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1. I appreciate John‘s helping in time. 我感谢约翰的及时帮助。

2. I bought it the day it was released. 它发行的当天我就买了。

3. I doubted whether the story is true. 我怀疑那故事是不是真的。

4. I learnt that I had passed the test. 我获悉我测验及格了。

5. I will seek from my doctor‘s advice. 我将请教医生的意见。

6. Ice cream is popular among children. 冰淇淋深受孩子们的欢迎。

7. I‘d like to get this film developed. 我要冲洗这卷胶卷。

8. In a word,I am tired of everything. 总之,我对一切都很厌倦。

9. Let us do it by ourselves,will you? 我们自己做这件事,可以吗?

10. May I know the quantity you require? 请问你们需要多少数量的货物?

11. Nobody has ever solved this problem. 没有人曾解决过这个问题。

12. Our school covers 100 square meters. 我们学校占地面积平方米。

13. People enjoyed the stamps very much. 人们非常喜爱这些邮票。

14. The editor over looked a print error. 这位我漏掉了一个印刷错误。

15. The sudden barking frightened Clara. 突然的狗叫声吓坏了克拉拉。

16. The teams are coming onto the field. 队员们都进场了。

17. There is a mark of ink on his shirt. 他的衬衣上有一块墨迹。
