as much as they should during presentations. I'm helping some executives prepare for CES, the big Consumer Electronics Show in January where they will announce new products. They get so caught up in the slides and what they're going to say (as they should during preparation ), they forget that new products bring joy to their consumers. In most cases --with the exception of bad news, of course --- the first and last thing you say to yourself before launching into your presentation should be, "Have fun."3. Get your body movingMany people are uncomfortable using expansive hand gestures. Don't be. I spoke to David McNeill at the University of Chicago, who is known for his research into gesture and speech. He says that clear, confidentspeakers use hand gestures and that the gestures leave a positive impression on listeners.He went on to say that using gestures will help you speak better because for most of us it takes effort not to use gestures. Don't be afraid of using your hands.AOL's (TWX) /doc/45746b8ba0116c175f0e48b0.html is one of my favorite video search engines. I use itto retrieve clips of business speakers to study their body language. Symantec's ( SYMC ) John Thompson, Oracle's ( ORCL ) Larry Ellison. Cisco's ( CSCO ) John Chambers, and eBay's ( EBAY) Meg Whitman are excellent examples of people with confident, energetic body language.4. Study TV and radio personalitiesStars of television and radio who score high on the likeability scale have high-energy personalities. I had a conversation with Suze Orman over the phone a couple of years ago and remember it to this day. Her energy comes right through the speaker. What you see on her CNBC show is what you get behind the scenes. High energy. The other day I watched Food Network ( SSP ) star Rachael Ray sign books at a mall where I happened to be shopping. Sometimes critics poke fun at her "perky" personality and phrases like "ymn-o," but the fact is she has energy and millions of viewers enjoy it. The network morning-show hosts are typically chosen for their energetic personalities. Today's Matt Lauer on NBC ( GE ) and The Early Show's Julie Chen on CBS ( CBS ) are excellent examples, but there are many others on morning television.Remember, maintaining an energetic presence is very difficult to do unless you're involved with something you enjoy. If you are truly passionate about your company, product, or service, then show it Speak with energy and vitality. Y our listeners will love you for it.1 From the first paragraph, what is a key point in persuasive communication?[A] Stimulation. [B] Uplifting [C] Fun [D] Likeability.2. ______have an energy several levels higher than the people they are attempting to influence.[ A ] Electrifying speakers [C] Undynamic persons[ B ] Business professionals [ D ] Listeners3. How do people show the right level of energy without seeming over the top?[ A ] By underestimating the energy level. [ C ] By estimating an energy scale.[ B ] By undervaluing the energy level. [ D ] By using a lower level of energy.4. The scale of the energy is[A] seven, eight or nine [B] ten or higher [C] three to six [D] one to ten5. What does the example mean in the third paragraph?[A] There is little room to boost your energy while not appearing too zany.[B ] There is a little room to boost your energy while not appearing too zany.[C ] There is much room to boost your energy while not appearing too zany.[ D ] There is no room to boost your energy while not appearing too zany.6. Why is V irgin entrepreneur Richard Branson popular?[A] Because he bas fun and it shows.[B ] Because he doesn't smile as much as he should during presentations.[C] Because he is very humorous[D] Because he is famous7. David Mcneill says that confident speaker use ______.[A] hand gestures [B] speech [C] smile [D] expression8. I use AOL’s (TWX) /doc/45746b8ba0116c175f0e48b0.html to retrieve clips of business speakers to __________________.9. Stars of television and radio who score high on the likability scale have ___________________.10. Maintaining an energetic presence is very difficult to do unless _________________________.Part ⅣReading Comprehension(Reading in Depth) (25 minutes)Section AQuestions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.We feel that there are many disadvantages in arranging pupils into different classes. It is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This is only one aspect of their total __47 . We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full, not just their __48 ability. We also value personal qualities and social skills, and we find that mixed ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning.In our classrooms, we work in__49__ ways. The pupils often work in groups, which gives them the __50__ to learn to cooperate, to share, and to develop leadership skills. They also learn how to cope with __51__ problems as well as learning how to think, to make decisions, to analyze and evaluate, and to __52__ effectively. The pupils learn from each other as well as from the teacher.Sometimes the pupils work in pairs or on __53__ tasks and assignments, and they can do this at their own speed. They also have some formal class teaching when this is __54__. We encourage our pupils to use the library, and we teach them the skills they need in order to do this efficiently. We expect our pupils to do their best, notSection BPassage OneQuestions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.What is science fiction? To begin with, the following definition should be helpful: science fiction is a literary sub-class which requires a change (for human beings) from conditions as we know them and follow the implications of these changes to a conclusion. Although this definition will necessarily be modified, and expanded, and probably changed, in the course of this exploration, it conveys much of the basic groundwork and provides a point of departure.The first point—that science fiction is a literary sub-class—is a very important one, but one which is often overlooked or ignored in most discussions of science fiction. Specially, science fiction is a sub-class of prose fiction, for nearly every piece of science fiction is either a short story or a novel. There are only a few dramas which could be called science fiction, with Karel Capek’s RUR (Rossum’s Universal Robots) being the only one that is well known; the body of poetry that might be labeled science fiction is only slightly larger. To say that science fiction is a sub-class of prose fiction is to say that it has all the basic characteristics and serves the same basic function in much the same way as prose fiction in general—that is, it shares a great deal with all other novels and short stories.Everything that can be said about prose fiction, in general, applies to science fiction. Every piece of science fiction, whether short or novel, must have a narrator, a story, a plot, a setting, characters, language, and theme. And like any prose, the themes of science fiction are concerned with interpreting man’s nature and experience in relation to the world around him. Themes in science fiction are constructed and presented in exactly the same ways that themes are dealt with in any other kind of fiction. They are the result of a particular combination of narrator, story, plot, character, setting, and language. In short, the reasons for reading and enjoying science fiction, and the ways of studying and analyzing it are basically the same they would be for any other story or novel.57. Science fiction is called a literary sub-class because it .A)has limits of its ownB)cannot be made into a dramatic presentationC)is not important enough to be a literary formD)shares characteristics with other types of prose fiction58. Which of the following does NOT usually contribute to the theme in a piece of science fiction?A)Narrator. B)Setting. C)Rhyme. D)Plot.59. An appropriate title for the passage would be .A)On the Dramatic Features of Science FictionB)Toward a Definition of Science FictionC)Science Fiction vs Prose FictionD)The Themes of Prose Fiction60. The author’s definition suggests that all science fiction deals with .A)the unfamiliar or unusual conditionsB)the same topics addressed by novels and short storiesC)Karel Cape’s well-known hypothesisD)the conflict between science and fiction61. According to the passage, which of the following conclusions is true?A)Science fiction attracts us in much the same way a story or novel does.B)It is not possible to define science fiction in a clear way.C)Many people tried in vain to explain what science fiction is.D)V ery often science fiction appears in such literary forms as drama and poetry.Passage T woQuestions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.The American economic system is organized around a basically private enterprise, market-oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most. Private businessmen, striving to make profits, produce these goods and services in competition with other businessmen; and the profit motive, operating under competitive pressures, largely determines how these goods and services are produced. Thus, in the American economic system, it is the demand of individual consumers, coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes that together determine what shall be produced and how resources are used to produce it.An important factor of a market-oriented economy is the mechanism by which consumer demands can be expressed and responded to by producers. In the American economy, this mechanism is provided by a price system, a process in which prices rise and fall-producers, which in turn will lower the price and permit more consumers to buy the product. Thus, price is the regulating mechanism in the American economic system.The important factor in a private enterprise economy is that individuals are allowed to own productive resources (private property), and they are permitted to hire labor, gain control over natural resources, and produce goods and services for sale at a profit. In the American economy, the concept of private property embraces not only the ownership of productive resources but also certain rights, including the right to determine the price of a product or to make a free contract with another private individual.62. What can we learn from the first paragraph?A)Americans are never satisfied with their incomes.B)Americans tend to overstate their incomes.C)Americans want to have their incomes increased.D)Americans want to increase the purchasing power of their incomes.63. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?A)Mechanized production can satisfy the consumers.B)Consumers can express their demands through producers.C)Producers decide the prices of products.D)Supply and demand regulate prices.64. According to the passage, a private enterprise economy is characterized by .A)private property and rights concerned C)ownership of productive resourcesB)manpower and natural resources control D)free contracts and prices65. The passage is mainly about .A)how American goods are produced B)how American consumers buy their goodsC)how American economic system works D)how American businessmen make their profits66. The word “embraces” (Line 4, Para.3) may convey the meaning of.A)hugs B)includes C)excludes D)demandsPart V Cloze (15 minutes)In future trade the key development to watch is the relationship between the industrialized and the developing nations. The _67 World countries export their mineral _68 and tropical agricultural products, which bring them _69 foreign exchange. Tourism has also been greatly responsible _70_ the rapid development of some __71 nations. Many Third world nations with high __72_ and low wages have seen an emigration (移居) of workers 73 the developed nations. Western Europe has 74 millions of such workers from Mediterranean countries. The developing nations profit 75 these workers bring their savings and their acquired technical skills _76_ home. Many developing nations benefit when western nations _77 manufacturing in their countries to take _78_ of cheap labor._79 economies mature, economic growth rates tend to level off (稳定). The rate of 80 growth is leveling off today in Western nations. This leveling off __81__ leads to static non-growth markets. A point of saturation (饱和) _82 in-technology and innovation have seemed to achieve the impossible, 83 then how much further can it go? Herman Kahn, 84 his book The Next 200 Y ears, says that a shift in priorities will have to occur for industrialized nations. 85 is the creation of money and jobs essential; 86 is rather the improvement of the quality of life that must be our concern.67. A)First B)Second C)West D)Third68. A)ranges B)scopes C)deposits D)products69. A)desired B)possible C)available D)abandon70. A)to B)for C)towards D)over71. A)developed B)powerful C)industrialized D)developing72. A)employment B)unemployment C)development D)improvement73. A)to B)by C)at D)in74. A)exploited B)imported C)received D)specified75. A)because B)before C)since D)when76. A)down B)all C)back D)outside77. A)establish B)decide C)predict D)mention78. A)disadvantage B)challenge C)advantage D)privilege79. A)Since B)As C)Though D)Whereas80. A)economy B)mankind C)society D)population81. A)relatively B)eventually C)sometimes D)hardly82. A)arrives B)reports C)sets D)but83. A)or B)but C)for D)so84. A)by B)from C)after D)in85. A)No longer B)No doubt C)Of course D)So far86. A)it B)that C)there D)whichPart ⅥTranslation(5 minutes)Directions: Complete the sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.87. I got to the airport, (结果却发现) I had left my ticket at home.88. The kids lay face down on the beach, their backs (暴晒在阳光下).89. He is old enough to (应该知道不要去游泳) right after lunch.90. The new computer is sold (以⽐预期低得多的价格).91.A Dream of the Red Chamber is said (已翻译成) dozens of languages in the lastdecade.。

华南农业大学期末考试考前模拟试卷( A 卷)2012秋季学期考试科目:大学英语I考试类型:(闭卷)考试时间:120 分钟学号姓名年级专业__________________注意事项:一、请考生按规定的时间和地点参加考试。
Part ⅠWriting [30 minutes] (15%)此部分试题在答题纸上作答。
Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus. You should write at least 120 wordsand you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:1.大学生了解社会的必要性。
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Network Education College, BLCU《大学英语(一)》模拟试卷一注意:1.试卷保密,考生不得将试卷带出考场或撕页,否则成绩作废。
I. Multiple Choices. (2 points for each, altogether 40points)Directions:There are 20 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word that you think best complete the sentence. Write your answers on the answer sheet.1. The house isn't big enough for a family of four, and_______, the price is not reasonable.2. Now there is no need to worry about the deadline since we are ahead of_______.3. Doing all the housework_______ my mother at least three hours a day.4._______ the form with your name and your address.5. The_______ runner can run 2 miles in fifteen minutes.6. Since it is late to change my mind now, I am_______ to carrying out the plan.7. By the time you get to New York, I_______ for London.8. Researchers discovered that plants infected with a virus give off a gas that_______ disease resistance in neighboring plants. 9. By law, when one makes a large purchase,he should have_______ opportunity to change his mind. 10. The article suggeststhat when aperson_______ under unusual stress he should be especially careful to have a well-balanced diets. 11. If he_______of allthe dangers, he shouldchange his mind.A. even thoughB. furthermoreC. therefore D .in that A. table B. chart C. schedule D .graphA. spendsB. affordsC. occupies D .sparesA. WriteB. Fill inC. Take down D .coverA. commonB. usualC. average D .generalA.obligedB. committedC. engaged D .resolvedA. would be leavingB. am leavingC. have already left D .shall have leftA. contractsB. activatesC. maintains D .prescribe A. accurate B. urgent C. excessiveD .adequateA. isB. wereC. be D .was12. This crop has similar qualities to the previous one,_______both wind-resistant and adapted to the same type of soil. 13. He went over the examinationpaper_______ there should be some mistakes. 14. _______Christmas Eve I hung up my stocking along with my sisters. 15. And there_______, the gifts, all sorts of wonderful things. 16. Water_______on the mountains, we built many wells. 17. We moved to the front row_______ we could hear and see better. 18. She could not help weeping after she had found her favorite watch_______. 19. It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and_______ knowledge. 20. Not only_______,but she is a dancer.II. Cloze (2 pointsfor each, altogether 20points)Directions : Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks.Write your answers on the answer sheet.What do we mean by a perfect English pronunciation? In one 21 there are as many different kinds of English as there are speakers of it. None of the two speakers speak in exactly the same 22 . We can always hear differences between them, and the pronunciation of English 23 a great deal in different geographical areas. How do we decide what sort ofEnglish to use as a 24 ? This is not a question that can be answered in the same way for all foreign learners of English. 25 you live in a part of the world like India or West Africa, where there is a long 26 of speaking English for general communication purpose, you should aim to acquire a good variety of the pronunciation of this area. It would be 27 in these circumstances to use as a model BBC English or anything of the sort. On the other hand, if you live in a country 28 there is no traditional use of English, you must take as your model some form of 29 English pronunciation. It does not matter very much which form you choose. The most 30 way is to take as your model the sort of English you can hear most often. 21. _______.22. _______. 23. _______. 24. _______. 25. _______. A. knows B. be clear C. hears D .be awareA. beingB. beenC. to be D .having been A. if B. in case of C. so that D .lestA. OnB. AtC. In D .ForA. were theyB. they wereC. was it D .it wasA. was scarceB.scarceC. being scarce D .being shortA. so asB. so thatC. because D .such thatA. missB. missedC. missing D .to be missedA. extensiveB. expansiveC. intensive D .expensive A. she is a singerB.being a singerC. is she a singerD .is a singer[A]meaning [B] sense [C] case [D] situation[A] type [B] form [C] sort [D] way[A] changes [B] varies [C] shifts [D] alters[A] direction [B] guide [C] symbol [D] model26. _______. 27. _______. 28. _______. 29. _______. 30. _______.III.ReadingComprehension. (2 points for each, altogether 30points)Directions: There are three passages followed by questions. Beneath each question there are four choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the right answer for each question. Write your answers on the answer sheet.Passage 1Penguins (企鹅)live together in large and busy colonies. Every pair has a little piece of ground. When a penguin wants to walk through his neighbor’s ground he must ask permission. If he does not ,he will have to fight.Penguins come and go all day. They fight ,fish and look after their children. All penguins are good parents--the Emperor penguins are perhaps the best parents in the world. They walk in from the sea in the middle of the dark Antarctic winter. They choose their wives in the dark. They can only hear them ——not see them. Then the females lay their eggs and go away for two months. The males look after the eggs. They hold them on their feet inside a fold of skin. If the eggs get cold there will be no chicks. There is no food. The snow falls. The wind blows--sometimes at 150 kilometres an hour. The penguins do not move. When the females return from the sea they will not remember their husbands. It does not matter. Only one thing matters--the eggs. Emperor penguins never fight--unless a penguin leaves a chick for a minute. Then they fight because they all want it.They are strange and wonderful birds. 31. Each pair of penguins lives together with_______. [A] their parents[B]some good neighbors [C]many other penguins [D] their chicks32. According to the passage ,Emperor penguins fight against each other for______. [A] a piece of ground [B]a female [C]an egg[D] a chick left alone by its parents 33. What is very important is______. [A] female penguins [B] male penguins [C]eggs[D] a piece of ground34、Penguins are strange and wonderful birds because_______. [A] they only care about their children [B] the females do not look after their eggs[C] the males eat nothing while holding their eggs inside their warm fold of skin [D] all of the above.35、This passage mainly tells readers something_______. [A] strange about the best parents in the world [B]wonderful about Emperor penguins [C]interesting about penguins' life.[A] Because [B] When [C] If[D] Whether [A]custom [B] use [C] tradition [D] habit[A] fashion [B] mistake [C] nonsense [D] possibility [A] where [B] that[C] which [D] wherever [A] practical [B] domestic [C] native [D] new [A] effective [B] sensitive [C] ordinary [D] careful[D] funny about the fight between the male penguinsPassage 2Thomas Alva Edison was awarded more patents(专利)on inventions than any other American. When he died in 1931,Americans wondered how they could best show their respect for him.One suggestion was that the nation observes a minute or two of total blackout. All electric power would be shut off in homes,streets,and factories.Perhaps this suggested plan made Americans realize fully what Edison and his inventions meant to them. Electric power was too important to the country. Shutting it off for even a short time would have led to complete confusion. A Blackout was out of the question. On the day of Edison's funeral,many people silently dimmed their lights. In this way they honored the man who had done more than anyone else to put the great force of electricity at his country people's fingertips.36.People decided to honor Edison when______.[A] he made the first electric light[B] electric power was 100 years old[C] the country realized electricity's importance[D] he died in 193137. The suggested plan was to_______.[A] turn off the lights in factories and schools[B] observe a few minutes of total silence[C] dim all electric lights[D] shut off all electricity for a short time38. Americans fully realized what Edison's inventions meant when they_______.[A] heard of his death[B] heard of the plan to honor him[C] first used electric power[D] tried to carry out the plan39. The plan was never carried out because_______.[A] not everyone wanted to honor Edison[B] it was too difficult[C] electric power was too important to the country[D] it honored only one of Edison's inventions40. This passage was probably written to______.[A] tell about Edison's inventions[B] explain electricity[C] prove that people wished to honor Edison[D] show what a great man Edison wasPassage 3Friends or contemporaries(同龄人)are a great influence on the actions,thoughts,and words of young people. This influence,known as peer pressure,is quite common among children. Why are children so easily affected by what their peers do,think,or say?Most of us,children included,feel a strong need to be liked by others. We seek acceptance and friendship. In order to gain them,we act like our friends,and listen to their advice,whether or not it is helpful. Some of us even begin to think like our friends,sometimes at the expense of our own beliefs and values. An example that comes to mind is the young person who gets involved with drugs because his peer group is experimenting with them. Parents may try to exert pressure to keep him away from drugs,but frequently peer pressure is too great. This conflict between being your ownperson and,at the same time,responding to the pressures of a group remains a problem for young people.41. The passage mainly talks about_______.[A] friendship[B] peer pressure[C] conflicts between young people and their parents[D] problems for young people42. In the third sentence of the second paragraph,“them”refers to_______.[A] children[B] strong needs to be liked by others[C] acceptance and friendship[D] our friends' advice43.“being your own person”in the last sentence most probably means_______.[A] acting according to your own beliefs and values[B] trying not to tell any lie[C] keeping yourself away from drugs[D] having enough self-confidence44. The second paragraph focuses on_______.[A] what peer pressure is[B] how young people start to take drugs[C] what parents should do for their children[D] why young people are easily influenced by their peers45. Who can influence us on the actions, thoughts?[A] teacher[B] father[C] mother[D] friends and contemporariesIV. Translation. (2 points for each, altogether 10points)Directions:There are five sentences followed by the translated versions in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the right translation for each sentence. Write your answers on the answer sheet.46. 艾米过去除了咖啡,什么都不喝。