
以下是小编为大家精心整理的医务人员常用对话中英文,欢迎大家阅读参考!医务人员对话中英文11. What can I do for you?你有什么事?2.May I help you?我能帮你什么忙?8.Please take a seat!please sit down!请坐下.4.Wait a moment, please.请等一等.5.Sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起让你久等了.6.It is not serious.病情不严重.7.Don't worry.There is nothing to worry about.不必顾虑。
8.You need a thorough examination.你需要做一个全面检查.9.You will have to stay in hospital for sevral days.你需要在医院里住几夭.We think that you had better be hospitalized我们认为你最好住进医院来。
10. You should stay in bed for a few days.你需要卧床几天.11. You can keep on working.You can carry on with your work.可以继续工作。
12. You should be very careful for a week or two这一两周内,你需要很注意。
13. Try to relax and keep calm.尽量放松保持镇静。
14. You'll soon be all right.你很快就会好起来的.15. 1'm sure this medicine will help you a great deal.这药对你肯定会很有效的.16. Feeling well again is a rather slow process,I'm afraid.恐怕痊愈将是一个很慢的过程.17. You will have to wait for twenty minutes.你需要等20分钟.plete recovery will take a rather long time.彻底恢复需要一段很长的时间。

【篇一】有关医院常用的英语口语对话护士:早上好!Nurse: Good morning.病人:你好!Patient: Good morning.护士:请问哪里不舒服?Nurse: What seems to be the problem?病人:高烧,感觉糟透了。
Patient: Im running a high fever and feeling terribly bad.护士:这种情况出现有多久了?Nurse: How long have you had the problem?病人:从昨晚开始的。
Patient: Since last night.护士:您以前来过咱们医院吗?Nurse: Well, have you ever been here before?病人:事实上,我也是刚刚到这个城市。
Patient: As a matter of fact, I have just moved to this city.护士:好的,那么您得先填写这张挂号表。
Nurse: O. K. In that case, you have to fill in this registration card. Your age, gender, address and things like that.病人:每问题。
请问我应该挂哪科?Patient: No problem. Which department should I register with, madam?护士:您挂内科。
Nurse: You'd better go to the medical department.病人:表填好,给你。
Patient: Here is my registration card.护士:谢谢。
Nurse: Thank you. The registration fee is one dollar.,病人:好的。

下⾯是由医院⽇常英语⼝语对话,⼀起来了解下吧!【篇⼀】医院⽇常英语⼝语对话 STEVE: I need help. I think my arm is broken. KELLY: Alright. Have you been to this hospital before? STEVE: No, I haven't. I need help quick. It hurts really badly. KELLY: I understand. It's good you came to the emergency room. STEVE: Let me see a doctor. KELLY: I'm sorry, sir. You will need to wait at least a short time. We are very busy tonight. There was a big car accident on Highway 106. STEVE: I thought this was the emergency room. KELLY: It is. But unless you are critically injured, you still need to wait. You aren't bleeding, are you? STEVE: No. Only a little. I fell off my porch. KELLY: Oh, that's terrible. Is it your right arm or your left arm? STEVE: My left arm. KELLY: Can you fill out this form then? STEVE: No, I can't. I'm left-handed. KELLY: That's very inconvenient for you then. You'll probably have a cast on your left arm. STEVE: Yes. But why do I have to fill out a form anyway? This is the emergency room. KELLY: Yes, it is. But even in emergency rooms there is some paperwork to be done. Have you ever been in an emergency room before? STEVE: No. Just let me see a doctor. I'm worried about my arm. KELLY: Be brave, sir. It won't be long. I will fill out the form for you. What is your name? STEVE: Steve Schliessman. S C H L I E S S M A N. KELLY: Alright Steve. Your social security number? STEVE: 349-95-8821. KELLY: Do you have medical insurance? STEVE: Yes, I do. Blue Cross. KELLY: Do you have your insurance card with you? STEVE: No, I don't. KELLY: Well, you can call it in later. You can phone us. STEVE: Can I sit down now? KELLY: First I need to get your address. Try to move your arm as little as possible. 史提夫:我需要帮助,我的⼿臂断了。

N:Is your baby a boy or a gir你的孩子是男孩还是女孩
Who is your host谁接待你
P:I am a delegate of ••delegation.我是代表团的团员。
N: who is paying谁替你付款
P:About a week age.大约在一周以前.
N:Then I'1fi1nd out for you.那么,我给你查查.
Are you worki ng in the Embassy!尔在大使馆工作吗
P:YesI'blle here for three to five years.是的,我要在这儿呆三至五年.
I think they will give me the money back.我想他们会把钱还给我的.
N: Please pay fou the registration.请交挂号费。
N:Here is your receipt and change这是收据和找回的钱.
N:What is your position in the Embassy你在大使馆做什么工作
P: I ithe ambassador(minister, charg d" eaffaires,counsellor,firstecretary,
second secretary,third secretary,Attache,staff,secretary-archivist,military
I'mteacher at••我是••的教师. card(diplomati certificate,

护士1——护士2——病人——家属——Nurse 1:Hello,Miss Backer,The doctor is going to discharge you later this morning.护士1:你好贝克女士,医生早上过些时候安排你出院。
Patient:That's great, thanks.病人:太感谢了!Nurse 1:You will need to come back to have your sutures removed in 3 days护士1:你需要三天后过来拆线。
Patient:Do I come back here to the ward?病人:我需要回来这个病房吗?Nurse 1:No, you need to go back to Outpatients, pleaseremember you will need to re-register again when you come back.护士1:不用,你需要去门诊部,请记住当你回来的时候你需要重新挂号。
Patient:Oh, OK, who do I ask for?病人:哦,好的,我该找谁?Nurse 2:I will write the doctor's name down for you, so you can give it to the registration nurse护士2:我会把医生的名字写给你,你把它交给挂号处的护士就可以。
Patient:That will be great, thanks.非常感谢!Nurse 2:You need to keep the dressing on until you have your sutures removed, please do not get the dressing wet.护士2:你要一直绑着绷带直到拆线,请不要弄湿了。

1.内科医生和护士的英语口语对话N: Good morning.P: Good morning.N: What seems to be the problem?P: I'm running a high fever and feeling terribly bad.N: How long have you had the problem?P: Since last night.N: Well, have you ever been here before?P: As a matter of fact, I have just moved to this city.N: OK. In that case, you have to fill in this registration card. Your age, gender,adress and things like that. P: No problem. Which department should I register with, madam?N: You'd better go to the medical department. Here is my registration card.N: Thank you. The registration fee is one dollar.P: Fine. But can you tell me how to get to the medical department,please?N: Take the lift to the third floor and then make a left turn. Go along the corridor until you see the sign on your right.P: Thanks a lot.N: You're welcome.2.英语口语话题简述技巧英语口语的提升就是需要多用多训练,所以在学习英语口语的时候一定要养成多开口,多积累的好习惯。

你哪里不舒服?Doctor: Please come in. What seems to be the trouble?病人:肚子不舒服。
Patient:It’s my stomach. I think probably I had too much at supper yesterday evening.大夫:你昨晚吃了些什么,能告诉我吗?Doctor: Can you tell me what you had for supper yesterday evening?病人:海鲜,烤鸭。
Patient: Seafood, roastduck. Oh, a great variety of things, I can’t name them exactly.大夫:你呕吐过没有?Doctor: Have you vomitted?病人:呕吐过。
Patient: Yes, I have vomitted three times and made several trips to the bathroom last night.大夫:我明白了。
Doctor: I see. Now you have to get your stools tested. I’ll write out a slip and you can take it to the laboratory. Wait for a while and pick up the report, and then bring it back to me.病人:好吧。
Patient:All right, doctor. I’ll see you later.大夫:待会儿见。


有关医院常用的英语口语对话【篇一】相关医院常用的英语口语对话护士:早上好!Nurse: Good morning.病人:你好!Patient: Good morning.护士:请问哪里不舒服?Nurse: What seems to be the problem?病人:高烧,感觉糟透了。
Patient: Im running a high fever and feeling terribly bad.护士:这种情况出现有多久了?Nurse: How long have you had the problem?病人:从昨晚开始的。
Patient: Since last night.护士:您以前来过咱们医院吗?Nurse: Well, have you ever been here before?病人:事实上,我也是刚刚到这个城市。
Patient: As a matter of fact, I have just moved to this city.护士:好的,那么您得先填写这张挂号表。
Nurse: O. K. In that case, you have to fill in this registration card. Your age, gender, address and things like that.病人:每问题。
请问我应该挂哪科?Patient: No problem. Which department should I register with, madam?护士:您挂内科。
Nurse: You'd better go to the medical department.病人:表填好,给你。
Patient: Here is my registration card.护士:谢谢。
Nurse: Thank you. The registration fee is one dollar.,病人:好的。

1. Greeting and Introduction1.1 Greeting英文:Hello, how are you feeling today? 中文:你好,你今天感觉怎么样?1.2 Introducing Yourself英文:Hi, my name is [Your Name]. I am a doctor/nurse here. 中文:你好,我的名字是[你的名字]。
2. Patient Information2.1 Asking for Personal Information英文:Can you please tell me your name and date of birth? 中文:请告诉我你的姓名和出生日期,好吗?2.2 Asking about Allergies英文:Do you have any allergies? 中文:你有过敏吗?2.3 Asking about Medical History英文:Do you have any medical conditions or past surgeries that I should be aware of? 中文:你有任何疾病或过去的手术吗?我应该知道吗?3. Symptoms and Complaints3.1 Asking about Symptoms英文:What symptoms are you experiencing? 中文:你有什么症状?3.2 Describing Pain英文:On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain? 中文:根据1到10的标准,你的疼痛程度是多少?3.3 Asking about Location of Pain英文:Where is the pain located? 中文:你哪里疼?4. Diagnosis and Treatment4.1 Giving a Diagnosis英文:Based on your symptoms, I believe you have [diagnosis]. 中文:根据你的症状,我认为你患有[诊断结果]。

1. 问候与引导患者:医生:早上好/下午好/晚上好,我是XX医生。
2. 询问患者症状与病史:医生:您有什么不舒服的症状?患者:我感到头痛/发烧/咳嗽/胃痛等等。
3. 给予患者建议与指导:医生:您应该多休息/喝水/吃健康的食物。
4. 解释医疗诊断与治疗方案:医生:经过检查,您的检查结果显示有XX问题。
5. 给予患者鼓励与慰问:医生:您的病情有好转的迹象。

对话李太太:请问约翰逊大夫在吗?Mrs. Lee: Can I speak to Dr. Johnson, please?约翰逊大夫:我就是,有什么需要帮忙的吗?Dr. Johnson: Yes. This is Dr. Johnson speaking. What can I do for you?李太太:我是李太太。
请帮帮我Mrs. Lee: Oh. This is Mrs. Lee. Please help me, Dr. Johnson.约翰逊大夫:你怎么啦,李太太?Dr. Johnson: What's the matter with you, Mrs. Lee?李太太:哦,不,不是我。
Mrs. Lee: Oh, no, it's not me. My son Bill is sick.约翰逊大夫:比尔哪儿不舒服?Dr. Johnson: What's wrong with Bill?李太太:他手臂上,肩膀上长有红斑。
Mrs. Lee: He has red spots on his arms,on his shoulders…约翰逊大夫:他是不是周身都长了?Dr. Johnson: Does he have red spots all over his body?李太太:是。
Mrs. Lee: Yes, he does.约翰逊大夫:他有没有发烧呢?Dr. Johnson: Does he have a fever?李太太:哦,对了。
Mrs. Lee: Yes, he does. This morning his temperature was39 degrees in centigrade.约翰逊大夫:哎呀,那太糟了。

医生与护士对话英文版作文英文,Doctor: Good morning, nurse. How are you today?Nurse: Good morning, doctor. I'm doing well, thank you. How about you?Doctor: I'm doing great, thanks for asking. Did you have a chance to check on Mrs. Smith this morning?Nurse: Yes, I did. I gave her the medication and checked her vitals. She seems to be feeling better today.中文,医生,护士,早上好。
英文,Doctor: That's good to hear. I'll go and check on her later as well. By the way, have you seen Mr. Johnson in room 203? He's been complaining of some pain in his abdomen.Nurse: Yes, I saw him earlier. I gave him some pain medication and informed you about his condition. I think we need to keep an eye on him today.中文,医生,听到这个消息真是太好了。

医生病人英语会话(1)Nurse: How do you do. Welcome. I'm the nurse in charge of this ward. We hope you will feel at home here. This is nurse Wang.你好。
Patient: Sorry to bother you all.麻烦你们大家了。
N: If you need anything,just press this button.你若需要什么,就请按这只按钮。
P: Is it possible for my sister to stay here with me?我姐姐可以在这里陪我吗?N: Yes, but she has to pay for her bed. Does she want to have meals here too? We don't think it is necessary. Your Condition isn't so serious.可以,但是得交陪住费。
她也在这里用饭吗?我们想不需要. 你的病情不那么严重。
P: What are the hours here for meals?这儿什么时候开饭?N: Patients usually get at 7 AM. Breakfast is at 8 o'clock. The ward rounds and treatment start at 9 AM. Lunch at noon. After that you have a nap or rest. Visiting hours are from 3-7 PM. Super is at 6 PM. Bed time is from9:30-10:00 PM.病人一般早7点起床,8点吃早餐,9点医生查房和做治疗,12点午餐,饭后午睡或休息,下午3点到7点是探视时间,6点晚餐,9点半到10点病人该睡觉了。

医护英语对话带翻译Medical English Dialogue: Communicating with Patients。
As healthcare professionals, effective communication with patients is crucial in providing quality care. Here are some examples of medical English dialogue that can help improve communication with patients.1. Introducing Yourself。
Nurse: Good morning, my name is Sarah and I will be your nurse today. What is your name?Patient: My name is John.Nurse: Nice to meet you, John. How are you feeling today?翻译,1. 自我介绍。
你今天感觉怎么样?2. Explaining Procedures。
Doctor: We need to take a blood sample to check your cholesterol levels. This involves inserting a needle into your arm. It might be a little uncomfortable, but it should only take a few minutes.Patient: Okay, I understand.翻译,2. 解释程序。

医生护士英语会话:交通事故大夫:你哪里不舒服?Doctor: What seems to be the problem?病人:唉,我刚才过马路,正赶上一辆车从拐角处开过来。
Patient: Well, I was crossing the road, where a car came round the corner too quickly, and when the driver saw me, it was too late to stop. I was knocked to the ground, and when I got up,my left arm and elbow were grazed and now, I have a pain in my ribs.大夫:让我检查一下吧。
你哪儿疼啊?Doctor: I'll just take a look. Where does it hurt?病人:这很难说清楚,好象浑身都痛。
Patient: It's hard to say. It hurts all over.大夫:我按这儿,你疼不疼?Doctor: Does it hurt when I do this?病人:哎呀!你一按这儿我就疼得要命。
Patient: Ouch! The pain is very bad when you press here.大夫:你的胳膊和肘部好象没什么问题。
Doctor: You arm and elbow seem to be all right. But, to be on the safe side, you'd better go to the X-ray Department. When the X-rays are ready, bring them back to me to examine.病人:好的,那么待会儿再见吧!Patient: OK. See you later.大夫:待会儿见!Doctor: See you then!( Ten minutes later, the patient brings back the X-ray plates)病人:这是我的X光片。

请问我应该服用些什么药呢?Patient: I have a terrible cold. Apart from that, I have a headache. Can you suggest something I can take to relieve the pain?药剂师:你没有药方吗?Chemist: Don't you have a prescription?病人:是的。
Patient: No, I haven't gone to see a doctor.药剂师:你会不会对某些药品过敏?Chemist: Are you allergic to any type of medication?病人:我不知道。
Patient: I don't know exactly. I think that I can take most drugs.药剂师:拿起一个小盒子我推荐你使用这一品牌的快速止痛药。
Chemist: picks up a small box I recommend this brand for quick relief.病人:这药有效果吗?Patient: Will this really help?药剂师:根据标签上的说明,应该会吧。
Chemist: According to the label, yes. But if that doesn't help, then drink a cup of hot tea along with some honey. There's no miracle drug to cure a common cold.病人:有哪些好的止痛片?Patient: Which are the best headache tablets?药剂师:我们这儿有好几种。

医院常用英语会话What is your name? My name is Wang Ming.Where do you live? I live in Hong Kang.How old are you? I am 40 years old.What is your occupation? I am a worker.What trouble do you have? I have a cough and a sore throat.How long have you been sick? I have been sick since yesterday.Did you fall sick abruptly or gradually? I fell sick gradually.What diseases have you had before? I had T.B.at the age of thirty-three. Here, put this thermometer under your tongue.Let me feel your pulse…a little fast.Give me the thermometer. Do I have a fever?Just a little.Unbutton your shirt and let me listen to your chest.Breathe deeply.Open your mouth and say “Ah”.Lie down on the bed, please.Lie on your back.Loosen your waistband.Bend both legs.Relax your muscles.Does it hurt when I press here? It hurts greatly.Point to the painful place.Well, up please. May I go now?No .You have to have a blood test and a chest X-ray. When shall I come back?Come back tomorrow to see the X-ray film. Thank you, doctor. See you tomorrow. The next dayAccording to the symptoms and findings inexaminations, your disease may be diagnosed as T.B.Are your parents in good health? No, my father died of T.B.20 years ago.And how is your mother? She has been sick for a long time.Dose your mother have the same disease as your? Yes, she dose. Doctor, can this disease be cured?We’re determined to try our best to cure you.Here is your prescription.You may go over there for the medicine. Is there anything I should or shouldn’t do?You should rest properly.You had better take a walk in the open air every day.Smoking should be avoided. Thank you very much for your advice. Not at all. It’s my responsibility.二、医护常用会话What class of case is the patient? (这位病人是哪科的?)She is a gynecological patient and she should go to the gynecological ward on the first floor.Whose service will this patient enter? (这病人该归哪位医生治疗?)He will go to Doctor Wang’s service in the Department of Inte rnal Medicine.(该归内科王医生)Send the patient to the hospital by ambulance.Bring this patient to the emergency room for first aid quickly.The patient has copious hemorrhage. Please get the blood-transfusion equipment ready immediately. I’ll give her a blood t ransfusion at once.All right. I’ll bring it to you now. Is there anything else you want?Telephone to the blood bank to ask whether there is preserved blood available for this patient.I’ve just telephoned to ask them, but they say there is no blood avail able for this patient. What shall we do now?Please tell the patient’s relatives to come to the hospital and donate blood to her.I’ll talk over with them at once.Let’s go to make the morning ward-round. (查房)The beds in this ward look untidy. Please charge the bedding today.Let us make up (铺好)Bed 2 now.The patient is in danger and it’s necessary to take his pulse, respiration and blood pressure.All right. I’ll take them every hour.If the patient’s cond ition becomes worse, send for me immediately, please.I’ll surely do so.There is oozing of blood (渗血) form the patient’s wound and the dressing is soiled. Please change it for her today.The patient in Bed 1 suffered with a severe pain last night. His left buttock is inflamed. (发炎) It is swollen, red, hot and painful. An abscess has formed. We have to incise it. Well, I’ll get the instruments and dressing ready for you.The patient has been in a state of shock. Please the patient in the head-low position. Elevate the foot of the bed. Put hot water bottles around him. Give him some fluid by intravenous drip.I think his right femur is broken. Send him to the X-ray department to make sure if there is a fracture.Doctor, the condition of that patient is very poor. What are the orders for her?Give her 100ml.of 50%glucose solution by intravenous injection at once.Doctor Li, that new patient is so excited. I can’t quiet her.Here is an ampoule of Sodium Luminal. Give it intramuscularly(肌注)at once. It will quiet her.When did that patient die?He died at midnight.When will this patient go home?He’ll go home tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.Have those instruments been used?Yes, they’ve been used, but I have cleaned and sterilized th em.Is this medicine to be taken by mouth?The medicine in this bottle is poisonous. Don’t drink it. It’s only for external use.The new patient has a high fever.Examine her blood for malaria parasites. (疟原虫)What shall I do with the patient who has taken poison?Give him a gastric lavage immediately and then give him the antidote.The patient’s bowels haven’t moved (未排大便)for three days.I’ll give him a cathartic now.I am going to operate on the patient in Bed 6 tomorrow. Please shave his abdominal area and clean the skin with soap and water.The patient’s condition is very critical and he has been in a state of coma.I’ll let his relatives know by telephone.The patient’s life is in danger, but we’ll do everything possible to save him.Head nurse, please get the emergency drugs ready before you go off duty.All right. I’ll do so.医院常用英语:服药病人:早上好,大夫。

Dialogue Six:Suffer from a stomach大夫:请进。
你哪里不舒服?Doctor: Please come in. What seems to be the trouble?病人:肚子不舒服。
Patient: It’s my stomach. I think probably I had too much at supper yesterday evening.大夫:你昨晚吃了些什么,能告诉我吗?Doctor: Can you tell me what you had for supper yesterday evening?病人:海鲜,烤鸭。
Patient: Seafood, roastduck. Oh, a great variety of things, I can’t name them exactly.大夫:你呕吐过没有?Doctor: Have you vomitted?病人:呕吐过。
Patient: Yes, I have vomitted three times and made several trips to the bathroom last night.大夫:我明白了。
Doctor: I see. Now you have to get your stools tested. I’ll write out a slip and you can take it to the laboratory. Wait for a while and pick up the report, and then bring it back to me.病人:好吧。
Patient: All right, doctor. I’ll see you later.大夫:待会儿见。

医院情景对话:内科医生护士英语会话日常生活中我们难免会有生病的时候,那么关于内科医生护士日常口语该如何表达?以下是小编给大家整理的内科医生护士英语会话医院情景对话,希望可以帮到大家护士:早上好!nurse: good morning.病人:你好!patient: good morning.护士:请问哪里不舒服?nurse: what seems to be the problem?病人:高烧,感觉糟透了。
patient: im running a high fever and feeling terribly bad.护士:这种情况出现有多久了?nurse: how long have you had the problem?病人:从昨晚开始的。
patient: since last night.护士:您以前来过咱们医院吗?nurse: well, have you ever been here before?病人:事实上,我也是刚刚到这个城市。
patient: as a matter of fact, i have just moved to this city.护士:好的,那么您得先填写这张挂号表。
nurse: o. k. in that case, you have to fill in this registration card. your age, gender, address and things like that.病人:每问题。
请问我应该挂哪科?patient: no problem. which department should i register with, madam?护士:您最好挂内科。
nurse: you'd better go to the medical department.病人:表填好,给你。
patient: here is my registration card.护士:谢谢。
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【医院口语会话】内科医生护士英语会话护士:早上好!Nurse: Good morning.病人:你好!Patient: Good morning.护士:请问哪里不舒服?Nurse: What seems to be the problem?病人:高烧,感觉糟透了。
Patient: Im running a high fever and feeling terribly bad.护士:这种情况出现有多久了?Nurse: How long have you had the problem?病人:从昨晚开始的。
Patient: Since last night.护士:您以前来过咱们医院吗?Nurse: Well, have you ever been here before?病人:事实上,我也是刚刚到这个城市。
Patient: As a matter of fact, I have just moved to this city.护士:好的,那么您得先填写这张挂号表。
Nurse: O. K. In that case, you have to fill in this registration card. Your age, gender, address and things like that.病人:每问题。
请问我应该挂哪科?Patient: No problem. Which department should I register with, madam?护士:您挂内科。
Nurse: You'd better go to the medical department.病人:表填好,给你。
Patient: Here is my registration card.护士:谢谢。
Nurse: Thank you. The registration fee is one dollar.,病人:好的。
请问我该怎么走?Patient: Fine. But can you tell me how to get to the medical department, please?护士:坐电梯到三楼,左拐。
Nurse: Take the lift to the third floor and then make a left turn. Go along the corridor until you see the sign on your right.病人:多谢了。
Patient: Thanks a lot.护士:不客气。
Nurse: You're welcome.单词Wordsregistration n. 挂号gender n.性别address n. 住址department n. 科,系,部门register vi挂号fee n. 费lift n. 电梯corridor n. 走道短语Phrasesrun a high fever 发高烧as a matter of fact 事实上in that case 如果那样fill in 填写and things like that 等等register with 挂(某科)的号had bettertake a lif t坐电梯make a left turn 向左拐句子Sentence PatternsWhat seems to be the problem?请问哪里不舒服?How long have you had the problem?这种情况出现有多久了?In that case, you have to fill in this registration card. Your age, gender, address and things like that.那么您得先填写这张挂号表。
Which department should I register with, madam?请问我应该挂哪科?You'd better go to the medical department.您挂内科。
Take the lift to the third floor and then make a left turn. Go along the corridor until you see the sign on your right.坐电梯到三楼,左拐。
相关单词(人体部位)Related Wordsblood vessel 血管vein 静脉artery 动脉capillary 毛细血管nerve 神经spinal marrow 脊髓lung 肺heart 心diaphragm 隔膜internal organs 内脏stomach 胃liver 肝脏gallbladder 胆囊pancreas 胰spleen 脾duodenum 十二指肠small intestine 小肠large intestine 大肠caecum 盲肠vermiform appendix 阑尾rectum 直肠anus 肛门kidney 肾脏bladder 膀胱penis 阴茎testicle 睾丸scrotum 阴囊urethra 尿道ovary 卵巢womb 子宫vagina 阴道相关短语Related Phrasetake someicine 服药feel sick 感到恶心feel short of breath 觉得气急have noppetite 没有胃口have difficulty in breathing 呼吸困难chronic disease 慢性病suffer from an allergy 过敏hear of 听说相关表达方式(询问病情)Related Expressions (asking the patient about his/her illness )What seems to be the trouble?你怎么啦?What seems to be the problem?你怎么啦?What's troubling you?你哪里不舒服?Wher does it hurt?你哪里不舒服?In what way are you feeing sick?你哪里不舒服?What seems to be bothering you?你哪里不舒服?Tell me what your problem is?你哪里不舒服?When did the pain start?你什么时候开始痛的?Which tooth is troubling you?你哪颗牙不好?What hurts you?你哪里不舒服?What's wrong with your ear?你的耳朵怎么了?Since when have you been feeling like that? 什么时候开始有这种感觉的?How long have you had this trouble?你得这病有多久了?How long has it been this way?这样多久了?What did you eat yesterday?你昨天吃了什么东西?Have you take any medicine for it?你吃过什么药吗?Do you feel tired?你感觉疲倦吗?Are you feeling sick?你感到恶心吗?Any vomitting?有没有呕吐?Are you feeling all right?你感觉好吗?Are your bowels regular?你的大便正常吗?Do you cough?你咳嗽吗?Do you feel short of breath sometimes?你有时觉得气急吗?Do you have any appetite?你吃东西有胃口吗?Do you have any difficulty breathing?你呼吸有困难吗?Does it hurt?你通不痛?Did you have any pains here before?你以前这儿痛过吗?Have you ever had this experience before?你以前有过这种情况吗?Have you had any chronic diseases in the past?你过去有没有得过慢性病?Have you ever heard of any chronic diseases whin your family?你以前听没听说过你家里人有谁得过慢性病?How is your sleep?你睡眠怎样?Is this cut still painful?伤口还疼吗?Did you suffer from an allergy?你有过敏史吗?。