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The gas has been an essential source of energy in our common life, but gas leak events sometimes occur, which bring many hidden troubles to humans’ life safety and property security. So how to prevent gas poisoning and explosions comes into needed. Therefore, the gas controller came into been, when gas leak exceeds the safety standards, gas detector will make a spot and acousto-optic alarm immediately and displays gas concentration. In addition, the gas detector can send out signals to holding control the electromagnetic valve to cut off gas source and the exhaust fan to be free, finally terminates the gas accident, no matter there is anyone there or not.

The subject is to design a kind of gas controller to detect whether there is gas leak or not, if there is something unusual, it can cut off the gas sources automatically and ventilate. This design uses single chip as core component, gas sensor to detect gas concentration and display it on the LCD. In addition, uses gas electromagnetic valve as the executive body to open or close gas source and relay to control shut-down of accidents such as fire, explosion, strangling and death caused by gas leak.

This design finally fulfilled every function that designed after testing, therefore realizing the conceive of gas controller basically.

Key words:gas ; alarm; solenoid valve; draft fan

1 系统设计 (1)

1.1设计任务 (1)

1.2 设计要求 (1)

2 方案论证 (1)

2.1系统构成方案 (2)

2.2控制器系统方案 (2)

2.3 A/D转换电路方案 (2)

2.4显示电路方案 (3)

2.5人机交流电路方案 (3)

2.6声光报警电路方案 (4)

2.7控制电路方案 (4)

3 系统框图及主要部分介绍 (4)

4 硬件电路设计与调试 (4)

4.1单片机最小工作系统电路 (4)

4.2数据采集电路 (6)

4.2.1 MQ-5简介 (6)

4.2.2数据采集电路 (8)

4.3 A/D转换电路 (9)

4.4 人机交流电路 (9)

4.5 显示电路 (10)

4.6 声光报警电路 (11)

4.7 控制电路 (11)

4.7.1电磁阀控制模块 (11)

4.7.2风扇驱动模块 (12)

5 软件设计与调试 (13)

5.1 软件设计方法 (13)

5.2 程序流程图 (13)

5.3 电压-浓度曲线的拟合 (15)

5.4 软件部分的调试 (19)

6 测试结果 (20)

6.1 测试仪器 (20)

6.2 煤气控制器的测试 (20)

6.3 CO参数测试 (20)

谢辞...................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。参考文献 (25)

附录 (26)

附录一原理图 (27)

附录二 PCB图 (27)

附录三程序清单 (28)
