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为了帮助大家备考,学识网给大家带来的是雅思口语Part 2范文模板:做过的梦。希望以下内容能够为同学们的雅思备考提供帮助。学识网将第一时间为大家发布最新、最全、最专业的雅思报名官网消息和雅思考试真题及解析,供大家参考。

雅思口语Part 2范文模板:做过的梦

Describe a dream you have had

You should say:

When you had this dream

What you saw in the dream

What you did or said in the dream

And explain why you had a dream like that





A couple of days ago, I had a dream about missing a train. It was something indicative to me. But I could not get the meaning clearly right that moment and later I realized that it was a sign of my negligence to my study. Later, I started focusing on my academic studies. This is a nice cue card for me and I will explain the matter in brief here.

It was a mixed feeling. In fact, for past couple of weeks, I had not been concentrating on my academic activities. I used to move around and bunk the college classes. Moreover, I got a couple of friends who were also similar to me and with their company, I failed to focus on my academic activities. So, when I saw the dream, I started feeling guilty. It was my subconscious mind that was telling me to improve my academic career.

Actually, the dream was a kind of symbolic instruction to me. I saw that I was missing a

train as I was late to reach the station. I tried to catch the train, ran for a while but could not get into that for a few seconds. It could have been interpreted in several ways. But I discovered that it was my subconscious mind which was worried about me. Through the dream, it was warning me to come back on the track. If I do not follow the usual rules, I may experience some detrimental impacts.

I remember the dream very well as it was in my present condition. I was having some wonderful day with my mates and moved to different parts of the city. I made late to return home and followed the same routine in the next day. The dream warned me. And so I remember it.

雅思口语Part1话题及范文:dream 梦

1. Do you often have dreams at night?

Yeah! Basically every night, but sometimes when I’m fully/wide awake, I would forget all of them, which is kind of weird.

I heard there are people who have never had dreams, or at least they don’t remember they had one, so sleeping for them is just like, you close your eyes at night, and then open your eyes in the morning, and it feels like just a second has passed. I’m so curious about what that feels like.

除了有fully awake或者wide awake,还有像half awake或者half asleep这种形象的表达,例如:

She was still half asleep (= not fully awake) when she arrived at work.

2. Do you remember your dreams when you wake up?

Well, just like I said, I would remember some of them, especially vivid and unrealistic ones and of course nightmares. For example, the other night I had a horrible dream about snakes. They were everywhere and even on my body, I just freaked out and woke up in a sweat.

跟the other night相似的用法还有the other day/ morning/ evening/ week,他们都表示recently,例如:

I saw Jack the other day.

3. Do you like hearing others' dreams?

Yeah! I like it when my friends are sharing their sweet dreams or nightmares with me. They
