康维德产品介绍(全产品) 资料
IVFTECH 工作站性能参数Sterile 180 (带防震台)
我们确保提供 投标产品符合标书中所标明 技术规格和参数, 质量、性能均为高级机型。产品自到货安装调试投入使用之日起保修期为一年(消耗品、零配件、其它人为造成 损坏除外)。产品 技术服务和售后服务 内容和方法 我们有专业 销售队伍和完善 售前、售后服务保障。这是用户最关心 问题之一, 同时也正是我们 优势所在。 企业在上海有专业 维修人员, 进行售后维护, 每位维修人员都是定时由厂家进行专业培训 。维修人员定时巡回走访用户, 了解使用情况, 立刻处理问题, 而且对所在地 用户 售后申请在二十四小时内进行响应。专业技术人员在安装、调试时, 对用户进行现场培训, 指导使用方法和注意事项。对产品 使用配件, 我们承诺以最低价供给用户。对于产品在保修期外出现故障, 除更换配件外, 不收取其她费用。我们为用户提供产品 终生保养, 维护。当用户设备出现故障时, 上海外海企业能够立刻地为用户处理问题, 最大程度地不耽搁用户 正常工作。
microcare+ec00w+esd cleaning wipe, presat+sds说明书
化学品安全技术说明书ESD Cleaning Wipe, PRESAT符合GB/T 16483-2008和GB/T 17519-2013规定化学品标识产品名称ESD Cleaning Wipe, PRESAT产品编号MCC-EC00W, MCC-EC00WR别名,商品名PROTOTYPE 16-15-2A, PRESAT; PROTOTYPE 16-15-2B, PRESAT; PROTOTYPE 16-15-2C, PRESAT化学品的推荐用途和限制用途推荐用途清洗剂。
供应商的详细情况供应商MICROCARE ASIA PTE LTD102E, Pasir Panjang Road,Citilink, #05-06,Singapore 118529(65)6271.0182制造商MICROCARE LLC595 John Downey DriveNew Britain, CT 06051United States of AmericaCAGE: OATV9Tel: +1 800-638-0125, +1 860-827-0626应急咨询电话应急咨询电话INFOTRAC 4001-200761 (CHINA)1-352-323-3500 (from anywhere in the world)紧急情况概述颜色无色的。
GHS 危险性类别物理危险非此类健康危害非此类环境危害非此类标签要素危险性说明NC 非此类补充的标签信息根据要求提供的安全数据表。
混合物成分备注按照CFR 1900.1200(i)段的规定,组成物的确切百分比(浓度)已被扣留作为商业机密Composition急救措施描述一般信息如有疑问,请及时就医。
2.产品特点(1) 人体工程学设计:德舒康坐垫根据人体臀部曲线设计,贴合臀部,减轻坐骨压力,保持舒适坐姿。
(2) 记忆棉材质:坐垫采用高品质的记忆棉,能够根据人体温度和体重进行自我调整,提供个性化支撑。
(3) 透气性:坐垫的表面采用透气网眼布料,有效防止汗水积聚,保持臀部干爽。
(4) 抗压性:记忆棉具有良好的抗压性,能够长时间保持坐垫的形状和弹性。
4.产品优势(1) 缓解疼痛:德舒康坐垫能够减轻坐骨压力,缓解久坐带来的臀部、腰部等疼痛。
(2) 改善坐姿:坐垫符合人体工程学设计,引导使用者保持正确的坐姿,预防颈椎、腰椎等疾病。
(3) 提高工作效率:舒适的环境能够提高人的工作效率,德舒康坐垫帮助用户保持舒适坐姿,提高工作效率。
(4) 易于清洗:坐垫表面采用可拆洗设计,方便用户清洗和保养。
fluid absorption g/g
30 25 20 15 10
5 0
Aquacel Alginate
*Байду номын сангаас
锁定 锁定液体 限制细菌 限制酶 *
® 敷料能够减少液体的侧向扩张 有效防止周围皮肤受到侵蚀,避免渗液乱流,降低感染风险。
. 凝胶化可帮助自溶清创,不粘连伤口床 ,换药不痛。 . 使用方便增加患者换药舒适度,更好赢得患者信赖。
在这些图像和视频中,敷料被放置在多个模拟伤口组织上(猪腹部肉)。将含有蓝色生理盐水注射的针头 和注射器放置在组织基底部,然后将该生理盐水注射入伤口组织(按照小时的速率),模拟伤口渗出。
1. , , , .
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技术特点(四)—— 促进伤口愈合
. 吸收渗液形成凝胶,对伤口环境做出反应。帮助肉芽 增生,上皮移形。促进伤口愈合
Wound Therapeutics
• 伤口管理领域:产品组合 中包括领先的抗菌敷料产 品
Continence & Critical Care
• 便失禁和重症监护:FlexiSeal®大便失禁管理套件引 领整个市场的发展
Infusion Devices
• 输液器械领域:产品组合 中包括糖尿病治疗输液泵 使用的一次性输液装置
外科手术切口– 面临哪些挑战?
• 外科伤口感染 • 粘性敷料引起手术切口产生水泡 • 患者术后回家不易护理 • 患者对胶布黏胶敏感 • 瘢痕问题
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Diotec 产品介绍 - 用于照明应用的半导体产品说明书
Diotec Produktefür BeleuchtungTypische Applikationen:Energiesparlampen, Elektronische VorschaltgeräteGleichrichtung Î Brückengleichrichter,Einzelgleichrichter, HochspannungsgleichrichterBoost-Diode für PFC Î Ultraschnelle GleichrichterÜberspannungsschutz Î TVS-Dioden, Zener-DiodenSteuerung Î DIAC, StandardgleichrichterEnergiesparlampenÜberspannungsschutz: TVS-Dioden/ZenerdiodenZum Schutz der MOSFET-Gates können entweder Zener- oder TVS Dioden verwendet werden. Dimensionierung der TVS Dioden: siehe Applikationsschrift “Überspannungsschutzdioden“.Typen1TGL34-… , TGL41…, P4SMAJ…, P6SMBJ…, 1.5SMCJ…; (150 bis 1500 W Impuls; bis zu 550 V!) ZMM…,ZMD…, ZMY..., SMZ1..., SZ3C…, Z1SMA, Z2SMB…, Z3SMC…; (0.5 bis 3 W dauernd) Eingangsgleichrichtung: BrückengleichrichterErhältlich als komplettes Bauteil, kann aber auch aus vier Einzeldioden aufgebaut werden (siehe unten). Empfohlene Werte für den Schutzwiderstand R t und den Lastkondensator C L sind im Datenblatt angegeben. R t beinhaltet auch den Serienwiderstand des Eingangskreises, ein zusätzliches Bauteil ist daher oft nicht notwendig.Typen1SMD: MYS40…250, MS40…500,S40…500, B40…500S, B40…380F S(s c h n e l l) Durchsteckmontage: B40…500D, B40…380F D(s c h n e l l), B40…500R (rund)(0.5 bis 2 A)Entladediode: EinzelgleichrichterTypen1GL34 A..M, GL1 A..M, SM4001…7, SM5059…63, SM5400…08, S1 A..M, S2 A..M, S3 A..M;(0.5 bis 3 A, Standard).S c h n e l l e bis Ultraschnelle Versionen ebenfalls erhältlich. Startelement: DIACSMD: BR100-03 LLD(V BO 28..36 V), BR100-031 LLD (30..34 V), BR100-04 LLD (35..45 V)Axial: BR100-03 (V BO 28..36 V), BR100-031 (30..34 V), BR100-04 (35..45 V), DB3, DB41Vorzugstypen sind fettgedruckt; Farben entsprechend dem Diotec Selection Guide. Datenblätter siehe, …Produkte“. Neben den hier gezeigten Bauteilen in SMD-Technik (zur Platz- undGewichtsreduzierung) sind auch äquivalente Typen in axialer Bauform erhältlich.Überspannungsschutz: TVS-Dioden/ZenerdiodenZum Schutz der MOSFET-Gates können entweder Zener- oder TVS Dioden verwendet werden. Dimensionierung der TVS Dioden: siehe Applikationsschrift “Überspannungsschutzdioden“.Typen1SMD:TGL34-… , TGL41…, P4SMAJ…, P6SMBJ…, 1.5SMCJ…; (150 bis 1500 W Impuls; bis zu 550 V!)ZMM…,ZMD…, ZMY..., SMZ1..., SZ3C…, Z1SMA, Z2SMB…, Z3SMC…;(0.5 bis 3 W dauernd)Bedrahtet: B ZW04-…, P4KE…, BZW06-…, P6KE…, 1.5KE… , 5KP…; (400 bis 5000 W Impuls) ZPY…, ZY…, 3EZ…, BZV58C…, 1N53..B; (1.3 bis 5 W dauernd) Eingangsgleichrichtung: BrückengleichrichterErhältlich als komplettes Bauteil, kann aber auch aus vier Einzeldioden aufgebaut werden. Empfohlene Werte für den Schutzwiderstand R t und den Lastkondensator C L sind im Datenblatt angegeben. R t beinhaltet auch den Serienwiderstand des Eingangskreises, ein zusätzliches Bauteil ist daher oft nicht notwendig.Typen1SMD: MYS40…250, S40…500, B40…500S, B40…380F S(s c h n e l l)Durchsteckmontage: B40…500D, B40…380F D(s c h n e l l), B40…500R (rund)(0.5 bis 2 A)1.5 bis 12 A:Single In-line: B..C1500, B..C2300-1500; B..C3200-2200 bis B..C7000-4000; GBS4 A..M, GBU4 A..MA..MbisGBU12Ultraschnelle Dioden für PFC StufeDie Taktfrequenz ist im Normalfall relativ hoch, um daher die Verluste im Schalter zu reduzieren (die stark vom Rückstromverhalten der Diode abhängen!) muss eine ultraschnelle Diode verwendet werden. Am 230 V-Netz sollte ein 600 V Typ eingesetzt werden, bei110 V ist ein 400 V Typ ausreichend. Typen1Bedrahtet: UF4004, UF4005, UF5404, UF5406, UF600J; (1 bis 6 A)SMD: SUF4004, SUF4005, US1J, US1G, US2J, US2G, US3G, US3J; (1 bis 3 A)1Vorzugstypen sind fettgedruckt; Farben entsprechend dem Diotec Selection Guide. Datenblätter siehe, …Produkte“.HochspannungsgleichrichterTypen1SMD:SM513…SM2000 (1A Standard); S A261…S A265(2A F a s t) (1300…2000 V);Leaded:EM513…EM518 (1A Standard); BY255…BY2000 (3A Standard) (1300…2000 V);H V1.5,H V2(500m A,1.5t o2k V F a s t);H V3,H V5(200m A,3t o5k V F a s t)D D300…D D1800(20m A,3k V t o18k V F a s t)1Vorzugstypen sind fettgedruckt; Farben entsprechend dem Diotec Selection Guide. Datenblätter siehe , …Produkte“.。
医用级 DC80480M070_X111_4C,86 盒 数据手册说明书
广州大彩光电科技有限公司版权所有版本记录版本日期修改原因页面撰写人审核人V1.02022/07/291、创建文档all傅家伟刘启鑫销售与服务广州大彩光电科技有限公司电话:************-601传真:************Email:*************(咨询和支持服务)网站:地址:广州黄埔区(科学城)玉树华新园C栋3楼网络零售官方旗舰店:成都分公司电话:188****6172地址:成都市高新区天府大道中段500号东方希望天祥广场C座39楼3910号目录1.硬件介绍 (1)1.1产品外观 (1)1.2硬件配置 (1)1.3调试工具 (2)2.产品规格 (3)3.产品尺寸 (5)4.引脚定义 (6)5.可靠性测试 (7)5.1ESD测试 (7)5.1.1执行标准 (7)5.1.2测试环境 (7)5.1.3测试数据 (8)5.2高低温老化测试 (8)5.2.1测试环境 (8)5.2.2测试数据 (9)5.3群脉冲测试 (9)5.3.1执行标准 (9)5.3.2测试环境 (9)5.3.3测试数据 (9)6.型号定义 (10)7.协议配置 (11)8.LUA脚本配置 (12)9.包装与物理尺寸 (13)10.产品架构 (14)11.开发软件 (15)11.1什么是虚拟串口屏 (15)11.2Keil与虚拟串口屏绑定调试 (16)12.开发文档 (17)13.免责声明 (18)1.硬件介绍本章节主要介绍产品的一些外观参考图、硬件配置图和调试所需工具。
健康创建未来- 产品介绍(2014.3.21) (1)
每日一包(3克),饭后食用,幼儿与老年人食用 时,可用温水送服。 温馨提醒 服用抗生素时会影响普洛特乳酸菌的效果, 可于服用抗生素一小时后再食用普洛特乳酸菌; 正在接受治疗的人士应咨询医生意见。
固关键 主要成分
葡萄糖胺(Glucosamine) 珍贵鲨鱼软骨素(Shark Cartilage) 青口素(Green-Lipped Mussel) 姜黄(Turmeric)
1、促进关节软骨形成和修补 2、促进磨损退化的关节软骨再生 3、增强关节腔滑液, 减少骨与骨之间磨擦受损 4、改善关节退化、磨损、疼痛、肿胀等问题 5、促进骨胳关节的新陈代谢 6、增加骨关节的粘稠弹性
具有两个与众不同的显著特点: 1.完全符合现代预防医学的核 心理念的特点。
1.抗氧化性、提升免疫力(超强) 2.活化、修复组织细胞(无可替代) 3.调节生理平衡(独一无二)
童颜魔法-30分钟嫩肤保养系列 童颜魔法-生物纤维补湿亮肌面膜 童颜魔法-雪肤修护滋润霜 梵妮斯眼霜 24K金之时尚精华素 芙洛瑞保湿嫩肌系列
诺丽果汁 (健康之泉)
诺丽果的发现,是二十世纪末医学界最具关键性 的发现。它是目前世界上单一水果拥有为数最多有效 营养成分的“健康食品”,也是目前世界上拥有为数 最多“研究团队”与“实验报告”的“自然药”。它 已纳入最为苛刻的美国药典。
荣获2项国际有机栽种认证,100%天然诺 丽果,具有活化细胞功能,提升人体免疫力,适 合全家饮用。
Interchangeable lenses, all bayonet-mounted , ran ging from 18mm to 1000mm.
• 18mm to 250mm lenses with automatic pre-set diaphragms. • B-Planar and B-Distagon with built-in automatic flash control. • Automatic diaphragm compensation for close-up photography for 25 to
330.00 276.00 279.00
TESSAR~f / 2.8, 50mm, automatic preset ...... . .... . . . .. . .
S.PLANA~f / 4, 50mm for scale reproductions at 1:2.8 to 1:13 only .. . . . ...... . ... . . . ..... . .... . . .. .
PLANAR~f / 1.4, 55mm , automatic preset . ... .
SONNAR~f / 2 , 85mm, automatic preset ... . ...... .. . TESSAR~f / 3 . 5 , 115mm, manually preset
(for use with BELLOWS EXTENSION only)
Same features as Contarex Super, but no built-in exposure meter.
康耐得∙商品名称:康耐得∙通用名称:多维元素胶囊(13)∙英文名称:Multivitamin and Elements∙生产厂家:河北恒利集团制药股份有限公司∙产品规格:0.5克×30粒∙批准文号:国药准字H10980252∙适用人群:妊娠及哺乳期妇女∙参考价格:68.0元药品说明书【药品名称】通用名称:多维元素胶囊(13)英文名称:Multivitamin and Elements Capsules(13) 商品名称:康耐得【成份】本品为复方制剂,每粒含维生素A4000单位,维生素D400单位,维生素E11毫克,维生素C100毫克,叶酸0.8毫克,维生素B11.5毫克,维生素B21.7毫克,维生素B62.6毫克,维生素B124微克,钙58.8毫克,铁19.8毫克,锌20毫克,烟酰胺18毫克。
产品性能: 减少发动机磨损,延长发动机使用寿命。 高温时防止机油氧化稠化,延长机油的使用寿命。 抑制油泥、积碳的产生。 中和酸性物质,防止发动机部件腐蚀。 减少发动机摩擦阻力,节省燃油,提高动力。 使用方法: 新车或首保时直接加入新机油中,小车1瓶,大车2-3瓶;适用于汽、柴油新车发动机。
A、我们根据标准的施工流程,利用专业保养设备的辅助加上技术人员的熟练操作,整个刹车系统保养只需要20-30分钟,所以 不会耽误太多时间的。 B、产品和工时费合计_____元,花这钱还是划算的,不仅提高汽车行驶过程中的安全与舒适性,通过定期的刹车保养,还可以 延长刹车系统的使用寿命,很大程度上减少了维修的费用和时间。
(1)产品介绍 WOFO刹车保养套餐
产品性能: 快速清洁刹车盘,刹车毂上的油渍及刹车片粉尘等,让刹车盘
A、WF201雨刷精是加在雨刮水壶里,能够替代市面上普通的雨刮水,其产品特性是纯中性清洁剂,不腐蚀车身漆面,强力去污和清除表面虫斑,能 够避免玻璃起雾,减少雨刮片异响,保持玻璃干净亮丽延长雨刮片的使用寿命,让您开车视线更清晰。 B、WF202高渗透润滑剂使用在汽车门铰链、门扣、锁孔、导轨等部件,这些部件经过反复开关,被水、酸、碱、盐等混合物长期腐蚀和氧化,会变 得锈迹斑斑,摩擦异响等,严重影响开关的舒畅性, 本产品起到除锈和润滑的作用,消除噪音和提高汽车部件的使用功能,车子开起来既拉风又舒服。 C、 WF203橡塑胶保护剂主要保护汽车橡塑胶部件,这些部件长期被空气中的水分、酸碱盐等腐蚀和氧化,这些橡胶零件会逐渐的硬化和老化甚至破 裂,一旦出现上述现象,便会造成发涩、卡滞,密封不良,不仅不能抗风挡雨,降低车辆舒适性,而WOFO203橡塑胶保护剂能够起到保护、软化及 润滑作用,防止橡胶材质硬化龟裂,抗静电、不沾尘、防潮、消除噪音等功能,有效延长雨刮片、玻璃胶条及车上其它橡塑胶部件的使用寿命。 D、 WF204电瓶桩头保护剂主要保护电瓶桩头,电瓶桩头因长期遭受氧化、腐蚀而导致接触不良影响正常供电或造成车内电器的损坏,甚至引起爆炸, 造成严重事故,本产品喷在电瓶桩头部位可以形成一层长效性的抗氧化薄膜,保护电瓶桩头、充电夹和电路接头, 防止氧化、电瓶酸性腐蚀、瞬间阻 抗和电压下降,保持良好的电瓶供电功能。
KUKDO 产品指南说明书
BEYOND EXPECTATION & BEYOND LIMITATIONPRODUCT GUIDE61, Gasandigital 2-ro, Geumcheon-Gu, Seoul 153-802, KoreaInternational business : Tel +82-2-3282-1540 Fax +82-2-869-4409Domestic Sales : Tel +82-2-3282-1500 Fax +82-2-869-4944R&D Center : Tel +82-2-3282-1560 Fax +82-2-3282-1586 E-mail:***************Rev. No. 19.4si Chang Lee, PresidentApr. 2002 Establishment of KUKDO CHEMICAL (KunShan) CO., LTD. in China Nov. 2003Completion of KunShan factory for Epoxy resin and Polyol in China J ul. 2004 Completion of Busan factory for Epoxy resin and System Polyol in Busan Mar. 2008 Acquisition of HAJIN CHEM TECHNov. 2008 Completion of 40KT of Liquid Epoxy resin in IksanDec. 2008 Awarded 200 Million Dollar Export Tower Prize (45th Trade Anniversary)Nov. 2010 Awarded 2010 Global Excellent Management by JMACApr. 2011 Obtained Customs approved registered exporter Certificate by Customs Sep. 2011 Obtained AEO(Authorized Economic Operator) Certificate by Customs Dec. 2011 Awarded 300 Million Dollar Export Tower Prize (48th Trade Anniversary)Dec. 2011A warded Korean World-class Product Award 2011 by Knowledge Economy Feb. 2013Establishment of NICHIDO CHEMICAL CO., LTD.gLoBaLsaLesnetWorks*1 Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 70% Solution *2 Reference data *3 Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 40% Solution3) High Viscosity Type*1 Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 40% Solution *2 Ball & Ring Method *3 Reference data *4 Approved by F .D.A2. standard solid typeHead Office Iksan FactoryBisPHenoL-a tyPe ePoxy resin*1 Reference data1) Low Viscosity Type1. standard Liquid type*1 Reference data2) Medium Viscosity Type2) Low Viscosity, High Flow Grade*1 I.C.I Viscometer *2Ball & Ring Method*1 I.C.I Viscometer *2 Ball & Ring Method *3 Brookfield Viscometer at 25ºC, Butyl Carbitol NV 40% Solution *4 Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 40% Solution3) High Molecular Weight Grade4) Special Grade*1 I.C.I Viscometer *2 Ball & Ring Method *3 Melt Viscosity at 175ºC *4 Mettler Method *5Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 40% Solution*1 Ball & Ring Method5) Half-capped Epoxy Resin3. solution of solvent epoxy resin*1Gardner Holdt Method1) General Grade4. Powder Coating epoxy resin*1 I.C.I Viscometer *2 Ball & Ring Method *3 Melt Viscosity at 175ºC*Curing condition : Preheating at 130ºC × 20 mincoating).KD-4014SYSTEM0.2%residual Bisphenol-aKD-214M&KD-407SYSTEM4.7%BisPHenoL-f tyPe ePoxy resin*1 Ball & Ring Method *2 Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 40% Solution*1 I. C. I Viscometer *2 Brookfield Viscometer at 25ºC, Butyl Carbitol NV 40% Solution *3 Ball & Ring Method *4 Ph-OH E.W. *5 Approved by F .D.A6. n=0 free, BPa free type*1 Total-CI : Potentiometric titration *2 Brookfield Viscometer at 52ºC (Reference data) *3 Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 60% Solution*4 GPC Data7. High Purity-Low Chlorine epoxy resin*1 I.C . I Viscometer *2 Melt Viscosity : I. C . I Viscometer at 175°C *3 Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 40% Solution *4 Ball & Ring Method 5. Low BPa type*1 Ball & Ring Method *2 43phr on KD-211D, at 180ºC *3 73phr on KD-211D, at 180ºC *4 130phr on KD-211D, at 180ºC*5 Melt Viscosity : I.C.I Viscometer at 125ºC *6 Melt Viscosity : I.C.I Viscometer at 150ºC *7 51phr on KD-211D, at 180ºC (Reference data) *8 Reference data9) Phenol Excess Type Curing Agentnon-HaLogen fLaMe retardant ePoxy resinBroMinated ePoxy resin*1 Ball & Ring Method *2 Brookfield Viscometer at 40ºC *3 Brookfield Viscometer at 25ºC *4Mw (Reference data)*1 Ball & Ring Method1. o-Cresol novolac type*1 Ball & Ring Method *2 Non-Volatile Content(wt.%)novoLaC ePoxy resinGradeEEW (g/eq)Viscosity (cps@25ºC)Color (G,max.)Characteristics/UseYDF-1020160-1802,000-3,0001Low viscosity2. Low viscosity type*1 Ball & Ring Method3. solid typefLexiBLe ePoxy resin*1 Gardner Holdt Method *2 Brookfield Viscometer at 50ºC1. dimer acid Modified epoxy resin*1 Brookfield Viscometer at 50ºC2. rubber Modified epoxy resinMuLti-funCtionaL ePoxy resin*1 Ball & Ring Method4. BPa-novolac type*1 Ball & Ring Method *2 Brookfield Viscometer at 25ºC5. dCPd type*1 Ball & Ring Method *2 Non-Volatile Content(wt%)6. xylok typeGradeEEW (g/eq)Softening Point*1(ºC)Characteristics/UseKDXN-1055225-25550-60Flame retardance, Low moisture absorption, Electronic application*1 Ball & Ring Method3. Low viscosity Phenol novolac typeGradeEEW (g/eq)Solution Viscosity*1(25ºC)Color (G,max.)Characteristics/UseKDPN-1020165-185D-G3High heat resistance, Low viscosity*1 Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 60% Solution7. Multi-functional novolac typeGradeEEW (g/eq)Softening Point*1(ºC)Characteristics/UseKDMN-1065162-17665-75High heat resistance, EMC, PCB, etc*1 Ball & Ring Method2. Phenol novolac type*1 Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 60% Solution *2 I.C.I Viscometer at 150ºC *3 Brookfield Viscometer at 60ºC *4 Non-Volatile Content(wt.%) *5 Brookfield Viscometer at 52ºCePoxy resin for P.C.M.*1 Gardner Holdt Method *2 EEW(g/eq) *3 Reference dataePoxy Modified PoLyoL (isoCyanate Curing tyPe)GradeOH Value (mgKOH/g)Solution Viscosity (25ºC)Non-Volatile Content (wt.%)Characteristics/UseYU-300100-130Z-Z 460±1Tar-urethane coating, MIBK/Toluene=1/1fiLaMent Winding, LaMinating ePoxy resinMoLding ePoxy resin*1 Brookfield Viscometer at 120ºC3. urethane Modified epoxy resin*1 Brookfield Viscometer at 40ºCuv Curing tyPe ePoxy resin*1 Gardner Holdt MethodLoW teMPerature Curing tyPe ePoxy resin*1 Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 40% solutionPHenoxy resin*1 Gardner Holdt Method, MEK NV 40% solution *2 Mw(Reference data) *3 Tg(ºC), DSC(Reference data)* S ubstrate condition : No sanding treatment on Aluminum * Mixing ratio : KSR-177/G-640=100/53 YD-128 / G-640=100/59* Curing condition : 80°C for 2hrUnit: kg/cm²ItemKSR-177YD-128Shear adhesion strength80.834.1* Test Method : ASTM D 3359B* Mixing ratio : KSR-276M70/G-640=16phr, YD-011X70 / G-640=16phr * Curing condition : 3days at RT × 80°C for 1hr * Curing agent : Kukdo Domide G-640* Film thickness: 20㎛* S ubstrate condition : No sanding treatment* Mixing ratio : KSR-177/G-640=100/53,YD-128 / G-640=100/59* Curing condition : 80°C for 2hr* Curing Condition : Room T emperature×14 days * Plate : Cold Rolled Steel (0.7T)* EEW : Epoxy Equivalent Weight (solution base) * AHEW : Active Hydroxyl Equivalent Weight (solution base)*1 : Polyamide Hardener*2 : Polyamide Adduct T ype Hardener *3 : Phenalkamine Hardener*1 A : Adhesion test (cross-hatch) *2 B : Dupont test(Impact Test, D/R), condition : ½ inch × high(cm) × 1,000 g *3 C : Erichsen Test(mm) *4 F : FailedWaterBorne ePoxy resin*1 Basis of solid contentreaCtive diLuent*1 APHA ColorGradeEEW(g/eq)Viscosity (cps@25ºC)Characteristics/UseKDSF-180300-3503,000-6,000High adhesive, Low viscosity3. BPa-Po epoxy resin4. Modified Weatherable epoxy resintri-funCtionaL ePoxy resin*1 Reference datatetra-funCtionaL ePoxy resin*1 Softening Point (ºC) : Ball & Ring MethodPoLyaMide & aMidoaMine tyPe*1 TAV : Total Amine Value(0.1N-HCl Method) *2 Viscosity : cps at 40ºC *3 TAV : Total Amine Value(0.1N-HClO 4 Method) *4 Viscosity : Gardner Holdt Method *5 A.H.E.W. : Solution basesuMMary of Hardener ProduCt grouPaLiPHatiC aMine Modified tyPe*1 TAV : Total Amine Value(0.1N-HCl Method)PoLyaMide adduCt tyPe*1 TAV : Total Amine Value(0.1N-HCl Method) *2 N.V : Non-Volatile Content(wt.%) *3 TAV : Total Amine Value(0.1N-HClO 4 Method)*4 Viscosity : Gardner Holdt Method *5 A.H.E.W. : Solution base*1 TAV : Total Amine Value (0.1N-HClO 4 Method) *2 A.H.E.W : Solution basearoMatiC aMine Modified tyPePHenaLkaMine tyPeCyCLoaLiPHatiC aMine Modified tyPe*1 TAV : Total Amine Value(0.1N-HCl Method) *2 TAV : Total Amine Value(0.1N-HClO 4 Method)SIHWA Factory BUSAN Factory CHINA Factory。
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BacLight RedoxSensor CTC Vitality Kit产品说明书
Product InformationStorage upon receipt:• ≤–20ºC • Desiccate• Protect from lightEx/Em:• 5-Cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride (CTC):450/630 nm• SYTO ® 24 green fluorescent nucleic acid stain:490/515 nm• 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, dihydrochloride (DAPI): 344/450 nmQuick FactsRevised: 28–September–2005IntroductionThe Bac Light™ RedoxSensor™ CTC Vitality Kit provides effective reagents for evaluating bacterial health and vitality that can withstand fixation procedures. The kit contains 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride (CTC), which has been used by researchers to evaluate the respiratory activity of many bacterial populations derived from environmental sources includingfood,1,2 soil,3 stone,4 marine and fresh water,5–8 as well as popula-tions undergoing drug efficacy evaluations. Briefly, healthy cells respiring via the electron transport chain will absorb and reduce CTC into an insoluble, red fluorescent formazan product. Cells not respiring or respiring at slower rates will reduce less CTC, and consequently produce less fluorescent product, giving a semi-quantitative estimate of healthy vs. unhealthy bacteria. SYTO ® 24 green-fluorescent nucleic acid stain and DAPI are offered as counterstains to assist the researcher in differentiating cells from debris and in calculating total cell numbers. Bacteria labeled with CTC and either counterstain may be evaluated immediately or after storage, with or without fixation using a flow cytometer equipped with appropriate excitation sources (CTC in combina-tion with SYTO ® 24 green fluorescent nucleic acid stain: single 488 nm argon-ion laser; CTC in combination with DAPI: dual UV and 488 nm lasers), or by microscopy using the optimal filter sets described below.MaterialsKit Contents• 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride (CTC), (Component A), 5 vials each containing 15 mg • SYTO ® 24 green fluorescent nucleic acid stain(Component B), 100 μL of 1 mM solution in DMSO • 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, dihydrochloride (DAPI) (Component C), 100 μL of 5 mg/mL solution in waterNumber of Tests PossibleUsing the protocols recommended below, each kit contains sufficient material to perform at least 50 tests by flow cytometry or microscopy.Storage and HandlingStore all components ≤–20ºC. Allow reagents to warm toroom temperature before opening the vials. When stored properly, these reagents are stable for at least one year. Stock CTC solu-tions made in water should be stored at 4˚C and used within 24 hours. Caution: DAPI is a known mutagen. The hazards posed by SYTO ® 24 stain have not been fully investigated, but SYTO ® 24 is known to bind DNA. DMSO stock solutions of SYTO ® 24 stain should be handled with particular care, as DMSO is known to facilitate the entry of organic molecules into tissues. Reagents should be handled using equipment and practices appropriate for the hazards posed by such materials. Please dispose of the reagents in compliance with all pertaining local regulations.Experimental ProtocolsGeneral ConsiderationsOrganisms: The Bac Light™ RedoxSensor™ CTC staining reagent has been tested by Molecular Probes on logarithmically growing cultures of the following bacterial species: Micrococcus luteus , Staphylococcus aureus , Bacillus cereus , B. subtilis , Kleb-siella pneumoniae , Escherichia coli , Salmonella cholerasuis . In addition to the above, CTC has been used to investigate a wide variety of organisms including, but not limited to: Helicobacter pylori , Listeria monocytogenes , Campylobacter jejuni , Vibrio cholerae , Salmonella typhurmurium , and Thiothrix nivea .8–17 The response of each bacterial system should be investigated and optimized. The experimental protocols below are provided as examples to guide researchers in the development of their own bacterial staining procedures.Bac Light™ RedoxSensor™ CTC Vitality KitStaining environment: The removal of an organism from its growth medium and placement in a different environment may enhance or inhibit the organismʼs reductase activity and overall response to CTC. Therefore, choices of staining buffer and condi-tions need to be considered carefully in the context of the desired end results, assays, instrumentation, and analyses.Staining concentrations and incubation times: Protocols described in published scientific literature recommend staining with concentrations of CTC ranging from 2–6 mM, with 5 mM being the more common concentration. Incubation times range from 5 minutes to 24 hours. The optimal incubation condition may depend upon the organism being investigated and the experi-mental system.Counterstaining: SYTO® 24 green-fluorescent nucleic acid stain and DAPI are offered as counterstains to assist the researcher in differentiating cells from debris and in calculating total cell numbers. The staining concentrations and conditions will vary with live/dead status and analysis platform (flow cytometry or microscopy). SYTO® 24 green fluorescent nucleic acid stain may be used on live or fixed samples at a concentration of 10 nM for flow cytometry or 1 μM for microscopy; DAPI may be used at 10 μg/mL for flow cytometry (UV-laser required) on live or fixed samples, but the dimly stained live population may not be detect-able using a microscope.Calculating percent active and determining total numbers: A number of factors can impact the determination of vitality and total cell numbers with the Bac Light™ RedoxSensor™ CTC Vitality Kit, including metabolic status, membrane integrity, and gram character. In most cases, the counterstains will stain all bacteria and the CTC will stain those with active dehydrogenases. However in some cases, fluorescence resonance energy transfer may interfere with counterstain fluorescence in CTC-positive cells. In these situations, the total population would be the sum of cells positive for either CTC or the counterstain. The active cell index can be calculated as the percentage of total cells that are CTC-positive.Preparation of Working Solutions1.1 CTC. Each vial of CTC (Component A) contains 15 mg. Dissolve the contents of one vial with 1 mL ultrapure waterfor a final concentration of 50 mM. Most protocols recommend staining with a 5 mM staining solution (final concentration).1.2 Sterile buffers. Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) or PBS + 10 mM glucose (PBSG) have been shown to be adequate staining buffers for both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Addi-tives that reduce respiration activity (e.g., sodium azide) may also inhibit CTC reduction. Sterilize staining buffers using 0.2 μm filtration.1.3 SYTO® 24 green fluorescent nucleic acid stain. For flow cytometry use, prepare a 10 μM working solution with a 1:100 dilution of the 1 mM stock solution of SYTO® 24 green fluores-cent nucleic acid stain using a high-quality, anhydrous DMSO. Adding 1 μL of the working solution to 1 mL cell samples will give a final staining solution of 10 nM.Staining the Bacteria2.1 Grow cultures according to necessary growth conditions. Cells in log-phase and showing optimal vitality will reduce the highest level of CTC, resulting in a greater percentage of the population producing high fluorescence signal.2.2 Dilute cells either washed in warm buffer (PBS or PBSGare suitable) or directly from the culture into warm buffer to~106 cells/mL. Aliquot ~1 mL to flow cytometry tubes. If desired, prepare an inactivated control by treating with 10% alcohol or1–4% formaldahyde.2.3 Add 100 μL of the 50 mM Bac Light™ RedoxSensor™ CTC working solution (prepared in step 1.1). Vortex gently to mix. Incubate 30 minutes at 37o C, protected from light. Note: Reserve a sample without dye addition as an unstained bacteria control.2.4 Analyze by flow cytometry without washing. If desired, CTC-stained cells may be counterstained (protocol below). Form-aldehyde treatment (1–4% final concentration) can be employed to fix CTC-stained cells, and this step can be carried out before counterstaining.Counterstaining (Optional)Cells may be counterstained with SYTO® 24 nucleic acid stain or DAPI at either room temperature or 37˚C for 15 minutes at recommended final concentration (see Table 1) and then analyzed immediately. Cells may also be fixed with 1–4% formaldehyde and prior to counterstaining. Samples may be analyzed without washing.3.1 For counterstaining with SYTO® 24 green fluorescent nucleic acid stain:Flow cytometry: Transfer 1 μL of the 1:100 dilution ofSYTO® 24 nucleic acid stain working solution (prepared in step 1.3) to 1 mL of CTC-labeled cells.Microscopy: Transfer 1 μL of the undiluted stock solution of SYTO® 24 nucleic acid stain (1 mM) to 1 mL of CTC-la-beled cells.3.2 For counterstaining with DAPI:Flow cytometry and microscopy: Transfer 2 μL of the5 mg/mL stock solution of DAPI to 1 mL of CTC-labeled cells. Table 1. Concentrations of SYTO®24 nucleic acid stain and DAPI for counterstaining.Adjusting the Flow Cytometer and Analyzing the SamplesInstrument capabilities may vary considerably, but the tech-niques and parameters established here should aid in setting up analyses in the majority of flow cytometers now in use. In the flow cytometer, bacteria are identified solely on the basis of their size and staining. It is best to inspect each sample by fluorescence microscopy to confirm that the particles detected are indeed bac-teria (see Analyzing the Stained Bacteria in Suspension by Fluo-rescence Microscopy ). Unstained and single-color controls should be used to locate cell populations and determine compensation settings.4.1 Instrument configuration. Use appropriate excitation sources and emission filters for stained bacteria samples (see Quick Facts ). If bacteria are costained with SYTO ® 24 nucleic acid stain and CTC, a single 488 nm excitation source is appropriate. If bacteria are stained with DAPI and CTC, a dual excitation (UV and 488 nm) instrument configuration is required.4.2 Instrument set-up4.2.1 Set amplifiers to logarithmic amplification. Use side-scatter and/or forward scatter to set threshold parameter. 4.2.2 With an unstained sample of bacteria cells, set the amplification of the signals from forward and side scatter so that the bacteria are in the middle of the data space. Adjust threshold to minimize electronic noise appearing on the monitor. To avoid coincidence error, maintain flow rate ≤1000 events/second. Set a gate on the bacterial population (Figure 1).4.2.3 On the red fluorescence histogram used for CTC analysis, set the fluorescence amplification so that the unstained bacteria are in the lowest decade of the plot. Refer to the position of the formaldehyde-tested control in Figure Using the active bacteria control stained only with the RedoxSensor™ CTC reagent, verify that the signal appears above the level of the unstained or inactivated control in the red fluores-cence channel (Figure 2).4.2.5 When using a nucleic acid counterstain, use a single color control to set the voltage of the PMT so that the bacterial signal appears above background (Figure 3). To exclude acel-lular fluorescence, set a gate on the population stained with the nucleic acid counterstain.Note: The cytometer may also be configured to trigger on fluo-rescence, capturing events that are labeled with a nucleic acid stain, thereby reducing the level of background noise.4.3 After adjusting the flow cytometer as described above, apply a control or experimental sample containing stained bacteria, gated as in Figures 1 and 3. Analyze in green versus red fluorescence, marking populations as in Figure 4. If necessary, adjust the com-pensation settings with single color controls.Figure 1. Dot plot of forward scatter vs. side scatter obtained on a sample of unstained bacteria analyzed using a BD FACSCalibur™ flow cytometer with thresholds set on forward and side scatter. The region R1 contains particles of the appropriate size forbacterial cells and is used to set the instrument to exclude debris in the sample.Figure 3. Dot plot of green fluorescence vs. side scatter. The region R2 contains events stained with SYTO ®24 nucleic acid stain.Figure 2. Untreated or formaldehyde-treated E. coli were stained with 5 mM CTC (30 minutes at 37ºC) and analyzed on a flow cytometer using 488 nm excitation anda 670 nm longpass filterAnalyzing the Stained Bacteria in Suspension by Fluores-cence MicroscopyBacteria stained using Bac Light™ RedoxSensor™ CTCVitality Kit may be viewed using most standard epifluorescencemicroscopes with the appropriate filters. For the dyes CTC,SYTO® 24 nucleic acid stain, and DAPI, standard Texas Red®dye, FITC (Alexa Fluor® 488 dye), and DAPI filters, respec-tively, are appropriate. Filter sets are available for simultaneousviewing of dual-stained populations, as well. More informationon appropriate filter sets can be found at ,, and .To analyze any of the samples in suspension using fluores-cence microscopy, trap 5 μL of the stained bacteria suspensionbetween a slide and an 18 mm square coverslip and observe on afluorescence microscope equipped with the appropriate filters. Figure 4. E. coli were stained with 5 mM CTC and 10 nM SYTO® 24 nucleic acid stain,then analyzed on a flow cytometer with 488 nm excitation and with 530 bandpass and670 longpass filters. Events are not gated as in Figures 1 and 3 to demonstrate the pres-ence of debris in the sample.References1. Cytometry 54A, 27 (2003);2. Appl Environ Microbiol 69, 2857 (2003);3. Biodegradation 13, 285 (2002);4. J Microbiol Methods 52, 75 (2003);5. Int J Food Microbiol 92, 327 (2004);6. J Microbiol Methods 52, 47 (2003);7. Huan Jing Ke Zue (article in Chinese) 25, 167 (2004);8. Appl Environ Microbiol 69, 7462 (2003);9. APMIS 106, 571 (1998); 10. Vet Res 33, 359 (2002); 11. J Appl Bacteriol 77, 353 (1994); 12. Appl Environ Microbiol69, 711 (2003); 13. Int J Food Microbiol 89, 31 (2003); 14. Syst Appl Microbiol 24, 331 (2001); 15. Cytometry 29, 298 (1997); 16. FEMS MicrobiolLett 179, 265 (1999); 17. Appl Environ Microbiol 69, 641 (2003).Prod u ct List Current pric e s may be ob t ained from our Web site or from our Customer Service Department.Cat # Product Name Unit SizekitB34956 Bac Light™ RedoxSensor™ CTC Vitality Kit *for flow cytometry and microscopy* (1)Contact InformationFurther information on Molecular Probes products, including product bibliographies, is available from your local distributor or directly from Molecular Probes. Customers in Europe, Africa and the Middle East should contact our office in Paisley, United Kingdom. All others should contact our Technical Service Department in Eugene, Oregon. Please visit our website — — for the most up-to-date information.Molecular Probes, Inc.29851 Willow Creek Road, Eugene, OR 97402Phone: (541) 465-8300 • Fax: (541) 335-0504Customer Service: 6:00 am to 4:30 pm (Pacific Time)Phone:(541)335-0338•Fax:(541)335-0305•************************** Toll-Free Ordering for USA:Order Phone: (800) 438-2209 • Order Fax: (800) 438-0228Technical Service: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm (Pacific Time)Phone: (541) 335-0353 • Toll-Free (800) 438-2209Fax: (541)335-0238•*************************Invitrogen European HeadquartersInvitrogen, Ltd.3 Fountain DriveInchinnan Business ParkPaisley PA4 9RF, UKPhone: +44 (0) 141 814 6100 • Fax: +44 (0) 141 814 6260 Email:*********************** TechnicalServices:***********************Molecular Probes products are high-quality reagents and materials intended for research pur p os e s only. These products must be used by, or directl y under the super v ision of, a tech n ically qual i f ied individual experienced in handling potentially hazardous chemicals. Please read the Material Safety Data Sheet pro v id e d for each prod u ct; other regulatory considerations may apply.Limited Use Label LicenseFor research use only. Not intended for any animal or human therapeutic or diagnostic use. The purchase of this product conveys to the buyer the non-transferable right to use the purchased amount of the product and components of the product in research conducted by the buyer (whether the buyer is an academic or for-profi t entity). The buyer cannot sell or otherwise transfer (a) this product (b) its components or (c) materials made using this product or its components to a third party or otherwise use this product or its components or materials made using this product or its components for Commercial Purposes. The buyer may transfer information or materials made through the use of this product to a scientifi c collaborator, provided that such transfer is not for any Commercial Purpose, and that such collaborator agrees in writing (a) to not transfer such materials to any third party, and (b) to use such transferred materials and/or information solely for research and not for Com-mercial Purposes. Commercial Purposes means any activity by a party for consideration and may include, but is not limited to: (1) use of the product or its components in manufacturing; (2) use of the product or its components to provide a service, information, or data; (3) use of the product or its components for therapeutic, diagnos-tic or prophylactic purposes; or (4) resale of the product or its components, whether or not such product or its components are resold for use in research. Invitrogen Corporation will not assert a claim against the buyer of infringement of the above patents based upon the manufacture, use or sale of a therapeutic, clinical diagnostic, vaccine or prophylactic product developed in research by the buyer in which this product or its components was employed, provided that neither this product nor any of its components was used in the manufacture of such product. If the purchaser is not willing to accept the limitations of this limited use statement, Invitrogen is willing to accept return of the product with a full refund. For information on purchasing a license to this product for purposes other than research, contact Molecular Probes, Inc., Business Development, 29851 Willow Creek Road, Eugene, OR 97402. Tel: (541) 465-8300. Fax: (541) 335-0504.Several Molecular Probes products and product applications are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and patents pending. All names con t ain i ng the des i g n a t ion ® are reg i s t ered with the U.S. Patent and Trade m ark Offi ce.Copyright 2005, Molecular Probes, Inc. All rights reserved. This information is subject to change without notice.。
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GNU 41836 X11 | 社会责任社会责任 | 12减少食物浪费的战争始于我们每个家庭的厨房中我们和屡获殊荣的米其林三星级大厨MassimoBottura发起的非营利项目“Food for Soul”加入这场运动吧!(网址:)FULL FRESH+ 全效养鲜希望留住新鲜?那就给它一个舒适的家GKN18920IFRX净味致鲜利用紫外线照射光触媒产生氧化能力极强的自由氢氧基和活性氧,破坏细菌的细胞膜和固化病毒的蛋白质,从而达到全面高效除臭,让你的冰箱真正保持清新健康。
Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告康维德(中国)医疗用品有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:康维德(中国)医疗用品有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分康维德(中国)医疗用品有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。
1.2 企业画像类别内容行业医药制造业-化学药品制剂制造资质增值税一般纳税人产品服务(详见许可证)、危险化学品经营(详见许可1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。
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产品 商品名 规格 功能
60g/支 28g/瓶
• 外层防水,不会影响日常活动,使用时间长 达5-7天 一件式尿 路凸面造 口袋 10个/盒
• 预裁剪设计,适合不同患者
• 独特的黏胶,吸收能力好。
一件式小 儿造口袋
10-35mm 15个/盒
•独特的亲水性双螺旋黏胶,不易过敏,不刺 激皮肤。 •底盘柔软、容易粘贴和揭除。 •袋设计小巧轻薄,材质柔软,防异味。
45mm 45mm 57mm 70mm 10片/盒
13-22mm 22-33mm 33-45mm 45-56mm
•接触层——Stomahesive黏胶 (低敏性,皮肤亲和力好) •上层——Durahesive黏胶 (抗腐蚀、抗渗能力强)
2008年ConvaTec脱离施贵宝公司,成为独立的美资公司, 并在中国注册了——康维德(中国)医疗用品有限公司
Ostomy Care
• 造口护理领域, 齐全的产品 线和附属产品
Wound Therapeutics
• 伤口管理领域:产品组合 中包括领先的抗菌敷料产 品 .
Continence & Critical Care
Sur-Fit Nature
38mm 45mm 57mm
• 三种亲水性黏胶,粘着力强,低过敏性, 吸收能力好。 • 除了保护皮肤外,还能促进造口周围皮肤 的愈合.
• 低缘齿环结合,不会松脱,使用时间可达 5-7天.
Herlev (Papyro-Tex) Minsk, Belarus
Michalovce, Slovakia
Sungai Petani, Malaysia
引领行业创新30余年 !
• ConvaTec 产品 Ostomy Care 造口护理系列 Wound / Skin Care 伤口及皮肤护理系列
•结肠造口,排泄物成形 的患者。
45mm 45mm 57mm 70mm 10片/盒
13-22mm 22-33mm 33-45mm 45-56mm 13-22mm 22-33mm 33-45mm 10片/盒
•Durahesive黏胶(抗腐蚀、抗 渗能力强)
•回肠造口和泌尿造口, 或排泄物较稀的患者
45mm 45mm 57mm
• Durahesive黏胶(抗腐蚀、 抗渗能力强)
•造口凹陷的或平齐的患 者 •造口周围皮肤出现褶皱 、疤痕的患者
特征 利益点
• 独特可塑技术,适合造口大小 • 无需剪刀,操作方便,易于 教学,减少浪费 和形状 • “龟颈”效应,回弹记忆技 • 消除了造口和底盘空隙,最 术 大程度降低渗漏,更好保护 皮肤 • 独特无纺布软边,贴敷顺应 性好,独特配方 • 降低周围皮肤过敏的发生。 使用时间更长,患者使用更 舒适,便于弯腰。
• 更加薄形,适合夏季使用或弯腰
Sur-Fit Nature Stomahesive
38mm 45mm 57mm 70mm 10片/盒
Sur-Fit Nature Durahesive
38mm 45mm 57mm 70mm 5片/盒
• 胶片添加特殊弹性橡胶,具有抗腐蚀和 抗渗液力,胶片不会溶解。 • 具有乳胶环绕效果,柔软服贴 • 使用时间可达10天之久 • 可同时适用于肠造口及泌尿造口。
• 便失禁和重症监护:FlexiSeal®大便失禁管理套件引 领整个市场的发展
Infusion Devices
• 输液器械领域:产品组合 中包括糖尿病治疗输液泵 使用的一次性输液装置
Flexi-Seal® FMS
Osted Deeside Rhymney Greensboro Reynosa (2) (ID and HC)1 Haina
华南区经理 庄利彬
Ostomy Care Wound Therapeutics Continence & Critical Care Infusion Devices
• 公司简介
• 造口系列产品
• 伤口系列产品
2Leabharlann ConvaTec康维德公司简介
ConvaTec 创建于 1978年, 总部在美国New Jersey,原 属美国百时美施贵宝公司。
Sur-Fit Nature
38mm 45mm 57mm 70mm 10片/盒
• 扣环缘低,扣上后有安全不脱落的声音 • 背面护网不会粘连皮肤 •除臭设计,可有效消除异味
• 附送进口尾夹,易操作绝不渗漏
Sur-Fit Nature
Durahesive 耐用底盘“龟颈”效应——延长佩戴时间
预防底盘被侵蚀和保护周围皮肤 • Durahesive 耐用底盘中的水胶体吸收渗出液并膨胀 • 底盘中弹性多聚体纤维包裹膨胀的水胶体颗粒
一般造口底盘, 很快被溶解, 导致造口周围皮肤被浸蚀.
耐用底盘“龟颈”效应”保 护造口周围皮肤, 免遭浸蚀 。
38mm 45mm 57mm 70mm 10片/盒
• 扣环缘低,扣上后有安全不脱落的声音 • 背面护网不会粘连皮肤
• 除臭设计,可有效消除异味
• 用后即可丢弃,适用于外出及性生活
Sur-Fit Nature
38mm 45mm 57mm 70mm 10片/盒
• 扣环缘低,扣上后有安全不脱落的声音 • 背面护网不会粘连皮肤 • 连接管可接蓄尿袋,于夜晚睡觉时使用
二件式造口护理产品 可塑形产品系列 造口配件产品
一件式大 便造口袋
19-64mm 10个/盒
• 独特的水胶体黏胶,与皮肤相容性好,不易 过敏。 • 揭除方面,没有黏胶残留
• 背面护网不粘连皮肤而且具有静音效果