







上海新国际博览中心面积达80 500平方米平方米,,室外展览面积45 000平方米。

将要新建两个总面积达00023 000平方米的展厅平方米的展厅平方米的展厅,,其准备工作已经开始。


参考译文Shanghai new international expo center is located in the pudong district of Shanghai, it has the first-class facilities, is one of the world's most advanced exhibition center. The multifunctional facilities provided the ideal site for holdingvarious activities.Since opening, the Shanghai new international expo center has achieved rapid growth of business, each year more than 60 world-class exhibitions held in this.Shanghai new international expo center area of 500 square meters, 80 outdoor exhibition area of 000 squarebuild two a a total of 23, 000 square meters, 45. goingAre going to to twometers exhibition hall, the preparatory work has begun.The expansion of Shanghai new international expo center will further consolidate its leadership in China's exhibition market, and ensure the Shanghai exhibition center in east Asia leadership.。



2019上半年翻译资格初级口译考试模拟试题:中国的历史和文化英译汉I am interested in the oriental history and culture, particularly in the Chinese history and culture. I still remember till this day the remark of the late Chinese leader Mao Tse-tong, It is the people, and the people alone, that is the motive force in the making of world history.Chinese people are the people of diligence and intelligence; they are the creators of oriental civilization. Both my government and people believe that friendship and cooperation with China is an essential part of our future work.From what I have already seen in my short time here, and from the discussions which I have held, it is clear to me that there are indeed good prospects for an all-round cooperation between the United Kingdom and China, including both governmental and civil cooperation.If my current visit can help to advance the friendship which already exists between us, then that in itself will be a source of great satisfaction to me and a benefit to all of us.参考译文我对东方的历史和文化很感兴趣,特别是在中国的历史和文化。



2019年翻译资格英语初级口译考试习题1. The crying boy tries to fry the dry crystal.哭喊的男孩试图用油炸干晶体。

2. In the chimney the donkey and monkey found the key to the money monitor.猴和驴在烟囱里找到了货币监视器的钥匙。

3. At the edge of the wedged hedge, I acknowledged the knowledgeable man.在楔形篱笆的边缘上,我向那位博识的人致谢。

4. The shark's remark on the marble mark in the market is remarkable.骗子关于市场上大理石标记的评论值得注重。

5. In the sparking park, the darling dark dog barked at the embarked larks.在闪着火花的公园里,可爱的深色狗对着装载于船云雀吠叫。

6. The drifter swiftly shifted the gift to the left of the lift.那个漂泊者敏捷地将礼物换到电梯的左边。

7. The rival's arrival gives him a forgivable chance.对手的到来给他一个可原谅的机会。

8. From the fact, the shivering driver derives that the diver may thrive on river.发抖的司机从这个事实得出结论说跳水员能够靠河流繁荣。

9. The striver contrives to derive that privacy can't be deprived.奋斗者想方设法推导得出隐私(权)不可剥夺。



2019年翻译资格考试初级口译汉译英模拟题(七)The World Exposition is not the same as a trade fair,in which mainly governments and international organizations participate. The World Exposition,on the other hand,displays the achievements and prospects in the economic,cultural and technological sectors,and is an event where people from all over the world come together to exchange experience and ideas,and learn from one another. Long known as the economic,technological and cultural Olympic Games,the World Exposition is held every five years,and has been held in developed countries since it first took place in London in 1851.If Shanghai wins the bid for the 2010 World Exposition,China will be-the first developing country to host this major event. Hosting the exposition will have a positive impact on China,as China will not only learn from the experiences of other countries to further its reform and opening-up endeavor,but will also enhance its friendly relations with other countries. Besides,its role as hosting country will no doubt accelerate the development of world expositions elsewhere,which can promote worldwide economic,cultural and technological development.难点提示:①申办参考译文:世博会不同于贸易展览会,贸易展览会主要是由政府和国际组织参加的。











参考译文I wish to thank you for accepting my invitation to share your evening with my colleagues and me, and for honoring us with your presence. I’m happy that my visit should conclude in such a warm atmosphere.The worldwide excitement created by China is found in your willingness to face challenges, and in your genius in organizing the Chinese people to face them with you.Your government has awakened a spirit in your people. It is a spirit of cooperation, of involvement, of uplifting, of self-discipline. We have yet a lot to learn from your endeavor.We are leaving Beijing tonight, heartened with the agreement. We have reached, cheered by the frankness and fullness of our discussions, grateful for the hospitality you have accorded our arty.。







参考译文一Before I was taken ill, I had been a spoiled child of my parents, getting things my way in the family. Once isolated and confined to a small house on the slope of the garden, I suddenly found myself in disfavour and my wings clipped. One spring evening, with myriads of flowers in full bloom in the garden, my parents held a garden party in honour of many guests, whose arrival at once filled the place with laughing chats. In the small house on the slope, I quietly lifted the curtain, only to be met by a great and prosperous world with my elder brothers and sisters and my cousins among the guests, all in jubilation. All at once, seized by a fit of forlorn rage, I could not help bursting into tears.参考译文二Before I fell ill, I had been the bully under our roofs (in my family) owing to my doting parents. Feeling like being deposed into a cold palace, I began to taste the bitterness of depression and frustration immediately after I was segregated and confined in a small house on a hillside in our garden. On a spring evening, my parents gave a banquet in the garden where a profusion of flowers were in full bloom. In no time, crowd of their guests collected and laughter was heard all over there. I, without being noticed, lifted the curtain in my small room, only to spy the bustle of a kaleidoscopic world down in the garden, and my elder sisters, brothers and cousins, each full of the joys of spring, were shuttling among the guests/helping treat(host) the guests . Quickly enough, I was thrown into a fist of sorrowful anger at being forgotten and discarded by the rest and could not help crying my heart out.。



2019年翻译资格考试英语口译初级练习题(2)21. The wandering band abandoned her bandaged husband on Swan Island.流浪的乐队把她那位打着绷带的丈夫遗弃在天鹅岛上。

22. The manly Roman woman manager by the banner had man’s manner.军旗旁那位有男子气概的古罗马女经理具有男子风度。

23. In the lane the planer saw a planet airplane under the crane.在巷道里,刨工看见了起重机下的行星飞机。

24. The wet pet in the net hasn’t got on the jet plane yet.网中的湿宠物还没有登上喷气飞机。

25. After maintenance the main remains and remainders are left on the domain.维修之后,主要遗骸和剩余物留在了领地上。

26. The grandson branded the brandy randomly.孙子给白兰地随机地打上烙印。

27. The landlord’s land on the hightland of the mainland expanded a lot.地主在大陆高原上的土地扩张了很多。

28. Utilize the fertilizer to keep the land fertile.利用化肥保持土地肥沃。

29. The grand commander demands thousands of sandysandwiches.大司令官要成千个沙色三明治。

30. I infer that he is indifferent to differentiating the offers in different conferences.我推断他对区分不同会谈中的报价漠不关心。



2019年翻译资格考试英语口译初级练习题(11)201. The loser closely enclosed himself in the closet.那个失败者把自己严密地封闭在小室内。

202. The composer was proposed to decompose his composition into components.作曲家被建议将著作分解成单元。

203. The one-eyed man obeyed the obedient a udience’s order.独眼人服从了顺从的听众的命令。

204. The depositor positively positioned the preposition in that position on purpose.储户有意确信地介词放置在那个位置。

205. In church the nurse cursed the people pursuing the purple purse.在教堂里,护士诅咒了追求紫色钱包的人们。

206. The faculty for agricultural culture isn’t difficult to cultivate.农业栽培能力不难培养。

207. The reservoir in the reserved preserve is an obstacle to the obstinate observer.预留保护区内的水库对固执的观察者是一个障碍。

208. The desert deserves the nervous servants to observe.那个沙漠值得神经紧张的公务员们去观察。

209. The bulk of the ruby rubbish on the pebble bubbles when stirred by bulbed rubber club.小卵石上的大部分红宝石废料在用有球状突起的橡胶短棍搅动时会起泡。



2019 年英语初级翻译口译资格证书考试模拟试题第一部分综合笔试SECTION 1 :LISTENING TEST (40 minutes)Part A :Spot Dictation ( 20 points )Directions :In this part of the test, you will hear apassage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill ineach of the blanks with the word or words you have heard onthe tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space inyour ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage onlyonce.Around the (1)______young people are spending (2)________sums of money to listen to rock music. Forbes Magazine claimsthat at least (3) _______ rock stars have incomes of between(4)______ million and six million dollars (5)_______ year.“It doesn ’t make sense, ”says Johnny Mathis, one of the(6)_____ music millionaires, who made a million dollars ayear when he was most popular, in the 1950s. “Performersaren’t (7)________ this kind of money. In fact, nobody is. ”But the rock stars ’(8) _______ seem to disagree. Those wholove rock music spend about two billion dollars a year for(9)_______. They pay 150 million to see rockstars(10)________.Some observers think the (11)________ are buying more thanmusic. According to one theory, to play (12)________ doesn ’trequire much (13)_______. There is no gulf between theaudience and the (14)________. Every boy and girl in theaudience thinks, “I could sing like that. ”Rock music has become a kind of religion. (15)____________ are glad to payto worship a rock star because it is a (16)________ ofworshipping themselves.(17)_______ is a key word for explaining the (18)_________of many. In 1972 one of the (19)_________ was Don McLean, whowrote and sang “American Pie. ”McLean earned more than a million dollars from recordings of “American Pie. ”Then too, by writing his own music, McLean earns some (20) __________money.第一部分综合笔试SECTION 1:LISTENING TEST (40 minutes)Part A :Spot Dictation ( 20 points )Directions :In this part of the test, you will hear apassage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill ineach of the blanks with the word or words you have heard onthe tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space inyour ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage only once.Around the (1)______young people are spending (2)________sums of money to listen to rock music. Forbes Magazine claimsthat at least (3) _______ rock stars have incomes of between(4)______ million and six million dollars (5)_______ year.“It doesn ’t make sense, ”says Johnny Mathis, one of the (6)_____ music millionaires, who made a million dollars ayear when he was most popular, in the 1950s. “Performers aren’t (7)________ this kind of money. In fact, nobody is. ”But the rock stars ’(8) _______ seem to disagree. Those who love rock music spend about two billion dollars a year for(9)_______. They pay 150 million to see rockstars(10)________.Some observers think the (11)________ are buying more than music. Accor ding to one theory, to play (12)________ doesn ’t require much (13)_______. There is no gulf between theaudience and the (14)________. Every boy and girl in theaudience thinks, “I could sing like that. ”Rock music has become a kind of religion. (15)____________ are glad to payto worship a rock star because it is a (16)________ of worshipping themselves.(17)_______ is a key word for explaining the (18)_________of many. In 1972 one of the (19)_________ was Don McLean, who wrote and sang “American Pie. ”M c Lean earned more than a million dollars from recordings of “American Pie. ”Then too, by writing his own music, McLean earns some (20) __________ money.Part B :Listening Comprehension ( 30 points )I . StatementsDirections :In this part of the test, you will hearseveral short statements. These statements will be spokenonly once, and you will not find them written on the paper;so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement ,read the answer choices and decide which one is closest inmeaning to the statement you have heard. Then write theletter of the answer you have chosen in the correspondingspace in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Now let ’s begin with question number one.1. (A) Mrs. Lang and Mr.Hudson are old.(B) Mr. Hudson doesn ’t know ng very well.(C) ng has been Mr. Hudson ’s friend for many years.(D) Mrs. Lang and Mr.Hudson have just become friends.2. (A) Ralph stayed in Rome for the summer(B) Ralph left Rome for the summer.(C) Ralph went to Rome for the summer.(D) Ralph arrived in Rome during the summer.3. (A) We had dinner before we went to the movies.(B) We had dinner during the movie.(C) We walked to the movies before dinner.(D) We took our dinner to the movies.4. (A) I ’ll send you a postcard of my hotel in Paris.(B) Send me to get the postcard from your Paris hotel.(C) Mail me a picture postcard of your Paris hotel.(D) Mail the card to me from your hotel in Paris.5. (A) Janie and her mother like liver and bacon.(B) Janie ’s mother always c ooks bacon with liver.(C) Janie hates both liver and bacon.(D) If her mother doesn ’t fix bacon, Janie will not eat liver.6. (A) Martha spent two hours looking at TV.(B) Martha saw two watches on TV.(C) Martha liked the two-hour TV program.(D) Martha turned off the TV for two hours.7. (A) The city benefited from the rain.(B) The rain fell softly on much of the city.(C)The rain left too much water in much of the city.(D) Many neighborhoods didn ’t get any rain.8. (A) The baby cries when his diaper is changed.(B) The baby is unhappy when his diaper is soiled.(C) Don ’t change the diaper if the baby cries.(D) Changing the baby ’s diaper makes him cry.9. (A) The meeting opened at precisely 8 p.m.(B) 8 p.m. was too late to begin the meeting.(C) The meeting lasted until a little after 8 p.m.(D) The meeting was over at exactly 8 p.m.10. (A) Begin working if you arrive before I do.(B) Before you get here, be sure to finish the work.(C) Come as early as possible so we can do lots of work.(D) If you arrive early, we ’ll need more time to work. II . Talks and ConversationsDirections :In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these,you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully, because youwill hear the talk or conversation and the questions only once. When you hear a question, read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Questions 11~1511. (A) She paid ¥40.00 for the coat.(B) Her husband presented it to her as a gift.(C) She bought the cost on her fortieth birthday.(D) He friend sent it to her as a birthday gift.12. (A) To keep his old car and get a new one.(B) To leave it in the garage to be repaired.(C) To sell his car for a new one.(D) To get his car repaired later.13. (A) Husband and wife.(B) Father and daughter.(C) Doctor and patient.。













你的真诚合作,你的职业生涯的成功,和你的健康和幸福的家庭!干杯!参考译文Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I would like to thank all of the guests present here for your coming to the closing ceremony. Now I am honored to declare the close of the Australian-Chinese Trade Fair.Let me first of all briefly sum up the trade fair. The week-long fair has achieved great success. More than 130 contracts have been signed with about 90 companies from China. The total trade value is well over 1.2 billion dollars.Some companies are still making their best efforts to look for thepossibilities of expanding business relations and establishing joint ventures with China. We’re very pleased with the achievements and would like to thank all the participating guests for their efforts.Now, let’s ackno wledge the great success of this fair with a toast. To your sincere cooperation, to the success of your career, and to your health and happy family! Cheers!。



2019上半年翻译资格初级口译考试模拟试题:施瓦辛格施瓦辛格: 州长终结者终结者有一个梦想那就是成为美国加利福尼亚州州长终结者, 步另一位好莱坞明星罗纳德里根的后尘, 放弃演艺事业而投身更广阔的政治舞台。

2003 年8 月6 日, 动作明星阿诺德施瓦辛格出人意料地宣布投身竞选加利福尼亚州州长, 这一决定被掌声不时打断, 它预示着一场引人入胜的州长竞选即将拉开帷幕。

在银幕巨星施瓦辛格做出这惊人决定的前几周, 人们已在纷纷猜测他是否会在具有历史意义的罢免投票中终结现任加州州长格雷戴维斯的政治生涯。

这位奥地利裔演员时年56岁, 于1983 年加入美国国籍。

几年来他一直琢磨着在票箱而不是票房上显示一下自己的力量, 尽管他不是很认真。

但是经过几周的反反复复, 他的助手们希望这位大明星能够顾及妻子的担心而放弃10 月的州长竞选活动。


施瓦辛格也许花了好几年功夫扮演大片《终结者》中一个未来世界的机器人, 但他在银屏以外的政治能力也已显露出来。

他不仅在共和党内非常引人注目, 而且通过在特殊奥运会和其他体育活动中的工作建立了良好的群众基础。

2000 年, 他曾经考虑但最终放弃了参加加州州长的竞选。

三年来, 施瓦辛格获得了更高的声望、更多的个人财产仅《终结者3》就为他带来三千万美元的收入。


三十年前, 这位身高6 英尺2 英寸的健美运动员投奔美国投身电影, 以图名利双收, 然而他的名字叫来拗口, 英语又口音浓重, 曾一度阻碍了他实现自己的梦想。


他专注于健身运动, 曾七次获得奥林匹亚健美先生的称号, 还赢得奥地利橡树的绰号。

1982 年, 他终于在《野蛮人科南》中出演主角, 而1984 年的科幻动作大片《终结者》更让他一跃成为影坛巨星。

在电视台当记者的妻子玛丽娅施莱芙是肯尼迪家族( 民主党) 的成员。

据报道, 施莱芙担心这场旷日持久、引人注目的政治活动会对他们的四个年幼的孩子造成影响, 但她仍旧告诉施瓦辛格, 无论他做怎样的决定, 她都会支持他。



2019年翻译资格考试英语口译初级模拟题:旅游1、咨询旅行社旅行社:你好,请问你要去哪里旅游? Hi, May I help you?James: Hi, I understand that your agency arranges a trip to the Three Gorges from here. 你好,我听说你们旅行社由三峡旅游的项目。

旅行社:是的,我们每天都有游船从这里到三峡,分三峡一日游和两日游两种,请问你们准备选择哪种呢? Yes, we arrange daily cruise travel to the Three Gorges; there are one-day tours and two-day tours. Which one would you like?James: Whats the difference between these two tours? 这两个项目有什么区别吗? 旅行社:一日游的话,我们就是早上8点从重庆出发,乘快船游三峡,沿途参观张飞庙、白帝城、三峡等景点。



In the one-day tour, we leave Chongqing at 8 am and take a fast boat to the Three Gorges. During the trip we will visit Zhangfei Temple, Baidi City and the Three Gorges. By night we will arrive at Yichang for accommodations. In the two-day tour the trip is the same, except we take an ordinary boat.James: I see. How much does each cost? 额,是这样,那两种个要多少钱?旅行社:一日游是960元一个人,二日游稍微贵一点,1100元一个人。









参考译文As a holding company, the Heighton Exchange Corporate has transformed Heighton's financial services industry from a domestically focused industry to the global player it is today.As a listed company, Heighton competes vigorously for opportunities in the region and around the world. It is a market-driven business, operating in business-driven markets.With its establishment, Heighton has signaled its commitment to maintaining its position at the forefront of international financial markets. Its potential for growth is huge, both in the region and beyond.Our regulations are transparent, fair, flexible, supportive and responsive positively to the global development of financial markets andto the needs of both local and international investors.汉译英然而,人们对书籍往往求非所予。



2019年翻译资格考试英语口译初级模拟题:市场英译汉The economist John Maynard Keynes argued that market behavior could not be rational, or subject to improvement, since our existing knowledge did not provide a sufficient basis for a calculated mathematical expectation of investment returns. I think this observation is particularly true when the object of speculation involves the application of a new technology, such as the Internet.// Modern financial theory attempts to surmount the problem of an unknowable future by suggesting that returns can be predicted by measuring the past volatility of share prices -- shares that exhibit higher volatility are expected to yield greater returns. Yet this assumes the future will be a continuation of the past -- like steering a car by looking in the rear-view mirror. Investors therefore remain heavily dependent on their emotions. The feelings of greed and fear, that drive markets remain constant throughout the ages. // 参考译文经济学家约翰梅纳德凯恩斯曾经说过,市场的行为不可能是理性的,也不可能改进,因为我们现有的知识不能为经过精确计算而得出的投资收益预期提供充分的依据。



2019年翻译资格考试英语口译初级练习题(10)181. I mean he used mean means in the meantime on the ocean.我的意思是其间在海洋上他用了卑鄙手法。

182. The honourable journalist spent an hour on the journey of tour.可敬的新闻记者在观光旅程上花了一个小时。

183. The sour vapour pours into the flo urishing flour factory. It’s the source of resources.酸蒸汽涌进兴旺的面粉厂。


184. Of course the man’s courage encouraged the discouraged tourists in the courtyard.自然那个勇敢男子的勇气鼓舞了院子里泄气的游客们。

185. The zealous dealer has an ideal idea of dealing with the meal.热心的商人有一个处理膳食的理想主意。

186. He conceals the fact that he is jealous of my seal and wants to steal it.他隐瞒了他嫉妒我的印章并想偷的事实。

187. I really realized that a realm came into reality.我真地认识到一个王国已变成现实。

188. The healer reveals an appealing fact that health is greatwealth to the commonwealth.医治者揭示一个吸引人的事实:健康是联邦的巨大财富。

189. The absent-minded student consents to the sentence in the presence of me.心不在焉的学生在我面前同意这份判决。



2019年翻译资格考试英语口译初级模拟题:乡村英译汉I by comparison, living in my overpriced city apartment, walking to work past putrid sacks of street garbage, paying usurious taxes to local and state governments I generally abhor, I am rated middle class. This causes me to wonder, do the measurement make sense? Are we measuring only that which is easily measured--- the numbers on the money chart --- and ignoring values more central to the good life?For my sons there is of course the rural bounty of fresh-grown vegetables, line-caught fish and the shared riches of neighbours orchards and gardens. There is the unpaid baby-sitter for whose children my daughter-in-law baby-sits in return, and neighbours who barter their skills and labour. But more than that, how do you measure serenity? Sense if self?I dont want to idealize life in small places. There are times when the outside world intrudes brutally, as when the cost of gasoline goes up or developers cast their eyes on untouched farmland. There are cruelties, there is intolerance, there are all the many vices and meannesses in small places that exist in large cities. Furthermore, it is harder to ignore them when they cannot be banished psychologically to another part of town or excused as the whims ofalien groups --- when they have to be acknowledged as part of us.Nor do I want to belittle the opportunities for small decencies in cities --- the eruptions of one-stranger-to-another caring that always surprise and delight. But these are,sadly,more exceptions than rules and are often overwhelmed by the awful corruptions and dangers that surround us.参考译文:对我的几个儿子来说,乡村当然有充足的新鲜蔬菜,垂钓来的鱼,邻里菜园和果园里可供分享的丰盛瓜果。



2019年翻译资格考试英语口译初级练习题(3)41. At the dock I’m shocked to see the pocket rocket made ofa block of rock.在码头看到一块岩石做的小巧火箭,我感到震惊。

42. Standing under the outstanding rock I misunderstood his standard standpoint.站在突出的岩石下,我误解了他的标准立场。

43. The substantial part of the constitution about the institution of institutes is substituted.宪法中有关设立协会的实质性部分被替换。

44. Spell smell! Very well, the well-being for human being will swell.拼写气味(一词)!很好,人类的福利将会膨胀。

45. Once none of you is here, the man in throne will live alone in the lonely zone.一旦你们没有人在此,王位上的人就要孤独地生活在这个孤寂的地带。

46. Nowadays the once unknown snowy hill is well-known for snowstorm.如今那座曾经不出名的多雪小山因暴风雪而出名。

47. For instance, I can instantly know the constant distance.例如,我可以即刻知道该恒定距离。

48. The man beyond the bond is fond of the second wonderful diamond.那位不受约束的人喜欢第二颗奇异的钻石。

49. While sinking into thinking, the shrinking linkman drank the pink ink sprinkled on the wrinkly paper.陷入沉思时,退缩的联络员喝掉了洒在皱纹纸上的粉红色墨水。









参考译文It is simple enough to say that since books have classes--- fiction, biography, poetry--- we should separate them and take from each what it is right that each should give us. Yet few people ask from books what books can give us. Most commonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds, asking of fiction that it shall be true, of poetry that it shall be false, of biography that it shall be flattering, of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices. If we could banish all such preconceptions when we read, that would be an admirable beginning. Do not dictate to your author; try to become him. Be hisfellow-worker and accomplice. If you hang back, and reserve and criticize at first, you are preventing yourself from getting the fullest possible value from what you read. But if you open your mind as widely as possible, then signs and hints of almost imperceptible fineness, from the twist and turn of the first sentences, will bring you into the presence of a human being unlike any other. Steep yourself in this, acquaint yourself with this, and soon you will find that your author is giving you, or attempting to give you, something far more definite.。



2019上半年翻译资格初级口译考试模拟试题:谁是下一个姚明汉译英谁是下一个姚明?拉斯韦加斯的灯光如此眩目, 这位来自中国的巨人根本没有注意到周围的老外们悄悄打量他的目光。

此时, 他正凝眸远眺美国城市的一片奢华景象。

他惊讶于灯光通明的埃菲尔铁塔复制品, 高楼鳞次栉比的曼哈顿空中轮廓线, 以及令人眼花缭乱的罗马式喷泉。

一个脸色红润的美国游客打断了他的遐思; 他大喊道: 嗨! 姚明! 你是姚明! 这是他最讨厌听到的了。

他微微一笑, 用他学到的简单英语尽量礼貌地回答: 不, 我不是姚明。

不是姚明, 谁知道呢。


从上海加盟作为火箭队新秀的姚明让全美职业篮球赛如此轰动之后, 大洋两岸的人就期盼着这个身高2 .11 米的天才少年将会成为第二个姚明。



他表现出的巨大潜力他的大力灌篮, 稚嫩的长相,还有他有些神秘的年龄, 都使得他比姚明站在这个起点时更具优势。

在全美职业篮球赛打球的中国人, 现在除了姚明之外还有两个, 一个是身高2 .11 米壮硕的巴特尔, 效力于多伦多猛龙队的后发中锋; 一个是2.16 米身手敏捷的神投手王治郅,效力于洛杉矶快船队。

另外还有一个年方20 岁的身材消瘦的中锋薛玉洋。

他在今年夏天第二轮选秀中被小牛队选中, 但是由于没有经过国家体育总局的同意就参加选秀赛, 他无法在这个赛季加盟全美职业篮球赛。

全美职业篮球赛的球探们于是打起了那些更年轻的球员的主意, 比如19 岁的唐正东, 还有14 岁身高1 .86 米的篮球神童陈加华, 他扣篮的样子有点像中国的动作影星李连杰。

然而, 他们都无法与易建联相比, 这位新锐的天才被更多的行家看好。

1999 年易建联在中国南方新兴城市深圳的学校操场被发现。

他刚小学毕业时已经长到1.93 米, 而在中国, 南方人的身材通常都比较矮小, 因此就被身边的人称为巨人。

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2019年英语初级翻译口译资格证书考试模拟试题第一部分综合笔试SECTION 1 : LISTENING TEST (40 minutes)Part A : Spot Dictation ( 20 points )Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage only once.Around the (1)______young people are spending (2)________ sums of money to listen to rock music. Forbes Magazine claims that at least (3) _______ rock stars have incomes of between (4)______ million and six million dollars (5)_______ year.“It doesn’t make sense,” says Johnny Mathis, one of the (6)_____ music millionaires, who made a million dollars a year when he was most popular, in the 1950s. “Performers aren’t (7)________ this kind of money. In fact, nobody is.”But the rock stars’ (8) _______ seem to disagree. Those who love rock music spend about two billion dollars a year for (9)_______. They pay 150 million to see rockstars(10)________.Some observers think the (11)________ are buying more than music. According to one theory, to play (12)________ doesn’t require much (13)_______. There is no gulf between the audience and the (14)________. Every boy and girl in theaudience thinks, “I could sing like that.” Rock music has become a kind of religion. (15)____________ are glad to payto worship a rock star because it is a (16)________ of worshipping themselves.(17)_______ is a key word for explaining the (18)_________of many. In 1972 one of the (19)_________ was Don McLean, who wrote and sang “American Pie.” McLean earned more than a million dollars from recordings of “American Pie.” Then too, by writing his own music, McLean earns some (20) __________ money.第一部分综合笔试SECTION 1 : LISTENING TEST (40 minutes)Part A : Spot Dictation ( 20 points )Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard onthe tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space inyour ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage only once.Around the (1)______young people are spending (2)________ sums of money to listen to rock music. Forbes Magazine claims that at least (3) _______ rock stars have incomes of between (4)______ million and six million dollars (5)_______ year.“It doesn’t make sense,” says Johnny Mathis, one of the (6)_____ music millionaires, who made a million dollars ayear when he was most popular, in the 1950s. “Performers aren’t (7)________ this kind of money. In fact, nobody is.”But the rock stars’ (8) _______ seem to disagree. Those who love rock music spend about two billion dollars a year for (9)_______. They pay 150 million to see rockstars(10)________.Some observers think the (11)________ are buying more than music. Accor ding to one theory, to play (12)________ doesn’t require much (13)_______. There is no gulf between the audience and the (14)________. Every boy and girl in the audience thinks, “I could sing like that.” Rock music has become a kind of religion. (15)____________ are glad to payto worship a rock star because it is a (16)________ of worshipping themselves.(17)_______ is a key word for explaining the (18)_________of many. In 1972 one of the (19)_________ was Don McLean, who wrote and sang “American Pie.” M cLean earned more than a million dollars from recordings of “American Pie.” Then too, by writing his own music, McLean earns some (20) __________ money.Part B : Listening Comprehension ( 30 points )I . StatementsDirections : In this part of the test, you will hearseveral short statements. These statements will be spokenonly once, and you will not find them written on the paper;so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement ,read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then write theletter of the answer you have chosen in the correspondingspace in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Now let’s begin with question number one.1. (A) Mrs. Lang and Mr.Hudson are old.(B) Mr. Hudson doesn’t know ng very well.(C) ng has been Mr. Hudson’s friend for many years.(D) Mrs. Lang and Mr.Hudson have just become friends.2. (A) Ralph stayed in Rome for the summer(B) Ralph left Rome for the summer.(C) Ralph went to Rome for the summer.(D) Ralph arrived in Rome during the summer.3. (A) We had dinner before we went to the movies.(B) We had dinner during the movie.(C) We walked to the movies before dinner.(D) We took our dinner to the movies.4. (A) I’ll send you a postcard of my hotel in Paris.(B) Send me to get the postcard from your Paris hotel.(C) Mail me a picture postcard of your Paris hotel.(D) Mail the card to me from your hotel in Paris.5. (A) Janie and her mother like liver and bacon.(B) Janie’s mother always c ooks bacon with liver.(C) Janie hates both liver and bacon.(D) If her mother doesn’t fix bacon, Janie will not eat liver.6. (A) Martha spent two hours looking at TV.(B) Martha saw two watches on TV.(C) Martha liked the two-hour TV program.(D) Martha turned off the TV for two hours.7. (A) The city benefited from the rain.(B) The rain fell softly on much of the city.(C)The rain left too much water in much of the city.(D) Many neighborhoods didn’t get any rain.8. (A) The baby cries when his diaper is changed.(B) The baby is unhappy when his diaper is soiled.(C) Don’t change the diaper if the baby cries.(D) Changing the baby’s diaper makes him cry.9. (A) The meeting opened at precisely 8 p.m.(B) 8 p.m. was too late to begin the meeting.(C) The meeting lasted until a little after 8 p.m.(D) The meeting was over at exactly 8 p.m.10. (A) Begin working if you arrive before I do.(B) Before you get here, be sure to finish the work.(C) Come as early as possible so we can do lots of work.(D) If you arrive early, we’ll need more time to work.II . Talks and ConversationsDirections : In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully, because you will hear the talk or conversation and the questions only once. When you hear a question, read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Questions 11~1511. (A) She paid ¥40.00 for the coat.(B) Her husband presented it to her as a gift.(C) She bought the cost on her fortieth birthday.(D) He friend sent it to her as a birthday gift.12. (A) To keep his old car and get a new one.(B) To leave it in the garage to be repaired.(C) To sell his car for a new one.(D) To get his car repaired later.13. (A) Husband and wife.(B) Father and daughter.(C) Doctor and patient.(D) Teacher and student.14. (A) The man went to the concert, but the woman didn’t.(B) The woman went to the concert, but the man didn’t.(C) The speakers did not go to the concert.(D) Both speakers went to the concert.15. (A) An English textbook.(B) A chemistry book.(C) A Chinese textbook.(D) A history book.Questions 16~2016. (A) The woman goes to school during the day and works at night.(B) The woman has to work to support herself.(C) The woman’s classes are not difficult.(D) The woman studies at night.17. (A) She feels that he won’t accept anything.(B) She’s sure he already has a pocket calculator.(C) She thinks he has almost everything he wants.(D) She’s afraid her wants more than she can afford.18. (A) Tom survived the accident.(B) Tom was killed in the accident.(C) Someone saved Tom’s life.(D) It did little damage to Tom’s car.19. (A) The train is crowded.(B) The train is late.(C) The train is empty.(D) The train is on time.20. (A) No, all the rooms are taken.(B) Yes, there are some spare rooms.(C) Yes, there is a double room.(D) Yes, there is a single room.Questions 21~2321. (A) Her husband had got a higher position.(B) Her husband had lost his job.(C) She wanted to have a cleaner house.(D) She wanted to move to New York.22. (A) His telephone went out of order.(B) The buyers had to leave soon.(C) He began to work at 8 a.m.(D) He had made an appointment with her for 8 a.m.23. (A) They considered her lazy.(B) They saw something they had never seen.(C) They considered her foolish.(D) They saw something familiar to them.Questions 24~2624. (A) The silk T-shirt in white color.(B) The cotton T-shirt with a slogan or picture.(C) The nylon T-shirt worn on playground.(D) The wool T-shirt worn for work.25. (A) T-shirts feel soft and wash well.(B) T-shirts are smart ad comfortable.(C) T-shirts go well with trousers.(D) T-shirts are suitable for evening wear.26. (A) New technology is being employed.(B) Advertisements are being widely used.(C) New designs are being adopted.(D) More synthetic materials are being introduced.Questions 27~3027. (A) For protection against other animals.(B) For protection against other dogs.(C) Just for fun.(D) For the purpose of guarding the house.28. (A) Because they did not eat other animals.(B) Because they were useful for protection.(C) Because they were good hunters.(D) Because they always obeyed their masters.29. (A) For companionship.(B) For amusement.(C) For protection against robbery.(D) For hunting.30. (A) The city can be a lonely place.(B) Life in the west can be very dangerous.(C) People in the west are fond of animals.(D) The dog is a useful and friendly animal.。
