ACCA P4考试通关秘笈之考试技巧+考题解析
1. 仔细阅读题目:在回答问题之前,仔细阅读题目,确保完全理解问题的要求和背景信息。
2. 分配时间:ACCA考试通常有时间限制,因此重要的是合理分配时间。
3. 使用关键词:当回答问题时,使用关键词来表明你理解了问题的要点。
4. 结构化回答:在写作答案时,使用清晰的结构,包括引言、主体段落和总结。
5. 考虑标准答案:在备考过程中,了解ACCA考试的标准答案非常重要。
6. 练习模拟试题:通过做大量的模拟试题,可以熟悉ACCA考试的题型和格式,并提高答题速度和准确性。
7. 注意语法和拼写:在书面答题中,正确的语法和拼写非常重要。
ACCA P4易错知识点解析
下面中公财经小编就P4阶段的易错知识点该怎么答,给大家简单介绍一下吧;Question1 – 50分(a) Comparison of the viewpointsof two directors and a discussion of possible synergy benefits易错点:关于directors的观点讨论这一块,有部分的考生只是重复这些directors的观点,并没有进行讨论。
在synergy benefits这一块的作答相对比较好,但是考生还是需要对识别出的synergies提供更多的解释,而不应该仅仅提到规模经济,也需要进一步解释如何进行应用。
(b) How a combination of realoption methodology and net present value could establish a reliable valuationof companies易错点:作答大多缺乏深度,很少有答案与题目特定案例背景,即制药企业的估值联系起来。
(c) Preparea report that assessed the valuation of the target and combined company andwhether overall the acquisition would be beneficial for the acquiringcompany’sshareholdersi) Calculatethe equity value of the target using free cash flows易错点:很多考生在计算中犯了以下错误:-在FCF的计算中包括了interest;直接用题目中给的tax金额而不是通过PBIT计算tax;没有计算出最终的valueof equity。
ACCA P4如何一次通过?F9来帮你!
ACCA P4如何一次通过?F9来帮你!P4(高级财务管理)即ACCA专业阶段的高级财务管理课程,是基础阶段F9(财务管理)财务管理课程的延伸。
ACCA考试技巧:P4 Advanced Financial Management
ACCA考试技巧:P4 Advanced Financial Management 本文由高顿ACCA整理发布,转载请注明出处KaplanInternational investmentappraisal techniques focusing on risk management tools such as value at risk.Impact on WACC following hedgingof interest rate risk.Company valuation based scenario,possible MBO finance to structure.Adjusted present value with linkto real options and Black Scholes option pricing model.BPPImportant area to cover includeQ1: We would expect section Aquestions to be mainly based on core syllabus areas such: project appraisal(often in an overseas context), business valuations (both are likely to includecost of capital calculations) and risk management (hedging).Q2-4: Currency risk management,business re-organisation, real options.General adviceThe 50 mark compulsory questionwill, inevitably, draw from a number of different syllabus areas. The examinerhas said that he does not plan exams by referring to past exams (ie checkingthat the whole syllabus is being tested over the course of a number of exam sittings).These factors mean that question spotting is extremely difficult for thispaper. However, we would expect section A questions to test core syllabus areasas listed above.In Section B one of the questionsmay be entirely discussion based (but this is not guaranteed from June 2013),and often involves ethical issues and general financing issues (eg dividendpolicy).Remember that this paper is not amaths exam – in all exam questions the examiner is as interested in yourability to communicate well and to give good management advice as he is in yournumerical ability.Keep checking the ACCA websitefor articles written by the P4 examiner in the lead up to the exam, these areoften tested.LSBFInternational investmentappraisal using adjusted present values/net present values. Sensitivityanalysis and capital rationing.Cost of capital using theprinciples of Modigliani and Miller prepositions or geared and ungeared betas.Hedging exchange rate or interestrate risk using futures, options and swaps.Mergers and acquisitions –valuation using free cash flows/P/E ratio method, cash offer or share exchangeand regulations of takeovers.Capital reconstruction schemes –designing a capital reconstruction scheme or assessing the success of a givenscheme.Option pricing theory. Realoptions, example, option to abandon, expand and delay. Valuation using theBlack-Schole option pricing model.更多ACCA资讯请关注高顿ACCA官网:。
ACCA P4 高分学员分享学习经验
【ACCA考经分享】高分学员讲述ACCA P4该怎么学?我的整个ACCA考试历程是,ACCA免考了前5门,然后F6—F7F8—F9P1—P2P3—P4P7这样一路考过来。
其实F8考的好也是我选考P7的原因之一,P7我是看Mike的网课自学,当时听他在强调写答案要注意什么点的时候心里就想,咦这些不是在F8就已经要求了的东西吗……估计Major 从一开始就按P7的要求来要求我们,所以我到最后在答题格式和“水”的方面没吃太多苦头。
教我们的Tony gaga老师上课时着重讲的是计算的部分。
文字题有一些是可以背诵的,例如NPV、APV的Assumptions,做投资决策前需要考虑的Other factors等等;但是还有很大一部分是没有太大规律的(例如有一年考了WTO,有一年又考了欧盟),那些文字题只能靠自己的common sense水一水了,花太多时间准备这一部分我觉得性价比是比较低的。
下面是小编整理的一则P4考试的精力分享,具体情况如下所示;大四最后一学期,抱着拼拼看的心里,一次性报考P2345四门,回首看来,一次考4门,拼的不是能力,而是心态,好在P2 4报考了面授班,有老师督促,没有落下很多,P 35则是五月份完结了实习和毕业论文才开始备考,每回看书的时候都是很烦躁,一时骂自己干嘛不自量力一次性报考4门,一时骂自己之前几个月为什么不多抽点时间看书。
ACCAP4-P7答题技巧汇总本文由高顿ACCA整理发布,转载请注明出处P41. How to tackle Theory-based questions?Understand theory first before recitingContrast different theoriesA vivid point= one definition+ one explanation + one example2. How to tackle Calculation-based questions?Follow typical questions tackling procedureUse real exam questions onlyFocus on the main and most familiar questionsMostly popular questions:Advanced investment appraisal(APV, MIRR, Duration, Discount payback,Sensitivity analysis, VaR, EVA, MVA)Cost of capital and source of finance(Capital structure theory, Risk adjusted WACC, Islamic finance, source of finance analysis)Business Valuation(FCFF, FCE, P/E*EPS, source of finance analysis)M&A, Reconstruction & ReorganizationOption pricing theory(Option pricing, Real option, Business valuation, Default risk assessment and etc.) Dividend policy and risk management(Right issue, Bonus issue, Dividend method,Share repurchase, Foreign exchange risk and Interest rate risk, Forward,Future, Option, Swap)P51. 好好运用15分钟阅读时间1)阅读section Bquestions.根据question选择自己最有把握的2道题2)阅读section A question:必须在阅读时间内读完题,并且审完题。
ACCA P4 - Final Mocks - Dec 14 - Answers
then adjust for time period of cover so 46 12 / 3months = 184 contracts Estimate closing futures price March contract expires in 7 months, LIBOR is 3.5% (96.50) March contract basis = 3.90% – 3.50% = 0.40% 1 January 3 months to expiry = 0.40 3/7 = 0.17 If LIBOR rises to 5% (95.00) future price will be 5.17% (94.83) Outcome on futures market 1 Sept: Sell 46 @ 3.90% 1 Jan: Buy 46 @ 5.17% Profit 1.27%
The calculations involved in this question are about using yield spreads to calculate a cost of capital for a company. The discussion element of the question concerned the various sources of finance available to a US company wishing to open up markets in the UK. There is no ‘correct’ answer to part c but it must be developed by using your answers (even if incorrect!) to parts (a) and (b).
ACCA P4该如何学习?ACCA P4重点难点解析
ACCA P4重点难点一:A Role of senior financial adviser in the multinational organisation 跨国公司中高级财务管理人员的职能1. The role and responsibility of senior financial executive/advisor 高级财务总监(咨询师)的功能和职责2. Financial strategy formulation 财务战略的形成3. Ethical and governance issues 商业道德和公司治理问题4. Management of international trade and finance 国际贸易和国际金融管理5. Strategic business and financial planning for multinational organisations 跨国公司商业战略和财务计划6. Dividend policy in multinationals and transfer pricing 跨国公司股利政策和转移定价A部分对财务管理实务中常用的知识点的考查,考查的面更广,包括behavioral finance 、free trade areas、customs unions和WTO;更为重要的是,相较于以前对知识点内容的考查,现在有一个趋势,是要求学员运用综合分析能力,对知识点进行灵活运用,这一点在第一道必选题中体现得特别明显。
ACCA P4重点难点二:B Advanced investment appraisal 高级投资决策1. Discounted cash flow techniques 折现投资评价技术2. Application of option pricing theory in investment decisions 期权定价理论在投资决策中的应用3. Impact of financing on investment decisions and adjusted present values 融资对投资决策的影响和APV4. Valuation and the use of free cash flows 使用自由现金流进行估价5. International investment and financing decisions 国际投资和融资决策B部分高级投资决策是非常重要的内容,其中BSOP模型以及real option;Overseas NPV计算、APV、项目评估(流动性和风险角度),折现率的选择和计算(去杠杆和再杠杆方法的运用),债券投资(定价和估值、债券久期);投资决策中的国际投资项目评估、APV、FCFE、FEFF等内容都是非常重要的考核点。
ACCA P4最新备考经验分享
ACCA P4最新备考经验分享这篇文章提供给大家一些考前的各种补充,希望各种准备程度的考生都能从中获益。
首先先重点说考试的结构,考试分为Section A和Section B两个部分,其中Section A为一道必答题,分值为50分;Section B包含3道题目,每道题分值25分,所以是从给出的三道题目中选择两道回答!是从给出的三道题目中选择两道回答!是从给出的三道题目中选择两道回答!重要的事情说三遍,因为前两天有一个已经第二次考P4的人居然和小编诉苦说做不完四道题目为什么这么多T^T,我能说什么呢,小编有的时候真的是不能放心(心塞)。
从P4之前2014年的改革之后,P4的主要内容分为四部:第一部分Investment,第二部分Merger& Acquisition,第三部分是Risk Management,剩余的知识统称为Others。
ACCA考试P4历年真题精选及详细解析1109-76Question:ST Inc makes a bid to acquire all the share capital of WV Inc, paying for the acquisition by means of a share exchange. The shares of ST Inc are currently trading on a P/E of 12.5 and the shares of WV Inc are trading on a P/E ratio of 15. No savings or increase in combined sales are expected as a result of the takeover.Given no change in the annual profits after tax of either company, what will happen to the earnings per share of the combined ST group after the takeover?A. EPS will remain the same.B. EPS will go down.C. It is impossible to assess, without figures for earnings and numbers of shares.D. EPS will go up.The correct answer is: EPS will go down.When the bid consideration is all in shares and one company buys another on a higher P/E ratio, the EPS will fall after the takeover unless total profits can be increased after the takeover, perhaps through economies of scale or higher combined total sales. In this question, there are no such profit increases.。
ACCA考试备考:F4考试科目介绍及学习技巧F4 考试大纲:F4 Corporate & Business Law (English) 是ACCA 考试中唯一的一门法律科目,它的大纲设置主要涵盖了:lEnglish Legal System (英国法律体系)lLaw of Contract (合同法)lTort Law (民法)lLaw of Employment (劳动合同法)lAgency (代理)lPartnership (合伙企业)lCompany Law (公司法), 以及lProfessional ethics and Corporate Governance (职业道德与公司治理)。
F4 考试结构:15分钟阅读及180分钟答题时间,共10题,每题10分,均为必做题,问题内容涉及整个大纲,其中:l第1-7题为问答题,考官直接在问题中明确要测试的知识点,要求考生回答相应法律条款及以往案例。
在F4 考题由可选题变成必做题后,F4考试的难度也随之加大,这就要求考生要对大纲中的每一章节都能熟练掌握,不能遗漏。
-问答题的答案必须包含:Introduction/definition, rule of law, case name, name of Act, Section number-案例分析题的答案必须包含:Introduction/definition/declaration of issue, rule of law, case name,name of Act, Section number, fact analysis, and conclusion.F4 学习方法:作为ACCA fundamental level 中少有的纯理论科目,F4除要求大家能深入地理解大纲涵盖的知识点之外,还要求每一位考生拥有强大的记忆力,以及逻辑分析能力。
中公财经培训网:/ P阶段的ACCA考试对于很多小伙伴来说,是属于专业程度很高的考试。
中公财经网小编将ACCA P4考试经验整理了一下,分享给大家。
ACCA P4考试经验:糅合知识点
ACCA P4考试经验:做模考
考试前一周左右时间开始做模考就可以,毕竟ACCA P阶段的考试时间都比较紧凑,提前做模考适应很关键。
ACCA P4考试经验:看错题,缕思路
ACCA P4考试经验:调配好答题时间
战胜ACCA P4P7的经验分享
战胜ACCA P4P7的经验分享孙灵珊,江苏大学会计专业的一名大四学生。
2016年3月ACCA考试P4考前TipsP4 is a technical paper with some complex calculations sometimes but DO NOT think of the exam as numbers-only. There are plenty of discursive parts which are usually easier than the calculations and easy marks can be picked up by applying commercial awareness and common sense.Analyse the individual requirements of the question. If you can do the wordy bits first then do so as you will not get bogged down in them like you will with the calculation elements.Do not expect to finish a question. You must stick to time, especially on the calculations which are very easy to over-run on. The exam is extremely time pressured and the secret to passing is to have a go at every part of every question, not to try and get 100% on every question –to do that you would need about 7 hours!If you are not sure what to do with a particular figure in a question, ignore it and move on –state assumptions, you haven’t got time to worry about it!If you get a Black-Scholes question, always list out the input variables as your first stage and assign the relevant values to them –there will be about 2-3 marks usually for doing this.Practice as many questions as possible but do as many as possible to time. You must get used to doing the questions in the time available and not spending too long on them.Practice as many questions as possible across the syllabus, and don’t only concentrate on what you consider to be the core areas.Choose carefully on section B of the paper –it is very limited choice but nonetheless it will be critical.Do not put down unnecessary workings; because as it will cost you heavily in lost time.If there is a calculation that you are unable to complete –for e.g. a W ACC which prevents you from going on to do the NPV, then just make a reasonable assumption and estimate a WACC which you have been unable to calculate, this will then allow you to progress the calculation and get on to the often more generously rewarded discursive parts of the question.Look out for examinable articles –two in particular for June 2011:24 August –The new examiner Shishir Malde gives his approach for the P4 paper23 September –Another article by the new examiner Shishir Malde on Risk Management January/February articleYou will not pass if that is all you know but you will struggle to pass if you do not know them!。
中公财经培训网:/ ACCA考试科目中,P4阶段的考试都考些什么?大家可能都知道考试的题型但是绝对很少有人知道考试的内容。
1. 必须抓住重点,不外是- Investment Assessment, Company Valuation, Hedging, Option Pricing Theory.
2. ACCA真题- 最近的10套ACCA真题,每套做三遍。
3. 理解题目- 每道题目每一遍我都会花一个小时来做,把你的答案与参考答案相比较,理解为什么这么做
4. 背讨论点- 凡是真题上涉及的讨论点,参考答案上有的,就把关键词记在笔记本上,有空的时候拿出来看看。
5. 最后一点练习,我做练习写完了半包A4纸
很多小伙伴都在忙着备考即将到来的6月份ACCA 考试。
不知道有没有小伙伴在备考P4.下面小编关于P4的考试题型以及答题技巧就给大家详细的介绍一下吧;风险和不确定性risk and uncertainty风险risk是指当一种情况有很多种可能的结果时,根据过去的经验使统计证据可以被形成以预测结果的可能性。
决策者和风险承受态度风险厌恶型risk averse:决策者更愿意承担更小的风险以避免更高的风险爆发。
风险承担型risk seeker:决策者更热衷于最好的结果不论这个结果出现的机会多么的渺茫。
风险中立型risk neutrual:决策者对于不同的结果保持中立。
更关注最常发生的那个结果(most likely)。
ACCA P2+P3+P4+P7一次过的经验分享
ACCA P2+P3+P4+P7一次过的经验分享【作者简介】本文作者系邓佳琪,湖南商学院ACCA班2011级学生。
2013年ACCA JHC华南6强、2014CIMA 商业精英国际挑战赛华南季军及最佳商业潜质奖得主。
2014年6月参加ACCA的P2、P3、P4、P7考试,一次通过,至今已完成全部ACCA课程,成为ACCA Affiliate。
【篇首语】“ACCA 这个考试本身其实难度很低。
”“全部通过个人认为也没有什么值得称道的,加之ACCA在中国没有签字权,考CPA也没有优惠,所以真正有什么用就只有自己知道了”“两年多ACCA学习,进去的是知识和技能,出来的是商业观和判断力”【正文】1. 考经论难度,ACCA考试本身其实难度很低,因为只需50分即可通过,并且考试模式很固定。
我认为,英语要达到什么水平呢,就是要学会英语的逻辑:一口气能说出带N 个从句的句子,能一口气将一句话写得像一段话那么长。
3月A考如何拿下 ACCA P4呢?
3月A考如何拿下 ACCA P4呢?12月的成绩已经出来了,大写的fail意味着:革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力!然而面授课已经结束了,对于P4还是一脸懵逼,三月份考试也不远了,还有几十天的时间,所以要怎么复习才能顺利pass呢?首先,不要捉鸡啦——合理安排时间很重要!有的小伙伴还纠结要不要再看网课(或者已经开始看网课了,但是担心考前看不完……)对于在纠结要不要看网课的童鞋们呢,我的建议是,如果你对于知识只是混个脸熟,并且你觉得时间尚且够用,那不妨再看个网课;如果你只是对个别点不懂,那就没必要再看网课,多做题就OK啦——对于已经开始看网课的小伙伴,我的建议是合理规划做题与看网课的时间就可以了,不用对“考前能不能看完”这种问题太过纠结(虽然我也是考试前一天才看完网课……然而并没有被潮水般的压力所淹没)说完网课的事,接下来就是重头戏了-----做题!P4因为牵涉到了金融方面的东西,比如汇率衍生品,利率衍生品神马的,会让人感觉头晕脑胀,完全懵圈……那么,此时就需要你变身成动感超人,用动感光波击败这些闹心的衍生品“小怪兽”!这所谓的动感光波就是历年真题、样卷,但是如何发射动感光波呢?就是要“吃透”这些真题。
那么问题来了,什么叫“吃透”呢?你以为只要知道答案在说什么就够了?No No No所谓“吃透”就是,不仅仅知道答案在说什么,脱离了答案,也可以回想起整体的解题思路是什么,比如第一步干什么,第二步干什么……当你“吃透”了某一道题,或者某几道题后,不要鸡冻!你的目标不仅仅局限于这几道题,而是“吃透”整个P4.值得庆幸的是,ACCA对于P4的考察是有一定套路的。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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ACCA P4考试通关秘笈之考试技巧+考题解析12月的考试越来越近了,楷博君感受到一股强大的复习气流迎面而来......这两天深深的觉得紧张的不只是楷博学子们,还有这些可爱可敬的老师们。
For September 2017 sitting, the global pass rate of P4 is about 35% which is reas onably acceptable. The main reasons given by the examiner for the poor perform ance can be summarized as:考试技巧Poor time management(超时,超时,超时!)Not completing sufficient questions(空题,大忌!)Poor exam technique(在擅长的题目上浓墨重彩,造成时间不足去完成剩下的题目!) Lack of question practice under examination conditions(模考练习不够!)Spending time on unnecessary introductions or definitions or reproducing fig ures already given in the question(想靠机械记忆在P段拿分!)Illegible scripts,incomplete sentences (字迹太乱,非完整句!)Numerical answers that were poorly structured (计算部分不用标准格式,不给出计算的过程!)Written answers that were poorly structured. It was difficult to identify in som e answers whether candidates were discussing advantages or disadvantages, ass umptions or risks;(论述部分逻辑性差,请用subheadings!)Not carefully reading the requirements of a question and therefore not answe ring the question that was asked (答非所问!)所以,综上所述为了顺利通过12月考试,你需要:Do not waste too much time on one question and have no enough time to cope with the remaining parts! Please do use the tips for time saving we’ve talked about during the tuition. Any figures you cannot estimate, just make u p it and move on!Use good structure or Performa to gain the four professional marks! You might b e asked to write a report or a memo or a discussion paper. They actually have th e same format: you should start with calculations(estimations) and please then u se a fresh paper to write your report. Your examiner said:“The report format should have an introduction; display a good structure and p resentation with appropriate use of appendices, followed by a conclusion/recom mendation that is relevant and meaningful to the foregoing discussion. Many ca ndidates could have easily earned a professional mark available by providing an appropriate conclusion to the report. Candidates who demonstrated an awarene ss of the business environment that is relevant to the case study scenario often s core good marks.”If you are unable to answer certain small parts of a question, that is fine. Do not panic! Just do not leave an entire question unattempt!If you find a question is relatively long and involves many discursive parts, then, please pay attention to the information given in the scenario which could actuall y be part of your answer!回顾9月考题·展望12月>>ferent areas.September 2017 Q1:(a)discuss differences between free trade areas and customs unions, and WTO;(b) evaluate based on a net present value analysis within an international investm ent appraisal context, and the implications when macroeconomic and trading en vironment change;(C) discuss about the composition of senior management strat egy such that the board skills and experience can be utilised in an efficient, effect ive and transparent wayTherefore, for Dec sitting, the question one will also combine different examin able areas from entire syllabus. Actually, it can be anything (why not? If you are well prepared). Just say in report part, if it is about foreign investment appraisal, i t will be quite similar to the Q7,Q8,Q9 in exam kit. Do not forget to assess the res ults you’ve achieved. If the examiner asks you to discuss the assumptions used, please do not just list the assumptions. You must discuss whether or not they are reasona ble.If it is about acquisition, refinancing or reorganization, it will be quite similar t o Dec 2015 Q1, June 2016 Q2, Q3. Different business valuation methods (FCF, FC FE, P/E,DVM,BSOP) will be tested in the computational part. Their individual pros and cons will be discussed in the report. Do not forget reverse takeover indeed is not an acquisition but a quick listing strategy. (Please review recent technique ar ticle). Also, the three aspects from pattern of behavior can be applied in this section to analyze why many acquisitions in reality failed. The maximum premium or net extra benefit generated from an acquisition or extra finance required are the topics been tested many times. Different acquisition financing strategies (cash of fer, share-share, bonds, and convertibles) and the impacts on the share price(s) o f acquiring company or (target company) or P/E ratios.Risk adjusted WACC is very important! It can be incorporated into investment appraisal or business valuation questions. Do not forget how to de-gear proxy’equity beta, and re-gear relevant asset beta.BSOP can also be used to value equity. The relevant calculation has been teste d by the old examiner but not the current examiner. It is crucial to list the five var iables and be able to discuss the limitations. Delta hedge and five Greeks can als o come. Please be prepared to calculate hedge ratio. If you are holding shares, y ou will not necessarily to sell call options but to buy the puts.Also, other topics like: bond valuation, duration or modified duration of bond, Islamic finance, probability analysis, regulation of takeover, and different risks of setting up foreign division can also appear in section A or B.Section B:the topics mentioned above can also be tested as a 25-marks question. Hedging question can either be against foreign currency risk (please read the other two ar ticles) or interest rate risk:Interest rate hedging:Different hedging strategies: forward, future, option on future, collar, swap, cur rency swap (indeed is an interest rate swap, just the counter part is in a different country).This question will not be as difficult as you expect. Please review recent questi ons (Dec 2015Q2, 2013 Dec Q2).You should write down the details, such as: the number of contracts, the expir y date of futures, the future price or exercise price of option.The function of interest rate future is to fix the LIBOR (for instance) at the dat e of closing the transaction ( the start of loan or deposit). The future price a t close-out date should be estimated through estimating unexpired basis at clos e-out date which is an important working. That is also where the basis risk comin g from.Option on futures gives buyer right but not obligation to exercise future contr acts. Using option is normally an expensive alternative, as premium must be paid regardless of the fact option will be exercised or not. The profit on option for option buyer is calculated by comparing the future price at close-out date and the exercise price selected. Please ensure you will get this right in the exam.The purpose of using collar is to lower premium payable and to limit the upsi de benefit (as the possibility of this is low). If the company will borrow money, it will buy puts (cap) to set an upper limit of borrowing rate and sell calls (floor) to set a lower limit of borrowing rate. If the company will deposit money, it will buy calls (floor) to set a lower limit of depositing rate and to sell puts (cap) to set an upper limit of depositing rate. When it buys options, it will pay the premium. Wh en it sells options, it will receive the premium.Determining forward rates and its application to interest swap.2 Section B(September 2017)Q2(a) a discuss the merits of specific sources of finance for an acquisition proposal and to recommend the most appropriate mode of financing(b) discuss the regulatory and ethical issues when raising financing capitalQ3(a) calculate how much an unbundled part of a company may be sold for and th e impact of its sale on the company’s financial structure and performance (b) an evaluation of the decision to sell off the unbundled part of the company Q4(a) hedge against interest rate risk(b) discuss the role of the treasury function in different geographical locations, in managing risk exposure and maximising corporate valueP4 exam is extremely time demanding, please manage your time wisely and plea se write the complete sentences in the exam!。