Project Management Plan Template-项目管理计划模板
质量管理计划模板projectmanagementplantemplateAppendix NQuality Management Plan TemplateThis page is intentionally left blank.Title PageDocument Control PanelTable of ContentsList of AcronymsDefinitions1. Introduction1.1 PurposeThe purpose of the Quality Management Plan (QMP) is to identify the program’s quality-related objectives, to describe how achievement of these objectives will be measured, and to describe the quality-related processes that will be used to assure that the objectives are achieved.1.2 ScopeThe scope of the objectives, measures, and processes described in this section should apply to the entire project.1.3 BackgroundThis section of the QMP must provide a brief, general description of the project to provide the context for the QMP.1.4 ReferencesThis section must cite the applicable reference material used in developing the QMP.Checkpoints1.5 QualityThis section must describe in detail the quality assurance (QA) processes to be used and when they will be used. For eachcheckpoint, provide a high-level overview of who will be involved, the criteria to be used for evaluation, and who will review/approve the results.2. Staffing2.1 Roles and ResponsibilitiesThis section must identify the overall responsibilities of the QA team and the project team, as well as their individual responsibilities at the various quality checkpoints.Skills2.2 RequiredThis section must identify the knowledge, skills, and experience needed to perform QA activities.3. Reviews3.1 Methodologies and StandardsThis section must identify the project and product QA methodologies to be used, and standards to be applied.3.2 Quality Assessments and ReviewsThis section must describe the review procedures for project work processes and products that will be used to verify quality. It must include details on assessment or review; when they will be conducted; who will conduct them; the scope of review; success criteria; QMP reporting formats; and review processes.Milestones4. QualityAssuranceThis section must identify the QMP deliverables and the timeliness associated with those deliverables. For each checkpoint, information such as checkpoint name; lead QMP resource; QMP deliverable; and planned start and end dates must be included.Estimates5. ResourceThis section must include an estimate of the resources required to perform QMP activities, such as the number of staff, hours of effort, direct expenses, etc.Controls6. ContractorIf using contracted QMP resources, a section must be included that describes the controls and processes for monitoring contractor work products and deliverables against agreed to timelines and levels of quality.Action s7. Corrective7.1 Process esThis section must provide a high-level description of the planned tracking and resolution procedures for problems or issues identified in project processes detected in QMP reviews.7.2 Product sThis section must provide a high-level description of the planned tracking and resolution procedures for problems or defects identified in project products detected in QMP reviews.Measures7.3 PreventiveAny processes or measures designed to prevent the detection of errors or problems in QMP activities must be described. Reviewing lessons learned from prior projects may provide a way to avoid repeating prior errors.7.4 Quality Assurance ChecklistsTable N.1 –Quality Assurance Management Plan Checklist YES NO Check List DescriptionAre project tracking activities evident?Are project tracking and oversight being conducted?Are all plan reviews conducted according to plan checklists?Are all issues arising from peer reviews addressed and closed?Are status and review meetings conducted according to the schedule?Has a contract work breakdown structure (CWBS) that supports alldeliverables and long-term tasks been developed?Are changes managed according to the configuration managementplan (CMP)?Have all deviations from standards and procedures documentation beenapproved?Are project roles and responsibilities defined?Table N.2 –Configuration Management Plan Checklist YES NO Check List DescriptionDoes a configuration management plan (CMP) exist?Is the CMP being used?Does the CMP contain a list of configuration items (CI) to be managed?Does the CMP contain change control procedures?Does the CMP contain the process to evaluate changes, includingestimates and impacts?Does the CMP identify the person or group who has the authority toapprove changes to the CMP?Has the CMP been added to the configuration managementbaseline?。
项目建议书模板英文回答:Project Proposal Template。
Executive Summary。
This project proposal outlines the key components of a comprehensive project, from its inception to its successful completion. It provides a structured framework for defining the project's purpose, goals, objectives, scope, budget, timeline, and key performance indicators (KPIs). By following the guidelines outlined in this template, project managers can ensure that their projects are well-planned, executed, and evaluated, increasing the likelihood of achieving desired outcomes.Project Definition。
Project Title: This is the concise, yet descriptive,name of the project.Project Description: This section provides a brief overview of the project, including its purpose, goals, and objectives.Project Scope: The scope defines the boundaries of the project, including what is included and what is excluded.Project Deliverables: These are the tangible or intangible products or services that the project will produce.Project Constraints: Constraints are factors that can impact the project's success, such as budget, time, resources, and technology.Project Planning。
▪IS------------- Information System 信息系统▪MIS-----------Management Information System 管理信息系统▪TPS-----------Transaction process System 事务处理系统▪DSS-----------Decision Support System 决策支持系统▪ERP-----------Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源计划▪MRP----------Material Requirement Planning 物料需求计划▪MRPII--------Manufacturing Resource Planning 制造资源计划▪BSP------------Business System Planning 企业系统规划▪CAD------------Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计▪OCR------------Optical Character Recognition 光学字符识别▪SA-------------Structured Analisys 结构化分析方法▪OOA----------Object-Oriented Analysis 面向对象分析方法▪OOD----------Object-Oriented Design 面向对象设计▪OOP----------Object Oriented Programming 面向对象编程▪DFD----------Data Flow Diagram 数据流图▪DD------------Data Dictionary 数据字典▪E-R-----------Entity Relationship Diagram E-R图▪OLAP--------On-Line Analytical Processing 在线联机分析处理▪OLTP--------On-Line Transaction Processing 联机事物处理系统▪EDI-----------Electronic Data Interchange 电子数据交换▪CRM---------Customer Relationship Management 客户关系管理▪SCM----------Supply Chain Management 供应链管理▪Data Mining----------数据挖掘▪Data Warehouse----------数据仓库▪Database----------数据库▪Data Mart----------数据集市▪ITIL----------Information Technology Infrastructure Library 信息技术基础架构库▪ITSM----------IT Service Management IT服务管理▪Message----------消息▪Communication-----------消息通信▪UML----------Unified Modeling Language 统一建模语言▪Use case diagram----------用例图▪Class diagram----------类图▪Object diagram----------对象图▪Component diagram----------构件图▪Deployment diagram----------部署图▪State diagram----------状态图▪Sequence diagram----------序列图▪Collaboration diagram----------协作图▪Activity diagram----------活动图▪C/S---------- Client/Server 客户机/服务器▪B/S---------- Browser/Server 浏览器/服务器▪SOA----------Service Oriented Architecture 面向服务的体系结构▪Middleware----------中间件▪RPC----------Remote Procedure Call 远程过程调用▪Web Services----------Web服务▪SOAP----------Simple Object Access Protocol 简单对象访问协议▪WSDL----------Web Services Description Language Web服务描述语言▪UDDI----------Universal Description Discovery and Integration 通用描述、发现与集成服务▪XML-----------Extensible Markup Language 可扩展标记语言▪HTML----------Hypertext Markup Language 超文本标记语言▪Component----------构建▪Containe----------容器▪WorkFlow----------工作流▪WFMS---------- Workflow Management System 工作流管理系统▪CORBA---------- Common Object Request Broker Architecture 公共对象请求代理体系结构▪OMG---------- Object Management Group 对象管理组织▪DCOM-----------Distributed Component Object Model 分布式构件对象模型▪API-----------Application Programming Interface 应用程序编程接口▪Graphical User Interface-----------图形用户界面▪Logic View----------逻辑视图▪Development View----------开发视图▪Module View----------模块视图▪Process View----------进程视图▪Physical View----------物理视图▪Attribute----------属性▪Object----------对象▪Class----------类▪Inheritance----------继承▪Dependency----------依赖▪Generalization----------泛化▪Aggregation----------聚合▪Composite----------组合▪Association----------关联▪function---------函数▪template---------模板▪LAN---------- Local Area Network 局域网▪Ethernet----------以太网▪Token King----------令牌环网▪WAN----------- Wide Area Network 广域网▪Proxy----------代理▪Server----------服务器▪Workstation----------工作站▪Bridge-----------网桥▪Router----------路由器▪Gateway----------网关▪OSI----------Open System Interconnect 开放式互联系统▪Physical Layer----------物理层▪Datalink Layer----------数据链路层▪Network Layer----------网络层▪Transport Layer----------传输层▪Session Layer----------会话层▪Presentation Layer---------表示层▪Application Layer---------应用层▪Virus---------病毒▪Firewall---------防火墙▪Directory structure--------- 目录结构▪TCP----------Transmission Control Protocol 传输控制协议▪UDP----------User Datagram Protocol 用户数据包协议▪ARP----------Address Resolution Protocol 地址解析协议▪URL----------Uniform Resource Locator 统一资源定位器▪FTP----------File Transfer Protocol 文件传输协议▪DHCP----------Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 动态主机设置协议▪PPTP---------- Point to Point Tunneling Protocol 点对点协议▪ATM----------Asynchronous Transfer Mode 异步传输模式▪DAS----------Direct-Attached Storage 直接连接存储▪NAS---------- Network Attached Storage 网络连接存储▪SAN---------- Storage Area Network 存储区域网络▪PDS----------Premises Distribution System 综合布线系统▪Work Area Subsystem---------- 工作区子系统▪Horizontal Backbone Subsystem---------- 水平干线子系统▪Administrator Subsystem---------- 设备间子系统▪Backbone Subsystem---------- 垂直干线子系统▪Campus Backbone Subsystem---------- 楼宇▪Equipment Room Subsystem----------设备间子系统▪SQA----------Software Quality Assurance软件质量保证▪Performance----------性能▪Reliability----------可靠性▪Availability----------可用性▪Security----------安全性▪Modifiability----------可修改性▪Maintainability----------可维护性▪Extendibility----------可扩展性▪Reassemble----------结构重组▪Portability---------可移植性▪Functionality--------功能性▪FDMA----------Frequency Division Multiple Access 频分多址▪WDMA---------Wave Division Multiple Access 频分多址▪TDMA----------Time Division Multiple Access 时分多址▪CDMA----------Code Division Multiple Access 码分多址▪ADSL----------Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line 非对称数字用户环境▪HDSL----------High-speed Digital Subscriber Line 高速率数字用户体验▪VDSL----------Very-high-bit-rate Digital Subscriber loop 甚高速数字用户环境。
企业项目管理表格(Project Management Template)是用于记录和转达企业项目管理相关信息的工具。
1. 项目基本信息
- 项目名称
- 项目描述
- 项目目标
- 项目负责人
- 项目起止日期
2. 项目进度安排
- 里程碑/关键节点
- 预计开始日期
- 预计完成日期
- 实际开始日期
- 实际完成日期
- 项目进度(如进度百分比)
3. 资源分配
- 资源名称
- 分配角色/职责
- 工时/工作量
- 占比/比例
4. 风险管理
- 风险描述
- 风险等级/优先级
- 风险影响
- 风险应对措施
5. 问题管理
- 问题描述
- 问题分类
- 问题优先级
- 问题解决进度/状态
- 解决方法/措施
6. 沟通与协作
- 会议记录
- 决策与批准
- 确定行动计划
- 沟通与追踪
P ROJECT M ANAGEMENT P LAN T EMPLATEThis Project Management Plan Template is free for you to copy and use on your project and within your organization. We hope that you find this template useful andwelcome your comments. Public distribution of this document is only permitted from the Project Management Docs official website at:www.P roject M anagement D P ROJECT M ANAGEMENT P LAN<P ROJECT N AME>C OMPANY N AMES TREET A DDRESSC ITY,S TATE Z IP C ODED ATET ABLE OF C ONTENTSI NTRODUCTION (2)P ROJECT M ANAGEMENT A PPROACH (2)P ROJECT S COPE (3)M ILESTONE L IST (3)S CHEDULE B ASELINE AND W ORK B REAKDOWN S TRUCTURE (4)C HANGE M ANAGEMENT P LAN (4)C OMMUNICATIONS M ANAGEMENT P LAN (5)C OST M ANAGEMENT P LAN (7)P ROCUREMENT M ANAGEMENT P LAN (9)P ROJECT S COPE M ANAGEMENT P LAN (9)S CHEDULE M ANAGEMENT P LAN (10)Q UALITY M ANAGEMENT P LAN (11)R ISK M ANAGEMENT P LAN (13)R ISK R EGISTER (13)S TAFFING M ANAGEMENT P LAN (13)R ESOURCE C ALENDAR (15)C OST B ASELINE (15)Q UALITY B ASELINE (16)S PONSOR A CCEPTANCE (17)I NTRODUCTIONThe Introduction provides a high level overview of the project and what is included in this Project Management Plan. This should include a high level description of the project and describe the projects deliverables and benefits. Excessive detail is not necessary in this section as the other sections of the project plan will include this information. This section should provide a summarized framework of the project and its purpose. Look back at the Project Charter for information to include in this section.Total Software Incorporated (TSI) has recently approved the SmartVoice project to move forward for project initiation within the research and development (R&D) group. This project will result in the development of new voice recognition software and supports TSI’s corporate strategy of providing progressive solutions to clients which improve productivity in both the workplace and home environment. While voice recognition software is currently available, TSI believes that new technological developments will enable our team to develop a solution far superior to what is currently available.TSI has been successful in gaining market share because of its aggressive pursuit of product quality, ease of use, flexibility, and customer service. Additionally, customers understand that our products may be applied to a wide range of uses for business and personal functions. By leveraging our reputation for superior quality and user-friendly products, and capitalizing on new technology, TSI can position itself as the premier provider of effective and easy to use voice recognitions software in today’s marketplace.P ROJECT M ANAGEMENT A PPROACHThis section is where you outline the overall management approach for the project. This section should describe, in general terms, the roles and authority of project team members. It should also include which organizations will provide resources for the project and any resource constraints or limitations. If there are any decisions which must be made by specific individuals—for example authorizing additional funding by the project sponsor—this should also be stated here. It should be written as an Executive Summary for the Project Management Plan. The Project Manager, Joe Green, has the overall authority and responsibility for managing and executing this project according to this Project Plan and its Subsidiary Management Plans. The project team will consist of personnel from the coding group, quality control/assurance group, technical writing group, and testing group. The project manager will work with all resources to perform project planning. All project and subsidiary management plans will be reviewed and approved by the project sponsor. All funding decisions will also be made by the project sponsor. Any delegation of approval authority to the project manager should be done in writing and be signed by both the project sponsor and project manager.The project team will be a matrix in that team members from each organization continue to report to their organizational management throughout the duration of the project. The project manager is responsible for communicating with organizational managers on the progress and performance of each project resource.P ROJECT S COPEState the scope of the project in this section. The scope statement from the project charter should be used as a starting point; however, the project plan needs to include a much more detailed scope than the charter. This detail should include what the project does and does not include. The more detail included in this section, the better the product. This will help to clarify what is included in the project and help to avoid any confusion from project team members and stakeholders.The scope of TSI’s SmartVoice project includes the planning, design, development, testing, and transition of the SmartVoice voice recognition software package. This software will meet or exceed organizational software standards and additional requirements established in the project charter. The scope of this project also includes completion of all documentation, manuals, and training aids to be used in conjunction with the software. Project completion will occur when the software and documentation package has been successfully executed and transitioned to TSI’s manufacturing group for production.All SmartVoice project work will be performed internally and no portion of this project will be outsourced. The scope of this project does not include any changes in requirements to standard operating systems to run the software, software updates or revisions.M ILESTONE L ISTProvide a summary list of milestones including dates for each milestone. Include an introductory paragraph in this section which provides some insight to the major milestones. This section should also mention or discuss actions taken if any changes to the milestones or delivery dates are required.The below chart lists the major milestones for the SmartVoice Project. This chart is comprised only of major project milestones such as completion of a project phase or gate review. There may be smaller milestones which are not included on this chart but are included in the project schedule and WBS. If there are any scheduling delays which may impact a milestone or delivery date, the project manager must be notified immediately so proactive measures may be taken to mitigate slips in dates. Any approved changes to these milestones or dates will be communicated to the project team by the project manager.S CHEDULE B ASELINE AND W ORK B REAKDOWN S TRUCTUREThis section should discuss the WBS, WBS Dictionary, and Schedule baseline and how they will be used in managing the project’s scope. The WBS provides the work packages to be performed for the completion of the project. The WBS Dictionary defines the work packages. The schedule baseline provides a reference point for managing project progress as it pertains to schedule and timeline. The schedule baseline and work breakdown structure (WBS) should be created in Microsoft Project. The WBS can be exported from the MS Project file.The WBS for the SmartVoice Project is comprised of work packages which do not exceed 40 hours of work but are at least 4 hours of work. Work packages were developed through close collaboration among project team members and stakeholders with input from functional managers and research from past projects.The WBS Dictionary defines all work packages for the SmartVoice Project. These definitions include all tasks, resources, and deliverables. Every work package in the WBS is defined in the WBS Dictionary and will aid in resource planning, task completion, and ensuring deliverables meet project requirements.The SmartVoice Project schedule was derived from the WBS and Project Charter with input from all project team members. The schedule was completed, reviewed by the Project Sponsor, and approved and base-lined. The schedule will be maintained as a MS Project Gantt Chart by the SmartVoice Project Manager. Any proposed changes to the schedule will follow TSI’s change control process. If established boundary controls may be exceeded, a change request will be submitted to the Project Manager. The Project Manager and team will determine the impact of the change on the schedule, cost, resources, scope, and risks. If it is determined that the impacts will exceed the boundary conditions then the change will be forwarded to the Project Sponsor for review and approval. The SmartVoice boundary conditions are:CPI less than 0.8 or greater than 1.2SPI less than 0.8 or greater than 1.2If the change is approved by the Project Sponsor then it will be implemented by the Project Manager who will update the schedule and all documentation and communicate the change to all stakeholders in accordance with the Change Control Process.The Project Schedule Baseline and Work Breakdown Structure are provided in Appendix A, Project Schedule and Appendix B, Work Breakdown Structure.C HANGE M ANAGEMENT P LANThis section should describe your change control process. Ideally, this process will be some type of organizational standard which is repeatable and done on most or all projects when a change is necessary. Changes to any project must be carefully considered and the impact of the changemust be clear in order to make any type of approval decisions. Many organizations have change control boards (CCBs) which review proposed changes and either approve or deny them. This is an effective way to provide oversight and ensure adequate feedback and review of the change is obtained. This section should also identify who has approval authority for changes to the project, who submits the changes, how they are tracked and monitored.For complex or large projects the Change Management Plan may be included as an appendix to the Project Management Plan or as a separate, stand-alone document. We have a detailed Change Management Plan template available on our website.The following steps comprise TSI’s organization change control process for all projects and will be utilized on the SmartVoice project:Step #1: Identify the need for a change (Any Stakeholder)Requestor will submit a completed TSI change request form to the project manager Step #2: Log change in the change request register (Project Manager)The project manager will maintain a log of all change requests for the duration of theprojectStep #3: Conduct an evaluation of the change (Project Manager, Project Team, Requestor) The project manager will conduct an evaluation of the impact of the change to cost, risk, schedule, and scopeStep #4: Submit change request to Change Control Board (CCB) (Project Manager) The project manager will submit the change request and analysis to the CCB for review Step #5: Change Control Board decision (CCB)The CCB will discuss the proposed change and decide whether or not it will be approved based on all submitted informationStep #6: Implement change (Project Manager)If a change is approved by the CCB, the project manager will update and re-baselineproject documentation as necessary as well as ensure any changes are communicated tothe team and stakeholdersAny team member or stakeholder may submit a change request for the SmartVoice Project. The SmartVoice Project Sponsor will chair the CCB and any changes to project scope, cost, or schedule must meet his approval. All change requests will be logged in the change control register by the Project Manager and tracked through to completion whether approved or not.C OMMUNICATIONS M ANAGEMENT P LANThe purpose of the Communications Management Plan is to define the communication requirements for the project and how information will be distributed to ensure project success. You should give considerable thought to how you want to manage communications on every project. By having a solid communications management approach you’ll find that m any project management problems can be avoided. In this section you should provide an overview of your communications management approach. Generally, the Communications Management Plan defines the following:Communication requirements based on roles∙What information will be communicated∙How the information will be communicated∙When will information be distributed∙Who does the communication∙Who receives the communication∙Communications conductFor larger and more complex projects, the Communications Management Plan may be included as an appendix or separate document apart from the Project Management Plan. We have a detailed Communications Management Plan template available on our website.This Communications Management Plan sets the communications framework for this project. It will serve as a guide for communications throughout the life of the project and will be updated as communication requirements change. This plan identifies and defines the roles of SmartVoice project team members as they pertain to communications. It also includes a communications matrix which maps the communication requirements of this project, and communication conduct for meetings and other forms of communication. A project team directory is also included to provide contact information for all stakeholders directly involved in the project.The Project Manager will take the lead role in ensuring effective communications on this project. The communications requirements are documented in the Communications Matrix below. The Communications Matrix will be used as the guide for what information to communicate, who is to do the communicating, when to communicate it, and to whom to communicate.Project team directory for all communications is:Communications Conduct:Meetings:The Project Manager will distribute a meeting agenda at least 2 days prior to any scheduled meeting and all participants are expected to review the agenda prior to the meeting. During all project meetings the timekeeper will ensure that the group adheres to the times stated in the agenda and the recorder will take all notes for distribution to the team upon completion of the meeting. It is imperative that all participants arrive to each meeting on time and all cell phones and blackberries should be turned off or set to vibrate mode to minimize distractions. Meeting minutes will be distributed no later than 24 hours after each meeting is completed.Email:All email pertaining to the SmartVoice Project should be professional, free of errors, and provide brief communication. Email should be distributed to the correct project participants in accordance with the communication matrix above based on its content. All attachments should be in o ne of the organization’s standard software suite programs and adhere to established company formats. If the email is to bring an issue forward then it should discuss what the issue is, provide a brief background on the issue, and provide a recommendation to correct the issue. The Project Manager should be included on any email pertaining to the SmartVoice Project. Informal Communications:While informal communication is a part of every project and is necessary for successful project completion, any issues, concerns, or updates that arise from informal discussion between team members must be communicated to the Project Manager so the appropriate action may be taken.C OST M ANAGEMENT P LANThe Cost Management Plan clearly defines how the costs on a project will be managed throughout the project’s lifecycle. It sets the format and standards by which the project costs aremeasured, reported, and controlled. Working within the cost management guidelines is imperative for all project team members to ensure successful completion of the project. These guidelines may include which level of the WBS cost accounts will be created in and the establishment of acceptable variances. The Cost Management Plan:∙Identifies who is responsible for managing costs∙Identifies who has the authority to approve changes to the project or its budget∙How cost performance is quantitatively measured and reported upon∙Report formats, frequency and to whom they are presentedFor complex or large projects the Cost Management Plan may be included as an appendix to the Project Management Plan or as a separate, stand-alone document. We have a detailed Cost Management Plan template available on our website.The Project Manager will be responsible for managing and reporting on the project’s co st throughout the duration of the project. The Project Manager will present and review the project’s cost perfor mance during the monthly project status meeting. Using earned value calculations, the Project Manager is responsible for accounting for cost deviations and presenting the Project Sponsor with options for getting the project back on budget. All budget authority and decisions, to include budget changes, reside with the SmartVoice Project Sponsor.For the SmartVoice Project, control accounts will be created at the fourth level of the WBS which is where all costs and performance will be managed and tracked. Financial performance of the SmartVoice Project will be measured through earned value calculations pertaining to the project’s cost accounts. Work started on work packages will grant that work package with 50% credit; whereas, the remaining 50% is credited upon completion of all work defined in that work package. Costs may be rounded to the nearest dollar and work hours rounded to the nearest whole hour.Cost and Schedule Performance Index (CPI and SPI respectively) will be reported on a monthly basis by the Project Manager to the Project Sponsor. Variances of 10% or +/- 0.1 in the cost and schedule performance indexes will change the status of the cost to yellow or cautionary. These will be reported and if it’s determined that there is no or minimal impact on the project’s cost or schedule baseline then there may be no action required. Cost variances of 20%, or +/- 0.2 in the cost and schedule performance indexes will change the status of the cost to red or critical. These will be reported and require corrective action from the Project Manager in order to bring the cost and/or schedule performance indexes back in line with the allowable variance. Any corrective actions will require a project change request and be must approved by the CCB before it can be implemented.Earned value calculations will be compiled by the Project Manager and reported at the monthly project status meeting. If there are indications that these values will approach or reach the critical stage before a subsequent meeting, the Project Manager will communicate this to the Project Sponsor immediately.P ROCUREMENT M ANAGEMENT P LANThe Procurement Management Plan should be defined enough to clearly identify the necessary steps and responsibilities for procurement from the beginning to the end of a project. The project manager must ensure that the plan facilitates the successful completion of the project and does not become an overwhelming task in itself to manage. The project manager will work with the project team, contracts/purchasing department, and other key players to manage the procurement activities.For larger projects or projects with more complicated procurement management requirements, you can include the Procurement Management Plan as a separate document apart from the Project Management Plan. We have a detailed Procurement Management Plan available on our website.The Project Manager will provide oversight and management for all procurement activities under this project. The Project Manager is authorized to approve all procurement actions up to $50,000. Any procurement actions exceeding this amount must be approved by the Project Sponsor. While this project requires minimal or no procurement, in the event procurement is required, the Project Manager will work with the project team to identify all items or services to be procured for the successful completion of the project. The Project Manager will then ensure these procurements are reviewed by the Program Management Office (PMO) and presented to the contracts and purchasing groups. The contracts and purchasing groups will review the procurement actions, determine whether it is advantageous to make or buy the items or resource required services internally, and begin the vendor selection, purchasing and the contracting process.In the event a procurement becomes necessary, the Project Manager will be responsible for management any selected vendor or external resource. The Project Manager will also measure performance as it relates to the vendor providing necessary goods and/or services and communicate this to the purchasing and contracts groups.P ROJECT S COPE M ANAGEMENT P LANIt is important that th e approach to managing the projects’ scope be clearly defined and documented in detail. Failure to clearly establish and communicate project scope can result in delays, unnecessary work, failure to achieve deliverables, cost overruns, or other unintended consequences. This section provides a summary of the Scope Management Plan in which it addresses the following:∙Who has authority and responsibility for scope management∙How the scope is defined (i.e. Scope Statement, WBS, WBS Dictionary, Statement of Work, etc.)∙How the scope is measured and verified (i.e. Quality Checklists, Scope Baseline, Work Performance Measurements, etc.)∙The scope change process (who initiates, who authorizes, etc.)∙Who is responsible for accepting the final project deliverable and approves acceptance of project scopeWe have a detailed Scope Management Plan available on our website which can be included as an appendix to the Project Management Plan for larger or more complex projects. Be sure to review it and determine if it's necessary for managing your project.Scope management for the SmartVoice Project will be the sole responsibility of the Project Manager. The scope for this project is defined by the Scope Statement, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and WBS Dictionary. The Project Manager, Sponsor, and Stakeholders will establish and approve documentation for measuring project scope which includes deliverable quality checklists and work performance measurements.Proposed scope changes may be initiated by the Project Manager, Stakeholders or any member of the project team. All change requests will be submitted to the Project Manager who will then evaluate the requested scope change. Upon acceptance of the scope change request the Project Manager will submit the scope change request to the Change Control Board and Project Sponsor for acceptance. Upon approval of scope changes by the Change Control Board and Project Sponsor the Project Manager will update all project documents and communicate the scope change to all stakeholders. Based on feedback and input from the Project Manager and Stakeholders, the Project Sponsor is responsible for the acceptance of the final project deliverables and project scope.The Project Sponsor is responsible for formally accepting the project’s final deliverable. This acceptance will be based on a review of all project documentation, testing results, beta trial results, and completion of all tasks/work packages and product functionality.S CHEDULE M ANAGEMENT P LANThis section provides a general framework for the approach which will be taken to create the project schedule. Effective schedule management is necessary for ensuring tasks are completed on time, resources are allocated appropriately, and to help measure project performance. This section should include discussion of the scheduling tool/format, schedule milestones, and schedule development roles and responsibilities.Be sure to check out the detailed Schedule Management Plan available on our website. The separate Schedule Management Plan is suitable for larger projects or projects where the schedule management is more formalized.Project schedules for the SmartVoice Project will be created using MS Project 2007 starting with the deliverables identified in the project’s Work Breakd own Structure (WBS). Activity definition will identify the specific work packages which must be performed to complete each deliverable. Activity sequencing will be used to determine the order of work packages and assign relationships between project activities. Activity duration estimating will be used to calculate the number of work periods required to complete work packages. Resource estimating will be used to assign resources to work packages in order to complete schedule development.Once a preliminary schedule has been developed, it will be reviewed by the project team and any resources tentatively assigned to project tasks. The project team and resources must agree to the proposed work package assignments, durations, and schedule. Once this is achieved the project sponsor will review and approve the schedule and it will then be base lined.In accordance with TSI’s organizational standard, the following will be designated as milestones for all project schedules:∙Completion of scope statement and WBS/WBS Dictionary∙Base lined project schedule∙Approval of final project budget∙Project kick-off∙Approval of roles and responsibilities∙Requirements definition approval∙Completion of data mapping/inventory∙Project implementation∙Acceptance of final deliverablesRoles and responsibilities for schedule development are as follows:The project manager will be responsible for facilitating work package definition, sequencing, and estimating duration and resources with the project team. The project manager will also create the project schedule using MS Project 2007 and validate the schedule with the project team, stakeholders, and the project sponsor. The project manager will obtain schedule approval from the project sponsor and baseline the schedule.The project team is responsible for participating in work package definition, sequencing, duration, and resource estimating. The project team will also review and validate the proposed schedule and perform assigned activities once the schedule is approved.The project sponsor will participate in reviews of the proposed schedule and approve the final schedule before it is base lined.The project stakeholders will participate in reviews of the proposed schedule and assist in its validation.Q UALITY M ANAGEMENT P LANThis section discusses how quality management will be used to ensure that the deliverables for the project meet a formally established standard of acceptance. All project deliverables should be defined in order to provide a foundation and understanding of the tasks at hand and what work must be planned. Quality management is the process by which the organization not only completes the work, but completes the work to an acceptable standard. Without a thorough Quality Management Plan, work may be completed in a substandard or unacceptable manner. This section should include quality roles and responsibilities, quality control, quality assurance, and quality monitoring.For larger or more complex projects, the Quality Management Plan may be included as an appendix or separate document. A detailed Quality Management Plan is available for use on our website.All members of the SmartVoice project team will play a role in quality management. It is imperative that the team ensures that work is completed at an adequate level of quality from individual work packages to the final project deliverable. The following are the quality roles and responsibilities for the SmartVoice Project:The Project Sponsor is responsible for approving all quality standards for the SmartVoice Project. The Project Sponsor will review all project tasks and deliverables to ensure compliance with established and approved quality standards. Additionally, the Project Sponsor will sign off on the final acceptance of the project deliverable.The Project Manager is responsible for quality management throughout the duration of the project. The Project Manager is responsible for implementing the Quality Management Planand ensuring all tasks, processes, and documentation are compliant with the plan. The Project Manager will work with the project’s quality specialists to establish acceptable quality standards. The Project Manager is also responsible for communicating and tracking all quality standards to the project team and stakeholders.The Quality Specialists are responsible for working with the Project Manager to develop and implement the Quality Management Plan. Quality Specialists will recommend tools and methodologies for tracking quality and standards to establish acceptable quality levels. The Quality Specialists will create and maintain Quality Control and Assurance Logs throughout the project.The remaining member of the project team, as well as the stakeholders will be responsible for assisting the Project Manager and Quality Specialists in the establishment of acceptable quality standards. They will also work to ensure that all quality standards are met and communicate any concerns regarding quality to the Project Manager.Quality control for the SmartVoice Project will utilize tools and methodologies for ensuring that all project deliverables comply with approved quality standards. To meet deliverable requirements and expectations, we must implement a formal process in which quality standards are measured and accepted. The Project Manager will ensure all quality standards and quality control activities are met throughout the project. The Quality Specialists will assist the Project Manager in verifying that all quality standards are met for each deliverable. If any changes are proposed and approved by the Project Sponsor and CCB, the Project Manager is responsible for communicating the changes to the project team and updating all project plans and documentation. Quality assurance for the SmartVoice Project will ensure that all processes used in the completion of the project meet acceptable quality standards. These process standards are in place to maximize project efficiency and minimize waste. For each process used throughout the project, the Project Manager will track and measure quality against the approved standards with the assistance of the Quality Specialists and ensure all quality standards are met. If any changes are proposed and approved by the Project Sponsor and CCB, the Project Manager is responsible。
Project Management Plan Template
![Project Management Plan Template](
Project Management Plan forProject NameCustomer NamePrepared by: Document AuthorDocument Author TitleProject Document IdDate Prepared: [Date_Prepared]Document InformationDistribution ListVersion HistoryTable of ContentsProprietary Notice (5)Instructions on the Use of this Template (5)Purpose: (5)Audience: (5)TeamPlay Users: (5)Customer Version: (5)References: (6)1.Executive Summary (7)2.Introduction (7)2.1.Customer’s Purpose and Goals (7)2.2.Project Goals and Strategy (8)2.3.Constituent Projects (8)2.4.Critical Success Factors (8)2.5.Key Milestones (8)2.6.Assumptions (8)2.7.Constraints and Dependencies (8)2.8.Definitions (8)2.8.1.Terms (8)2.8.2.Abbreviations (8)3.Scope & WBS (8)3.1.Solution Overview (8)3.2.Scope (8)3.3.Project Deliverables (9)3.4.WBS (9)4.Activities and Estimates (9)4.1.Activities and Estimates (9)5.Schedule (9)5.1.Project Schedule (9)estone List (10)6.Resources (10)6.1.Project Organisation Structure (10)6.2.Responsibilities (10)6.3.Material and Supplies Resources (10)6.4.Facilities (11)6.5.Other (11)munication (11)7.1.Stakeholders (11)7.2.Status Meetings (11)7.3.Status Reporting (11)8.Project Risks (12)8.1.Risk Identification, Assessment and Risk Responses (12)8.2.Risk Management Plan (12)9.Project Processes (12)9.1.Project Tracking and Control (13)9.2.Change Control Process (13)9.3.Customer Acceptance Process (13)9.4.Issue Management and Escalation Process (13)9.5.Warranty (13)10.Appendices (13)10.1.Supplemental Plans (13)10.2.Attachments (14)Proprietary NoticeInstructions on the Use of this Template(delete the section when using the template)Purpose:The purpose is to communicate:●Project goals and the means to achieve them●Resources required (time, money, personnel) and of milestones that have been or will beachieved●Assumptions that were made in determining how the project's goals will be met●Project risks as well as the associated risk response plansThe template provides the structure for the central parts of most projects, however more plans maybe needed depending on the specific project requirements. The project manager must exercise sound business judgment to determine whether the template has the adequate sections or not. If not, the project manager decides whether to include more sections in the template or to develop separate plans.The template does not include sections for:●Quality Plan●Acceptance Test Plan●Deployment Plan●Configuration Management Plan●Contract and Procurement Plan●Warranty Plan●Support PlanAudience:The primary audience for the Project Management Plan document is HW management, who approves the plan.An adapted version of this Project Management Plan may also be shared with the customer because, for the solution to be a success, the customer must "buy into" the plan for producing it.Finally, a completed Project Management Plan may be used as a reference document by project teams and project managers involved in related or similar efforts.TeamPlay Users:If you have, or will, produce a Project Data Sheet (PDS), you are not required to complete every section described in this template. TeamPlay users with a PDS must complete the following sections:●Introduction: definitions, terms and abbreviations●Resources -the entire section●Communication - the entire section●Project Processes - entire sectionCustomer Version:Before distributing this Project Management Plan it must be adapted to remove proprietary information. The project manager, together with HW management, must determine what information in the plan is appropriate to give the customer and how best to provide it (e.g., sections 4. Activitiesand Estimates, 6. Resources, and 8. Project Risks are critical to revise and/or remove before distribution).References:Visit the HW Global Method website to see a number of references to aid in project planning, including:●PJM0100G Applying Global Method PM Guide●PJM1100G Integration Management Guide●PJM1300G Issue Management Guide●PJM1400G Change Control Guide●PJM2101G Scope Management Guide●PJM2150G Work Breakdown Structure Guide●PJM3100G Time Management Guide●PJM4100G Cost Management Guide●PJM5100G Quality Management Guide●PJM6100G HR Management Guide●PJM6500G PMO Practices & Procedures Guide●PJM7100G Communications Management Guide●PJM7150G Project Document Management Guide●PJM8100G Risk Management Guide●PJM9100G Procurement Management Guide1.Executive Summary[At a minimum, include:The project nameThe customer nameAll locations involvedA brief project historyA description of the projectA description of the solution to be deliveredAny other information relevant to the project]Table 1.1 Project Summary2.Introduction2.1.Customer’s Purpose and Goals[Briefly describe the customer’s business needs and problems, explain what the purpose of the project is from a customer perspective.]Table 2.1 Triggering Problems/Opportunities:2.2.Project Goals and Strategy[Describe the project goals, and how they will be met – for example, through a turnkey solution, a partnership with the customer, or integration with third-party solutions. Describe how this project is aligned with / impacts the strategy for the account.]2.3.Constituent Projects[List constituent projects of this project/program. Identify project managers both for HW and third party projects. Cover customer managed project when appropriate.]2.4.Critical Success Factors[Describe the items that need to be in place for the project to be successful.]2.5.Key Milestones[Summarise from the milestone table in section 5.2]2.6.Assumptions[List the assumptions on which the HW solution has been built.]2.7.Constraints and Dependencies[Describe the limitations and external dependencies that could impact the success of the project. Describe the interfaces to organisations external to the project that are essential to its success.] 2.8.Definitions[Describe any terms, acronyms and abbreviations required to understand this document.]2.8.1.Terms2.8.2.Abbreviations3.Scope & WBS3.1.Solution Overview[Provide a high-level description of HW's solution.]3.2.Scope[Provide a statement that describes the limits of the project (describe the what, the who, the where, and the quality criteria of the project). Document what the project will not address.]Table 3.1 Logical Boundaries - What's In, What's Out3.3.Project Deliverables[List the major project deliverables, and refer to the document where the detailed descriptions of the deliverables and sub-deliverables can be found.]Table 3.2 Deliverables Overview3.4.WBS[Provide a graphical or tabular overview of th e project’s WBS, or refer to the document where the WBS can be found.]4.Activities and Estimates4.1.Activities and Estimates[Breakdown the project deliverables and sub-deliverables into activities and provide the following information per activity: activity description, effort estimates, resources/skills required, and the name of the responsible person.]Table 4.1 Activities and Estimates5.Schedule5.1.Project Schedule[Include a high-level schedule for the major deliverables listed in the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). For each primary deliverable, include duration, start date and end date. Or if a Microsoft Project schedule has been created, a high-level (collapsed) version can be pasted into this section; however, do not paste in the detailed Microsoft Project Gantt Chart.]Table 5.1 Schedule Summaryestone List[Detail the major milestones for the project and indicate the status of the milestones at any given time during the project.]Table 5.2 Project Milestones6.Resources6.1.Project Organisation Structure[Insert organisational chart]6.2.Responsibilities[Define the responsibilities for each resource on the organisation chart ---- HW, the customer, and all internal and external participants.]Table 6.2 Project Responsibilities[List the internal HW resources that are indirectly involved in the project (account manager, financial analyst, legal support, etc.)]Table 6.3 HW Internal Management & Supporting Responsibilities6.3.Material and Supplies Resources[Identify the material and supplies that are needed for each phase. Describe the requirements for telephone access, reprographics support, special technical equipment, and any special computer system needed.]6.4.Facilities[Describe the requirements for workspace, office space, or any special facility requirement.]6.5.Othermunication7.1.Stakeholders[Provide list of stakeholders contact information. List all individuals who are directly and indirectly involved with the project.]Table 7.1 StakeholdersTable 7.2 Organisational Impact7.2.Status Meetings[Define the type and frequency of control / status meetings, and identify meeting participants] Table 7.3 Status Meetings7.3.Status Reporting[Describe the required status reporting requirements for the project. Include details for status reporting to the customer, to internal HW individuals and groups, and to the project manager from project team.]Table 7.4 Status Reporting8.Project Risks8.1.Risk Identification, Assessment and Risk Responses[List the risks that have been prioritised, provide a brief description of the impact of the risk if it occurs. List the risk response strategy that has been chosen for each risk (Avoidance, Transference, Mitigation, or Acceptance), and attach the latest copies of the Risk Response Plan. If risks are identified and responses are planned in a risk log, then attach a copy of the risk log here.]Table 8.1 Project Risk Overview8.2.Risk Management Plan[Describe how the risk management of the project will be performed. Describe the planned frequency for reviewing the project risks, and how the project risks will be monitored and tracked. Engagements with HWS Total Contract Value > $500K US cannot use this section and must create a separate risk management plan using PJM8120 Risk Management Plan template.]9.Project ProcessesTable 9.1 Process Summary9.1.Project Tracking and Control[Describe the project tracking and control processes e.g. for cost, scope, schedule. Refer to section 7.2 Status Meeting and 7.3 Status Reporting as appropriate.]9.2.Change Control Process[Define the change control process that will be used by the project. Specify how to initiate a change request, how changes will be evaluated and how change requests will be approved or rejected. Specify use of the Change Request template and the Change Request Log.]9.3.Customer Acceptance Process[Describe the process that will be used to obtain the client’s acceptance for project deliverables.] 9.4.Issue Management and Escalation Process[Clearly define the process to be followed for issues and escalations. Include impact criteria relevant for the project. Specify use of the Issue Report template and the Issue Log.]9.5.Warranty[Describe the approach to provide warranty for the project’s products and or services. Describe any warranty processes. Identify and estimate the resources required to provide warranty services.] 10.Appendices10.1.Supplemental Plans[A project management plan can be supported by supplemental plans. These supplemental plans can provide additional details if required. Insert any supplemental plans here or specify where they are located. Supplemental plans may be formal documents that are very detailed or they may be more informal and less detailed, depending on the project.][Supplemental plans recorded in separate files can be added as embedded objects (as an icon). How to:-In the menu bar under “Insert”, choose “Object”-Choose “Create from File” and browse to find the file you want to attach-Check the field saying: “Display as icon”. (Do NOT check the field saying: “link to file”)-Click OK]Acceptance Test Plan - defines the how the solution acceptance processes will be managed for the project. This includes definition of key testing milestones, resources, tasks and schedule as well as the overall strategy and approach for acceptance testing.Communications Management Plan - defines procedures for storing documents, details on how information will be distributed, descriptions of the types of information that will be distributed, aschedule for the distribution, details on how to access information, and the process for updating the plan itself.Cost Management Plan - describes how cost variances will be identified and managed.Procurement Management Plan - defines how all the Procurement Management processes will be managed for the project. This may include what types of contracts will be used, what standard documents are available and where to find them, what the team is responsible for vs. the purchasing department, and what system will be used for selecting vendors.Quality Management Plan - describes how quality management activities will be structured and performed to implement the project quality system.Risk Response Plan - For each key risk, describes the actions that will be taken for the chosen response technique.Schedule Management Plan - provides information on how to manage changes to the schedule. This will often reference an existing change management procedure or forms with any specifics, if applicable.Scope Management Plan - documents the expected stability of the project and how the project scope will be managed, including the approach for accepting scope changes including their identification and classification.Solution Support Plan - provides the information needed by an operational support manager to identify, plan, and organise the implementation of all operational support for a specific solution delivered during the installation and operation phases of project life cycle.Staffing Management Plan - defines how and when staff will be engaged for the project. This plan typically becomes more formal as the size and complexity of the project increases. A more detailed plan might include a resource histogram to show the rise and fall of resource requirements for the project.10.2.Attachments[List all attachments and reference documents here.]Table 10.1 Other Attachments and References。
project management项目管理计划书,英文版
![project management项目管理计划书,英文版](
G M303P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N TName: Sixiao WuID: 5053500160BBA & Batch: 7-2As a result of project management's superiority and the characteristic, it may apply nearly in any single case. Launches a satellite, the Olympic Games, the presidential election, a wedding ceremony, even is the supper. This concept looks like very complicate but really useful. Here is an easy way to make it so shallow and clear that it is easy to understand. Everybody knows pretty much about dinner, because we eat every night. The process of dinner preparing is typical projects which are unique, disposable and irreversible. Let’s see how PM theory is in an ordinaries matter to give full play in the daily life.Well begun is half done。
Only achieves the project goal called successful. But the goal was determined when we starting. Specifically speaking, this process needs to analyze the relate person, the determination project goal as well as discovers the restriction factor and the supposition.Analyzes the relate person's demand and affects the project successful standard objectively achieves the project goal, subjectively is the relate person is satisfied. Satisfaction premise is understood that relate person demand, what needs to pay attention, one is the relate person is not explicit expresses the latent demand, project manager needs to have the outstanding communication ability to understand that its potential demand, another spot is the project relate person the demand is often inconsistent, will be sometimes contradictory, we must record their respective demand, and will try to let it balanced.After understanding demand issues, needs to transform the demand as the concrete goal. The goal and the demand are different, the demand is one kind of feeling, but the goal must be conforms to the SMART principle (concretely, to be possible to weigh, May to realize related, has time limit). The project goal may describe from four aspects: The scope (what to do what not to do), progress (which means to do the m atter, when and what will do, and how much time will takes to do), the cost (spends how much money), the quality (achieves up to goal requisition).Now we will use those theories to deal with real case, first of all we should:Establishing objectivesThe definite supper project's goal is as follows:1) Scope goal: The achievement must include 4 main dish, 1 soup and thestaple food (rice or anything else), in matching needs to have food and soup, hot and cold dish.2) The progress goal: The project must complete in 2 hours, the starttime is 4:00 pm, and completes the time for 6:00 pm3) The quality objectives: yummy and health.4) Cost goal: The direct cost is raw material cost; the indirect costs arethe water, the electricity and so on.Priority targetusually the relate person will set many goals, some goals will sometimes be contradictory, for instance the wish scope must wide, the progress probably quick, the cost probably few, the quality be as well as possible. At this moment, we must determine which one should coming first. The advantage is: May concentrate the energy to satisfy the critical target.WBS Work break-dow n scheduleFormulates WBS is the relapse process, needs to discuss repeatedly. Below is my supper project WBS (graph 1).The most underlying bed is the work package, is the noun (cooks spareribs in here is dish name). Under initial WBS the main food has included the rice, the Dumpling, Deep-fried dough cake; Because the wheaten food works complex, considered the time limit is improper, if goes out to purchase needs to spend the extra cost, therefore we cut ii off, determined finally the main food work package is the rice.Organization:Now we clear project's scope and the step, then, needed to det ermine the project essential activity. Saving of time's best method only does the essential matter, what is called the essential matter? It cans influential the final result direct. Many people in the routine work, are accustomed to the motion, is not accustomed to the ponder matter's necessity, causes the wasted effort. How to determine that which move are necessary. May decomposed each work package, must ponder to obtain this work package, and needs to engage in any concrete activity. At this moment, may use the active detailed list (to see graph 2) to organized activities.Determining the project scheduleAfter determining which the essential activities are, analysis it logistically, be sure the order. The method is simple, to each activity, before starting it which process has to complete? And end of this part what we have to deal with? After analyzing the order, for direct-viewing expression activity logical relation we should draw up the network chart clearly (to see graph 3). Through the network chart, may let a staff clear their duty, reduces the manager spend the time in coordinated aspect. After completing the network chart, might find the longest way, this way was the critical path. In critical path's activity needs to pay attention highly, because of the key activity's delay, will cause the project progress to have the problem.Gantt chartWinds the chart to be able to express the logical relation.We are wondering let the management has direct-viewing, understand the project progress clearly. We use the Gantt chart to express the final progress chart. The Gantt chart usually (sees graph4) Left side to list the active name, the upper right tell time rod, right expresses each active lasting with the by-way.In this case, we put this project into 3 different PM theory model to explore how it works.I Cycle theoryAccording to cycle theory, “the supper project”may divide into it such several project stages:1). Initiating a project: decide have dinner tonight at home, makes theapproximate time to arrange2). Demand investigation: Asks that the family members what they want3). Demand analysis: consider about all related Factors overall evaluationseason, weather, control body weight, definite cuisine4). System design: Designs each vegetable the main dish and condiment5). Development: Goes out to purchase, then starts to prepare food6). System test: Tastes7). Deployed: Sets the table eats meal8). Project conclusion: Tidies up dishes and bowlsII CMMI1). PP(project planning): Does the plan supper's cookbook, which rawmaterials need to purchase, makes the approximate time to arrange2). PMC (project track and monitoring): Inspect every time after completea step, if overtime has made essential adjustment3). RM(requirements management): Carries on the management to thefamily member to the cuisine request, guaranteed that each request is managed, or is satisfied, or is cancelled, or is changed4). CM(disposition management): To supper preparation process's eachfinished product, the half-finished product and other sideline products carry on the management;5). MA (measure and analysis): make forecasting, to measure and analysisevery detail of raw material, operating time and so on.6). PPQA(process and product quality guarantee) - - carry on theappraisal regularly to the supper preparation process, make sure each single process in our plan, and the result pass muster;7). SAM(supplier management) If we outsourcing part of job in thepreparation process. Such as on-line order partial raw materials or something else, we need to monitor and charge it and finally let everything going well.III PMPAccording to the PMP project management system, “the supper project”will be divided into the following of knowledge:1). Scope management: Definite cookbook2). Quality control:Guarantees raw material to be fresh, the vegetableflavor conforms to the family member to request3). Procurement management: If on-line ordered the red wine or other rawmaterials, we need to charge on the due time and goods by delivers 4). Time management:In the entire supper project process, guaranteedthat completes according to the plan progress5). Human resources management:If have several helper to work with,must charge on everyone’s task and division6). Risk management: The attention distinguishes and monitors each kindof contingency which in the whole process possibly appears, and draws up contingency plan7). Cost management:Guaranteed that this supper do not exceedexpenditures8). Communication management: In the supper preparation's process, mustto each person (for instance family member) the prompt notification progress, if the somebody's demand changes, must communicate promptly9). Whole management: As the supper preparation's person in charge, must carry on to above each aspect work supervises and controlsConclusionNow we know about the project management knowledge, when actually implements the project, many people easy to neglected one thing. Decision-making is rash, plan is not thorough, execution is not firm, controlling is ineffectual, so is definitely impossible to have a happy ending. Induces, I find this model which such simple may operate:A goal: As the project, its major goal must be correct, clear and feasible.Three management:Resource management, communication m anagement, risk management。
3m大项目管理方案As a project manager, I have been tasked with developing a comprehensive project management plan for the 3M project. This is a large-scale project that requires careful planning and execution to ensure its success. In order to meet the requirements of the project, I will outline the key components of the project management plan below.1. Project Scope: It is essential to clearly define the scope of the project to avoid any misunderstandings or scope creep. This includes identifying the project objectives, deliverables, and constraints. For example, the scope of the 3M project may include developing a new product line, expanding into new markets, and increasing profitability.项目管理方案:作为项目经理,我被委以任务为3M大项目制定一份全面的项目管理方案。
1. 项目范围,明确定义项目的范围是至关重要的,以避免任何误解或范围蔓延。
(完整版)项目管理计划模板项目管理计划模板1. 引言该项目管理计划模板旨在为项目团队提供一个指导文档,以协调和管理整个项目的各个方面。
2. 项目背景在本节中,将对项目的背景进行详细描述。
3. 项目范围和目标在本节中,将定义项目的范围和目标。
4. 项目组织和角色本节将描述项目组织结构和团队成员的角色和责任。
5. 项目进度计划在本节中,将提供项目进度计划的详细信息。
6. 项目资源和预算在本节中,将描述项目所需的资源,并解释如何获取和分配这些资源。
7. 风险管理在本节中,将分析和评估项目可能面临的风险,并提供相应的应对措施。
8. 沟通和沟通计划在本节中,将描述项目团队之间的沟通方式和频率。
9. 变更管理在本节中,将制定项目变更管理计划。
10. 项目评估和总结在本节中,将定义项目的总结和评估方式。
房屋装修项目管理里程碑计划模板英文回答:Home Renovation Project Management Milestone Plan Template.A home renovation project management milestone plan is a crucial tool for organizing and managing the complex process of renovating a home. It provides a clear roadmap for the project, outlining the key milestones and tasksthat need to be completed, along with their associated timelines and responsibilities.By establishing a comprehensive milestone plan, homeowners and project managers can gain a comprehensive overview of the project's scope and ensure that it remains on track. It allows for effective resource allocation, task prioritization, and risk mitigation, ultimately leading to a successful and efficient renovation.Milestone Plan Structure.A well-structured milestone plan typically includes the following elements:Project Overview: A brief description of the renovation project, its goals, and the scope of work.Milestone Timeline: A detailed schedule of the project milestones, including their start and end dates.Milestone Tasks: A list of the specific tasks associated with each milestone, along with their estimated durations.Task Dependencies: A description of any dependencies between tasks, indicating which tasks must be completed before others can begin.Resource Allocation: An outline of the resources required for each task, such as materials, labor, and equipment.Responsibility Assignment: A clear assignment of responsibilities for completing each task, ensuring accountability and efficient coordination.Progress Tracking: A system for regularly monitoring progress and comparing it to the plan, allowing for timely adjustments and corrective actions if necessary.Benefits of a Milestone Plan.A well-defined milestone plan offers numerous advantages for home renovation projects:Enhanced Planning and Coordination: It provides a clear framework for planning and coordinating the project, ensuring that all stakeholders are aligned on expectations and timelines.Improved Project Visibility: It offers a real-time view of the project's progress, enabling informed decision-making and quick response to any deviations or delays.Risk Mitigation: By identifying potential risks and dependencies, the plan allows for proactive risk management and the implementation of contingency plans.Increased Efficiency: It streamlines the project workflow, eliminates bottlenecks, and optimizes resource utilization, leading to increased efficiency and cost savings.Improved Communication: The milestone plan serves as a central communication tool, fostering collaboration and ensuring that all project participants are kept informed of progress and changes.Creating a Milestone Plan.The process of creating a milestone plan typically involves the following steps:1. Define Project Goals: Clearly define the renovation project's goals, scope, and constraints.2. Identify Milestones: Break down the project into smaller, manageable milestones that represent significant phases or stages of the renovation.3. Establish Timeline: Estimate the start and end dates for each milestone, taking into account task dependencies and resource availability.4. List Tasks: Create a comprehensive list of tasks associated with each milestone, including their estimated durations and resource requirements.5. Assign Responsibilities: Clearly assign responsibilities for completing each task, ensuring thatall tasks have a designated owner.6. Monitor Progress: Regularly track and compare progress to the plan, identifying any deviations or delays.7. Make Adjustments: As needed, make adjustments to the milestone plan based on progress monitoring and unforeseencircumstances.Conclusion.A robust home renovation project management milestone plan is an indispensable tool for ensuring the successful execution of a renovation project. By providing a clear roadmap, facilitating coordination, and enabling proactive risk management, a well-defined milestone plan empowers homeowners and project managers to navigate the complexities of a renovation and achieve their desired outcomes.中文回答:房屋装修项目管理里程碑计划模板。
项目建议书范本英文回答:Project Proposal Template。
1. Executive Summary。
Briefly describe the project, its objectives, and its expected outcomes.State the problem or opportunity that the project addresses.2. Project Description。
Provide a detailed description of the project, including:Scope and deliverables。
Methods and techniques。
Timeline and milestones。
3. Market Analysis。
Describe the target market for the project and its needs.Analyze the competition and identify potential opportunities.4. Project Management Plan。
Outline the project management plan, including:Team structure and roles。
Communication and reporting。
Risk management。
Budget and resource allocation。
5. Evaluation Plan。
Describe the plan for evaluating the project's success, including:Metrics and indicators。
Data collection and analysis。
6. Conclusion。
Summarize the project's key points and reiterate its expected outcomes.Example:Project: Developing a Mobile App for Online Grocery Shopping。
aspice项目管理计划书案例English answer:ASPICE Project Management Plan Example.1. Introduction.The purpose of this document is to provide an example of a project management plan (PMP) for an Automotive SPICE (ASPICE) project. ASPICE is an automotive-specific implementation of the ISO/IEC 15504 standard for software process improvement.2. Project Overview.The name of the project is "ASPICE Level 3Certification Project." The project will be executed by the "Automotive Software Development Team" within the "ABC Company." The project will start on "January 1, 2023" and is expected to be completed by "December 31, 2023." Theproject budget is "$1,000,000."3. Project Goals.The goals of the project are to:Achieve ASPICE Level 3 certification for the software development process.Improve the quality of the software developed by the team.Reduce the cost of software development.Increase customer satisfaction.4. Project Scope.The scope of the project includes the following:The software development process for the ABC Company's automotive software products.The processes that are required to achieve ASPICE Level 3 certification.The resources that are required to achieve the project goals.5. Project Deliverables.The deliverables of the project include the following:An ASPICE Level 3 certification report.A set of process improvement recommendations.A training plan for the team.6. Project Risks.The following are some of the risks that could impact the project:The team may not have the necessary skills and experience to achieve ASPICE Level 3 certification.The project may not be completed on time or within budget.The project may not achieve the desired results.7. Project Management.The project will be managed by a project manager who will be responsible for the overall planning, execution, and control of the project. The project manager will be supported by a project team that will include representatives from the software development team, the quality assurance team, and the business unit.8. Project Schedule.The project schedule is as follows:Phase 1: Planning (January 1 March 31, 2023)。
项目管理计划模板一、项目概述项目名称:项目目标:项目背景:项目范围:项目参与方:(包括项目经理、项目团队成员、利益相关方等)二、项目管理团队项目经理:- 职责:- 技能要求:- 项目经验:项目团队成员:- 成员1:- 职责:- 技能要求:- 成员2:- 职责:- 技能要求:其他利益相关方:- 利益相关方1:- 职责:- 期望:- 利益相关方2:- 职责:- 期望:三、项目范围管理3.1 项目范围定义- 目标:- 交付物:- 排除的内容:3.2 工作分解结构(WBS) - WBS级别1:- WBS级别2:- WBS级别3:3.3 项目范围确认- 确认标准:- 确认方法:3.4 项目范围控制- 变更请求的评审和批准流程: - 变更影响评估和决策流程:四、项目进度管理4.1 项目进度计划- 项目关键里程碑:- 项目阶段和交付物对应计划: - 进度计划工具:4.2 项目进度控制- 进度控制工具和技术:- 进度控制指标:- 进度报告频率:五、项目成本管理5.1 项目预算估算- 预算估算方法:- 成本预算分配:5.2 项目成本控制- 成本控制工具和技术: - 成本控制指标:- 成本报告频率:六、项目质量管理6.1 质量标准- 质量标准定义:- 质量标准测量方法: 6.2 质量保证- 质量保证活动:- 质量保证评估方法: 6.3 质量控制- 质量控制活动:- 质量控制工具和技术:七、项目风险管理7.1 风险识别- 风险识别方法:- 风险清单:7.2 风险评估- 风险评估方法:- 风险评估工具:7.3 风险应对策略- 风险应对策略定义:- 风险应对策略选取依据: 7.4 风险监控- 风险监控指标:- 风险监控方法:八、项目沟通管理8.1 沟通需求分析- 沟通需求分析方法:- 沟通渠道:8.2 沟通计划- 沟通计划内容:- 沟通计划传达方式: 8.3 沟通执行与监控- 沟通执行控制方法: - 沟通监控指标:九、项目采购管理9.1 采购需求分析- 采购需求分析方法: - 采购计划:9.2 供应商评估与选择 - 供应商评估方法: - 供应商选择依据: 9.3 合同签订与执行- 合同签订流程:- 合同执行控制方法:十、项目干系人管理10.1 干系人识别与分类- 干系人识别方法:- 干系人分类:10.2 干系人沟通计划- 沟通需求分析方法:- 沟通渠道:10.3 干系人参与和支持- 干系人参与策略:- 干系人支持工具与技术:十一、项目变更管理11.1 变更识别与评估- 变更识别方法:- 变更评估流程:11.2 变更控制- 变更控制流程:- 变更控制工具与技术:结束语:本项目管理计划模板旨在帮助项目管理团队全面了解和控制项目的范围、进度、成本、质量、风险、沟通、采购、干系人等关键管理方面。
二、项目概述1. 项目背景在本节中,描述项目的背景和动机,以及项目的目的和范围。
2. 项目参与方列出项目的重要参与方,例如项目发起人、项目经理、团队成员等。
可以基于项目管理知识体系(如PMBOK)来组织这些过程,包括但不限于以下内容:1. 项目启动在项目启动阶段,需要进行项目授权、确定项目范围、建立项目团队等相关活动。
2. 需求管理在需求管理阶段,需要明确项目的需求,并制定相应的需求管理计划。
3. 范围管理在范围管理阶段,需要明确和管理项目的范围,确保交付的产品或服务与项目需求一致。
4. 进度管理在进度管理阶段,需要制定项目的时间表,并跟踪项目的进度。
5. 成本管理在成本管理阶段,需要制定项目的预算,并监控项目的成本。
6. 质量管理在质量管理阶段,需要制定项目的质量标准,并确保项目的交付物符合质量要求。
7. 风险管理在风险管理阶段,需要识别和评估项目的风险,并制定相应的风险应对计划。
8. 采购管理在采购管理阶段,需要确定项目的采购需求,并管理项目的供应商和合同。
9. 沟通管理在沟通管理阶段,需要制定项目的沟通计划,并确保项目团队和参与方之间的有效沟通。
10. 人力资源管理在人力资源管理阶段,需要确定项目所需的人力资源,并管理团队的组织和发展。
四、项目控制与监督本节中描述项目的控制与监督机制,包括但不限于以下内容:1. 进度控制与监督描述如何跟踪和监督项目的进度,并及时采取措施进行调整和纠正。
2. 成本控制与监督描述如何跟踪和监督项目的成本,并及时采取措施进行控制和核算。
pmp 项目管理计划
![pmp 项目管理计划](
pmp 项目管理计划Project Management Plan1. IntroductionThis Project Management Plan outlines the planned activities, resources, budget and timeline for completion of the Project. This Project Management Plan will be used as the primary source of information by the Project Manager and Project Team for managing the project and providing a baseline to measure progress and performance.2. Project DescriptionThe project at hand is to develop an automated system for processing payments and invoices. The system will receive customer payments, process them, and generate invoices. The system should be designed to integrate into the existing business systems and be highly secure.3. Goals and ObjectivesThe goal of this project is to successfully develop and test a payment and invoice processing system that meets the needs of the customer.Objectives of this project include:- Design and develop a secure and efficient payment andinvoice processing system.- Ensure that the system is compliant with all relevant laws and regulations.- Integrate the system with the existing business systems. - Ensure customer satisfaction with the system’s performance.4. ScopeThe scope of this project covers the design, development, implementation, testing and training of the payment and invoice processing system.5. RequirementsThe system must meet the following requirements:- The system must be secure and protect customer data from unauthorized access.- The system must be able to process payments and generate invoices.- The system must be able to integrate with the existing business systems.- The system must be compliant with all relevant laws and regulations.6. Roles and ResponsibilitiesThe Project Manager will be responsible for the overallmanagement of the project, ensuring that all requirements are met and deadlines are met. The Project Team will include the following roles and responsibilities:- Project Manager: Responsible for overseeing the project, setting deadlines, and ensuring the project is completed on time and within budget.- Developer: Responsible for designing, developing, and testing the payment and invoice processing system.- Tester: Responsible for verifying the accuracy and functionality of the system.- Trainer: Responsible for training users on the use of the system.7. Budget and TimelineThe estimated budget for this project is $50,000. The estimated timeline for completion of the project is 4 months.8. Communication PlanThe communication plan for this project will include daily status updates, weekly progress reports, and monthly project reviews with the Project Manager.9. Risk ManagementThe risks associated with this project include potential delays due to integration issues, budget overruns, and datasecurity issues. The project team will establish a risk management plan to identify and mitigate potential risks.10. ConclusionThis Project Management Plan outlines the steps and resources required to successfully implement and manage the project. By following this plan, the project team will be able to successfully complete the project on time and within budget.。
<Project Name>Project Management PlanVersion <x.x> [Note: The following template is provided for use in Xavor projects. Text enclosed in square brackets and displayed in blue italics (style=InfoBlue) is included to provide guidance to the author and should be deleted before publishing the document.]Revision History[For every revision of this document, provide the revision history that should include the date of revision, version number, description of the changes in the document, and author of the document for that particular version.]Distribution List[State the persons/teams/groups to whom this document should be distributed whenever the document is revised. Also state the name of their parent organization.]Table of Contents1.Introduction 51.1Purpose 51.2Scope 51.3Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations 51.4References 51.5Overview 52.Project Overview 62.1Project Name, Code and Leader 62.2Project Purpose, Scope and Objectives 62.3Assumptions and Constraints 62.3.1Critical Assumptions and Constraints 62.3.2Non-Critical Assumptions and Constraints 62.4Project Milestones 62.5Project Deliverables 62.6Tailoring Guidelines 72.7Software Development Life Cycle 73.Project Organization 83.1Organizational Structure 83.2External Interfaces 103.3Roles and Responsibilities 103.3.1<Organizational Unit Name> 104.Management Process 114.1Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 114.2Project Estimates 114.2.1Estimation Technique 114.2.2Size 114.2.3Effort 114.3Project Schedule 114.3.1Pre-Development Schedule 114.3.2Development Schedule 114.4Project Phases, Iterations and Releases 114.4.1Project Phases 114.4.2Project Iterations 114.4.3Releases 114.5Project Resourcing 114.5.1Staffing 114.5.2Resource Acquisition 124.5.3Training 124.6Project Budget 124.7Project Monitoring and Control 124.7.1Schedule Control 124.7.2Budget Control 124.7.3Measurements 124.8Risk Management Plan 124.9Project Closure 125.Technical Process Plans 135.1User Experience Design 135.2Requirements Management 135.3Analysis and Design 135.4Development Plan 135.5Peer Review Plan 135.6Project Maintenance 135.7Test Plan 135.8Tools, Techniques and Standards 135.8.1Tools 135.8.2Techniques and Standards 145.9Infrastructure 145.10Facilities 145.11Security Plan 146.Supporting Process Plans 156.1Configuration Management Plan 156.2Documentation 156.3Software Quality Assurance Plan 156.4Intergroup Coordination 156.5Communication 156.6Problem Resolution 156.7Subcontractor Management 157.Additional plans 168.Appendices 16Project Management Plan1. Introduction[The introduction of the Project Management Plan should provide an overview of the entiredocument. It should include the purpose, scope, definitions, acronyms, abbreviations, references and overview of this Project Management Plan.]1.1 Purpose[Specify the purpose of this Project Management Plan.]1.2 Scope[A brief description of the scope of this Project Management Plan; what Project(s) it isassociated with, and anything else that is affected or influenced by this document.]1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations[This subsection should provide the definitions of all terms, acronyms, and abbreviationsrequired to interpret properly the Project Management Plan. This information may be provided by reference to the project Glossary.]1.4 References[This subsection should provide a complete list of all documents referenced elsewhere in theProject Management Plan. Each document should be identified by title, report number (ifapplicable), date, and publishing organization. Specify the sources from which the referencescan be obtained. This information may be provided by reference to an appendix or to anotherdocument. For the Project Management Plan, the list of referenced artifacts may include:•Risk Management Plan•User Interfaces Guidelines•Configuration Management Plan•Software Quality Assurance Plan, etc.]1.5 Overview[This subsection should describe what the rest of the Project Management Plan contains andexplain how the document is organized.]2. Project Overview2.1 Project Name, Code and Leader[Specify the project name, project code and project leader (project manager).]Project Name: <Project Name>Project Code: <xxx-xxx>Project Leader: <Name>2.2 Project Purpose, Scope and Objectives[A brief description of the purpose and objectives of this project, and a brief description of whatdeliverables the project is expected to deliver.]2.3 Assumptions and Constraints[A list of assumptions that this plan is based on, and any constraints (e.g. budget, staff, equipment,schedule, etc.) that apply to the project. Make a distinction between critical and non-criticalfactors.]2.3.1 Critical Assumptions and Constraints[State the critical assumptions and constraints affecting the project.]2.3.2 Non-Critical Assumptions and Constraints[State the non-critical assumptions and constraints affecting the project.]2.4 Project Milestones[Tabular list of major milestones to be achieved during the project, with target dates.]2.5 Project Deliverables[Tabular list of the artifacts to be created during the project, with target delivery dates.]2.6 Tailoring Guidelines[Specify the tailoring guidelines for the project.]2.7 Software Development Life Cycle[Specify the Software Development Life Cycle that is to be followed in the project.]3. Project Organization3.1 Organizational Structure[Describe the organizational structure of the project team, including management and otherreview authorities. This should include identification of all project organizational units and adescription of their function and responsibility. A diagram of the organizational structure should also be attached for further illustration.Examples of project organizational units are:•Project Implementation Committee•Project Steering Committee•Project Management Team•Architecture Group•User Experience Design Team•Requirements Team•Analysis and Design Team•Implementation Group•Development Team•Database Management Team•Testing Team•Infrastructure Team•Configuration Management Team•Software Quality Assurance Team, etc.]3.2 External Interfaces[Describe how the project interfaces with external groups. For each external group, identify the internal/external contact names.]3.3 Roles and Responsibilities[Specify the roles, responsibilities and role holders within each organizational unit of the project.] 3.3.1 <Organizational Unit Name>4. Management Process4.1 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)[List the activities necessary for completing the project.]4.2 Project Estimates4.2.1 Estimation Technique[Specify the estimation method and the reason for its choice. Provide the estimated cost as well as the basis for those estimates, and the points/circumstances in the project when re-estimation will occur.]4.2.2 Size[State the size of each activity as calculated according to the estimation technique. Units of size may be in LOC, FP, etc.]4.2.3 Effort[Specify the amount of effort required to perform each activity on the basis of the size estimation.Units may be man-hours, man-days, etc.]4.3 Project Schedule[Diagrams/tables showing target dates for completion of iterations and phases, release points,demos, and other milestones. Critical path must be specified. Usually enclosed by reference to MS Project file.]4.3.1 Pre-Development Schedule[This schedule will cater for project planning, requirements, analysis and design activities.]4.3.2 Development Schedule[This schedule will cater coding, testing and deployment activities.]4.4 Project Phases, Iterations and Releases4.4.1 Project Phases[Identify phases and major milestones with their achievement criteria.]4.4.2 Project Iterations[Specify the number of iterations and list the objectives to be accomplished for each of theiterations.]4.4.3 Releases[Brief descriptions of each software release, whether demo, beta, etc.]4.5 Project Resourcing4.5.1 Staffing[Identify here the numbers and type of staff required (including and special skills or experience), scheduled by project phase or iteration. State what resources are critical.]4.5.2 Resource Acquisition[Describe how you will approach finding and acquiring the staff needed for the project.]4.5.3 Training[List any special training project team members will require, with target dates for when thistraining should be completed.]4.6 Project Budget[Allocation of costs against the WBS and the project phases.]4.7 Project Monitoring and Control4.7.1 Schedule Control[Describes the approach to be taken to monitor progress against the planned schedule and how to take corrective action when required.]4.7.2 Budget Control[Describes the approach to be taken to monitor spending against the project budget and how to take corrective action when required.]4.7.3 Measurements[Describe the types of measurements to be taken, their frequency, and responsibleworkers/entities for this purpose.]4.8 Risk Management Plan[Enclosed by reference]4.9 Project Closure[Describe the activities for the orderly completion of the project, including staff reassignment, archiving of project materials, post-mortem debriefings and reports etc.]5. Technical Process Plans5.1 User Experience Design[Describe the approach that will be adopted with details of processes, procedures, and guidelines to be followed.]5.2 Requirements[Describe the approach that will be adopted with details of processes, procedures, and guidelines to be followed.]5.3 Analysis and Design[Describe the approach that will be adopted with details of processes, procedures, and guidelines to be followed.]5.4 Development Plan[Enclosed by reference]5.5 Peer Review Plan[Specify the work products to be peer reviewed, type of peer review, their frequency, etc.]5.6 Maintenance[Describe details of any software maintenance for the warranty period of the project.]5.7 Test Plan[Enclosed by reference]5.8 Tools, Techniques and Standards5.8.1 Tools5.8.1.1 Project Management Tools[Specify the project management tools that are to be used in the project and the reasons for their selection. Examples of areas to be covered are project planning, project scheduling, projectmonitoring, status reporting, measurements, etc. Examples of these tools are MS Project, etc.] Requirements Management Tools[Specify the requirements management tools that are to be used in the project and the reasons for their selection. Examples of areas to be covered are requirements gathering, requirement issueresolution, requirement change management, measurements, etc. Examples of these tools areRational Requisite Pro, EINS, etc.] System Analysis & Design Tools[Specify the system analysis and design tools that are to be used in the project and the reasonsfor their selection. Examples of tools in this area are Visio, Rational Rose, Power Designer etc.] Languages[Specify the languages that are to be used for software development in the project and thereasons for their selection. Examples of languages are HTML, Java, etc.] User-Interface Development Tools[Specify the tools that are to be used for UI development in the project and the reasons for their selection. Examples of these tools can be Dreamweaver, Flash, etc.] Database Management System Software[Specify the database management system software that is to be used in the project and thereasons for their selection. Examples of these tools are Oracle, SQL Server, etc.] Third Party Software[Specify any third party software that is to be used in the project and the reasons for theirselection. Examples are Inktomi, Infranet, etc.] Software Testing Tools[Specify the software testing tools that are to be used in the project and the reasons for theirselection. Examples of these tools are WinRunner, LoadRunner, etc.] Defect and Change Management Tools[Specify the defect and change management tools that are to be used in the project and thereasons for their selection. Examples of these tools are ClearQuest, etc.] Configuration Management Tools[Specify the configuration management tools that are to be used in the project and the reasonsfor their selection. Examples of these tools are ClearCase, etc.] Integrated Development Environment[Specify the operating systems (platforms), web servers, application servers, development servers that are to be used in the project and the reasons for their selection. Examples of these tools are Sun Solaris, iPlanet, JBuilder, WebSphere, etc.]5.8.2 Techniques and Standards[Lists the documented project technical standards etc by reference. Examples may be:User-Interface GuidelinesProgramming GuidelinesTest Guidelines, etc.]5.9 Infrastructure[Specify hardware, network connectivity, bandwidth, etc., required in this project. Make a clear distinction about what factors are critical.]5.10 Facilities[Describe the facilities required for the execution of the project. This will cover physicalworkspace, buildings, etc.]5.11 Security Plan[List down the security consideration e.g. of security can be operating system, access controls to site/product, physical security considerations.]6. Supporting Process Plans6.1 Configuration Management Plan[Enclosed by reference]6.2 Documentation[Specify the documents that will be produced in the project, what document templates will beused, and any other information pertaining to documentation.]6.3 Software Quality Assurance Plan[Enclosed by reference]6.4 Intergroup Coordination[Describe how different project groups will communicate with one another; specify dependencies, and commitments.]6.5 Communication[Specify how various workers/units/entities, both within and outside the project team, willcommunicate with each other.]6.6 Problem Resolution[Describe the approach for resolving issues in the project, escalation procedures, etc.]6.7 Subcontractor Management[If subcontractors are involved in the project give details of what kind of contractors are required for various tasks, the duration for which they are required and how they will be managed.]7. Additional plans[Additional plans if required by contract or regulations.] 8. Appendices[Attach any supplementary information.]。
项目管理计划模板项目管理计划书项目管理计划模板项目名称:XXXX项目管理计划书1. 引言项目管理计划书是为了规划、指导和控制项目执行而制定的一份重要文档。
2. 项目概述项目概述部分需要对项目的背景信息和目标进行描述。
3. 项目组织结构该部分需要详细说明项目的组织结构和团队成员的职责。
4. 项目范围项目范围部分需要明确定义项目的具体范围,并说明项目的目标、可交付成果以及包含和不包含在项目范围内的工作内容。
5. 项目进度计划在项目进度计划中,需要详细定义项目的里程碑和关键任务,建立起项目执行的时间框架。
6. 项目成本计划项目成本计划需要对项目的各项成本进行预估和规划。
7. 项目质量计划在项目质量计划中,需要明确项目的质量目标和质量标准。
8. 项目风险管理计划项目风险管理计划需要对项目可能面临的各种风险进行分析和评估,并制定相应的风险应对措施。
9. 项目沟通计划项目沟通计划需要明确项目各方之间的沟通方式和频率。
10. 项目干系人管理计划项目干系人管理计划需要识别和分析项目的各方利益相关者,并制定相应的管理策略。
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Xavor Corporation<Project Name>Project Management PlanVersion <x.x> [Note: The following template is provided for use in Xavor projects. Text enclosed in square brackets and displayed in blue italics (style=InfoBlue) is included to provide guidance to the author and should be deleted before publishing the document.]Organization Level Template CMM – Xavor Corporation Document #:XVR.0002/PMPVer.:Title:1. Project Management PlanPage #:2 of 17 Revision History[For every revision of this document, provide the revision history that should include the date of revision, version number, description of the changes in the document, and author of the document for that particular version.]Date Version Description Author<dd/mm/yyyy> <x.x> <Details> <Name>Distribution List[State the persons/teams/groups to whom this document should be distributed whenever the document isrevised. Also state the name of their parent organization.]Document Recipient Organization<Role Name> <Organization Name>CMM – Xavor CorporationTitle:1. Project Management PlanPage #:3 of 17 Table of Contents1.Introduction 51.1Purpose 51.2Scope 51.3Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations 51.4References 51.5Overview 62.Project Overview 72.1Project Name, Code and Leader 72.2Project Purpose, Scope and Objectives 72.3Assumptions and Constraints 72.3.1Critical Assumptions and Constraints 72.3.2Non-Critical Assumptions and Constraints 72.4Project Milestones 72.5Project Deliverables 72.6Tailoring Guidelines 82.7Software Development Life Cycle 83.Project Organization 93.1Organizational Structure 93.2External Interfaces 113.3Roles and Responsibilities 113.3.1<Organizational Unit Name> 114.Management Process 124.1Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 124.2Project Estimates 124.2.1Estimation Technique 124.2.2Size 124.2.3Effort 124.3Project Schedule 124.3.1Pre-Development Schedule 124.3.2Development Schedule 124.4Project Phases, Iterations and Releases 124.4.1Project Phases 124.4.2Project Iterations 124.4.3Releases 124.5Project Resourcing 134.5.1Staffing 134.5.2Resource Acquisition 134.5.3Training 134.6Project Budget 13CMM – Xavor CorporationTitle:1. Project Management Plan Page #: 4 of 174.7Project Monitoring and Control 134.7.1Schedule Control 134.7.2Budget Control 134.7.3Measurements 134.8Risk Management Plan 134.9Project Closure 135.Technical Process Plans 145.1User Experience Design 145.2Requirements Management 145.3Analysis and Design 145.4Development Plan 145.5Peer Review Plan 145.6Project Maintenance 145.7Test Plan 145.8Tools, Techniques and Standards 145.8.1Tools 145.8.2Techniques and Standards 155.9Infrastructure 165.10Facilities 165.11Security Plan 166.Supporting Process Plans 166.1Configuration Management Plan 166.2Documentation 166.3Software Quality Assurance Plan 166.4Intergroup Coordination 166.5Communication 166.6Problem Resolution 166.7Subcontractor Management 167.Additional plans 178.Appendices 17CMM – Xavor CorporationTitle:1. Project Management Plan Page #: 5 of 17Project Management Plan1. Introduction[The introduction of the Project Management Plan should provide an overview of the entire document. It should include the purpose, scope, definitions, acronyms, abbreviations, references and overview of this Project Management Plan.]1.1 Purpose[Specify the purpose of this Project Management Plan.]1.2 Scope[A brief description of the scope of this Project Management Plan; what Project(s) it is associated with,and anything else that is affected or influenced by this document.]1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations[This subsection should provide the definitions of all terms, acronyms, and abbreviations required tointerpret properly the Project Management Plan. This information may be provided by reference to the project Glossary.]1.4 References[This subsection should provide a complete list of all documents referenced elsewhere in the ProjectManagement Plan. Each document should be identified by title, report number (if applicable), date, and publishing organization. Specify the sources from which the references can be obtained. This information may be provided by reference to an appendix or to another document. For the Project Management Plan, the list of referenced artifacts may include:•Risk Management Plan•User Interfaces Guidelines•Configuration Management Plan•Software Quality Assurance Plan, etc.]Document Title Publishing Organization<Title> <Organization Name>CMM – Xavor CorporationTitle:1. Project Management Plan Page #: 6 of 171.5 Overview[This subsection should describe what the rest of the Project Management Plan contains and explain how the document is organized.]CMM – Xavor CorporationTitle:1. Project Management Plan Page #: 7 of 172. Project Overview2.1 Project Name, Code and Leader[Specify the project name, project code and project leader (project manager).]Project Name: <Project Name>Project Code: <xxx-xxx>Project Leader: <Name>2.2 Project Purpose, Scope and Objectives[A brief description of the purpose and objectives of this project, and a brief description of whatdeliverables the project is expected to deliver.]2.3 Assumptions and Constraints[A list of assumptions that this plan is based on, and any constraints (e.g. budget, staff, equipment,schedule, etc.) that apply to the project. Make a distinction between critical and non-critical factors.]2.3.1 Critical Assumptions and Constraints[State the critical assumptions and constraints affecting the project.]2.3.2 Non-Critical Assumptions and Constraints[State the non-critical assumptions and constraints affecting the project.]2.4 Project Milestones[Tabular list of major milestones to be achieved during the project, with target dates.]Milestone Target Achievement Date <Milestone Name> <dd/mm/yyyy>2.5 Project Deliverables[Tabular list of the artifacts to be created during the project, with target delivery dates.]Deliverables Target Delivery Date<Deliverable Name> <dd/mm/yyyy>CMM – Xavor CorporationTitle:1. Project Management Plan Page #: 8 of 172.6 Tailoring Guidelines[Specify the tailoring guidelines for the project.]2.7 Software Development Life Cycle[Specify the Software Development Life Cycle that is to be followed in the project.]CMM – Xavor CorporationTitle:1. Project Management Plan Page #: 9 of 173. Project Organization3.1 Organizational Structure[Describe the organizational structure of the project team, including management and other reviewauthorities. This should include identification of all project organizational units and a description of their function and responsibility. A diagram of the organizational structure should also be attached for further illustration.Examples of project organizational units are:•Project Implementation Committee•Project Steering Committee•Project Management Team•Architecture Group•User Experience Design Team•Requirements Team•Analysis and Design Team•Implementation Group•Development Team•Database Management Team•Testing Team•Infrastructure Team•Configuration Management Team•Software Quality Assurance Team, etc.]Organizational Unit Description<Organizational Unit Name> <Description>CMM – Xavor CorporationTitle :1.Project Management Plan Page #:10 of 17Project Team <Project Name>Version: <x.x>Date: <dd/mm/yyyy>Project ManagerProject ManagementTeamProject ArchitectureGroupProjectImplementationGroupUser ExperienceTeamRequirementsTeamSystem Analysis & Design Team System ArchitectureTeam Software DevelopmentTeamTesting TeamDatabase ManagementTeamInfrastructureTeamSoftware ConfigurationTeam Software Quality Assurance TeamCMM – Xavor CorporationTitle:1. Project Management Plan Page #:11 of 173.2 External Interfaces[Describe how the project interfaces with external groups. For each external group, identify the internal/external contact names.]External Organization External Role External RoleHolderResponsibility ofExternal Role HolderInternal ContactRole andPerson<Organization Name> <Role Name> <Role HolderName><Responsibility Details> <Role Name>,<Person Name>3.3 Roles and Responsibilities[Specify the roles, responsibilities and role holders within each organizational unit of the project.]3.3.1 <Organizational Unit Name>Role Responsibility Role Holder<Role Name> <Responsibility Detail> <Role Holder Name>CMM – Xavor CorporationTitle:1. Project Management Plan Page #:12 of 174. Management Process4.1 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)[List the activities necessary for completing the project.]4.2 Project Estimates4.2.1 Estimation Technique[Specify the estimation method and the reason for its choice. Provide the estimated cost as well as thebasis for those estimates, and the points/circumstances in the project when re-estimation will occur.]4.2.2 Size[State the size of each activity as calculated according to the estimation technique. Units of size may be in LOC, FP, etc.]4.2.3 Effort[Specify the amount of effort required to perform each activity on the basis of the size estimation. Unitsmay be man-hours, man-days, etc.]4.3 Project Schedule[Diagrams/tables showing target dates for completion of iterations and phases, release points, demos, and other milestones. Critical path must be specified. Usually enclosed by reference to MS Project file.]4.3.1 Pre-Development Schedule[This schedule will cater for project planning, requirements, analysis and design activities.]4.3.2 Development Schedule[This schedule will cater coding, testing and deployment activities.]4.4 Project Phases, Iterations and Releases4.4.1 Project Phases[Identify phases and major milestones with their achievement criteria.]4.4.2 Project Iterations[Specify the number of iterations and list the objectives to be accomplished for each of the iterations.]4.4.3 Releases[Brief descriptions of each software release, whether demo, beta, etc.]CMM – Xavor CorporationTitle:1. Project Management Plan Page #:13 of 174.5 Project Resourcing4.5.1 Staffing[Identify here the numbers and type of staff required (including and special skills or experience), scheduled by project phase or iteration. State what resources are critical.]4.5.2 Resource Acquisition[Describe how you will approach finding and acquiring the staff needed for the project.]4.5.3 Training[List any special training project team members will require, with target dates for when this trainingshould be completed.]4.6 Project Budget[Allocation of costs against the WBS and the project phases.]4.7 Project Monitoring and Control4.7.1 Schedule Control[Describes the approach to be taken to monitor progress against the planned schedule and how to takecorrective action when required.]4.7.2 Budget Control[Describes the approach to be taken to monitor spending against the project budget and how to takecorrective action when required.]4.7.3 Measurements[Describe the types of measurements to be taken, their frequency, and responsible workers/entities for this purpose.]4.8 Risk Management Plan[Enclosed by reference]4.9 Project Closure[Describe the activities for the orderly completion of the project, including staff reassignment, archiving of project materials, post-mortem debriefings and reports etc.]CMM – Xavor CorporationTitle:1. Project Management Plan Page #:14 of 175. Technical Process Plans5.1 User Experience Design[Describe the approach that will be adopted with details of processes, procedures, and guidelines to befollowed.]5.2 Requirements[Describe the approach that will be adopted with details of processes, procedures, and guidelines to befollowed.]5.3 Analysis and Design[Describe the approach that will be adopted with details of processes, procedures, and guidelines to befollowed.]5.4 Development Plan[Enclosed by reference]5.5 Peer Review Plan[Specify the work products to be peer reviewed, type of peer review, their frequency, etc.]5.6 Maintenance[Describe details of any software maintenance for the warranty period of the project.]5.7 Test Plan[Enclosed by reference]5.8 Tools, Techniques and Standards5.8.1 Tools5.8.1.1 Project Management Tools[Specify the project management tools that are to be used in the project and the reasons for their selection.Examples of areas to be covered are project planning, project scheduling, project monitoring, statusreporting, measurements, etc. Examples of these tools are MS Project, etc.] Requirements Management Tools[Specify the requirements management tools that are to be used in the project and the reasons for theirselection. Examples of areas to be covered are requirements gathering, requirement issue resolution,requirement change management, measurements, etc. Examples of these tools are Rational Requisite Pro, EINS, etc.] System Analysis & Design Tools[Specify the system analysis and design tools that are to be used in the project and the reasons for theirCMM – Xavor CorporationTitle:1. Project Management Plan Page #:15 of 17selection. Examples of tools in this area are Visio, Rational Rose, Power Designer etc.] Languages[Specify the languages that are to be used for software development in the project and the reasons for their selection. Examples of languages are HTML, Java, etc.] User-Interface Development Tools[Specify the tools that are to be used for UI development in the project and the reasons for their selection.Examples of these tools can be Dreamweaver, Flash, etc.] Database Management System Software[Specify the database management system software that is to be used in the project and the reasons fortheir selection. Examples of these tools are Oracle, SQL Server, etc.] Third Party Software[Specify any third party software that is to be used in the project and the reasons for their selection.Examples are Inktomi, Infranet, etc.] Software Testing Tools[Specify the software testing tools that are to be used in the project and the reasons for their selection.Examples of these tools are WinRunner, LoadRunner, etc.] Defect and Change Management Tools[Specify the defect and change management tools that are to be used in the project and the reasons fortheir selection. Examples of these tools are ClearQuest, etc.] Configuration Management Tools[Specify the configuration management tools that are to be used in the project and the reasons for theirselection. Examples of these tools are ClearCase, etc.] Integrated Development Environment[Specify the operating systems (platforms), web servers, application servers, development servers that are to be used in the project and the reasons for their selection. Examples of these tools are Sun Solaris,iPlanet, JBuilder, WebSphere, etc.]5.8.2 Techniques and Standards[Lists the documented project technical standards etc by reference. Examples may be:User-Interface GuidelinesProgramming GuidelinesTest Guidelines, etc.]CMM – Xavor CorporationTitle:1. Project Management Plan Page #:16 of 175.9 Infrastructure[Specify hardware, network connectivity, bandwidth, etc., required in this project. Make a clear distinction about what factors are critical.]5.10 Facilities[Describe the facilities required for the execution of the project. This will cover physical workspace,buildings, etc.]5.11 Security Plan[List down the security consideration e.g. of security can be operating system, access controls tosite/product, physical security considerations.]6. Supporting Process Plans6.1 Configuration Management Plan[Enclosed by reference]6.2 Documentation[Specify the documents that will be produced in the project, what document templates will be used, and any other information pertaining to documentation.]6.3 Software Quality Assurance Plan[Enclosed by reference]6.4 Intergroup Coordination[Describe how different project groups will communicate with one another; specify dependencies, andcommitments.]6.5 Communication[Specify how various workers/units/entities, both within and outside the project team, will communicatewith each other.]6.6 Problem Resolution[Describe the approach for resolving issues in the project, escalation procedures, etc.]6.7 Subcontractor Management[If subcontractors are involved in the project give details of what kind of contractors are required forvarious tasks, the duration for which they are required and how they will be managed.]Organization Level Template CMM – Xavor Corporation Document #:XVR.0002/PMPVer.:Title:1. Project Management Plan Page #:17 of 177. Additional plans[Additional plans if required by contract or regulations.]8. Appendices[Attach any supplementary information.]。