A rose for Emily中译本赏析,以杨岂深的译本为例

A Rose for Emily 解读与译赏A Rose for EmilyWilliam Faulkner【原文解读】过去几年一直在讲《英美短篇小说解读与译赏》(自编讲义),每讲一次,对福克纳的这篇小说都有一种新的认识,都有一种翻译的冲动,一旦动笔翻译,便在标题上卡壳了。
从翻译的角度和读者的角度,个人感觉标题译为“悲情玫瑰”更好,因为全文中唯一出现rose(玫瑰)的地方是小说的第五部分中(171)A thin, acrid pall as of the tomb seemed to lie everywhere upon this room decked and furnished as for a bridal: upon the valance curtains of faded rose color, upon the rose-shaded lights, upon the dressing table, upon the delicate array of crystal and the man’s toilet things backed with tarnished silver, silver so tarnished that the monogram was obscured.其中rose一共出现过两次:rose color和rose-shaded lights。

Emi l y A Ros e For鉴赏A Rose For EmilyThe short story “A Rose For Emily ” draws a vivid picture of thesouther n tow n Jeffers on of the Un ited States. Though the plot is not complicated, yet it can be regarded as a panorama of Faulkner ' s works. It attr acts readers ' attention successfully and makes us immersed in the whole story. And the ingenious usage of symbolism is a distinctive feature, which makes the story filled with profound implicatio ns. There are several differe nt symbolic subjects in it, such as the house, Miss Emily, Barron Homer and so on. In this thesis, the author tries to discuss them one by one from his point of view.《献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》写得精致、完美;有如大理石上的雕刻图案,含有值得永久纪念的神圣意味。
世界驰名的威廉•福克纳(William Faulk ner) —向以长篇小说震撼世人。

“A Rose for Emily” is divided into five sections.The first section opens with a description of the Grierson house in Jefferson. The narrator mentions that over the past 100 years, Miss Emily Grierson’s home has fall into disrepair and become “an eyesore among eyesores.” The first sentence of the story sets the tone of how the citizens of Jefferson felt about Emily: “When Miss Emily Grierson died, our whole town went to the funeral: the men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument, the women mostly out of curiosity to see the inside of her house, which no one save an old manservant – a combined gardener and cook – had seen in at least ten years.”It is known around town that Emily Grierson has not had guests in her home for the past decade, except her black servant who runs errands for her to and from the market. When a new city council takes over, however, they begin to tax her once again. She refuses to pay the taxes and appear before the sheriff, so the city authorities invite themselves into her house. When confronted on her tax evasion, Emily reminds them that she doesn't have to pay taxes in Jefferson and to speak to Colonel Sartoris, although he had died 10 years before.In section two, the narrator explains that the Griersons had always been a very proud Southern family. Mr. Grierson, Emily’s father, believes no man is suitable for his daughter and doesn't allow her to date. Emily is largely dependent upon her father, and is left foundering when he dies. After Mr. Grierson's death, Emily does not allow the authorities to remove his body for three days, claiming he is still alive. She breaks down and allows authorities to take the body away for a quick burial.Section three introduces Emily’s beau, Homer Barron, a foreman from the north. Homer comes to Jefferson with a crew of men to build sidewalks outside the Grierson home. After Emily and Homer are seen driving through town several times, Emily visits a druggist. There, she asks to purchase arsenic. The druggist asks what the arsenic is for since it was required of him to ask by law. Emily does not respond and coldly stares him down until he looks away and gives her the arsenic. When Emily opens the package, underneath the skull and bones sign is written, "For Rats."Citizens of Jefferson believe that Miss Emily is going to commit suicide since Homer has not yet proposed in the beginning of section four. The townspeople contact and invite Emily's two cousins to comfort her. Shortly after their arrival, Homer leaves and then returns after the cousins leave Jefferson. After staying in Jefferson for one night, Homer is never seen again. After Homer’s disappearance, Emily begins to age, gain weight, and is rarely seen outside of her home. Soon, Miss Emily passes away.The fifth and final section begins with Jefferson women entering the Grierson home. After they arrive, Emily's black servant leaves through the back door without saying a word. After Emily's funeral, the townspeople immediately go through her house. They come across a room on the second floor which no one had seen in 40 years, and break the door down. They discover a dusty room strangely decorated as a bridal room. The room contains a man's tie, suit and shoes, and a silver toilet set which Miss Emily had purchased for Homer years before his disappearance. Homer's remains lay on the bed, dressed in a nightshirt. Next to him is an impression of a head on a pillow where the townspeople find a single “long strand of iron-gray hair.” It is thus implied that not only had Emily killed Homer with the arsenic, but also has had an intimate relationship with his corpse up to her own death.简评:Miss Emily met Homer Baron, a foreman with a construction company, when her hometown was first getting paved streets. Her father had already died but, not before driving away her eligible suitors. As rumors circulate about her possible marriage to a Yankee, Homer leaves town abruptly. During his absence, Miss Emily buys rat poison.When Homer returns, the townspeople see him enter Miss Em ily’s house but not leave. Only when she dies do the townspeople discover his corpse on a bed in her house and, next to it, a strand of Miss Emily’s hair.This Gothic plot makes serious points about woman’s place in society. Throughout the story, the reader is aware that these events are taking place during a time of transition: The town is finally getting sidewalks and mailboxes. More important, values are changing. The older magistrates, for example, looked on Miss Emily paternally and refused to collect taxes from her; the newer ones try, unsuccessfully, to do so.Caught in these changing times, Miss Emily is trapped in her role as genteel spinster. Without a husband, her life will have no meaning. She tries to give lessons in painting china but cannot find pupils for this out-of-date hobby and finally discontinues them. If Homer is thinking of abandoning her, as his departure implies, one can understand her desire to clutch at any sort of union, even a marriage in death.The theme is developed through an exceptionally well-crafted story. Told from a third-person plural point of view, it reveals the reactions of the town to Miss Emily. As this “we” narrator shifts allegiance--now criticizing Miss Emily, now sympathizing with her--the reader sees the trap in which she is caught, and the extensive but unobtrusive fores hadowing prepares the reader for the story’s final revelation without detracting from its force.。

Analysis of "A Rose for Emily"姓名:**** 学号:***** 班级**** Like so many American writers, Faulkner found himself again and again writing short stories, some of which are considered as equally important as his best novels. Good as his short stories are, they seem always at the threshold of being absorbed into the Yoknapatawpha saga — that legendary matrix which is Faulkner’s real achievement. However, for a beginner of Faulkner scholarship, his short stories may well be an easy start. “A Rose for Emily” is Faulkner’s first short story published in 1930. Set in the town of Jefferson in Yoknopatawpha, the story focuses on Emily Grierson, an eccentric spinster who refuses to accept the passage of time, or the inevitable change and loss that accompanies it. Simple as it is in plot, the story is pregnant with meaning. As a descendent of the Southern aristocracy, Emily is typical of those in Faulkner’s Yoknapatwapha stories who are the symbols of the Old South but the prisoners of the past. In this story, Faulkner makes best use of the Gothic devices in narration, and, the deformed personality and abnormality Emily demonstrates in her relationship with her sweetheart is dramatized in such a way that we feel shocked and thrilled as we read along."A Rose for Emily" recounts the story of an eccentric spinster, Emily Grierson. An unnamed narrator details the strange circumstances of Emily’s life and her odd relationships with her father, who controlled and manipulated her, and her lover, the Yankee road worker Homer Barron. When Homer Barron threatens to leave her, she is seen buying arsenic, which the townspeople believe she will commit suicide with. After this, Homer Barron is not heard from again, and is assumed to have returned north. Though she does not commit suicide, the townspeople of Jefferson continue to gossip about her and her eccentricities, citing her family's history of mental illness. She is heard from less and less, and rarely ever leaves her home. Unbeknownst to the townspeople until her death, in her upstairs room she hides all day with the corpse of Homer Barron, which explains the horrid stench that emits from Miss Emily's house.The story’s complexities have inspired critics while casual readers found the work one of Faulkner’s most accessible (and shortest) works. The popularity of the story was due in no small part to its gruesome ending.The story explores many themes, including the society of the South at that time, the role of women in the South, and extreme psychosis.In the story, the townspeople's points of views on Emily actually reflect the society's value at that moment to some extent. Although the townspeople don't have direct contact with Emily, their views on her and her family greatly affect her life. Their praises and admiration influence her father to keep her sheltered longer than she actually needs to be. Her father controls her thoughts and lifestyle. Emily feels that she is released when her father is dead. She dives into love with Homer and neglects people's judgments on her. When she realizes that Homer intends to leave her again, she makes sure that he would always be with her, whether he is alive or not. In his death Emily finds eternal love which is something no one could ever take away from her.William Faulkner regarded the past as a repository of great images of human effort and integrity, but also as the source of a dynamic evil. He was aware of the romantic pull of the past and realized that submission to this romance of the past was a form of death (Warren, 269). In "A Rose for Emily", Faulkner contrasted the past with the present era. The past was represented in Emily herself, in Colonel Sartoris, in the old Negro servant, and in the Board of Alderman who accepted the Colonel's attitude toward Emily and rescinded her taxes.The present was expressed chiefly through the words of the unnamed narrator. The new Board of Aldermen, Homer Barron (the representative of Yankee attitudes toward the Griersons and thus toward the entire South), and in what is called "the next generation with its more modern ideas" all represented the present time period (Norton Anthology, 2044). Miss Emily was referred to as a "fallen monument" in the story (Norton Anthology, 2044). She was a "monument" of Southern gentility, an ideal of past values but fallen because she had shown herself susceptible to death (and decay). The description of her house "lifting its stubborn and coquettish decay above the cotton wagons and the gasoline pumps--an eyesore among eyesores" represented a juxtaposition of the past and present and was an emblematic presentation of Emily herself.I. The Symbol of Miss Emily.In this short story, Miss Emily is a static character who refused to believe that the times were changing and refused to change into the new society. As a Mississippi Southern Belle, she was born and raised in a wonderful state. She is considered a “monument” of southern manners and an ideal of past values. Her southern heritage and points of view are represented through her actions. Her stubbornness and unrelenting attitude are very strong characteristics of the southern heritage, so Emily symbolizes the old southern tradition; her death symbolizes the collapse of the old southern traditionⅡ. The Symbol of the House.In this short story, Faulkner applies symbolism to compare the Grierson house with Emily’s physical deterioration, her shift in social standing, and her unwillingness to accept changing. When compared chronologically, it is used to symbolize Emily’s physical attributes. And Faulkner also sets the house as a symbol for Emily’s change in social status. When Miss Emily died, her and her house both become symbols of their dying generation.Ⅲ. The Symbol of Rose.William Faulkner’s symbolic use of the “rose” is essential to the story’s theme of Miss Emily’s self-isolation. The rose is often a symbol of love, and portrays an everlasting beauty. And for Emily, the “rose” clearly defines something sacred. It is symbolizes the love between Emily and Homer Barron, and Homer Barron was Emily’s only “rose”.Ⅳ. The Symbol of the Small Town.Most of Faulkner’s works are set in the American South with his emphasis on the southern subjects and consciousness. In the short story, the small town does not only reveal the social and economic history of Yoknapatawpha Country, but also symbolizes the social and economic history of the south.Ⅴ. The Symbol of Homer Barron.Homer Barron who came from the north represented the Yankee attitudes toward the Griersons and also toward the entire south. He was very adaptable to change. So he symbolizes the north and the next generation with its more modern ideas.Ⅵ. The Symbol of the Negro-Tobe.Although Faulkner doesn’t write a lot about him, he is not a nobody. Because of the slavery system, Tobe lives a walking corpse life and spends his time quietly. He has no freedom of speech and action, so he talked to no one, probably not even to Emily, for his voice had grown harsh and rusty, as if from disuse. As matter of fact, we can say, the Negro suffered from aphasia under the long pressure. And only after Emily died, did the Negro become freemen. So Emily’s death symbolizes the collapse of the old tradition, and the disappearance of Tobe symbolizes the disintegration of Keeping Slavery System.。
a rose for emily解读与译赏

a rose for emily解读与译赏《A Rose for Emily》是美国作家威廉·福克纳的短篇小说,被认为是福克纳最杰出的作品之一。
《A Rose for Emily》是福克纳对南方社会的批判,揭示了社会对个人的限制和破坏力量。
总之,《A Rose for Emily》是一部充满象征主义和深度的文学作品,通过描述一个女性的孤独和精神崩溃,揭示了社会对个体的压迫和摧毁。

ARoseforEmily书评第一篇:A Rose for Emily书评Book Review of A Rose for Emily--The Conflicts between Old and New A Rose for Emily is a masterpiece written by William Faulkner with sort of Gothic style.This short story is too abundant to penetrate completely.Therefore, I would like choose a perspective—the conflicts between old and new to discuss about.Change is a natural rule as same as life and death.While, at the beginning of the new thing emerging, the old generation always defenses the ancient tradition with total efforts.In this short story, Emily is a symbol of old traditions of South.She sticks to her family honor and turns down everything fresh.We can see that from these typical conflicts I select below.The first conflict—tax affair was appeared in para.5.At the first sentence ―when the next generation, with its more modern ideas… this arrangement created some little dissatisfaction.‖ The new generation can’t permit Emily to be free from taxes.They invoked the challenge, ―they mailed her a tax‖, while the old fought back—―and there was no reply‖.In the fires round, the new generation got a disappointment.Then in para.6, the second round started.The government set up a special meeting to save their first failure.Finally, they decided to dispatch a deputation to persuade Emily face to face.―Knocked at the door through which no visitors had passed since eight or ten years earlier‖ illuminates that the hostess of this house eludes the historic revolution.It was the old Negro not Emily herself who handled their reception.Next, the description of Emily’s house makes people feel creep.―It smelled of dust and disuse‖ ―It was furnished in heavy, leather-covered furniture‖ ―the leather wascracked‖ etc.Especially, a profound ―stood‖ in the last sentence when picturing the crayon portrait of Emily’s father illustrates that the old thoughts were still alive.Para.7 has the first appearance of Emily.―They rose when she entered.‖ They ―rose‖ may be out of their respect to the old cultural Emily stood for, or may be because they were surprised by Emily’s appearance.―a small, fat woman in black‖ ―a thin gold chain descending to her waist and vanishing into her belt‖ shows that she hated changing.―She looke d bloated, like a body long submerged in motionless water‖ This magical sketch makes people’s hair stand on the end.The old thoughts were degrading but the old warrior didn’t vanish.Para.8 exposes Emily’s distasteful attitude towards new thoughts.―She did not ask them to sit.‖ The ―just‖ explains the absolute arrogance ofEmily, it causes that ―the spokesman came to a stumbling halt‖.Although the conflict hadn’t started yet, Emily occupied the superiority.Para9—15 is a fierce argument between Emily and depu tation.―Her voice was dry and cold‖.The repetition of ―I have no taxes in Jefferson‖ accounts for the ―dry‖ and ―I received a paper, yes‖ ―Perhaps he considers himself the sheriff‖ and ―See Colonel Sartoris‖ ―Show these gentlemen out‖ demonstrates the ―cold‖.―dry‖ and ―cold‖ also mean that she despises newfangled stuffs.Para.16 is a transition.In first conflict, ―she vanquished them, horse and foot‖, then it naturally leads into the second conflict ―she had vanquished their fathers thirty years before and the smell.Chronologically, the second conflict happened earlier than the first.Para.17 gives the background of ―the smell‖ affair –―her father’s death‖ ―her sweetheart went away.‖ These two disasters create suspense to readers.What’s the relationship betwee n them and ―the smell‖?Para.18—22, the author drug out ―the smell‖ affair from women’s complaints.―the mayor‖ who was ―eighty years old‖ expressed his incapability—―what will you have me do about it?‖ The mayor is also aprotector of old generation.Therefore, he made a negative decision on handling ―the smell‖ problem.Para23—25, town people showed their dissatisfaction again.―One from a man who came in different deprecation‖ narrates his fear towards the judge.―One younger man, a member of the rising generation‖ made a more powerful utterance.Obviously, Judge Stevens disliked ―the younger man’s‖ bold tone, so he said ―Dammit, sir‖ to disapproved of him.Para.26 says how the town people solved the ―smell‖ problem.Without the endorsement from government, four men determined to handle this difficulty by themselves.From the view of a long distance away, they were ―like burglars‖ ―sniffing along the base of the brickwork‖ ―one of them performed a regular sowing motion.‖ Until now, readers might understand what they doing were.Suddenly, the author cuts shot closer.―a window that had been dark was delighted and Miss Emily sat in it…her upright torso motionless as that of an idol.‖ This portrait of Emily truly scares me.She saw the invasion of someone else, perhaps she has already collapsed mentally, and hence she did nothing but sat like a stone.In this conflict, the new generation won.After all, ―after a week or two the smell went away‖.Besides the occurrence I analyzed above, the love tragedy between Emily and Homer Barron also can be considered as the consequence of the conflict between North and South.In this novel, Emily symbolizes the South, old and tradition, the Yankee represents the North, new and modern.Both young guys might be interested in each other when they first meet.But they possessaltogether different values or concept of lives.So they inevitably separated before long.The conflict between the two partners symbolizes the conflict between the South and the North.And the absurd murder aggravates the contradictions.When I finished reading the story, a sincere sympathy emerges in my mind.Emily is totally a tragedy of the old traditions.She is a prisoner of the past, of the social and moral taboos of the South.In our daily life, everything is changing everyday.As an individual, we can only adapt ourselves to the protean environment and should learn to accept new things.In the war of ―new against old‖, the former always is the winner by the test of history.第二篇:书评书评范文(一)——《菜根谭》书评一个非常非常平凡的人,写了一部让历史永远不能忘却的奇书,那就是《菜根谭》。

A-rose-for-Emily赏析Ⅰ.Introduction“A Rose for Emily”is a classic story representing Faulkner’s favorite subject, theme and style. The story is set in the town of Jefferson in his imaginary Yoknapatawpha County, the “mythical kingdom”. The story begins w ith a funeral of the eponymous Miss Emily. It does not follow a particular order of chronological time. The narration flows backwards or forwards in a line of reality, revealing significant details of Emily’s life and the murder of the Homer Barron by Emily, which are suspended till the end of the story. The narrative is also divided into five parts, allowing for flexible shifts in time and displays of Emily’s image at various stages of her life. Through the story about Emily, the author tries to pinpoint an unavoidable fate of the aristocracy and various changes in the South America after the Civil War.In this story, Emily Grierson, the main character, is a victim. Dominated by her father and his rigid ideas of social status, she has been prevented from ma rrying during her lifetime. One year after her father’s death, she falls in love with a northerner. When she finds that her lover is not going to get married with her, she poisons him so that she can keep him with her forever. Though the plot of the story is not complicated, yet it can be considered as a minor program of his works. In it are examples of Faulkner’s artistic preoccupations and techniques: the exploration of psychological reality, the social structure and mores of a southern community, the nature of time, and the relation of the past to the present. This paper will approach the story from the following aspects: analysis of Emily’s character, the root causes of her characters and her destiny.Ⅱ.Analysis of Emily’s charactersEmily is the main character, the protagonist of the story. In this story, the author mainly focuses and reveals the main characte r—Emily. In order to analyze Emily’s character, some question s have at first to be answered: What type is this story or what kind of theme this story plans to reveal? Whenanswering these questions, it becomes much easier to analyze her character. Miss Emily is kind of quiet and perverse, proud and aloof, haughty, brave and tough, a representative of traditional convention and so forth. The followings are going to expatiate on them.2.1 Miss Emily’s haughty characterAt the very first, Emily is easy to be regarded as a haughty woman. In the story, the writer not only reveals the abnormal phenomenon of Emily’s grotesque character and her ill-sexed psychology, but also lively portrays her as a strong figure of haughtiness. Miss Emily Grierson is the socialite of her town. Naturally with this status there is a certain reputation she has to withhold. She not only represented her family name but, in a sense the people of her town. Because she was such a dominant figure the townspeople had put her on a pedestal and were very attentive to her actions. During the time in which her father was alive Emily was seen as a figure to be admired but never touched. Many wooers she had but according to her father’s standard, none were suitable enough.2.2 Miss Emily’s isolated and eccentric characterBesides, Miss Emily is isolated and eccentric. From the whole story, there is no doubt that she was an isolated one from the beginning of the story to the surprising end. All her life is the town people’s topic after meals.They regard her as a monster. And because of her family, in particular, her father, she nearly get separated from her neighbors, which adds more pressure to her personal affairs to fall in love with the Yankee, HomerBarron, which, at last, creates the tragedy. On the other hand, she is eccentric at the same time. When the men from the government want to tax her after her father’s death, but they are refused by Emily. The reason is quite simple, that is, when her father is alive, in Jefferson, they need not to pay taxes. She just tells the government that she has no taxes in Jefferson. What she said was the matter several years ago. And there was once a man called Colonel Sartoris explained it to her about her tax-free privilege. She does not respect the truth, that is, her so-called Colonel died ten years ago and new policy comes into practice. The narrator arranges the specific detail on her behavior of buying Arsenic. The druggist can not imagine her purpose in buying the poison and just thinks that she might use it for rat and such things. Miss Emily just stares at him, her head tilts back in order to look him eye for eye, until he looks away and goes and gets the arsenic and wraps it up for her. How strange and eccentric she is. She does not allow anyone to ask about her matter, even though it is a dangerous affair which is forbidden by law.2.3 Miss Emily’s necrophiliaMiss Emily is a necrophilia, too. Greatly surprised at the sight of the last paragraph of Faulkner’s short-story “A Rose for Emily”, the town people findthat Miss Emily is not only a murderer, but also sleeps with Homer Barron after she kills him. Then it is noticed that in the second pillow is the indentation of a head. One of the townspeople lifts something from it, and leans forward, finding the faint and invisible dust dry and acrid in the nostrils, and a long strand of iron-gray hair. Horribly, she kills her lover and sleeps next to him for a long time until being found out. As for the whole passage, the narrator refuses to dismiss Emily as simply mad or to treat her life as merely a grotesque, sensational horror story.Instead, his narrative method broughtus into her life before we hastilyrejected her, and doing so offered us acomplex imaginative treatment of fiercedetermination and strength coupledwith illusions and shockingeccentricities.42.4 Miss Emily’s braveness and toughnessShe is brave and tough as well. As a woman, Emily is normal. She just tries her best to pursue her happiness. In this story, the most attractive part for a great number of people is Emily’s brave pursuit of love. Only after her father’s death, she begins to have the right to love. “In the summer after her father’s death, she has her hair cut short and looks like a little girl. Soon she falls in love with Homer, who is a Yankee, a northerner and a day labor as well.” She holds her head high in her dignity as she is the last Grierson of her family though the townspeople think she has fallen because she is with a man who is different from her. However, Emily’s love affair is not affected by the townspeople and her two female cousins’ interference. What’s more,Ⅲ.Intrinsic and extrinsic Reasons3.1 Intrinsic reasons3.1.1 FamilyIt is her family, especially her father that influences her so much. Emily, the heroine in the story, is a victim. Dominated by her father and his rigid ideas of social status, she has been prevented from marrying during his life time and therefore after his death, she is left alone and penniless. Her dependence on her father continues even after he dies; she refuses to bury him and keep his portrait in a prominent place in her living room. Emily not only clings to her father’s memory, she also begins to assume his domineering traits. She does not accept the passage of time and changes or the inevitable loss that accompanies it. It is not just pathetic attempts to cling to the past, it develops into obsession and finally, homicidal mania. Rather than lose Homer as she lost her father, she kills him in order to keep him. She lives many years as a recluse. Abnormal characters are easy to form when under such strong pressure. It is Emily’s family that ruins her life and then Homer’s.3.1.2 PhysiologyEmily’s typical characters are cause by another important reason, namely, the physiological one. From Freud Sigmund’s narration, there are three conceptions which are connected to the analysis needed to understand, that is, Id, Ego, and Super-ego.They are the three parts of the fictive “psychic apparatus” defined in Freud’s so-called structural model of the psyche; they are thethree theoretical constructs in terms of whose activity and interaction mental life is described. According to this model, the uncoordinated instinctual trends are the “id”; the organized realistic part of the psyche is the “ego”, and the critical and moralizing function the “super-ego”. The Id comprises the unorganized part of the personality structure that contains the basic drives. The Id is unconscious by definition.6 Id is human’s first reaction when human physiological needs happen, which is also an unorganized phenomenon. Miss Emily just tries her best to chase her happiness as other normal women do. From this angle, Miss Emily has the right to fall in love with Homer and to have their own family. What she has done is within the common practice. However, a lot of elements result in the tragic sequel. It is she that can not grasp the physiological element and causes her unhappy or even miserable destiny.3.1.3 Pathology and psychologyThere is another important intrinsic reason, that is pathological and psychological one. From her behavior to her father Mr. Drieson, she is complete Elctra Comlex(恋父情结). She lived with her father when Mr. Grieson was alive, without communicating with others. Mr. Grieson controlled her whole life completely, which is the root that causes Miss Emily’s tragedy and Homer’s. What is more, Emily’s father drove away all the young men who were going to chase his daughter for the reason that he just wanted to hold Emily for himself. In Emily’s sub-consciousness, her father is her lover. It is this kind of abnormalpsychology that influences the formation of Emily’s abnormal characters. In Emily’s eyesight, losing her father amounts to losing her lover. And that means she will be alone from that time on. Therefore, she refuses to bury her father even though he has been dead for several days. And at last she kills her own lover just in order to keep him with her.3.2 Extrinsic reasonsWhen referred to intrinsic reasons, it is easy to think of extrinsic reasons causing Miss Emily’s characters and her destiny. What is more, the extrinsic reasons play a crucial role on her which worth of researching here.3.2.1 Cultural traditionCultural tradition makes great impact on Emily’s characters and the tragedy. Faulkner was aware of the Southerners’ association with the South tradition,not only physical,but spiritual as well; so he took pains to picture a group of Southerners who desperately submitted to the old way of life.But as an artist of the twentieth century, he observed the gradual changes of the South: the old veterans were dying of, and the old loyalties were adjusted to conform to new conditions.In “A Rose for Emily”,Faulkner described the conflicts between the old tradition and the new order, and the doomed defeat of the old tradition.Emily lived in her big and squarish frame house, which Grierson family thought the great choice. But her house was on its way to “coquettish decay above the cotton wagons and the gasoline pumps. And the once most select street which was filled with houses decorated with cupolas and spires and scrolled balconies in the heavily l ightsome style of the seveties”was then encroached and obliterated by garages and cotton gins. Faulkner admired somewhat the merits of the South tradition—the compassion and humanity men like Colonel Sartoris and his peer s–inherited forced them to tell a kind lie toEmily so as to look after the single lady without insulting her dignity.But only a man of Colonel Sartoris’generation and thought could have invented it. The moral values of the South tradition were lost.The new generation of public officials may be more efficient and businessman-like. They were more practical; the next generation,with its more modern ideas,produced some little dissatisfaction with the hereditary obligation upon the town. but the old generation like Judge Stevens totally objected to the idea for it was shameful to let others know that such noble lady had smell on her faces. The conflicts between the old generation and the new one indicated the decline of the Southern tradition.Faulkner believed that it was the moral values—courage,honor,pride,compassion,liberty and justice that produced the glorious Southern kingdom,but the new generation lost the virtues,thus losing its faith and force.The loss of the South tradition and the appearance of the North industrialization caused not only the devastation of the Southern plantation system, but also the macabre disillusionment to the Southern descendants. They were reared in the ways of the traditional South, vividly taught the beliefs and the loyalties of the tradition as the South knew them.Whereas,they saw that world changing into another kind and they were themselves of that new changed world,yet apart from it.Faulkner revealed with intensity the rootless of the Southern descendants.They witnessed that the Northern industrialization penetrated the South, but their inherited Southern aristocracy forbade their acceptance of the new order of life.They stubbornly objected to the invasion of the northern way of life, but in vain.So the Southern descendants had to suffer from the loneliness and bitterness of separating from the new world.The disillusionment of the Southerners was wel1 revealed in the portrayal of Emily, which is a symbol that Emily’s characters form ed and caused her tragic end. For Miss Emily, she holds a firm conception that the Southern tradition or her family system is some sort of superiority. Therefore, when another new system-the Northern one comes into being, she just can not accept the truth and does some deeds to resist it and prote ct her “perfect one”. It is such behaviors and traditions that makes her abnormal characters.3.2.2 Social elementAnother extremely crucial factor for Emily’s characters to form is the social element. Here it mainly refers to the environment—the Jefferson community around her. For the townspeople, Grieson family never choose a northerner, a day labor. They think even though Emily is sad, she can not forget that she is a noble. They seem to be Emily’s new father after her father died. They try to control Emily on her love affair. When Emily and Homer appear together, they talk about them with scornful expression. However, the community’s opposition does not influence Emily’s persistent love with Homer. If the townspeople give up at this moment, the result of Emily may be much better. But, instead the opposition becomes further intensified. A priest gets in and fails. Then come Emily’s two far-distance cousins. From the writer’s viewpoint in the story, Miss Emily has been much better when she fall love in Homer. But the social environment pushes her to the edge of an abnormal woman again and again.Ⅳ.DestinyShe refused to release her father’s body for burial,and kept his portrait in a prominent place in her living room:She refused to cooperate with modernization in the tax-paying service, answering the tax notice “on paper of an archaic shape, in a thin, flowing calligraphy in faded ink…”Her clinging to the past developed into such obsession and homicidal mania that she killed Homer Barron when she knew he would not marry her. So she killed him and kept the body,From Emily’s tragic end and Faulkner’s other characters,we can see the portentous disillusionment of the Southern descendants in the transitional period.“They isolated themselves from the actual society, so what they could do was only to miss the past desperately until at last they died with deep agony.”9Consequently, Miss Emily suffered great pressure from the society, her family tradition, her relatives and community’s nonchalance etc. on her personal affair which finally caused her to die. Nonetheless, nobody paid much attention to whether she was alive or dead. Poor Emily is a character of misery. She is the sacrificial lamb of her time.Ⅴ.ConclusionEmily was respected as a monument by to wnspeople. Emily’s resistance is heroic. Her tragic flaw is the conventional pride: she undertook to regulate the natural time- universe. She acted as though death did not exist, as though she could retain her unfaithful love by poisoning her lover and holding his physical body in a world which had all of the appearances of reality except that most necessary of all things- life. Because Homer died, he couldn’t marry Miss Emily, then the monument continued to exist in the south people. In fact, the two generations ignored the real Emily, and create and maintain the myth of Emily as an example of southern womanhood from a last age. The writer uses the comic technique to disclose the conflict between south and north. This conflict cannot easily be solved at that time. Instead, it does great harm to Emily doomed destiny.In the above passage, Miss Emily’s characters are analyzed from different dimensions. At first, her behavior shows that she is a haughty, isolated and eccentric, necrophilia but brave and tough woman. Her characters are complex and to some extent ambivalent. From the intrinsic and extrinsic reasons above, it is known that Emily tragic destiny is doomed to happen at last.An analysis of "A Rose for Emily"William Faulkner regarded the past as a repository of great images of human effort and integrity, but also as the source of a dynamic evil. He was aware of the romantic pull of the past and realized that submission to this romance of the past was a form of death (Warren, 269). In "A Rose for Emily", Faulkner contrasted the past with the present era. The past was represented in Emily herself, in Colonel Sartoris, in the old Negro servant, and in the Board of Alderman who accepted the Colonel's attitude toward Emily and rescinded her taxes. The present was expressed chiefly through the words of the unnamed narrator. The new Board of Aldermen, Homer Barron (the representative of Yankee attitudes toward the Griersons and thus toward the entire South), and in what is called "the next generation with its more modern ideas" all represented the present time period. Miss Emily was referred to as a "fallen monument" in the story. She was a "monument" of Southern gentility, an ideal of past values but fallen because she had shown herself susceptible to death (and decay). The description of her house "lifting its stubborn and coquettish decay above the cotton wagons and the gasoline pumps--an eyesore among eyesores" represented a juxtaposition of the past and present and was an emblematic presentation of Emily herself (Norton Anthology, 2044).The house smells of dust and disuse and has a closed, dank smell. A description of Emily in the following paragraph discloses her similarity to the house. "She looked bloated like a body long submerged in motionless water, and of that palled hue". But she had not always had that appearance. In the picture of a young Emily with her father, she was frail and apparently hungering to participate in the life of the era. After her father's death, she looked like a girl "with a vague resemblance to those angels in colored church windows--sort of tragic and serene". This suggests that she had already begun her entrance into the nether-world.By the time the representatives of the new, progressive Board of Aldermen waited on her concerning her delinquent taxes, she had already completely retreated to her world of the past. She declared that she had no taxes in Jefferson, basing her belief on a verbal agreement made with Colonel Sartoris, who had been dead for ten years. Just as Emily refused to acknowledge the death of her father, she now refused to recognize the death of Colonel Sartoris. He had given his word and according to the traditional view, his word knewno death. It is the past pitted against the present--the past with its social decorum, the present with everything set down in "the books."We can further see this distinction in the attitude of Judge Stevens, who was over eighty years old, and the young man (a member of the rising generation) who came to the judge regarding the smell at Emily's house. For the young man, it was easy to point out the health regulations that were on the books. But for the judge dealing with the situation it was not so simple. "Dammit, sir...will you accuse a lady to her face of smelling bad?" (Norton Anthology, 2045). If Homer had triumphed in seducing Emily and deserting her, Emily would have become susceptible to the town's pity, therefore becoming human.Emily's world, however, was already in the past. When she was threatened with desertion and disgrace, she not only took refuge in that world but also took Homer with her in the only manner possible--death. Miss Emily's position in regard to the specific problem of time was suggested in the scene where the old soldiers appear at her funeral. There are two perspectives of time held by the characters. The first perspective (the world of the present) views time as a "mechanical progression" in which the past is a "diminishing road" (Norton Anthology, 2049). The second perspective (the world of tradition and the past) views the past as "a huge meadow which no winter ever quite touches, divided from them now by the narrow bottleneck of the most recent decade of years" (Norton Anthology, 2049). The first perspective was that of Homer and the modern generation. The second was that of the older members of the Board of Aldermen and of the confederate soldiers. Emily held the second view as well, except that for her there was no bottleneck dividing her from the meadow of the past.Emily's room above the stairs was that timeless meadow. In it, the living Emily and the dead Homer remained together as though not even death could separate them. In the simplest sense, the story says that death conquers all. But what is death? On one level, death is the past, tradition, whatever is opposite of the present (Hoffman, 265). In the setting of this story, it is the past of the South in which the retrospective survivors of the Civil War deny changing the customs and the passage of time.Homer Barron, the Yankee, lived in the present, ready to take his pleasure and depart, apparently unwilling to consider the possibility of defeat neither by tradition (the Griersons) nor by time itself (death).In a sense, Emily conquered time, but only briefly and by retreating into her "rose-tinted" world of the past. This was a world in which death was denied at the same time that it was shown to have existed. Such retreat, the story implies, is hopeless since everyone, even Emily, was finally subject to death and to the invasion of his or her world by the clamorous and curious inhabitants of the world of the present. "When Miss Emily died, [the] whole town went to her funeral...the women mostly out of curiosity to see the inside of her house, which no one save an old manservant...had seen in at least ten years" (Norton Anthology, 2044).艾米丽小姐大多数时候隐藏在情节里。

Ⅰ、Introduction“A Rose for Emily”is a classic story representing Faulkner’s favorite subject, theme and style、The story is set in the town of Jefferson in his imaginary Yoknapatawpha County, the “mythical kingdom”、The story begins with a funeral of the eponymous Miss Emily、It does not follow a particular order of chronological time、The narration flows backwards or forwards in a line of reality, revealing significant details of Emily’s life and the murder of the Homer Barron by Emily, which are suspended till the end of the story、The narrative is also divided into five parts, allowing for flexible shifts in time and displays of Emily’s image at various stages of her life、Through the story about Emily, the author tries to pinpoint an unavoidable fate of the aristocracy and various changes in the South America after the Civil War、In this story, Emily Grierson, the main character, is a victim、Dominated by her father and his rigid ideas of social status, she has been prevented from marrying during her lifetime、One year after her father’s death, she falls in love with a northerner、When she finds that her lover is not going to get married with her, she poisons him so that she can keep him with her forever、Though the plot of the story is not complicated, yet it can be considered as a minor program of his works、In it are examples of Faulkner’s artistic preoccupations and techniques: the exploration of psychological reality, the social structure and mores of a southern community, the nature of time, and the relation of the past to the present、This paper will approach the story from the following aspects: analysis of Emily’s character, the root causes of her characters and her destiny、Ⅱ、Analysis of Emily’s charactersEmily is the main character, the protagonist of the story、In this story, the author mainly focuses and reveals the main characte r—Emily、In order to analyze Emily’s character, some question s have at first to be answered: What type is this story or what kind of theme this story plans to reveal? When answering these questions, itbecomes much easier to analyze her character、Miss Emily is kind of quiet and perverse, proud and aloof, haughty, brave and tough, a representative of traditional convention and so forth、The followings are going to expatiate on them、2、1Miss Emily’s haughty characterAt the very first, Emily is easy to be regarded as a haughty woman、In the story, the writer not only reveals the abnormal phenomenon of Emily’s grotesque character and her ill-sexed psychology, but also lively portrays her as a strong figure of haughtiness、Miss Emily Grierson is the socialite of her town、Naturally with this status there is a certain reputation she has to withhold、She not only represented her family name but, in a sense the people of her town、Because she was such a dominant figure the townspeople had put her on a pedestal and were very attentive to her actions、During the time in which her father was alive Emily was seen as a figure to be admired but never touched、Many wooers she had but according to her father’s standard, none were suitable enough、2、2 Miss Emily’s isolated and eccentric characterBesides, Miss Emily is isolated and eccentric、From the whole story, there is no doubt that she was an isolated one from the beginning of the story to the surprising end、All her life is the town people’s topic after meals、They regard her as a monster、And because of her family, in particular, her father, she nearly get separated from her neighbors, which adds more pressure to her personal affairs to fall in love with the Yankee, Homer Barron, which, at last, creates the tragedy、On the other hand, she is eccentric at thesame time、When the men from the government want to tax her after her father’s death, but they are refused by Emily、The reason is quite simple, that is, when her father is alive, in Jefferson, they need not to pay taxes、She just tells the government that she has no taxes in Jefferson、What she said was the matter several years ago、And there was once a man called Colonel Sartoris explained it to her about her tax-free privilege、She does not respect the truth, that is, her so-called Colonel died ten years ago and new policy comes into practice、The narrator arranges the specific detail on her behavior of buying Arsenic、The druggist can not imagine her purpose in buying the poison and just thinks that she might use it for rat and such things、Miss Emily just stares at him, her head tilts back in order to look him eye for eye, until he looks away and goes and gets the arsenic and wraps it up for her、How strange and eccentric she is、She does not allow anyone to ask about her matter, even though it is a dangerous affair which is forbidden by law、2、3 Miss Emily’s necrophiliaMiss Emily is a necrophilia, too、Greatly surprised at the sight of the last paragraph of Faulkner’s short-story “A Rose for Emily”, the town people find that Miss Emily is not only a murderer, but also sleeps with Homer Barron after she kills him、Then it is noticed that in the second pillow is the indentation of a head、One of the townspeople lifts something from it, and leans forward, finding the faint and invisible dust dry and acrid in the nostrils, and a long strand of iron-gray hair、Horribly, she kills her lover and sleeps next to him for a long time until being found out、As for the whole passage, the narrator refuses to dismiss Emily as simply mad or to treat her life as merely a grotesque, sensational horror story、Instead, his narrative method brought us into her life before we hastily rejectedher, and doing so offered us a complex imaginative treatment of fiercedetermination and strength coupled with illusions and shocking eccentricities、4 2、4 Miss Emily’s braveness and toughnessShe is brave and tough as well、As a woman, Emily is normal、She just tries her best to pursue her happiness、In this story, the most attractive part for a great number of people is Emily’s brave pursuit of love、Only after her father’s death, she begins to have the right to love、“In the summer after her father’s death, she has her hair cut short and looks like a little girl、Soon she falls in love with Homer, who is a Yankee, a northerner and a day labor as well、” She holds her head high in her dignity as she is the last Grierson of her family though the townspeople think she has fallen because she is with a man who is different from her、However, Emily’s love affair is not affected by the townspeople and her two female cousins’ interference、What’s more,Ⅲ、Intrinsic and extrinsic Reasons3、1 Intrinsic reasons3.1.1 FamilyIt is her family, especially her father that influences her so much、Emily, the heroine in the story, is a victim、Dominated by her father and his rigid ideas of social status, she has been prevented from marrying during his life time and therefore afterhis death, she is left alone and penniless、Her dependence on her father continues even after he dies; she refuses to bury him and keep his portrait in a prominent place in her living room、Emily not only clings to her father’s memory, she also begins to assume his domineering traits、She does not accept the passage of time and changes or the inevitable loss that accompanies it、It is not just pathetic attempts to cling to the past, it develops into obsession and finally, homicidal mania、Rather than lose Homer as she lost her father, she kills him in order to keep him、She lives many years as a recluse、Abnormal characters are easy to form when under such strong pressure、It is Emily’s family that ruins her life and then Homer’s、3.1.2 PhysiologyEmily’s typical characters are cause by another important reason, namely, the physiological one、From Freud Sigmund’s narration, there are three conceptions which are connected to the analysis needed to understand, that is, Id, Ego, and Super-ego、They are the three parts of the fictive “psychic apparatus” defined in Freud’s so-called structural model of the psyche; they are the three theoretical constructs in terms of whose activity and interaction mental life is described、According to this model, the uncoordinated instinctual trends are the “id”; the organized realistic part of the psyche is the “ego”, and the critical and moralizing function the “super-ego”、The Id comprises the unorganized part of the personality structure that contains the basic drives、The Id is unconscious by definition、6Id is human’s first reaction when human physiological needs happen, which is also an unorganized phenomenon、Miss Emily just tries her best to chase her happiness as other normal women do、From this angle, Miss Emily has the right to fall in love with Homer and to have their own family、What she has done is within the common practice、However, a lot of elements result in the tragic sequel、It is she that can not grasp the physiological element and causes her unhappy or even miserable destiny、3.1.3 Pathology and psychologyThere is another important intrinsic reason, that is pathological and psychological one、From her behavior to her father Mr、Drieson, she is complete Elctra Comlex(恋父情结)、She lived with her father when Mr、Grieson was alive, without communicating with others、Mr、Grieson controlled her whole life completely, which is the root that causes Miss Emily’s tragedy and Homer’s、What is more, Emily’s father drove away all the young men who were going to chase his daughter for the reason that he just wanted to hold Emily for himself、In Emily’s sub-consciousness, her father is her lover、It is this kind of abnormal psychology that influences the formation of Emily’s abnormal characters、In Emily’s eyesight, losing her father amounts to losing her lover、And that means she will be alone from that time on、Therefore, she refuses to bury her father even though he has been dead for several days、And at last she kills her own lover just in order to keep him with her、3、2 Extrinsic reasonsWhen referred to intrinsic reasons, it is easy to think of extrinsic reasons causing Miss Emily’s characters and her destiny、What is more, the extrinsic reasons play a crucial role on her which worth of researching here、3.2.1 Cultural traditionCultural tradition makes great impact on Emily’s characters and the tragedy、Fa ulkner was aware of the Southerners’ association with the South tradition,not only physical,but spiritual as well; so he took pains to picture a group of Southerners who desperately submitted to the old way of life.But as an artist of the twentieth century,he observed the gradual changes of the South: the old veterans were dying of, and the old loyalties were adjusted to conform to new conditions.In “A Rose for Emily”,Faulkner described the conflicts between the old tradition and the new order, and the doomed defeat of the old tradition.Emily lived in her big and squarish frame house, which Grierson family thought the great choice、But her house was on its way to “coquettish decay above the cotton wagons and the gasoline pumps、And the once most select street which was filled with houses decorated with cupolas and spires and scrolled balconies in the heavily l ightsome style of the seveties” was then encroached and obliterated by garages and cotton gins、Faulkner admired somewhat the merits of the South tradition—the compassion and humanity men like Colonel Sartoris and his peer s–inherited forced them to tell a kind lie to Emily so as to look after the single lady without insulting her dignity.But only a man of Colonel Sartoris’ generation and thought could have invented it、The moral values of the South tradition were lost.The new generation of public officials may be more efficient and businessman-like、They were more practical; the next generation,with its more modern ideas,produced some little dissatisfaction with the hereditary obligation upon the town、but the old generation like Judge Stevens totally objected to the idea for it was shameful to let others know that such noble lady had smell on her faces、The conflicts between the old generation and the new one indicated the decline of the Southern tradition.Faulkner believed that it was the moral values—courage,honor,pride,compassion,liberty and justice that produced the glorious Southern kingdom,but the new generation lost the virtues,thus losing its faith and force.The loss of the South tradition and the appearance of the North industrialization caused not only the devastation of the Southern plantation system, but also the macabre disillusionment to the Southern descendants、They were reared in the ways of the traditional South, vividly taught the beliefs and the loyalties of the tradition as the South knew them.Whereas,they saw that world changing into another kind and they were themselves of that new changed world,yet apart from it.Faulkner revealed with intensity the rootless of the Southern descendants.They witnessed that the Northern industrialization penetrated the South, but their inherited Southernaristocracy forbade their acceptance of the new order of life.They stubbornly objected to the invasion of the northern way of life, but in vain.So the Southern descendants had to suffer from the loneliness and bitterness of separating from the new world.The disillusionment of the Southerners was wel1 revealed in the portrayal of Emily, which is a symbol that Emily’s characters form ed and caused her tragic end、For Miss Emily, she holds a firm conception that the Southern tradition or her family system is some sort of superiority、Therefore, when another new system-the Northern one comes into being, she just can not accept the truth and does some deeds to resist it and protect her “perfect one”、It is such behaviors and traditions that makes her abnormal characters、3.2.2 Social elementAnother extremely crucial factor for Emily’s characters to form is the social element、Here it mainly refers to the environment—the Jefferson community around her、For the townspeople, Grieson family never choose a northerner, a day labor、They think even though Emily is sad, she can not forget that she is a noble、They seem to be Emily’s new father after her father died、They try to control Emily on her love affair、When Emily and Homer appear together, they talk about them with scornful expression、However, the community’s opposition does not influence Emily’s persistent love with Homer、If the townspeople give up at this moment, the result of Emily may be much better、But, instead the opposition becomes further intensified、A priest gets in and fails、Then come Emily’s two far-distance cousins、From the writer’s viewpoint in the story, Miss Emily has been much better when she fall love in Homer、But the social environment pushes her to the edge of an abnormal woman again and again、Ⅳ、DestinyShe refused to release her father’s body for burial,and kept his portrait in a prominent place in her living room: She refused to cooperate with modernization inthe tax-paying service, answering the tax notice “on paper of an archaic shape, in a thin, flowing calligraphy in faded ink…”Her clinging to the past developed into such obsession and homicidal mania that she killed Homer Barron when she knew he would not marry her、So she killed him and kept the body, From Emily’s tragic end and Faulkner’s other characters, we can see the portentous disillusionment of the Southern descendants in the transitional period.“They isolated themselves from the actual society, so what they could do was only to miss the past desperately until at last they died with deep agony、”9Consequently, Miss Emily suffered great pressure from the society, her family tradition, her relatives and community’s nonchalance etc、on her personal affair which finally caused her to die、Nonetheless, nobody paid much attention to whether she was alive or dead、Poor Emily is a character of misery、She is the sacrificial lamb of her time、Ⅴ、ConclusionEmily was respected as a monument by townspeople、Emily’s resistance is heroic、Her tragic flaw is the conventional pride: she undertook to regulate the natural time- universe、She acted as though death did not exist, as though she could retain her unfaithful love by poisoning her lover and holding his physical body in a world which had all of the appearances of reality except that most necessary of all things- life、Because Homer died, he couldn’t marry Miss Emily, then the monument continued to exist in the south people、In fact, the two generations ignored the real Emily, and create and maintain the myth of Emily as an example of southern womanhood from a last age、The writer uses the comic technique to disclose the conflict between south and north、This conflict cannot easily be solved at that time、Instead, it does great harm to Emily doomed destiny、In the above passage, Miss Emily’s characters are analyzed from different dimensions、At first, her behavior shows that she is a haughty, isolated and eccentric, necrophilia but brave and tough woman、Her characters are complex and to someextent ambivalent、From the intrinsic and extrinsic reasons above, it is known that Emily tragic destiny is doomed to happen at last、An analysis of "A Rose for Emily"William Faulkner regarded the past as a repository of great images of human effort and integrity, but also as the source of a dynamic evil、He was aware of the romantic pull of the past and realized that submission to this romance of the past was a form of death (Warren, 269)、In "A Rose forEmily", Faulkner contrasted the past with the present era、The past was represented in Emily herself, in Colonel Sartoris, in the old Negro servant, and in the Board of Alderman who accepted the Colonel's attitude toward Emily and rescinded her taxes、The present was expressed chiefly through the words of the unnamed narrator、The new Board of Aldermen, Homer Barron (the representative of Yankee attitudes toward the Griersons and thus toward the entire South), and in what is called "the next generation with its more modern ideas" all represented the present time period、Miss Emily was referred to as a"fallen monument" in the story、She was a "monument" of Southern gentility, an ideal of past values but fallen because she had shown herself susceptible to death (and decay)、The description of her house "lifting its stubborn and coquettish decay above the cotton wagons and the gasoline pumps--an eyesore among eyesores" represented a juxtaposition of the past and present and was an emblematic presentation of Emily herself (Norton Anthology, 2044)、The house smells of dust and disuse and has a closed, dank smell、A description of Emily in the following paragraph discloses her similarity to the house、"She looked bloated like a body long submerged in motionless water, and of that palled hue"、But she had not always had that appearance、In the picture of a young Emily with her father, she was frail and apparently hungering to participate in the life of the era、After her father's death, she looked like a girl "with a vague resemblance to thoseangels in colored church windows--sort of tragic and serene"、This suggests that she had already begun her entrance into the nether-world、By the time the representatives of the new, progressive Board of Aldermen waited on her concerning her delinquent taxes, she had already completely retreated to her world of the past、She declared that she had no taxes in Jefferson, basing her belief on a verbal agreement made with Colonel Sartoris, who had been dead for ten years、Just as Emily refused to acknowledge the death of her father, she now refused to recognize the death of Colonel Sartoris、He had given his word and according to the traditional view, his word knew no death、It is the past pitted against the present--the past with its social decorum, the present with everything set down in "the books、"We can further see this distinction in the attitude of Judge Stevens, who was over eighty years old, and the young man (a member of the rising generation) who came to the judge regarding the smell at Emily's house、For the young man, it was easy to point out the health regulations that were on the books、But for the judge dealing with the situation it was not sosimple、"Dammit, sir、、、will you accuse a lady to her face of smelling bad?" (Norton Anthology, 2045)、If Homer had triumphed in seducing Emily and deserting her, Emily would have become susceptible to the town's pity, therefore becoming human、Emily's world, however, was already in the past、When she was threatened with desertion and disgrace, she not only took refuge in that world but also took Homer with her in the only manner possible--death、Miss Emily's position in regard to the specific problem of time was suggested in the scene where the old soldiers appear at her funeral、There are two perspectives of time held by the characters、The first perspective(the world of the present) views time as a "mechanical progression" in which the past is a "diminishing road" (Norton Anthology, 2049)、The second perspective (the world of tradition and the past) views the past as "a huge meadow which no winter ever quite touches, divided from them now by the narrow bottleneck of the most recent decade of years" (Norton Anthology, 2049)、The first perspective was that of Homer and the moderngeneration、The second was that of the older members of the Board ofAldermen and of the confederate soldiers、Emily held the second view as well, except that for her there was no bottleneck dividing her from the meadow of the past、Emily's room above the stairs was that timeless meadow、In it, the living Emily and the dead Homer remained together as though not even death could separate them、In the simplest sense, the story says that death conquers all、But what is death? On one level, death is the past, tradition, whatever is opposite of the present (Hoffman, 265)、In the setting of this story, it is the past of the South in which the retrospective survivors of the Civil War deny changing the customs and the passage of time、Homer Barron, the Yankee, lived in the present, ready to take his pleasure and depart, apparently unwilling to consider the possibility of defeat neither by tradition (the Griersons) nor by time itself (death)、In a sense, Emily conquered time, but only briefly and by retreating into her "rose-tinted" world of the past、This was a world in which death was denied at the sametime that it was shown to have existed、Such retreat, the story implies, is hopeless since everyone, even Emily, was finally subject to death and to the invasion of his or her world by the clamorous and curious inhabitants of the world of the present、"When Miss Emily died, [the] whole town went toher funeral、、、the women mostly out of curiosity to see the inside of herhouse, which no one save an old manservant、、、had seen in at least ten years" (Norton Anthology, 2044)、艾米丽小姐大多数时候隐藏在情节里。


Ⅰ、Introduction“A Rose for Emily”is a classic story representing Faulkner’s favorite subject, theme and style、The story is set in the town of Jefferson in his imaginary Yoknapatawpha County, the “mythical kingdom”、The story begins with a funeral of the eponymous Miss Emily、It does not follow a particular order of chronological time、The narration flows backwards or forwards in a line of reality, revealing significant details of Emily’s life and the murder of the Homer Barron by Emily, which are suspended till the end of the story、The narrative is also divided into five parts, allowing for flexible shifts in time and displays of Emily’s image at various stages of her life、Through the story about Emily, the author tries to pinpoint an unavoidable fate of the aristocracy and various changes in the South America after the Civil War、In this story, Emily Grierson, the main character, is a victim、Dominated by her father and his rigid ideas of social status, she has been prevented from marrying during her lifetime、One year after her father’s death, she falls in love with a northerner、When she finds that her lover is not going to get married with her, she poisons him so that she can keep him with her forever、Though the plot of the story is not complicated, yet it can be considered as a minor program of his works、In it are examples of Faulkner’s artistic preoccupations and techniques: the exploration of psychological reality, the social structure and mores of a southern community, the nature of time, and the relation of the past to the present、This paper will approach the story from the following aspects: analysis of Emily’s character, the root causes of her characters and her destiny、Ⅱ、Analysis of Emily’s charactersEmily is the main character, the protagonist of the story、In this story, the author mainly focuses and reveals the main characte r—Emily、In order to analyze Emily’s character, some question s have at first to be answered: What type is this story or what kind of theme this story plans to reveal? When answering these questions, itbecomes much easier to analyze her character、Miss Emily is kind of quiet and perverse, proud and aloof, haughty, brave and tough, a representative of traditional convention and so forth、The followings are going to expatiate on them、2、1Miss Emily’s haughty characterAt the very first, Emily is easy to be regarded as a haughty woman、In the story, the writer not only reveals the abnormal phenomenon of Emily’s grotesque character and her ill-sexed psychology, but also lively portrays her as a strong figure of haughtiness、Miss Emily Grierson is the socialite of her town、Naturally with this status there is a certain reputation she has to withhold、She not only represented her family name but, in a sense the people of her town、Because she was such a dominant figure the townspeople had put her on a pedestal and were very attentive to her actions、During the time in which her father was alive Emily was seen as a figure to be admired but never touched、Many wooers she had but according to her father’s standard, none were suitable enough、2、2 Miss Emily’s isolated and eccentric characterBesides, Miss Emily is isolated and eccentric、From the whole story, there is no doubt that she was an isolated one from the beginning of the story to the surprising end、All her life is the town people’s topic after meals、They regard her as a monster、And because of her family, in particular, her father, she nearly get separated from her neighbors, which adds more pressure to her personal affairs to fall in love with the Yankee, Homer Barron, which, at last, creates the tragedy、On the other hand, she is eccentric at thesame time、When the men from the government want to tax her after her father’s death, but they are refused by Emily、The reason is quite simple, that is, when her father is alive, in Jefferson, they need not to pay taxes、She just tells the government that she has no taxes in Jefferson、What she said was the matter several years ago、And there was once a man called Colonel Sartoris explained it to her about her tax-free privilege、She does not respect the truth, that is, her so-called Colonel died ten years ago and new policy comes into practice、The narrator arranges the specific detail on her behavior of buying Arsenic、The druggist can not imagine her purpose in buying the poison and just thinks that she might use it for rat and such things、Miss Emily just stares at him, her head tilts back in order to look him eye for eye, until he looks away and goes and gets the arsenic and wraps it up for her、How strange and eccentric she is、She does not allow anyone to ask about her matter, even though it is a dangerous affair which is forbidden by law、2、3 Miss Emily’s necrophiliaMiss Emily is a necrophilia, too、Greatly surprised at the sight of the last paragraph of Faulkner’s short-story “A Rose for Emily”, the town people find that Miss Emily is not only a murderer, but also sleeps with Homer Barron after she kills him、Then it is noticed that in the second pillow is the indentation of a head、One of the townspeople lifts something from it, and leans forward, finding the faint and invisible dust dry and acrid in the nostrils, and a long strand of iron-gray hair、Horribly, she kills her lover and sleeps next to him for a long time until being found out、As for the whole passage, the narrator refuses to dismiss Emily as simply mad or to treat her life as merely a grotesque, sensational horror story、Instead, his narrative method brought us into her life before we hastily rejectedher, and doing so offered us a complex imaginative treatment of fiercedetermination and strength coupled with illusions and shocking eccentricities、4 2、4 Miss Emily’s braveness and toughnessShe is brave and tough as well、As a woman, Emily is normal、She just tries her best to pursue her happiness、In this story, the most attractive part for a great number of people is Emily’s brave pursuit of love、Only after her father’s death, she begins to have the right to love、“In the summer after her father’s death, she has her hair cut short and looks like a little girl、Soon she falls in love with Homer, who is a Yankee, a northerner and a day labor as well、” She holds her head high in her dignity as she is the last Grierson of her family though the townspeople think she has fallen because she is with a man who is different from her、However, Emily’s love affair is not affected by the townspeople and her two female cousins’ interference、What’s more,Ⅲ、Intrinsic and extrinsic Reasons3、1 Intrinsic reasons3.1.1 FamilyIt is her family, especially her father that influences her so much、Emily, the heroine in the story, is a victim、Dominated by her father and his rigid ideas of social status, she has been prevented from marrying during his life time and therefore afterhis death, she is left alone and penniless、Her dependence on her father continues even after he dies; she refuses to bury him and keep his portrait in a prominent place in her living room、Emily not only clings to her father’s memory, she also begins to assume his domineering traits、She does not accept the passage of time and changes or the inevitable loss that accompanies it、It is not just pathetic attempts to cling to the past, it develops into obsession and finally, homicidal mania、Rather than lose Homer as she lost her father, she kills him in order to keep him、She lives many years as a recluse、Abnormal characters are easy to form when under such strong pressure、It is Emily’s family that ruins her life and then Homer’s、3.1.2 PhysiologyEmily’s typical characters are cause by another important reason, namely, the physiological one、From Freud Sigmund’s narration, there are three conceptions which are connected to the analysis needed to understand, that is, Id, Ego, and Super-ego、They are the three parts of the fictive “psychic apparatus” defined in Freud’s so-called structural model of the psyche; they are the three theoretical constructs in terms of whose activity and interaction mental life is described、According to this model, the uncoordinated instinctual trends are the “id”; the organized realistic part of the psyche is the “ego”, and the critical and moralizing function the “super-ego”、The Id comprises the unorganized part of the personality structure that contains the basic drives、The Id is unconscious by definition、6Id is human’s first reaction when human physiological needs happen, which is also an unorganized phenomenon、Miss Emily just tries her best to chase her happiness as other normal women do、From this angle, Miss Emily has the right to fall in love with Homer and to have their own family、What she has done is within the common practice、However, a lot of elements result in the tragic sequel、It is she that can not grasp the physiological element and causes her unhappy or even miserable destiny、3.1.3 Pathology and psychologyThere is another important intrinsic reason, that is pathological and psychological one、From her behavior to her father Mr、Drieson, she is complete Elctra Comlex(恋父情结)、She lived with her father when Mr、Grieson was alive, without communicating with others、Mr、Grieson controlled her whole life completely, which is the root that causes Miss Emily’s tragedy and Homer’s、What is more, Emily’s father drove away all the young men who were going to chase his daughter for the reason that he just wanted to hold Emily for himself、In Emily’s sub-consciousness, her father is her lover、It is this kind of abnormal psychology that influences the formation of Emily’s abnormal characters、In Emily’s eyesight, losing her father amounts to losing her lover、And that means she will be alone from that time on、Therefore, she refuses to bury her father even though he has been dead for several days、And at last she kills her own lover just in order to keep him with her、3、2 Extrinsic reasonsWhen referred to intrinsic reasons, it is easy to think of extrinsic reasons causing Miss Emily’s characters and her destiny、What is more, the extrinsic reasons play a crucial role on her which worth of researching here、3.2.1 Cultural traditionCultural tradition makes great impact on Emily’s characters and the tragedy、Fa ulkner was aware of the Southerners’ association with the South tradition,not only physical,but spiritual as well; so he took pains to picture a group of Southerners who desperately submitted to the old way of life.But as an artist of the twentieth century,he observed the gradual changes of the South: the old veterans were dying of, and the old loyalties were adjusted to conform to new conditions.In “A Rose for Emily”,Faulkner described the conflicts between the old tradition and the new order, and the doomed defeat of the old tradition.Emily lived in her big and squarish frame house, which Grierson family thought the great choice、But her house was on its way to “coquettish decay above the cotton wagons and the gasoline pumps、And the once most select street which was filled with houses decorated with cupolas and spires and scrolled balconies in the heavily l ightsome style of the seveties” was then encroached and obliterated by garages and cotton gins、Faulkner admired somewhat the merits of the South tradition—the compassion and humanity men like Colonel Sartoris and his peer s–inherited forced them to tell a kind lie to Emily so as to look after the single lady without insulting her dignity.But only a man of Colonel Sartoris’ generation and thought could have invented it、The moral values of the South tradition were lost.The new generation of public officials may be more efficient and businessman-like、They were more practical; the next generation,with its more modern ideas,produced some little dissatisfaction with the hereditary obligation upon the town、but the old generation like Judge Stevens totally objected to the idea for it was shameful to let others know that such noble lady had smell on her faces、The conflicts between the old generation and the new one indicated the decline of the Southern tradition.Faulkner believed that it was the moral values—courage,honor,pride,compassion,liberty and justice that produced the glorious Southern kingdom,but the new generation lost the virtues,thus losing its faith and force.The loss of the South tradition and the appearance of the North industrialization caused not only the devastation of the Southern plantation system, but also the macabre disillusionment to the Southern descendants、They were reared in the ways of the traditional South, vividly taught the beliefs and the loyalties of the tradition as the South knew them.Whereas,they saw that world changing into another kind and they were themselves of that new changed world,yet apart from it.Faulkner revealed with intensity the rootless of the Southern descendants.They witnessed that the Northern industrialization penetrated the South, but their inherited Southernaristocracy forbade their acceptance of the new order of life.They stubbornly objected to the invasion of the northern way of life, but in vain.So the Southern descendants had to suffer from the loneliness and bitterness of separating from the new world.The disillusionment of the Southerners was wel1 revealed in the portrayal of Emily, which is a symbol that Emily’s characters form ed and caused her tragic end、For Miss Emily, she holds a firm conception that the Southern tradition or her family system is some sort of superiority、Therefore, when another new system-the Northern one comes into being, she just can not accept the truth and does some deeds to resist it and protect her “perfect one”、It is such behaviors and traditions that makes her abnormal characters、3.2.2 Social elementAnother extremely crucial factor for Emily’s characters to form is the social element、Here it mainly refers to the environment—the Jefferson community around her、For the townspeople, Grieson family never choose a northerner, a day labor、They think even though Emily is sad, she can not forget that she is a noble、They seem to be Emily’s new father after her father died、They try to control Emily on her love affair、When Emily and Homer appear together, they talk about them with scornful expression、However, the community’s opposition does not influence Emily’s persistent love with Homer、If the townspeople give up at this moment, the result of Emily may be much better、But, instead the opposition becomes further intensified、A priest gets in and fails、Then come Emily’s two far-distance cousins、From the writer’s viewpoint in the story, Miss Emily has been much better when she fall love in Homer、But the social environment pushes her to the edge of an abnormal woman again and again、Ⅳ、DestinyShe refused to release her father’s body for burial,and kept his portrait in a prominent place in her living room: She refused to cooperate with modernization inthe tax-paying service, answering the tax notice “on paper of an archaic shape, in a thin, flowing calligraphy in faded ink…”Her clinging to the past developed into such obsession and homicidal mania that she killed Homer Barron when she knew he would not marry her、So she killed him and kept the body, From Emily’s tragic end and Faulkner’s other characters, we can see the portentous disillusionment of the Southern descendants in the transitional period.“They isolated themselves from the actual society, so what they could do was only to miss the past desperately until at last they died with deep agony、”9Consequently, Miss Emily suffered great pressure from the society, her family tradition, her relatives and community’s nonchalance etc、on her personal affair which finally caused her to die、Nonetheless, nobody paid much attention to whether she was alive or dead、Poor Emily is a character of misery、She is the sacrificial lamb of her time、Ⅴ、ConclusionEmily was respected as a monument by townspeople、Emily’s resistance is heroic、Her tragic flaw is the conventional pride: she undertook to regulate the natural time- universe、She acted as though death did not exist, as though she could retain her unfaithful love by poisoning her lover and holding his physical body in a world which had all of the appearances of reality except that most necessary of all things- life、Because Homer died, he couldn’t marry Miss Emily, then the monument continued to exist in the south people、In fact, the two generations ignored the real Emily, and create and maintain the myth of Emily as an example of southern womanhood from a last age、The writer uses the comic technique to disclose the conflict between south and north、This conflict cannot easily be solved at that time、Instead, it does great harm to Emily doomed destiny、In the above passage, Miss Emily’s characters are analyzed from different dimensions、At first, her behavior shows that she is a haughty, isolated and eccentric, necrophilia but brave and tough woman、Her characters are complex and to someextent ambivalent、From the intrinsic and extrinsic reasons above, it is known that Emily tragic destiny is doomed to happen at last、An analysis of "A Rose for Emily"William Faulkner regarded the past as a repository of great images of human effort and integrity, but also as the source of a dynamic evil、He was aware of the romantic pull of the past and realized that submission to this romance of the past was a form of death (Warren, 269)、In "A Rose forEmily", Faulkner contrasted the past with the present era、The past was represented in Emily herself, in Colonel Sartoris, in the old Negro servant, and in the Board of Alderman who accepted the Colonel's attitude toward Emily and rescinded her taxes、The present was expressed chiefly through the words of the unnamed narrator、The new Board of Aldermen, Homer Barron (the representative of Yankee attitudes toward the Griersons and thus toward the entire South), and in what is called "the next generation with its more modern ideas" all represented the present time period、Miss Emily was referred to as a"fallen monument" in the story、She was a "monument" of Southern gentility, an ideal of past values but fallen because she had shown herself susceptible to death (and decay)、The description of her house "lifting its stubborn and coquettish decay above the cotton wagons and the gasoline pumps--an eyesore among eyesores" represented a juxtaposition of the past and present and was an emblematic presentation of Emily herself (Norton Anthology, 2044)、The house smells of dust and disuse and has a closed, dank smell、A description of Emily in the following paragraph discloses her similarity to the house、"She looked bloated like a body long submerged in motionless water, and of that palled hue"、But she had not always had that appearance、In the picture of a young Emily with her father, she was frail and apparently hungering to participate in the life of the era、After her father's death, she looked like a girl "with a vague resemblance to thoseangels in colored church windows--sort of tragic and serene"、This suggests that she had already begun her entrance into the nether-world、By the time the representatives of the new, progressive Board of Aldermen waited on her concerning her delinquent taxes, she had already completely retreated to her world of the past、She declared that she had no taxes in Jefferson, basing her belief on a verbal agreement made with Colonel Sartoris, who had been dead for ten years、Just as Emily refused to acknowledge the death of her father, she now refused to recognize the death of Colonel Sartoris、He had given his word and according to the traditional view, his word knew no death、It is the past pitted against the present--the past with its social decorum, the present with everything set down in "the books、"We can further see this distinction in the attitude of Judge Stevens, who was over eighty years old, and the young man (a member of the rising generation) who came to the judge regarding the smell at Emily's house、For the young man, it was easy to point out the health regulations that were on the books、But for the judge dealing with the situation it was not sosimple、"Dammit, sir、、、will you accuse a lady to her face of smelling bad?" (Norton Anthology, 2045)、If Homer had triumphed in seducing Emily and deserting her, Emily would have become susceptible to the town's pity, therefore becoming human、Emily's world, however, was already in the past、When she was threatened with desertion and disgrace, she not only took refuge in that world but also took Homer with her in the only manner possible--death、Miss Emily's position in regard to the specific problem of time was suggested in the scene where the old soldiers appear at her funeral、There are two perspectives of time held by the characters、The first perspective(the world of the present) views time as a "mechanical progression" in which the past is a "diminishing road" (Norton Anthology, 2049)、The second perspective (the world of tradition and the past) views the past as "a huge meadow which no winter ever quite touches, divided from them now by the narrow bottleneck of the most recent decade of years" (Norton Anthology, 2049)、The first perspective was that of Homer and the moderngeneration、The second was that of the older members of the Board ofAldermen and of the confederate soldiers、Emily held the second view as well, except that for her there was no bottleneck dividing her from the meadow of the past、Emily's room above the stairs was that timeless meadow、In it, the living Emily and the dead Homer remained together as though not even death could separate them、In the simplest sense, the story says that death conquers all、But what is death? On one level, death is the past, tradition, whatever is opposite of the present (Hoffman, 265)、In the setting of this story, it is the past of the South in which the retrospective survivors of the Civil War deny changing the customs and the passage of time、Homer Barron, the Yankee, lived in the present, ready to take his pleasure and depart, apparently unwilling to consider the possibility of defeat neither by tradition (the Griersons) nor by time itself (death)、In a sense, Emily conquered time, but only briefly and by retreating into her "rose-tinted" world of the past、This was a world in which death was denied at the sametime that it was shown to have existed、Such retreat, the story implies, is hopeless since everyone, even Emily, was finally subject to death and to the invasion of his or her world by the clamorous and curious inhabitants of the world of the present、"When Miss Emily died, [the] whole town went toher funeral、、、the women mostly out of curiosity to see the inside of herhouse, which no one save an old manservant、、、had seen in at least ten years" (Norton Anthology, 2044)、艾米丽小姐大多数时候隐藏在情节里。
福克纳小说献给艾米丽的玫瑰a rose for emily赏析

福克纳小说献给艾米丽的玫瑰a rose for emily赏析《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》是菲利普·威廉斯·福克纳写于1930年作品中的一篇短篇小说,融合了悲剧、哀思、爱情和时代话题,深受读者喜爱。

“A Rose for Emily” is divided into five sections.The first section opens with a description of the Grierson house in Jefferson. The narrator mentions that over the past 100 years, Miss Emily Grierson’s home has fall into disrepair and become “an eyesore among eyesores.” The first sentence of the story sets the tone of how the citizens of Jefferson felt about Emily: “When Miss Emi ly Grierson died, our whole town went to the funeral: the men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument, the women mostly out of curiosity to see the inside of her house, which no one save an old manservant – a combined gardener and cook – had seen in at least ten years.”It is known around town that Emily Grierson has not had guests in her home for the past decade, except her black servant who runs errands for her to and from the market. When a new city council takes over, however, they begin to tax her once again. She refuses to pay the taxes and appear before the sheriff, so the city authorities invite themselves into her house. When confronted on her tax evasion, Emily reminds them that she doesn't have to pay taxes in Jefferson and to speak to Colonel Sartoris, although he had died 10 years before.In section two, the narrator explains that the Griersons had always been a very proud Southern family. Mr. Grierson, Emily’s father, believes no man is suitable for his daughter and doesn't allow her to date. Emily is largely dependent upon her father, and is left foundering when he dies. After Mr. Grierson's death, Emily does not allow the authorities to remove his body for three days, claiming he is still alive. She breaks down and allows authorities to take the body away for a quick burial.Section three introduces Emily’s beau, Homer Barron, a foreman from the north. Homer comes to Jefferson with a crew of men to build sidewalks outside the Grierson home. After Emily and Homer are seen driving through town several times, Emily visits a druggist. There, she asks to purchase arsenic. The druggist asks what the arsenic is for since it was required of him to ask by law. Emily does not respond and coldly stares him down until he looks away and gives her the arsenic. When Emily opens the package, underneath the skull and bones sign is written, "For Rats."Citizens of Jefferson believe that Miss Emily is going to commit suicide since Homer has not yet proposed in the beginning of section four. The townspeople contact and invite Emily's two cousins to comfort her. Shortly after their arrival, Homer leaves and then returns after the cousins leave Jefferson. After staying in Jefferson for one night, Homer is never seen again. After Homer’s disappea rance, Emily begins to age, gain weight, and is rarely seen outside of her home. Soon, Miss Emily passes away.The fifth and final section begins with Jefferson women entering the Grierson home. After they arrive, Emily's black servant leaves through the back door without saying a word. After Emily's funeral, the townspeople immediately go through her house. They come across a room on the second floor which no one had seen in 40 years, and break the door down. They discover a dusty room strangely decorated as a bridal room. The room contains a man's tie, suit and shoes, and a silver toilet set which Miss Emily had purchased for Homer years before his disappearance. Homer's remains lay on the bed,dressed in a nightshirt. Next to him is an impression of a head on a pillow where the townspeople find a single “long strand of iron-gray hair.” It is thus implied that not only had Emily killed Homer with the arsenic, but also has had an intimate relationship with his corpse up to her own death.简评:Miss Emily met Homer Baron, a foreman with a construction company, when her hometown was first getting paved streets. Her father had already died but, not before driving away her eligible suitors. As rumors circulate about her possible marriage to a Yankee, Homer leaves town abruptly. During his absence, Miss Emily buys rat poison. When Homer returns, the townspeople see him enter Miss Emily’s house but not leave. Only when she dies do the townspeople discover his corpse on a bed in her house and, next to it, a strand of Miss Emily’s hair.This Gothic plot makes serious points about woman’s place in society. Throughout the story, the reader is aware that these events are taking place during a time of transition: The town is finally getting sidewalks and mailboxes. More important, values are changing. The older magistrates, for example, looked on Miss Emily paternally and refused to collect taxes from her; the newer ones try, unsuccessfully, to do so.Caught in these changing times, Miss Emily is trapped in her role as genteel spinster. Without a husband, her life will have no meaning. She tries to give lessons in painting china but cannot find pupils for this out-of-date hobby and finally discontinues them. If Homer is thinking of abandoning her, as his departure implies, one can understand her desire to clutch at any sort of union, even a marriage in death.The theme is developed through an exceptionally well-crafted story. Told from a third-person plural point of view, it reveals the reactions of the town to Miss Emily. As this “we” narrator shifts allegiance--now criticizing Miss Emily, now sympathizing with her--the reader sees the trap in which she is caught, and the extensive but unobtrusive foreshadowing prepares the reader for the story’s final revelation without detra cting from its force.。

A ROSE FOR EMIL Y的中文一厨师的老仆人之外,至少已有十年光景谁也没进去看看这幢房子了。

A R o s e f o r E m i l y英文分析及简评(总2页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--“A Rose for Emily” is divided into five sections.The first section opens with a description of the Grierson house in Jefferson. The narrator mentions that over the past 100 years, Miss Emily Grierson’s home has fall into disrepair and become “an eyesore among eyesores.” The first sentence of the story sets the tone of how the citizens of Jefferson felt about Emily: “When Miss Emily Grierson died, our whole town went to the funeral: the men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument, the women mostly out of curiosity to see the inside of her house, which no one save an old manservant – a combined gardener and cook – had seen in at least ten years.”It is known around town that Emily Grierson has not had guests in her home for the past decade, except her black servant who runs errands for her to and from the market. When a new city council takes over, however, they begin to tax her once again. She refuses to pay the taxes and appear before the sheriff, so the city authorities invite themselves into her house. When confronted on her tax evasion, Emily reminds them that she doesn't have to pay taxes in Jefferson and to speak to Colonel Sartoris, although he had died 10 years before.In section two, the narrator explains that the Griersons had always been a very proud Southern family. Mr. Grierson, Emily’s father, believes no man is suitable for his daughter and doesn't allow her to date. Emily is largely dependent upon her father, and is left foundering when he dies. After Mr. Grierson's death, Emily does not allow the authorities to remove his body for three days, claiming he is still alive. She breaks down and allows authorities to take the body away for a quick burial.Section three introduces Emily’s beau, Homer Barron, a foreman from the north. Homer comes to Jefferson with a crew of men to build sidewalks outside the Grierson home. After Emily and Homer are seen driving through town several times, Emily visits a druggist. There, she asks to purchase arsenic. The druggist asks what the arsenic is for since it was required of him to ask by law. Emily does not respond and coldly stares him down until he looks away and gives her the arsenic. When Emily opens the package, underneath the skull and bones sign is written, "For Rats."Citizens of Jefferson believe that Miss Emily is going to commit suicide since Homer has not yet proposed in the beginning of section four. The townspeople contact and invite Emily's two cousins to comfort her. Shortly after their arrival, Homer leaves and thenreturns after the cousins leave Jefferson. After staying in Jefferson for one night, Homer is never seen again. After Homer’s disappearance, Emily begins to age, gain weight, and is rarely seen outside of her home. Soon, Miss Emily passes away.The fifth and final section begins with Jefferson women entering the Grierson home. After they arrive, Emily's black servant leavesthrough the back door without saying a word. After Emily's funeral, the townspeople immediately go through her house. They come across a room on the second floor which no one had seen in 40 years, and break the door down. They discover a dusty room strangely decorated as a bridal room. The room contains a man's tie, suit and shoes, and a silver toilet set which Miss Emily had purchased for Homer years before his disappearance. Homer's remains lay on the bed, dressed ina nightshirt. Next to him is an impression of a head on a pillow where the townspeople find a single “long strand of iron-grayhair.” I t is thus implied that not only had Emily killed Homer with the arsenic, but also has had an intimate relationship with hiscorpse up to her own death.简评:Miss Emily met Homer Baron, a foreman with a construction company, when her hometown was first getting paved streets. Her father had already died but, not before driving away her eligible suitors. As rumors circulate about her possible marriage to a Yankee, Homerleaves town abruptly. During his absence, Miss Emily buys rat poison.When Homer returns, the townspeople see him enter Miss Emily’s house but not leave. Only when she dies do the townspeople discover his corpse on a bed in her house and, next to it, a strand of MissEmily’s hair.This Gothic plot makes serious points about woman’s place in so ciety. Throughout the story, the reader is aware that these events aretaking place during a time of transition: The town is finally getting sidewalks and mailboxes. More important, values are changing. Theolder magistrates, for example, looked on Miss Emily paternally andrefused to collect taxes from her; the newer ones try, unsuccessfully, to do so.Caught in these changing times, Miss Emily is trapped in her role as genteel spinster. Without a husband, her life will have no meaning. She tries to give lessons in painting china but cannot find pupilsfor this out-of-date hobby and finally discontinues them. If Homer is thinking of abandoning her, as his departure implies, one can understand her desire to clutch at any sort of union, even a marriage in death.The theme is developed through an exceptionally well-crafted story. Told from a third-person plural point of view, it reveals thereactions of the town to Miss Emily. As this “we” narrator shifts allegiance--now criticizing Miss Emily, now sympathizing with her--the reader sees the trap in which she is caught, and the extensivebut unobtrusive foreshadowing prepares the reader for the story’s final revelation without detracting from its force.。

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“A Rose for Emily”中译本赏析——以杨岂深的译本为例摘要:A Rose for Emily 《献给埃米莉的玫瑰》讲述了美国南北战争后南方小镇-----杰弗逊镇上没落的格尔森贵族家庭中埃米莉的悲剧故事。
作者威廉·卡斯伯特·福克纳(William Cuthbert Faulkner)为美国文学史上最具影响力的作家之一,美国“南方文艺复兴”时期成就最显著的南方作家和现代主义作家。
关键词:埃米莉;译本;忠实;形似与神似;对话Abstract: A Rose for Emily tells the tragic story of Emily Grierson, the daughter of a noble declining family, which happened in a small southern American town-----Jefferson after American Civil War. The author, William Cuthbert Faulkner, is one of the most influential writers in the American literary history, the most significant Southern writer and modernism writer in the American "Northern Renaissance" period. This paper is based on the version of translator Yang Qishen. Mainly discusses the translation study from three aspects—— faithful standard, the contradictions between appearance and soul , description of the heroine's conversation, which will be helpful for the improvement of readers 'literary accomplishment, and contributes to the well study of literary translation.Key words:Emily; version; faithfulness; contradictions between appearance and soul; conversation前言A Rose for Emily《献给埃米莉的玫瑰》为南方文学鼻祖威廉•福克纳(William Faukner)所创作的著名短篇小说,1930年4月发表时被誉为最负盛名的小说。
威廉·卡斯伯特·福克纳(William Cuthbert Faulkner,1897年9月25日-1962年7月6日),美国小说家、诗人和剧作家,美国文学史上最具影响力的作家之一,意识流文学在美国的代表人物,美国“南方文艺复兴”时期成就最显著的南方作家和现代主义作家。
一、译者忠实而灵活—竹笋与竹子舞姿同现福克纳创作原文的风格----言辞准确,繁复为主, 简洁为辅。
小说中的复句长句比比皆是,最为繁复的一句恐怕要算第五节的第二段的第二个句子:The two female cousins came at once. They held the funeral on thesecond day, with the town coming to look at Miss Emily beneath a mass of bought flowers, with the crayon face of her father musing profoundly above the bier and the ladies sibilant and macabre; and the very old men —some in their brushed Confederate uniforms—on the porch and the lawn, talking of Miss Emily as if she had been a contemporary of theirs, believing that they had danced with her and courted her perhaps, confusing time with its mathematical progression, as the old do, to whom all the past is not a diminishing road but, instead, a huge meadow which now inter ever quite touches, divided from them now by the narrow bottleneck of the most recent decade of years.(William Faulkner, 1958:18).杨先生的译文如下:两位堂姐妹也随即赶到,她们第二天就举行了丧礼,全镇的人都跑来看看覆盖着鲜花的埃米丽小姐的尸体。
(杨岂深, 2010:32).原文就两个句子,一短一长。
而中文译语巧妙地省去“一方面……另一方面……” 等并列连接词,顺势而下,增添“而且”与“甚至”两个表递进关系的连词,将画面中各种状态的同在感不依附于刻板的衔接词而描绘的绘声绘色,把镇上老人对埃米莉的倾慕,吹嘘炫耀的人物个性形象亦刻画得充实丰满。
这样, 译文段落和原文段落相比,句子虽有所增加,但衔接巧妙,行云流水般忠实再现了原文内涵,灵活地处理词句结构也兼顾了本国读者的阅读思维方式。
在“A Rose for Emily”中,福克纳对埃米莉房子外观以及内部环境的描写,房屋内部的氛围是陈旧,古板而沉重的;附近的街道环境都变了,而主人公的房屋的外观却一直未改变。
且看原文开篇第二自然段的第一句It was a big, squarish frame house that had once been white, decorated with cupolas and spires and scrolled balconies in the heavily lightsome style of the seventies, set on what had once been our most select street. (William Faulkner, 1958: 3).杨先生的译文如下那是一幢过去漆成白色的四方形大木屋,坐落在当年一条最考究的街道上,还装点着19世纪70年代风格的圆形屋顶、尖塔和涡形花纹的阳台,带着浓厚的轻盈气息。