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English for doctors(医生诊疗英语会话)

English for doctors:Authentic consulting-room activities for doctors, dentists, students and nurses



i 'd like to ask you about your past medical history.can you me whether you have had any childhood diseases?for example

chickenpox ,measles,mumps or rubella

when i was small ,i had measles,chickenpox and whooping cough .but

i don't think i ever had rubella

have you ever been in hospitalized for anything?or have you ever

had an operation

well,i had my tonsils taken out when i was a child

have you had any major health problems since then

yes,i have diabetes

when were you first diagnosed with diabetes?what were your simptoms

i was diagnosed when i turned 14.i was always thirsty ,tired and depreassed

are you receiving any treatment for this

i have been getting insulin shots ever sinth

have you had your vaccinations



did your referring physician give you a letter for me

yes ,here it is


as far as you know,are there any illnesses that run in your family? none that i know of, doctor

nothing like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart

disease ,stroke,cancer,mental illness or anything like that?

oh i see! my father had a heart condition, and i have two my

aunts who have diabetes

and is your father still alive

no, he isn't

how old was your father when he died

he was 68

what did he die off

he had a heart attack

did he suffer for a long time with this heard cindition before he died

oh no, it was very sudden

and your aunts? do you know what kind of diabetes they have? do they have to take insulin or tablets or are they just on a diet they just take some pills, i think

you are married, i see,have you any children

yes, a boy and a girl

are they healthy

yes, they are


are you working right now

no , i have just been laid off

oh , i am sorry .what was your job

i was a manager for an import and export company

i see . was it an office job or were you on your feet all day

i worked behind a desk

was it managerial,did you have a lot of responsibility

yes ,i was in charge of a large department

i see,quite stressful.now,tell me ,do you smoke

yes,i do. unfortunately, quite a lot

oh ,really? how much

all about 2 packs a day

how long have you been smoking

since i was about fourteen

have you ever try to quit smoking

yes , i have tried several times .but without success

what about driking?do you drink

yes ,sometimes with my friends

how much alcohol do you drink a day

let see.a couple of glasses of beer at lunch time.a wisky in the evening.and about half a bottle of wine with my dinner

that's quite a bit.how old were you when you start drinking

oh,about 17 ir 18, i suppose
