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( )1. —_______ is it to the train stati on?

—About six kilometers.

A. How long

B. How far

C. How much

D. How ofte n

( )2. How are you going to the museum, _______ b us or ______foot?

A. on; on

B. by; on

C. on; by

D. by; by

( )18. Read ing En glish storybooks is a good way of _____ En glish.

A. learni ng

B. learn

C. learned

D. to learn

( )19. ______ people can afford the car. It ' s very expensive.

A. A large nu mber of

B. The large nu mber of

C. A small nu mber of

D. The small nu mber of

( )20. Thank you ______ much for giving me some help.

A. too

B. so

C. a lot

D. a lot of

( )21. Today I ' d like to _______ the train to work.

A. take

B. ride

C. drive

D. bring

( )22. It _______ me five hours to draw this picture.

A. makes

B. gets

C. spe nds

D. takes

( )23. What time did your father get to New York yesterday?

A. reach to

B. arrive at

C. arrive in

D. get on

( )24. —Liste n! Who is si ngi ng?

—That _____ be Mary. She ' s going to join in Super Girl( 超级女声).

A. must

B. can

C. can ' t

D. has to

()25. Jodie spent two _____ and fifteen dollars on that yellow coat.

A. hun dreds

B. hun dred

C. hun dreds of

D. hun dred of


Dear Hector,

I ' m in England now. Here I have a good time. The food is 26 and the people are nice. Now I ' d like to tell you 27 about its traffic(交通).

The traffic in England goes on the 28 ! You see, this is very 29 the traffic in our coun try. As we know, the traffic in our country goes on the right of the streets.

If you want to walk 30 a street, you can have many 31 : a subway, a

footbridge, or a sidewalk(人行道).And in some places, there are black and white poles(杆)with a butt on(按钮)in the streets. If you press(按)the butt on, cars will usually 32 to let you go.

Taxis in London(a city in England) are really expensive, so if you come to London, you should have eno ugh 33 with you. Taxi drivers are usually 34 . Th ey' ll give you some help if you 35 .

See you soon !


Cin dy

()26. A. delicious B. awful C. un healthy D. expe nsive

()27. A. everything B. nothing C. someth ing D. anything

()28. A. right B .middle C. left D. cen ter

( )29. A. the same B. the same as C. different D. different from

( )30. A. down B. through C. across D. on

( )31. A. pla ns B. ways C. times D. friends

( )32. A. stop B. start C. fin ish D. come

( )33. A. time B. money C. food D. drink

( )34. A. weak B. clever C. frie ndly D. busy

( )35. A. leave B. rest ' C. cry D. need


There are four people in my family. We all like traveling( 旅游).This summer

we plan to go to Tibet on vacation. But we can ' t decide how to get there, because we don' t agree with each other about the question. My father wants to go by plane(飞机).But my mother, my brother and I don ' t agree. We don ' t think taking a plane is safe, although it ' s fast. My mother and I want to go by train. But my father and my brother think it ' s too slow(慢的).I say to them, “Why not? A train isn ' t fast, but it ' s safe and cheap, and we can also enjoy many interesting things on the way. ” My brother thinks it ' s good to go by car. He says, “Tibet isn ' t too

far from our city. If we leave at six in the morning in our car, we can arrive by six in the evening. ” But my parents and I think it ' ll cost( 花费)too much. And

there may be lots of cars on the way. Can you give us a piece of good advice?


( )36. The family is going to Tibet for the summer vacation.

( )37. When the writer says “ the questi on ” , he means意思是)they don' t know

how far it is to Tibet.

( )38. From the passage, we can know “safe ” means "快的” in Chinese.
