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P., 1989, “An Analysis of Intertemporal andCross-Sectional Determinants of Earnings Response Coefficients”, journal ofAccounting & Economics, pp. 143-1815.EastonP.D, Zmijewski M.E, 1989, “Cross-Sectional Variation in the Stock MarketResponse to Accounting Earnings Announcements”, Journal of Accou nting andEconomics, 117-1416.Beaver, W. H., 1968, “The Information Content of Annual EarningsAnnouncements”, journal of Accounting Research, pp. 67-927.Holthausen R.W., Leftwich R.W., 1983, “The Economic Consequences ofAccounting Choice: Implications of Costly Contracting and Monitoring”, journal of Accounting & Economics, August, pp77-1178.Patell J.M, 1976, “Corporate Forecasts of Earnings Per Share and Stock PriceBehavior: Empirical Tests. Journal of Accounting Research, Autumn, 246-2769.Brown L.D., Griffin P.A., Hagerman R.L., Zmijewski M.E, 1987, “An Evaluation ofAlternative Proxies for the Market’s Assessment of Unexpected Earnings”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 61-8710.Ou J.A., Penman S.H., 1989, “Financial Statement Analysis a nd the Prediction ofStock Returns”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Nov., 295-32911.William H. Beaver, Roger Clarke, William F. Wright, 1979, “The Associationbetween Unsystematic Security Returns and the Magnitude of Earnings ForecastErrors,” Journa l of Accounting Research, 17, 316-340.12.Burchell S., Clubb C., Hopwood, A., Hughes J., Nahapiet J., 1980, “The Roles ofAccounting in Organizations and Society”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, No.1, pp. 5-2813.Atiase, R.K., 1985, “Predisclosure Info rmation, Firm Capitalization, and SecurityPrice Behavior Around Earnings Announcements”, journal of Accounting Research, Spring, pp.21-36.ler P., O'Leary T., 1987, “Accounting and the Construction of the GovernablePerson”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, No. 3, pp. 235-26615.O'Brien P.C., 1988, “Analysts' Forecasts As Earnings Expectations”, journal ofAccounting & Economics, pp.53-8316.Bernard, V. L., 1987, “Cross-Sectional Dependence and Problems in Inference inMarket-Based Accounting Researc h”, Journal of Accounting Research, Spring, pp.1-4817.Brown L.D., Griffin P.A., Hagerman R.L., Zmijewski M.E, 1987, “An Evaluation ofAlternative Proxies for the Market’s Assessment of Unexpected Earnings”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 61-8718.Freem an, R. N., 1987, “The Association Between Accounting Earnings and SecurityReturns for Large and Small Firms”, journal of Accounting & Economics, pp.195-22819.Collins, D. W. , Kothari, S. P. and Rayburn, J. D., 1987, “Firm Size and theInformation Content of Prices with Respect to Earnings”, journal of Accounting & Economics, pp. 111-13820.Beaver, W. H., Lambert, R. A. and Morse, D., 1980, “The Information Content ofSecurity Prices, Journal of Accounting & Economics”, March, pp. 3-2821.Foster G., 1977, “Quar terly Accounting Data: Time-Series Properties andpredictive-Ability Results”, The Accounting Review, pp. 201-23222.Christie A.A., 1987, “On Cross-Sectional Analysis in Accounting Research”, journalof Accounting & Economics, December, pp. 231-25823.Loft A., 1986, “Towards a Critica1 Understanding of Accounting: The Case of CostAccounting in theU.K.”, 1914-1925, Accounting, Organizations and Society, No.2, pp.137-17024.GonedesN.J., Dopuch N., 1974, “Capital Market Equilibrium, InformationProduction, and Selecting Accounting Techniques: Theoretical Framework and Review of Empirical Work”, journal of Accounting, 48-12925.Bowen, R. M. , Noreen, E. W. and Lacey, J. M., 1981, “Determinants of theCorporate Decision to Capitalize Interest”, Journal of Accounting & E conomics, August, pp151-17926.Hagerman R.L, Zmijewski M.E, 1979, “Some Economic Determinants of AccountingPolicy Choice”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, August, 141-16127.Burchell S., Clubb, C. and Hopwood, A. G., 1985, “Accounting in its Socia1 Conte xt:Towards a History of Value Added in theUnited Kingdom”, Accounting,Organizations and Society, No. 4, pp.381-41428.Leftwich R.W, 1981, “Evidence of the Impact of Mandatory Changes in AccountingPrinciples on Corporate Loan Agreements”, Journal of Accoun ting and Economics, 3-3629.Bernard, V. L. and Thomas, J . K., 1989, “Post-Earnings Announcement Drift:Delayed Price Response or Risk Premium?”, Journal of Accounting Research, pp.1-3630.WattsR.L., Zimmerman J.L., 1979, “The Demand for and Supply of Account ingTheories: The Market for Excuses”, The Accounting Review, April, pp. 273-305 31.Armstrong J.P., 1987, “the rise of Accounting Controls in British CapitalistEnterprises”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, May, pp. 415-43632.Beaver, W. H. , Lambert, R. A. and Ryan, S. G., 1987, “The Information Content ofSecurity Prices: A Second Look”, journal of Accounting & Economics, July, pp.139-15733.Chambers, A. E., Penman, S.H, 1984, “Timeliness of Reporting and the Stock PriceReaction to Earnings Announcemen ts”, journal of Accounting Research, Spring, pp.21-4734.Collins D.W., Rozeff M.S., Dhaliwal D.S., 1981, “The Economic Determinants of theMarket Reaction to Proposed Mandatory Accounting Changes in the Oil and Gas Industry: A Cross-Sectional Analysis”, Jou rnal of Accounting and Economics, 37-71 35.Holthausen R.W., 1981, “Evidence on the Effect of Bond Covenants andManagement Compensation Contracts on the Choice of Accounting Techniques: The Case of the Depreciation Switch-Back”, journal of Accounting & Economics, March, pp. 73-10936.ZmijewskiM.E., Hagerman R.L., 1981, “An Income Strategy Approach to thePositive Theory of Accounting Standard Settings/Choice”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 129-14937.Lev B., Ohlson J.A, 1982, “Market-Based Empirical Research in Accounting: AReview, Interpretation, and Ext ension”, Journal of Accounting Research, 249-322 38.Ou J. and Penman S.H., 1989, “Financial Statement Analysis and the Prediction ofStock Returns”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Nov., 295-32939.Bruns Jr. W.J, Waterhouse, J., 1975, “Budgetary Control a nd OrganizationStructure”, journal of Accounting Research, Autumn, pp. 177-20340.Tinker A.M., Merino B.D., Neimark M., 1982, “The Normative Origins of PositiveTheories: Ideology and Accounting Thought, Accounting, Organizations andSociety”, No. 2, pp. 167-20041.Foster, G., 1980, “Accounting Policy Decisions and Capital Market Research”,journal of Accounting & Economics March, pp. 29-6242.Gibbins M., 1984, “Propositions About the Psychology of Professional Judgement inPublic Accounting”, Journal of Account ing Research, Spring, pp. 103-12543.Hopwood A.G, 1983, “On Trying to Study Accounting in the Contexts in which itOperates”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, No. 2/3, pp. 287-30544.Abdolmohammadi M.J., Wright A., 1987, “An Examination of the Effects ofExperience and Task Complexity on Audit Judgments”, The Accounting Review, pp.1-1345.Berry, A. J., Capps, T., Cooper, D.,Ferguson, P., Hopper, T. and Lowe, E. 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E., Francis J.R., 1989, “Letting the Chat Out of the Bag:Deconstruction privilege and Accounting Research”, Accounting Organization and Society, March, pp. 1-2857.Fried, D., Givoly, D., 1982, “Financial Analysts' Forecasts of Earnings: A BetterSurrogate for Market Expectations”, journal of Accounting & Economics, October, pp. 85-10758.Waterhouse J. H., Tiessen P., 1978, “A Contingency Framework for ManagementAccounting Systems Research”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, No.3,pp.65-7659.Ashton, R .H., 1974, “Experimental Study of In ternal Control Judgment journal ofaccounting Research”, 1974, pp. 143-15760.Collins D. W., Dent, W. T., 1979, “The Proposed Elimination of Full Cost Accountingin the Extractive Petroleum Industry: An Empirical Assessment of the MarketConsequences”, journ al of Accounting & Economics, March, pp. 3-4461.Watts R.L., Leftwich, R. 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会计论文参考文献以下是一些关于会计论文的参考文献,包含了会计准则、会计理论和会计相关的研究等方面的经典文献:1. FASB和IASB(2010)《会计准则统一化:更多信息与更好决策》。
2. Watts, R. L., & Zimmerman, J. L.(1978)《会计理论的一般原理》。
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4. Dichev, I. D.(2007)《披露质量与公司财务绩效》。
5. Barth, M. E., Beaver, W. H., & Landsman, W. R.(2001)《会计信息质量与公司价值:文献综述》。
6. Jensen, M. C., & Meckling, W. H.(1976)《理论经济人:董事会、公司行为与所有权结构》。
7. Petersen, M. A.(2009)《信息不对称、会计财务报告和公司治理》。
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3. 蒋燕军,“关于开展绩效审计的思考与实践”,《财会通讯》,2008年12月。
4.《价值最大化和经济增加值》中国建设银行计划财务部 2007年6月。
5. 邵燕杰,“中国商业银行引入EVA理念初探”,《现代商业银行导刊》2006年3月。
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论文参考文献财务会计论文参考文献会计专业的毕业论文参考文献格式要范文?下面是WTT带来的关于财务会计论文参考文献,欢迎大家阅读参考!财务会计论文参考文献篇一:1.刘仲文著《人力资源会计》,首都经济贸易大学出版社2.张文贤主编《人力资源会计制度设计》,立信会计出版社3.中国会计学会主编《人力资源会计专题》,中国财政经济出版社4.[美] 弗兰霍尔茨著《人力资源管理会计》,上海翻译出版公司5.[美] 加里·S·贝克尔著《人力资本》,北京大学出版社6.[美]查尔斯·亨格瑞著《成本与管理会计》 ,中国人民大学出版社7.[加]斯科特著《财务会计理论》, 机械工业出版社8.[美]马歇尔著《会计信息系统》,中国人民大学出版社9.高伟富著《人力资源会计教程》,上海财经大学出版社10.刘永泽著《高级财务会计》, 东北财经大学出版社11.李海波著《新编企业会计》, 立信会计出版社12.赵书和著《会计学》, 南开大学出版社13.顾爱春著《会计法规》, 科学出版社14.夏恩著《会计与控制理论》, 东北财经大学出版社15.翟文莹著《试论人力资源会计的几个基本问题》,现代财经,1999.316.徐勇、岳欣等《关于我国实施人力资源会计的探讨》,对外经贸会计,1999.1217.曹世文著《试探人力资源会计在企业管理中的应用》,财会月刊,1999.818.徐国君、刘祖明著《人力资源会计研究述评》,财会通讯,1999.1119.张磊、陈伟著《略谈人力资源会计的几个问题》,财会月刊,1999.820.袁晓勇著《人力资源会计研究的若干问题》,财会通讯,1999.11财务会计论文参考文献篇二:1、邓春华,《财务会计风险防范》,中国财政经济出版社,2001年版。
会计学的100篇经典⽂献这些是会计学的基础⽂献,是所有其他⽂献的参考⽂献经典⽂献(The 100 articles with the highest citation index-until 1996)参考:Lawrence D. Brown, 1996, “Influential Accounting Articles, Individuals, Ph. D Granting Institutions and Faculties; A Citational Analysis”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.21, NO.7/8, P726-7281. Ball, R. and Brown, P., 1968, “An Empirical Evaluation of Accounting Income Numbers”, journal of Accounting Research, Autumn, pp. 159-1781.Watts R.L., Zimmerman J., 1978, “Towa rds a Positive Theory of the Determination of Accounting Standards”, The Accounting Review, pp. 112-1342.Healy P.M, 1985, “The Effect of Bonus Schemes on Accounting Decisions”, Journal ofAccounting and Economics, April, 85-1073.Hopwood A. G., “Towards an Organizational Perspective for the Study of Accounting andInformation Systems”, Accounting, Organizations and Society (No. 1, 1978) pp. 3-144.Collins, D. W., Kothari, S. 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会计专业文献选读五.主要参考文献(一)经典书目1.[美]W·H·比弗著,薜云奎主译:财务呈报:会计革命,东北财经大学出版社,1999年2.[加拿大]威廉姆·R·司可脱陈汉文等译:财务会计理论,机械工业出版社,2000年3.[美]罗斯·L·瓦茨,陈少华.黄世忠等译:实证会计理论东北财经大学出版社1999年4.(二)会计学专业及有关期刊5.《会计研究》,中国会计学会主办6.《财务与会计》,中国财政杂志社主办7.《财会通讯》,财会通讯杂志社8.《审计研究》,中国审计学会主办9.《中国财务与会计研究》,清华大学.香港理工大学主办10.《中国会计评论》,北京大学等主办11.《中国内部审计》,中国内部审计学会主办12.《经济研究》,中国社会科学院经济研究所主办13.《管理世界》,国务院发展研究中心主办14.《金融研究》,中国人民银行总行金融研究所.中国金融学会15.《中国社会科学》,中国社会科学院主办16.(三)会计与审计经典英文文献Part1 Methodology in empirical accounting research1.Brown, S.J. and J.B. Warner. “Using daily stock returns:the case of event studies.” Journal ofFinancial Economics (March 1985): 3-32.2.Dechow, P.M., A. Hutton, and R. Sloan. “Economic consequences of accounting for stock-basedcompensation.” Journal of Accounting Research (1996 supplement): 1-20.Part2 Measurement perspective of accounting1.Holthausen, R.W. and R.L. Watts. “The relevance of the value relevance literature for financial accounting standard setting.” Journal of Accounting & Economics (2001):3-76.2.Ohlson, J.A. “Earnings, Book Values, and Dividends in Equity Valuation.”Contemporary Accounting Research (Spring 1995): 661-687.3.Lee, C.M.C. “Accounting-based valuation: impact on business practices andresearch.” Accounting Horizons, (December 1999): 413-426.4.Botosan, C. “Disclosure level and the cost of equity capital.” The Accounting Review (July 1997): 323-349.Part3 Positive accounting theory and earnings management1.Healy, P.H. and J.M. Wahlen, 1999, A review of the earnings management literatureand its implications for standard setting Accounting Horizons 13, 365-384.Part 4 Earnings persistence and quality1. DeFond, M., and C. W. Park. 2001. The reversal of abnormal accruals and the market valuation of earnings surprises. The Accounting Review 76 (July): 375–404.2.Sloan, R. 1996. Do stock prices fully reflect information in accruals and cash flows about future earnings? The Accounting Review (July): 289-315.Part5 Accounting and Corporate Governance1.Bushm an, R., Q. Chen, E. Engel, and A. Smith, 2004. Financial accounting information, organizational complexity and corporate governance systems, Journal of Accounting and Economics 37: 167-201.2.Engel, E., R. Hayes and X. Wang, 2003. CEO turnover and properties of accounting information, Journal of Accounting and Economics 36: 197-226.3. La Porta,L opez-de-Silanes,F.,Andrei Shleifer,Robert W.Vishiny, 2000, InvestorProtection and Corporate Governance ,Journal of Financial Economics58,3---27.Part 6 Law, regulation, and accounting1.Chen, K.C.W. and H. Yuan, earnings management and resource allocation: evidence from China accounting-based regulation of rights issues,? The Accounting Review V ol. 79 (2004): 645-665.Part 7 Auditing1.Teoh,S.H.and T.J. Wong, 1993, Perceived Auditor Quality and the Earnings Response Coefficients, The Accounting Review 68,346---672.Schwaitz K, B. and K.Menon. Auditor Switches by Failing Firms. The Accounting Review, 1985,60 April:248-261Part 8 taxation1.Douglas A. Shackelforda,2001Terry Shevlin Empirical tax research in accounting, Journal of Accounting and Economics,31 (2001) 321–3872.John R. Grahama, Jana S. Raedyb, 2012.Douglas A. Shackelfordb, Research in accounting for income taxes, Journal of Accounting and Economics,53(2012)3.Jeong-Bon Kima,1, Yinghua Lib,n, Liandong Zhanga,2011Corporate tax avoidance and stock price crash risk: Firm-level analysis,Journal of Accounting and Economics,100(2011)4.Verrecchia, Robert E.Stephanie A2012 Capital Gains Taxes and Expected Rates of Return,Sikes, . Accounting Review. May2012, V ol. 87 Issue 3, p1067-1086.5.Moore, Michael L.Steece, Bert M.Swenson, Charles W.1985Some Empirical Evidence on Taxpayer Rationality. Accounting Review. Jan1985, V ol. 60 Issue 1, p18. 15p.ux, Rick C. 2013The Association between Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities and Future Tax Payments. Accounting Review. Jul2013, V ol. 88 Issue 4, p1357-1383.(四)财务管理英文经典文献Part 1 Introduction and Overview of Corporate Finance1.Brennan, 1995, “Corporate finance over the past 25 years”, Financial Management 24, Summer, 9-222.Hart, O., 1989, “An economist’s perspective on the theory of the firm”, Columbia Law Review 89, 1757-17743.Williamson, O., 1981, “The modern corporation: origins, evolution, attributes”, Journal of Economic Literature 1537-1568.4.Graham, J. and Harvey, C. 2000. “The Theory and Practice of Corporate Finance: Evidence from the Field”. Journal of Financial Economics 60, 187-244.Part 2 Corporate Finance: Agency Theory and Ownership1.Fama, E., and Jensen, M. 1983. “Agency Problems and Residual Claims”. Journal of Law and Economics, 327-3492.Fama, E., and Jensen, M. 1983. “Separation of Ownership and Control”. Journal of law and economics, 301-325.3.Fama, E. 1978. “The Effects of a Firm’s Investment and Financing Decisions on the Welfare of Its Securityholders”. American Economic Review 68, 272-284.4.Jensen, M., and Meckling, W. 1976. "Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure," Journal of Financial Economics, 305-360.5.Demsetz. 1983. “The Structure of Ownership and the Theory of the Firm”. Journal of Law and Economics 26, 375-390.6.Jensen, M. 1986. “Agency Costs of Free Cash Flow, Corporate Finance, and Takeovers”. Am erican Economic Review, 323-329.7.Myers, S. 1977. “The Determinants of Corporate Borrowing”. Journal of Financial Economics 5, 146-175.8.Parrino, R., and Weisbach, M. 1999. “Measuring Investment Distortions Arising from Stockholder-bondholder Confli ct”. Journal of Financial Economics 53, 3-429.Harford, J. 1999. “Corporate Cash Reserves and Acquisitions”. 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《会计学科百篇文献导读》是一本全面介绍会计学科文献的综合性读物。这本书选取了百篇会计 学科的经典文献,涵盖了会计理论、实务、教育、研究等多个领域,旨在为读者提供一个全面了 解会计学科发展的窗口。 在会计理论方面,本书选取了关于会计目标、会计假设、会计信息质量、会计准则制定等方面的 经典文献。这些文献深入探讨了会计的基本概念和原则,为会计理论的发展奠定了基础。 在会计实务方面,本书涵盖了财务报表分析、财务舞弊、内部控制、税务会计等方面的文献。这 些文献提供了对会计实务的深入了解,有助于读者更好地理解和应用会计知识。 在会计教育方面,本书选取了关于会计教育目标、教学方法、课程设置等方面的文献。这些文献 探讨了如何培养具备专业素养和实践能力的会计人才,为会计教育的发展提供了有益的参考。 在会计研究方面,本书选取了关于会计研究方法、研究主题、研究趋势等方面的文献。
《会计学科百篇文献导读》是一本关于会计学科的综合性导读教材,旨在帮助 读者全面了解会计学科的发展历程、研究现状和未来趋势。本书的目录结构清 晰,内容丰富,具有很高的参考价值。
本书的引言部分简要介绍了会计学科的发展历程和研究现状,以及本书的编写 目的和结构安排。通过引言,读者可以对会计学科有一个初步的了解,为后续 的学习和研究打下基础。
在阅读这本书的过程中,我学到了很多关于会计学的理论和实践知识。其中, 我最为的是管理会计方面的论文。管理会计是企业内部管理的重要手段,对于 提高企业的效率和竞争力具有重要作用。在本书中,作者选取了一篇关于管理 会计领域的顶级学术论文,这篇论文探讨了管理会计实践中的一些重要问题, 如成本核算、预算管理和业绩评价等。
会计学高质量论文(十篇)1. 会计准则的发展和重要性 - 1000字这篇论文探讨了会计准则的发展历程,以及会计准则在保证财务信息透明度和准确性方面的重要性。
2. 企业财务报告与财务分析的关系 - 900字该论文研究了企业财务报告与财务分析之间的关系,重点探讨了财务报表的分析方法以及其在企业决策中的应用。
3. 管理会计在企业决策中的作用 - 850字这篇论文探究了管理会计在企业决策过程中的作用和意义,分析了管理会计信息对企业战略制定和绩效评估的影响。
4. 环境会计与可持续发展 - 950字该论文研究了环境会计在可持续发展中的作用和影响,探讨了环境会计信息对企业的环境责任和可持续经营的影响。
5. 税务会计对企业税务筹划的影响 - 800字这篇论文分析了税务会计对企业税务筹划的影响,探讨了税务会计信息在企业税务风险管理和税务优化方面的应用。
6. 信息技术对会计工作的影响 - 900字该论文研究了信息技术对会计工作的影响,探讨了信息技术在会计信息系统、数据管理和数据分析方面的应用。
7. 风险管理在企业会计中的应用 - 850字这篇论文探讨了风险管理在企业会计中的应用,分析了风险管理对企业财务报告和内部控制的影响。
8. 国际会计准则与国际金融报告标准 - 950字该论文研究了国际会计准则与国际金融报告标准之间的关系,分析了国际会计准则对国际商务和跨国企业的影响。
9. 非营利组织会计的特点与挑战 - 800字这篇论文探讨了非营利组织会计的特点与挑战,分析了非营利组织会计准则和报告要求对非营利组织可持续发展的影响。
10. 财务欺诈与内部控制 - 900字该论文研究了财务欺诈与内部控制之间的关系,探讨了内部控制对预防和检测财务欺诈的作用和重要性。
以下是其中一些:1. "Accounting Principles" by Jerry J. Weygandt, DonaldE. Kieso, and Paul D. Kimmel: 这本书是会计学的经典教材,涵盖了会计学的基本原理和概念,适用于初学者和专业人士。
2. "Financial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making" by Paul D. Kimmel, Jerry J. Weygandt, and Donald E. Kieso: 这本书探讨了财务会计的理论和实践,重点关注如何用财务信息做出商业决策。
3. "Management Accounting: Information for Decision-Making and Strategy Execution" by Anthony A. Atkinson, Robert S. Kaplan, Ella Mae Matsumura, and S. Mark Young: 这本书涵盖了管理会计的理论和实践,讨论了如何为决策制定和战略执行提供信息。
4. "Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis" by CharlesT. Horngren, Srikant M. Datar, and Madhav V. Rajan: 这本书介绍了成本会计的概念和方法,重点关注如何计算和控制成本以支持管理决策。
5. "Auditing and Assurance Services" by Alvin A. Arens, Randal J. Elder, and Mark S. Beasley: 这本书详细介绍了审计和保证服务的原理和实践,讨论了审计的目的、过程和责任。
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【share with u all】会计学的100篇经典文献来源:share with 各位会计、财务专业的同学...(P.S.读英文期刊绝对是体力活...开读前一定要吃好睡好...)这些是会计学的基础文献,是所有其他文献的参考文献~~~经典文献(The 100 articles with the highest citation index-until 1996)参考:Lawrence D. Brown, 1996, “Influential Accounting Articles, Individuals, Ph. D Granting Institutions and Faculties; A Citational Analysis”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.21, NO.7/8, P726-7281. Ball, R. and Brown, P., 1968, “An Empirical Evaluation of Accounting Income Numbers”, journal of Acc ounting Research, Autumn, pp. 159-1781. 2. Watts R.L., Zimmerman J., 1978, “Towards a Positive Theory of the Determination of Accounting Standards”, The Accounting Review,pp. 112-1342. 3. Healy P.M, 1985, “The Effect of Bonus Schemes on Accounting Decisions”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, April, 85-1073.Hopwood A. G., “Towards an Organizational Perspective for the Study of Accounting and Information Systems”, Accounting, Organizations and Society (No. 1, 1978) pp. 3-144.Collins, D. W., Kothari, S. P., 1989, “An Analysis of Intertemporal and Cross-Sectional Determinants of Earnings Response Coefficients”, journal of Accounting & Economics, pp. 143-1815.EastonP.D, Zmijewski M.E, 1989, “Cross-Sectional Variation in the Stock Market Response to Accou nting Earnings Announcements”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 117-1416.Beaver, W. H., 1968, “The Information Content of Annual Earnings Announcements”, journal of Accounting Research, pp. 67-927.Holthausen R.W., Leftwich R.W., 1983, “The Economic Consequences of Accounting Choice:Implications of Costly Contracting and Monitoring”, journal of Accounting & Economics, August, pp77-1178.Patell J.M, 1976, “Corporate Forecasts of Earnings Per Share and Stock Price Behavior: Empirical Tests. Journal of Accounting Research, Autumn, 246-2769.Brown L.D., Griffin P.A., Hagerman R.L., Zmijewski M.E, 1987, “An Evaluation of Alternative Proxies for the Market’s Assessment of Unexpected Earnings”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 61-8710.Ou J.A., Penman S.H., 1989, “F inancial Statement Analysis and the Prediction of Stock Returns”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Nov., 295-32911.William H. Beaver, Roger Clarke, William F. Wright, 1979, “The Association between Unsystematic Security Returns and the Magnitude of Earni ngs Forecast Errors,” Journal of Accounting Research, 17, 316-340.12.Burchell S., Clubb C., Hopwood, A., Hughes J.,Nahapiet J., 1980, “The Roles of Accounting in Organizations and Society”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, No.1, pp. 5-2813.Atiase, R.K., 1985, “Predisclosure Information, Firm Capitalization, and Security Price Behavior Around Earnings Announcements”, journal of Accounting Research, Spring, pp.21-36.ler P., O'Leary T., 1987, “Accounting and the Construction of the Governable Person”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, No. 3, pp. 235-26615.O'Brien P.C., 1988, “Analysts' Forecasts As Earnings Expectations”, journal of Accounting & Economics, pp.53-8316.Bernard, V. L., 1987, “Cross-Sectional Dependence and Problems in Inference in Market-Based Accounting Research”, Journal of Accounting Research, Spring, pp. 1-4817.Brown L.D., Griffin P.A., Hagerman R.L., Zmijewski M.E, 1987, “An Evaluation of Alternative Proxies for the Market’s Assessmentof Unexpected Earnings”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 61-8718.Freeman, R. N., 1987, “The Association Between Accounting Earnings and Security Returns for Large and Small Firms”, journal of Accounting & Economics, pp. 195-22819.Collins, D. W. , Kothari, S. P. and Rayburn, J. D., 1987, “Firm Size and the Information Content of Prices with Respect to Earnings”, journal of Accounting & Economics, pp. 111-138 20.Beaver, W. H., Lambert, R. A. and Morse, D., 1980, “The Information Content of Security Prices, Journal of Accounting & Economics”, March, pp. 3-2821.Fos ter G., 1977, “Quarterly Accounting Data: Time-Series Properties and predictive-Ability Results”, The Accounting Review, pp. 201-232 22.Christie A.A., 1987, “On Cross-Sectional Analysis in Accounting Research”, journal of Accounting & Economics, December, pp. 231-258 23.Loft A., 1986, “Towards a Critica1 Understanding of Accounting: The Case of CostAccounting in theU.K.”, 1914-1925, Accounting, Organizations and Society, No.2, pp.137-17024.GonedesN.J., Dopuch N., 1974, “Capital Market Equilibrium, Information Production, and Selecting Accounting Techniques: Theoretical Framework and Review of Empirical Work”, journal of Accounting, 48-12925.Bowen, R. M. , Noreen, E. W. and Lacey, J. M., 1981, “Determinants of the Corporate Decision to Capitalize Interest”, Journal of Accounting & Economics, August, pp151-17926.Hagerman R.L, Zmijewski M.E, 1979, “Some Economic Determinants of Accounting Policy Choice”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, August, 141-16127.Burchell S., Clubb, C. and Hopwood, A. G., 1985, “Accounting in it s Socia1 Context: Towards a History of Value Added in theUnited Kingdom”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, No. 4, pp.381-41428.Leftwich R.W, 1981, “Evidence of the Impact of Mandatory Changes in Accounting Principles onCorporate Loan Agreements”, Jour nal of Accounting and Economics, 3-3629.Bernard, V. L. and Thomas, J . K., 1989, “Post-Earnings Announcement Drift: Delayed Price Response or Risk Premium?”, Journal of Accounting Research, pp. 1-3630.WattsR.L., Zimmerman J.L., 1979, “The Demand for and Supply of Accounting Theories: The Market for Excuses”, The Accounting Review, April, pp. 273-30531.Armstrong J.P., 1987, “the rise of Accounting Controls in British Capitalist Enterprises”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, May, pp. 415-43632.Beaver, W. H. , Lambert, R. A. and Ryan, S. G., 1987, “The Information Content of Security Prices: A Second Look”, journal of Accounting & Economics, July, pp. 139-15733.Chambers, A. E., Penman, S.H, 1984, “Timeliness of Reporting and the Stock Price Reaction to Earnings An nouncements”, journal of Accounting Research, Spring, pp. 21-4734.Collins D.W., Rozeff M.S., Dhaliwal D.S., 1981, “The Economic Determinants of the Market Reaction to Proposed Mandatory Accounting Changes in the Oil and Gas Industry: A Cross-Sectional Analys is”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 37-7135.Holthausen R.W., 1981, “Evidence on the Effect of Bond Covenants and Management Compensation Contracts on the Choice of Accounting Techniques: The Case of the Depreciation Switch-Back”, journal of Accounting & Economics, March, pp. 73-10936.ZmijewskiM.E., Hagerman R.L., 1981, “An Income Strategy Approach to the Positive Theory of Accounting Standard Settings/Choice”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 129-149 37.Lev B., Ohlson J.A, 1982, “Market-Based Empirical Research in Accounting: A Review, Interpretation, and Extension”, Journal of Accounting Research, 249-32238.Ou J. and Penman S.H., 1989, “Financial Statement Analysis and the Prediction of StockReturns”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Nov., 295-32939.Bruns Jr. W.J, Waterhouse, J., 1975, “Budgetary Control and Organization Structure”, journal of Accounting Research, Autumn, pp. 177-20340.Tinker A.M., Merino B.D., Neimark M., 1982, “The Normative Origins of Positive Theories: Ideology and Accounting Thought, Accounting, Organizations and Society”, No. 2, pp. 167-200 41.Foster, G., 1980, “Accounting Policy Decisions and Capital Market Research”, journal of Accounting & Economics March, pp. 29-6242.Gibbins M., 1984, “Propositions About the Psychology of Professional Judgement in Public Accounting”, Journal of Accounting Research, Spring, pp. 103-12543.Hopwood A.G, 1983, “On Trying to Study Accounting in the Contexts in which it Operates”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, No. 2/3, pp. 287-30544.Abdolmohammadi M.J., Wright A., 1987, “AnExamination of the Effects of Experience and Task Complexity on Audit Judgments”, The Accounting Review, pp. 1-1345.Berry, A. J., Capps, T., Cooper, D.,Ferguson, P., Hopper, T. and Lowe, E. A., 1985, “Management Control in an Area of the NCB: Rationales of Accounting Practices in a Public Enterprise”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, No.1, pp.3-2846.Hoskin, K.W., Macve R.H, 1986, “Accounting and the Examination: A Genealogy of Disciplinary Power”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, No. 2, pp. 105-13647.Kaplan R.S, 1984, “The Evolution of Management Accounting”, The Accounting Review, 390-34148.Libby R., 1985, “Availability and the Generation of Hypotheses in Analytica1 Review”, journal of Accounting Research, Autumn, pp. 648-66749.Wilson G.P., 1987, “The Incremental Information Content of the Accrual and FundsComponents of Earnings After Controlling for Earnings”, the Accounting Review, 293-32250.Foster, G., Olsen, C., Shevlin T., 1984, “Earnings Releases, Anomalies, and the Behavior of Se curity Returns”, The Accounting Review, October, pp.574-60351.Lipe R.C., 1986, “The Information Contained in the Components of Earnings”, journal of Accounting Research, pp. 37-6852.Rayburn J., 1986, “The Association of Operating Cash Flows and Accruals With Security Returns”, Journal of Accounting Research, 112-13753.Ball, R. and Foster, G., 1982, “Corporate Financial Reporting: A Methodological Review of Empirical Research”, journal of Accounting Research, pp. 161-23454.Demski J.S, Feltham G.A, 1978, “Economic In centives in Budgetary Control Systems”, The Accounting Review, 336-35955.Cooper D.J, Sherer M.J, 1984, “The Value of Corporate Accounting Reports: Arguments for aPolitical Economy of Accounting”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, No.3, 207-23256.Arrington, C. 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