
店铺整理了有关医生和病人的英语对话,欢迎阅读!有关医生和病人的英语对话篇一patient: Nurse, I don't think it fair.病人:护士,我觉得不公。
Nurse: What's so unfair that you are offended?护士:什么事这么不公,冒犯了您?P: I want to have crabs and they just don't give me . I know my time's limited. Some crabs won't ruin them. It’s me who brought them up , you know.病人:我不就是想螃蟹吃吗,可他们就是不给我。
N: Oh, my friend. I think you have wronged your children. They are, frankly speaking, the best children I have ever seen. It took them days running every where to get crabs for you and they even thought of trying another city. But It's Janaury and crabs are not seen this season. If I were you, I would feel quite satisfied. With such dutiful children, why bother with crabs?护士:哟,瞧您说的。

以下是小编为大家精心整理的医务人员常用对话中英文,欢迎大家阅读参考!医务人员对话中英文11. What can I do for you?你有什么事?2.May I help you?我能帮你什么忙?8.Please take a seat!please sit down!请坐下.4.Wait a moment, please.请等一等.5.Sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起让你久等了.6.It is not serious.病情不严重.7.Don't worry.There is nothing to worry about.不必顾虑。
8.You need a thorough examination.你需要做一个全面检查.9.You will have to stay in hospital for sevral days.你需要在医院里住几夭.We think that you had better be hospitalized我们认为你最好住进医院来。
10. You should stay in bed for a few days.你需要卧床几天.11. You can keep on working.You can carry on with your work.可以继续工作。
12. You should be very careful for a week or two这一两周内,你需要很注意。
13. Try to relax and keep calm.尽量放松保持镇静。
14. You'll soon be all right.你很快就会好起来的.15. 1'm sure this medicine will help you a great deal.这药对你肯定会很有效的.16. Feeling well again is a rather slow process,I'm afraid.恐怕痊愈将是一个很慢的过程.17. You will have to wait for twenty minutes.你需要等20分钟.plete recovery will take a rather long time.彻底恢复需要一段很长的时间。

医学英语会话医生篇一、Asking about Symptoms(询问症状)1. Word: Ache- English Explanation: A continuous dull pain.- Phrase: Headache, toothache.- Usage: “I often get an ache in my lower back after sitting for a long time.”- Bilingual Example: “Do yo u have any aches? For example, a headache or a stomachache? I need to know what's wrong with you.”2. Word: Nausea- English Explanation: A feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit.- Phrase: Nausea and vomiting.- Usage: “Sheplained of nausea this morning.”- Bilingual Example: “You look a bit pale. Are you feeling nausea? It could be a sign of many things.”3. Word: Fatigue- English Explanation: Extreme tiredness resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness.- Phrase: Chronic fatigue.- Usage: “Fatigue is amon symptom among patients with certain diseases.”- Bilingual Example: “You seem so tired all the time. Is it just normal fatigue or something more serious? I'm worried about you.”4. Word: Dizziness- English Explanation: A feeling of faintness, unsteadiness, and wooziness.- Phrase: Sudden dizziness.- Usage: “He experienced dizziness when he stood up too quickly.”- Bilingual Example: “Hey, you said you felt funny. Was it dizziness? That can be really concerning.”5. Word: Rash- English Explanation: An area of reddened, inflamed skin.- Phrase: Skin rash.- Usage: “A rash on the body can be caused by various factors.”- Bilingual Example: “I noticed you have a rash o n your arm. What do you think might have caused it? It's important we figure this out.”二、Diagnosing(诊断)6. Word: Diagnosis- English Explanation: The identification of the nature of an illness or other problem by examination of the symptoms.- Phrase: Accurate diagnosis.- Usage: “The doctor's diagnosis was based on a series of tests.”- Bilingual Example: “I've done all these tests, and my diagnosis is that you might have a mild infection. It's not too bad, but we need to treat it.”7. Word: Symptom- English Explanation: A physical or mental feature which is regarded as indicating a condition of disease.- Phrase: Key symptoms.- Usage: “We need to look at all your symptoms to make a proper diagnosis.”- Bilingual Example: “These symptoms you have are like pieces of a puzzle. We have to put them together to figure out what's wrong. Do you understand?”8. Word: Disorder- English Explanation: An illness that disrupts normal physical or mental functions.- Phrase: Mental disorder.- Usage: “There are many different types of disorders that can affec t a person.”- Bilingual Example: “I'm afraid you might be showing signs of a certain disorder. But don't worry, there are treatments available.”9. Word: Illness- English Explanation: A disease or period of sickness affecting the body or mind.- Phrase: Chronic illness.- Usage: “Living with a chronic illness can be very challenging.”- Bilingual Example: “Your symptoms suggest an illness. But we need more information. How long have you been feeling like this? It's crucial for me to k now.”10. Word: Disease- English Explanation: A disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific signsor symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury.- Phrase: Infectious disease.- Usage: “Preventing infectious diseases is very important in public health.”- Bilingual Example: “I suspect you mig ht have a disease.Don't be scared. We'll do more tests to confirm it. Have you been arou nd anyone who was sick lately?”三、Treatment(治疗)11. Word: Treatment- English Explanation: The use of medical methods to try to cure an illness or injury.- Phrase: Medical treatment.- Usage: “The patient is receiving treatment for his heart condition.”- Bilingual Exam ple: “I think the best treatment for you right now is some rest and taking these medications. You'll be okay, trust me.”12. Word: Therapy- English Explanation: Treatment intended to relieve or heal a disorder.- Phrase: Physical therapy.- U sage: “After the accident, he needed physical therapy to regain his mobility.”- Bilingual Example: “We might need to consider therapy for your problem. It could be like a magic wand to make you feel better.”13. Word: Medication- English Explanation: A drug or other form of medicine that is used to treat or prevent illness.- Phrase: Prescription medication.- Usage: “Always follow the doctor's instructions when taking prescription medications.”- Bilingual Example: “I'm going to pres cribe some medication for you. Take it as directed. It's like little soldiers fighting the bad stuff in your body.”14. Word: Cure- English Explanation: A substance or treatment that can end a disease or medical condition.- Phrase: Potential cure.- Usage: “Scientists are constantly searching for a cure for cancer.”- Bilingual Example: “We hope this treatment will be a cure for your ailment. Wouldn't that be great? Just imagine being healthy again.”15. Word: Procedure- English Explanation: A medical operation or treatment.- Phrase: Surgical procedure.- Usage: “The surgical procedure was veryplex but successful.”- Bilingual Example: “We might have to consider a procedure to fix your problem. Are you okay with that? It's a big step, but it could solve everything.”四、Patient Care(病人护理)16. Word: Care- English Explanation: The provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone or something.- Phrase: Patient care.- Usage: “Good patient care is the key to a speedy recovery.”- Bilingual Example: “I want you to know that you'll get the best care here. We'll take care of you like you're family. How does that make you feel?”17. Word: Recovery- English Explanation: The process of bing well again after an illness or injury.- Phrase: Speedy recovery.- Usage: “The doctor wished the patient a speedy recovery.”- Bilingual Example: “Your recovery is our top priority. Do what I say, and you'll be on the road to recovery in no time. Don't you want that?”18. Word: Well - being- English Explanation: The state of beingfortable, healthy, or happy.- Phrase: Mental well - being.- Usage: “We should also focus on the patient's mental well - being during the treatment.”- Bilingual Example: “Your well - being matters to me. I'm not just here to fix your physical problems. How's your mental state? Are you feeling positive?”19. Word: Support- English Explanation: The act of giving assistance, especially financial or practical help.- Phrase: Emotional support.- Usage: “Patients often need emotional support during their illness.”- Bi lingual Example: “I'll give you all the support you need. Emotional support is just as important as medical treatment. You're not alone in this.”20. Word: Health- English Explanation: The state of being free from illness or injury.- Phrase: Public health.- Usage: “Public health initiatives are crucial for the well - being of themunity.”- Bilingual Example: “Your health is in your hands too. I can help, but you need to take care of yourself. Do you understand how important your health i s?”。

四川大学华西临床医学院医学英语(II)-1(全英文)教学大纲(适用专业:临床医学专业五年制)专业外语教研组修订日期:2018年 8 月目录课程介绍……………………………………………………. …….. 医学英语术语………………………………………………………临床英语……………………………………………………………医学人文……………………………………………………………实用英语……………………………………………………………“医学英语(II)-1(全英文)”课程介绍一、课程基本信息课程名称:医学英语(II)-1(全英文)英文名:Medical Englsih课程类别:专业必修课学时:32学时(讲32学时)学分:2二、教学团队课程负责人:谢红专业外语教研室/科室课程教师:请见教师简介三、课程教学目的∙掌握医学词汇学的组词规则、运用、拼写和读音∙掌握英语问诊的表达方法∙掌握体格检查的英语表达∙在人文医学文章阅读中了解美国医疗文化∙掌握邮件的写作方法和注意事项∙掌握个人CV中文和英语版的写作四、教学内容及学时安排教学内容教学形式合计大课见习/实验技能训练教学形式医学英语术语10 授课10 临床医学8 授课8 医学人文 6 翻转课堂 6 实用英语 6 翻转课堂 6 复习和总结 2 讨论 2七、成绩评定办法(注明期末、期中、平时成绩所占的比例,或理论考核、实践考核成绩所占的比例)医学英语术语(Medical Terminol ogy)一、知识点与教学要求知识点:Medical Terminology的组成、构词、运用和读音规则教学要求:采用互动方式来让同学们逐步学习医学英语词汇学。
二、教学时数:10学时,(讲10)三、教学内容:医学英语词汇学的组成、构词、运用和读音规则以呼吸和消化系统为例,掌握医学词汇的运用方法四、参考教材:临床英语(Clinical English)一、知识点与教学要求知识点:History taking and Physical examination教学要求:采用互动方式来让同学们逐步学习问诊查体。

Situation A
• • • • • • • • • • • • 你好,你来急诊室(emergency room)看什么病? 我肚子疼,总想吐(vomit).觉得很难受. 你腹痛多长时间了? 昨晚开始的,在这边,不过今天早晨又到这边来了,痛得 厉害. 现在又转到别的地方痛了吗? 没,在这痛了大概两个小时了. 一直疼吗? 不,一阵一阵的(come and go),现在又痛死(kill me)了. 腹泻吗(diarrhea)? 没有,我已经两天没大便了(bowel movement). 你平时经常这样吗? 不,我通常每天大便一次.
• 说说恶心和呕吐(nausea/vomit)的情况. • 现在好点了.昨晚大约每两小时就吐一次,一疼 就吐. • 你发烧吗? • 今天一早我量过体温,是38.5゜C. • 给我指指现在哪最痛? • 就在这,右下腹. • 请躺到床上,我给你检查一下腹部 (abdomen).我按这你疼吗?我突然松开手时疼 吗?你得的是急性阑尾炎,需要马上手术.
• Hello. What brought you to the emergency room? • I’ve got awful pains in my belly. And I feel like I’m going to throw up all the time. I feel awful. • How long have you had this pain? • It started last night, up here, but this morning it’s here, and it really hurts. • Has it moved again? • No. I’s been steady for almost two hours. • Is it there all the time? • No, it just comes and goes, but now it’s really killing me. • Have you had any diarrhea? • No, I haven’t had a bowel movement for two days. • Is this regular for you? • No, I usually have one every day.

关于医院看病的英语情景对话我头疼得厉害AGood morning. Whats the matter with you早上好。
你哪里不舒服BGood morning, doctor. I have a terrible headache.早上好,医生。
AAll right, young man. Tell me how it got started.别着急,小伙子,告诉我怎么回事BYesterday I had a runny nose. Now my nose is stuffed up. I have a sore throat. And Im afraid Ive got a temperature. I feel terrible.昨天我老流鼻,现在有点鼻塞。
ADont worry, young man. Lat me give you ane_amination. First let me take a look at your throat. Open your mouth and sayah .小伙子,别担心,让我给你检查一下。
AYour throat is inflamed. And your tongue is heavily coated. You have all the symptoms of influenza.你的喉咙发炎了,舌苔很厚。
BWhat am I supposed to do then那我该怎么做呢AA good rest is all you need, and drink more water.Ill write you a prescription.你需要好好休息,多喝水。
BThank you very much.谢谢。

小编精心收集了医生与患者的英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!医生与患者的英语对话1nurse: Good morning, Mr, Anderson. You do look better today.护士:早安,安德森先生。
Patient: Better? Maybe.病人:好多了?可能是吧。
N: Why do you stand here alone? Both the reading room and the TV-room are open now. I think you might be interested.护士:您干嘛自己在这儿站着。
P:I don'tlike reading. I've read too much all my life and gottired of reading. And I don't like television. It's noisy.病人:我不喜欢读书。
N: OH, no, Mr. Anderson. Be with people and you feel better. They said they like you.护士:噢,别这样,安德森先生。
P: Really? But they never told me that.病人:真的吗?可他们从没告诉过我。
N: They dare not, Mr. Anderson. You have read a lot of books as you told me just now. You know how to get in touch with people better than they do . I believe. Remember they like you. Don't miss the chance.护士:那是他们不敢,安德森先生。

店铺整理了关于医生和病人英语对话,欢迎阅读!关于医生和病人英语对话篇一病人:这是我的药方,你能帮我配药吗?Patient: This is my prescription. Can you fill it for me, please?药剂师:当然可以。
Chemist: Certainly.病人:谢谢。
Patient: Thank you.药剂师:别客气。
Chemist:You're welcome. Well, let me see. It will take about five minutes.病人:好的。
Patient: All right.药剂师:好了,这是你所需要的中草药。
Chemist: O.K. this is your herbal medicine.病人:请您给我解释一下怎么熬这副中草药,好吗?Patient: Could you tell me what I should do with it?药剂师:每天早晨打开一包,倒入500毫升冷水中浸泡一个半小时。
Chemist: Every morning soak one bad in 200 mls of cold water for one and a half hours, then heat it up quickly. As soon as it begins to boil, turn down the heat, and simmer for thirty minutes. Then turn off the heat. Leave it to cool, then pour out the liquid to drink. Be careful no to let any of the leaves go into the cup.病人:还挺复杂的。

1. Greeting and Introduction1.1 Greeting英文:Hello, how are you feeling today? 中文:你好,你今天感觉怎么样?1.2 Introducing Yourself英文:Hi, my name is [Your Name]. I am a doctor/nurse here. 中文:你好,我的名字是[你的名字]。
2. Patient Information2.1 Asking for Personal Information英文:Can you please tell me your name and date of birth? 中文:请告诉我你的姓名和出生日期,好吗?2.2 Asking about Allergies英文:Do you have any allergies? 中文:你有过敏吗?2.3 Asking about Medical History英文:Do you have any medical conditions or past surgeries that I should be aware of? 中文:你有任何疾病或过去的手术吗?我应该知道吗?3. Symptoms and Complaints3.1 Asking about Symptoms英文:What symptoms are you experiencing? 中文:你有什么症状?3.2 Describing Pain英文:On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain? 中文:根据1到10的标准,你的疼痛程度是多少?3.3 Asking about Location of Pain英文:Where is the pain located? 中文:你哪里疼?4. Diagnosis and Treatment4.1 Giving a Diagnosis英文:Based on your symptoms, I believe you have [diagnosis]. 中文:根据你的症状,我认为你患有[诊断结果]。

医院英语对话【有关看医生英语对话】有关看医生英语对话有关看医生英语对话有关看医生英语对话1:P: Hi, my name is Randy Horn I have an appointmentto see the doctor at 10:30. 病人:嗨,我是兰迪·合恩。
R:If you“ll please take a seat, Mr. Horn, the doctorwill be ready to see you shortly. ( Ten minutes later) Mr. Horn The doctor will see you now. 接待员:请坐,合恩先生,医生会很快看您的病。
D: Hi, Randy, what seems to be the trouble 医生:嗨,兰迪,哪里不舒服呢P: I“ve got a really bad sore throat and my head hurts. My muscles ache and I have no energy. 病人:我喉咙很痛,头也疼。
D: Let me take your temperature. Let"s see... 101 degrees. You"re running a fever. Let metake a look at that throat. Open up and say " ah. " 医生:让我量一量你的体温。
P: Ah... 病人:啊…… 有关看医生英语对话2:R: Doctor Ruth"s office, may I help you 接待员:鲁思医生办公室,我可以为您服务吗P: Yes, I"d like to make an appointment to see thedoctor. My name is Randy Horn. 病人:好啊,我想和医生约诊。

1. 问候与引导患者:医生:早上好/下午好/晚上好,我是XX医生。
2. 询问患者症状与病史:医生:您有什么不舒服的症状?患者:我感到头痛/发烧/咳嗽/胃痛等等。
3. 给予患者建议与指导:医生:您应该多休息/喝水/吃健康的食物。
4. 解释医疗诊断与治疗方案:医生:经过检查,您的检查结果显示有XX问题。
5. 给予患者鼓励与慰问:医生:您的病情有好转的迹象。

小编精心收集了关于看病英文情景对话,供大家欣赏学习!关于看病英文情景对话篇1P= Patient R= Receptionist D= DoctorP: Hi, my name is Randy Horn I have an appointment to see the doctor at 10:30.病人:嗨,我是兰迪·合恩。
R:If you'll please take a seat, Mr. Horn, the doctor will be ready to see you shortly. ( T en minutes later) Mr. Horn? The doctor will see you now.接待员:请坐,合恩先生,医生会很快看您的病。
D: Hi, Randy, what seems to be the trouble?医生:嗨,兰迪,哪里不舒服呢?P: I've got a really bad sore throat and my head hurts. My muscles ache and I have no energy.病人:我喉咙很痛,头也疼。
D: Let me take your temperature. Let's see... 101 degrees. You're running a fever. Let me take a look at that throat. Open up and say " ah. "医生:让我量一量你的体温。

简单的医生和病人英语对话BR:病人 YS:医生BR:Good morning,doctor.医生,早上好!YS:Good morning!What's wrong with you,young madam?早上好,你身体有什么不适吗,女士BR:I feel terrible.我感觉自己身体不舒服。
YS:How long have you been like this?你多久感觉这样了?BR:Since the day before yesterday.自从前天开始。
YS:Have you eaten any bad food before you feel like this?在你感到不舒服之前你有没有吃过坏的食物?BR:I don't know whether have I eaten some bad food.我也不知道自己是否吃了坏的食物。
YS:Let me take your temperature. Hmm,you have a cold. 让我量一下你的体温。
BR:Is it serious?有没有很严重?YS:Don't worry,nothing serious.Just take the medicine three time a day,and have a good rest,you will be better soon.别但心,没事的,你只要吃这个药,每天三次,然后好好休息,你很快就会好的。
BR:Thank you,doctor. Hmm,and I feel be light in the head.谢谢你,医生。
YS:Let me touch your head.让我摸下你的头。
......YS:Oh,you maybe also have a fever.哦,你可能也发烧了。
BR:a!! 啊YS:Don't worry,maybe you caught cold last niagt,yes?别担心,可能是你昨晚着凉了,是吗?BR:Maybe it is right.When I wake last night,I found that my quilt was not on my body!也许我真的着凉了,当我昨晚醒过来的时候,我发现我的被子已经不在我的身体上面了。

English for doctors(医生诊疗英语会话)English for doctors:Authentic consulting-room activities for doctors, dentists, students and nursesFrom DXY。
CN1 PAST MEDICAL HISTORYi ’d like to ask you about your past medical history。
can you me whether you have had any childhood diseases?for example chickenpox ,measles,mumps or rubellawhen i was small ,i had measles,chickenpox and whooping cough 。
but i don't think i ever had rubellahave you ever been in hospitalized for anything?or have you ever had an operationwell,i had my tonsils taken out when i was a childhave you had any major health problems since thenyes,i have diabeteswhen were you first diagnosed with diabetes?what were your simptomsi was diagnosed when i turned 14。
i was always thirsty ,tired and depreassedare you receiving any treatment for thisi have been getting insulin shots ever sinthhave you had your vaccinationsyesgooddid your referring physician give you a letter for meyes ,here it is2 FAMILY HISTORYas far as you know,are there any illnesses that run in your family?none that i know of, doctornothing like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease ,stroke,cancer,mental illness or anything like that?oh i see! my father had a heart condition, and i have two my aunts who have diabetesand is your father still aliveno, he isn’thow old was your father when he diedhe was 68what did he die offhe had a heart attackdid he suffer for a long time with this heard cindition before he diedoh no, it was very suddenand your aunts? do you know what kind of diabetes they have? do they have to take insulin or tablets or are they just on a diet they just take some pills, i thinkyou are married, i see,have you any childrenyes, a boy and a girlare they healthyyes, they are3 SOCIAL HISTORYare you working right nowno , i have just been laid offoh , i am sorry .what was your jobi was a manager for an import and export companyi see 。
关于医生的英语对话阅读 关于看医生的英语对话

精心收集了关于医生的英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!病人:早上好,大夫Patient:Good morning, doctor.医生:早上好,哪里不舒服?Doctor:good morning. What seems to be the trouble?病人:我最近有点失眠。
Patient:I'm suffering from insomnia.医生:这种情况有多久了?Doctor:How long have you had this problem?病人:三个月了。
Doctor:Three months.医生:服用过什么药吗?Doctor:Have you take any medicine?病人:试过安眠药,但是对我一点儿都不起作用。
Patient:I tried some sleeping pills, but they have done nothing for me.医生:有头痛的情况吗?Doctor:Do you have headaches?病人:有时候有。
Patient:Sometimes. I have no appetite and always on the edge.医生:让我量量你的血压。
Doctor:Let me take your blood pressure. You look anemic. (Taking the patient's blood pressure.)医生:嗯,没什么好担心的。
Doctor:Well, there is nothing to be alarmed about. You are just a little exhausted from overwork.病人:我该怎么呢?Patient:What should I do then?医生:我想你应该多休息休息。

店铺整理了医生患者英语对话, 欢迎阅读!医生和患者英语对话一A:Hello, Miss.Sit down, please.你好, 小姐。
B:Hi, I am feeling terrible.你好, 我感觉糟糕透了。
A:Oh, what's wrong with you?哦, 你怎么了?B:My whole body feels weak, and I have a sore throat.我觉得浑身无力, 而且我喉咙痛。
A:Put this thermometer under your tongue first.What cause the illness?首先把这个温度计放在舌下。
怎么生病了?B:I didn't close the window before going to bed last night.我昨晚睡觉前没关窗户。
A:You do have a fever.I want to take a look at your throat.Open your mouth, please say ah你确实是发烧了。
B:Ah.Is it serious?啊。
严重吗?A;Hmm, I think it's nothing serious.Don't worry about it.嗯, 我想没什么严重的。
B:But what should I do to get well?但是我要怎样做才能康复?A:I'll give you an injection first, then I will give you some medicine.我先给你打一针, 然后给你开一些药。
B:When do I take the medicine?我什么时候吃这些药呢?A:Take them after meals twice a day.这些药一天服两次, 饭后服用。

店铺整理了关于看医生的英语对话,欢迎阅读!关于看医生的英语对话篇一Doctor : What's wrong with you?医生:有什么不舒服?Patient: I have had a headache in the last few months .病人:近几个月来我常头疼。
D: Did you have any examinations before?医生:以前检查过吗?P:I have been examined by a physician and he told me that he found nothing wrong with me .病人:请内科医生检查过,他说没发现什么问题。
D: please tell me about the symptoms.医生:请给我讲一下症状。
P: Sometimes I have a headache and feel pain in my eyes ,and it gets worse after I read . I also see dimly close by .病人:有时头痛、眼疼,看书后加重。
D: How old are you?医生:您多大岁数了?P: Forty-two.病人:42岁。
D: Let me examine your eyes first . Cover one eye with this patch . Look at the letter which I show you , then tell me which way is the letter “E” facing , up or down ,right or left? … Oh , your eyesight is not good. It is only0.5 . According to the examination . I find you have a presbyopia and ametropia . Thatis why you have a headache and your eyes ache.医生:我先测一下您的视力。

店铺整理了关于看医生的英语对话,欢迎阅读!关于看医生的英语对话一医生:What’s the matter with you ?什么情况?病人:...I..I have a toothache. It is painful.我…我牙疼,很痛。
医生:I know the feeling,let me see. Say ah.我知道那种感觉,让我看看,说“啊”病人:Ah.....“啊……”医生:Oh..how often do you brush your teeth?哦,你一天刷几次牙?病人:Once a day.一天一次。
医生:Do you like eat chocolates or candies?你喜欢吃巧克力和糖果吗?病人:Yes,I do!I like them very much!是的,我很喜欢吃。
医生:Please remember,don’t eat too many sweet things..They are not good for your teeth. And you should brush your teeth twice a day or three times a day..If you take my advice,you will be better than now.记住,别吃太多甜的东西,它们对你的牙齿不好,而且一天要刷两到三次牙。
病人:Thank you ,doctor.I’ll take your advice.谢谢你,医生。
Patient: Good morning, doctor.医生:早上好,哪里不舒服?Doctor: good morning. What seems to be the trouble?病人:我最近有点失眠。

Patient: Good morning, doctor.医生:早上好,哪里不舒服?Doctor: good morning. What seems to be the trouble?病人:我最近有点失眠。
Patient: I'm suffering from insomnia.医生:这种情况有多久了?Doctor: How long have you had this problem?病人:三个月了。
Doctor: Three months.医生:服用过什么药吗?Doctor: Have you take any medicine?病人:试过安眠药,但是对我一点儿都不起作用。
Patient: I tried some sleeping pills, but they have done nothing for me.医生:有头痛的情况吗?Doctor: Do you have headaches?病人:有时候有。
Patient: Sometimes. I have no appetite and always on the edge.医生:让我量量你的血压。
Doctor: Let me take your blood pressure. You look anemic. Taking the patient's blood pressure.医生:嗯,没什么好担心的。
Doctor: Well, there is nothing to be alarmed about. You are just a little exhausted from overwork.病人:我该怎么呢?Patient: What should I do then?医生:我想你应该多休息休息。
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English for doctors(医生诊疗英语会话)English for doctors:Authentic consulting-room activities for doctors, dentists, students and nursesFrom 1 PAST MEDICAL HISTORYi 'd like to ask you about your past medical history.can you me whether you have had any childhood diseases?for examplechickenpox ,measles,mumps or rubellawhen i was small ,i had measles,chickenpox and whooping cough .buti don't think i ever had rubellahave you ever been in hospitalized for anything?or have you everhad an operationwell,i had my tonsils taken out when i was a childhave you had any major health problems since thenyes,i have diabeteswhen were you first diagnosed with diabetes?what were your simptomsi was diagnosed when i turned 14.i was always thirsty ,tired and depreassedare you receiving any treatment for thisi have been getting insulin shots ever sinthhave you had your vaccinationsyesgooddid your referring physician give you a letter for meyes ,here it is2 FAMILY HISTORYas far as you know,are there any illnesses that run in your family? none that i know of, doctornothing like diabetes, high blood pressure, heartdisease ,stroke,cancer,mental illness or anything like that?oh i see! my father had a heart condition, and i have two myaunts who have diabetesand is your father still aliveno, he isn'thow old was your father when he diedhe was 68what did he die offhe had a heart attackdid he suffer for a long time with this heard cindition before he diedoh no, it was very suddenand your aunts? do you know what kind of diabetes they have? do they have to take insulin or tablets or are they just on a diet they just take some pills, i thinkyou are married, i see,have you any childrenyes, a boy and a girlare they healthyyes, they are3 SOCIAL HISTORYare you working right nowno , i have just been laid offoh , i am sorry .what was your jobi was a manager for an import and export companyi see . was it an office job or were you on your feet all dayi worked behind a deskwas it managerial,did you have a lot of responsibilityyes ,i was in charge of a large departmenti see,quite stressful.now,tell me ,do you smokeyes,i do. unfortunately, quite a lotoh ,really? how muchall about 2 packs a dayhow long have you been smokingsince i was about fourteenhave you ever try to quit smokingyes , i have tried several times .but without successwhat about driking?do you drinkyes ,sometimes with my friendshow much alcohol do you drink a daylet see.a couple of glasses of beer at lunch time.a wisky in the evening.and about half a bottle of wine with my dinnerthat's quite a bit.how old were you when you start drinkingoh,about 17 ir 18, i supposewhat about your living conditions? where do you livewe living in a small apartment.we own it .but of course we are still paying the morgage on it4 PRESENT COMPLAINTS4 present complaints1-4-1what's the problem todaycan you tell me what your symptoms arehave hou ever had these complains beforewhat's seems to bring this condition onwhen did you start feeling poorly1-4-dialogue a (1-4-dialogue b )what seems to be the problem at the moment(today)well,i have been feeling so poorly recently(ill lately)i see . feeling poorly(ill).(now)what do you mean by thati have been getting very short of breathhm...how long has this been going onfor about 18 months ,i thinkand were there any other symptoms before then or did it(this condition) start quite suddenlyi hadn't notice anything before thenso you haven't (didn't have any of)experence this symptom beforeno , not that i can remember , doctori see.was there anything that seems to cause this(have caused these symptoms)well,nothing(no,not) really.except maybe it gets really bad when i go up to london(new york) to see my sisiterlet's take a look(to begin with).i'll listen to your heart and lungs to begin with1-4-5a .what can i do for you todayhow can i help you mr. jonesb .what do you mean by thatcan you describe that in more detailc .what are your symptomscan you describe the changes that have occurredd .did it start suddenlydid your condition change without any warninge .what brings it onwhat do you think causes your condition5 PAIN5 pain1-5-1headdo you have a splittingheadache/throbbing/band-like/dull/aching/burning/sharp/stabbin g/colicky/migraine/blinding/stress- induced/tensiontoothdo you have a sharp toothacheis your toothache dull/throbbing/stabbing/pulsatingis your tooth sensitive/aching/tenderlower backis the pain in your back slow in onset\long induration/dull/diffused/aching/steady/constant/severe/progressing poorly/localised/crushing/deep/mildchestis the pain in your chest burningdo you have a constricting pain in your chestbursting/choking/squeezing/griping/pressing/crusching/sticking/ jabbing/sharp/knife-like/fleeting/throbbing/dull/severe/stabbing/like a weight onit/like a band across itabdomendo you fell a sharp pain in your abdomendull/aching/gnawing/burning/cramping/colicky/diffused/localise d/recurrent/constant/flank/intermittent/stabbingdo you get bloateddo you feel bloateddu you have any heartburndo you have any indigestionkidneys and urinary tractdo you have a sharp paindu you have a dull achedu you have severe discomfortburning/stinging/nagging/nigging/splitting/flank/back/abdomina l/steady/low gradedo you have slight discomfortextremitiesdo you have a sharp pain in your shoulderdo you have a tingling pain in your handdo you have a shooting pain in your footdull/burning /severe/pulsating/throbbingdo you have weakness in your handsdo you have numbness in your armsdo you have crampdo you have an ache on your hand1-5dialogue a (dialogue b)do you feel any painoh,yes . quite a bitcould you show me where it hurtsright here, doctor, in my chesthere,hm...is it always just in that spotno, sometimes it moves around to herei see.what kind of pain is it.can you descrie the painwell,most of the time it feels like a cramp.but occasionally it is sharp and stabbingdoes it come and go or do you have it all the timewell,it worse at times.it seems to come over me in waves.but mostly it's there all the timedoes it start suddenly or build up slowlyit seems to build up graduallywhat do you do when you get the(feel this) painwell,there isn't much i can do.i just have to put up with itand does anything in paticular seem to bring the pain on or make it worsewell,i find going upstairs difficult(it is more intense when climbing stairs).also when i have to cough or take a deepbreath it's terrible like a knife stabbing me1-5-6a. can you show me where it hertsb.could you describe what the pain feels likec.how long have you had this paind.when does it come,when,does it goe.does anything relieve the symptoms or make them worthf.does the pain move to another part of your bodyg.what brings it on6 HEADACHE6 headache1-6-11 do you feel the pain at the top of your head2 do you feel any pain in your temples3 is the pain around your eyes4 is the pain at the back of your head5 do you have any pain in your forehead6 does the pain move to your face7 do you feel any pain around your ears8 does the pain spread to your neck9 does the pain seem to be comeing from your neck10 does the pain travel to your shoulders1-6 dialogue a (dialogue b)tell me about your headacheit comes and goescan you point out the painful areait seems to be on the right side of my headhow long does the headache last when you get it(it comes)it varies.it can be between half an hour and four or five hours when you get a headache ,does anything else happen at the same timeyes.often i feel sick(i am often nauseous).sometimes i actually vomit(throw up)does the headache ever upset your eyes,for example , does your vision get blurredit's not blurry.but i get flashing lights that seems to be in the right eyewhat do you do when you get the headachewhll, i'm not ususlly able to carry on with what(i ususlly have to stop wtatever) i am doing,i have to go to a dark room and lie downhave you found any tablets(medication) that seems to have helpedsometimes if i take an aspirin early on ,it seems to help.at other times nothing seems to help muchdoes anybody else in your family have this type of a headacheyes,my mother used to suffer from migraines when she wasyoungercan you describe the (character of he ) pain.is it stabbing or more band-like, kind of pressingit throbs.sort of stabbing ,i suppose(guess)1-6-6a can you point out the painful areab how long does the headache last when you get itc can you describe the paind when you get the headache,does anything happen at the same timee what do you do when you get the headachef have you found any medican that seems to have helpedg does anybody else in your family have this type of headache7 VERTIGOHow would you describe your dizziness?It’s as if I am falling to the left.what does the disease spell constist for you?A kind of imbalance. How long does the episode of dizziness last?Sometimes an hour, sometimes a whole day.In what body position do you feel dizzy?Every time I squat or bend down and try to get up too quickly. Do you ever suffer from dizziness? (get dizzy?)Yes, quite often.When does this happen?When I get up too quickly.Do you feel as if you are falling in a certain direction?No, not really.Does this dizziness feel like spinning or is it just a kind of unsteadiness.It feels more like spinning.How would you describe it? Is it as if the room is going around or do you feel as if it’s you that's going around.It feels as if I am going around.Do you have any other problems such as ringing in the ears. Yes, sometimes.Have you seen a consultant(specialist) about this?Yes, she prescribed some medi cation for it, but it didn’t help at all.Do you have any associated symptoms like blurred vision. No, but I haven't noticed(not that I have noticed. )8 BODY TEMPERATURE AND SWEAT8 body temperature and sweat1-8 dialogue a(dialogue b)have you got a temperature(had any fever recently)yes, doctor,i have been feeling quite flushed(warm) latelyis your temperature (constantly)high all the time or does it go up and downit ususlly goes up( it is uaually higher) at night.but it is still high even during the daywhat's the highest and the lowest it has been in the past few days the highest was 104.the lowest was 100and where did you take your temperature,under your arm or under your tongue(orally)under my tongue(i measured it orally)do you also have the shivers(chills)yes, sometimesdo(did) your teeth chatter(rattle) or are the shivers(chills)milder than thatoh yes, they chatter(rattle).i've bitten my tongue several times alreadydo(did) you take anything for the feveraspirindoes it helpno not reallyhave you been abroad( traveled) to any tropical or developingcountries recentlyyes, i just came back from tailand a few months agoi see.do you perspire more than usualyes, a lot, i am afraidjust when your work hard or also at other timeswell,i never used to sweat much.but now i seems to break out in a sweat (at the drop of a hat)easily .my clothes often get soaking wetdo you feel shaky or weak at allyes , practically all the time`9 NAUSEA AND VOMITINGDo you just feel sick /nauseous/ or have a actuallyvomited?/thrown up/oh, I am vomiting and it seems (I’m throwing up) all the time.When did it all started?About two months ago.And how often does this happen?About once a day, sometimes more.When are you sick? Is it in morning or after you've eaten. Well, it isn't really regular.But does it get better or worse if you eat something?Worse, I think.When you vomit, do you bring up digested food, undigested food or bile?Oh, it is usually more like bilewhat colour is it? Green, black, yellow or red?It seems to be a sort of yellowish green color.Does it ever have blood in it or look like ground coffee?no, neverDo you belch a lot/burp a lot/or have a bad /a nasty/ taste in your mouth?Well, yes, doctor. I do belch a lot and I seem to suffer from a lot wind just lately. /and I have had a lot of gas lately/10 DYSPN(O)EADyspneaDo you have any difficulty breathing?What’s harder breathing in or breathi ng out?Are you short of breath when you are resting ?Can you lie flat in bed?Is it relieved by sitting up in bed?Do you have to stop frequently when you climb the stairs? Have you ever had any breathing tests?Dialogue aHow long have you had difficutly breathing ?Since last week, doctor.Is it very bad?Yes, I feel as if I can’t get enough air.Which is more difficult, breathing in or breathing out?It is harder to breathing in.Are you short of breath when you are resting or only when you doing something?When I am rest, but it is worse when I try to do anything.Can you lie flat in bed?Oh, no.How many pillows do you use?Three.Do you ever wake up night feeling short of breath?Yes, I do.(If frightens me because when i wake up feeling as if i cann't breath.What do you do when this happens? I mean, do you sit or stand up, does some movement help?If I sit up, it helps a little.Let me listen to your chest. I can hear few crackles and it sounds a big wheezy.Dialogue BHow long have you had difficulty breezing?.Scince last week, doctor.Is it very bad?Yes, I feel like I can't get enough air.What’s harder, breath in or breath out?It’s harder to breath in.Are you short of breath, when you are resting, or only when you are doing something physical.A little when I am resting, but it’s worse when I try to do anything physical.Can you lie flat in bed?Oh, no.How many pillows do you use?Three.Do you often wake up night feeling short of breath?Yes, I do. It’s scares me because I wake up feeling as if I can’t breath.What do you do when this happens. I mean, do you sit or stand up? Does some movement help you breathe easier?If I sit up, it helps a little.Listen to your chest... I can hear a few crackles and it sounds abig wheezy.how long have you had difficulty breathing? / how long have you been short of breath?i've had difficulty breathing for about two weeks.when is your breathing most diffcult?i wheeze in the early hours.which is more difficult,breathing in or breathing out? breathing out is harder.are you short of breath when you are resting or only when you are working?i'm short of breath when i'm working.can you lie flat in bed?/ can you sleep on your back?yes, i can sleep on my back.can you ever wake up at night because you are short of breath? /is your sleep disturbed?yes,i eake up several times because i'm short of breath.what do you do then?i usually get up and walk around when it happens11 COUGHDialogue ADo you have a cough?I have a cough, but I also seem to wheeze a lot.Is this a recent symptom, or have you had it for some time now?I’ve had it for some time, Doctor.Do you suffer form coughing fits?Yes, a lot.Do you bring up phlegm or is it a dry cough?I bring up quite a bit of phlegm, I am afraid I might have asthma.What is it like?What do you mean?Can you describe the phlegm for me? What color is it? Is it white, yellow, or greenis h, and is it frothy/foamy/ or sticky? Yes, it’s yellowish and feels kind of like jelly?Does it have a strange smell or taste?No, I don’t think so.Has there ever been blood in it?Yes, just once I noticed some blood in it.Have you taken any medicine or tablets lately?Yes, I was on something to thin my blood.Dialogue BDo you have a cough?I have a cough, but I also seem to wheeze a lot.Is this a recent symptom or have you had for sometime now?I’ve had it for some time, doctor.Do you cough a lot?Yes a lot.Do you bring up phlegm, or is it a dry cough?I bring up quite a bit of phlegm. I am afraid I might have asthma?What is the phlegm like?What do you mean?Can you describe for me what colour it is, whether it is white, yellow or greenish, and what is it foamy, thick and sticky? Yes it is yellowish and feels kind of like a jelly.Does it have s。