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1.半小时()2 、在左边()3 、乘地铁(

4、右转()5 、听英语()6、in front of (7、be interested in ()8 、three years ago()

9、on my way to school()10 、near the hotel()


I.There ______ (be)ma ny tall buildi ngs n ear here.

2.1 want _______ (talk)with you.

3. You can _____ (see)the bookshop on the left.

4. There ______ (be) a supermarket n ear my home.

5. How long does it _____ (get)there on foot?

6.1 ______ (go) to Shan ghai last week.

7. There are lots of trees in front of the ________ (build)

8. People enjoy ________ (go) shopp ing in this supermarket.

9. They _______ (beg in) to lear n En glish three years ago.

10. Look! Lucy ________________ (play) n ear the house.


()1.Look ______ t his picture _______ m y com mun ity.

A 、at ,of

B 、out, in C. At, with

()2.There is a hotel ______ a supermarket _______ a bookshop.

A .beh ind, and B. betwee n, and C. in front of , with

()3.There ______ a lot of trees and flowers in the park.

A. is

B. are

C. was

()4.Go _____ this street and turn right _____ the traffic lights.

A. dow n, at

B. dow n, on

C. at, on

()5.I live in one of the ______ .

A. buildi ngs

B. build ing

C. build

()6. _______ the ma in street is a bank.

A. In

B. On

C. At

()7.She ______ Sanya last mon th.

A. will visit

B. visited

C. visits

()8.You can get off the bus _______ the third stop, and then you' ll find

a hotel ____ your left.

A. in, on

B. at, on

C. on, at

()9.How can I _______ ?

A. get to the city library

B. get in the city library

C. get on the city library

()10.My father goes to Sha nghai ________ t rain.

A. by

B. in

C. with


1. dance (现在分词)_______

2. taught (原形) _________


4. foot(复数)________

5. use (过去式)___________

6.is (过去式) _____

7.liste n(过去式)

________ 8. go (过去式)_________ 9.beg in (过去式)

10. have (单三形式)__________


1.There is a park near my home.(改为一般疑问句)


Please ______________ the bus at the n ext stop.


How can I ______________ t he __________________?


There _____ a ______________ my home.


How many _______ did you have _______________?


Did they go to Harbi n _______ __________ ?


It is windy in the evening .Mary wants 1 in the park. She is waiting for ( 等)the _2_ _. The park is 3 _ from her home, but she doesn ' t go there on foot. She just goes there 4 bus. 5_? Because Mary

6 to her new home last week. She doesn ' t know how to get there on foot.

Mary doesn ' t watch TV in the evening. She enjoys _7 _.It ' not fun to go dow n the street because there are too many cars and buses. She likes to walk in the _________ 8.

There she can liste n to the birds sin gi ng _ 9 ___the trees. She can

watch the children play in the park. Her friends come to the park, too. She

can 10 with them in En glish.

( )1.A. get to B. to walk C. walked D. got to

( )2.A. bus B. car C. bike D. subway

( )3.A. far B. not n ear C. no far D. not far

( )4.A. by B. i n C. on D. n ear

( )5.A. When B. Why C. How D.


( )6.A. we nt B. lived C. moved D. ran

( )7.A. walki ng B.

walkec 1 C.


D. walk

( )8.A. park B. school C. street D. office ( )9.A. to B. in C. with D. of

( )10.A. write B. draw C. fly D. talk


We have a small library at school. In front of the library, there is an old tree. The library ope ns at 8 o ' clock in the morni ng and it closes

at 5:30 in the after noon. Usually, many stude nts come early and for the library to ope n.

When you get into the library, you can see many pictures on the front wall. They are all pictures of the great people in the world. Turn right and you can go to the read ing room. There are some books and magaz ines in the reading room. You can read them there, but you cannot take them out. You cannot speak loudly. You must keep quiet. Turn left and you can get to another room. There are manybooks in this room. You can borrow two books at a time and take them away to read at home.

I like our library very much. I often go there to read books.

( )1. We have a ___________ library at school.

A. old

B. big

C. small

D. new

( )2. The library is ope n for __________ hours a day.

A. 8.5

B. 9.5

C. 10.5

D. 11.5

( )3. There are many __________ on the front wall.

A. trees

B. books

C. pictures

D. stude nts

( )4. Where can we borrow books?

A. We don ' t know.

B. From the room on the right.

C. From the room on the left.

D. On the front wall.

()5. From this passage( 短文),we know we can _________ .

A. borrow books from the room on the left to read at home.

B. speak loudly in the library.

C. borrow there books at a time.

D. en ter the library at 7:00.


A:Excuse 1. ____ ,what did you do 2. ________ your holiday?

B: I went to Sanya 3. ________ my pare nts.

A: 4. _________ amaz ing. How did you get there?

B: We 5. _______ 6. _________ by ship. We 7. _______ s un bathi ng duri ng the day. And we enjoyed the moonand stars 8. ____________ night. We9. _________

a good 10. __________ !
