2015版 质量手册(ISO9001-2015)

Q-SC X X X制造有限公司质量手册(根据GB/T19001-2016/ISO9001:2015标准要求编写)编制:批准:版本:分发号:2020-03-15发布2020-04-01实施×××制造有限公司文件修订页目录1范围2规范性引用文件3术语和定义4组织环境4.1理解组织及其环境4.2理解相关方的需求和期望4.3确定质量管理体系的范围4.4质量管理体系及其过程5领导作用5.1 领导作用和承诺5.1.1总则5.1.2以顾客为关注焦点5.2 质量方针5.2.1制定质量方针5.2.2沟通质量方针5.3 组织的角色、职责和权限6策划6.1 应对风险和机遇的措施6.2 质量目标及其实现的策划6.3变更的策划7支持7.1 资源7.1.1 总则7.1.2 人员7.1.3 基础设施7.1.4 过程运行环境7.1.5监视和测量资源7.1.6组织知识7.2 能力7.3意识7.4 沟通7.5 形成文件的信息7.5.1总则7.5.2编制和更新7.5.3文件化信息的控制8运行8.1 运行策划和控制8.2 产品和服务的要求8.2.1顾客沟通8.2.2与产品和服务有关要求的确定8.2.3 与产品和服务有关要求的评审8.2.4 产品和服务要求的变更8.3产品和服务的设计和开发8.3.1总则8.3.2设计和开发的策划8.3.3设计和开发的输入8.3.4设计和开发的控制8.3.5设计和开发的输出8.3.6设计和开发的更改8.4外部提供过程、产品和服务的控制8.4.1总则8.4.2 控制类型与程度8.4.3 外部供方信息8.5生产和服务提供8.5.1生产和服务提供的控制8.5.2标识和可追溯性8.5.3顾客或外供方的财产8.5.4防护8.5.5交付后活动8.5.6变更的控制8.6产品和服务的放行8.7不合格输出的控制9绩效评价9.1监视、测量、分析和评价9.1.1总则9.1.2顾客满意9.1.3 分析与评价9.2内部审核9.3管理评审10改进10.1总则10.2不合格与纠正措施10.3持续改进附件1 程序文件清单附件2 组织结构图附件3 质量管理体系职能分配表附件4产品加工工艺流程图1.0前言1.1手册说明本手册按GB/T19001-2016/ISO9001:2015标准要求编写,适用于本公司生产及服务在质量管理中的应用。

Quality Management System Policy ManualISO 9001:201511-8-17Date Printed: _______________1. Quality Management System ScopeCOMPANY NAME establishes this quality policy manual to implement and maintain a quality management system meeting the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, to ensure customer satisfaction in the manufacturing ofstamped, formed, machined and fabricated metal parts, weldments, subassemblies and painting ofmetal parts to customer and COMPANY NAME specifications1.1. Non-applicable Clauses of ISO 9001:1.1.1. 8.3 Product Design & Development of Products & Services – COMPANY NAME is acustommanufacturer and designs are provided by our customers.2. Quality Policy StatementCOMPANY NAME is committed to continually improving all products and services to achieve our customer’sexpectations.We do this by:1) Living our values,2) Providing opportunities for employee involvement, motivation and training,3) Developing, documenting and following processes.3. Quality ObjectivesCOMPANY NAME’s quality management system objectives are to enable COMPANY NAME to be our customers’ first choice by:1) Achieving satisfactory ratings on quality, delivery and other key metrics tracked and reportedby our customers through their formal supplier evaluation and performance systems,2) Achieving a level of 700 ppm as tracked through COMPANY NAME’s RA system for customers without aformal supplier evaluation system for quality,3) Achieving a 95% on-time delivery to the COMPANY NAME warehouse for customers without a formalsupplier evaluation system for delivery.Policy Manual Revisions LogDate 3/22/17 8/7/17Summary of RevisionsRewrite of Quality Policy Manual to meet ISO 9001:2015.1. Revised 4.2 to include “employees”, “owners” and“regulators”.Made ByJGVJGV2. Added Figure 2 to support to support the COMPANYNAME QMSProcess Flow11-8-17 Updated to clarify risk, inputs, out puts and KPI’s forSupport and Management Process in QMS ProcessReference page (page 6)JGVManagement ApprovalName: Title: Signature: Date: Paul Gintner President4. Context of the Organization4.1. Understanding the Organization & Its ContextTop Management determines the external and internal issues that are relevant to our qualitymanagement system and its strategic direction, and that affect our ability to achieve theintended results.COMPANY NAME is a contract manufacturer in a competitive market, therefore we must maintain on-time delivery, product quality, and good customer service. Our key internal issues are to maintainproduction capacities, including competent people, capable processes, and maintainedequipment.COMPANY NAME monitors and reviews information relevant to internal and external issues throughourmanagement review meetings.4.2. Understanding the Needs and Expectations of Interested PartiesDue to their potential effect on the organization’s ability to consistently provide products thatmeet customer requirements, Top Management determines:a) The interested parties that are relevant to the quality management system;b) The requirements of these interested parties that are relevant to the quality managementsystem.COMPANY NAME’s Top Management has determined that our customers, suppliers, employees, owners (Ottertail) and regulators (OSHA) are the interested parties that we need to be concerned withand will strive to meet their needs and expectations.Top Management monitors and reviews relevant measurements and information about theseinterested parties and their relevant requirements through management review meetings.4.3. Determining the Scope of the Quality Management SystemTop Management determines the boundaries and applicability of the quality managementsystem to establish its scope. (Ref. Section 1.)When determining this scope, Top Management has considered:a) The external and internal issues referred to in 4.1.b) The requirements of relevant interested parties.c) The products and services of the organization.We apply all the requirements of the standard that are applicable within the scope of the qualitymanagement system. With only one exclusion section 8.3 Product Design & Development ofProducts & Services - (Ref. Section 1.1.1)Top Management ensures the scope of the quality management system is available andmaintained, as documented in Section 1, including the types of products and services coveredby the quality management system, and justification for any requirements determined notapplicable to the scope of the quality management system.Top Management ensures conformity to the standard(s) referred to in Section 1, and that anyrequirements determined as not applicable do not affect our ability or responsibility to ensurethe conformity of our products and services and the enhancement of customer satisfaction.4.4. Quality Management System and Its Processes4.4.1. Top Management establishes, implements, maintains, and continually improves aquality management system, including the processes needed and their interaction, inaccordance with the requirements of the standard.Top Management determines the processes needed for the quality management systemand their application throughout the organization, and:a) Determines the inputs required and the outputs expected from these processes;b) Determines the sequence and interaction of these processes (Ref. Figure 1);c) Determines and applies the criteria and methods (including monitoring,measurements, and related performance indicators) needed to ensure the effectiveoperation and control of these processes;d) Determines the resources needed for these processes and ensures their availability;e) Assigns the responsibilities and authorities for these processes;f) Addresses the risks and opportunities as determined in accordance with Section6.1;g) Evaluates these processes and implements any changes needed to ensure thatthese processes achieve their intended results;h) Improves the processes and the quality management system.Figure 1 – Quality Management System ProcessesCOMPANY NAME QMS Process FlowCustomer Feedback Captured and Utilized for Continuous Improvement and FutureQuotesQuote Provided toCustomerOutputRiskMonitoringCustomer Places OrderCustomer RequirementsEDI/Forecast Inaccuracy andorder cancelationDaily forecast and orderconfirmationInputsRiskMonitoringOutputsInputsOrder Qty, Due date and ContainerJob CreatedChanging customer orders and WC capacity limitationsDaily exception reporting and weekly WC load meetings.RiskOutputsInputsMonitoringMaterial PurchasedMaterial needs, Due Date, Work Center AssignmentCommunication with Sales Team, Supplier Performance/Report CardsMaterial availability, SupplierOTDOutputsInputsRiskMonitoringDaily Exception Reporting, Communication withProduction and Daily Planners, Weekly Load Report MeetingJob PlannedProcess JobWC Capacity, BOM Item Availability, Man PowerMaterial Delivery DateOutputsInputsRiskMonitoringProductivity, MDI data, LPA program, Safety Audit, Delivery to the Warehouse, EQCP’s , Supplier Report CardsJob scheduled, Material Delivery, WC Load, ContainersMachine, Manpower, Tooling, Safety, Process Adherence, OSS OTD, Part QualityInputsOutputsInputsRiskMonitoringProduct Placed inInventoryDelivery to the Warehouse, Preservation of product, Inventory AccuracyLabeled Product and Inspection DataMDI Data, Random Inventory Audits, FIFO processes,OutputsInputsRiskMonitoringProduct Shipped to CustomerShort/Over shipments, late shipments, Understanding Customer Ship RequirementsPicking Verification Processes and Software, Customer Ship Notes, OTD to Customer, Shipping Errors Reported byCustomerLabeled Product and Inspection Data*See Figure 2 to reference specific processes that facilitate the COMPANY NAME QMS Process FlowCustomer Uses ProductFigure 2 – Quality Management System Reference ProcessesRev:11-08-17 Core Flow Processes Support Processes Management Processes Quote Provided to Customer * LAU2-001 Product Realization PRO2-002 Non-Conforming ProductSLS2-001 Quoting * LAU2-002 Part ManufacturingQualification PRO2-004 Production PartDeviationCHN2-005 Obsolete Part * LAU2-003 Proto Process* LAU2-010 New Customer LaunchProcess PRO2-005 Corrective Action*Launch (New Product) if applicable* LAU2-006 Customer Supplier GuideReview STD2-008STD2-003STD2-007STD2-004STD2-005COMPANY NAMEManagementReviewInternal AuditCustomer Places OrderSLS2-002 Process Customer OrdersSCH2-005 SCH2-001 SCH2-006 Supplier Assessment andSelectionEstablish New VendorLayered Process AuditJob CreatedMonitoring andMeasuring of ProcessesRisk Assessment MatrixOutsourcing In-HousePainted PartsMaterial PurchasedPRO2-008 Master Planning of DirectMaterialsHRE2-004 Onboarding EmployeesSHP2-002 Receive Material orService CHN2-001 ECN Engineering ChangeNotificationSCH2-004 Purchase IndirectMaterials or Services CHN2-003 Request for Operation orRate ChangeSee STD2-004 and STD2-005 forInputs/Outsputs/KPI's for all Supportand Management processesJob PlannedPRO2-007 Daily Production Planning STD2-002STD2-001BMS Document ControlBMS Document RevisionPRO2-009 Expedite CustomerOrdersSTD2-006 Records Control SCH2-003 Temporary OutsourcingProcess JobProduct Placed in Inventory PRO2-003 Part Production Color Key:Key ISO ProcessesCHN2-002 NSM Non-StandardManufacturingQMS Processes Flow Steps CHN2-004 QAD AdditionFAE2-007 LAU2-004 Work Center Transfer Container Designation ProcessPRO2-001 Monitoring andMeasuring of Product PRO2-006 Transfer of TemporaryWorkProduct Shipped to the Customer SHP2-001 Ship Customer Orders4.4.2. Top Management ensures the organization:a) Maintains documented information to support the operation of its processes;b) Retains documented information to have confidence that the processes are beingcarried out as planned.This documentation includes the “Quality Manual”, which consists of this Quality SystemPolicy Manual, as well as the quality system procedures, which are located andcontrolled as defined under documentation requirements per Section 7.5.5. Leadership5.1. Leadership & Commitment5.1.1. GeneralTop Management demonstrates leadership and commitment with respect to the qualitymanagement system by:a) Taking accountability for the effectiveness of the quality management system;b) Ensuring the quality policy statement and objectives are established for the qualitymanagement system and are compatible with the context and strategic direction ofthe organization;c) Ensuring the integration of the quality management system requirements into theorganization’s business p rocesses;d) Promoting the use of the process approach and risk-based thinking;e) Ensuring that the resources needed for the quality management system areavailable;f) Communicating the importance of effective quality management and of conformingto the quality management system requirements;g) Ensuring that the quality management system achieves its intended results;h) Engaging, directing, and supporting personnel to contribute to the effectiveness ofthe quality management system;i) j) Promoting improvement;Supporting other relevant management roles to demonstrate their leadership as it applies to their areas of responsibility.5.1.2. Customer FocusTop Management demonstrates leadership and commitment with respect to customerfocus by ensuring that:a) Customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements are determined,understood, and consistently met;b) The risks and opportunities that can affect conformity of products and services andthe ability to enhance customer satisfaction are determined and addressed;c) The focus on enhancing customer satisfaction is maintained.5.2. Policy5.2.1. Establishing the Quality PolicyTop Management establishes, implements, and maintains a quality policy statementthat:a) Is appropriate to the purpose and context of the organization and supports itsstrategic direction;b) Provides a framework for setting quality objectives;c) Includes a commitment to satisfy applicable requirements;d) Includes a commitment to continual improvement of the quality managementsystem.5.2.2. Communicating the Quality PolicyTop Management ensures the quality policy statement is:a) Available and maintained as documented information, ref. Section 2;b) Communicated, understood, and applied within the organization;c) Available to relevant interested parties, as appropriate.5.3. Organizational Roles, Responsibilities, & AuthoritiesTop Management ensures that the responsibilities and authorities for relevant roles areassigned, communicated, and understood within the organization.Top Management assigns responsibility and authority for:a) Ensuring that the quality management system conforms to the requirements of thestandard, per Section 1;b) Ensuring that the processes are delivering their intended outputs;c) Reporting on the performance of the quality management system and on opportunities forimprovement , in particular to top management;d) Ensuring the promotion of customer focus throughout the organization;e) Ensuring that the integrity of the quality management system is maintained when changesto the quality management system are planned and implemented.6. Planning6.1. Actions to Address Risks & Opportunities6.1.1. When planning for the quality management system, Top Management considers theissues referred to in 4.1 and the requirements referred to in 4.2, and determines therisks and opportunities that need to be addressed to:a) Give assurance that the quality management system can achieve its intendedresult(s);b) Enhance desirable effects;c) Prevent, or reduce, undesired effects;d) Achieve improvement.6.1.2. Top Management plans:a) Actions to address these risks and opportunities;b) How to:1) Integrate and implement the actions into its quality management systemprocesses;2) Evaluate the effectiveness of these actions.Top Management ensures actions taken to address risks and opportunities shall beproportionate to the potential impact on the conformity of products and services.Top Management has addressed risks and opportunities through the implementation ofthe quality management system, specifically through the procedures and processeswe’ve defined with the intention to prevent risks an d address opportunities.6.2. Quality Objectives & Planning to Achieve Them6.2.1. Top Management establishes quality objectives at relevant functions, levels, andprocesses needed for the quality management system.Top Management ensures the quality objectives:a) Are consistent with the quality policy statement;b) Are measureable;c) Take into account applicable requirements;d) Are relevant to conformity of products and services and to enhancement ofcustomer satisfaction;e) Are monitored;f) Are communicated;g) Are updated as appropriate.Top Management maintains documented information on the quality objectives.6.2.2. When planning how to achieve its quality objectives, Top Management determines:a) What will be done;b) What resources will be required;c) Who will be responsible;d) When it will be completed;e) How the results will be evaluated.Top Management plans to achieve objectives by defining our quality managementsystem procedures and processes. Top Management evaluates results andimprovement actions through the management review process, including document andtracking actions.6.3. Planning of ChangesWhen the need for changes to the quality management system are determined, TopManagement ensures the changes are carried out in a planned manner, considering:a) The purpose of the changes and their potential consequences;b) The integrity of the quality management system;c) The availability of resources;d) The allocation or reallocation of responsibilities and authorities.7. Support7.1. Resources7.1.1. GeneralTop Management determines and provides the resources needed for the establishment,implementation, maintenance, and continual improvement of the quality managementsystem, considering:a) The capabilities of, and constraints on, existing internal resources;b) What needs to be obtained from external providers.7.1.2. PeopleTop Management determines and provides the personnel resources necessary for theeffective implementation of its quality management system and for the operation andcontrol of its processes.7.1.3. InfrastructureTop Management determines, provides, and maintains the infrastructure necessary for the operation of its processes and to achieve conformity of products and services.7.1.4. Environment for the Operation of ProcessesTop Management determines, provides, and maintains the environment necessary forthe operation of its process and to achieve conformity of products and services.7.1.5. Monitoring & Measuring Resources7.1.5.1. GeneralTop Management determines and provides resources needed to ensure validand reliable results when monitoring or measuring is used to verify theconformity of products and services to requirements, ensuring the resourcesprovided:a) Are suitable for the specific type of monitoring and measurement activitiesbeing undertaken;b) Are maintained to ensure their continuing fitness for their purpose.Top Management ensures appropriate documented information is retained asevidence of fitness for purpose of the monitoring and measurement resources. Measurement TraceabilityWhen measurement traceability is a requirement, or is considered to be an essentialpart of providing confidence in the validity of measurement results, the QualityDepartment ensures measuring equipment is:a) Calibrated or verified, or both, at specified intervals, or prior to use, againstmeasurement standards traceable to international or national measurementstandards; when no such standards exist, the basis used for calibration orverification are retained as documented information;b) Identified in order to determine their status;c) Safeguarded from adjustments, damage, or deterioration that would invalidate thecalibration status and subsequent measurement results.Assigned personnel determine if the validity of previous measurement results havebeen adversely affected when measuring equipment is found to be unfit for itsintended purpose, and take appropriate action as necessary.7.1.6. Organizational KnowledgeTop Management determines the knowledge necessary for the operation of itsprocesses and to achieve conformity of products and services.Top Management ensures this knowledge is maintained and made available to theextent necessary.When addressing changing needs and trends, Top Management ensures currentknowledge is considered and determines how to acquire or access any necessaryadditional knowledge and required updates.Top Management has addressed this requirement through the documented processes and procedures of the quality management system, as well as through the retainedinformation supporting the quality management system processes.。
ISO9001-2015版 质量手册

有限公司文件编号:CC-QM-2015质量手册编制:审核:批准:版本号:A1文件发放号:地址:电话:传真:邮编:修订记录目录1.0 前言1.1 手册说明1.2 质量手册颁布令1.3 公司简介2.0 规范性引用文件3.0 术语和定义4. 组织环境4.1 理解组织及其环境4.2 理解相关方的需求和期望4.3 确定质量管理体系的范围4.4.质量管理体系及其过程5 领导作用5.1 领导作用和承诺5.1.1总则5.1.2以顾客为关注焦点5.2 质量方针5.2.1制定质量方针5.2.2沟通质量方针5.3 组织的角色、职责和权限6策划6.1 应对风险和机遇的措施6.2 质量目标及其实现的策划6.3变更的策划7支持7.1 资源7.1.1 总则7.1.2 人员7.1.3 基础设施7.1.4 过程运行环境7.1.5监视和测量资源7.1.6组织知识7.2 能力7.3意识7.4 沟通7.5 形成文件的信息7.5.1总则7.5.2编制和更新7.5.3文件化信息的控制8运行8.1 运行策划和控制8.2 产品和服务的要求8.2.1顾客沟通8.2.2与产品和服务有关要求的确定8.2.3 与产品和服务有关要求的评审8.2.4 产品和服务要求的变更8.3产品和服务的设计和开发8.3.1总则8.3.2设计和开发的策划8.3.3设计和开发的输入8.3.4设计和开发的控制8.3.5设计和开发的输出8.3.6设计和开发的更改8.4外部提供过程、产品和服务的控制8.4.1总则8.4.2 控制类型与程度8.4.3 外部供方信息8.5生产和服务提供8.5.1生产和服务提供的控制8.5.2标识和可追溯性8.5.3顾客或外供方的财产8.5.4防护8.5.5交付后活动8.5.6变更的控制8.6产品和服务的放行8.7不合格输出的控制9绩效评价9.1监视、测量、分析和评价9.1.1总则9.1.2顾客满意9.1.3 分析与评价9.2内部审核9.3管理评审10改进10.1总则10.2不合格与纠正措施10.3持续改进附件1 程序文件清单附件2 组织结构图附件3 质量管理体系职能分配表1.前言1.1手册说明1.1.1 质量手册的编制在管理者代表领导下,由质量管理部组织编写。

(2)本手册依据GB/T19001-2016 IDT ISO9001:2015《质量管理体系要求》标准并结合公司实际情况编制,作为质量管理的依据,以取信国内外顾客,并向顾客提供符合法律法规要求的产品和服务。

以下是⼤⾄⽬录,可根据⾃⾝的要求进⾏删减,或都合并:0 引⾔0.1 发布令0.2 ⼿册说明0.3 术语和定义1 公司概况2 公司组织结构图、部门职责3 ⼿册章节4. 组织环境4.1 理解组织及其环境4.2 理解相关⽅的需求和期望4.3 确定质量管理体系的范围4.4.质量管理体系及其过程5 领导作⽤5.1 领导作⽤和承诺5.1.1总则5.1.2以顾客为关注焦点5.2 质量⽅针5.2.1本公司的质量⽅针 07 5.2.2沟通质量⽅针5.3 组织的岗位、职责和权限6策划6.1 应对风险和机遇的措施6.2 质量⽬标及其实现的策划6.3变更的策划7⽀持7.1 资源7.1.1 总则7.1.2 ⼈员7.1.3 基础设施7.1.4 过程运⾏环境7.1.5监视和测量资源7.1.6组织知识7.2 能⼒7.3意识7.4 沟通7.5 形成⽂件的信息7.5.1总则7.5.2创建和更新7.5.3形成⽂件的信息的控制8运⾏8.1 运⾏策划和控制8.2 产品和服务的要求8.2.1顾客沟通8.2.2产品和服务要求的确定8.2.3产品和服务要求的评审8.2.4 产品和服务要求的变更8.3产品和服务的设计和开发(如果没有设计和开发可删减)8.4外部提供的过程、产品和服务的控制8.4.1总则8.4.2 控制类型和程度8.4.3 提供给外部供⽅的信息8.5⽣产和服务提供8.5.1⽣产和服务提供的控制8.5.2标识和可追溯性8.5.3顾客或外部供⽅的财产8.5.4防护8.5.5交付后的活动8.5.6更改的控制8.6产品和服务的放⾏8.7不合格输出的控制9绩效评价9.1监视、测量、分析和评价9.1.1总则9.1.2顾客满意9.1.3 分析与评价9.2内部审核9.3管理评审9.3.1总则9.3.2管理评审输⼊9.3.3管理评审输出10改进10.1总则10.2不合格与纠正措施10.3持续改进具体内容如下:0.引⾔0.1发布令本⼿册是依据ISO9001:2015《质量管理体系要求》标准编制的质量管理体系纲领性⽂件,它阐述了公司的质量⽅针及质量⽬标,并对质量管理体系的过程顺序和相互作⽤进⾏了描述。

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XXX集团有限公司质量手册ISO9001-2015文件编号:XX-XX-XX-XX版本状态: A/1编制:审核:批准:生效日期:2022年1月10日修订页签批页目录章节号标题页次第1章发布及任命令 (5)第2章公司概况 (6)第3章手册说明 (12)第4章组织环境 (13)4.1 理解组织及其环境 (13)4.2 理解相关方的需求和期望 (13)4.3 确定质量管理体系的范围 (14)4.4 质量管理体系及其过程 (14)第五章领导作用 (17)5.1 领导作用和承诺 (17)5.2 方针 (18)5.3 本公司的岗位、职责和权限 (18)第六章策划 (20)6.1 应对风险和机遇的措施 (20)6.2 质量目标及其实现的策划 (21)6.3 变更的策划 (22)第七章支持 (23)7.1 资源 (23)7.2 能力 (25)7.3 意识 (25)7.4 沟通 (26)7.5 形成文件的信息 (26)第八章运行 (28)8.1 运行策划和控制 (28)8.2 产品和服务的要求 (28)8.3 产品和服务的设计和开发 (30)8.4 外部提供过程、产品和服务的控制 (30)8.5 生产和服务提供 (32)8.6 产品和服务的放行 (34)8.7 不合格输出的控制 (34)第九章绩效评价 (36)9.1 监视、测量、分析和评价 (36)9.2 内部审核 (37)9.3 管理评审 (38)第十章持续改进 (40)10.1 总则 (40)10.2 不合格和纠正措施 (40)10.3 持续改进 (41)附件1:质量职能分配表 (42)附件2:产品实现流程图: (43)附件3:支持手册的程序文件清单 (44)附件4:公司组织结构图 (45)第1章发布及任命令1.1发布令为提高我公司的整体管理水平和核心竞争力,公司根据ISO9001:2015《质量管理体系―要求》标准建立了质量管理体系,编制了本《质量手册》,现批准正式发布。

0.3 手册颁布令
为了实现:a)持续提供满足顾客要求以及适用的法律法规要求的产品和服务的能力;b)促成增强顾客满意的机会;c)应对与组织环境和目标相关的风险和机遇;d)证实符合规定的质量管理体系要求的能力;本公司参考I SO 19001-2015质量体系要求编写此质量手册。
本手册采用过程方法,该方法结合了P DCA(策划、实施、检查、处置)循环与基于风险的思维,使组织能够策划其过程及其相互作用,能够确保其过程得到充分的资源和管理,确定改进机会并采取行动。
ISO-9001 2015质量手册

质量手册编制:日期:2018.08.08审核:日期:2018.08.08批准:日期:2018.09.08发布日期:2018.09.08 实施:2018.09.08目录01 发布令…………………………………………………….…………………….6/3402 任命书………………………………………………………….……………….7/3403 企业概况…………………………………………………………….………….8/3404 组织架构…………………………………………………………….…….…….9/3405 质量方针和质量目标………………………………………………….….……10/341 适用范围……………………………………………………………….....……11/342 引用标准………………………………………………………………..….……11/343 术语和定义……………………………………………………….....……….…11/344 质量管理体系………………………………….....……………..…………....…11/34 4.1 总要求4.2 文件要求5 管理职责……………………………………………………………….....…....…15/34 5.1 管理承诺以客户为关注焦点质量方针5.4 规划5.4.1 质量目标5.4.2 质量管理体系策划5.5 职责、权限和沟通5.5.1 职责和权限5.5.2 管理者代表5.5.3 内部沟通5.6 管理评审5.6.1 总则5.6.2 评审输入5.6.3 评审输出6 资源管理………………………………………………………………………19/34 6.1 资源的提供6.2 人力资源6.2.1 人员安排6.2.2 能力、培训和意识6.3 基础设施6.4 工作环境7 产品实现………………………………………………………………………21/34 7.1 实现过程的策划7.2 与客户有关的过程7.2.1 与产品有关的要求的确定7.2.2 与产品有关的要求的评审7.2.3 顾客沟通7.3 设计和开发7.4 采购7.4.1 采购控制7.4.2 采购信息7.4.3 采购产品的验证7.5 生产和服务的运作7.5.1 生产和服务的运作控制7.5.2 产品和服务运作过程的确认7.5.3 标识与可追溯性7.5.4 顾客财产7.5.5 产品防护7.6 测量和监控设备的控制8 测量、分析和改进…………………………………………………………..28/34 8.1 策划8.2 监视和测量8.2.1 客户满意8.2.2 内部审核8.2.3 过程的监视和测量8.2.4 产品的监视和测量8.3 不合格品控制8.4 数据分析8.5 改进8.5.1 持续改进8.5.2 纠正措施8.5.3 预防措施01发布令为了满足市场的需求和客户的要求,适应市场的竞争,不断提高我公司的质量管理水平,依据ISO9001:2015《质量管理体系—要求》标准,本公司制定了《质量手册》,本《质量手册》符合国家有关政策、法律法规和本公司实际情况,现正式批准发布,从发行之日起开始实施。

*本文件盖有红色“受控"印章时方为受控文件技有限责任公司实施日期2018年01月01日二方审核和第三方认证审核.b)各种内部和外部因素,具体见SWOT分析表;c)各相关方(包括客户、供应商、员工和政府等部门)对企业没有特别要求,属于正常的要求,都满足这些要求,已经转化为内部文件执行;4.4 质量管理体系及其过程4.4.1.识别顾客及法律、法规要求,依据本公司产品确定为达到质量目标所需的过程。

而 ISO9001:2015 质量管理体系标准为企业实现这一目标提供了有力的框架和指导。
ISO9001:2015 相较于之前的版本,在理念和要求上都有了显著的变化。
在最新的 ISO9001:2015 质量手册中,企业需要清晰阐述其对质量的承诺,以及如何通过有效的质量管理来实现顾客满意和持续改进。
在制定最新 ISO9001:2015 质量手册程序文件时,企业需要充分结合自身的业务特点和实际情况。

1.3覆盖的体系要求本手册覆盖GB/T19001-2016 idt ISO9001:2015《质量管理体系要求》8.3条款外的全部标准内容。
1.4 关于“产品和服务设计和开发”要求不适用的说明公司金属冲压件依据顾客提供的图纸,按顾客的技术要求生产,因此标准8.3条款“产品和服务的设计和开发”要求不适用。
2.0引用标准和术语2.1引用标准GB/T 19000-2016/ISO 9000:2015 质量管理体系-基础和术语GB/T 19001-2016/ISO 9001:2015 质量管理体系-要求2.2通用术语和定义本手册采用GB/T19000-2016 idt ISO9000:2015的术语和定义。
2.3专用术语3.0介绍页3.1公司概况(省略)3.2质量方针和质量目标和声明公司为保证产品质量始终得到顾客的满意,经管理者代表组织员工按总经理对方针、目标的要求,进行了讨论,形成了公司的质量方针和目标如下:质量方针:诚信为本以质量求生存科技创新追求行业领先水平在质量管理中,我公司认真按照GB/T19001-2016 idt ISO9001:2015《质量管理体系要求》进行质量管理,生产中严格按照顾客要求和产品标准进行生产,诚信为本,科技创新,生产出顾客满意的高附加值的机械产品。

有限公司管理手册之附件一版次 A0 A1 A2 修订章节 修订内容/原因 新制订 地址更正 改版文件编号 制订单位 TM-GM-01 总经理室 文件版本 制订日期 A0修订审核批准修订日期专业创新诚信务实页码第 1 页 共 30 页有限公司管理手册之附件一文件编号 制订单位 TM-GM-01 总经理室 文件版本 制订日期 A00 概述 本手册是依据 ISO9001:2015(QMS)/ QC080000:2005(HSPM)/ISO22716:2007(GMPC)国际标 准的要求建立本公司品质/危害物质管理体系,目的是: a)展现本公司能够足以稳定地提供符合客户和适当法令法规要求的产品; b)透过系统的有效运作,包括系统持续改善之过程与保证符合客户及适当法规要求,以达 到客户满意。
0.1 手册目录 章节 Ⅰ Ⅱ 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 1 2 3 3.1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7 8 附件 封面 变更履历表 概述 手册目录 公司简介 品质手册管理规定 适用范围 品质政策与管理承诺 管理代表任命书 产品品质管理流程图 组织环境 领导作用 策划 支持 运作 绩效评价 改进 章节标题 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6-8 9 10 11-13 14-16 17-18 19-20 21-25 26-29 30-31 页 码专业创新诚信务实页码第 2 页 共 30 页有限公司管理手册之附件一文件编号 制订单位 TM-GM-01 总经理室 文件版本 制订日期 A00.2 公司简介 本公司位于 XXXx,名为 XXXX 有限公司,为明确规定质量管理与质量保证之各项要求 与内容,特制定本质量手册,以确保本公司所制造之品質及服务符合客户的要求。
本公司以注重人才,培养人才为宗旨;以“XXXX”为企业文化;为广大有识之士提 供了一个优秀的就业机会及发展环境。

2017-2—16发布 2017—02—16实施目录1 前言1。
1 手册说明1。
2 质量手册颁布令、任命书1.3 公司简介2 引用标准3 有关术语4 组织的背景环境4。
1 理解组织及其背景环境4。
2 理解相关方的需求和期望4.3 确定质量管理体系的范围4.4 质量管理体系4.4.1 总则4.4.2 过程方法5 领导作用5。
1 领导作用与承诺5.1。
1 针对质量管理体系的领导作用与承诺5。
1.2 针对顾客需求和期望的领导作用与承诺5.2 质量方针5.3 组织的作用、职责和权限6 策划6。
1 风险和机遇的应对措施6。
2 质量目标及其实施的策划6。
3 变更的策划7 支持7。
1 资源7。
1 总则7。
2 基础设施7.1。
3 过程环境7.1。
4 监视和测量设备7。
1.5 知识7.2 能力7.3 意识7。
4 沟通7。
5 形成文件的7.5.1 总则7.5。
2 编制和更新7.5。
3 文件控制8 运行8。
1 运行策划和控制8.2 市场需求的确定和顾客沟通8.2。
1 总则8。
2 与产品和服务有关要求的确定8。
2.3 与产品和服务有关的要求评审8。
2.4 顾客沟通8。
3 运行策划过程8。
4 供应的产品和服务的控制8.4.1 总则8.4。
2 外部供应的控制类型和程度8。
4.3 提供外部供方的文件信息8.5 产品和服务的开发(删减)8。
6 产品生产和服务提供8.6。
1 产品生产和服务提供的控制8。
2 标识和可追溯性8。
6.3 顾客或外部供方的财产8。
6.4 产品防护8.6。
5 交付后的活动8.6.6 变更控制8.7 产品和服务的放行8.8 不合格产品和服务9 绩效评价9.1 监视、测量、分析和评价9。
1 总则9.1。
2 顾客满意9。
3 数据分析与评价9.2 内部审核9.3 管理评审10 改进10.1不符合与纠正措施10。
2改进附件1 程序文件清单附件2 质量方针和目标附件3 组织及质量管理体系结构图附件4 职能分配表附件5 产品实现流程图附件6 质量手册使用说明附件7 修订履历1 前言1.1 手册说明本手册按照ISO9001:2015标准要求编写,适用于本公司生产及服务在质量管理中的应用。

广东省X X市X X X X X X X有限公司质量管理体系(依据ISO9001:2015)文件编号:QM-01版本:A/0编制:审核:批准:分发号:持有部门:控制状态:发布日期:2015年11月01日实施日期:2015年11月15日广东省XX市XXXXXXX有限公司0 目录1 范围2 规范性引用文件3 术语和定义4 组织的背景4.1 理解组织及其背景4.2 理解相关方的需求和期望4.3 质量管理体系范围的确定4.4 质量管理体系5 领导作用5.1 领导作用和承诺5.2 质量方针5.3 组织的作用、职责和权限6 策划6.1 风险和机遇的应对措施6.2 质量目标及其实施的策划6.3 变更的策划7 支持7.1 资源7.2 能力7.3 意识7.4 沟通7.5 形成文件的信息8 运行8.1 运行的策划和控制8.2 市场需求的确定和顾客沟通8.3 运行策划过程8.4 外部供应产品和服务的控制8.5 产品和服务开发8.6 产品生产和服务提供8.7 产品和服务放行8.8 不合格产品和服务9 绩效评价9.1 监视、测量、分析和评价9.2 内部审核9.3 管理评审10 持续改进10.1 不符合和纠正措施10.2 改进1范围企业依据ISO9001:2015标准要求建立并保持质量管理体系,制定质量方针和目标,运用过程方法及各过程的输入、输出、管理职责、工作要求、绩效考核,并使其文件化。
2 规范性引用文件ISO9000:2015 质量管理体系基础和术语3 术语和定义本标准采用ISO9000:2015 中所确立的术语和定义。
4 组织的背景环境4.1 理解组织及其背景环境理解组织及其背景环境—过程分析乌龟图企业外部宗旨:为汽车相关顾客提供优质低廉的塑件、高精耐用的模具;企业内部宗旨:为员工提供家庭一样的安稳舒适的工作条件;企业战略方向:丰富自我,发展企业,贡献社会。
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有限公司质量手册QUALITY MANUAL(符合GB/T19001-2015 idt ISO9001:2015标准)---QM---2016版本: C修改码:0受控号:编制:办公室(2016年1月8日)审核:(2016年1月8日)批准:(2016年1月8日)2016年1月8日发布2016年1月18日实施发布令为规范公司行为,保证产品质量满足顾客要求,提高公司信誉和产品竞争能力,使质量管理与国际惯例接轨,本公司建立了系统化、文件化的质量管理体系。
该体系符合GB/T19001-2015 idt ISO9001:2015标准的要求,编制了C版《质量手册》,规定了质量管理体系的组织结构、管理职责和质量管理体系过程的控制要求。
特批准发布总经理:2016年1月8日任命书为了贯彻执行GB/T19001-2015 idt ISO9001:2015标准以及ISO/TS 16949:2009标准的要求,加强对质量管理体系的管理,特任命同志为本组织的管理者代表。
现声明如下:1.质量方针:诚信为本以质量求生存科技创新追求行业领先水平在质量管理中,我公司认真按照GB/T19001-2015 idt ISO9001:2015《质量管理体系要求》进行质量管理,生产中严格按照顾客要求和产品标准进行生产,诚信为本,科技创新,生产出顾客满意的高附加值的机械产品。
2.质量目标:产品一次交验合格率:>99% (废品率<1%)出厂产品合格率:100%顾客满意率:>98%合同履约率:100%设备完好率:>95%公司根据质量方针给出的框架,确定了上述质量目标,确保销售给顾客的产品100%合格。
3.计算方法本次合格产品数量产品一次交验合格率= ---------------------------- ╳100%一次交验产品总量出厂产品合格数出厂产品合格率 = - -------------------╳100%出厂产品总数顾客调查的所有合格项目顾客满意率= ----------------------------- ╳100%收回调查表的所有调查项目周期已履约合同数合同履约率= -------------------------╳100%周期所签合同总数完好设备台数设备完好率= -----------------------╳100%设备总台数4.围绕公司质量目标的实现,我们已在相关部门和层次上建立了分目标,形成了包、保体系,任何与我们有关的顾客都会从中获得满意的结果。
总经理:2016年1月8日0引言0.1发布令任命书0.2质量方针和质量目标的声明0.3任命书0.4目次1范围2引用标准和术语2.1引用标准2.2通用术语和定义2.3专用术语3介绍页3.1公司概况3.2手册管理4组织环境4.1理解组织及其环境4.2理解相关方的需求和期望4.3确定质量管理体系的范围4.4质量管理体系及其过程5领导作用5.1领导作用和承诺5.1.1总则5.1.2以顾客为关注焦点5.2方针5.2.1制定质量方针5.2.2沟通质量方针5.3组织的角色、职责和权限6策划6.1应对风险的机遇和措施6.2质量目标及其实现的策划6.3变更的策划7支持7.1资源7.1.1总则7.1.2人员7.1.3基础设施7.1.4过程运行环境7.1.5监视和测量资源7.1.6组织的知识7.2能力7.3意识7.4沟通7.5形成文件的信息8运行8.1运行策划和控制8.2产品和服务的要求8.2.1顾客沟通8.2.2与产品和服务有关要求的确定8.2.3与产品和服务有关要求的评审8.2.4与产品和服务有关要求的更改8.3产品和服务的设计和开发8.3.1总则8.3.2设计和开发策划8.3.3设计和开发输入8.3.4设计和开发控制8.3.5设计和开发输出8.3.6设计和开发更改8.4外部提供产品服务和过程控制8.4.1总则8.4.2控制类型和度程度8.4.3外部供方的信息8.5生产和服务提供8.5.1生产和服务提供的控制8.5.2标识和可追溯性8.5.3顾客和外部供方的财产8.5.4防护8.5.5交付后的活动8.5.6更改控制8.6产品和服务的放行8.7不合格输出的控制9绩效评价9.1监视、测量、分析和评价9.1.1总则9.1.2顾客满意9.1.3分析评价9.2内部审核9.3管理评审9.3.1总则9.3.2管理评审输入9.3.2管理评审输出10改进10.1总则10.2不合格与纠正措施10.3持续改进11 附录:附录1:组织机构图附录2:质量职能分配表附录3:工艺流程图附录4:适用法律法规、行业标准一览表附录5:程序文件一览表附录6:作业文件一览表附录7:记录一览表附录8:手册更改记录1.1覆盖的产品本手册覆盖的产品:的生产。
1.3覆盖的体系要求本手册覆盖GB/T19001-2015 idt ISO9001:2015《质量管理体系要求》8.3条款外的全部标准内容。
1.4 关于“产品和服务设计和开发”要求不适用的说明公司金属冲压件依据顾客提供的图纸,按顾客的技术要求生产,因此标准8.3条款“产品和服务的设计和开发”要求不适用。
2.1引用标准GB/T19001-2015 idt ISO9001:2015《质量管理体系要求》。
2.2通用术语和定义本手册采用GB/T19000-2015 idt ISO9000:2015的术语和定义。
4 组织环境4.1 理解公司及其环境本公司领导层确定了企业目标和战略方向,通过各部门收集信息、识别、分析和评价,公司管理会议讨论研究,明确了与公司目标和战略方向相关的各种外部和内部因素。
4.2 理解相关方的需求和期望公司相关方关注公司持续提供的产品和服务质量是否符合顾客要求,是否适销对路,以及生产经营的合规情况。
4.3 确定质量管理体系的范围公司在策划质量管理体系时,考虑到公司目前内外环境和影响因素,根据相关方的要求,与公司产品和服务,在质量手册中明确了质量管理体系的边界和适用性,见1.3、1.4。
4.1.1 本公司按照标准的要求,建立、实施、保持和持续改进质量管理体系,包括所需过程及其相互作用。