A、B、C、D、A7、在下列绘制的侧面投影中,不正确的是()C、D、A8、已知主、俯视图,则正确的左视图是()C、D、A9、验收量规一般选用()A、磨损较多的工作量规B、磨损较少的工作量规C、定制专用量规D、新的未用量规B10 、配合代号G6/h5 应理解为()配合。
A 、基孔制间隙B、基轴制间隙C、基孔制过渡D、基轴制过渡C11、孔0 20H7和孔0 200H7的加工难易程度为()A、0 20H7 咼B、0 200H7 高C、差不多D、无法判断B12、测量断面圆跳动时,指示表测量头应()。
A、垂直于轴线B、平行于轴线C、倾斜于轴线D 、于轴线重合C13、公差代号H7的孔和代号()的轴组成过渡配合。
A、f6B 、g6C、m6D 、r6C14、尺寸公差带图的零线表示()尺寸。
A、最大极限B 、最小极限C、基本D、实际B15、由于测量器具零位不准而出现的误差属于()A、随机误差B 、系统误差C、粗大误差D 、定位误差B16、表面粗糙度值越小,则零件的()。
A、抗疲劳强度差B 、耐磨性好C、配合精度咼D、加工容易C17、普通外螺纹的基本偏差是()。
A、ESB 、EIC、esD 、eiD18 、最大极限尺寸可()基本尺寸。
A、大于B、小于C、等于D、大于、小于或等于B19、利用同一加工方法加工 $ 45H7孔和$ 50H6孔,应理解为()。
13、完全退火的目的是( 内应力。
A、降低硬度、降低塑性 B、降低硬度、增加塑性 C、提高硬度、提高塑性 D、提高硬度、降低塑性
14、在模具零件淬火时螺纹孔容易开裂,因此零件螺 纹孔在淬火前应( A )。
A、堵耐火泥或旋入螺钉 B、留余量,淬火后再去除 C、预热 D、堵木炭
2、已知冲裁凸模刃口的实际尺寸如下图所示,该模具间隙为0.1mm,请在凹 模刃口图上标出相应的基本尺寸。
3、已知冲裁凸模刃口的实际尺寸如下图所示,该模具间隙为0.1㎜,请在凹模刃 口图上标出相应的基本尺寸。
4、根据下图所示的凹模孔口尺寸,写出其线切割3B程序。已知:穿丝孔中心 为O,钼丝直径为0.12㎜,单边放电间隙为0.01㎜,钼丝起割位置在O处,切割 顺序是OABCDEFA。
B 分隔符 X X 坐标值 B 分隔符 Y Y 坐标值 B 分隔符 J 计数长度 G 计数方向 Z 加工指令
补偿距离为:0.12/2+0.01=0.07㎜ 3B程序如下: B6000B8000B008000GYL4 B6000B8000B028000GXNR4 BBB010080GYL4 BB11920B023840GXNR2 BBB012000GXL1 BB11920B023840GXNR4 BBB010080GYL2 D
板6、卸料橡胶24和卸料螺钉25组成的弹性卸料装 置进行退料;制件由顶件块16、打杆14组成的刚性 顶料装置进行退料;冲孔废料从凹模孔口下面推出。 右图: 1- ? 2-销钉 3-螺钉 4-下垫板 5-凸凹模固定板 6-卸料板 7-固定挡料销 8-? 9-导套 10-销钉 11- 螺钉 12-? 13-模柄 14-打杆 15-防转销 16-顶件块 17-销钉 18-上模座 19-? 20-? 21-中间板 22-落料凹模 23-? 24-卸料橡胶 25-卸料螺钉 26-螺钉
模具制造工(中级)理论知识复习题一、单项选择题1、低碳钢20钢的塑性成形性能比较好,但用作成型零部件或导柱导套时,需要进行_ A_ __处理。
A、渗碳淬火B、调质 C低温回火 D、退火2、下列四个侧面投影中,正确的是 D 。
A、直接测量B、间接测量C、绝对测量D、相对测量4、圆柱销将两零件定位时,应把销孔做成 A ,方便加工和装拆。
A、通孔B、盲孔C、沉孔D、锥形孔5、在同一尺寸段内,尽管基本尺寸不同,但只要公差等级相同,其标准公差值就B 。
A、可能相同B、一定相同C、一定不同D、无法判断6、T10A牌号中的10表示其平均含碳量为 B 。
A、0.1%B、1.0%C、10%D、0.01%7、下列钢中属于优质碳素结构钢的是: C 。
A、T10AB、Q235C、40D、T88、冲裁模试冲时产生送料不通畅或条料被卡死的主要原因是B 。
A、凸凹模口不锋利B、两导料板之间的尺寸过小或有斜度C、凸模与卸料板之间的间隙小D、条料有毛刺9、采用到装复合模时,工人操作的安全性 C 使用正装复合模的安全性。
A、差于B、无关C、好于D、不确定10、设计冲裁模时,取合理的大间隙有利于 B 。
A、0.3%~0.5%B、0.5%~1.0%C、1.0%~1.5%D、1.5%~2.0%12、φ30g6,φ30g7,φ30g8三个公差带 B 。
A、上偏差相同下偏差也相同B、上偏差相同但下偏差不同C、上偏差不同且下偏差相同D、上、下偏差各不相同13、聚乙烯、聚丙烯、聚苯乙烯可归于 B 。
A、热固性塑料B、热塑性塑料C、工程塑料D、泡沫塑料14、为提高零件强度、硬度和耐磨性,调质一般安排在 B 工序前后。
A、粗加工B、半精加工C、精加工D、超精加工15、根据材料的金相组织结构和力学性能,可以选择 A 为重要模具零件的毛坯。
模具制造中级工题型1.填空题(25分25空)2.选择题(10分10道)3.判断题(10分10道)4.问答题(20分4道)5.编程题(10分1道)6.计算题(10分1道)7.综合题(15分1道)填空题1.数控加工的特点:1.提高加工质量2.提高加工效率3.便于实现生产管理和加工的现代化2.电火花加工的特点:1.便于加工用机械加工难以加工或无法加工的材料,如淬火钢、硬质合金钢 2.由于电极和工件在加工过程中不接触,两者间的宏观作用力小,所以便于加工小孔、深孔零件,而不受电极和工件刚性的限制。
3.电规准对加工影响最大的参数:1.脉冲宽度2.脉冲间隙3.峰值电流4.电极材料:石墨纯铜5.电规准的选择与转换:1.粗规则2.中规准3.精规准6.电极丝的选择:电极丝应具有良好的导电性和抗拉强度,且材质均匀,快走丝用钼丝,直径0.08~0.2 ,慢走丝用黄铜丝,直径0.37.模具失效的主要原因是模具选材及热处理不当。
9.塑料的分类1)按塑料的使用性能分:1.通用塑料2.工程塑料3.特种塑料2)按塑料受热后的性能分:1.热塑性塑料 2.热固性塑料10.塑料制件的脱模斜度:为了脱模方便,在一般情况下,塑件制件的内、外表面顺着塑料制件脱模方面均应有足够的脱模斜度。
中级“模具工”理论试卷与答案(doc 8页)
中级“模具工”理论试卷与答案(doc 8页)太仓市职业技能鉴定中心中级“模具工”理论试卷答案(包括《机械原理》、《机械制图》、《金属材料与热处理》、《公差配合》、《机械加工工艺》、《钳工工艺学》《液压传动》《模具设计》《模具制造工艺》等课程知识)姓名 2007年月日班级学号成绩阅卷评卷人得分一、判断题(请将正确答案按序号填入表格内)(每题1分,共28分)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 111 12 13 14 15 16171819221 22 23 24 25 262728( F ) 2、标准规定,在一般情况下,优先选用基轴制配合。
( T ) 3、形位公差在图样上用带指引线的框格的形式标注。
( T ) 4、可直接从量具或量仪上读出全值的测量方法称为直接测量法。
( F ) 5、冷作模具主要用于金属或非金属材料的热成形( T )6、热作模具钢的主要失效形式是冷、热疲劳、鬼裂、热深裂等。
( F )7、为节约时间和成本,合金钢淬火可以用水冷( F )8、单件生产时,应该大量使用专用刀具和专用夹具。
评卷人得分三、选择题(请将正确答案按序号填入表格内)(每题1分,共20分)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 111 12 13 14 15 1617181921A、表面光滑B、高硬度C、良好的切削加工性2、影响加工速度快慢的因素主要是( B )。
A、切割丝的垂直度B、电参数的大小C、工作液的大小3、对热作模具钢来讲,应具备以下性能:红硬性、热稳定、( C )。
A、压力机的装模高度;B、模具在最低工作位置时,模具的上、下模座之间的高度;C、模具在最低工作位置时,模具的之间的高度;D、模具在最低工作位置时,模具的上模座的上平面与下模座的下平面之间的高度;5、线切割加工中( C )的步序先后排列是正确的。
A、1)移位、穿丝、调整Z轴;2)电极丝定位及穿丝;3)装夹、校正固定B、1)电极丝定位及穿丝; 2)装夹、校正固定; 3)移位、穿丝、调整Z轴C、1)装夹、校正固定; 2)电极丝定位及穿丝; 3)移位、穿丝、调整Z轴6、加工条件参数大体可分为:(C )。
中级模具制造工知识复习题一、选择题(将正确答案的填入括号内,每题1分,共50分)1、A0图纸的大小是( A 841X1189 )。
A、841X1189B、594X841C、420X592D、297X4202、在机械制图中,图线的形式和用途代表了不同的意义,其中粗实线的宽度线是(C 0.5-2mm )A、0.25-0.5mmB、0。
5-2mmD、1-1.5mm3、在机械制图过程中,图框(A )画出。
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2002) 19:253–2592002 Springer-Verlag London LimitedAn Analysis of Draw-Wall Wrinkling in a Stamping Die Design F.-K. Chen and Y.-C. LiaoDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, TaiwanWrinkling that occurs in the stamping of tapered square cups and stepped rectangular cups is investigated. A common characteristic of these two types of wrinkling is that the wrinkles are found at the draw wall that is relatively unsup- ported. In the stamping of a tapered square cup, the effect of process parameters, such as the die gap and blank-holder force, on the occurrence of wrinkling is examined using finite-element simulations. The simulation results show that the largerthe die gap, the more severe is the wrinkling, and such wrinkling cannot be suppressed by increasing the blank-holderforce. In the analysis of wrinkling that occurred in the stampingof a stepped rectangular cup, an actual production part that has a similar type of geometry was examined. The wrinklesfound at the draw wall are attributed to the unbalanced stretching of the sheet metal between the punch head and the step edge. An optimum die design for the purpose of eliminatingthe wrinkles is determined using finite-element analysis. The good agreement between the simulation results and those observed in the wrinkle-free production part validates the accuracy of the finite-element analysis, and demonstrates the advantage of using finite-element analysis for stamping die design.Keywords: Draw-wall wrinkle; Stamping die; Stepped rec- tangular cup; Tapered square cups1. IntroductionWrinkling is one of the major defects that occur in the sheet metal forming process. For both functional and visual reasons,wrinkles are usually not acceptable in a finished part. There are three types of wrinkle which frequently occur in the sheet metal forming process: flange wrinkling, wall wrinkling, and elastic buckling of the undeformed area owing to residual elastic compressive stresses. In the forming operation of stamp-ing a complex shape, draw-wall wrinkling means theoccurrenceCorrespondence and offprint requests to: Professor F.-K. Chen, Depart-ment of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University, No. 1Roosevelt Road, Sec. 4, Taipei, Taiwan 10617. E-mail: fkchen? .twof wrinkles in the die cavity. Since the sheet metal in the wall area is relatively unsupported by the tool, the elimination of wall wrinkles is more difficult than the suppression of flange wrinkles. It is well known that additional stretching of the material in the unsupported wall area may prevent wrinkling, and this can be achieved in practice by increasing the blank- holder force; but the application of excessive tensile stresses leads to failure by tearing. Hence, the blank-holder force must lie within a narrow range, above that necessary to suppress wrinkles on the one hand, and below that which produces fracture on the other. This narrow range of blank-holder force is difficult to determine. For wrinkles occurring in the central area of a stamped part with a complex shape, a workable range of blank-holder force does not even exist.In order to examine the mechanics of the formation of wrinkles, Yoshida et al. [1] developed a test in which a thinplate was non-uniformly stretched along one of its diagonals. They also proposed an approximate theoretical model in whichthe onset of wrinkling is due to elastic buckling resulting from the compressive lateral stresses developed in the non-uniformstress field. Yu et al. [2,3] investigated the wrinkling problem both experimentally and analytically. They found that wrinklingcould occur having two circumferential waves according to their theoretical analysis, whereas the experimental results indi-cated four to six wrinkles. Narayanasamy and Sowerby [4] examined the wrinkling of sheet metal when drawing it througha conical die using flat-bottomed and hemispherical-ended punches. They also attempted to rank the properties that appeared to suppress wrinkling.These efforts are focused on the wrinkling problems associa- ted with the forming operations of simple shapes only, such as a circular cup. In the early 1990s, the successful applicationof the 3D dynamic/explicit finite-element method to the sheet-metal forming process made it possible to analyse the wrinklingproblem involved in stamping complex shapes. In the present study, the 3D finite-element method was employed to analyse the effects of the process parameters on the metal flow causingwrinkles at the draw wall in the stamping of a tapered square cup, and of a stepped rectangular part.A tapered square cup, as shown in Fig. 1(a), has an inclined draw wall on each side of the cup, similar to that existing in a conical cup. During the stamping process, the sheet metal on the draw wall is relatively unsupported, and is therefore 254 F.-K. Chen and Y.-C. LiaoFig. 1. Sketches of (a) a tapered square cup and (b) a stepped rectangular cup.prone to wrinkling. In the present study, the effect of various process parameters on the wrinkling was investigated. In the case of a stepped rectangular part, as shown in Fig. 1(b), another type of wrinkling is observed. In order to estimate the effectiveness of the analysis, an actual production part with stepped geometry was examined in the present study. The cause of the wrinkling was determined using finite-element analysis, and an optimum die design was proposed toeliminatethe wrinkles. The die design obtained from finite-element analy-sis was validated by observations on an actual production part.2. Finite-Element ModelThe tooling geometry, including the punch, die and blank- holder, were designed using the CAD program PRO/ ENGINEER. Both the 3-node and 4-node shell elements were adopted to generate the mesh systems for the above tooling using the same CAD program. For the finite-element simul- ation, the tooling is considered to be rigid, and the correspond-ing meshes are used only to define the tooling geometry and Fig. 2. Finite-element mesh.are not for stress analysis. The same CAD program using 4- node shell elements was employed to construct the mesh system for the sheet blank. Figure 2 shows the mesh system for the complete set of tooling and the sheet-blank used in thestamping of a tapered square cup. Owing to the symmetric conditions, only a quarter of the square cup is analysed. In the simulation, the sheet blank is put on the blank-holder andthe die is moved down to clamp the sheet blank against the blank-holder. The punch is then moved up to draw the sheet metal into the die cavity.In order to perform an accurate finite-element analysis, the actual stress–strain relationship of the sheet metal is required as part of the input data. In the present study, sheet metal with deep-drawing quality is used in the simulations. A tensile test has been conducted for the specimens cut along planes coinciding with the rolling direction (0°) and at angles of 45°and 90° to the rolling direction. The average flow stress ?, calculated from the equation ? ? (? 0 ? 2? 45 ? ? 90 )/4, for eachmeasured true strain, as shown in Fig. 3, is used for the simulations for the stampings of the tapered square cup and also for the stepped rectangular cup.All the simulations performed in the present study were run on an SGI Indigo 2 workstation using the finite-element pro- gram PAMFSTAMP. To complete the set of input data required Fig. 3. The stress–strain relationship for the sheet metal. Draw-Wall Wrinkling in a Stamping Die Design 255for the simulations, the punch speed is set to 10 m s ?1 and a coefficient of Coulomb friction equal to 0.1 is assumed.3. Wrinkling in a Tapered Square CupA sketch indicating some relevant dimensions of the tapered square cup is shown in Fig. 1(a). As seen in Fig. 1(a), the length of each side of the square punch head (2W p ), the die cavity opening (2W d ), and the drawing height (H) are con- sidered as the crucial dimensions that affect the wrinkling. Half of the difference between the dimensions of the die cavityopening and the punch head is termed the die gap (G) in the present study, i.e. G ? W d ? W p . The extent of the relatively unsupported sheet metal at the draw wall is presumably due to the die gap, and the wrinkles are supposed to be suppressedby increasing the blank-holder force. The effects of both the die gap and the blank-holder force in relation to the occurrenceof wrinkling in the stamping of a tapered square cup are investigated in the following sections.3.1 Effect of Die GapIn order to examine the effect of die gap on the wrinkling,the stamping of a tapered square cup with three different die gaps of 20 mm, 30 mm, and 50 mm was simulated. In each simulation, the die cavity opening is fixed at 200 mm, and the cup is drawn to the same height of 100 mm. The sheet metalused in all three simulations is a 380 mm ? 380 mm square sheet with thickness of 0.7 mm, the stress–strain curve for thematerial is shown in Fig. 3.The simulation results show that wrinkling occurred in all three tapered square cups, and the simulated shape of the drawn cup for a die gap of 50 mm is shown in Fig. 4. It is seen in Fig. 4 that the wrinkling is distributed on the draw wall and is particularly obvious at the corner between adjacentwalls. It is suggested that the wrinkling is due to the large unsupported area at the draw wall during the stamping process,also, the side length of the punch head and the die cavity Fig. 4. Wrinkling in a tapered square cup (G ? 50 mm). opening are different owing to the die gap. The sheet metal stretched between the punch head and the die cavity shoulderbecomes unstable owing to the presence of compressive trans-verse stresses. The unconstrained stretching of the sheet metalunder compression seems to be the main cause for the wrink-ling at the draw wall. In order to compare the results for the three different die gaps, the ratio ? of the two principal strains is introduced, ? being ? min /? max , where ? max and ? min are themajor and the minor principal strains, respectively. Hosford and Caddell [5] have shown that if the absolute value of ? is greater than a critical value, wrinkling is supposed to occur, and the larger the absolute value of ?, the greater is the possibility of wrinkling.The ? values along the cross-section M–N at the same drawing height for the three simulated shapes with different die gaps, as marked in Fig. 4, are plotted in Fig. 5. It is noted from Fig. 5 that severe wrinkles are located close to the cornerand fewer wrinkles occur in the middle of the draw wall forall three different die gaps. It is also noted that the bigger the die gap, the larger is the absolute value of ?. Consequently, increasing the die gap will increase the possibility of wrinklingoccurring at the draw wall of the tapered square cup.3.2 Effect of the Blank-Holder ForceIt is well known that increasing the blank-holder force can help to eliminate wrinkling in the stamping process. In orderto study the effectiveness of increased blank-holder force, thestamping of a tapered square cup with die gap of 50 mm, which is associated with severe wrinkling as stated above, wassimulated with different values of blank-holder force. The blank-holder force was increased from 100 kN to 600 kN, which yielded a blank-holder pressure of 0.33 MPa and 1.98 MPa, respectively. The remaining simulation conditions are maintained the same as those specified in the previous section.An intermediate blank-holder force of 300 kN was also used in the simulation.The simulation results show that an increase in the blank- holder force does not help to eliminate the wrinkling that occurs at the draw wall. The ? values along the cross-section Fig. 5. ?-value along the cross-section M–N for different die gaps.256 F.-K. Chen and Y.-C. LiaoM–N, as marked in Fig. 4, are compared with one another for the stamping processes with blank-holder force of 100 kN and 600 kN. The simulation results indicate that the ? values alongthe cross-section M–N are almost identical in both cases. In order to examine the difference of the wrinkle shape for the two different blank-holder forces, five cross-sections of the draw wall at different heights from the bottom to the line M–N, as marked in Fig. 4, are plotted in Fig. 6 for both cases.It is noted from Fig. 6 that the waviness of the cross-sections for both cases is similar. This indicates that the blank-holder force does not affect the occurrence of wrinkling in the stamp-ing of a tapered square cup, because the formation of wrinklesis mainly due to the large unsupported area at the draw wall where large compressive transverse stresses exist. The blank-holder force has no influence on the instability mode of the material between the punch head and the die cavity shoulder.4. Stepped Rectangular CupIn the stamping of a stepped rectangular cup, wrinkling occursat the draw wall even though the die gaps are not so significant.Figure 1(b) shows a sketch of a punch shape used for stampinga stepped rectangular cup in which the draw wall C is followedby a step D–E. An actual production part that has this typeof geometry was examined in the present study. The material used for this production part was 0.7 mm thick, and the stress–strain relation obtained from tensile tests is shown in Fig. 3. The procedure in the press shop for the production of this stamping part consists of deep drawing followed by trimming. In the deep drawing process, no draw bead is employed on the die surface to facilitate the metal flow. However, owingto the small punch corner radius and complex geometry, a split occurred at the top edge of the punch and wrinkles were found to occur at the draw wall of the actual production part, as shown in Fig. 7. It is seen from Fig. 7 that wrinkles are distributed on the draw wall, but are more severe at the corneredges of the step, as marked by A–D and B–E in Fig. 1(b). The metal is torn apart along the whole top edge of the punch, as shown in Fig. 7, to form a split.In order to provide a further understanding of the defor- mation of the sheet-blank during the stamping process, a finite-element analysis was conducted. The finite-element simulationwas first performed for the original design. The simulated shape of the part is shown from Fig. 8. It is noted from Fig.8 that the mesh at the top edge of the part is stretchedFig. 6. Cross-section lines at different heights of the draw wall fordifferent blank-holder forces. (a) 100 kN. (b) 600 kN.Fig. 7. Split and wrinkles in the production part.Fig. 8. Simulated shape for the production part with split and wrinkles.significantly, and that wrinkles are distributed at the draw wall,similar to those observed in the actual part.The small punch radius, such as the radius along the edgeA–B, and the radius of the punch corner A, as marked in Fig. 1(b), are considered to be the major reasons for the wall breakage. However, according to the results of the finite- element analysis, splitting can be avoided by increasing the above-mentioned radii. This concept was validated by the actual production part manufactured with larger corner radii. Several attempts were also made to eliminate the wrinkling. First, the blank-holder force was increased to twice theoriginalvalue. However, just as for the results obtained in the previoussection for the drawing of tapered square cup, the effect of blank-holder force on the elimination of wrinkling was not found to be significant. The same results are also obtained by increasing the friction or increasing the blank size. We concludethat this kind of wrinkling cannot be suppressed by increasingthe stretching force.Since wrinkles are formed because of excessive metal flowin certain regions, where the sheet is subjected to large com- pressive stresses, a straightforward method of eliminating thewrinkles is to add drawbars in the wrinkled area to absorb the redundant material. The drawbars should be added parallel to the direction of the wrinkles so that the redundant metal can be absorbed effectively. Based on this concept, two drawbars are added to the adjacent walls, as shown in Fig. 9, to absorb the excessive material. The simulation results show that the Draw-Wall Wrinkling in a Stamping Die Design 257Fig. 9. Drawbars added to the draw walls.wrinkles at the corner of the step are absorbed by the drawbarsas expected, however some wrinkles still appear at the remain-ing wall. This indicates the need to put more drawbars at the draw wall to absorb all the excess material. This is, however, not permissible from considerations of the part design.One of the advantages of using finite-element analysis forthe stamping process is that the deformed shape of the sheet blank can be monitored throughout the stamping process, whichis not possible in the actual production process. A close look at the metal flow during the stamping process reveals that the sheet blank is first drawn into the die cavity by the punch head and the wrinkles are not formed until the sheet blank touches the step edge D–E marked in Fig. 1(b). The wrinkled shape is shown in Fig. 10. This provides valuable information for a possible modification of die design.An initial surmise for the cause of the occurrence of wrink- ling is the uneven stretch of the sheet metal between the punchcorner radius A and the step corner radius D, as indicated in Fig. 1(b). Therefore a modification of die design was carriedout in which the step corner was cut off, as shown in Fig. 11, so that the stretch condition is changed favourably, which allows more stretch to be applied by increasing the step edges.However, wrinkles were still found at the draw wall of the cup. This result implies that wrinkles are introduced because of the uneven stretch between the whole punch head edge andthe whole step edge, not merely between the punch corner andFig. 10. Wrinkle formed when the sheet blank touches the steppededge.Fig. 11. Cut-off of the stepped corner.the step corner. In order to verify this idea, two modifications of the die design were suggested: one is to cut the whole step off, and the other is to add one more drawing operation, that is, to draw the desired shape using two drawing operations. The simulated shape for the former method is shown in Fig.12. Since the lower step is cut off, the drawing process is quite similar to that of a rectangular cup drawing, as shown in Fig. 12. It is seen in Fig. 12 that the wrinkles were eliminated. In the two-operation drawing process, the sheet blank wasfirst drawn to the deeper step, as shown in Fig. 13(a). Sub- sequently, the lower step was formed in the second drawing operation, and the desired shape was then obtained, as shownin Fig. 13(b). It is seen clearly in Fig. 13(b) that the stepped rectangular cup can be manufactured without wrinkling, by a two-operation drawing process. It should also be noted that inthe two-operation drawing process, if an opposite sequence isapplied, that is, the lower step is formed first and is followed by the drawing of the deeper step, the edge of the deeper step,as shown by A–B in Fig. 1(b), is prone to tearing because the metal cannot easily flow over the lower step into the die cavity.The finite-element simulations have indicated that the die design for stamping the desired stepped rectangular cup usingone single draw operation is barely achieved. However, the manufacturing cost is expected to be much higher for the two-operation drawing process owing to the additional die costandoperation cost. In order to maintain a lower manufacturing cost, the part design engineer made suitable shape changes, and modified the die design according to the finite-element Fig. 12. Simulated shape for the modified die design.258 F.-K. Chen and Y.-C. LiaoFig. 13. (a) First operation and (b) second operation in the two-operation drawing process.simulation result to cut off the lower step, as shown in Fig. 12. With the modified die design, the actual stamping die for production was manufactured and the production part was found to be free from wrinkles, as shown in Fig. 14. The part shape also agreed well with that obtained from the finite- element simulation.In order to further validate the finite-element simulation results, the thickness distribution along the cross-section G–Hobtained from the simulation result as indicated in Fig. 14, Fig. 14. The defect-free production part.was compared with those measured from the production part. The comparison is shown in Fig. 15. It can be seen in Fig.15 that the predicted thickness distribution by finite-element simulation agrees well with that measured directly in theproduction part. This agreement confirms the effectiveness of the finite-element analysis.Fig. 15. The simulated and measured thickness distribution along G–H.Draw-Wall Wrinkling in a Stamping Die Design 2595. Summary and Concluding RemarksTwo types of wrinkling occurring in stamping processes were investigated using finite-element analysis, and the causes for wrinkling were examined and the methods to eliminate such wrinkles were developed.The first type of wrinkling appears at the draw wall in the stamping of a tapered square cup. The occurrence of wrinklingis attributed to the large die gap, which is the difference between the side length of the die cavity opening and the side length of the punch head. The large die gap results in a large unsupported area of sheet metal when the metal is drawn into the die cavity and an unfavourable stretch between the punch head and die cavity shoulder. The large unsupported area of sheet metal is therefore prone to wrinkling. The finite-element simulations show that this type of wrinkling cannot be sup- pressed by increasing the blank-holder force.Another type of wrinkling investigated occurs in an actualstamping part that has a stepped rectangular geometry. It is found that wrinkling occurs at the draw wall above the step even though the die gap is not sufficiently large. The wrinklingis due to the uneven stretch between the punch head and the step edge, according to the finite-element analysis. Several attempts were made in the die design to eliminate the wrinkling,using finite-element simulations, and an optimum design in which the step was cut off is finally established. The modified die design for eliminating wrinkles was validated by the pro- duction of a defect-free production part. The good agreement between the simulation results and those observed in the drawnproduction part demonstrates the accuracy of the finite-elementanalysis, and the effectiveness of using finite-element simula- tions as a substitute for the expensive method of actual die try-outs is thereby confirmed.AcknowledgementsThe authors wish to thank the National Science Council of the Republic of China for the grant NSC-86–2212-E002–028 that made this project possible. They also wish to thank KYM forproviding the production part.References1. K. Yoshida, H. Hayashi, K. Miyauchi, Y. Yamato, K. Abe, M. Usuda, R. Ishida and Y. Oike, “The effects of mechanical proper-ties of sheet metals on the growth and removing of buckles dueto non-uniform stretching”, Scientific Papers, Institute of Physicsand Chemistry Research, 68, pp. 85–93, 1974.2. T. X. Yu, W. Johnson and W. J. Stronge, “Stamping and spring-back of circular plates deformed in hemispherical dies”, Inter- national Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 26, pp. 131–148, 1984.3. W. J. Stronge, M. P. F. Sutcliffe and T. X. Yu, “Wrinklingof elasto-plastic circular plates during stamping”, ExperimentalMechanics, pp. 345–353, 1986.4. R. Narayanasamy and R. Sowerby, “Wrinkling of sheet metalswhen drawing through a conical die”, Journal of Material Pro- cessing Technology, 41, pp. 275–290, 1994.5. W. F. Hosford and R. M. Caddell, Metal Forming: Mechanics and Metallurgy, 2nd edn, 1993.。
)1. 工作完毕后,所用过的工具要( C)。
A、检修B、堆放C、清理、涂油D、交接2. ( A)间隙直接影响丝杠螺母副的传动精度。
A、轴向B、法向C、径向D、齿顶3. 利用已精加工且面积较大的导向平面定位时,应选择的基本支承点( A)。
A、支承板B、支承钉C、自位支承D、可调支承4. 过盈连接的配合面多为圆柱面,也有圆锥面或( D)。
A、正方形B、矩形C、正方体形D、其他形式5. 圆柱销一般靠过盈固定在孔中,用以( C)。
A、定位B、连接C、定位和连接D、传动6. 带在轮上的包角不能太小,( A)包角不能小于120°,才保证不打滑。
A、三角带B、平带C、齿形带D、窄V形带7. 起重机在起吊较重物件时,应先将重物吊离地面(A),检查后确认正常情况下方可继续工作。
A、10Cm左右B、1Cm左右C、5Cm左右D、50Cm左右8. 工业企业在计划期内生产的符合质量的工业产品的实物量叫( C)。
A、产品品种B、产品质量C、产品产量D、产品产值9. 对( D)的要求是分合灵敏,工作平稳和传递足够的扭矩。
A、联轴器B、蜗轮、蜗杆C、螺旋机构D、离合器10. 圆锥面的过盈连接要求配合的接触面积达到( A)以上,才能保证配合的稳固性。
A、75%B、80%C、85%D、90%11. 属位置公差项目的符号是( D)。
A、-B、○C、=D、⊥12. 在尺寸链中,当其他尺寸( A)新产生的一个环是封闭环。
A、确定后B、确定前C、不确定D、尚未确定13. 设备修理,拆卸时一般应( C)。
A、先拆内部、上部B、先拆外部、下部C、先拆外部、上部D、先拆内部、下部14. 工作时( B)穿工作服和鞋。
A、可根据具体情况B、必须C、可以不D、无限制15. 丝锥的构造由( D)组成。
模具中级工试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 模具设计中,以下哪个因素不是影响模具寿命的主要因素?A. 材料选择B. 模具结构C. 模具加工精度D. 模具使用环境答案:D2. 在塑料模具设计中,以下哪个不是冷却系统的作用?A. 快速冷却塑料B. 减少成型周期C. 提高模具强度D. 减少塑料的收缩率答案:C3. 以下哪种材料不适合用于制作大型模具?A. 铝合金B. 45号钢C. 不锈钢D. 塑料答案:D4. 模具制造中,以下哪个步骤不是模具加工的常规流程?A. 粗加工B. 热处理C. 精加工D. 抛光5. 在模具设计中,以下哪个参数不是模具尺寸计算的必要参数?A. 产品尺寸B. 收缩率C. 模具材料D. 模具寿命答案:D6. 以下哪种方法不是模具抛光的常用方法?A. 手工抛光B. 机械抛光C. 化学抛光D. 激光抛光答案:D7. 以下哪个不是模具制造中常用的测量工具?A. 卡尺B. 千分尺C. 量角器D. 游标卡尺答案:C8. 在模具设计中,以下哪个不是模具材料的基本要求?A. 良好的加工性能B. 高硬度C. 良好的韧性D. 良好的导电性答案:D9. 以下哪种热处理方法不是用于提高模具硬度的?B. 正火C. 回火D. 退火答案:D10. 在模具制造中,以下哪个不是模具装配的步骤?A. 组件装配B. 调试C. 拆卸D. 总装答案:C二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 以下哪些因素会影响模具的使用寿命?A. 模具材料B. 模具结构C. 模具加工精度D. 模具使用环境答案:ABCD2. 在塑料模具设计中,冷却系统的作用包括哪些?A. 快速冷却塑料B. 减少成型周期C. 提高模具强度D. 减少塑料的收缩率答案:ABD3. 以下哪些材料适合用于制作大型模具?A. 铝合金B. 45号钢D. 塑料答案:BC4. 模具制造中,以下哪些步骤是模具加工的常规流程?A. 粗加工B. 热处理C. 精加工D. 抛光答案:ACD5. 在模具设计中,以下哪些参数是模具尺寸计算的必要参数?A. 产品尺寸B. 收缩率C. 模具材料D. 模具寿命答案:ABC三、判断题(每题2分,共20分)1. 模具设计中,模具使用环境不会影响模具寿命。
A 人的技术水平B 人的交往能力C 人的行为规范D人的工作能力2.职业道德建设与企业的竞争力的关系是B。
A 互不相关 B源泉与动力关系 C 相辅相承关系 D 局部与全局关系3.在企业生产经营活动中,员工之间团结互助的要求不包括A。
A 讲究合作、避免竞争B 平等交流、平等对话C 互相学习共同提高D 既合作、又竞争,竞争与合作相统一4.企业文化的核心是 A 。
A 企业价值观B 企业目标C 企业形象D 企业经营策略5.下列哪一项没有违反诚实守信的要求? A 。
A 保守企业秘密B 凡有利于企业利益的行为C 根据服务对象来决定是否遵守承诺D 派人打进竞争对手内部,增强竞争优势。
6.现实生活中,一些人不断“跳槽”,虽在一定意义上有利于人才流动,但它同时也说明这些从业人员缺乏 B 。
A 工作技能B 强烈的职业责任感C 光明磊落的态度D 坚持真理的品质7.诚实守信是做人的行为准则,在现实生活中正确的观点是 B 。
A 诚实守信与市场经济相冲突B 诚实守信是市场经济必须遵守的法则C 是否诚实守信要视具体情况而定D 诚实守信是“呆”、“傻”、“憨”。
8.工企对环境污染的防治不包括 D 。
A 防治大气污染B 防治水体污染C 防治噪声污染D 防治运输污染9.钻床操作工不准带 B 。
A 帽子B 手套C 眼镜D 图纸10.当人体直接碰触带电设备或线路的单相线时,电流通过人体而发生的触电现象是A 。
A 单相触电B 双相触电C 电弧伤害D 接触电触电11.摇臂钻床的摇臂回转角度为 C 。
A ±45°B ±90°C ±120°D ±180°12.交流接触器短路环的作用是 A 。
A 消除衔铁振动和噪音B 增大衔铁碰通C 减缓衔铁的冲击D 减缓衔铁噪音13.低压断路器即低压自动开关它相当于 A 的组合。
C、提高硬度、提高塑性 D、提高硬度、降低塑性
14、在模具零件淬火时螺纹孔容易开裂,因此零件螺 纹孔在淬火前应( A )。
A、堵耐火泥或旋入螺钉 B、留余量,淬火后再去除
15、中小型冷冲模上模是通过( 的滑块上的。
B )安装在压力机
A、凸模固定板 B、模柄 C、导柱 D、垫板
C、电视机外壳 D、锅铲手柄
9 下列属于连续模特有的零件是( A )。
C、挡料销 D、拉料杆
10、加工M8螺纹孔,预钻底孔尺寸中是( A )。
A、φ6.8 B 、φ7.8 C、φ6.25 D、φ8.1
27、选择正确的第三视图( B )
( ×)1、冲压工作时,不可以带手套。
(×)2、冲裁模的刚性卸料装置一般用于薄板工件冲裁后 的卸料。
(×)3、电火花成形机床可加工高熔点、高硬度、高纯度、 高韧性的绝缘材料。
19 、在斜导柱分型机构中,楔紧块的角度应( B ) 斜导柱的倾斜角。
A、小于 B、大于 C、等于 D、大于或等于
20、塑料模具制造中影响制件表面粗糙度的主要因素 是( B )
A、塑料材料性能 B、成型零件表面粗糙度
C、成型工艺条件 D、模具的精度
26、常用于制作冲裁模模柄的材料是( C )
(√ )5、酸洗工序一般在拉深最后一道工序才进行。
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C 、a 小于bD 、关系无法确定0 B 1 0 0 C 1 2 0下面叙述不对的是() B 、动定模板的长宽尺寸为4 0 X 4 5 mm D 、动模板的厚度为10 0mmB 、使犁料熔体槊•化均匀D 、缓解注射压力 代替。
A 、压力机的闭合高度 、模具在最低工作位置时,模具的上、下模朋Z 间的距离C 、模具在最低工作位置时,模具的凸模、凹模Z 间的距离D 、模具在最低工作位置时,模具的上模朋的上平面与下模朋的下平面之间的距离 、在圆筒形件拉深时,最易拉裂的危险断面在( )。
A 、凸缘部分B 、筒壁部分C 、筒底圆角部分与筒壁相接处D 、凸缘圆角部分与筒壁相接处、拉深模试冲时,由于拉深间隙过大,使拉深件高度不够,应()。
A 、放大毛坯尺寸B 、放大凸模圆角半径C 、调整凹模或凸棋间隙,使之合理D 、增大压边力、余卜导柱侧向分型抽芯结构屮,余得柱倾斜角「与锁紧楔倾斜角b 的关系为()。
A 、a 大于bB 、a 等于b 对于模架规格DC 1 4 0 4 5A 、它表示细水口模架C 、定模板的厚度为8 0 mm 注射模上设计冷穴是为了( A 、储存槊•料熔体的前锋冷料C 、保证舉料制件的尺寸、精度 脱模机构的导向零件可由(A 、复位杆B 、合模导向导柱注射机的顶杆 D 、拉料杆对于级进模,其试冲板料的宽度应比侧面导板的跖•离(A 、 0 . 5 〜ImmB 、 0.1 〜0 . 1 5 u mC x 0.3 〜U.5umD 、 0.05、级进冲裁模装配时,应先将拼块凹模装入下模朋,再以()以基准件安装凸模。
A 、下模座 B 、上模座 C 、凹模 D 、导柱、导套0、用模具将板料上的孔或外缘翻成直壁的冲压工序是()。
A 、拉深 B 、弯曲 C 、翻边 D 、整形1、 制定]艺规稈的原则不包含()。
A 、保证加工质量 B 、保证高的生产率C、保证资金充足D、具有良好的劳动条件及技术上的先进性2、在特种加工发展的历稈屮,最先出现的方法是()。
1 3、在尼龙上有一符号0 . 1 5 mm的小孔,适合采用()进行加T。
A、电火花B、电触加工C、线切割D、激光加工1 4、细水口模架与大水口模架相比较,下面叙述不对的是()。
A、前者顶板和A板之间无間定的螺钉B、前者顶板和A板Z间可移动一定的距离;C、前者一定有水口推板D、前者定模部分有拉杆导柱和拉杆导套1 5、余卜导柱侧向分型抽芯的结构形式屮,哪一种是最简单而应优先采用的()。
A、斜导柱在定模,滑块在动模B、斜导柱在动模,滑块在定模C、斜导柱和滑块同在定模D、斜导柱和滑块同在动模1 6、为了防止推杆变形、卡死或断裂,推杆和推管推出机构屮需设置()机构。
A、导向机构B、复位机构C、锁紧机构D、定位机构1 7、保压补缩效果最好的浇口形式是()。
A、直接浇口B、侧浇口C、潜伏浇口D、点浇口1 8、为了防止料流前锋冷料进入型腔影响犁件质量,主流道下方要开设(D )储存冷料。
A、浇口B、分流道C、拉料杆D、冷料穴1 9、装配时用来确定模具零件在模具中的位置所使用的基准为()。
A、定位基准B、测量基准C、装配基准D、设计基准2 0、冲裁模凸、凹模问隙的调報是在上、下模分别装好后,一般先将凹模固定,然后再通过改变()來进行的。
A、模具闭合高度B、凸模的尺寸C、凸模的形状D、凸模的位置二、判断题(题目前面的括号内,正确的填“0”,错误的填“X” ,每题1分,共3 0分)()1.拉深系数小,说明拉探变形程度小。
()2 .为使滑块带动侧型芯运动可靠,滑块最好设计成整体式。
()4 .对大型或精度高或深腔模具,通常要设计锥面定位结构。
()6 .占用注塑成型周期时间最多的是冷却时间,合理的冷却方式能提高生产率。
()8 .主流道一•般位于模具屮心线上,它与注射机喷嘴的轴线重合。
()1 0.落料是用模具沿封闭线冲切板材,冲下的部分为废料。
()1 1.模架的基准角是模具加工,制造时的基准。
三、问答题(每题5分,共2 0分)1. 在衆料屮除了以合成树脂为主要成分外,为何还要加入各种添加剂?2. 弯曲模式冲时发现冲压件弯曲部位产生裂纹,试分析原因,并说明解决的方法。
3. 简述冲裁模的总装过程第二部分一、选择题(将正确答案的序号填入括号内,每题1分,共50分)1、符号说明()。
A、与端面对轴线的垂直度公弟带形状相同B、属于位置公差C、属于跳动公差D、属于形状公差6、车削细长轴时,为了减少有背向力引起工件的弯1山,车刀的主偏角应选择()0A、45 度一60 度B、60 度一70 度C、75 度一93 度D、100 度一110 度7、切屑沿其流出的表面是()。
A、0・ 5MB、2MC、2MD、3MA、841X1189B、594X841C、420X592D、297X42015、45钢改善切削加工性能可采用(A、正火B、退火C、淬火16、冲裁工序包括两种工序,分别是落料与(D、D、以上都不是冲孔)冲裁模。
A、钻头B、饺刀C、键槽铳刀D、镣刀21、用平磨床刃磨凸凹模时,刃磨前从冲模屮拆卸需要刃磨的刃磨的凸凹模工件的,一定要特别小心, 不能磕碰凸、凹模表面和(),并且不能损伤圆柱销及圆柱销孔。
24、加工一方形划线平板Ra3. 2 u m,其加工方案为(A、粗铳一精铳B、粗刨一精刨C、粗拉D、粗车一精车25、在剖视图屮,螺纹牙顶线(小径)用()表示。
A、0. 20B、0.30C、0. 40D、0.5027、用复合模冲制底部孔较大的拉深件时,其工作顺序是()。
A、冲孔一落料一拉深B、落料一冲孔一拉深C、拉深一冲孔一落料D、落料一拉深一冲孔28、模具装配后,其模具闭合高度>=400时,其允许的偏差值为:()OA、±0mmB、C^ D^29、三级安全教育制度是企业安全教育的基本教冇制度。
A、(增环最大极限尺寸Z和)一(减环最小极限尺寸Z和)B、(增环最小极限尺寸Z和)一(增环最大极限尺寸Z和)C、(增环基木尺寸Z和)一(减环基木尺寸之和)D、(增环最小极限尺寸Z和)+ (增环最大极限尺寸Z和)40、工件装夹后,在同一位置上讲行钻孔、扩孔、较孔等多次加工,通常选用()OA、固定B、快换C、可换D、不换第四部分31、为避免挤压坏损坏,必须设计承压面的压缩模结构形式为()。