人教版英语必修一上册Unit 1 Teenager's Life Reading and Thinking教学设计单元分析本单元主要介绍了青少年的生活和成长问题,通过阅读文本,培养学生的阅读理解能力和思辨能力,同时拓展学生的词汇量和语言表达能力。
时间安排•步骤一:导入(5分钟)•步骤二:预习词汇(10分钟)•步骤三:阅读理解(25分钟)•步骤四:合作学习与讨论(15分钟)•步骤五:小组展示与总结(10分钟)•步骤六:课堂反思(5分钟)教学步骤教师活动学生活动 设计意图 时间Step 1Introduce the topic of"Teenager's Life" and elicit prior knowledgefrom students.Listen and respond to the teacher's introduction.Activate students' priorknowledge and generate interest in the topic.5 minutesStep 2 Present the keyvocabulary and phrases related to the topic. Listen, repeat, andpractice using the new vocabulary and phrases.Help students understand anduse the relevant vocabularyin context.10minutesStep 3Provide a reading passage about teenager's life and ask students to read individually. Read the passagesilently and underline unfamiliar words. Develop students' readingprehension skills and enhance their vocabularyacquisition.15 minutesStep 4 Discuss the readingpassage in small groups and share ideas withclassmates.Engage in groupdiscussions andexchange opinions on the reading passage.Foster collaborative learningand encourage criticalthinking.10 minutes教学步骤教师活动学生活动 设计意图时间Step 5Conduct a wholeclassdiscussion and address any questions or doubts raised by students. Participate in theclass discussion and ask questions for clarification.Promote a deeperunderstanding of the reading passage and provide support and guidance.10 minutesStep 6 Assign a writing task forstudents to express their thoughts on teenager's life. Write a paragraph orshort essay based onthe given prompt.Develop students' writingskills and encourage them to express their ideas effectively.15 minutesStep 7 Review the key pointscovered in the lesson and provide feedback on students' writing. Listen to theteacher's review and feedback on theirwriting.Consolidate learning and provide guidance forimprovement.10 minutesStep 8Assign homework forfurther practice and reinforcement of thelesson content.Receive and notedown the homework assignment.Reinforce learning andensure students haveadditional opportunities topractice the language skills.5 minutes教学反思通过本节课的教学,学生在合作学习和阅读理解方面得到了锻炼。
quit / kwɪt/ vi & vt (quit,quit,quitting) 停止;戒掉; 离开(工作职位、学校等)
quit smoking戒烟 resign vi & vt 辞职;辞去(工作、职位等) quitting (双写) equipping (双写)装备 He quit his job as an office boy. 他辞去了办公室勤杂员的工作。
recommend /ˌrekəˈmend/ vt 建议;推荐;介绍
recommend for推荐;由于…而称赞 recommendation n.推荐;建议; recommend or advise ---- advise语气较recommend强烈,通常指
权威人士的忠告。 It is recommended / advised that...建议……
I have discussed this topic in some detail. 我已相当详细地讨论过这个话题。
freshman / ˈfreʃmən / n.(especially NAmE) (中学)九年级学生;(大学)一年级新生
She's actually a freshman in engineering sc / ˈæktʃuəli/ adv 事实上; 的确 =in fact;as a matter of fact
actual adj. 真实的,实际的 actualization n..实现;现实化 actuality n.现状 actualize v. 实施,实行
Coal is actually cheaper than gas. 煤炭实际上比煤气便宜。
challenge /ˈtʃæləndʒ/ n 挑战;艰巨任务 vt 怀疑;向……挑战
volunteer [ˌvɒlənˈtɪə] n.志愿者;志愿兵 vt.& vi.自愿
• voluntary adj. 自愿的;志愿的
➢ volunteer for 自愿参加;自愿做 ➢ volunteer to do sth. 自愿做某事 ➢ Volunteer as 自愿担负…
他们志愿帮助那些无家可归的老人。 They volunteer to help those homeless old people.
degree in biochemistry.
(2) We‘re going to attend my sister’s _g_r_a_d_u_a_t_io_n_(graduate) on
recommend vt. 建议;推举
recommendation n.建议;推举 搭配 recommend doing sth 建议做某事 recommend sb to do sth 建议某人做某事 recommend that sb (should) do sth 建议某人做某事(虚拟语气) recommend sth to sb 把某物推举给某人 recommend sb as ... 推举某人为…… recommend sb for ... 推举某人做…… 拓展
The students XXX hold a debate on the ways of environment protection with their teachers next week.
prefer [priˈfɜː] vt. 较喜欢 prefer- preferred- preferred –preferring
improve reading skills.
unit1teenagelife说课稿一、说教材本文“Unit 1 Teenage Life”在初中英语教材中具有重要地位。
(2)主要内容本单元主要包括以下几部分内容:- Section A:通过对话形式,让学生了解青少年在生活中的喜怒哀乐,学习相关词汇和句型。
- Section B:通过阅读文章,让学生深入了解青少年在成长过程中所面临的挑战和困惑,学会用英语表达自己的观点。
- Section C:通过听力练习,让学生掌握关于青少年生活的话题,提高听力技巧。
- Self Check:对本单元所学知识进行自我检测,巩固所学内容。
二、说教学目标学习本课,学生需要达到以下教学目标:(1)知识目标- 掌握本单元的话题词汇,如:teenager、pressure、hobby、confuse等。
- 学会使用一般现在时和一般过去时描述青少年生活。
- 能够用英语谈论自己的兴趣爱好,表达自己的观点和感受。
(2)能力目标- 提高听说读写四项基本技能,尤其是听力和阅读技巧。
- 培养学生用英语进行思考和表达的能力,提高跨文化交流意识。
(3)情感目标- 培养学生对青少年生活话题的兴趣,激发学习英语的热情。
- 引导学生正确看待青少年时期的困惑和挑战,培养积极向上的心态。
三、说教学重难点(1)教学重点- 本单元的话题词汇和句型。
- 一般现在时和一般过去时的运用。
- 听力、阅读和口语表达能力的培养。
tt取款快吗 [单选]检查堤防滑坡,首先要注意查看有无在堤顶或堤坡上出现的()。A.龟纹裂缝B.横向裂缝C.滑坡裂缝D.干缩裂缝 [问答题,简答题]写出机械效率的定义式,并分析影响机械效率的因素。 [单选]“邪气淫泆”中“淫泆”的正确解释是()。A.浸淫扩散B.满溢C.充满D.流淫E.淫溢 [单选]青春期甲状腺肿时首选治疗方法是()A.口服硫氧嘧啶类药物B.行甲状腺大部切除术C.口服甲状腺素片D.行同位素碘治疗E.多食营养丰富食物 [单选,A1型题]医疗机构从业人员行为规范适用人员包括()A.管理人员B.医护人员C.药学技术人员与医技人员D.其他人员E.以上都是 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]“医乃仁术”是指()。A.道德是医学活动中的一般现象B.道德是医学的本质特征C.道德是医学的个别性质D.道德是个别医务人员的追求E.道德是医学的非本质要求 [问答题]在户外怎样避震? [判断题]原始海绵体表穿插无数孔细胞,形成海绵的出水小孔。()A.正确B.错误 [单选]如何接通飞行指引仪:()A、按下FCU上的FD按钮B、系统通电时自动接通C、在FCU上选择一个模式D、在MCDU上选择初始化页 [单选,A1型题]紫绀可见于()A.急性喉炎B.重症肌无力C.气胸D.先天性心脏病(右向左分流型)E.以上都是 [单选]()是宴会服务的最后一项工作。A.结帐B.拉椅送客C.递送衣帽D.清理现场 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列哪项治用当归四逆加吴茱萸生姜汤?()A.手足不温,脉沉实有力,腹痛便秘B.手足热甚,脉洪大,呃逆纳差C.手足汗出,脉浮缓,发热恶风D.手足厥寒,脉细欲绝,便溏呕呃E.手足寒,脉沉微,下利清谷 [单选]以下不属于质量控制的方法的是()。A.人工抽样检测B.产品整合与测试C.批处理数据校验D.应用环境模拟校验 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]白血病患儿化疗缓解后,护理人员给予的指导措施合理的是()A.像正常孩子学习B.坚持间歇化疗C.继续住院治疗D.出院后卧床休息E.门诊定期随访 [单选]石油化工企业下列()浮盘为易熔材料的内浮顶储罐应设置固定式泡沫灭火系统。A.单罐容量2000m3的柴油罐B.单罐容量2000m3的乙醇罐C.单罐容量2000m3的汽油罐D.单罐容量2000m3的煤油罐 [多选]关于转岗交易,下列说法正确的是()。A.岗位交接用于不超过十四天(含生效当天)的柜员岗位的交接,B.包括全部岗位权限的转交,含授权权限和交易权限。C.岗位交接后,授权人原有的岗位权限被停用封存。D.若转岗位期间转授权人未主动收回岗位,系统将于设定收回日期的日终批 动收回,自动恢复转授权人和被授权人原有的岗位权限。 [单选]牙本质过敏的主要临床表现()A.压痛B.放射痛C.激惹性痛D.牙周持续痛E.以上均不是 [问答题,简答题]我国某沿海城市某建设工程项目承包合同形式为采用工程量清单计价的主体总承包总价合同,其工程量清单某章节中包括如下内容:(1)对安装玻璃幕墙工程之指定分包暂定造价RMB1500000.00元,总承包单位对上述工程提供协调及施工设施的配合费用45000.00元。(2)对外围 之指定分包暂定造价RMB500000.00元,总承包单位对上述工程提供协调及施工设施的配合费用10000.00元。(3)总承包单位对设计及供应电梯工程(工程造价约RMB1300000.00元)承包单位的协调及照管的配合费用3000.00元。(4)总承包单位对安装电梯工程(工程造价约RMB200000.00元)承包 调及照管的配合费用4000.00元。(5)总承包单位对设计及供应机电系统工程(工程造价约RMB4500000.00元)承包单位的协调及照管的配合费用2000.00元。(6)总承包单位对安装机电系统工程(工程造价约RMB750000.00元)承包单位的协调及照管的配合费用4000.00元。(7)总承包单位对市政 (工程造价约RMB1500000.00元)承包单位的协调及照管的配合费用3000.00元。(8)预留人民币1508000.00元作为暂列金额。(9)总承包单位临时设施费70000.00元。(10)依招标方安全施工的要求,总承包单位安全施工增加费10000.00元。(11)总承包单位环境保护费5000.00元。问题: [单选]当飞机绕重心有一个低头的角加速度时,位于飞机重心之前的主起落架的过载()。A.小于飞机重心处的过载B.大于飞机重心处的过载C.与飞机重心处的过载无关D.等于飞机重心处的过载 [单选]具有健脾养胃,消食止泻的作用,用于小儿腹胀便泄、面黄肌瘦、食少倦怠、小便短少的药物是()A.止泻灵颗粒B.健脾消食丸C.小儿泻速停颗粒D.肥儿宝颗粒E.健脾康儿片 [单选,A2型题]患儿男,7岁。因发热、头痛半日来急诊,来诊前曾呕吐数次,为胃内容物。青霉素过敏(曾于用药后出现皮疹)。查体;体温39.6℃,胸腹及四肢皮肤可见大小不等的瘀点,颈抵抗(±),克氏征(-)。该患者治疗宜首选()A.氯霉素B.红霉素C.头孢曲松D.环丙沙星E.磺胺嘧啶 [多选]入境邮寄物有下列情况之一的,检验检疫机构将作退回或销毁处理。()A.带有规定禁止邮寄进境的B.证单不全的C.在限期内未办理检疫审批或报检手续的D.经检疫不合格又无有效处理方法的 [多选]急性扁桃体炎的并发症有()A.咽旁脓肿B.颈淋巴结炎C.脓毒血症D.心肌炎E.支气管炎 [填空题]氨合成反应的单程合成率与()()()有关。 [单选]流脑的主要传播途径()A.空气、飞沫B.玩具及用品C.动物传播D.通过饮用水传播E.通过食物传播 [单选]心境障碍的临床类型不包括()。A.抑郁发作B.躁狂发作C.环性心境障碍D.木僵E.双相情感障碍 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]与血红蛋白有特殊亲和力,适用于治疗出血性疾病和血管瘤的是()。A.Nd:YAG激光B.CO2激光C.准分子激光D.氩离子激光E.砷铝镓半导体激光 [多选]合同规定甲公司应当在8月30日向乙公司交付一批货物。8月中旬,甲公司把货物运送到乙公司。此时乙公司应当如何处理?()A.拒绝接收货物B.不接收货物并要求对方承担违约责任C.接收货物并要求对方承担违约责任D.接收货物并要求对方支付增加的费用 [单选,A4型题,A3/A4型题]26岁女性,已婚2年,G1P0,婚后一直服用短效口服避孕药避孕,但意外妊娠,于孕50天行人工流产术。 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]若患者的下肢或上肢有短缩畸形时,腋杖长度确定为()A.让患者穿上鞋或下肢矫形器仰卧,将腋杖轻轻贴近腋窝。在小趾前外侧15cm处与足底平齐处B.让患者穿上鞋或下肢矫形器仰卧,将腋杖轻轻贴近腋窝。在小趾前外侧10cm处与足底平齐处C.肘关节屈曲150°,腕 时的掌面处D.肘关节屈曲120°,腕关节背伸时的掌面处E.肘关节屈曲90°,腕关节背伸时的掌面处 [单选]先张法预应力筋的张拉过程中,应抽查预应力筋的预应力值,其偏差的绝对值不得超过()。A.按一个构件全部力筋预应力总值的5%B.按全体构件预应力筋平均值的5%C.按一个构件单根预应力值的5%D.按全体构件预应力筋最大值的5% [单选]对不能再上部刷方减重的滑坡体,为了防止滑坡常用的措施是()。A.在滑坡体上方筑挡土墙B.在滑坡体坡脚筑抗滑桩C.在滑坡体上部筑抗滑桩D.在滑坡体坡脚挖截水沟 [单选]从事救助遇难船舶作业时应于开始工作时24h以内向海事局()。A.申请办理《许可证》B.提出口头申请C.申请免办《许可证》D.提出工作报告 [填空题]金属材质的()、()、()等对WLAN无线信号的影响非常大。 [多选]吉尼系数是衡量一个国家收入分配不平等程度的一个广泛应用的指标,但其缺陷是()A.两个国家的吉尼系数即便是相同,但其代表的涵义可能不同B.对收入分配不平等程度的总体比较有时误差较大C.对低收入组状况的巨大改善反映不够敏感D.不能准确反映高收入组状况的变化E.还缺乏一 性 [单选]下列情况可出现睾丸鞘膜积液的是()A.睾丸外伤或炎症B.隐睾C.先天性睾丸发育不全D.附睾囊肿E.以上都不是 [单选]下列关于传染源的描述不正确的是()A.感染病原体后,当病原体在机体内繁殖并排出体外即成为传染源B.不同传染病中,临床类型不同,流行病学意义却是一样的C.传染病急性期的一些症状,如咳嗽可促进病原体的播散D.在脊髓灰质炎中,隐性感染者是重要传染源E.某些动物间的传染病 给患者 [单选]由于价格与供给量之间存在曲线。A.右上方B.右下方C.左上方D.左下方 [单选]当遇到深度访谈或对问题所知不多时常用()A.专题调查B.定量调查C.半定量调查D.定性调查E.以上都不是 [单选]类风湿关节炎的治疗目的是()。A.减轻症状,控制病情的发展B.尽可能保持受累关节的功能C.减少关节的破坏,以达到较长时间的临床缓解D.促进已破坏的关节骨的修复,并改善其功能E.以上都是
Unit 1 Teenage Life Reading and Thinking 教学设计20232024学年高中英语人教版(2019)必修第一册教案一、课程基本信息1.课程名称:Unit 1 Teenage Life Reading and Thinking2.教学年级和班级:20232024学年高中一年级3.授课时间:2023年9月1日4.教学时数:1课时(45分钟)二、教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够理解并掌握本节课涉及的基本词汇和短语,如teenage life、teenagers、prefer、spare time等,并能够运用这些词汇和短语进行简单的日常交流。
三、教学难点与重点1.教学重点(1)掌握本节课涉及的基本词汇和短语,如teenage life、teenagers、prefer、spare time等,并能够运用这些词汇和短语进行简单的日常交流。
2.教学难点(1)词汇和短语的理解和运用,如teenage life、teenagers、prefer、spare time等,需要通过大量的练习和实际运用来巩固。
2019-2020学年新教材高中英语UNIT 1 Teenage life Section ⅤWriting教案新人教版必修第一册编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(2019-2020学年新教材高中英语UNIT 1 Teenage life Section ⅤWriting教案新人教版必修第一册)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。
本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步,以下为2019-2020学年新教材高中英语UNIT 1 Teenage life Section ⅤWriting教案新人教版必修第一册的全部内容。
Section ⅤWriting建议信错误!文体感知建议信是向收信人就某事提出自己的建议或忠告的一种文体。
错误!增分佳句1.常用的开头语①I know you are now having trouble communicating with others,and you may often feel lonely.我知道你现在在与人交流方面有些麻烦,你也可能经常感到孤独。
②I’m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well.很高兴收到你的来信,询问我关于学好汉语的意见。
③Turn to me whenever you feel puzzled,and I am more than willing to give you some more advice.当你困惑的时候就来找我吧,我很乐意给你一些更多的建议。
好莱坞的中国戏院 地上有很多手印脚印 何时才能看见我的掌 喔如果超人会飞 那就让我在空中停一停歇 再次俯瞰这个世界 会让我觉得好一些 拯救地球好累 虽然有些疲惫但我还是会 不要问我哭过了没 因为超人不能流眼泪 唱歌要拿最佳男歌手 拍电影也不能只拿个最佳新人 你不参加颁奖典礼就是没礼貌 你去参加就是代表你很在乎 得奖时你感动落泪 人家就会觉得你夸张做作 你没表情别人就会说太嚣张 如果你天生这个表情 那些人甚至会怪你妈妈 结果最后是别人在得奖 你也要给予充分的掌声与微笑 开的车不能太好 住的楼不能太高 我到底是一个创作歌手 还是好人好事代表 专辑一出就必须是冠军 拍了电影就必须要大卖 只能说当超人真的好难 如果超人会飞(超人会飞) 那就让我在空中停一停歇(停一停歇) 拯救地球好累(地球好累) 虽然有些疲惫但我还是会(我还是会)
The 31-years-old I'm back! singer,Jay Chou,is
back with his tenth ablum,The Era(跨时 代).the new release
offers reflections
on the 10 years
since his rise to fame.
which of the song did the Teens mention?(in English)
Superman can't fly
周杰伦 - 超人不会飞 妈妈说很多事别太计较 只是使命感找到了我 我睡不着 如果说 骂人要有点技巧 我会加点旋律 你会觉得超好 我的枪 不会装弹药 (弹药) 所以放心 不会有人倒 (人倒) 我拍青锋侠 不需要替身 因为自信是我绘画的颜料 我做很多事背后的意义远比你们想象 拍个电视剧为了友情与十年前的梦想 收视率再高也难抗衡我的伟大理想 因为我的人生无需再多一笔那奖项 我不知道何时变成了社会的那榜样 被狗仔拍不能比中指要大器的模样 怎样 我唱的歌词要有点文化 因为随时会被当教材 CNN能不能等英文好一点再访 时代杂志封面能不能重拍
Unit 1 Teenage life Workbook Reading教学设计firstandtopicandthewriter’sfindthe last sentence of para.1 or the 1sttwotheWhat are the features ofgeneration” 1.Read the passages quickly and identify the topic sentence of each paragraph.2.Then analyze the structure of the text.3.Find out in what ways are the adults worried about the ohohs?4.Locate the details and tell what are the features of the “facedown generation” according to the text?Culture Notes①Texting Language: The passage uses some mon abbreviations used for texting.②Helicopter Parents: Some parents are called “helicopter parents”, because they constantly “” over their children and try to their children’s life.③Malala.Think Deeper①There are somethings in the text that you agree or disagree with. Try expressing them using the following sentence patterns.eg.What I agree with is that .../The idea I pletelydisagree with is that ...②Debate:Topic:Should adults worry about us?Team A: Yes.../Team B: No...③As one of the ohohs, what will you do now and in the future?1.Find the texting language in the passage and list some other abbreviations.2.Fill in the blanks, get to know Helicopter Parents.3.Learn from Malala and inspire yourself to learn.4.Express your ideas about the others opinions.5.Debate on the topic of Should adults worry about us?Should adults worry about us?6.Watch the video and think about the question:As one of the ohohs, what will you do now and in the future?Finish the exercises below.(They are related to the collegereasons for wasting food.。
Teens 讲解第一期
3. Lovable and talented
Shailene Woodley,22, is becoming popular for her acting talent and personality.
3. Lovable and talented
1. What made Woodley popular? 2. It’s that unique accessibility( 亲和力)—both in movies and in real life—coupled with acting talent that has made Woodley the most promising star since Jennifer Lawrence. (P.4) 3. The US actress’s career has taken off in two of 2014’s biggest US movies. (P.4) 4. Woodley was a straight-A student at High School. (p.7)
key words and expressions
7. The work took up almost all of our spare time. (p.10) 8. The burning sun, people’s cold shoulders and the sea of data drove us crazy. Luckily, we pulled through. (p.10). (translation) 9. It now covers over 100 bus lines in the city. (p.11) 10. Students can also make a big difference to society. (p.12)
sing—sang—sung (元音) 通假互换 ai→e
contain v.包 ,包含; 纳;控制
content n.内 ;目录 adj.满足的 conten(contain)包含+t→包含之物 →内容【包含之物】,目录【包含所有内容】,
人教版 必修一 Unit 1
词性 postgraduate n.研究生 拓展 undergraduate n.本科生
人教版 必修一 Unit 1
储备 知识
基础 词汇
前缀re-再次/反复 【rebuild重建 (re再次+build建立→重建)】
升级 词汇
词性 拓展
人教版 必修一 Unit 1
储备 知识
1. 前缀ad-去 【advise建议 (ad去+vis看+t→去发表看法→建议)】 2. 后缀-ce (模仿ice)【juice】
储备 1. g—c—k—x—h—ch (喉音) 通假互换 c→ch 知识 2. 后缀-enge (模仿ence)【difference】
基础 词汇
升级 词汇
call v.&n.叫,访
challenge n.挑战;质 vt.向……挑战 chall(call)叫+enge→叫阵,叫嚣→挑战,质问
词性 拓展
储备 知识
基础 词汇
词性 拓展
后缀-ment【development】 move v.移动 movement n.移动
人教版 必修一 Unit 1
基础 词汇
升级 词汇
green adj.绿色的 house n.房子
greenhouse n.温室;暖房
;股票入门基础知识 股票入门基础知识
今日本色在此癫,无人过眼无人厌。 我笑他人伤醉酒,何不学我来发癫。 一笑无人回我语,二笑我心已癫狂。 今夜寒风呼啸,北国风雪飘飘。 顿时举国上下,美梦睡中突醒。 风呼啸,鸡飞狗跳。 一曲清幽,一夜无眠。 万里山水,数亿生灵,尽皆殆灭。 一夜癫狂后清醒,人生能得几回癫。 今朝痛楚随疯去,明日依旧笑人生。 三笑放下心中事,四笑心静如止水。 天降倾盆大雨,地落涛涛江水。 我独一人望月 雨嚎嚎,乱水成荒。 天初晓,鸡鸣不在;日初升,生机不存。 此世独我存!心孤寥,人已亡。
Let me introce his new songs:
烟花易冷 跨时代 自导自演 爱的飞行日记 我落泪情绪零碎
超人不会飞 雨下了一整晚 免费教学录像带 说了再见 好久不见
which of the song did the Teens mention?(in English)
Superman can't fly
2019统编人教版高中英语必修第一册unit 1《Teenage life》全单元教案教学设计
【2019统编版】人教版高中英语必修第一册Unit 1全单元备课教案教学设计1.1 Period 1 Listening and Speaking教学目标与核心素养:1. Let students master the useful words and expressions about school clubs and ways to express their hobbies or interests2. Let students briefly understand functions of different clubs and be aware of the ways of choose a suitable club.3. Get students to practice grasping topics and details while listening a dialogue.4. Get students to talk about topics relating to campus clubs.教学重难点:Importance:1. Get students to practice grasping topics and details while listening a dialogue.2. Get students to talk about topics relating to campus clubs.Difficulty:Guide the students to combine the topic with useful expressions about interests and preferences, and express themselves freely .课前准备:1.Ask the students to make preparations in vocabulary and phrases related to the theme of the period.2.Help the students to finish the Guided Learning Plan教学过程:Step 1Warming upActivity 1Ask Ss to match the photos with the names of the clubs. And hold a brief discussion about what the students are doing in the clubs.Step 2 Listening (1)Activity 2Guide the students to listen to the first two conversations and choose the correct answers.Remind the students to pay attention to the Predict Content:“Before you listen, you can read the questions and choices. It will help you topredict what you will hear.”1.What are they learning about in Conversation 1 ?(A)A. HearingB. SoundsC. Dogs.2.The students are discussing_____ in Conversation 2.(C)A. school workB. relationshipsC. dating.3.Circle the two clubs where these two conversations happened. (A)(D)A. Science ClubB. Ballet ClubC. Nature ClubD. Debate ClubActivity 3Guide the students to listen to conversation3. Then finish the following exercise.1. Tick the activities that happen in each club.Ballet Club Nature Club Cartoon Club Volunteer Clublearn new movements listen to lectures watch cartoons help old peoplewatch dance programs grow plants writes stories clean up parksmake Ballet clothes work in a greenhouse draw cartoons give directions.2. Adams says that he likes ___________but is not so interested in _________ .(B)A. stories, cartoonsB. animals, plantsC. making friends, cleaning up.3. Which club do you think is suitable for Adam? Why?I think Adam should join the Volunteer Club because he likes to do something outdoors.Step 3 SpeakingActivity 4Organize the students to working pairs and help each other choose a school club.Make some preparations before pair work.Brainstorm USEFUL WORDS and EXPRESSIONS FOR THE PAIR WOWRK. Are you going to join …?. I’d like to…, but I am not sure….. Which club do you like to join?. Have you decided which club to join?. My dream is to be……. …is not for me.. I like …,but I am not so interested in….…Provide an example for the students to modify.EXAMPLEA: Hi, Sam! I've decided to join the Music Club.B: Good decision!A: How about you? Are you going to join a club?B: Yes I'm wondering which one I should choose:the Act Club or the Ballet Club?A: I guess the question is… Do you like dancing better than acting?B: Actually, I like acting better, but my friends go to the Ballet Club and I want to be with them.A: Hmm…If you ask me,I think you should choose what you like.Step 5 PronunciationActivity 5Listen and repeat.Guide the students to listen and pay attention to the combinations of lettersEncourage the students to add more words to each groupProvide help whenever necessary.al talk, wall, ball,fall,call, all…ay pay, stay, delay, day, may, play, display, away…ai paint, daily, gain, pain, hailstone, wait…are care, declare, dare, prepare, spare, scare…ar bar, hard, car, star, large, enlarge…er her, prefer, teacher, farmer, paper …ir bird, circus, circle, ,third, thirsty, fir, birthday, shirt, dirty……or horse, absorb, bore, door, story…or word, work…ur burn, hurt, fur, turn, nurse, turtle, purple…ee keen, tree, fee, seem, feet, teeth…ea clean, eager, teach, leave, speak…ea head, ready, bread, weather, sweater, heavy…ear clear, appear, fear, hear, dear, near, ear, …ear earn, heard, search, learn, earn, earth…oa boat, coach, coat, goat, load, …ow show, grow, low, blow, slow, follow, eyebrow……ow now, shower, town, down, how, tower…ou out, loud, about, loud, doubt, mouth, house, mouse…ore more, bored, forecast, forehead, core…2. Guide the students to listen to the proverbs and repeat. Notice the pronunciation of the letters in bold.1. The early bird catches the worm.2. Always prepare for a rainy day.3. Actions speak louder than words.4. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.5. Distance tests a horse’s strength. Time reveals a person's character.Period 2 Reading and Thinking教学目标与核心素养:1. Let students master useful words and phrases related to the text;2. Let students understand the challenges Adam meets in his new schooland compare the similarities and differences of their school and Adam’s;3. Help the students finish vocabulary exercises in the text book.4. Get students to understand they should learn to face difficultiesand challenges in senior high school for their own future.教学重难点:Importance:Help the students to master key words and phrases in the text.Guide students to compare school life in different places.3. Guide the students to learn about Adam’s school life and understand that everyone should overcome difficulties in a new situation.Difficulty:Guide the students compare their school life and Adam’s, and discussways to deal with challenges.课前准备:1.Ask the students to prepare new words and phrases related to the contents of the text.2.Mark the new words in the textbook, understand the meaning in context, or consult the dictionary to understand the meaning.教学过程:Step 1 Preparationfreshman ___________ junior high school ___________ Senior high school___________confusing ___________ choose courses___________ signup___________extra-curricular activities___________ hand out ___________ homeless people___________in the community ___________ get used to doing___________ keep upwith ___________challenge _________ topic________ fluent _________ graduate ________recommend ___________ literature_________ obviously_________quit_________be responsible for _________ schedule_________ editor_________Step 2 Warming upCompare school life in different placesActivity 1Guide the students to take part in the group work and discuss schoollife in and out of China.Ask Ss to work in groups and discuss the questions.What do you want to know about the school life in other countries?Possible answers:I want to know whether they take extra courses during summer or winter vocations.I wonder if they have enough free time to develop their own interests.I am interested in what subjects they study at school.…What would you tell a teenager from another country about school lifein China?I am happy to come to my new school and know a lot of new friends.Our teachers are patient and helpful.I feel a little worried about my study because I have more subjectsto learn.…Activity 2Read the text quickly to find the main idea of each paragraph.Guide the students to read the text quickly and fill in the blanks in this part.Possible answers:Paragraph1:Senior high school is a Challenge.Paragraph2:It is important to choose courses.Paragraph3:Extra-curricular activities are also important.Paragraph4:A senior high student must work harder and be more responsible.Step3 Intensive readingActivity 3Read the text again and answer the questions.Guide the students to read the text carefully and find the answers to the following questions.What causes did Adams choose? Which one do you think would be his favorite? Why?What does “make the team” in paragraph mean?What is Adam worried about?Is Adam confident that he will get used to senior school life? How do you know?Possible answers:Adam chooses Math, English chemistry, world history and Chinese. I think. English advanced literature is his favorite because he likes English, and he is good at it.It means joining the football team.He is worried that he can’t keep up with other students in his advanced course and get used to all the homework.Yes, he is. On the one hand, Adam knows that he has to study harderas a senior school student to be well prepared for his future. On the other hand, Adam knows that school advisers and teacher can give him help when he is faced with problems.Activity 4Complete the outline. Then discuss the questions below with a partner.Get the students to work in pairs and fill in the blanks after discussing the questions carefully. Encourage the students to find clues from the text.Guide the students to discuss the following questions and encourage them to answer the questions according to Adam’s story and their own situation.What kind of person do you think Adam is? Why?Do you face the same challenges as Adams? What other challenges areyou facing?What are some differences between Adam’s school and your school life?Possible answers:Adam is clear-minded and responsible for himself. When he chooses courses, he knows his advantages。
高一英语《Let’s talk teens》教学设计-精品教案
6.学习活动设计教师活动学生活动环节一:Read for the structure教师活动1Can you tell the structure of this passage andfill the structure map?学生活动1活动意图说明:分析文章结构让学生更好地把握文章脉络,这既有利于学生理解文章,又能提升学生的阅读理解能力。
环节二:Pair work教师活动2What is the function of a group of questions in para 1? 学生活动2When a group of questions are used to introduce a topic, they are usually not meant to be answered.Rather, the writer wants to attract readers’ attention to the topic and make them think about and take an interest in it.活动意图说明(1)帮助学生进行文本赏析,更好地理解文章细节;(2)提高学生文本赏析,阅读理解能力环节三:Group work教的活动3 学的活动3Do you have a harmonious relationship withyour parents?活动意图说明激发学生的发散思维,提升课堂活泼的氛围。
7.板书设计8.作业与拓展学习设计(1)write an essay about analysis of the parent-child problems and relevant solutions(2)finish workbook Exercise 19.特色学习资源分析、技术手段应用说明(1)集合课堂多媒体,通过ppt、视频、音乐等多种方式活跃课堂气氛(2)更注重于引导学生思考问题,在合作中产生思想的碰撞和火花,既能增强团队合作意识,又能激发新的思考。
一 .教课内容:Unit 1 Been a Teenager(I)二.要点词汇短语解说1. face n.脸,面貌;面子(1) n.①脸,面貌;面貌,表情例句 Her beautiful face was sad.她美丽的面貌上带着伤心。
He had a face like thunder.他怒容满面。
The tramp was found lying on the floor face downwards.这个漂泊汉被人发现脸朝下躺在地上。
②(物体的)表面,正面例句The face of the building was covered with plastic.建筑物正面被塑料覆盖着。
The mountaineers succeeded in climbing the north face of themountain to the top peak.爬山队员们成功地从这座山的北坡爬上了巅峰。
A cut diamond has many faces.雕好的宝石有很多面。
③外观例句 The whole village presented a face placid.整个乡村体现出一片安静。
④工作面例句 The miners worked at the face for 5 hours.矿工在采掘面上工作了 5 小时。
(2) vt, vi①朝,向,面向;面对例句 My house faces the park, and the gate face forward.我的房屋面公园 ,大朝前。
②正,付例句 Charles couldn't face another day at work, so he decided to leaveit and go down to the south.斯工作一天也干不下去了, 所以他决定放弃工作到南方去。
We must learn to face difficulties squarely and try to overcome them.我学会正困 , 努力战胜困。
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TeensA brain full of noodlesIF there’s one thing I’ve learned from my time in China, it’s that Chinese noodles are not well-represented in the US. Sure, I often ate dandanmian at a Sichuan restaurant in my hometown Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but those aren’t authentic (正宗的). And the Taiwan restaurant in town offered a decent (像样的) plate of Hong Kong-style pan-fried noodles, but no mainland mian.So when I got to Beijing, I began my noodle mission: eat as many different types of Chinese noodles as possible. Over a yea r later, I’m still nowhere near finished –after all, this country produces a lot of noodles. But so far, my two favorites would have to be lamian from Gansu province and biangbiangmian from Shaanxi.On first glance, a bowl of lamian, which is often served and eaten by Muslims from northwestern China, seems unremarkable (不值得注意的). It looks just like niuroumian, or beef noodles. But as soon as I tasted the hand-pulled lamian and sipped (吮吸) its delicious broth (汤汁), I realized I was dealing with something different. Stirring (搅拌) in some chili brings out the explosive (强烈的) flavor of the soup’s tender (嫩的) beef slices, white radish (萝卜) and cilantro (香菜叶).An even bigger discovery, for me, was biangbiangmian. Dry noodles have an advantage over soup noodles in that you can eat them during summertime. So this past summer, all I did was eat various types of noodles from my local Shaanxi restaurant.According to China Daily, biangbiangmian gets its name from the sound, “biang!”, made when the noodle-puller bangs the dough against the kitchen counter. The noodles are wide, long and strong, served in a bowl with pork, bean sprouts (豆芽), Chinese cabbage, tomatoes, oil, vinegar and several types of ground pepper (胡椒粉). The combination is out of this world. I’m getting hungry just writing about it.Hey, wait a minute… It’s 12:00 already? Time to eat noodles! Thanks, China.Coins for collegeTHE pickle jar (泡菜坛), as far back as I can remember, sat beside the dresser in my parents’ bedroom. When he got ready for bed, Dad would toss any coins that were in his pockets into the jar. As they dropped, they landed with a merry jingle (叮当声).Whenever the jar was full, Dad would sit at the kitchen table and roll up the coins before taking them to the bank.Every time, as he slid the box of rolled coins across the counter at the bank toward the cashier (收银员), he would smile proudly and say: “These are for my son’s college fund (基金).”We would always celebrate each deposit (储蓄) by stopping for an ice cream cone. Dad would show me the coins in his change and say: “When we get home, we’ll start filli ng the jar again.” He always let me drop the first coins into the empty jar. “You might have to get to college on loose change,” he said. “But you’ll get there.”The years passed, and I went to college, married and took a job in another town.Once, while visiting my parents, I noticed that the pickle jar was gone. It had served its purpose. My dad was a man of few words, and he never lectured me on the values of determination, perseverance (毅力) or faith. The pickle jar had taught me all of those far better than the most flowery of words could have done.(1) Soon, my daughter Jessica was born. We spent Christmas that year with my parents. After dinner, Mom and Dad sat next to each other on the sofa, taking turns holding their first grandchild. When Jessica began to cry, my wife Susan took her from Dad’s arms to put her in her crib (婴儿床) in my parents’ room.Susan came back with tears in her eyes. She led me into my parents’ room. “Look,” she s aid softly. To my amazement, there, next to the dresser, as if it had never been removed, stood the old pickle jar, the bottom already covered with coins.(2) I walked over to it, dug down into my pocket, and pulled out several coins. Choked by emotion, I dropped them into the jar.I looked up and saw that Dad had slipped quietly into the room. Our eyes locked, and I knew he was feeling the same emotions. Neither of us spoke, because we knew that nothing had to be said.Words in focusserve its purpose: do what is necessary or required 达到目的,满足需求The bed isn’t exactly comfortable, but it serves its purpose.lecture vt. talk to (sb) in an angry or serious way 教训,说教The Smiths lectured their children on the importance of honesty.value n. usefulness or importance 价值Your help has been of great value.remove vt. move or take (sth) away from a place 移动,撤走Please remove the cloth from the table.choke vt. If you or your voice is choked by emotion, you are feeling emotion in such a strong way that it is hard for you to talk 说不出话来When she was given the award, she was so choked by emotion that she couldn’t get through her speech.Sentence bank(1)释义:这个泡菜坛子教给我的美德,要远比最华丽的辞藻更有说服力。