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第一节: 单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


( ) 21. ---Do you think their team will win the basketball match?


A. I don’t believe

B. I believe not so

C. I believe not

D. I don’t believe it

( ) 22. Hangzhou is _____ most beautiful city and I am sure I will visit it for ____ second time.

A. the; /

B. /; a

C. a; the

D. a; a

( ) 23. ---How did you do on the test?

---Not so well. I ______much better, but I misread the directions for Part One.

A. could do

B. could have done

C. must have done

D. should do ( ) 24. Great changes _______ in his hometown in the last twenty years.

A. were taken place

B. have taken place

C. have been taken place

D. took place

( ) 25. His eyes stare at _____ is left of the brother’s dinner on the table.

A. what

B. which

C. that

D. where

( ) 26. You may ______ it that Jennifer will come and help us if we are in trouble.

A. base on

B.hold on

C. carry on

D. rely on

( ) 27. _____ you like her very much, why not tell her the truth?

A. Though

B. Now that

C. Since that

D. While

( ) 28. As a result of the farmers’ hardworking, they harvested the wheat this year _____ as they did the year before.

A. twice as much

B. as twice much

C. as much twice

D. twice so much ( ) 29. ---- ____ he start at once or wait for a while? --- Let him start at once.

A.Will B.Would C.Shall D.Can

( ) 30. I _____ all the housework at home, but recently I have been too busy to do it.

A. do

B. have done

C. will do

D. did

( ) 31. --- It seems that John is well prepared for the interview.

--- He is quite ________that he will pass it.

A. familiar

B. similar C.confident D. sensitive

( ) 32. The Monkees produced a new record in 1996, ____they celebrated their former time as a real band.

A. when

B. in which

C. that

D. with which

( ) 33. An increasing number of people ________ the importance to physical exercise.

A. attach

B. appreciate

C. combine

D. permit

( ) 34. The most energetic festival is______ that looks forward to the coming of spring.

A. /

B. the one

C. the ones

D. it

( ) 35. --- How is the lecture going?

--- The lecture has ended. You’re ________.

A. too much late

B. much too late

C. too late much

D. late too much

( ) 36. One of the advantages living on the top floor of the hotel is that you can get a good ______ .

A. sight

B. scene

C. sign

D. view

( ) 37. -- What made Jack so upset?

--- ______ his new MP4.

A. That he lost.

B. He lost

C. Because of having lost

D. What he lost

( ) 38. We should spend the money on something that will _______ everyone.

A. benefit to

B. benefit from

C. benefit

D. beneficial

( ) 39. You can’t imagine _______ when you read it in the newspaper.

A. how moving the story is

B. how is the story moving

C. how moving is the story

D. the story is how moving
