









由于后面这个词discrete的结尾是ete,两个e 不连接在一起,所以这个词的意思是离散的,不连续的。





“批评谴责”的近义词:批评(轻):v: admonish chide criticize reproach reproof(n) reprove flak批评(重):v: berate castigate censure chastise condemn denounce diatribe(n) excoriate fulminate impeach impugn invective(n) inveigh lambaste rail rebuke reprehend reprimand reprobate revile scold upbraid vituperate pan“称赞”的近义词:称赞:v: acclaim applaud commend eulogize exalt extol glorify laud rave toutn: accolade encomium approbation orchid plaudit tribute这样把同义的词总结在一起,就很易于背诵,否则要掌握这些词是有相当难度的。















比如说下面这些词都是批评谴责的意思:批评(轻):v: admonish chide criticize reproach reproof(n) reprove flak 批评(重):v: berate castigate censure chastise condemn denounce diatribe(n) excoriate fulminate impeach impugn invective(n) inveigh lambaste rail rebuke reprehend reprimand reprobate revile scold upbraid vituperate pan还有些词则都是称赞的意思:称赞:v: acclaim applaud commend eulogize exalt extol glorify laud rave toutn: accolade encomium approbation orchid plaudit tribute这样把同义的词总结在一起,就很易于背诵,否则要掌握这些词是有相当难度的。



v 涉足 涉猎 v 牙牙学语 喋喋不休 v 乱写 v 小反对 n 小石头 (大石头:boulder) n 大鹅卵石 v 拙劣地修补 n 碎石 v 冒泡 v 摇摆 v 搜索 v 轻佻的人 v 小口咬 v 狼吞虎咽 v 急促而不清楚的说 v 小争吵 v 滴下 v 蹒跚
Rebecca Tao
circumlocution n belabor n
mollify v propitiate v appease v conciliate v calm v placate v
平息、抚慰 slake v pacificate n reconcile v pacify v soothe v console v
p.s.:和润肤剂功能类似的是一堆药膏 salve 药膏 unctuous 油质的 balm 药膏 安慰物 irritant 刺激物
Rebecca Tao
ointment 药膏
leaven 发酵剂 v 发酵 增加 volume lubricant 润滑剂 消除 fiction abrasion palliative 缓释剂 消除 symptom pesticide 杀虫剂 insecticide 干掉 insect purgative 泻药 placebo 安慰剂 特点 innocuous 无毒的 类似的是三个万灵药 nostrum panacea elixir 特点假 preservative 防腐剂 防止 decay reagent 试剂 sedative 镇静剂 tranquillizer 镇定剂 用来 pacify 消除 drowsy solvent adj. 溶剂 (他意:有偿债能力的) 用来 dissolve stimulant 兴奋剂 tonic 补品 消除 lethargic 无精打采的 soporific hypnotic narcotic opiate 安眠药 sleep vaccine 疫苗增加 immunity dose (药)剂量 overdose (药物)过度剂量 违背 prescription







1. Accept/ExceptAccept作动词,表示接受、同意,而Except作介词或连词,表示除了…之外。

例如:He accepted the job offer.(他接受了工作的邀请。

)Everyone was there, except Mary.(所有人都在那里,除了玛丽。

)2. Affect/EffectAffect作动词,表示影响,而Effect作名词,表示结果、效果。

例如:The rain affected the crops.(雨水影响了庄稼。

)The medicine had no effect on my headache.(这种药对我的头疼没有效果。

)3. Compliment/ComplementCompliment作动词,表示称赞、恭维,而Complement作名词或动词,表示补充、补足。

例如:She complimented me on my new dress.(她夸奖了我新买的裙子。

)The red wine complements the steak.(红酒与牛排相得益彰。

)4. Desert/DessertDesert作名词,表示沙漠,而Dessert作名词,表示甜点。

例如:They got lost in the desert.(他们在沙漠中迷路了。


After dinner, we had a delicious dessert.(晚餐后,我们吃了一份美味的甜点。

)5. Elicit/IllicitElicit作动词,表示引出、诱导,而Illicit作形容词,表示非法的。



GRE形近字总结1.prudish prudent pudency impudent imprudent2.fallowfarrowfurrowharrowburrowhallowhollowbarrowborrowmarrow3.indolent insolent redolent innocent4.repute repudiate disputedeputeimpute5.resolute resolvesolvent solvable absolvesolveinsolvent dissolve dissolvent6. retribution contribution7.rigorvigor8.royalty loyalty9.induce seduce produce reduce10. sporadic soporific11. strident stringent stride12.stuntstunshun shunt13. substantiate substantive14.testy testator testimony15. transienttransitory intransient16.trite contrite contrive17.turbid turgid turbulent turmoil18.varnish tarnish19.vitrify vitriolic vitiate vitality20.vicious viscous21. vindicate vindictive22.verseverve23. dispassionate impassioned impassive24dimdindingy dinghy dam25. abnegate abrogate26. bankrupt abrupt corrupt disrupt interrupt27.jaunt gaunt daunt taunt28.acridaridacid29. adversity advert advertise advent adverse30.affect affected affectation affection disaffected31. immoral amoral32. amulet emulate33. analgesic anesthetic34. divest divert diversity35. disdain staintaint36. depose dispose pose compose poseur37. discrete discreet discretion38. diligent indigent indigenous denigrate39. defuse diffuse confuse40. detritus delirium41. deplore explore42. deluge dilute43. abject deject reject conjecture44. debunk debut abut rebut45. dapper dappled46.curt court curse47. creek crook brook48.rave crave craven49. covert overtcrass brassy brazen brashrash51. convulse convulsion convolute convoluted52. converse conversant averse53. console condole condone54. comport disport import export deport55. complaisance complacency complaisant complacent56.cliche clique57. canvass canvasbuckbulk bulge59.flitfleetglib60. belabor elaborate labored61. admonish abolish abolition62.adjure abjure conjure perjure63. apprise appraise64.labile liable65. disgruntle begrudge66. actuate actual67. discrepancydesperate discrepant68.derive deprive69.allege allegation delegate relegate renegade delegation denegation negate denigrate derogate arrogate70.allayalleyallyassay71.allergy allege allegory72. anticipate precipitate precipitation73. apocryphal apocalyptic74. apropos proper75. approbation reprobation76.arbor harbor77. arcane archaic78. asperity aspersion79. resume assume consume subsume80. atrophy trophy81.averavert82. banquet bouquet83.bristle brittle brickle brisk84.callow callus callous85. commend compliment complement86. conduce induce produce87. decent incent88. delusion allusion89.riotrailriferile90. rhetoric meteoric91.revise revile92. riveting rivulet93. rostrum nostrum94. retrench entrench95.respire conspire expire96. respite despite97.pine repine opine98.crawl prowl brawl bawl99. provident providential provisional provisory100.plight blight101. reprieve grieve102.stoicstolid103. swagger waggery wag waggish104. milieu purlieu purloin105. torpid torrid106. tumult turmoil107. typo tyro108. vagary vague vogue109. wan wane110. snarl gnarl112. squall squelch113. stench stencil114. stint stink stingy115.temporize116. ensemble dissemble assemble117. nascent evanescent118.venal venial119. implosive explosive120. surgent surge resurge insurgent121. opprobrious approbation122. cosmos osmose123. savage salvage124. reprehend comprehend apprehend125.revenue126. incipient recipient127. fledge pledge128.pitch pinch129. phylum asylum130. perquisite acquisitive prerequisite requisite inquisitive131. petroglyph hieroglyph132. plumb plump plumber plummet133. plunder flounder blunder134. blush flushlush135. pokepork spoke136.polllolldoll137. portent potent138. potable portable139. percept precept140. precis precise141. principal principle142. proprietary propriety143. protest protect144. purloin purlieu145. purify putrefy146. rabid rabies rapid rapids147. regal regale148. innovate renovate149. ruse rustic150. scar scarp scarf151. hobble hobby nibble babble dabble gobble gaggle giggle goggle boggle wiggle152. gleam glean153.hewdew154. considerate considerable155. encumber recumbent incumbent156.inflict conflict afflict158.lineal linear159.lobelode160.loomlooploonlootaloofalofthoofspoor spoof161. maple ample162.nettle163. maze maize amaze dazegazehazeraze164. minuet minute165.molt molten165. momentary momentous166. moral morale167. decrypry168. gutter guttle169. heckle hector171. hovel hoverhulkhull173.hulllulldull174. imminent eminent prominent175. inculcate inculpate176.jogjoltjot177.libellabel178. scrumptious presumptuous179. scurrilous scurry scurvy180. sensation sensible sensitive sensual sentient sentiment sentinel181. sequestrate sequester182.searsere183. shack shackle184.skirtshirkshirt185.sidle saddle addle186.sillysillsilthiltslitsplit splice splint splinter187.slagflag189. lumber lump slumber slumpplumb190. drudge grudge trudge smudge budge191. snappy snappish192. slide snide193. sketch stretch194. stroke stoke195. strident stringent196. stark start startle tart197. stationary stationery198. pluck spunk199. spout sprout200. sully sulky sullen sultry201. surplus nonplus202. tactful tactile203. tamper temper tempest204. toilfoil coil roil205. tipple stipple206.tiltstilt207. ticket thicket208. torpid torrid209. welter swelter210. venal venial211. vagary vagrancy vagrant213. brackish brattish214. bleach breach215. bravado bravura216. causal casual217. delectable delible219. delude denude220. debar disbar223. sockdock224.doltcolt225. dowdy bawdy226. eccentric eclectic227. allude elude228. errand errant229. equestrian equilibrium equine equitable equipoise equity equitation230.freak break bleak231.frayflayslay232. aliment ailment233. ascribe describe inscribe subscribe234. blotch botch notch patch ditch hatch235. brawn brown crown clown236. brindle blind brindled237. brindle bridle238. bruise cruise239. brunt blunt240. collage collate collateral241.complexion complexity complicity242. conceive conceit deceit deceive243. candor condor244. congenial congenital245. consort assort resort246. content contention247. arrogate arrogant interrogate surrogate248. canter canker249. celebrate celibate cerebrate250. clause251.gaitgaiety252.girder girdle253. glowing glower254.gripe grope255. grouch crouch256.gulch mulch gully gutter guttle257.hemhelm258.high-brown high-flown high-hearted high-strung highhanded259. holograph homographhunkjunk261. imprecate deprecate262. condemn indemnify263. indignation indignity267. efficacy efficiency268. injunction conjunction269. inveterate invertebrate270. investment investiture271.jitterlitter glitter272.jotjogjolt273.leer274.lodelobelope275. mangle mingle wangle wrangle tangle276.screed screech speech creed277.sheafshear278.single shingle279.shrew shrewd280.wrathwraith281. presumptuous scrumptious282.scatter shatter283. sibilant sibling284. chant slantplant285. shrub scrub286. usurp slurp287. smuggle snuggle289. soporific sophomoric sporadic290. spangle spackle291. squall squalid292. statute statuary stature statuette status293. strangle strange294. stroll scroll295. sublimate subliminal296. swan swank297. lactic tactic298. staretare299. tarry carry300. temporal temporary temporize301. latch hatch thatch thrash thresh302.tinefine303. tipple stipple304.tuxedo torpedo305.touchy touching306. truancy nuance trance307.troweltowel308. trumpery trumpet309.waddle twaddle310. conscionable conscious311.vagary vagrancy vagabond312. valediction valetudinarian313. vernacular vernal314.impinge infringe315. junction injunction316. sedulous insidious317. sinuous insinuate318. jaundice jaunt319. lackey jockey320. maleficent beneficent munificent321. mangle mantle322. mope mop323. missive massive324. midget budget gadget325. molding moldy326. cozy cozen。



形近字汇总acclivity向上的斜坡declivity斜坡acid 酸-acidity n 酸味,酸性;胃酸过多-acidulous 稍有酸味的;刻薄的(脾气坏的,性情乖僻的)arid 干旱【r=日】avid 恳切热望的【av+id】acrid 刺鼻辛辣刻薄-acrimonious 严厉的,辛辣的-acrimony (言谈举止上的)刻毒,讽刺,毒辣-alacrity n反应敏捷;乐意渴望acerbic酸的或苦涩的味道、性格或语调-exacerbate v 使…加重,恶化(如病痛)alight烧着,点着的;(从马上或车上)下来;(飞机)降落(鸟)栖息blight植物枯萎病挫折因素使枯萎【b:不光→植物没光就会枯萎】enlighten v启发;教育,引导【en:使心灵点亮】flighty(女人)轻浮的,朝三暮四的变化无常的【fl=fly飞来飞去】slight微小的;微不足道的;轻蔑怠慢【s:一丝丝】plight困境,苦境【p:破灯】lighthearted愉快的;无忧无虑的allay 平息抚慰【lay:躺着休息】alley 小巷【e曲里拐弯的】alloy 合金(两种或多种金属的混合物);混合物amplifier 扬声器放大器decamp 拔营起寨【de+camp】hamper 阻碍【用hammer锤你】swamp 沼泽困境【swan=游:前面是沼泽地,还游个P呀】tamp 踏实【tap:轻打】tamper 干预【temper 脾气情绪】tramp 流浪汉trample 践踏【音:踹屁,用脚踹你的屁股-践踏你,蹂躏你】vamp 鞋面vampire 吸血鬼记【v胜利+ampire=empire(帝国):能胜帝国的人-吸血鬼"】anguish 痛苦languish 憔悴disguise 伪装掩饰ant蚂蚁adamant固执【亚当蚂蚁】antic滑稽【蚂蚁想用IC卡】pageant壮观游行露天历史剧【一页蚂蚁】decant轻倒【dec=12月的蚂蚁】incessant 无间断的【in在+cess走=一群蚂蚁走路】quarantine 隔离期【quar=4:四只蚂蚁被隔离在里面】verdant 青翠的【verdict审判→蚂蚁的审判在绿叶上进行(变绿则有罪)】mordant 尖酸刻薄的【mor死→咒死蚂蚁的话】approach v (在空间或时间上)接近,靠近;着手处理;n 方法(达到某些事的途径)broach vt开启启封【音:不如吃→咱不如把酒打开吃了吧?】reproach v/n谴责责骂-reproof n谴责责骂-reprobate v谴责a/n 堕落的(人)apt非常合适的,有…倾向的【aptitude资质才能自然倾向】adapt适应adept熟练的擅长的n专家inapt不适当不相配inept不适当的笨拙的aunt姑姑daunt吓唬【d(og):放出狗吓唬姑姑】flaunt吹嘘【fl(y):飞起来的姑姑】gaunt憔悴【g(re):考了GRE的姑姑】haunt经常拜访鬼魂出没【h:好姑姑要经常看她】jaunt短途旅行【j=joy姑姑旅行很开心】-jaunty愉快的洋洋得意的saunter闲逛【s=see看姑姑去】taunt(嘲弄式)挑战【t:踢姑姑】≈taut绷紧的;紧张的vaunt吹嘘【v:做出V型手势的姑姑】awl n尖钻【owl 猫头鹰】bawl v大叫大喊brawl v/n争吵打架crawl v爬行(缓慢、无力、费劲或经常停歇地前进);自由游【creep爬】drawl v拉长声音慢慢说【draw拉长】scrawl v潦草地写【scribe写】shawl n披肩【shoulder肩】sprawl v伸展手脚而卧无计划地扩张【spread伸展】trawl n拖网v用拖网捕鱼搜罗【tract拉】ballast压仓物【压仓物重,单词也长,是为了让船在blast中不沉】blast一阵强风bluster v狂妄地大声说n大声吹嘘或恐吓bale痛苦悲哀pale苍白【pallid苍白的没血色的】palette调色板【调色板一般是白色的】-pall失去兴趣裹尸布-palliate减轻(痛苦)掩饰(罪行)-palliative缓蚀剂a减轻缓和-paltry无价值的微不足道的-palate上颚口味爱好-pal pit ate(心脏)急速而不规则的跳动banquet 宴会【ban:班里的聚会】bouquet 花束【bo:一拨花】parquet 镶木地板【par平→木板要铺平】tourniquet 止血带【tour旅行+ni你→止血带是你居家旅行必备之物】budge改变立场或态度【budget预算-t它=budge】-cadge乞讨乞求bulge凸起【bigle船底是向下凸的】-bilge船底【bill钞票,ge搁,把钞票搁在船底来走私】bull公牛吓唬上涨bully(用威胁,恐吓的方式)以强欺弱n 欺负弱小者ebullient热情奔放的bout n一回合,一阵(拳击的一回合)【b=box拳击】devout a虔诚的忠诚的【虔诚的信徒devote(献身)于信仰】flout v蔑视违抗【fl(y):飞出去→不再听从命令→违抗】rout n大败溃败【r=run逃跑】tout v极力吹捧(来促销);(以一种厚颜无耻的方法)招徕顾客【音:套他】stout a矮胖的n过胖的人【音:死套他→对胖子一定要死死地套,狠狠地宰】spout v 喷出(液体、吐沫等);滔滔不绝地讲【记】sp=spill(v 溢出),out-喷出canvas帆布画布canvass细查(选票)cement连接巩固clement仁慈chase镂雕(金属)以装饰chasm深渊decay 腐烂decry 谴责【cry:喊】descry 远远看到【s=see看见】deride嘲笑override 蹂躏overriding 最主要的dull a隐约的(不能强烈地感觉到);钝的;迟钝的;颜色不鲜明的,不明亮的;v 使迟钝;使眼色不鲜明indulge 放纵adulate 极度谄媚fable 寓言神话affable 和蔼的温和的fawn 小鹿奉承pawn 卒抵押典当【pawnbroker 当铺老板】tawny 黄褐色fanatic 狂热的;着魔的;n(过分不合理的为某一目标)极端的狂热者frantic 狂乱的;疯狂的frenetic 狂乱的,发狂的(非常兴奋或激动)finite (时间、空间)有限的;非永久性的affinity n喜欢亲切感infinite 无限的foment 煽动;助长(坏事)ferment 发酵;使骚动或激动不安found建立founder v 沉没=sink;倒塌=collapse;(计划)失败=fail;n 奠基者;缔造者confound使迷惑;混淆(使不易区分)profound极深的;深奥的freeze 使结冰;使冷冻;冻结frieze(在墙顶与天花板间起装饰作用的)横条,饰带gag 玩笑【G RE is a gag played by G OD】wag 幽默的人haughty傲慢自大的(蔑视别人或以恩赐态度相待的)naughty顽皮的, 不适当的, 没规矩的heed注意;留意【ee:两只眼睛注意你】needy一无所有的imp n小鬼顽童primp v刻意打扮indolent懒洋洋的【dol=doll洋娃娃懒洋洋】insolent鲁莽的leave 离开把…留下leaven n发酵剂(一种可使面粉大的制剂);v发酵levee n防洪堤堤岸lever n杠杆v撬动levy n/v征税征兵let n球触网重发; 障碍v允许出租阻碍amulet 护身符droplet小水滴eaglet幼鹰omelet 煎蛋卷outlet 出口pamphlet 小册子ringlet 卷发lush a郁郁葱葱的;鲜美多汁的;肉感的blush 脸红flush 冲洗murmur v 喃喃而言;嘟哝(低沉连续的、轻微、含糊不清的抱怨声音)demur v反对【de反】mule驴amulet护身符【身上纹个驴,鬼不敢碰你】= fetish神物=juju=mascot福神=periapt护身符=phylactery护符=talisman护身符emulate 模仿并超越【驴模仿马,并超越马的耐力】mulish 固执的【固执的驴】stimulate 刺激激发【sti(r)刺激+mul+ate:刺驴屁股让它吃】Noah’s ark诺亚方舟-askew=awry歪的conflagration大火-deflagrate使突然燃烧;-flagrant臭名远扬的≈fragrant令人愉快的芳香的deluge大洪水暴雨【dilute v 冲淡;稀释;a淡的;稀释的】-antediluvian a非常古老的久远的【史前大洪水】ravenous 贪婪的【诺亚放出乌鸦】pluck v衔n勇气【诺亚放出鸽子】=mettle勇气=courage-pucker v使收缩成皱褶;噘嘴(嘴唇起皱);n皱褶-buck阻止反对hold船舱:hatch船舱门:gangway跳板(上下船用)deft 灵巧的熟练的【得福特的人灵巧】dart 飞镖;疾驰飞奔【打他:小李飞刀的感觉】daft 傻的愚蠢的【打福特的人愚蠢】dote v溺爱mote n微粒微尘rote v死记硬背mangy 低贱的【man=蛮】tangy(味道、气味)强烈的,扑鼻的【tang=糖放多了太甜】-tangible通过触摸可以感知的ovation 热烈的欢迎鼓掌oration 演说pan v严厉批评pun n双关语(利用同一个词的不同意思或利用不同词的相近意思或发音)【pun∈joke】penetrate v刺穿=pierce;了解=understand【impenetrable a不能穿透的不可理解的】perpetrate v犯(罪)=commitperpetuate v使永存不朽;使永记不忘parry挡开避开【pa音:怕→因为怕所以挡开】quarry目标猎物采石场v采集【为quarry而quarrel】tarry逗留等候persecute(v 迫害)prosecution n 告发,检举relinquish 放弃vanquish 征服ram公羊<>ewe母羊rampant猖獗草蔓生【羊穿裤子】≈flippant轻浮的【fl=fly:满天飞裤子】≈flip鲁莽的轻率地ramshackle摇摇欲坠【羊戴手铐】≈shackle脚镣;枷锁v束缚;妨碍rampart壁垒【羊组成的部分】rampage横冲直撞【羊翻书】rate n比率v估价责骂crate n柳条箱irate a发怒的prate v瞎扯胡说【p喷+rate速率=以一定的速率喷-瞎扯】reed芦苇;芦笛【d读:笛】reek烟;v 冒烟;用烟熏【k读:咳(嗽)-烟】reel卷轴【l=卷】=spool线轴peel削皮水果和蔬菜的皮【p:皮】peer 同辈,同等的人-peerless无敌的peeve使气恼怨恨-peevish 坏脾气的易怒的relative亲戚relevant相关的重要的reserve n /v 保留;克制;沉默寡言reverse n相反v颠倒a颠倒的rim/ring 边缘rim n边框brim n(杯)边,缘v盈满【b:杯】grim a严厉的坚定的【g=GRE:考GRE需要坚定的信念】prim a端庄的整洁的【p:漂亮】prime n全盛时期a最初的原始的最好的primp v刻意打扮trim v修剪【t:剔除】fringe n边缘刘海【f:抚摸】infringe v违反侵害【in:不在边缘之内→违反】cringe v谄媚畏缩【cringing n/a 谄媚奉承】syringe n注射器interim n中间时期过渡时期a暂时的rouse(把…从睡眠、冷漠或沮丧中)唤醒;激怒grouse n松鸡v发牢骚诉苦arouse唤醒激发carouse狂饮寻乐scheme n阴谋(秘密的不正当的计划);系统或计划的图表schema n轮廓, 图解, 概要【schematic a图示化】soothe平息抚慰【音:酥死-浑身酥软而死-因为被抚慰过分了】soother奶嘴spoof 打趣n嘲讽诗文(轻浮地讽刺诗文)【f=fun】spool 线轴【l=卷】=reel卷轴spook 幽灵转身就跑【k=看:看到幽灵就跑】spoon 汤勺【n=捏:捏着汤勺】=scoop 勺子【把中间的OO想成勺子的顶端】spoor 脚印【r=人留下的脚印】sneer 嘲笑≈veneer装饰面板sneeze 打喷嚏squeeze 挤压dabble v浅尝辄止【大宝的感觉】squabble v/n(由琐事而引发的)争吵(程度大于tiff,小于quarrel和dispute)rubble n(一堆)碎石瓦砾【r=rock】bubble n泡沫【比巴卜泡泡糖】=foam=effervescentunder prep在…下sunder v分裂;分离;切开asunder a分离化为碎片blunder n过失-blunt使变钝-blurt突然说出flounder说话不清走路不稳做事易错【二锅头的感觉】;比目鱼plunder v抢劫掠夺【pl=place放自己下面】umber a棕色的n棕土plumber n管子工【plumb测量深度深入了解: plump丰满的颇胖的】venerable庄严的值得尊敬的vulnerable易受攻击的;(受到劝说或诱惑时)易受影响的。




GRE词汇精选:高频形近词101. dismiss / remissremiss: If someone is remiss, they are careless about doing things which ought to be done. (FORMAL)102. contend / consent / constant / content / contemptcontend: If you have to contend with a problem or difficulty, you have to deal with it or overcome it.If you contend that something is true, you state or argue that it is true.(FORMAL)If you contend with someone for something such as power, you compete with them to try to get it.consent: If you give your consent to something, you give someone permission to do it. (FORMAL)contempt: If you have contempt for someone or something, you have no respect for them or think that they are unimportant.103. hunch / bunch / crunchhunch: If you have a hunch about something, you are sure that it iscorrect or true, even though you do not have any proof of it.(INFORMAL) crunch: If something crunches or if you crunch it, it makes a breaking or crushing noise, for example when you step on it.If you say that something will happen if or when it comes to the crunch, you mean that it will happen if or when the time comes when something has to be done.104. gauche / gaudygauche: If you describe someone as gauche, you mean that they are awkward and uncomfortable in the company of other people.gaudy: If something is gaudy, it is very brightly-colored and showy.105. meritorious / meretriciousmeritorious: If you describe something as meritorious, you approve of it for its good or worthwhile qualities. (FORMAL)(联系merit) meretricious: If you describe something as meretricious, you disapprove of it because although it looks attractive it is actually of little value. (FORMAL)106. blithe / litheblithe: You use blithe to indicate that something is done casually, without serious or careful thought.lithe: A lithe person is able to move and bend their body easily and gracefully.(=supple)107. enclose / disclosedisclose: If you disclose new or secret information, you tell people about it.108. compliment / complementcompliment: A compliment is a polite remark that you say to someone to show that you like their appearance, appreciate their qualities, or approve of what they have done.complement: If one thing complements another, it goes well with the other thing and makes its good qualities more noticeable.109. austere / astuteaustere: If you describe something as austere, you approve of its plain and simple appearance.astute: If you describe someone as astute, you think they show an understanding of behavior and situations, and are skilful at using this knowledge to their own advantage.(机敏;狡猾)110. pretentious / tendentious / contentioustendentious: Something that is tendentious expresses a particular opinion or point of view very strongly, especially one that many people disagree with. (FORMAL)contentious: A contentious issue causes a lot of disagreement or arguments. (FORMAL)GRE词汇精选:高频形近词111. causal / causticcaustic: A caustic remark is extremely critical, cruel, or bitter. (FORMAL)112. slight / blight / plight / delight113. fret / flat / flagfret: If you fret about something, you worry about it.114. daunt / haunt / vaunt / flaunt / saunter / gauntdaunt: If something daunts you, it makes you feel slightly afraid or worried about dealing with it.vaunt: If you describe something as vaunted or much vaunted, you meanthat people praise it more than it deserves. (FORMAL)flaunt: If you say that someone flaunts their possessions, abilities, or qualities, you mean that they display them in a very obvious way, especially in order to try to obtain other peoples admiration.saunter: If you saunter somewhere, you walk there in a slow, casual way.gaunt: If someone looks gaunt, they look very thin, usually because they have been very ill or worried.115. morbid / moribund / mordantmorbid: If you describe a person or their interest in something as morbid, you mean that they are very interested in unpleasant things, especially death, and you think this is strange.moribund: If you describe something as moribund, you mean that it is in a very bad condition. (FORMAL)mordant: Mordant humor is very critical and often mocks someone or something. (FORMAL)116. tepid / torpid / turbid / turgid / timid / intrepid /tepid: If you describe something such as a feeling or reaction as tepid, you mean that it lacks enthusiasm.torpid: If you are torpid, you are mentally or physically inactive, especially because you are feeling lazy or sleepy. (FORMAL) (= lethargic) turgid: If you describe something such as a piece of writing or a film as turgid, you think it is boring and difficult to understand.timid: Timid people are shy, nervous, and have no courage or confidence in themselves.intrepid: An intrepid person acts in a brave way.117. proliferate / prolific / prolix / profligateproliferate: If things proliferate, they increase in number very quickly. (FORMAL)prolific: A prolific writer, artist, or composer produces a large number of works.(⾼产的)prolix: using too many words.profligate: Someone who is profligate spends too much money or uses too much of something. (FORMAL)118. doubtable / redoubtableredoubtable: If you describe someone as redoubtable, you respect them because they have a very strong character, even though you are slightly afraid of them.119. impair / repair120. obtrude / obtuseobtrude: When something obtrudes or when you obtrude it, it becomes noticeable in an undesirable way. (LITERARY)(强⾼) obtuse: Someone who is obtuse has difficulty understanding things. (FORMAL)GRE词汇精选:高频形近词121. substantiate / substantial / substancesubstantiate: To substantiate a statement or a story means to supply evidence which proves that it is true. (FORMAL)substantial: Substantial means large in amount or degree. (FORMAL) 122. rebuke / rebuffrebuke: If you rebuke someone, you speak severely to them because they have said or done something that you do not approve of. (FORMAL)(责骂)rebuff: If you rebuff someone or rebuff a suggestion that they make, you refuse to do what they suggest.123. scatter / spatterspatter: If a liquid spatters a surface or you spatter a liquid over a surface, drops of the liquid fall on an area of the surface.124. tether / feathertether: If you say that you are at the end of your tether, you mean that you are so worried, tired, and unhappy because of your problems that you feel you cannot cope.To ruffle someones feathers means to cause them to become very angry, nervous, or upset.125. meander / demeanordemeanor: Your demeanor is the way you behave, which gives people an impression of your character and feelings. (FORMAL) 126. myopia / myriadmyopia: Myopia is the inability to see things properly when they are far away, because there is something wrong with your eyes. (FORMAL)( =short-sightedness)myriad: Myriad means having a large number or great variety.127. disposition / predispositiondisposition: Someones disposition is the way that they tend to behave or feel.(=nature)A disposition to do something is a willingness to do it. (FORMAL)(=inclination)predisposition: If you have a predisposition to behave in a particularway, you tend to behave like that because of the kind of person that you are or the attitudes that you have. (FORMAL)128. accede / cede / recede / accessaccede: If you accede to someones request, you do what they ask.(FORMAL)recede: If something recedes from you, it moves away.129. congenial / congenital / genial /genesiscongenial: A congenial person, place, or environment is pleasant.(FORMAL)congenital: A congenital characteristic or feature in a person is so strong that you cannot imagine it ever changing, although there may seem to be no reason for it.(= incorrigible)genial: Someone who is genial is kind and friendly.genesis: The genesis of something is its beginning, birth, or creation.(FORMAL)130. figment / pigmentfigment: If you say that something is a figment of someones imagination, you mean that it does not really exist and that they are just imagining it.pigment: A pigment is a substance that gives something a particular color.(FORMAL)GRE词汇精选:高频形近词131. faction / fiction / factitious / fictitiousfaction: A faction is an organized group of people within a larger group, which opposes some of the ideas of the larger group and fights for its own ideas.e.g. A peace agreement will be signed by the leaders of the countrys warring factions.factitious: produced by humans rather than by natural forcesfictitious: Fictitious is used to describe something that is false or does not exist, although some people claim that it is true or exists.132. calamity / calumnycalamity: A calamity is an event that causes a great deal of damage, destruction, or personal distress. (FORMAL)(=disaster)calumny: Calumny or a calumny is an untrue statement made about someone in order to reduce other peoples respect and admiration for them. (FORMAL)(=slander)(污蔑,诽谤(的话))133. team / teemteem: If you say that a place is teeming with people or animals, you mean that it is crowded and the people and animals are moving around a lot. (=swarm)134. callow / callouscallow: A callow young person has very little experience or knowledge of the way they should behave as an adult.callous: A callous person or action is very cruel and shows no concern for other people or their feelings.135. contrite / contrive / connivecontrite: If you are contrite, you are very sorry because you have done something wrong. (FORMAL)(= apologetic)contrive: If you contrive to do something difficult, you succeed in doing it. (FORMAL)connive: If one person connives with another to do something, they secretly try to achieve something which will benefit both of them.136. discrete / discreetdiscrete: Individually separate and distinct:discreet: Careful and prudent in one’s speech or actions, especially in order to keep something confidential or to avoid embarrassment: 137. impressive / impressionableimpressionable : easily influencedGRE词汇精选:高频形近词139.put something. to rest 解决,处理Definition: to settleor finish, especially a question or discussionExample: Their smilingfaces put to rest any rumors of an impending separation between the couple.140.make demands on 需要Definition: require somethingof someoneExample: Her homeworkfrom school makes considerable demands on her time at night.141.short notice 临时通知Definition: quicklyand without a timely notification of other people Example: He called themeeting on such short notice that we had no time to prepare.142.devoid of 没有Definition: havingnone ofExample: I wentsearching for a knife, but the kitchen was devoid of anything sharp.143.put something at stake 把..处于险境Definition: To risksomethingExample: Because hewas a reckless gambler, he was willing to put a lot of large amount of money atstake.144.border on 邻近,近乎Definition: to be verynear to a particular qualityExample: His bizarrebehavior at the party scared the guests and borders on the insane.145.at the root of ..的缘由,..的真相Definition: to be thecause of somethingExample: He believesthat his student’s lack of interest in this class lies at the root of his recentdrop in performance.146.in light of 依据,鉴于Definition: because ofa particular factExample: In light ofyour good driving record, we’ve decided to overlook this minor traffic offense.147.snap up 抢购,把..抢到手Definition: toimmediately take advantage of an opportunityExample: By 10o’clock, most of the best holiday discounts in the store had been snapped up.148.shore up 支持,巩固Definition: to givesupport or help to something that is having problems or is likely to failExample: He called foraction to shore up the ailing university by reaching out to private donors andwealthy alumni.149.rule out 排解Definition: to stopconsidering something as a possibilityExample: Theinvestigators ruled out their prime suspect after he was proven to be out ofthe country at the time of the crime.最新GRE词汇精选高频形近词。




GRE高频形近词汇51. wary / chary / awrychary: If you are chary of doing something, you are fairly cautious aboutdoing it.awry: If something goes awry, it does not happen in the way it was planned.wary - 谨慎的52. ignoble(卑鄙的) / ignorable(可忽略的)53. glib / glide / gild / goadglib: If you describe what someone says as glib, you disapprove of it because it implies that something is simple or easy, or that there are no problems involved, when this is not the case.glide: If you glide somewhere, you move silently and in a smooth andeffortless way.gild: If you gild a surface, you cover it in a thin layer of gold or gold paint.goad: If you goad someone, you deliberately make them feel angryorirritated, often causing them to react by doing something.54. voracious / veraciousvoracious: If you describe a person, or their appetite for something, asvoracious, you mean that they want a lot of something. (LITERARY)veracious: truthful, honest.55. ingenuous / ingenious / indigent / indigenousingenuous: If you describe someone as ingenuous, you mean that they areinnocent, trusting, and honest. (FORMAL)ingenious: Something that is ingenious is very clever and involves newideas, methods, or equipment.indigent: Someone who is indigent is very poor. (FORMAL)indigenous: Indigenous people or things belong to the country in whichthey are found, rather than coming there or being brought there from anothercountry. (FORMAL)(=native)56. sympathy / apathy / antipathy / patheticapathy: You can use apathy to talk about someones state of mind if youare criticizing them because they do not seem to be interested in or enthusiastic about anything.(=indifferent)antipathy: Antipathy is a strong feeling of dislike or hostility towards someone or something. (FORMAL)pathetic: If you describe a person or animal as pathetic, you mean thatthey are sad and weak or helpless, and they make you feel very sorry for them.57. don / doff / dourdon: If you don clothing, you put it on. (WRITTEN)doff: If you doff your hat or coat, you take it off. (OLD-FASHIONED)dour: If you describe someone as dour, you mean that they are very serious and unfriendly.58. impervious / imperious / impetuous / imperilimpervious: If you are impervious to someones actions, you are not affected or influenced by them.imperious: If you describe someone as imperious, you mean that they havea proud manner and expect to be obeyed.(WRITTEN)impetuous: If you describe someone as impetuous, you mean that they arelikely to act quickly and suddenly without thinking or being careful.imperil: Something that imperils you puts you in danger. (FORMAL)(=endanger)59. reap / heap / leapreap - 收获,英?中我们经常说to reap what you sow60. blandish / brandishblandish: to coax with flatterybrandish: If you brandish something, especially a weapon, you hold it ina threatening way.GRE高频形近词汇61. vanish / varnishvarnish: The varnish on an object is the hard, clear, shiny surface thatit has when it has been painted with varnish.(表饰)vanish - 消失62. veto / voteveto-否决vote-投票63. viscid / viscous / vicious / vicarious / vividviscid: having an adhesive qualityviscous: A viscous liquid is thick and sticky.vicious: A vicious person or a vicious blow is violent and cruel.vicarious: A vicarious pleasure or feeling is experienced by watching,listening to, or reading about other people doing something, rather than bydoing it yourself.(间接体验的;代理的)64. prodigal / prodigiousprodigal: You can describe someone as a prodigal son or daughter if theyleave their family or friends, often after a period of behaving badly, and thenreturn at a later time as a better person. (LITERARY)prodigious: Something that is prodigious is very large or impressive.(LITERARY)65. seethe / sootheseethe: When you are seething, you are very angry about something but donot express your feelings about it.soothe: If you soothe someone who is angry or upset, you makethem feelcalmer.Something that soothes a part of your body where there is pain or discomfort makes the pain or discomfort less severe.66. trenchant / penchanttrenchant: You can use trenchant to describe something such as a criticism or comment that is very clear, effective, and forceful. (FORMAL)penchant: If someone has a penchant for something, they have a specialliking for it or a tendency to do it. (FORMAL)67. command / commend / commentcommend: If you commend someone or something, you praise them formally.(FORMAL)68. accent / ascent / ascend / scentascent: An ascent is an upward, vertical movement.ascend: If someone ascends to an important position, they achieve it orare appointed to it. When someone ascends a throne, they become king, queen, orpope. (FORMAL)69. daft / deft / dartdaft: If you describe a person or their behaviour as daft, you think thatthey are stupid, impractical, or rather strange. (BRIT INFORMAL) deft: A deft action is skilful and often quick. (WRITTEN)dart: If a person or animal darts somewhere, they move there suddenly andquickly. (WRITTEN)If you dart a look at someone or something, or if your eyes dart to them,you look at them very quickly. (LITERARY)70. woo / woewoo: If you woo people, you try to encourage them to help you, supportyou, or vote for you, for example by promising them things which they wouldlike.woe: woe is very great sadness. (LITERARY)GRE高频形近词汇71. curb / curtcurt: If you describe someone as curt, you mean that they speak or replyin a brief and rather rude way.(敷衍的)72. avid / avoidavid: You use avid to describe someone who is very enthusiastic aboutsomething that they do.73. quip / piquequip: A quip is a remark that is intended to be amusing orclever;(WRITTEN)To quip means to say something that is intended to be amusing or clever.(WRITTEN)pique: Pique is the feeling of annoyance you have when you think someonehas not treated you properly.If something piques your interest or curiosity, it makes you interestedor curious.74. savvy / savorsavvy: If you describe someone as having savvy, you think that they havea good understanding and practical knowledge of something. (INFORMAL)e.g. He is known for his political savvy and strong management skills.savor:Enjoy or appreciate (something pleasant) to the full, especially bylingering over it:75. brink / briskbrink: If you are on the brink of something, usually something important,terrible, or exciting, you are just about to do it or experience it.(=verge) brisk: active and energetic76. glean / glisten / gleamglean: If you glean something such as information or knowledge, you learnor collect it slowly and patiently, and perhaps indirectly.(=gather) glisten: If something glistens, it shines, usually because it is wet or oily.gleam: If an object or a surface gleams, it reflects light because it is shiny and clean.If your eyes gleam, they look bright and show that you are excited or happy. (WRITTEN)(=glisten, shine)A gleam of something is a faint sign of it.77. toxic / tonictonic: A tonic is anything that makes you feel stronger, more cheerful,or more enthusiastic.toxic :有害的。



《GRE形近词》1. ripple / raffle/ riddle/ rattle/ riffle/ rubble/ ruffle/ rabble/ rustleripple :vt. & vi.1. (使)泛起涟漪vt.1. 在…上形成波痕vi.1. 发出潺潺声2. 感觉等扩散;涌起n.1. 涟漪2. 波痕3. 潺潺声4. 逐渐扩散的感觉raffle:n.1. 抽彩售物vt.1. 以抽彩方式售(物)riddle:n.1. 谜(语)2. 猜不透的难题, 难解之谜rattle:vt. & vi.1. (使)发出格格的响声, (使)作嘎嘎声2. 喋喋不休地说话vi.1. 迅速而嘎嘎作响地移动, 堕下或走动n.1. 发出嘎嘎声的儿童玩具; 嘎嘎声2. 拨浪鼓3. 响板(如足球球迷用来助阵的)vt.1. 使紧张;使恐惧riffle:n.1. 浅滩,湍流,涟漪,洗牌动作v.1. 使起涟漪,迅速洗牌;流过浅滩,成涟漪,迅速翻书rubble:n.1. 碎石, 瓦砾ruffle:n.1. 褶裥花边vt. & vi.1. 弄皱, 弄乱2. 激怒, 扰乱;使担心rabble:n.1. 乌合之众,暴民2. 下等人,群氓rustle:vt. & vi.1. 发出沙沙的声音2. static/ stolid/ stasis/ stationary/ statuary/ statutory/ status/ staturestatic:adj.1. 不变化的, 不发展的, 静止的, 静态的2. 静电的3. (力)静力的n.1. 天电(干扰)2. 静电3. 静力学stolid:adj.1. <贬>不动感情的;不关心的;淡漠的;无动于衷的stasis:n.1. 停滞; 静止stationary:adj.1. 不动的; 静止的,固定的;不可移动的2. 不变的;稳定的statuary:adj.1. 雕塑的;用于雕塑的n.1. (总称)雕塑,塑像,铸像2. 制造雕塑statutory:adj.1. 依照法令的, 法定的2. 成文的status:n.1. 身份, 地位, 职位2. 情形, 状况3. 高级职位;社会上层地位4. 重视(或崇尚)程度5. (进展的)状况;情形6. 法律地位7. (人或物的)相对地位8. 重要地位;要人身份adj.1. 象征身份(或地位)的stature:n.1. 才干, 高境界, 高水平2. 身高, 身材3. tenable / tenuous/ tenacity/ tenacioustenable:adj.1. 守得住的;可防守的2. 站得住脚的;合理的3. (指职位等)可担任的,可维持的tenuous:adj.1. 薄的;细的2. 稀薄的3. 贫乏的;平淡的4. 空洞无物的5. 无关紧要的,细微的6. 脆弱的,无力的7. 精细的;微妙的8. 含糊的;暧昧的adv.1. 薄地,细地;空洞无物地,无关紧要地,细微地n.1. 薄,细;空洞无物,无关紧要,细微tenacity:n.1. 固执;坚持,顽强,不屈不挠2. 坚韧,韧性3. (记忆等的)保持力tenacious:adj.1. 粘牢的, 粘住的, 抓牢的2. 紧握的, 不放松的, 坚决的3. 坚持的,顽强的,固执的4. 坚韧的5. (指记忆力)持久的, 强的, 记性好的4. disposed / disposable/ predisposition/ disposition/ dispose/ deposit/ depose/ deposition/ decompose/ discomposedisposed:adj.1. 乐意…的, 愿意…的2. 有…倾向的disposable:adj.1. 一次使用后即丢掉的, 一次性的2. (纳税后的钱)可自由支配的predisposition:n.1. 倾向;素质2. 易染病体质disposition:n.1. 气质;天性;性格;性情2. 安排;布置;排列3. 倾向;意向4. (财产、金钱的)处置,让与dispose:vt. & vi.1. 去掉,舍弃,处理; 处置vt.1. 布置; 排列; 安排2. 使愿意或准备做; 使倾向于; 使有意于; 使易于deposit:vt.1. (尤指小心地或准确地)放置,放下,搁下,摆,安置2. 存放; 交与…保管3. 付(保证金);预付或交(定金)4. 使沉积;使沉淀;使淤积5. 将(钱)存入银行;存储6. 交付;留下(某物)7. (把硬币)放入(自动售货机)8. 存放;寄存,储存,信托n.1. 矿床, 矿藏; 沉淀物2. 储蓄, 存款3. 订金; 押金, 保证金4. 竞选保证金(英国议员候选人必须预付,获得规定的票数则退还)5. 存放,寄存;寄存物,委托保管物6. 寄存处,存放处;储藏所,仓库,货栈7. 受托人,保管人vi.1. 付保证金,付定金2. 存储3. 安置4. 投入5. 沉积;沉淀depose:vt.1. 罢免2. <律>(在法庭上)宣誓作证deposition:n.1. 罢免;废黜2. <律>(在法庭上的)宣誓作证;证词,证言3. 沉积(物);沉淀(物);淤积(物)4. 处置decompose:vt. & vi.1. 腐烂2. (使)分解discompose:vt.1. 使不安,使烦恼5. vile/ rile/ revile/ bile/ file/ defile/ vilify/ wile/ wilyvile:adj.1. 卑鄙的;可耻的2. 极坏的adj.1. 非常讨厌的2. 卑鄙的; 可耻的rile:vt. & vi.1. 惹恼;激怒revile:vt.1. 辱骂;痛斥n.1. 谩骂者bile:n.1. 胆汁2. 坏脾气file:vt.1. 把…归档2. 提交(申请等), 呈递3. 用锉锉4. 用电话(或电报)向报社发送(新闻稿子);为(电台)录制(新闻节目)5. 呈请把(法律文件)备案6. 提出(离婚诉讼或其他讼案)7. 使完美,使精练;修整8. (法院或其它行政机关)定案; 做出决定(定案即把案件归档之意)vi.1. 排成纵队前进2. 提起(诉讼);提出(申请);送交(备案)3. 发送(报道给报社)4. 排成一行行走5. 锉平;锉去;锉薄;锉光滑n.1. 文件夹, 公文箱2. 卷宗, 文件; 计算机文件3. 纵列4. 锉;锉刀5. 排成一行的人(或物)defile:vt.1. 弄脏2. 污染3. 玷污,亵渎4. 纵列行进n.1. 峡谷,隘路vilify:vt.1. 中伤,诽谤wile:n.1. 欺骗;欺诈vt.1. 引诱,诱惑2. 消遣, 消磨wily:adj.1. 狡诈的,狡猾的,诡计多端的6. gaggle/ haggle/ straggle/ goggle/ wiggle/ giggle/ smuggle/ boggle/ snugglegaggle:n.1. (鹅)群2. <口>散乱的一群,缺乏组织的团体haggle:vi.1. 讨价还价Straggle:vi.1. 蔓延;散漫2. 落伍;落后goggle:vi.1. 睁大眼睛瞪视, (惊讶的)转动眼珠n.1. 护目镜, 防风镜, 防水镜, 雪镜wiggle:vt. & vi.1. (使快速上下或左右)扭动, 摆动,起伏,摇动n.1. 扭动, 摆动giggle:n.1. 咯咯的笑, 傻笑2. 〈英·非正〉玩笑, 可笑的事, 趣事3. the giggles 止不住的格格笑vi.1. (因感到有趣、窘迫或紧张而)咯咯地笑smuggle:vt.1. 偷运, 私运, 走私2. 不按规章地偷带(人或物)boggle:vi.1. 迟疑;退缩;躲闪;犹豫2. 发怵,吃惊3. 搪塞,推诿vt.1. 弄坏,搞糟2. 使发怵,使吃惊n.1. 惊奇;吃惊2. 迟缓;犹豫snuggle:vt. & vi.1. 依偎;舒适地蜷伏;紧靠;拥抱2. 温暖舒适地躺在床上3. (温暖舒适地)偎依,挨近(人或物),蜷伏在7. sprawl/ scrawl/ prowl/ growl/ shawl/ bawl/ drawl/ brawl/ trawlsprawl:vi.1. 伸开四肢坐〔躺〕2. 蔓延;杂乱无序地拓展3. 四肢伸展坐着(或躺着)n.1. (城市)杂乱无序拓展的地区2. 随意扩展;蔓延;蔓延物scrawl:n.1. 潦草的笔迹vt. & vi.1. 乱涂, 潦草地写prowl:n.1. (动物)悄然潜行(以觅食)2. (人)(为抓捕或行窃等)潜行;悄悄巡行以寻找vt. & vi.1. (动物)潜行(为捕猎等)2. 潜行(图谋不轨等)3. 因无聊、焦躁等)徘徊;走来走去growl:vi.1. (动物)发狺狺声, (雷)作隆隆声vt.1. 低声咆哮着说n.1. 咆哮, 狺狺声shawl:n.1. 围巾, 披肩bawl:vi.1. 大叫, 大喊2. 放声大哭vt.1. 大声叫出2. 叫卖(货物)n.1. 大叫声2. 号哭3. 大声训斥4. 大喊;高声唱drawl:vt. & vi.1. 拖长腔调慢吞吞地说n.1. 拖长腔调慢吞吞的说话方式brawl:n.1. 吵架, 打架vi.1. 打架, 争吵trawl:n.1. 拖网2. 排钩绳vt. & vi.1. (在…)以拖网捕鱼vt.1. 查阅(档案等)8. pastry/ pantry/ paltrypastry:n.1. 糕点,油酥糕点2. 油酥面团;油酥面皮pantry:n.1. (食品、餐具的)储藏室paltry:adj.1. 微小的;不重要的;无价值的;可鄙的9. glade/ glide/ grave/ gravel/ grove/ grovel/ graze/ glaze/ grateglade:n.1. 林中空地glide:n.1. 滑行, 滑动, 滑翔2. 滑音;音渡;过渡音vt. & vi.1. 滑行;滑动;掠过2. (鸟或飞机) 滑翔grave:n.1. 坟墓2. 死亡3. 钝重音符;沉音符;抑音符adj.1. (指情况)严重的2. 严肃的, 庄重的gravel:n.1. 沙砾, 砾石,石子2. 结石vt.1. 以砾石铺路grove:n.1. 树丛, 小树林grovel:vi.1. 趴2. 向……卑躬屈膝graze:vt. & vi.1. (让动物)吃草; 牛、羊等(在草地上)吃青草2. 轻擦; 擦破, 擦伤(皮肤)vt.1. 擦过, 掠过2. (经过时)轻擦,轻触,蹭n.1. 擦伤vi.1. 放牧;放牛;放羊glaze:vt.1. 装玻璃2. 上釉于, 上光, 使光滑, 使光亮vi.1. (目光)变得呆滞无神; 发呆n.1. 上釉的表面, 釉面2. 釉;釉料3. (浇在糕点上增加光泽的)蛋浆,奶浆,糖浆grate:n.1. 炉格, 炉箅vt.1. 磨碎, 压碎vi.1. 发出刺耳的摩擦声2. 使人烦恼难受10. dismay/ distal/ dismaldismay:vt.1. 使诧异;使惊愕;使失望n.1. 诧异;惊愕;灰心;丧气distal:adj.1. 末梢的dismal:adj.1. 阴沉的, 凄凉的, 令人忧郁的, 惨淡的2. 不熟练的;差劲的;不怎么样的11. mutter/ butter/ gutter/ flutter/ stuttermutter:vt. & vi.1. 轻声低语; 咕哝地抱怨n.1. 轻声低语, 小声抱怨butter:n.1. 黄油2. 黄油状的食品vt.1. 抹黄油于…上gutter:n.1. (路边)排水沟, 阴沟2. (屋顶的)天沟, 檐槽,檐沟3. 恶劣的社会环境;道德沦落的社会最低层vi.1. (火焰或蜡烛) 忽明忽暗;摇曳不定flutter:vi.1. 飘动,挥动,颤动2. (心)快速跳动,怦怦乱跳,扑腾3. 飞来飞去;翩翩飞舞vt. & vi.1. (鸟或昆虫)拍(翅),振(翅),鼓(翼)n.1. 紧张,兴奋,慌乱,激动不安2. 振动;飘动;挥动;颤动3. 小赌注4. (心脏的)怦怦乱跳,扑腾stutter:vt. & vi.1. 结结巴巴地说2. 不顺畅的工作, 时断时续地移动n.1. 结巴, 口吃12. pernicious/ pertinent/ pertinaciouspernicious:adj.1. 很有害的;恶性的pertinent:adj.1. 有关的; 中肯的; 恰当的;相宜的pertinacious:adj.1. 坚持的;固执的;坚决的adv.1. 坚持地;固执地;坚决地n.1. 执拗;顽固13. prerequisite/ requisite/ perquisite/ acquisitive/ exquisite/ requite/ inquisitive/ disquisition/ dissertationprerequisite:n.1. 先决条件,前提requisite:n.1. 必要的事物adj.1. 需要的, 必要的;必备的;必不可少的perquisite:n.1. (工资以外的)财务补贴,额外收入,津贴,奖金,小费2. (随职位而得到的)好处,利益,便利,特权,优待acquisitive:adj.1. (对钱财等)渴望得到的; 贪得无厌的2. 能够获得并保存的exquisite:adj.1. 精致的, 精美的2. 敏感的, 细致的3. 剧烈的;强烈的requite:vt.1. 报答;酬谢;回报,补偿2. 报复inquisitive:adj.1. 好问的;好奇的;爱打听别人隐私的disquisition:n.1. 专题论文,专题演讲dissertation:n.1. 专题论文, 学位论文14. endue/ imbue/ endow/ elbowendue:vt.1. 授予,赋予(特性、才能等)imbue:vt.1. 使(某人/某事)充满或激起(感情等)2. 使充满,灌输,激发(强烈感情或品质等)endow:vt.1. (向学校等机构)捐钱, 捐赠, 资助,赋予2. 使(某人)天生具有(好资质、能力等) elbow:vt. & vi.1. 用肘推, 用肘挤n.1. 肘, (衣服的)肘部2. (衣服的)肘部3. (管子、烟囱等的)弯处,弯头15. tinge/ singe/ fringe/ hinge/ cringe/ impinge/ twinge/ syringe/ constringe/ infringe tinge:n.1. 细微的色彩, 一丝痕迹vt.1. 给…染色暂无词性1. 色调singe:vt. & vi.1. 浅表烧焦vt.1. (毛发)燎;烧焦尖端〔边儿〕n.1. 浅表〔轻微〕烧焦fringe:n.1. (头发的)刘海2. (外衣, 小地毯等的)饰边, 毛边, 穗子, 流苏3. 边缘, 外围vt.1. 作为…的边缘; 围绕着hinge:n.1. 铰链;合叶vt. & vi.1. 用铰链连接(某物), 给(某物)装上铰链cringe:vi.1. 畏缩, 退缩2. 卑躬屈膝, 阿谀奉承3. 憎恶impinge:vt.1. 侵犯, 侵占2. 对…有重大(或严重)影响vt. & vi.1. 对……有明显作用(或影响);妨碍;侵犯(~ on/upon sth/sb.) twinge:n.1. 阵痛;刺痛2. 一阵思绪(通常指不快的);痛苦;难过;内疚vt. & vi.1. (使)感到剧痛,(使)刺痛syringe:n.1. 注射器, 注射筒2. 吸管;汲筒vt.1. 用注射器清洗constringe:vt.1. 使收缩,使收敛,压缩infringe:vt. & vi.1. 违反(规章等)2. 侵犯(某人的权利)3. 侵犯,侵害(某人的自由、权益等)16. inane/ inure/ inuredinane:adj.1. 无意义的, 无比愚蠢的inure:vt.1. 使习惯(于)2. 使习惯于(令人不快的事物)inured:adj.1. 习惯的, 坚强的17. posture/ imposture/ pose/ poseur/ gesture/ gestate/ gesticulateposture:n.1. 姿势, 姿态2. 看法; 态度3. 立场,处理方式vt.1. 做出某种姿势imposture:n.1. (冒名顶替)欺诈,行骗pose:vt. & vi.1. 使摆姿势; 以…身份出现2. 招摇;炫耀;拿姿作态vt.1. 提出2. 造成(威胁、问题等);引起;产生3. 佯装;冒充;假扮n.1. 姿势, 姿态2. 装腔作势, 伪装poseur:n.1. 装腔作势的人gesture:n.1. 手势, 姿势2. 姿态, 表示vt. & vi.1. 做手势gestate:v.1. 孕育,创案gesticulate:vi.1. 做手势示意或强调n.1. 做手势,做示意动作;手势18. lode/ lope/ lobelode:n.1. 矿藏lope:vi.1. (尤指动物)轻跳着奔跑n.1. 大步慢跑lobe:n.1. 耳垂2. (器官的)叶;肺叶,脑叶19. deprecate/ depreciatedeprecate:vt.1. 不赞成, 反对, 对…表示极不赞成, 强烈反对depreciate:vi.1. 贬值, 跌价;减价vt.1. <正>贬低, 蔑视, 轻视20. deport/ deportation/ deportment/ disportdeport:vt.1. 将…驱逐出境2. 举止deportation:n.1. 驱逐出境;放逐deportment:n.1. <正>举止;风度;仪态disport:vt. & vi.1. 嬉戏,玩乐,自娱21. devout/ detour/ devourdevout:adj.1. 虔诚的2. 真诚的;诚恳的Detour:n.1. 绕行的路2. 绕道; 兜圈子vt.1. 绕道devour:vt.1. 狼吞虎咽地吃光; 贪婪地读[看, 听]2. 耗尽, 挥霍掉3. 津津有味地看;如饥似渴地读4. 吞没;吞噬;毁灭22. perch/ parch/ pitch/ punch/ pinch/ pitcherperch:n.1. (鸟的)栖息处,栖木2. 高座;高处3. 鲈鱼;河鲈vt. & vi.1. 栖息;停留2. (使)坐;(使)坐在…边沿3. 置于(顶上或边上parch:vt. & vi.1. (使)焦干, (使)干透vt.1. 使(某人)极口渴pitch:n.1. 球场2. 音调, 音高3. 程度; 强度; 高度4. 沥青5. 颠簸6. 斜度, 坡度7. 商贩摊位, 艺人表演场地8. 推销商品的话9. (感情、活动等的)程度,力度;(事物的)最高点10. 推销的话;说教;宣传论点11. 投球;投球方法12. 沥青;柏油13. (船在水上的)上下颠簸,纵摇;(飞机在空中的)俯仰vt.1. 投, 掷, 扔2. 为…定音调3. 用人们易懂的方式表述4. 用沥青涂;用沥青覆盖5. 排列;定顺序;把…定在;把…定得6. 把…定于特定角度;使倾斜7. 把…定于特定程度(或价值、性质、标准等)8. 使带有特定感情地说(或写)9. 使摔倒;使丢失10. [美国英语]【棒球】投球给击球手;以…为投手;作为投手打(一局球)11. 【高尔夫球】打高球(尤指接近时);【板球】使(投给击球员的球)定点击地vt. & vi.1. 搭(帐篷), 扎(营)2. (使)突然向前倒下vi.1. 颠簸2. 向下倾斜3. 将(球)投给击球员;投球;当投手4. (地板或高尔夫球)触地;(使球)定点落地5. 击出大曲线球;击高球6. 重跌;踉跄倒下7. 确定标准8. (使产品或服务)针对,面向;确定销售对象(或目标市场)9. 推销;争取支持(或生意等)10. 搭(帐篷);扎(营)punch:vt.1. 用拳猛击2. 打孔3. 按(键);压(按钮)4. (用冲床)冲;用打印器打印;用打孔器打(孔)5. (用冲床)冲出孔;(用打孔器)打出孔;(用打印器)打出印6. 打印记,打标记7. (用棒)戳,刺8. 用力推进(或推出)9. 用力按(或击)使运转;按键发出10. 挥击(球)n.1. 猛击, 拳打2. 冲床, 穿孔机3. 力量4. 吸引力5. 潘趣酒,宾治酒(用水、果汁、香料及葡萄酒或其他酒类勾兑成的冷或热的饮料)6. 冲压机;打印器7. 冲头;冲床8. (冲出或打出的)孔;切口9. 压印器;凸模冲头10. 【医学】打孔凿;(用以除去小块组织的)凿子11. 【军事】[空中截击暗语]“你应迅速与正遭截击的飞机接触”vi.1. 冲压2. 用拳猛击,攻击;用力推进pinch:vt.1. 盗窃, 偷2. 逮捕, 拘留3. 夹痛, 扎痛4. 使入不敷出vt. & vi.1. 捏, 掐, 夹, 拧n.1. 捏, 掐, 夹, 拧2. 一撮, 微量3. 困苦, 穷苦Pitcher:n.1. 大水罐23. opus/ onusopus:n.1. 作品onus:n.1. <正>责任,义务24. soil/ roil/ toil/ spoil/ despoil/ foil/ turmoil/ recoil/ embroil/ broilsoil:n.1. 泥土, 土壤, 土地2. 国土;领土;土地vt. & vi.1. 弄脏; 污辱roil:vt.1. 搅混(液体)2. 使烦恼,使不安;使生气toil:vi.1. 长时间或辛苦地工作2. 艰难缓慢地移动;跋涉n.1. 报酬很低的苦活spoil:vi.1. 变质,变坏,腐败vt.1. 损坏; 毁掉;破坏;搞坏;糟蹋2. 溺爱, 宠坏3. 善待,格外关照;n.1. 赃物,战利品,掠夺物2. 成功所带来的好处,权力地位的连带利益3. (开掘等时挖出的)弃土,废石方despoil:vt.1. 掠夺,抢劫foil:n.1. 箔, 金属薄片2. 陪衬, 衬托3. (击剑运动用的)花剑,钝头剑4. (船)翼,叶(片)vt.1. 挫败,阻止,制止(非法活动等)turmoil:n.1. 混乱2. 焦虑recoil:vi.1. 畏缩, 退缩2. 报应,返回,回报n.1. (尤指枪炮的)反冲, 后坐力embroil:vt.1. 使(自己或他人)卷入纠纷broil:vt.1. (用火)烤(焙、炙等)2. 使卷入争吵3. 使混乱vi.1. 被烤(或炙)2. 发怒;激动3. 争吵,打架vt. & vi.1. (使)感到很热2. (使)受到灼热;(被)暴晒n.1. 烤,炙;灼热2. 烤炙食品3. 激动4. 争吵,打架5. 混乱25. splint/ mint/ lint/ tint/ stint/ flintsplint:n.1. (固定骨折的)夹板mint:n.1. 铸币厂2. 大量的钱3. 薄荷4. 薄荷糖vt.1. 铸(币);铸造(硬币)2. 创造lint:n.1. (保护伤口的)软麻布2. 棉绒tint:n.1.带白的颜色,淡色2.浓淡;色调;淡色彩;(一层)淡色,浅色3.痕迹4. (淡色)染发剂;染发vt.1. 染色;着色于…2.染(发)3. 使受影响stint:n.1. 定额工作;定量;限额2. 慷慨地做某事;不遗余力地做某事vi.1. 节制, 限量;节省flint:n.1. 燧石, 火石2. (打火机等的)打火石26. shunt/ shun/ brunt/ stun/ stunt/ blunt/ daunt/ haunt/ gauntsplint:n.1. (固定骨折的)夹板shun:vt.1. 避开, 回避, 避免brunt:n.1. 冲击,撞击2. 冲击最重的部分3. 首当其冲stun:vt.1. 击晕, 打晕2. 使大吃一惊, 使震惊3. 给(某人)以深刻印象;使深深感动stunt:vt.1. 阻碍…发育〔生长〕, 抑制, 妨碍n.1. 惊人的表演, 特技, 绝技,(尤指电影中的)特技表演2. (广告中)引人注目的花招,意在引人注意的噱头3. 愚蠢行为;危险举动blunt:adj.1. 率直的, 直言不讳的2. 钝的3. 生硬的vt.1. 把…弄钝, 减弱daunt:vt.1. 使(某人)气馁, 威吓haunt:vt.1. 经常出没于2. 长期不断地缠扰(某人),缠绕, 萦绕3. (鬼魂)出没4. (不快的事情)萦绕于脑际,难以忘却n.1. 某人常去的地方,常去的场所;消磨时光的去处gaunt:adj.1. (因疾病、饥饿或焦虑等)瘦削的;憔悴的2. (建筑物)寒碜的; 破败的adv.1. 贫瘠地,荒凉地n.1. 憔悴;荒凉27. flunk/ spunk/ chunk/ skunk/ hunk/ swank/ plankflunk:vt. & vi.1. <美><口>2. (使)(考试、某学科的成绩等)不及格vt.1. 评定(某人)不及格2. (因不及格而) 退学spunk:n.1. <非正>勇敢;坚决;坚定2. 精液chunk:n.1. 厚厚的一块, 厚片;大块2. (某物)相当大的数量或部分skunk:n.1. 臭鼬2.臭鼬毛皮3.<口>卑鄙的人;可恶的人vt.1. <俚>使惨败;使得零分2. 烂醉如泥hunk:n.1. 大片,大块2. 富有魅力的健美男子swank:vi.1. <英,非正,贬>炫耀;卖弄plank:n.1. (厚)木板2. 政纲条目, 政策要点28. prop/ plot/ prod/ ploy/ plodprop:n.1. 支柱, 支柱物;支持者,后盾2. 道具3. (橄榄球中的)支柱前锋vt.1. 支撑, 支持, 维持plot:n.1. 故事情节2. (秘密)计划, 密谋3. 小块地皮4. 基址,地基5. 小区,小地段6. (建筑物等的)平面图;标绘图;基址图;(曲线等)图表;【军事】(地图上炮击目标的)标定点;7. (戏剧、小说等的)情节8. 【军事】(炮兵)测算表vt.1. 把…分成小块; 划分2. 绘制; 标出3. 密谋;策划4. 为(文学作品)设计情节,构思5. 测定(点线的)位置;作图表示方程式;画曲线vt. & vi.1. 密谋vi.1. 设计作品情节2. 标绘;作图;用坐标确定位置,坐标显示prod:vt. & vi.1. 刺, 戳vt.1. 刺激;促使2. (用手指或尖物)戳,捅,杵ploy:n.1. 策略,手法plod:vt. & vi.1. 沉重缓慢地走(路)vi.1.努力从事,沉闷地苦干2.缓慢进行(尤指艰难枯燥的工作)3.坚持不懈地做(困难或枯燥的事)29. trammel/ pummeltrammel:n.1. 限制,束缚2. 渔网3. 椭圆规;量规vt.1. 束缚;妨碍2. 用网捕捉pummel:vt.1. (尤指用拳头)连续打30. disparate/ desperate/ disparagedisparate:adj.1. (两种或两种以上的事物) 迥然不同的; 无法比较的2. 由不同的人(或事物)组成的desperate:adj.1. 不顾一切的, 拼命的2. 铤而走险的, 孤注一掷的3. 极想望的, 极需要的4. 危急的, 极严重的disparage:vt.1. 轻视,贬低;批评,非难31. gem/ stem / hemgem:n.1. (经切割打磨的)宝石2. 宝物, 精华, 珍品, 美丽绝伦的事物;难能可贵的人;风景优美的地方stem:n.1. (花草的)茎, (树木的)干,梗,柄2. 词干,语干3. (高脚酒杯的)脚;烟斗柄;有…茎(或梗)的;vt.1. 遏制[阻止](液体的流动等)2. 阻止;封堵;遏止hem:n.1. 布的褶边; 贴边;(衣服等的)褶边;卷边2. 短促的咳嗽vt.1. 缝…的褶边,(给某物)缝边,镶边2. 包围32. ransom/ randomransom:n.1. 付赎金救人; 赎金random:adj.1. 随意的, 任意的, 无计划的, 未经事先考虑的, 胡乱的2. (统计)随机的33. lament/ latent/ patentlament:vt. & vi.1. (为…)哀悼, 痛哭, 悲伤n.1. 悲恸, 哀歌, 挽歌latent:adj.1. 潜伏的, 潜在的, 不易觉察的2. 隐藏的patent:n.1. 专利, 专利权2. 专利品3. 公有土地转让证书4. 独享的权利;特权5. 素质;特征adj.1. 专利的;特许的;受专利保护的2. 显然的;明显的;公然的;公开的3. 专利证允许的;专利下适用的4. 开放的;可利用的5. 与专利权有关的;专卖的6. 精巧的;别致的;上等的vt.1. 获得…专利, 给予…专利权2. [美国英语]为(公有土地)颁发转让证书,转让(公有土地) 3. (钢丝)韧化处理;铅淬火34. stencil/ utensilstencil:n.1. (有图案或文字的)模板,刻字蜡纸2. 用模板印出的文字或图案n.1. 刻蜡纸者2. 蜡纸3. (刻蜡版的)铁笔vt.1. 用模板印(文字或图案utensil:n.1. 器具, 用具, 器皿35. rebuff/ rebate/ rebuttal/ rebukerebuff:n.1. 粗暴拒绝,轻蔑回绝vt.1. 粗暴拒绝;冷落rebate:n.1. 退还款2. 回扣,返还(退还的部份货价);折扣rebuttal:n.1. 举反例;反驳;抗辩rebuke:vt.1. 责难或指责n.1. 非难; 责难36. poke/ spoke / stoke/ strokepoke:vt. & vi.1. 伸出; 戳出2. 戳, 刺; 拨弄3. 戏弄vt.1. 与(某人)性交2. 捅窟窿;扎洞n.1. 扎,戳;马力spoke:1. speak的过去式n.1. (车轮的)辐条;轮辐2. 破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动stoke:vt.1. 拨旺火2. 预先吃饱;预先吃好3. 往(火里等)加燃料4. 使(感觉)更加强烈;火上加油5. 煽动;激起stroke:n.1. (打、击等的)一下, 一击2. 一画, 一笔3. (游泳或划船的)划, 划法; 游法; 游泳姿势4. 钟的敲声; 钟声; 鸣; 敲5. 中风6. 轻抚7. 击球(动作)8. (指挥船上其他桨手的)尾桨手9. (成功的)举动;(高明的)举措;(巧妙的)办法;(成功的)事情10. 击中;撞击11. (心脏、脉搏的)跳动,搏动12. (机件等的)来回动作;(鸟翼的)来回扇动13. (引起伤害、痛苦等的)突然打击;(疾病等的)突然发作vt.1. 轻抚, 抚摸2. 轻挪;轻触;轻拭3. 待(某人)非常好;(尤指)顺着(某人)以便为自己办事4. (用笔等)画;划掉5. 敲击,打击vi.1. 【体育】击球2. 【划船】作尾桨手;指挥划桨vt. & vi.1. (打字时)击打键盘37. scuttle/ scutter/ scatterscuttle:n.1. 天窗vt.1. 使船沉没vi.1. 快跑, 急走scutter:1. 疾走scatter:vt. & vi.1. (使)散开, (使)分散; 驱散vt.1. 撒n.1. 散落;三三两两;零零星星38. pastiche/ panachepastiche:n.1. 模仿作品2. 拼凑的艺术作品,集锦3. 模仿的艺术风格panache:n.1. 神气十足,炫耀自负39. trim/ prim/ brim/ grimtrim:vt.1. 修剪, 整修2. 除去, 削减3. 装饰4. 整理;使整齐;修饰5. 剪掉;修除(树枝等)(常与off 连用)6. 减少;缩减;压缩7. 根据情况修正(意见等)adj.1. 整齐的, 整洁的, 匀称漂亮的2. 整齐的;整洁的3. 苗条的;匀称的4. 状况良好的;保养得好的5. 调整妥当的;准备停当的;备用的n.1. 修剪2. 准备就绪, 井井有条, 整整齐齐, 状态极佳3. 整齐;整洁;整顿态度4. 健康状态;正常状态5. 装束;装备;一套用具6. 修剪下来的部分vi.1. (政治上)走中间路线;两面讨好;骑墙2. 削减3. (船等)保持平衡;调整帆(或桁)使(船)保持平衡prim:adj.1. 循规蹈矩的2. 整洁的3. (人)一本正经;循规蹈矩adv.1. 循规蹈矩地;整洁地n.1. 循规蹈矩;整洁brim:n.1. 边, 边缘vi.1. 注满grim:adj.1.严酷的,无情的2.讨厌的,糟糕的3. 严厉的4. 阴冷的,阴森凄凉的5. 有病的,不舒服的40. prime/ primpprime:adj.1. 首要的; 主要的; 基本的2. 最好的, 第一流的3. 优质的;上乘的;优异的4. 典型的;有代表性的5. 最可能的;首选的;最适宜的6. 最初的;原始的;初期的7. 获得最高信誉评价的,信用等级最高的8. 青春的;血气旺盛的9. 【数学】质数的,互为质数的;素数的n.1. 全盛时期2. 盛年;年富力强的时期;鼎盛时期3. 初期;最初4. 精华;最好部分5. 【宗教】[常P-](早晨六时的)晨课;一时课;晨祷6. 【数学】质数,素数(=prime number)7. 上撇号,符号(′);(计时的)分号;英尺号;重音符号vt.1. 使准备好, 使完成准备工作2. 事先指导, 事先向…提供情况3. 在(金属、木材等上)打底漆4. 装填;为…装雷管(或火药)5. (注入水等)使泵起动;(注入汽油等)使运行6. 刺激adv.1. 极好地vi.1. (为枪炮)装火药,装雷管2. 注水入泵引起;水雾与蒸汽混合3. 涂底漆,涂头道漆4. 修剪树枝;采摘烟叶primp:vt. & vi.1. (尤指对着镜子)精心打扮41. skimp/ skimskimp:vt. & vi.1. 节省;克俭2. 节省( 钱或时间);省吃俭用skim:vt.1. 撇去vt. & vi.1. 掠过, 轻轻擦过2. 略读, 浏览42. pout/ rout/ lout/ tout/ bout/ flout/ clout/ spout/ stout/ sproutpout:vt. & vi.1. 撅(嘴)n.1. (恼怒或性感地)撅嘴rout:vt.1. 打垮, 赶跑2. (体育)打败对方lout:n.1. <贬>笨拙<粗鲁>的(年轻)人tout:vt. & vi.1. 兜售(货物);招揽(生意)2. 探听赛马情报;暗通(赛马)情报3. 侦查,暗查4. 兜售;兜销;招徕5. 招揽,兜揽(生意、工作等)6. (在剧院、体育场等外)倒卖高价票,卖黑市票n.1. 招徕2. 侦查者3. 探听赛马的情报4. (音乐会、体育比赛等的)卖高价票的人,票贩子vt.1. 标榜;吹捧;吹嘘bout:n.1. 拳击(或摔跤)比赛, 较量, 回合2. 一段(工作), 一次(训练), 一场(疾病); (尤指坏事的)一通,一次3. (疾病的)发作;发病期flout:vt.1. 藐视, 轻视clout:n.1. 猛打;敲打2. (尤指政治上的)影响,影响力,势力3. (用手或硬物的)击,打vt.1. (尤指用手)猛击,重打spout:vt. & vi.1. (指液体)喷出, 涌出,喷射2. 滔滔不绝地讲;喋喋不休地说3. 喷水n.1. 管口, 喷口2. 在困难中;被毁灭;丧失掉3. (喷出的)水柱,液体柱4. (容器的)嘴stout:adj.1. 粗壮的; 结实的; 坚固的; 厚实牢固的2. 坚定的; 勇敢的; 顽强的; 坚毅的; 不屈不挠的3. (指人)肥胖的, 肥壮的n.1. 烈性黑啤酒sprout:vi.1. 发芽, 抽芽, 长出2. 出现;(使)涌现出vt.1. 长出(叶、毛发等)n.1. 新芽, 嫩枝43. denude/ divulge/ deluge/ deludedenude:vt.1. 使赤裸2. 剥光覆盖物divulge:vt.1. 吐漏, 泄露, 透露(秘密)deluge:n.1. (大)洪水;大雨, 暴雨2. 涌现的事物;蜂拥而至的事物vt.1. 泛滥; 淹没(经常为主动语态;正式用语)2. 使涌来; 使充满delude:vt.1. 欺骗, 哄骗44. proposition/ prepositionproposition:n.1. 论点; 主张2. 建议; 提案3. 命题4. 欲做的事;待处理的问题;任务5. (美国)法律修正议案preposition:n.1. 前置词,介词45. ginger/ girder/ girth/ girdleginger:n.1. 姜, 生姜2. 姜黄色adj.1. 姜黄色的vt.1. 使有活力;使活跃;使兴奋girder:n.1. 大梁girth:n.1. 周长,(马等的)肚带,腰身v.1. 以带束缚,围绕,包围,围长为girdle:n.1. 腰带2. 妇女紧身褡3. 环形物, 围绕物4. (支持四肢的)带, 肢带骨vt.1. 围绕, 包围46. sober/ somber/ somnolent/ somatic/ slumbersober:adj.1. 没喝醉的; 头脑清醒的; 未醉的2. (人及其行为) 持重的; 冷静的3. (颜色或服装) 素净的; 淡素的vt. & vi.1. (使)变得持重; 亦得冷静somber:adj.1.昏暗的;阴沉的2.忧郁的;闷闷不乐的3. 严峻的4. (颜色等)暗淡的,灰暗的;朴实无华的somnolent:adj.1. 瞌睡的;困的;昏昏欲睡的2. 使人瞌睡的,催眠的adv.1. 瞌睡地,昏昏欲睡地2. 使人瞌睡地,催眠地somatic:adj.1. 肉体的;躯体的;身体的slumber:vi.1. 睡眠;安眠n.1. 睡眠47. vitrify/ vitriolic/ vitreousvitrify:vt. & vi.1. (使)成玻璃[玻璃状物体]vitriolic:adj.1. 硫酸的2. 尖刻的,辛辣的vitreous:adj.1. 玻璃(似)的,玻璃质的adv.1. 玻璃状地n.1. 玻璃状态,透明性48. levelheaded/ hardheadedlevelheaded:adj.1. 头脑冷静的,清醒的;稳健的hardheaded:adj.1.(尤指在做生意时)精明的,讲究实际的;不感情用事2.<尤美>愚蠢的;顽固的,固执的49. trinket/ trickle/ trickery/ ticklish/ tickler/ sticklertrinket:n.1. 小装饰品, 小件饰物, 琐物2. 无价值的琐细杂物;小玩意儿trickle:vt. & vi.1. 滴, 淌, 细流2. 使)慢慢走,缓慢移动n.1. 滴, 淌, 细流2. 稀稀疏疏缓慢来往的东西trickery:n.1. 欺骗,哄骗,耍花招ticklish:adj.1. (指人)怕痒的2. 需要小心处理的;难对付的;棘手的3. 易怒的;易变的adv.1. 怕痒地n.1. 怕痒;小心处理tickler:n.1. 呵痒的人;使人痒的东西2. 使人高兴的人(或物)3. 难事,难题,棘手的问题4. <美>备忘录,记事本,到期票据记录簿stickler:n.1. 坚持…的人50. pelt/ pelfpelt:vt.1. (连续地)投掷2. 连续抨击,攻击3. 剥去…的皮vi.1. (连续地)投掷;开火2. (雨等)急降,猛落3. <口>迅猛前进n.1. 投掷;打击2. 抨击;质问3. (雨等的)大降,猛落4. 速度5. <英><方>一阵大怒6. (动物的)生皮;毛皮7. 全速;大力地pelf:n.1. <贬,诙>金钱;财物51. flail/ frail/ flay/ fray/ brayflail:n.1. (脱粒用的)连枷vt.1. 用连枷脱粒2. 鞭打;抽打3. (臂或腿)无法控制地乱动4. 扫雷坦克frail:adj.1. 脆弱的, 薄弱的, (尤指身体)虚弱的2. 弱的;易损的;易碎的。




Cuticle:表皮Celebrity:名人Celerity:快速,迅速Rapine:劫掠,掠夺Repine:不满,心中抱怨Decompose:使腐败Discompose:使失态,慌张Renegade:背教,变节,脱党者(的) Renege:食言,毁约,背信弃义,否认,拒绝Relegate:降职,驱逐,委托Susceptive:敏感的,易受影响的Surreptitious:鬼鬼祟祟的ProvisionL粮食的供应,法律条款Provisional:暂时的,临时的Extrapolate:预测,推测Interpolate:加入(额外的事),篡改Absolution:赦免,免除Canon:经典,真作Cannon:大炮Somber:忧郁的,阴暗Sober:清醒、庄重的Sobriety:截止的,一本正经的Blunder:犯大错,愚蠢之举Plunder:抢劫,掠夺Sham:假货,虚假,伪装Veracious:诚实的,说真话的Voracious:狼吞虎咽的,贪婪的Ingenious:聪明的,有发明天赋的Ingenuous:淳朴的,坦白的,正直的Thicket:树木,灌木丛Trinket:小装饰品Indolent:懒惰的Insolent:粗野无礼的Homely:家常的,朴素的,不漂亮的Homily:说教,训诫Impertinent:卤莽无礼的Impenitent:不悔悟的Imprudent:a,轻率的,卤莽的Impudent:放肆无礼,厚颜无耻Excrete:分泌,排泄Execrate:憎恶,咒骂Inpetuous:冲动的,猛烈的,轻率的,急噪的Impervious:不能渗透的,不为所动的Impertinence:卤莽,无礼,不恰当Natty:整洁的Tatty:衣衫蓝缕的Prevarication:支吾,搪塞Prevarious:不稳定的Apocalyptic:预示灾祸的,启示的Apocryphal:伪经的,伪冒的Apocrypha:伪经,伪书Hangdog:沮丧的Underdog:牺牲者,受害者Perspicuous:明了的Perspicacious:敏锐的Torpor:不活泼Torpid:麻痹的。




如下例,toxicdetoxicate vt.除毒,解毒intoxicate v.使醉,陶醉intoxicant adj.醉人的toxic adj.有毒的,中毒的其中,“toxic”标题表示在下面列出的几个单词中都含有这个部分,而不论它位于单词的什么位置。

如下例:port^comport v.举止,行为disport v.玩耍、嬉戏purport n.意义,涵义rapport n.和睦,意见一致sport v.炫耀,卖弄其中,“^”表示以下列出的单词都以“port”结尾.若“^”在标题前面,则表示列出的单词都以标题的部分开头.如下例:^dictdictate v.口述、命令dictator n.独裁者dictum n.格言、声明若是标题中含有’*’,则它的意思和DOS命令里的通配符是一个意思。

如下例:^f*ble^foible n.小缺点,小毛病fumble v.摸索,搜寻finable adj.应罚款的friable a.易碎的至于上面的几种情况的组合,我想小学生都明白是什么概念。

形近词bble^ ddle^babble v.说蠢话,牙牙学语 addle v.使腐坏,使昏乱bubble v.起泡n.气泡,水泡 cuddle v.n.搂抱,拥抱dabble v.涉足,浅赏 huddle v.挤成一堆n.一堆人(杂物)dribble v.(液体)往下滴,淌mollycoddle v.过份爱惜,娇惯 n.娇生惯养的人gabble v.急促而不清楚地说 muddle n.混乱,迷惑gobble v.贪婪地吃,吞没 puddle n.水坑,洼hobble v.蹒跚,跛行 saddle n.鞍,马鞍nibble v.一点点地咬,慢慢啃 twaddle n.胡说八道,瞎扯pebble n.小卵石,石子waddle v.(鸭子等)摇摇摆摆地走quibble n.遁词,吹毛求疵的反对意见doddle n.轻而易举之事rabble n.乌合之众,暴民,下等人rubble n.(一堆)碎石,瓦砾scribble v.乱写、乱涂pple^ ee^cripple n.跛子v.(使)残废apogee n.远地点(太阳等距离地球最远的点) stipple v.点画,点描 decree n.命令,法令v.颁布命令,公告supple adj伸屈自如的,灵活的 filigree n.金银丝做的工艺品topple v.倾覆,推倒 glee n.欢喜,高兴 jamboree n.快乐,喧闹的集会lessee n.(房地产的)租户ttle^ levee n.防洪堤,堤岸belittle v.轻视,贬抑 perigee n.近地点guttle v.狼吞虎咽 lessee n.(房地产的)租户mettle n.勇气,斗志 levee n.防洪堤,堤岸nettle n.荨麻v.烦忧,激恼 perigee n.近地点prattle v.闲聊,空谈 referee n.裁判员,仲裁者scuttle v.急赶、疾走,逃辟 repartee n.机灵的回答scuttle n.舷窗、舱口盖 toupee n.男用假发throttle v.掐脖子,扼杀n.节流阀pedigree n.家谱,纯种系谱whittle v.削(木头),削减 puttee n.绑腿,裹腿tattle v.闲谈,泄密scree n.山坡上的碎石堆twee adj.脆弱的,故作多情的zzle^granddrizzle v.n.下毛毛雨,毛毛雨 aggrandize v.增大,扩张embezzle v.盗用,侵吞 grandeur n.壮丽,伟大guzzle v.大吃大喝 grandiloquent adj(语言等)夸张的,夸大的jigsaw puzzle n.拼图游戏 grandiose adj.浮夸的,夸大的nuzzle v.用鼻擦,触,紧挨 grandstand n.正面看台,哗众取宠的表演razzle n.狂欢聚会grav foreaggravate v.加重,恶化 forebode v.预兆,凶兆gravel n.碎石,砂砾foreboding n.预感,预兆gravity n.严肃,一本正经 foreclose v.排除,取消抵押品的赎回权forensic adj.法庭的,辩论的 f_ ck forerunner n.预兆,前兆,先驱feckless adj.无目标无计划的 forestall v.先发制人,预先阻止fickle adj.(爱情或友谊上)易变的,不坚定的foreordain v.预先注定tilit germfertility n.肥沃,丰饶 germane adj.有密切关系的,贴切的futility n.无用,无益germinate v.发芽,发展hostility n.敌对状态,敌意utilitarian adj.功利的,实利的gest(管道,带来) norm(标准,规范) congest v.充血,使拥挤abnormal adj.不正常的,变态的congestion n.充血,拥挤 enormity n.极恶,暴行,巨大gestation n.怀孕,孕育时期 enormous adj.极大的,巨大的gesticulate v.做手势表达ingest v.咽下,吞下norm n.规范,准则suggestible adj.易受影响的normative adj.规范的,惯常的同义词毗连烤abut v.接界,毗连barbecue n.烤肉架,烤肉adjacent adj.接近的,毗连的 baste v.倒脂油于(烤肉上,以防烤干)coterminous adj.毗连的,有共同边界的 gridiron n.烤架,橄榄球场grill v.烤,烤问n.烤架无知parch v.烘烤,干热gosling n.小鹅,年轻无知的人 scorch v.烤焦,烧焦ignoramus n.无知者,笨蛋 skewer n.(烤肉用的)串肉杆v.用杆串好ignorance n.无知broil v.烤,烧胆汁主义bile n.胆汁altruism n.利他主义,不自私bilious adj.多胆汁的,坏脾气的 asceticism n.禁欲主义gall n.胆汁(bile),怨恨(hatred) celibacy n.独身(主义)chauvinism n.沙文主义,盲目爱国主义散漫cynicism n.愤世嫉俗,犬儒主义amorphous adj.无定形的,散漫的 eclecticism n.折衷主义desultory adj.不连贯的,散漫的 empiricism n.经验主义diffuse v.散布,(光等)漫射 dj.漫射的,散漫的epicurean adj.好享乐的,享乐主义的discursive adj.散漫的,无层次的放荡 exhibitionism n.风头主义debauch v.使放荡,堕落hedonism n.享乐主义,享乐debauchery n.放荡,沉缅酒色jingoism n.沙文主义,侵略主义dissipated adj.浪费的,放荡的 monasticism n.修道生活,禁欲主义dissolute adj.放荡的,无节制的 nihilism n.虚无主义,无政府主义raffish adj.轻浮的,放荡的 optimism n.乐观主义patriotism n.爱国主义,爱国心pragmatic adj.实际的,实用主义的pragmatism n.实用主义reciprocity n.互惠主义,相互利益totalitarian adj.极权主义的autism n.孤独症,自我中心主义。




GRE词汇精选之高频形近词131. faction / fiction / factitious / fictitiousfaction: A faction is an organized group of people within a larger group, which opposes some of the ideas of the larger group and fights for its own ideas.e.g. A peace agreement will be signed by the leaders of the countrys warring factions.factitious: produced by humans rather than by natural forcesfictitious: Fictitious is used to describe something that is false or does not exist, although some people claim that it is true or exists.132. calamity / calumnycalamity: A calamity is an event that causes a great deal of damage, destruction, or personal distress. (FORMAL)(=disaster)calumny: Calumny or a calumny is an untrue statement made about someone in order to reduce other peoples respect and admiration for them. (FORMAL)(=slander)(污蔑,诽谤(的话))133. team / teemteem: If you say that a place is teeming with people or animals, youmean that it is crowded and the people and animals are moving around a lot. (=swarm)134. callow / callouscallow: A callow young person has very little experience or knowledge of the way they should behave as an adult.callous: A callous person or action is very cruel and shows no concern for other people or their feelings.135. contrite / contrive / connivecontrite: If you are contrite, you are very sorry because you have done something wrong. (FORMAL)(= apologetic)contrive: If you contrive to do something difficult, you succeed in doing it. (FORMAL)connive: If one person connives with another to do something, they secretly try to achieve something which will benefit both of them.136. discrete / discreetdiscrete: Individually separate and distinct:discreet: Careful and prudent in one’s speech or actions, especially in order to keep something confidential or to avoid embarrassment:137. impressive / impressionableimpressionable : easily influencedGRE词汇精选之高频形近词121. substantiate / substantial / substancesubstantiate: To substantiate a statement or a story means to supply evidence which proves that it is true. (FORMAL)substantial: Substantial means large in amount or degree. (FORMAL)122. rebuke / rebuffrebuke: If you rebuke someone, you speak severely to them because they have said or done something that you do not approve of. (FORMAL)(责骂)rebuff: If you rebuff someone or rebuff a suggestion that they make, you refuse to do what they suggest.123. scatter / spatterspatter: If a liquid spatters a surface or you spatter a liquid over a surface, drops of the liquid fall on an area of the surface.124. tether / feathertether: If you say that you are at the end of your tether, you mean that you are so worried, tired, and unhappy because of your problems that you feel you cannot cope.To ruffle someones feathers means to cause them to become very angry, nervous, or upset.125. meander / demeanordemeanor: Your demeanor is the way you behave, which givespeople an impression of your character and feelings. (FORMAL)126. myopia / myriadmyopia: Myopia is the inability to see things properly when they are far away, because there is something wrong with your eyes. (FORMAL)( =short-sightedness)myriad: Myriad means having a large number or great variety.127. disposition / predispositiondisposition: Someones disposition is the way that they tend to behave or feel.(=nature)A disposition to do something is a willingness to do it. (FORMAL)(=inclination)predisposition: If you have a predisposition to behave in a particular way, you tend to behave like that because of the kind of person that you are or the attitudes that you have. (FORMAL)128. accede / cede / recede / accessaccede: If you accede to someones request, you do what they ask.(FORMAL)recede: If something recedes from you, it moves away.129. congenial / congenital / genial /genesiscongenial: A congenial person, place, or environment is pleasant.(FORMAL)congenital: A congenital characteristic or feature in a person is so strong that you cannot imagine it ever changing, although there may seem to be no reason for it.(= incorrigible)genial: Someone who is genial is kind and friendly.genesis: The genesis of something is its beginning, birth, or creation.(FORMAL)130. figment / pigmentfigment: If you say that something is a figment of someones imagination, you mean that it does not really exist and that they are just imagining it.pigment: A pigment is a substance that gives something a particular color.(FORMAL)GRE词汇精选之高频形近词111. causal / causticcaustic: A caustic remark is extremely critical, cruel, or bitter. (FORMAL)112. slight / blight / plight / delight113. fret / flat / flagfret: If you fret about something, you worry about it.114. daunt / haunt / vaunt / flaunt / saunter / gauntdaunt: If something daunts you, it makes you feel slightly afraid orworried about dealing with it.vaunt: If you describe something as vaunted or much vaunted, you meanthat people praise it more than it deserves. (FORMAL)flaunt: If you say that someone flaunts their possessions, abilities, or qualities, you mean that they display them in a very obvious way, especially in order to try to obtain other peoples admiration.saunter: If you saunter somewhere, you walk there in a slow, casual way.gaunt: If someone looks gaunt, they look very thin, usually because they have been very ill or worried.115. morbid / moribund / mordantmorbid: If you describe a person or their interest in something as morbid, you mean that they are very interested in unpleasant things, especially death, and you think this is strange.moribund: If you describe something as moribund, you mean that it is in a very bad condition. (FORMAL)mordant: Mordant humor is very critical and often mocks someone or something. (FORMAL)116. tepid / torpid / turbid / turgid / timid / intrepid /tepid: If you describe something such as a feeling or reaction as tepid, you mean that it lacks enthusiasm.torpid: If you are torpid, you are mentally or physically inactive, especially because you are feeling lazy or sleepy. (FORMAL) (= lethargic)turgid: If you describe something such as a piece of writing or a film as turgid, you think it is boring and difficult to understand.timid: Timid people are shy, nervous, and have no courage or confidence in themselves.intrepid: An intrepid person acts in a brave way.117. proliferate / prolific / prolix / profligateproliferate: If things proliferate, they increase in number very quickly. (FORMAL)prolific: A prolific writer, artist, or composer produces a large number of works.(⾼产的)prolix: using too many words.profligate: Someone who is profligate spends too much money or uses too much of something. (FORMAL)118. doubtable / redoubtableredoubtable: If you describe someone as redoubtable, you respect them because they have a very strong character, even though you are slightly afraid of them.119. impair / repair120. obtrude / obtuseobtrude: When something obtrudes or when you obtrude it, it becomes noticeable in an undesirable way. (LITERARY)(强⾼)obtuse: Someone who is obtuse has difficulty understanding things. (FORMAL)GRE词汇精选之高频形近词101. dismiss / remissremiss: If someone is remiss, they are careless about doing things which ought to be done. (FORMAL)102. contend / consent / constant / content / contemptcontend: If you have to contend with a problem or difficulty, you have to deal with it or overcome it.If you contend that something is true, you state or argue that it is true.(FORMAL)If you contend with someone for something such as power, you compete with them to try to get it.consent: If you give your consent to something, you give someone permission to do it. (FORMAL)contempt: If you have contempt for someone or something, you have no respect for them or think that they are unimportant.103. hunch / bunch / crunchhunch: If you have a hunch about something, you are sure that it is correct or true, even though you do not have any proof of it.(INFORMAL)crunch: If something crunches or if you crunch it, it makes a breaking or crushing noise, for example when you step on it.If you say that something will happen if or when it comes to the crunch, you mean that it will happen if or when the time comes when something has to be done.104. gauche / gaudygauche: If you describe someone as gauche, you mean that they are awkward and uncomfortable in the company of other people.gaudy: If something is gaudy, it is very brightly-colored and showy.105. meritorious / meretriciousmeritorious: If you describe something as meritorious, you approve of it for its good or worthwhile qualities. (FORMAL)(联系merit)meretricious: If you describe something as meretricious, you disapprove of it because although it looks attractive it is actually of little value. (FORMAL)106. blithe / litheblithe: You use blithe to indicate that something is done casually, without serious or careful thought.lithe: A lithe person is able to move and bend their body easily and gracefully.(=supple)107. enclose / disclosedisclose: If you disclose new or secret information, you tell people about it.108. compliment / complementcompliment: A compliment is a polite remark that you say to someone to show that you like their appearance, appreciate their qualities, or approve of what they have done.complement: If one thing complements another, it goes well with the other thing and makes its good qualities more noticeable.109. austere / astuteaustere: If you describe something as austere, you approve of its plain and simple appearance.astute: If you describe someone as astute, you think they show an understanding of behavior and situations, and are skilful at using this knowledge to their own advantage.(机敏;狡猾)110. pretentious / tendentious / contentioustendentious: Something that is tendentious expresses a particular opinion or point of view very strongly, especially one that many people disagree with. (FORMAL)contentious: A contentious issue causes a lot of disagreement or arguments. (FORMAL)。


limb n.肢,翼;大树枝 --> limber a.v.柔软的;轻快的;活动肢体
humid a.潮湿的 tumid a.1.肿胀的 2.夸张的
lout v.n.1.笨人 2.嘲弄 pout v.n.噘嘴,不高兴 rout v.n.1.溃败;击溃 2.骚乱,暴民 tout v.1.吹捧 2.招揽顾客
blanch = bleach v.漂白 blench v.1.变苍白 2.畏缩 clench v.1.握紧;使牢固 2.确定(证据、交易) n.卡钳,卡钉;握紧 clinch n.v.1.钉牢,使牢固 2.最终确定,确信
clan n.宗族;集团 clay n.粘土;肉体 clog n.v.阻塞物,障碍;堵塞,妨碍 clot n.(血液)凝块 v.凝结 在线批改作文、口语,语法纠错、恶补,制定计划,考前模拟,就立即来新东方批改网() 注册吧!让您的学习不再单调。本文来源于网络,版权归作者所有
在线批改作文、口语,语法纠错、恶补,制定计划,考前模拟,就立即来新东方批改网() 注册吧!让您的学习不再单调。本文来源于网络,版权归作者所有
supple a.1.柔软的,易弯曲的 2.顺从的;易受影响的 -t brittle a.易碎的;脆弱的 guttle n.v.贪吃,狼吞虎咽 mettle n.勇气,奋斗精神 nettle n.荨麻 v.1.用荨麻打 2.使烦恼,激怒 prattle n.v.闲聊,唠叨 rattle v.1.格格响声,短促尖利声 2.(人)啰嗦 shuttle n.v.织布梭;(如交通工具)事物来回往返 -z dazzle v.n.1.耀眼 2.杰出表现 drizzle n.v.毛毛雨;细水珠 guzzle v.狂饮 --> guzzler n.酒鬼
dawdle v.浪费(时间),缓慢 --> dawdler n.懒人,游手好闲者 shawl n.围巾,披肩 growl n.v.咆哮;怨言




GRE词汇精选:高频形近词150.a priori 未经观看分析地,既定地Definition: intuitively known without examination or analysisExample: Theres no a priori reason to think your expenses will remain the same in a larger city.151.ad hoc 临时支配的Definition: done onlywhen needed for a specific purpose, without planning or preparationExample: To keep thepolice force on the streets, the mayor and the city council made an adhocdecision to increase the salaries of law enforcement officers by ten percent.152.bona fide 真正的Definition: Honest;genuine; acting without the intention of defraudingExample: In order toreceive a refund for your returned purchase, you will need to show the salesclerk a bona fide receipt for the item.153.percapita 每人,按人安排的Definition: based oncalculations that show the average amount for each person affectedExample: The country’srecent wealth was indicated by a rise in per capita income.154.status quo 现状Definition: thepresent situation, or the way thatthings usually areExample: The newcompany president has plans to change the status quo and turn the business intoa new organization.155.viceversa 反之亦然Definition: theopposite of what has been saidExample: Should I cometo your house for dinner or vice versa?156.ad-lib 即兴演讲Definition: to act orspeak without preparing, to improviseExample: I lost thenotes for my talk and had to ad-lib.157.drop out of 中途退出Definition: to leavesomething such as an activitybefore youhave finished what you intended to do Example: She wasinjured in the first round and had to drop out of the competition.158.lose out to 输给…Definition: to lose acompetition to someone or somethingExample: Bill lost outto Sally in the election for student government president in a very close race.159.bear the stamp of something 具有..的迹象Definition: Be clearlyidentifiable withExample: Every work ofmaster watchmaker inevitably bears the stamp of his craftsmanship. 160.strip away 去掉Definition: to removeor peel something fromsomeone or something.Example: The emergencyroom nurse strips away the clothing from the burn victim.GRE词汇精选:高频形近词391. forge / forage / gorge / disgorgeforge: 1. to form (as metal) by heating and hammering v.锻造2. to make or imitate falsely especially with intent to defraudv.伪造forage: food for animals especially when taken by browsing or grazingn.饲料gorge: 1. throat; stomach,belly n.咽喉;胃2. to eat large amounts of food v.使吃饱disgorge: 1. to discharge by the throat and mouth v.吐出2. to give up on request or under pressure v.被迫交出392. flaccid / flappy / flippantflaccid: lacking strength or force adj.脆弱的flappy: flapping or tending to flap adj.飞扬的flippant: lacking proper respect or seriousness adj.轻率的,没礼貌的393. fallow / hallow / hollow / callow / harrow fallow:to plow, harrow, and break up (land) without seeding to destroyweeds and conserve soil moisture v.使土地休耕hallow: to respect greatly v.使神圣hollow: having nothing inside adj.中空的callow: used to describe a young person who does not have muchexperience and does not know how to behave the way adultsbehave adj. 年轻而无阅历的harrow: a cultivating implement set with spikes, spring teeth, or disksand used primarily for pulverizing and smoothing the soil n.耙394. prod / plodprod:1. to thrust a pointed instrument into v. 刺,戳2. to urge someone on v.刺激plod: 1. to work laboriously and monotonously v.辛勤工作2. to walk heavily or slowly v.沉重地走395. infatuate / infuriateinfatuate: 1.to cause to be foolish v.使糊涂2. to inspire with a foolish or extravagant love or admirationv.使沉迷infuriate:to make someone very angry v.使狂怒396. lapse / relapse / collapselapse:to become no longer effective or valid v.失效relapse: 1.to become ill again after a period of improvement in healthv.旧病复发2. to return to a bad condition, form of behavior, etc. v.故态复萌collapse: to break apart and fall down suddenly v.倒塌,瓦解397. lull / loll / lurk / lurchlull: to cause to sleep or rest v.平静,减弱loll: to act or move in a lax, lazy, or indolent manner v.懒洋洋地倚靠lurk: to be in a hidden place v.埋伏,潜藏lurch: to make a sudden, unsteady movement forward or sidewaysv.突然前倾398. laudatory / adulatorylaudatory: of, relating to, or expressing praise adj.赞美的adulatory: excessive or slavish admiration or flattery adj.阿谀的,奉承的399. machination / mechanism / mechanicmachination: a scheming or crafty action or artful design intended toaccomplish some usually evil end n.阴谋,阴谋mechanism: a process, technique, or system for achieving a resultn.原理,途径mechanic: of or relating to manual work or skill n.技工,机修工400. crutch / notch / stitchcrutch: to support on crutches v.用拐杖支撑notch: 1.a slit made to serve as a record n.刻痕 2. to achieve or get something v.得到stitch: to join something with stitches v.缝,缝合401. oblique / obloquyoblique:1. not stated directly adj.不光明正大的2. neither perpendicular nor parallel adj.斜的obloquy: 1. harsh or critical statements about someone n.毁谤,谩骂2. the condition of someone who lost the respect of otherpeople v.耻辱402. prone / pruneprone: having a tendency or inclination adj.有…倾向的,易于…的prune: to reduce something by removing parts that are not necessary orwanted v.修剪,剪除403. civility / proclivitycivility: polite, reasonable, and respectful behavior n.礼貌,礼仪proclivity: an inclination or predisposition toward something n.倾向404. purvey / purviewpurvey: to supply usually as a matter of business v.供应,供应purview: an area within which someone or something has authority,influence, or knowledge n.视野,范围405. stunt / stunningstunt: 1.to hinder the normal growth, development, or progress ofv.阻碍…的正常生长或进展2. an unusual or difficult feat requiring greatskill or daring n.噱头stunning:1. very surprising or shocking adj.令人惊讶的2. very beautiful or pleasing adj.极好的406. slur / blur / spur / demurslur: 1. to disparage v.诋毁2. to make indistinct v. 使模糊blur: 1.to make something unclear or difficult to see or rememberv.使模糊2. a smear or stain that obscures n.污迹spur: to encourage someone to do or achieve something v.鼓舞,刺激demur: to disagree politely with another person’s statement orsuggestion v.反对,提出异议407. scrupulous / scurrilousscrupulous: very careful about doing something correctlyadj.细心的,当心谨慎的scurrilous: using or given to coarse language adj.说话粗鄙恶劣的408. slake / slackslake: to subside v.平静,减弱slack: 1. not stretched or held in a tight position adj.松弛的2. doing something poorly because you are not putting enoughcare or effort into it adj.疏忽的,不在意的409. grudge / trudge / drudge / nudgegrudge: 1.to be unwilling to give or admit v. 不情愿做2. to dislike or feel angry toward someone for something v.怨恨trudge: to walk or march steadily and usually laboriouslyv.跋涉,困难地走drudge: to force to do hard, menial, or monotonous work v.强迫做苦工nudge: 1.to touch or push gently v.轻推2. to encourage someone to do something v.鼓舞3. to give a nudge v.唠叨GRE词汇精选:高频形近词411. venial / venal / menialvenial: (of a sin or mistake)not serious andtherefore able to be forgivenadj.稍微可被原谅的venal: capable of being bought or obtained for money or other valuableconsideration adj.贪污的,贿赂的menial: used to describe boring or unpleasant work that does notrequire special skill and usually does not pay much moneyadj.卑微的,仆人的412. terse / verseterse: brief and direct in a way that may seem rude or unfriendlyadj.简洁直接的verse n.诗,诗篇413. adorn / adoreadorn: to enhance the appearance of especially with beautiful objectsv.装饰adore: to love or admire someone very much v.喜爱 414. fabulous / nebulousfabulous: 1.wonderful and marvelous adj.极好的2.not real, told about in a story adj.寓言中的,传奇的nebulous:1. not clear, difficult to see adj.朦胧的2. of, relating to, or resembling a nebula adj. 星云的,星云状的415. vestige / vertigovestige:the last small part that remains ofsomething that existed beforen.遗迹,残余vertigo: a feeling of dizziness caused especially by being in a very highplace n.晕头转向416. disguise / disgustdisguise: to change the customary dress or appearance of v.伪装,掩饰disgust: to cause to have a strong feeling of dislike for somethingespecially because it has a very unpleasant appearance, taste,smell. etc. v.厌恶417. abstain / detain / obtain / retainabstain: 1.to choose not to use a vote,either infavor of or againstsomething v.弃权2. to refrain deliberately and often with an effort of self-denialfrom an action or practice v.自制,克制detain:1. to officially prevent from leaving a place v.拘留2. to restrain especially from proceeding v.耽搁 obtain: to gain or get something usually by effort v.获得retain: to keep in a position, job. etc. v.保持,保留418. antidote / anecdoteantidote: a substance that stops the harmful effects of a poison n.解药anecdote: a usually short narrative of an interesting, amusing, orbiographical incident n.奇闻,轶事419. fluster / clusterfluster: to make nervous and confused v.使惊慌cluster: a group of things or people that are close together n.群;簇;丛420. peek / peak / peevishpeek: 1.to look at someone or something secretly especially from ahidden place v.偷看,窥视2. a brief look n.一瞥peak: something that looks like a pointed top of a mountain n.顶峰peevish: feeling or showing irritation adj.易怒的,急躁的GRE词汇精选:高频形近词421. due / subdue / undue / imbuedue:1.required or expected to happen adj.预期的 2. owed or owing as a debt adj.到期的subdue:1. to get control by using force, punishment,etc. v.制服undue: more than is reasonable or necessary adj.过分的,过度的imbue: to cause to be deeply affected by a feeling or to have a certainquality v.灌输,渗透422. emphatic / empatheticemphatic: 1.said or done in a forceful or definite wayadj.着重的,加强语气的empathetic: involving, eliciting, characterized by, or based on empathyadj.移情作用的,同感的423. annex / apexannex: to add to something earlier, larger, or more important v.附加apex: the uppermost point n.顶点,顶端424. atrophy / atrociousatrophy:decrease in size or wasting away of a body part or tissue v.萎缩atrocious: extremely wicked, brutal, or cruel adj.凶狠的,残暴的425. containment / contaminatecontainment:1.the act of preventing the spread ofsomethingn.阻挡,牵制2.the act, process, or means of containing n.包含 contaminate: to soil, stain, corrupt, or infect by contact or associationv.污染,弄脏426. attrition / attributeattrition:the act of wearing or grinding down by friction n.磨损,摩擦attribute:1. an inherent characteristic n.属性,特质2. to regard as a characteristic of a person or thing v.把..归于427. inimical / iniquitousinimical:1.likely to cause damage or have a badeffect adj.有害的2. not friendly 敌意的iniquitous:very unfair or evil adj.邪恶的,不公正的428. abut / abet / abideabut:to touch along an edge v.临接,毗邻abet:to encourage or support someone in a criminal act v.煽动,教唆abide: 1. to accept or bear v.忍受,容忍2.to stay or live somewhere v.停留3. to remain or continue v.遵守429. exhale / inhale / haleexhale: to breathe out v.呼气,发散inhale:1.to breathe in v.吸入2. to eat or drink very quickly v.猛吃猛喝hale: 1.healthy and strong adj.强壮的2. haul, pull v. 猛拉3. to compel to go v.迫使430. morose / rose / rosymorose: very serious, unhappy, and quiet adj.郁闷的,孤僻的rose n.玫瑰rosy: 1. having a pink color adj.蔷薇色的2. having or producing hope for success or happiness in the futureadj.乐观的GRE词汇精选:高频形近词431. inedible / indelibleinedible: not fit to be adj.不能吃的indelible: impossible to remove or forget adj.难忘的432. mischievous / miscellaneousmischievous:1. able or tending to cause annoyance, trouble, or minorinjury adj.有害的2. irresponsibly playful adj.调皮的,恶作剧的miscellaneous: 1.consisting of diverse things or members adj.混杂的2. having various traits adj.多才多艺的3. including many things of different kinds adj.多方面的434. foul / foolfoul: 1.very unpleasant to taste or smell adj.难闻的2. very evil adj.邪恶的fool v.哄骗 n.傻瓜435. horrific / honorifichorrific: causing horror or shock adj.可怕的honorific: giving or expressing honor or respect adj.敬重的436. defecate / defectdefecate:1. to free from impurity or corruption v.澄清2. to pass solid waste from the body v.排便437. impunity / impugnimpunity: exemption or freedom from punishment, harm, or lossv.不受惩处impugn: to assail by words or arguments v.指责,反对438. embroider / ambrosial / embroilembroider: to sew a design on a piece of cloth v.刺绣,镶边ambrosial: something extremely pleasing to tasteor smell adj.特殊美味的embroil: to involve in conflict or difficultiesv. 使卷入,使混乱374. treaty / treatise / treatment 440. desertion / dissertationdesertion: the abandonment without consent orlegal justification of a person, post, orrelationship and the associated duties and obligations n.遗弃dissertation:an extended usually writtentreatment of a subject n.论文,专题GRE词汇精选高频形近词精选整合。



GRE词汇精选之高频形近字(4)31. censure / censor / census / consensuscensure: officially strong criticismconsensus: a general agreement about something32. mount / surmount / paramount / amount / tantamountsurmount: to deal with (a problem or a difficult situation) successfully; to be placed at the top of somethingtantamount: equal to something in value, meaning, or effect33. defy / defer/ deterdefer: put off, delay, postponedeter: to prevent (something) from happening34. spur / spurn / spurious / spurtspurn: to refuse to accept (something or someone that you do not think deserves your respect, attention, affection, etc.)spurious: not genuine sincere, or authenticspurt: to gush forth35. disparage / disparatedisparage: to describe (someone or something) as unimportant, weak, bad, etc.disparate: different from each other36. aesthetic / aseptic / ascetic / anestheticaseptic: free from germs that cause diseaseascetic: relating to or having a strict and simple way of living that avoids physical pleasureanesthetic: a drug that causes a person to lose feeling and to feel no pain in part or all of the body37. ostensible / ostentatiousostensible: seeming or said to be true or real but very possible not true or realostentatious: an unnecessary display of wealth, knowledge, etc., that is done to attract attention, admiration, or envy38. perspicuous / perspicaciousperspicuous: clear, apparentperspicacious: having or showing an ability to notice and understand things that are difficult or not obvious39. willful / willed / willingwillful: refusing to change your idea or opinion; done deliberatelywilled: deliberate40. forbear / forebearforbear: to avoid doing or saying (something)forebear: a member of your family in the past。

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rife: If you say that something, usually something bad, is rife in a place or that the place is rife with it, you mean that it is very mon.
strife: Strife is strong disagreement or fighting. (FORMAL)
stifle: If someone stifles something you consider to be a good thing, they prevent it from continuing.(=repress)
If you stifle your natural feelings or behavior, you prevent yourself from having those feelings or behaving in that way.(=suppress)
42. retrench / entrench
retrench: If a person or organization retrenches, they spend less money. (FORMAL)
entrench: If something such as power, a custom, or an idea is entrenched, it is firmly established, so that it would be difficult to change it.
43. pejorative / prerogative
pejorative: A pejorative word or expression is one that expresses criticism of someone or something. (FORMAL)
prerogative: If something is the prerogative of a particular person or group, it is a privilege or a power that only they have. (FORMAL)
44. patent / latent / salient / valiant
latent: Latent is used to describe something which is hidden and not obvious at the moment, but which may develop further in the future.
salient: The salient points or facts of a situation are the most important ones. (FORMAL)
valiant: A valiant action is very brave and determined, though it may lead to failure or defeat.
45. imminent / preeminent / prominent / eminent
imminent: If you say that something is imminent, especially something unpleasant, you mean it is almost certain to happen very soon.
preeminent: If someone or something is pre-eminent in a group, they are more important, powerful, or capable than other people or things in the group. (FORMAL)
prominent: important.
46. loutish / outlandish
loutish: If you describe a man or a boy as loutish, you are critical of them because their behavior is impolite and aggressive.
47. sprout / spout / flout / pout / tout
sprout: start to grow
spout: A spout of liquid is a long stream of it which is ing out of something very forcefully.( = jet)
If you say that a person spouts something, you disapprove of them because they say something which you do not agree with or which you think they do not honestly feel.
flout: If you flout something such as a law, an order, or an aepted way of behaving, you deliberately do not obey it or follow it.
pout: If someone pouts, they stick out their lips, usually in order to show that they are annoyed or to make themselves sexually attractive.
tout: If someone touts something, they try to sell it or convince people that it is good.
If someone touts for business or custom, they try to obtain it. (mainly BRIT)
48. flout / flaunt
flaunt: If you say that someone flaunts their possessions, abilities, or qualities, you mean that they display them in a very obvious way, especially in order to try to obtain other people"s admiration.
flout - 蔑视
49. apt / opt / adept / adapt / adopt
opt: If you opt for something, or opt to do something, you choose it or decide to do it in preference to anything else.
apt:(1) 合适的(2)有倾向的(3) 聪敏的
50. swift / sift / rift / drift / thrift
sift: If you sift through something such as evidence, you examine it thoroughly.
rift: A rift between people or countries is a serious quarrel or disagreement that stops them having a good relationship.
swift - 快速的
thrift - 节约的
drift - 漂移
