俄罗斯 中英双语介绍

俄罗斯中英双语介绍The national symbol is the brown bear. The national drink is vodka. Local tennis star AnnaKournikova is a global ginup. But what else do you know about Russia?这个国家的象征是棕熊,国酒是伏特加,本土网球明星安娜库尔尼科娃的海报遍及全球。
但除此以外,你还对俄罗斯有其它的了解吗?GeographyRussia takes up one eighth of the world's land mass. It lies on two continents, Europe and Asia. It is the world's largest country with a bout 17 million square kilometres.地理俄罗斯占世界陆地面积的1/8,地跨欧亚两大陆。
Onion DomesMoscow postcards typically feature the colourful striped domes of St . Basil's Cathedral and theneighboring Red Square. St. Basil's was b uilt between 1555 and 1561. Other Russian churchesalso have flam e-shaped domes. The dome's peak is said to be like the flame of pra yer reaching up toward heaven. The cross at the top symbolizes Chri st.洋葱型屋顶典型的莫斯科明信片上的风光图就是圣瓦西里大教堂彩色条纹圆屋顶和相邻的红场。

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史上最全 俄罗斯 中英双语介绍

史上最全俄罗斯中英双语介绍、HistoryFormerly the dominant republic of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), Russia is now an independent country, and an influential member of the Commonwealth of Independent States, since the union’s dissolution in December 1991. During the Soviet era, Russia was officially called the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic (RSFSR). Russia is usually considered the Soviet Union’s successor state in diplomatic matters.Russia was founded in the 12th century as the Principality of Muscovy. It was able to emerge from over 200 years of Mongol domination (13th-15th centuries) and to gradually conquer and absorb surrounding principalities. In the early 17th century, a new Romanov Dynasty continued this policy of expansion across Siberia to the Pacific. Under Peter I (ruled 1682-1725), hegemony was extended to the Baltic Sea and the country was renamed the Russian Empire. During the 19th century, more territorial acquisitions were made in Europe and Asia. Repeated devastating defeats of the Russian army in World War I led to widespread rioting in the major cities of the Russian Empire and to the overthrow in 1917 of the imperial household.The Communists under Vladimir Lenin seized power soon after and formed the USSR. Josef Stalin (1928-53) strengthened Russian dominance of the Soviet Union.The Soviet Union consolidated its hold on Eastern Europe and sought to expand its influence elsewhere in the world. This active foreign policy helped bring about the Cold War, which turned the Soviet Union’s wartime allies, the United Kingdom and the United States, into foes.Stalin died in 1953 and in the absence of an acceptable successor, the Soviet economy and society stagnated in the following decades until General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev (1985-91) introduced glasnost (openness) and perestroika (restructuring) in an attempt to modernize Communism. However, his initiatives inadvertently released forces that by December 1991 splintered the USSR into 15 independent republics. Since then, Russia has struggled in its efforts to build a democratic political system and market economy to replace the strict social, political, and economic controls of the Communist period.Most of the area, population, and industrial production of the Soviet Union, then one of the world’s two superpowers, lay in Russia. After the breakup of the USSR, Russia’s global role however has greatly diminished, and cannot be compared to that of the former Soviet Union.历史俄罗斯是前苏联社会主义共和国的主要国家,现在是一个独立国家,自从1991年苏联解体后它是独立的联邦政府中最有影响的成员。

formed with motorized infantry , tank crews , artillery and rocket troops ,
armed forces, air defense, special forces constituting a car , reconnaissance ,
• Russia useful bread(面包) and salt(盐) to meet the honored guest habit.
• With brad and salt respection guests,because salt in history is very expensive,has followed so far,say to the honored guest friendly and respect.
• 俄罗斯人对称呼相当讲究称呼,不过如果你和他们只是一般打 打交道,就不用清楚所有的章法了。
• 在大街、商店,你可称对方“您”(威),或“同志”(达瓦里希)。 • 如果进一步交谈,你可以按对方性别年龄,分别称“先生”(嘎
斯巴季尼)、“小姐”“捷乌什嘎”、“女士”(达姆)、“朋 友”(得路克)、“小伙子”(马拉多依)。
super presidential system, limited federal system, political power party,
and so on.
Russian Culture
Leo Tolstoy(列夫托尔斯泰) is one of Russia’s great novelists. One of his most famous novels,War and Peace(战争与 和平) (1869),showed deep concern for moral issues and for the welf same year.After this constitution, stipulated

• 1991年12月25日苏联解体后,最大加盟国俄罗斯正式独 立,继承了苏联的绝大部分军事力量,军事实力居世界第 二,并且拥有世上最大的核武器库。在“一超多强”的国 际体系中,俄罗斯是具有重要影响力的世界强国,其科技 实力雄厚,特别是航空航天技术,位居世界前列。俄罗斯 还是联合国安全理事会五大常任理事国之一,对安理会议 案拥有一票否决权。除此以外,俄罗斯还是五个金砖国家 之一。 • 尤里·阿列克谢耶维奇·加加林世界第一名航天员[1] ,苏联 英雄[2] ,苏联太空人,苏联红军上校飞行员,是第一个 进入太空的地球人。生于苏联斯摩棱斯克州格扎茨克区的 克卢希诺镇一个集体农庄庄员家庭,白俄罗斯人。1960 年被选为航天员,加入苏联共产党。1968年3月27日因飞 机失事遇难,但具体死因仍众说纷纭。
• 俄罗斯联邦的国旗采用传统的 泛斯拉夫颜色,旗面由三个平 行且相等的横长方形组成,由 上到下依次是白、蓝、红三色。 旗帜中的白色代表寒带一年四 季的白雪茫茫,蓝色代表亚寒 带,又象征俄罗斯丰富的地下 矿藏和森林、水力等自然资源, 红色是温带的标志,也象征俄 罗斯的悠久历史和对人类文明 的贡献。三色的排列显示了俄 罗斯幅员的辽阔。但另一方面, 白色又是真理的象征,蓝色代 表了纯洁与忠诚,红色则是美 好和勇敢的标志。
• 俄罗斯联邦现在的国歌歌名为《俄罗斯,我们神圣的祖国》,沿用的 是前苏联国歌《牢不可破的联盟》的旋律。2000年12月,俄罗斯总 统普京正式签署了一项关于国旗、国徽、国歌的法案,将前苏联国歌 经修改歌词后正式订为新国歌,即《俄罗斯,我们神圣的祖国》。
• 俄总人口1.431亿(截止2012年4月1日),共有民族193个,其中俄 罗斯族占77%。俄是世界上人口减少速度最快的国家之一。最新人口 普查初步结果显示,2002年至2010年俄人口下降至1.429亿,与 2002年的1.452亿相比减少230万人,降幅近1.6%。1991年苏联解 体以来,俄人口形势持续恶化,从1993年的1.486亿减少到1996年等 1.425亿人,每年在以减少70万人的速度在减少,到2030年俄人口将 降至1.39亿。 • 全国有193个民族,主要少数民族有鞑靼族、乌克兰族、楚瓦什族、 巴什基尔族、车臣族、亚美尼亚族、哈萨克族、摩尔多瓦族、白俄罗 斯族、阿瓦尔族、乌德穆尔特族、阿塞拜疆族、马里族、德意志族、 梅克族、印古什族、列兹金族、科米族、图瓦族等。

公共汽车 莫斯科的公共汽车票可提前购买。在地铁里和地铁站旁,都有卖公共汽车票的 售票口,最少要买10张,每张2卢布。也可以上车后再买票,但每张要2.5卢布。与 西方大多数国家一样,公共汽车采取自动售票,车上没有售票员。定线小巴的线路 很多,且更快捷方便,车票每张3-5卢布。 出租车 出租车一律为黄色。如果车内无乘客,出租车就亮着顶灯,游人看此情况就可 招手乘车。正规的出租车都装有计价器。 在莫斯科和圣彼得堡之间,可选择红箭火车或邮轮。选择卧铺夜行火车,莫斯科与 圣彼得堡之间的行车时间约为8个小时。每到夏季,圣彼得堡的港口每每停着来自 欧洲的邮轮。 俄罗斯地铁交通状况 一个霓虹灯字母M(在莫斯科是红色,在圣彼得堡是蓝色)表明一个车站入口。 转门上的BXOД(Vkhod)意味着“进”,BbIXOД(Vykhod)代表“出”。地铁票 (zhetom)在售票处(kassa)出售,一个省钱的好办法是买一张月票(卖到每月8 号)。这两个城市的地铁在早上6点之前就发车。要换车的话,在莫斯科不要晚于 夜里1点,在圣彼得堡则不要晚于晚上11点30分。
俄罗斯位于亚欧大陆北部,地跨欧亚两洲,西濒波罗的海,东临太平洋,北靠北冰洋。 面积1 710万平方米,是世界上面积最大的国家。俄罗斯约有1.5亿人口,100多个民 族,俄罗斯族占人口的81%。地形。俄罗斯地形以平坦辽阔的平原为主,高原面积也 较大。地势东高西低。主要山脉有乌拉尔山、高加索山和西伯利亚边境的山地。乌拉 尔山以西为东欧平原、向东依次为西西伯利亚平原、中西伯利亚高原和东西伯利亚山 地。
俄罗斯资源统计 石油探明储量65亿吨,占世界探明储量的12-13%。森林覆盖面积8. 67亿公顷,占国土面积 50. 7%,居世界第一位。木材蓄积量807亿立方米。天然气已探明蕴藏量为48万亿立方米,占世界探明储量的 1/3强,居世界第一位。水力资源4270立方千米/年,居世界第二位。2000年核能发电量为1310亿千瓦/小时。 核电占俄电力的10%。煤蕴藏量2000亿吨,居世界第二位。铝蕴藏量居世界第二位,铁蕴藏量居世界第一位, 铀蕴藏量居世界第七位,黄金储藏量居世界第四至第五位。 自然资源状况 俄罗斯联邦地质构造复杂,矿产资 源丰富。 俄罗斯平原西北部的卡累利阿和科拉半岛地区蕴藏着铁、镍、云母等矿产。希宾山地有世界最大的 磷灰石矿,并蕴藏大量的制铝原料枣霞石。俄罗斯平原和其他广阔 地域及西伯利亚地区,蕴藏有世界最大的 铁矿区枣库尔斯克磁力异常区,以及乌拉尔、西伯利亚铁矿区。 煤炭主要分布在两个大型含煤带内:一是位 于贝加尔湖与土尔盖拗陷之间,包括伊尔库茨克、坎斯克一阿钦斯克、库兹巴斯、埃基巴斯图兹和卡拉干达等 煤田;另一 个位于叶尼塞河以东,北纬60度以北,包括通古斯、勒拿和太梅尔等大煤田。此外,远东地区的 南雅库特等煤田也很重要。 石油、天然气主要分布在西西伯利亚(以秋明油田为最大)、俄罗斯(伏尔加枣 乌拉尔油田)、东西伯利亚三大地台型含油盆地,及萨哈林(库页岛)等地槽型含油 盆地。 中西部的乌拉尔 山区和远东山地,形成俄罗斯主要的有色金属矿产基地。远东沿海山地的锡矿也很重要。 俄罗斯的矿产资源, 如煤、石油、天然气、泥炭、铁、锰、铜、铅、锌、镍、钴、钒、钛、铬的储量均名列世界前茅。只有锡、钨、 汞等金属资源储量较少,不能自给。藏量丰富、品种齐全的矿产资源为俄罗斯发展多部门的基础工业,以及形 成完整的工业体系奠定了重要的物质基础。主要资源分布集中,有些大型能源资源、矿 物原料的分布相互接 近,这又为俄罗斯建立大型的工业基地和经济区提供了十分有利的条件。但是,资源分布很不平衡:其中大部 分集中在国土的北部和东部地区; 而急需燃料、原料的西部(欧洲部分)地区却感到资源不足、品种欠缺; 矿产资源丰富、品种也较齐全的乌拉尔地区,由于长期开采已造成资源不足,开采难度愈来 愈大。上述情况 势必造成远距离运输,给交通部门带来了很大的压力,每年由东部地区运往西部地区的燃料都达几亿标准吨以 上,这在一定程度上影响了俄罗斯联邦 经济发展和生产力的合理分布。 俄罗斯自然资源的丰富还表现在:它 拥有原苏联90%以上的森林面积和水能资惊,70%的煤炭,80%的天然气,100%的磷灰石,60%的钾盐和大 部分铁 矿石。 西伯利亚和远东是全世界自然资源丰富的地区。这里的森林面积达5.03亿公顷,木材积蓄量 达600多亿立方米。还有大量的各种金属矿藏,如铁、铜、镍、 锌、锡、铝、霞石、金刚石、水银、镁、云母、 铝、钨、金、银等。西伯利亚拥有大量的各种珍贵皮毛动物和价值较高的药用植物。远东海域生物资源丰富, 总量为 2850万吨,其中鱼类资源2300万吨。

Geography: Russia is about 1.8 times the size of the USA. Terrain consists of low hills, tundra's, vast forests, and mountains. People: There are about 140,000,000 people living in Russia. There are many people in Russia who believe in religion but they don’t worship there religion because of seven decades of Soviet rule.
Russian History
• After 200 years under Mongol rule Russia broke away and was founded in the 12th century. Russia had rocked back and forth between balanced and unbalanced society between then and 1991 when communism was over through. Now they have turned to a democracy but despite this after communism was taken over by democracy 14 new republics were formed from the USSR’s previous land.
Jon Pelletier Period:1 4/27/10
This is were Russia is:

What is Russia - IntroductionRussia is the country of vast landscapes, interesting people. Taking a wide space of 9000 kilometers from west to east and 5000 from north to south, being home to people of so many different nationalities and customs, Russia is often called a "bridge" between Europe and Asia, both geographically and sociologically.From the ancient times up to now, Russia has been changing and re-shaping itself, its boundaries, its culture. In the ancient times, many different nations and their traditions has defined the unique Russian character and culture.Visiting Russia, especially if you come by a plane, you'll see never-ending forests and lakes.Facts about RussiaRussia is the largest country in the world. Ural mountains divide Eurasian continent - and Russia - to Europe and Asia. One fourth of Russian territory lies in Europe, the other part lies in Asia. Russia’s taking the area of 17.1 million square kilometers - it’s like USA and Europe together. The capital of Russia is Moscow and the second largest city is St. Petersburg (which is also called the "Northern capital").PopulationThe population is 147.5 million people and three fourths live in the European part and one fourth lives in the Asian part of Russia (Siberia and Far East regions). The language spoken is mostly Russian.HistoryPeter the Great believed that only through intensive contacts with Europe and European style reforms Russia can be successfully developed. He reformed government structure and system of courts. He put Orthodox Church under the state control. He obliged nobles to get education and founded national Academy of Science. Peter the Great forced the development of Russia, under his rule Russia became powerful state armed with modern institutions and technologies.Ekaterina II (Great) - The most successful imperess of Russia, a very powerful and smart women.沙皇tsar [za:(r)]Hitler declared the war on Russia on June 22nd 1941. During the first phase of the war Germany army defeated Red Army, blocked St.Petersburg and came as close as 30km to Moscow. Red army stopped Germans only in 1943 at the Battle for Stalingrad and started its victorious reconquest of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe which was finished on May 9th 1945. USSR lost about 25 million people in that war, it is a big contribution for the victory of Second World War, all of us should remember this.In the 1991 the country ceased to exist. Instead of USSR 15 independent states were proclaimed, Russian Federation became the largest successor of former Union.Vladimir Lenin, Iosef Stalin, Khrushchev ,Gorbachov, Vladimir Putin.Lenin, Vladimir - is the "father of Russian revolution", the first communist leader.Eltsin, Boris - the first President of the Russian Federation, who was died in April of this year. Putin, Vladimir - the second President of the Russian FederationWhy Vladimir use Lenin as his nickname?Putin—song? Smoking, drinking, family violence, three big social crisis.MoscowMoscow, capital and largest city of Russia, and the country’s leading political, cultura l, economic, and transportation center. Moscow lies on the Moscow River in the west central European part of Russia.Moscow has matured over a millennium into a richly layered, ever-expanding, and never-sleeping metropolis. Its sporadic growth has left it without a compact downtown, which means that great sights, hotels, and restaurants can be found in nearly any corner of the city. Its vast territory requires a good bit of walking and plenty of rides via metro (subway), taxi, or tour bus.Moscow has a continental climate, with long, cold winters and short, mild summers.。

俄罗斯英文简介作文Here is an English essay on the introduction to Russia, with the word count exceeding 1000 words:Russia, the largest country in the world, is a land of rich history, diverse culture, and breathtaking natural beauty. As the successor to the former Soviet Union, Russia has undergone a remarkable transformation in the past few decades, emerging as a global power with a unique identity and influence. This essay aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to the Russian Federation, exploring its geography, history, culture, and contemporary significance.Situated in both Europe and Asia, Russia spans an expansive territory of over 6.6 million square miles, making it the largest country in the world by land area. The country's diverse geography ranges from the Arctic tundra in the north to the subtropical Black Sea coast in the south, with vast expanses of forests, mountains, and steppes in between. Russia's varied climate and terrain have shaped the lives and livelihoods of its people, from the nomadic reindeer herders of the Arctic regions to the urban dwellers of bustling metropolises like Moscow and St. Petersburg.Russia's history is a tapestry of conquests, revolutions, and cultural rejuvenation. The origins of the Russian state can be traced back to the Kievan Rus, a medieval Slavic civilization that emerged in the 9th century. Over the centuries, the Russian Empire grew to become one of the largest and most powerful empires in the world, spanning from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean. The 20th century saw the rise and fall of the Soviet Union, a communist superpower that left an indelible mark on global politics and the lives of its citizens.The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 ushered in a new era for Russia, as the country transitioned from a centralized, communist system to a market-based economy and a more democratic political structure. While the transition has been challenging, with periods of political and economic instability, Russia has emerged as a major player on the world stage, wielding significant influence in areas such as energy, diplomacy, and military might.Russia's cultural heritage is equally rich and diverse, drawing from the traditions of its many ethnic groups and regions. The country is renowned for its world-class literature, with authors such as Fyodor Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy, and Alexander Pushkin leaving an indelible mark on world literature. Russian art, music, and architecture have also made significant contributions to the global cultural landscape, with the Bolshoi Ballet, the works of Pyotr Tchaikovsky, and the iconic onion-domed churches of Moscow being just a few examples.In the realm of science and technology, Russia has a long and proud history of groundbreaking discoveries and innovations. From the pioneering space exploration efforts of the Soviet era to the cutting-edge advancements in fields like nuclear energy and cybersecurity, Russia has consistently demonstrated its scientific and technological prowess.Today, Russia continues to play a crucial role on the global stage, both as a major economic and political power. The country's vast natural resources, particularly its oil and natural gas reserves, have made it a key player in the international energy market. Russia's permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council and its membership in organizations like the G8 and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization give it a significant voice in global affairs.At the same time, Russia has faced a range of challenges in recent years, including economic sanctions, tensions with the West, and internal political and social upheavals. The country's authoritarian tendencies, human rights record, and foreign policy actions have drawn criticism from the international community, but Russia remains a complex and influential player on the world stage.In conclusion, Russia is a multifaceted and dynamic country, with a rich history, diverse culture, and significant global influence. From itsvast and varied geography to its complex political and social landscape, Russia continues to captivate and intrigue people around the world. As the country navigates the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century, its story will undoubtedly continue to evolve, leaving a lasting impact on the global community.。

介绍俄罗斯英文对话作文英文回答:Russia is a vast and diverse country with a richhistory and culture. It is the largest country in the world, spanning 11 time zones and covering over 17 million square kilometers. Russia is home to a wide variety of landscapes, from the frozen tundra of the Arctic to the subtropical forests of the Caucasus Mountains. The country is also home to a diverse population of over 140 million people, representing over 100 different ethnic groups.I have had the opportunity to visit Russia on several occasions, and I have always been impressed by the beautyof the country and the warmth of its people. I have visited Moscow, the capital of Russia, and St. Petersburg, the former imperial capital. I have also traveled to Siberiaand the Ural Mountains. Each region of Russia has its own unique charm and beauty.One of the things that I love most about Russia is its people. Russians are known for their hospitality and their love of life. They are always willing to help a stranger, and they are always up for a good time. I have made many friends in Russia, and I always look forward to seeing them again.Another thing that I love about Russia is its culture. Russia has a rich history of art, music, and literature. The country is home to some of the world's most famous museums, theaters, and concert halls. I have had the opportunity to see some of the world's greatest works ofart in Russia, and I have heard some of the world's greatest musicians perform.Russia is a country that has something to offer everyone. Whether you are interested in history, culture, or nature, you will find something to love in Russia. I highly recommend visiting Russia if you have the opportunity. It is a truly amazing country.中文回答:俄罗斯是一个历史悠久、文化底蕴深厚的国家。

brown bread
Vodk a
Brown bread is the staple food on the Russian table. It has a little sour taste.
Architect ure
Culture and art
From the beginning of the second half of nineteenth Century, Russia has gradually become the center of European ballet, and occupy a certain position in the hTishtiosryisoaf kbianldleot.f folk art pattern that originated from Balekh. A miniature painting with a varnish is a kind of Egg Tempera on the cardboard.
The communist in the world generally agree that he was the great master of proletarian
Have a deep impact for Soviet Union in twentieth
Vladimir Putin
The present president. Improve the
Moscow Kremlin 克林姆林宫
Saint Basil'sCathedral 瓦西里升天大教堂

俄罗斯英文简介Russia is the biggest country on Earth. Russia is so big that the whole United States could fit inside it nearly twice. In fact, if you started from one end of Russia, you would travel almost halfway around the world before you reached the other end!Russia extends across two continents. About one-third of it lies in Europe. The rest stretches all the way across northern Asia. The Ural Mountains, which run north to south, divide European Russia from Asian Russia. In all, about 141 million people live in Russia.Russia’s weather is a lot like that of Canada—the world’s second biggest country in area. Russia lies about as far north as Canada. The weather tends to be cold, with long winters and short summers.Facts About RussiaOfficial name Russian FederationCapital MoscowOfficial language RussianPopulation 141,000,000 peopleRank among countries inpopulation8thMajor cities Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhniy NovgorodArea 6,590,000 square miles17,100,000 square kilometersRank among countries in area 1stHighest point Elbrus18,510 feet/5,642 metersCurrency RubleEUROPEAN RUSSIAA great plain stretches over European Russia. Slow-moving rivers crisscross this plain, including the Volga, the Daugava, and the Don. Most Russians live in this part of the country.In the north, many swamps and lakes dot the plain. In the south, the rich soils make good farmland.MOSCOW AND SAINT PETERSBURGMore than ten cities in European Russia have over 1 million people, but the largest by far is Moscow, Russia’s capital. Moscow grew up on the banks of the Moscow River. Today, it is a city of more than 10 million people.At the heart of Moscow is a famous old fortress called the Kremlin. Today, the Kremlin is the seat of the Russian government. At the foot of the Kremlin’s eastern walls is Red Square, a vast public square that has been the scene of many famous events in Russian history. On the south end of Red Square is Saint Basil’s Cathedral. The cath edral’s multicolored, onion-shaped domes are world-famous.The next largest city is Saint Petersburg, Russia’s biggest seaport. Saint Petersburg is on the Gulf of Finland to the west. Its lavish palaces and grand cathedrals make it one of Europe’s most beautiful cities. For more than two centuries, from 1712 to 1918, Saint Petersburg was Russia’s capital.ASIAN RUSSIAThe Asian part of Russia is called Siberia. It lies to the east of the Ural Mountains. Siberia is a treasure-trove of natural resources. It has huge deposits of oil, natural gas, and minerals, and vast stands of timber.FROZEN TUNDRAThe northernmost part of Siberia has treeless plains, calledtundra. Most of the tundra is covered by permafrost, a deeply frozen soil. Few plants can grow in this part of Siberia.Ice on the surface melts in summer, but th e warmth can’t sink through the frozen soil. So the water pools in great marshes that swarm with flies and mosquitoes. Polar bears, walruses, and reindeer live on this land.VAST FORESTSSouth of the tundra is a great belt of forested land called taiga. Russia contains about one-quarter of the world’s forested area. Sable, lynx, wolves, and brown bears live here. In Siberia’s eastern forests live antelope, leopards, and the world’s biggest cats—Siberian tigers.THE STEPPESRolling grasslands, called steppes, cover much of southern Siberia. Siberia’s richest farmland is found here. Today, the steppes have been plowed and planted for farming.RISE OF THE RUSSIAN TSARSDuring the 1400s, the princes of Moscow began wars to conquer lands around Russia. They called themselves tsars, a title Russians once used for their own conquerors. One Russian tsar, Peter the Great, decided to make his country like the ones found elsewhere in Europe.When Peter came to power in the late 1600s, Russia was a backward land. Farming was primitive. The military was poorly organized. Peter ordered his nobles to dress like other Europeans. He built a strong army, roads, and canals. Russian tsars became powerful European kings.RUSSIAN CULTURE BLOOMSThe arts flourished in Russia during the 1800s. Writers such as Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, and Anton Chekhov pennedgreat works of literature. Musicians such as Peter Tchaikovsky and NikolayRimsky-Korsakov composed influential music. Russians performed brilliant ballets and operas.SEEDS OF COMMUNISMBy the late 1800s, many Russians began to oppose the great power of the tsars. Most Russians were poor farmers called serfs. Serfs were not allowed to leave the land where they worked. Many other Russians were terribly poor factory workers. Among these workers, an idea called Communism took hold.Communists said that all workers should own the land and factories and control the government. In 1917, a Communist movement, led by Vladimir Lenin, seized power.THE COMMUNIST ERAIn 1922, after a civil war, the Communists created a new state. They called it the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR, or Soviet Union, for short). Russia was the biggest part of this new state.After Lenin died, Joseph Stalin took his place. Stalin turned Russia into a Communist country by force. He killed many people and sent millions moreto prison camps in Siberia. His secret police, the KGB, terrorized the Russian people.During World War II, the Soviet Union helped defeat Germany. After the war ended in 1945, the Soviet Union took control of the countries in Eastern Europe.COMMUNISM LOSES STEAMBy 1989, Russians had grown tired of Communism. The system could not produce enough ordinary goods, such as clothing or cars. Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev tried to loosenthe system. But his changes allowed the people to sweep the Communists out altogether.In December 1991, the Soviet Union officially ended. The different parts of the Soviet Union became separate countries again, including Russia. LIFE IN RUSSIA TODAYSince then, Russia has inched toward democracy. The government no longer tries to control every aspect of Russian life, as it once did. An elected president now leads the country. Factories have been sold to private companies. Land has been given to private citizens and businesses.。

俄罗斯全境图俄罗斯联邦,简称俄罗斯或俄 国。是世界上面积最大的国家,地域跨越欧 亚两个大洲,与多个国家接壤。绵延的海岸 线从北冰洋一直伸展到北太平洋,还包括了 内陆海黑海和里海。作为前苏联的主要加盟 共和国,俄罗斯联邦是一个十分有影响力的 大国,特别是在由10个前苏联加盟共和国组 成的独联体组织内。1991年,苏联解体,俄 罗斯继承苏联,成为联合国安全理事会常任 理事国,对安理会议案拥有否决权。
• 欧洲第一长河——伏尔加河,全长 3690千米。(俄罗斯的母亲河,五 海通航) • 西伯利亚地区的鄂毕河、叶尼塞河 (水流最湍急)、勒拿河(全国最 长)。 • 贝加尔湖和里海。
• 俄罗斯资源总储量的80%分布在 亚洲部分。 • 森林和水力资源。 • 矿产资源:煤(库兹巴斯)、 石油(秋明油田、第二巴库油 田)、天然气、铁(库尔斯 克)、锰、铜、铅、锌等。
• 俄罗斯的农业主要分布在东欧平原和顿河 流域。 • 农业概况:农用地约占全国领土的30%, 可 耕地面积约1.3亿公顷。农牧业并重, 畜牧 业产值高于 种植业。俄罗斯农业生产近几 年来连续下降,但在国民经济中仍占据重 要地位, 农业 劳动力约占全国人口的13%。 俄已经开始对农业部门进行私有化改革。 种植业以生产谷 物、亚麻、甜菜、土豆蔬 菜等为主, 经济作物以亚麻, 向日葵和甜 菜为主
• 位于30°~180°E,50°~80°N,地跨欧亚两洲,位于欧洲东 部和亚洲大陆的北部,其欧洲领土的大部分是东欧平原。北邻 北冰洋,东濒太平洋,西接大西洋,西北临波罗的海、芬兰湾。 • 陆地邻国西北面有挪威、芬兰,西面有爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚、 立陶宛、波兰、白俄罗斯,西南面是乌克兰,南面有格鲁吉亚、 阿塞拜疆、哈萨克斯坦,东南面有中国、蒙古和朝鲜(其中立 陶宛和波兰仅与俄罗斯外飞地的加里宁格勒州接壤)。海岸线 长37653公里。 • 同时,俄还与日本、加拿大、格陵兰、冰岛、瑞典隔海相望。 • 面积1707.54万平方公里(占原苏联领土面积的76.3%,占地 球陆地面积的11.4%),水域面积占13%,是世界上面积最大 的国家。东西长为9000公里,横跨11个时区;南北宽为4000 公里,跨越4个气候带。随着克里米亚共和国和塞瓦斯托波尔 市加入俄罗斯,俄罗斯版图新增加2.55万平方公里。

Moscow Kremlin 克林姆林宫
Saint Basil'sCathedral 瓦西里升天大教堂
It is a church in Red Square in Moscow, Russia. It was built from 1555–61 on orders from Ivan the Terrible and commemorates the capture of Kazan and Astrakhan. A world-famous landmark, it was the city's tallest building until the completion of the Ivan the Great Bell Tower in 1600.
Have a deep impact for
Soviet Union in twentieth
. Century
Vladimir Putin
The present president. Improve the international status of Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
This is a kind of folk art pattern that originated from Balekh. A miniature painting with a varnish is a kind of Egg Tempera on the cardboard.

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