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minute fill anything but after give

clothes enter exciting for learn hear

Mrs. Black won a competition last week. Today she went to the supermarket to get her prize. She just entered the store when the manager shook her hand and gave her a trolley (手推车). He told her that she could fill it with 1 she wanted, but she only had three minutes! 2 the manager blew his whistle (哨子), she pushed the trolley and ran.

At first, Mrs. Black decided to get something 3 supper, so she ran towards the meat section. But suddenly she realized that she could get meat anywhere. Why not get some new 4 ? She tried to find the clothing section, 5 she couldn’t find it. Someone had changed the store around! It was terrible! Two 6 had gone by and she didn’t have anything in her trolley!

She nearly wanted to 7 up. But when she saw the electronic products, she had a good idea. With 30 seconds left, she started 8 her trolley. She stopped when she 9 the manager’s whistle. He looked very unhappy, but Mrs. Black felt 10 because she had collected five computers, two printers, three televisions and some MP3 players!

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

答案:1. anything 2. After 3. for 4. clothes 5. but 6. minutes 7. give8. filling

9. heard10. excited



Sleep is not the same every night. We experience some deep sleep and some active sleep(积极睡眠), which is when dreams happen. You might think sleepwalking(梦游) would happen in active sleep, but a person isn't physically active d 86 active sleep. Sleepwalking usually happens in the first few hours of sleep in the stage called slow-wave(慢波)or deep sleep. Not all sleepwalkers a 87 walk. Some simply sit up or stand in bed or act like they're awake when, in fact, they're asleep! Most, however, do get up and move around for a few seconds or for as long as half an hour.

Sleepwalkers' e 88 are open, but they don't see the same way they do when they're awake and often think they're

in different rooms of the house or different places altogether. Sleepwalkers tend(往往会) to go back to bed on their own and they won't r 89 it in the morning. Doctors say sleepwalking sometimes occurs when a person is sick, has a fever, is not getting e 90 sleep, or is stressed. If sleepwalking occurs frequently, every night or so, it's a good idea for your mom or dad to take you to see your doctor. But occasional(偶然的) sleepwalking generally isn't something to worry about, a 91 " it may look funny or even scary (惊恐的) for the people who see a sleepwalker in action.

It's important, of course, that the person is kept safe. Precautions(预防措施) should be t 92 so the person is less likely to fall down, run into something, or walk out the front door while sleepwalking.
