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• Nurse: You're welcome.
• Related Expressions (asking the patient about his/her illness )
• • • • • • • • • • • • What seems to be the trouble? What seems to be the problem? What‘s troubling you? Where does it hurt? In what way are you feeing sick? What seems to be bothering you? Tell me what your problem is? When did the pain start? Which tooth is troubling you? What hurts you? What‘s wrong with your ear? Do you have any appetite?
· Scissors[剪刀] · Tray[托盘] · Sputum ['spju:təm]cup[痰杯] · Test tube[试管] · Infusion support[输液架 · Operating table[手术台] · Shadowless lamp[无影灯] ·Scalpel['skælpəl [手术刀] · Silk sutures['sutʃə:s] [丝线] · Rubber drainage[引流管] · Operating gown[手术衣] Mask[口罩] ·Hemostatic[,hi:mə'stætik forceps ['fɔ:seps][止血钳] ·Anesthesia[,ænis'θi:ziə] machine[麻醉机] ·Electrocardiograph[i,lektrəu'kɑ:di əuɡrɑ:f][心电图机]
• • • • • • • •
Diabetes[,daiə'bi:ti:z] Gout[ɡaut] Insanity Leukemia[lju'ki:mi ə] Measles ['mi:zlz] Mumps[mʌmps] Paralysis[pə'rælisis] pneumonia[nju:'mə unjə] 肺炎
Medical equipment
• • • • • • • • • • • Stethoscope ['steθəskəup][听诊器] · Sphygmomanometer [,sfiɡməumə'nɔmitə] (Blood pressure gauge)[血压计] ·Thermometer[θə'mɔmitə] [体温表] · Tongue depressor (spatula)['spætjulə, -tʃə-] [压舌板] · Needle[针头] · Syringe[注射器] ['sirindʒ, sə'rindʒ] · Cotton stick (ball)[棉签(球)] · Bandage['bændidʒ][绷带] · Gauze[ɡɔ:z] [纱布] Splint[splint] [夹板] · Rubber glove[橡皮手套] • · Bedpan[便盒] ·Urinal ['juərinəl][尿壶] • ·Catheter['kæθitə] [导尿管] · Lavage [læ'vɑ:ʒ, 'lævidʒ] tube[洗胃管]
navel waist hip buttock thigh knee calf ankle heel toe rib
bowel 脾-spleen larynx ['læriŋks]喉 Blind gut 盲肠 Appendix阑 尾 anus bladder womb joint
• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
nurse physician surgeon specialist dentist optician in-patient out-patient operating room surgical ward medical ward isolation ward observation ward Injection room
the human body and organs
brain forehead brow chin/cheek tongue • neck • throat • shoulder • elbow • forearm
upperarm wrist fist finger nail chest back breast stomach abdomen[ 'æ bdəmen] belly
Chief complaints/symptoms:
cough/fever sore throat phlegm [flem] stuffed/runny nose have no appetite feel dizzy/faint shock/coma nausea/vomit feel nauseous/sick • Spot/Pimple • itching
• • • •
Nurse: Good morning. Patient: Good morning. Nurse: What seems to be the problem? Patient: Im running a high fever and feeling terribly bad.
• Nurse: How long have you had the problem? • Patient: Since last night.
· Oxygen tube (cylinder)吸氧管 • Visual testing chart[视力表] · Incubator ['inkjubeitə[保温箱] • Plaster bed[石膏床] · Sheet[被单] • · Bedding/quilt [kwilt][被褥] • · Blanket[毛毯] • ·Diaper ['daiəpə][尿布] • · Pillow case[枕套] • · Bedside table[床头柜] • · Towel[毛巾] • · Basin[脸盆] · Comb[梳子] • Tooth-paste[牙膏] • · Tooth-brush[牙刷] • · Air cushion bed[气垫床] • Scale[台秤] • · Flashlight[电筒] • ·
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Since when have you been feeling like that? How long have you had this trouble? How long has it been this way? What did you eat yesterday? Have you take any medicine for it? Do you feel tired? Are you feeling sick? Any vomitting? Are you feeling all right? Are your bowels regular? Do you cough? Do you feel short of breath sometimes?
• 。 • Nurse: Thank you. The registration fee is one dollar., • Patient: Fine. But can you tell me how to get to the medical department, please?
• Nurse: Take the lift to the third floor and then make a left turn. Go along the corridor until you see the sign on your right. • Patient: Thanks a lot.
have a sharp pain/shooting pain/ headache/stomachache/bac kache/toothache I have diarrhea.[,daiə'riə] Wheeze/sneeze Sleepy/drowsy ['drauzi] burns high/low blood pressure Cramp/fracture/sprain bruises[bru:z]/rash/blister水泡
Fra Baidu bibliotek
Tuberculosis [tju:,bə:kju'ləusis ] Tumor Arthritis [ɑ:'θraitis] Bronchitis [brɔŋ'kaitis] appendicitis [ə,pendi'saitis]
common diseases
• • • • • • • • •
Concussion[kən'kʌʃə n] Acute[ə'kju:t] disease Rash Chronic['krɔnik] disease Injury/Wound Infectious[in'fekʃəs] disease Ulcer['ʌlsə] Contagious [kən'teidʒəs] Cholera['kɔlərə] insomnia[in'sɔmniə] fatal cold/Flu/influenza[,influ'enzə] constipation [,kɔnsti'peiʃən]便秘 Indigestion [,indi'dʒestʃən heart failure Fracture['fræktʃə] enteritis [,entə'raitis] hypertension 肠炎
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Stretcher[担架] · Ambulance[救护车] · Pacemaker[起搏器] · Microscope[显微镜] · Transfusion set[输血包] · Refrigerator[ri'fridʒəreitə][冰箱] · Microwave oven[微波炉] monitor 监护仪 drainage tube引流管 crutch [krʌtʃ]拐杖 call light 呼叫灯 stretcher 担架
• Nurse: Well, have you ever been here before? • Patient: As a matter of fact, I have just moved to this city. • Nurse: O. K. In that case, you have to fill in this registration card. Your age, gender, address and things like that. • Patient: No problem. Which department should I register with, madam? • Nurse: You'd better go to the medical department. • Patient: Here is my registration card.
• surgery(plastic surgery) • cardiology department • paediatrics[,pi:di'ætriks] department • registration office • emergency room • pharmacy,dispensary • intern/resident • head nurse • cardiovascular specialist • neurologist • psychiatrist • ICU:intensive care unit • Rehabilitation unit