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第二课时Section A 3a—4c

1.记忆单词king,banker,pale,queen,examine,nor,palace,power,wealth,grey,lemon, uncomfortable和短语call in,neither… nor…,to start with。

2.理解故事The Shirt of a Happy Man(Part I)。

3.能够使用自己的语言对故事The Shirt of a Happy Man(Part Ⅰ)进行表述。




3.通过学习寓言故事The Shirt of a Happy Man(Part Ⅰ),了解寓言故事的基本特点。

1.完成与3a中的语篇材料The Shirt of a Happy Man(Part Ⅰ)相关的阅读任务。



对于阅读语篇材料The Shirt of a Happy Man(Part Ⅰ)的训练,首先,通过略读语篇材料,掌握文章大意,选择文章的主旨大意;然后,细读文章,寻找相关的细节信息,回答问题和寻找同义词和同义短语;最后,分角色扮演,使所学的语言内容得到更好的输出。通过反复阅读训练,理解语篇材料,增加阅读的有效性,提高阅读能力。

对于语法内容的学习,首先,通过对Grammar Focus部分的学习,总结使役动词make的基本用法;然后,采用短文填空和小组合作进行训练,帮助学生更好地使用使役动词make谈论事物对人的影响。


首先运用不同的阅读策略,反复阅读语篇材料The Shirt of a Happy Man(Part Ⅰ),理解寓言故事的基本特点,完成相应的阅读任务,理解使役动词make的用法;再进行语言积累方面的训练,增加对使役动词make的理解和运用。


Step Ⅰ.Lead in

Leading in 【情景1】

T:Do you have any trouble in your daily life?


T:What’s your trouble?


T:Everyone has trouble.What do you do with your trouble?


T:There are many ways to solve our problems.Today we will meet many unhappy people.

[设计意图]利用实际情境,通过师生互动交流,锻炼了学生的口语交际能力,引入unhappy people这一主题,为接下来的阅读训练做好铺垫。

Leading in 【情景2】

Check the stude nts’ homework.

Get the students to present their conversations in the class.Then have some of them present them to the class.


Step Ⅱ.While-reading

(1)Read for the general idea of 3a.

The general idea of the article is about .

A.the things that made the king unhappy

B.the reason for the king’s unhappiness

C.fame and wealth don’t always make people happy

(2)Read for the specific ideas of 3a.

Have the students read the article carefully and silently to find out the answers to the following questions.

1.Can medicine help the king?Why or why not?

2.Why does power not make the prime minister happy?

3.Why does money not make the banker happy?

4.Why does fame not make the singer happy?

5.What did the unhappy king need according to the doctor?

(3)Have the students find words or phrases from the story with meanings similar to the phrases in 3b individually.And then check their work with several students.

【Keys】(1)C (2)1.No.The doctor says there is nothing wrong with his body.The problem is in his mind and no medicine can help him. 2.He is always worried about losing his power,and many people are trying to take his position. 3.He is always worried about losing his money,and someone tries to steal his money every day. 4.He is always worried about being followed by others,so he cannot be free. 5.The shirt of a happy person to wear. (3)1.didn’t feel like eating 2.was called in 3.examine 4.losing… power 5.take my position

The following language points should be explained.
