




一、用动词的正确形式填空?1。I ________ (do) my homewo rk every evening.

2。 We _______ (fly)kites in the park on Sundays。?3。 My mother ________ (clean) our room on Sundays。

4. Tom _______(play) the piano every Saturday。 Now he______ (play).?

5。 She _______(like) swimming. Sh

e ______ (swim) this weekend.?6。 Usually my mother _______ (wash) the dishes after lunch.B

ut my grandma_______ (wash) today。

7。 Look at the man! He ______ (read) a magazine。?8. Look! The plane ________ (fly) over the building。?9. Listen! My aunt ________ (sing) in the room.Sh

e is a singer. She _____ (like) singing. She _______(h


ave) a musicshow。 Sheis excited。?

m and Mike always ______ (swim) in the rive

r。 They _____ (swim) in the swimming pool thisSund ay。Look! They ______ (swim)。

??11。What ______ you usually ______ (do) in the evening?

I _______ (play) computer games。?

12. What ______

_you _______ (do) now??I _______ (make) a p1。What _______ he _______ (do)?aper plane.?

14。What _______ she_____?He ______ (dance)。?

_(do) yesterday?

1. __

She ______(visit) her grandparents.?5

____ your mother ______ (read) newspaper i

n the morning?

16。_______ you _______ (lik

Yes, She ________ .?

e) fishing??No, I ______ . I like ______ (swi

m),but my brother ______ (like)。

17。 How ______ your father _______ (go) tow

ork every day?? He ______ (go) bybike。 But it’scold today. He ______ (take) the No。21 bus,, and he ___

1. _______ the m

____ (go) to work by taxi yesterday.?

onkey _______ (like) climbing trees? Yes, it ______1. What _______ your father ______ (do) a _.?

fter lunch? He _______ (read) a comic book. What _____ he_______(do)today? He _______ (clean) th e kitchen for my grandma。 Look! He (clean)。20. ________ you ______ (collect) stamps? Yes。I _______ .? ________ your brother ______ (collect), too? No,he ________ .


1。 _____ he _____ to the park at 6:30 i

n the morning? No,he _____ .?A. Does; goes; does B。 Does; go;doesn’t C。Does; go; d

oes?2. What colour_____ you _____ this bookcase? I _____ itpink。

A。 are; going to paint; am going to paint

B。 do; paint; paint

C. did; paint; painted?3. Tim always _____ a pic ture at home。He _____ a car now。? A. draws; is drawing B。 draw; draw C。 draws; draw

4. She usually _____ her friends。 They often _____ tea。? A. see; drink B. sees; drinks C. sees; drin k

5。He usually _____ the dishes at night,but tonight he _____ clothes.? A。 wash; wash B。washe

6. Mr. Grs; is going towash C. is washing; washes?

een usually _____ his newspaper in the evening, bu the and his wife _____ television yesterday evening。?A。reads; watches B.reads; is going to w atch C。reads; watched

7。 Where are the man and the woman? They _____ne ar the tree.? A。 sit B。 sat C。 aresitting

8。 _____ your penpal _____ diving? No, he _____ 。H e ______ writing stories。

A。Does; like; doesn’t; likes

B. Does; likes; doesn’t;like

C. Do; like; don’t;likes?9。 _____ you _____ fishing yesterday? No,we _____ 。


一般现在时练习题 一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。 eat read do take wash watch have carry study f ly catch go have cook look sing teach like get come play 二、用单词的正确形式填空: 1.Mike ___________ (do) his homework every day. 2.There ____________ (be) some water in the glass. 3.We like ____________ (play) basketball after class. 4.I like singing. I often ____________ (listen) to the music in the evening. 5.My grandma ___________ (watch) TV every day. 三、选择最佳的答案: 1. ____Alice often play the piano? No, she _____. A. Do; do B. Does; does C. Does; doesn't 2. ___ your penfriend __ in Beijing? A. Do; live B. Do; lives C. Does; live 3. Tom and Mike __ very excited, they will take a trip. A. is B. are C. am 4. I like ________ very much. What about you? A. dance B. danced C. dancing 5. I can’t find my pen. Let me __. A. go and ask her B. go and ask hers C. go and ask she 6. Fangfang is a good student. She ____maths. A. does good at B. well do it C. is good at


课程教案 ——时态专题 模块一:现在进行时 Warm-up 请观察下列句子,并寻找其中的规律: 1.I'm drawing pictures. 2.I'm reading a book in the library. 3.She is jumping. 4.It's eating bananas. 5.They're climbing trees. 6.He is swimming. Presentation I. 现在进行时的定义:现在进行时一般表示正在进行的动作或事情,也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。 II. 请看下列例子: I am reading a book in the classroom. Mary is swimming in the sea. They are eating lunch now. 主语是实际的人/物/代词be动词要和主语一致动词的现在分词地点状语/时间状语通常 在句末 III.现在进行时的句型结构及举例: 句式句型结构及例子 肯定式主语+ be (am / is / are) + 动词的分词形式+ 其他Lucy is watching TV now. 否定式主语+ be (am / is / are) + not+ 动词的分词形式+ 其他I am not reading a book in the classroom. 一般疑问句式Be (am / is / are) +主语+ 动词的分词形式+ 其他—Are you having a picnic? —No, we aren’t. —Are they eating the honey? —Yes, they are. 疑问词+ be (am / is / are) +主语+ 动词的分词形式?


一般过去时练习(一) 一、写出下列动词的过去式 1. is\am_________ 2. fly _______ 3. plant________ 4. are ________ 5. drink_________ 6. play _______ 7. go ________ 8. make_______ 9. does_________ 10. dance________ 11. worry________ 12. ask ___ __ 13. taste_________ 14. eat__________ 15. draw ________ 16. put _ _____ 17. throw________ 18. kick_________ 19. pass _______ 20. do ________ 二、用be动词的适当形式填空 1. I _______ at school just now. 2. He ________ at the library last week. 3. We ________ students two years ago. 4. They ________ on the farm a moment ago. 5. Yang Ling ________ eleven years old last year. 6. There ________ an apple on the plate yesterday. 7. There ________ some milk in the fridge on Sunday. 8. The cat _______ on the sofa yesterday evening. 9. She _______ happy yesterday. 10.They _______ glad to see each other last month. 11. Helen and Nancy ________ good friends. 12. The little dog _____ two years old this year. 13. Look, there ________ lots of grapes here. 14. There ________ a sign on the chair on Monday.. 15. Today _____ the second of June. Yesterday _____ the first of June. It __ ___ Children’s Day. All the students ____ very excited.


一般将来时: 定义:一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态。 构成:(1)be going to + 动词原形 (2)will/shall + do 用法:1)表示将来的动作或状态 一般将来时常与一些表示将来的时间状语连用,如: tomorrow(明天),next week(下周),from now on(从现在开始);in the future(将来);someday (未 来的某一天) 等。 2)表示将来经常发生的动作 I’ll teach you English every Wednesday next month. ★★★“be going to+动词原形”表示即将发生的或最近打算进行的事。 例如:①It is going to rain. 要下雨了。 ②We are going to have a meeting today. 今天我们开会。 Step Three: Do Some Exercise 一、用will 或will not 以及括号中的动词完成句子 1、I a Chinese song.(sing) 2、Sally the tennis match.(not win) 3、You the one-day trip to Guangzhou.(enjoy) 4、Flora at home this weekend.(not stay) 二、用括号内的词和be going to 完成问答 1、(when/we/ have dinner? We / it / at seven o’clock) A When are we going to have dinner? B We are going to have it at seven o’clock. 2、(Where / you /meet your friends? We / them /at the school gate) A B



牛津小学英语时态复习及专项练习 语法及练习1 be动词 Be 动词的用法: (1) Am--was Is --was Are--were 口诀:我用am, 你用are, is用在他她它,复数全用are。 (2) 肯定和否定句I am (not) from London. He is(not) a teacher. She is(not) in the dining room. My hair is(not) long. Her eyes are(not) small. (3) 一般疑问句Am I a Chinese? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t. Are they American? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. Is the cat fat? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. 用恰当的be动词填空。 1. I ______ a boy. ______ you a boy? No, I _____ not. 2. The girl______ Jack's sister. 3. The dog _______ tall and fat. 4. The man with big eyes _______ a teacher. 5. ______ your brother in the classroom? . 语法及练习2 人称代词和物主代词 人称代词和物主代词

1.人称代词主格和宾格的区别:主格通常位于句中第一个动词之前(有时候位于than 之后),宾格一般位于动词或介词之后。 2.物主代词形容词性与名词性的区别:形容词性用时后面一般要带上名词,名词性则单独使用,后面不带名词。 一.填写代词表主格。 I it we you them his your hers 二.用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. That is not _________ kite. That kite is very small, but _________ is very big. ( I ) 2. The dress is _________. Give it to _________. ( she ) 3. Is thi s _________ watch? (you) No, it’s not _________ . ( I ) 4. _________ is my brother. ________ name is Jack. Look! Those stamps are _________. ( he ) 5. _________ dresses are red. (we) What colour are _________? ( you )


小学英语时态综合练习 附答案

小学英语时态综合练习 附答案 公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]

小学英语时态练习 一、选择题 1. _________Alice often play the piano. No, she __________. A. Do; do B. Does; does C. Does; doesn’t 2. Every one _________ to their teacher in the classroom. A. are listening B. is listening C. listen 3. Danny _______ breakfast five times last week. A. ate B. eat C. eated 4.I’m goin g to ________ some chopsticks ________ Sunday afternoon. A. bought; on B. buy; on C. buy; in 5. Are you going to take a piano class ________ A. No, we not B. No, I am C. Yes, I am 6. Is he _________ TVYes, he is. A. watch B. watching C. not 7. The kite _______ a bird. A. look like B. is looking C. looks like 8. What did you do on your holiday I ________ A. bought a present B. go skiing C. learn English 9. Sandy often ________ his homework on Sundays . A. do B. does C. did


小学英语时态练习 一,选择题 1. _________Alice often play the piano. No, she __________. A. Do; do B. Does; does C. Does; doesn’t 2. Every one _________ to their teacher in the classroom. A. are listening B. is listening C. listen 3. Danny _______ breakfast five times last week. A. ate B. eat C. eated 4.I’m going to ________ some chopsticks ________ Sunday afternoon. A. bought; on B. buy; on C. buy; in 5. Are you going to take a piano class? ________ A. No, we not B. No, I am C. Yes, I am 6. Is he _________ TV?Yes, he is. A. watch B. watching C. not 7. The kite _______ a bird. A. look like B. is looking C. looks like 8. What did you do on your holiday? I ________ A. bought a present B. go skiing C. learn English 9. Sandy often ________ his homework on Sundays . A. do B. does C. did 10. He _______ a race with Ming Ming. A. to have B.had C. going to have 11. What do you usually do on your holiday? A. Sing and dance B. Saw elephants C.Took picture 12. It’s 10 o’clock. Ben ________ TV in the bedroom. A. is watching B. watch C. watches 13. Did you eat good food in China? __________. A. Yes, I do B. No, I didn’t C. No, I did 14. I ________ free this afternoon. A. be B. will be C. going to be 15. I can’t find my pen. Let me _______. A. go and ask her B. go and ask hers C. go and ask she 16. Fangfang is a good student. She _______maths. A. does good at B. well do it C. is good at 17. Are you washing clothes? A. Yes, you are B. Yes, I am C. No, I am 18. What did he ________ yesterday? He ________ his homework. A. did; did B. do; did C. do; do 19. _________ they taking pictures.? Yes, they are. A. Am B. Be C. Are 20. They will ________ roast ducks in Beijing. A. ate B. eats C. eat 21. I ________ visit my friends this weekend. A. go to B. am going to C. going to


一般现在时练习题一、用单词的正确形式填空: 1.Mike _________ (do) his homework every day. 2.There __________(be) some water in the glass. 3.We like ________ (play) basketball after class. 4.I like singing. I often _________(listen) to the music in the evening. 5.My grandma_________(watch) TV every day. 二、判断句子的正误, 并改正。 1.Betty do morning exercises every day. 2.I plays on the beach. 3.The trees falls their leaves. 4.I like to wearing shirts and running. 5.Smiths is watering the flowers. 6.They usually have supper at seven o’clock. 7.They’re c limbs a tree. 8.You mustn’t play football here. 9.The rabbit wants some vegetables. 10.I sometimes watching TV on Sunday. 三、选择最佳的答案: 1. ____Alice often play the piano. No, she _____.A. Do; do B. Does; does C. Does; doesn’t 2. ___ your penfriend __ in Beijing? A. Do; live B. Do; lives C. Does; live 3. Tom and Mike __ very excited, they will take a trip. A. is B. are C. am 4. I like ________ very much. What about you?A. dance B. danced C. dancing 5. I can’t find my pen. Let me __.A. go and ask her B. go and ask hers C. go and ask she 6. Fangfang is a good student. She ____maths. A. does good at B. well do it C. is good at 7. The kite ____ a bird. A. look like B. is looking C. looks like 8. Bill and I ___ good friends. A. is B. are C. am 9. Sandy often ___ his homework on Sundays .A. do B. does C. did 10. What do you usually do on the weekend? I __________. A. went swimming B. go swimming C. visited grandparents 11. What do you usually do on your holiday?A. saw elephants B. sing and dance C.took picture 12. I ____ a student. I go to school ____bus every day. A. is; by B. am; on C. am; by 13. I ____ a brother. She ____ a sister. A. have; has B. has; has C. have; have 14. You ____ a student. He ____ a teacher. A. is; is B. are; is C. are; are 15. He always _____ football games. A. watches B. watch C. doesn’t 16. My best friend _____ shells. A. collects B. collect C. often 17. She doesn’t _____ listening to the music. A. often B. like C. likes 18. My mother and I ___ always watch romantic films. A. doesn’t B. don’t C. do 19. ---When _____ he get home on Friday? ----He gets home at four on Friday. A. do B. does C. did


小学英语时态综合练习100题① 一、选择题 ()1. _________Alice often play the piano. No, she __________. A. Do; do B. Does; does C. Does; doesn’t ()2. Every one _________ to their teacher in the classroom. A. are listening B. is listening C. listen ()3. Danny _______ breakfast five times last week. A. ate B. eat C. eated ()4. I’m going to ________ some chopsticks ________ Sunday afternoon. A. bought; on B. buy; on C. buy; in ()5. Are you going to take a piano class ________ A. No, we not B. No, I am C. Yes, I am ()6. Is he _________ TVYes, he is. A. watch B. watching C. not ()7. The kite _______ a bird. A. look like B. is looking C. looks like ()8. What did you do on your holiday I ________ A. bought a present B. go skiing C. learn English ()9. Sandy often ________ his homework on Sundays . A. do B. does C. did ()10. He _______ a race with Ming Ming. A. to have C. going to have


现在进行时、一般将来时、一般现在时综合练习 一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数 drink ________ go _______ stay ________ make ________ look _________ have_______ pass_______ carry ____ come________ watch______ plant_______ fly ________ study_______ brush________ do_________ teach_______ 二、写出下列动词的现在分词 play________ run__________ swim _________make__________ go_________ like________ write________ ski___________ read________ have_________ sing________ dance_________ put_________ see________ buy _________ love____________ live_______ take_________ come ________ get_________ stop_________ sit ________ begin________ shop___________ 三、单项选择 1._____ he _____ to the park at 6:30 in the morning? No,he _____ . A. Does; goes; does B. Does; go; doesn’t C. Does; go; does 2. Tim always _____ a picture at home. He _____ a car now. A. draws; is drawing B. draw; draw C. draws; draw 3. She usually _____ her friends. They often _____ tea. A. see; drink B. sees; drinks C. sees; drink 4. He usually _____ the dishes at night, but tonight he _____ clothes. A. wash; wash B.washes; is going to wash C. is washing; washes 5. Mr. Green usually ____his newspaper in the evening, and he and his wife _____ a football match tomorrow.. A.reads; watches B.reads; is going to watch C.reads; watched 6. Where are the man and the woman? They _____ near the tree. A. sit B. sat C. are sitting 7. _____ your penpal _____ diving? No, he _____ .He ______ writing stories. A. Does; like; doesn’t; likes B. Does; likes; doesn’t; like C. Do; like; don’t; likes 8. _____ you _____ fishing every week? No, we _____ . A. Does; go; doesn’t B. Do; go; doesn’t C. Do; go; don’t 9. Open the window, Please. Look! He _____ it. A. opens B. is openning C. is opening 10.My uncle usually _____ some milk every day. A. drink B. is drinking C. dranks 11. Mr. Green often _____ his newspapers at night. But he _____ an interesting book tonight. A. reads; reads B. reads; read C. reads; is going to read 12. The old man _____ playing sports in the park. He _____ morning exercise now. A. likes; is doing B. likes; does C. like; doing 1


时态综合练习 一、用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.Tom and Mary ___________ (come) to China last month. 2.Mike _________________(not go) to bed until 12 o’clock last night. So I _______ (get ) up late. 3.Mary __________ (read) English yesterday morning. 4.There _________ (be) no one here a moment ago. 5.I ___________ (call) Mike this morning. 6.I listened but ___________ (hear) nothing. 7.Tom ___________ (begin) to learn Chinese last year. https://www.360docs.net/doc/4c7291102.html,st week we _________ (pick) many apples on the farm. 9.My mother ________________ (not do) housework yesterday. 10.She watches TV every evening. But she _______________ (not watch) TV last night. 11.________ your father ________ ( go ) to work every day last year? 12. —What time _______ you _______ (get) to Beijing yesterday? —We __________ (get) to Beijing at 9:00 in the evening. 13.What __________ (make) him cry (哭) just now? https://www.360docs.net/doc/4c7291102.html,st year the teacher ___________ (tell) us that the earth moves around the sun. 15.There ____________ a telephone call for you just now. (be) 16.There __________ not enough people to pick apples that day. ( be) 17.There _____________ any hospitals (医院) in my hometown (家乡) in 1940. ( be not) 18.There ____________ enough milk at home last week, wasn’t there? 19.Eli ____________ to Japan last week. ( move) 20. –When _______ you _________ (come) to China? - Last year. 21.Did she ________ (have) supper at home? 22.Jack ____________ (not clean) the room just now. 23._________ (be) it cold in your city yesterday? 24.How many people ________ (be) there in your class last term? 25.It ________ (be) hot yesterday and most children _______ (be) outside 26. There ________ (be) a football match on TV yesterday evening, but I _________ (have) no time to watch it. 27. He ate some bread and _________ (drink) some milk. 28. ________ he __________ (finish) his homework last night? 29. I__________(be) tired yesterday. 30. I ___________(gain ) Arts degree last year. 31. What _________ you ___________ (do) last night?


PEP小学英语时态专项练习题 一、一般现在时用法专练: (一)、写出下列动词的第三人称单数 drink ________ go _______ stay ________ make ________ look _________ have_______ pass_______ carry ____ come________ watch______ plant_______ fly ________ study_______ brush________ do_________ teach_______ (二)、用括号内动词的适当形式填空。 1. He often ________(have) dinner at home. 2. Daniel and Tommy _______(be) in Class One. 3. We _______(not watch) TV on Monday. 4. Nick _______(not go) to the zoo on Sunday. 5. ______ they ________(like) the World Cup? 6. What _______they often _______(do) on Saturdays? 7. _______ your parents _______(read) newspapers every day? 8. The girl _______(teach) us English on Sundays. 9. She and I ________(take) a walk together every evening. 10. There ________(be) some water in the bottle. 11. Mike _______(like) cooking. 12. They _______(have) the same hobby. 13. My aunt _______(look) after her baby carefully. 14. You always _______(do) your homework well. 15. I _______(be) ill. I’m staying in bed. 16. She _______(go) to school from Monday to Friday. 17. Liu Tao _______(do) not like PE. 18. The child often _______(watch) TV in the evening. 19. Su Hai and Su Yang _______(have) eight lessons this term. 20. -What day _______(be) it today? -It’s Saturday. (三)、按照要求改写句子 1. Daniel watches TV every evening.(改为否定句) ______________________________________________ 2. I do my homework every day.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答) ______________________________________________ 3. She likes milk.(改为一般疑问句,作肯定回答) ___________________________ 4. Amy likes playing computer games.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答) _________________________________________ 5. We go to school every morning.(改为否定句) _________________________________________ 6. He speaks English very well.(改为否定句) ______________________________________________ 7. I like taking photos in the park.(对划线部分提问)


小学英语所有时态综合练习 类型:一般现在时、现在进行时、一般将来时、一般过去时 练习题集锦 一、用动词的正确形式填空 1. I ________ (do) my homework every evening. 2. We _______ (fly) kites in the park on Sundays. 3. My mother ________ (clean) our room on Sundays. 4. Tom _______(play) the piano every Saturday. Now he______ (play). 5. She _______(like) swimming. She ______ (swim) this weeken d. 6. Usually my mother _______ (wash) the dishes after lunch. But my grandma_______ (wash) today. 7. Look at the man! He ______ (read) a magazine. 8. Look! The plane ________ (fly) over the building. 9. Listen! My aunt ________ (sing) in the room.She is a singer. She _____ (like) singing. She _______(have) a music show. Sh e is excited. 10. Tom and Mike always ______ (swim) in the river. They ___ __ (swim) in the swimming pool this Sunday. Look! They ___ ___ (swim).


一、一般现在时:(1、现在的状态。2、经常或习惯性动作。3、主语所具备的性格和能力。4、真理。) 1、标志:often(经常),usually(通常),sometimes(有时),always(总是),never(从 不), on Sundays(在星期天), every day/month/year(每一天/月/年) 2、结构: (1)主语+连系动词be(am/is/are)+名词/形容词/数词/介词短语/副词等做表语表状态(包括There be +n.) 练习:1.I______(be) a student. My name_____(be) Tom. 2. Where _____(be) my shoes? They___(be) here. 3.Who ____(be) the girl with long straight hair? I think she ___(be) Kate. 4. You and I ___(not be) in Class Six. 5.___(be) there a supermarket on the Fifth Avenue? Yes, there_____(be). 6. ____ her parent tall? No, he____. (2)主语(非第三人称单数)+行为动词原形+其他(用助动词do 帮助构成否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问) (3)主语(第三人称单数)+行为动词的第三人称单数+其他(用助动词does 帮助构成否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句) 行为动词第三人称单数加-s的形式1.- s 2. 辅音+y: study-studies 3.以s,x,ch,sh结尾watch-watches teach-teaches4特殊have-has do-does go-goes .1)His parents _______(watch) TV every night. 肯定句1) My brother _________(do) homework every day. 2)His parents _________(not watch) every night.否定句2)My brother________(not do)homework every day. 3)_____his parents_____(watch) TV every night?一般疑3)______ your brother _____ homework every day? Yes, they _______. No, they _______. Yes, he______. No, he _________. 4)When___ his parents _____(watch) TV? 特疑4)When _____ your brother ____(do) homework? They watch TV every night. He does homework every day. 二.现在进行时:表示说话瞬间或现阶段正在进行的动作。 1、标志: now(现在)listen(看)look(听) 2、结构:主语+助动词be(am/is/are)+行为动词的现在分词(doing) 现在分词的构成:1.-ing: eat-eating 2.辅音字母+e: take-taking 3. sit, put, begin, run, swim, stop, get, shop,(双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ing.) 练习:1. Jim __________________(take) photos in the park now. 2. Jim_________(not take) in the park now. 3. _______________Jim____________(take) photos in the park now? Yes, he _____. No, he _______. 4. Where _________Jim ____________ photos now? In the park. 三、情态动词:1、任何主语+can/may/must+动词原形2、主语+ can’t/may not/ mustn’t+ 动词原形
