附 录(外文文献--超市的顾客满意度)


顾客满意策略与顾客满意营销原文来源:《Marketing Customer Satisfaction》自20世纪八十年代末以来,顾客满意战略已日益成为各国企业占有更多的顾客份额,获得竞争优势的整体经营手段。

一、顾客满意的定义1、顾客满意的提出20 世纪60 年代;1965 年,Cardozo 首次将顾客满意的观点引入营销领域,提出顾客满意会带动顾客的购买行为。
2、顾客满意的研究发展由于顾客满意管理研究的基本目的是为了预测顾客的行为反应, 因此, 自80 年代以来, 许多学者开始从行为学视角来研究顾客满意的行为结果。
一种观点认为, 顾客满意度对购物意向的影响是通过态度间接产生作用。
例如, 01iver(1980) 的研究发现高水平的顾客满意度可增加顾客对品牌的偏爱程度, 进而增强对该品牌的重复购买意向; Bearden and Teel(1983) 在对汽车的研究中发现, 顾客满意度对购买意向的影响受到态度的调节作用。
另一种观点认为, 顾客满意度对购买意向具有直接作用。
有调查显示, 较高比例的不满意顾客不愿意再购买同样品牌的产品(TARP, 1979) 。
如Howard 和Sheth(1969)认为顾客满意是“顾客对其所付出的代价是否获得足够补偿的一种认知状态”;Oliver 和Linda(1981)认为顾客满意是“一种心理状态,顾客根据消费经验所形成的期望与消费经历一致时而产生的一种情感状态”;Westbrook 和Reilly(1983)认为顾客满意是“一种情感反应,这种情感反应是伴随或者是在购买过程中产品陈列以及整体购物环境对消费者的心理影响而产生的”;Kotler 则认为顾客满意是“指一个人通过对一个产品的可感知的效果与他的期望值相比较后形成的感觉状态,是感知的效果和期望值之间的差异函数”。

外文翻译:顾客满意策略与顾客满意营销原文来源:《Marketing Customer Satisfaction》译文正文:自20世纪八十年代末以来,顾客满意战略已日益成为各国企业占有更多的顾客份额,获得竞争优势的整体经营手段。

一、顾客满意的定义1、顾客满意的提出20 世纪60 年代;1965 年,Cardozo 首次将顾客满意的观点引入营销领域,提出顾客满意会带动顾客的购买行为。
2、顾客满意的研究发展由于顾客满意管理研究的基本目的是为了预测顾客的行为反应, 因此, 自80 年代以来, 许多学者开始从行为学视角来研究顾客满意的行为结果。
一种观点认为, 顾客满意度对购物意向的影响是通过态度间接产生作用。
例如, 01iver(1980) 的研究发现高水平的顾客满意度可增加顾客对品牌的偏爱程度, 进而增强对该品牌的重复购买意向; Bearden and Teel(1983) 在对汽车的研究中发现, 顾客满意度对购买意向的影响受到态度的调节作用。
另一种观点认为, 顾客满意度对购买意向具有直接作用。
有调查显示, 较高比例的不满意顾客不愿意再购买同样品牌的产品(TARP, 1979) 。
如Howard 和Sheth(1969)认为顾客满意是“顾客对其所付出的代价是否获得足够补偿的一种认知状态”;Oliver 和Linda(1981)认为顾客满意是“一种心理状态,顾客根据消费经验所形成的期望与消费经历一致时而产生的一种情感状态”;Westbrook 和Reilly(1983)认为顾客满意是“一种情感反应,这种情感反应是伴随或者是在购买过程中产品陈列以及整体购物环境对消费者的心理影响而产生的”;Kotler 则认为顾客满意是“指一个人通过对一个产品的可感知的效果与他的期望值相比较后形成的感觉状态,是感知的效果和期望值之间的差异函数”。

例如,它可以指任何或所有下列例子:某一特定产品或服务质量的满意度;与正在进行的业务关系的满意度;产品或服务的价格性能比的满意度; 产品/服务的满意度,因为达到或超过客户的期望.根据企业的性质和与客户的具体关系,每个行业都可以添加到这个列表。
最基本的目标应该满足任何测量程序,包括以下内容:了解所有客户的期望和要求;确定公司和其竞争对手如何满足这些期望和要求; 基于你发现的产品标准上进行服务开发;随时间变化的趋势进行检验,以便采取及时的行动; 确定优先事项和标准来判断,你如何达到这些目标;设计适当的客户满意度测量程序之前,以下基本问题必须清楚地回答:我们收集的信息将如何使用?如何将这一信息允许我们采取组织内部的行动呢?我们应该如何使用此信息,以保持我们的客户和寻找新的呢?必须认真考虑组织希望实现何种结果,如何将这一目标传播到整个组织并且如何使用这些信息。
附 录(外文文献--超市的顾客满意度)

附录AppendixCustomer Satisfaction Strategy in Chain Supermarket sCustomer satisfaction strategy’s main idea is: the guideline is that the whole operational activities of supermarkets are for customer satisfaction, in customers’ view to analyze consumpt ion demand. By satisfying customers’ need to realize supermarkets’ operational aim.The fundamental purpose of supermarkets’ customer satisfaction is to cultivate customers’ trust on supermarkets, to enhance customers’ satisfaction for the whole supermarke ts’ operational activities. In order to do this, we must know the new marketing strategy’s content, and carry it out seriously. Its implementary points can be summarized as the following main aspects: (1) Shaping " customer first" business philosophy. The operational philosophy of "customer first" is the most fundamental motivation for serving customers, meanwhile, it also conducts making decisions, connecting all the departments of supermarkets to strive for the customer satisfaction. This operational philosophy is not only emphasized in senior management, more important is to embed it into everyone’s heart, and help personnel understand the importance of this philosophy.From its basic meaning, the operational philosophy of "customer first" has three gradations: customer is the highest, the customer is always right, everything for the customer.Customer is the highest. Customers are the external public who has direct relation with the supermarket’s future and destiny. To some extent, the market is the customer, lost public is the same as losing the market. The fate of one supermarket without market can not be well imagined. Therefore, the essence of the market-oriented is the customer-oriented, in the specific concept, customer is the highest. This idea requires thatsupermarkets should put customers at the first position of operation and management system, let customers feel the God’s real existence, thus, customers will produce acknowledgment and affiliation mentally for supermarkets.The customer is always right. The idea of the customer is always right is very difficult to set up from the logic point of view; it doesn’t conform to the objective reality either. However, in order to achieve the supermarket’s aim, as long as customers’ faults do not constitute a great loss to supermarkets, supermarkets would give" right" to customers. This is the important expression of customer satisfaction. The idea of the customer is always right includes three meanings: first, customers are the purchasers, not trouble makers; second, customers understand their own demand and hobby, which is just the information that supermarkets need to collect; third, because of customers’ "natural consistency", quarrelling with one customer is quarrelling with all the customers, in the concept of customer is wrong, supermarkets are absolutely not the winners, thereby, you will lose customers, it also means losing the market, losing profit.Everything for the customer. If it is said that customer is the highest is the starting point of supermarket management, then everything for the customer is the end-result. Everything for the customer requires supermarkets should consider everything from customers’ point of view, think what customers think, customers’ need is supermarkets’ need.(2) Treat personnel with hospitality. Customers in supermarkets can be broadly divided into two categories: one is the external customer; the other is the internal customer. External customers are the target customers of supermarkets; super markets’ ultimate goal is to satisfy external customers, then gain profit. But most supermarkets ignore the more crucial factor --- internal customers’ satisfaction, that is to say, supermarket personnel’s satisfaction. Personnel are the carriers that prom ote supermarkets’ management philosophy and service mind to final customers, they are also the major components of personnel satisfaction and customer satisfaction. A high personnel loyalty is equally as important as a high customer loyalty. If supermarkets want to retain the best customers, they must retain the best personnel.(3) Try to retain customers. If supermarkets pay attention to customers’ long-term return, they must well prepare for the initial reception of customers’ service work, improve the ratio of repeat buyers. A foreign study shows: A satisfactory customer can incur eight potential deals, at least one of them may be traded; an unsatisfactory customer can affect twenty-five persons’ purchasing will. So, retaining customers is more effective than attracting customers. The key of retaining customers lies in customers’ satisfaction. If one customer really satisfies, he or she would say to others about the nice products of supermarkets, pay little attention to the advertisements of those competitive brands, and not sensitive to price; besides, they will provide some good ideas about goods and service, due to the trading practices, this method can save trading cost. Hence, the strategy of customer satisfaction requires retaining customers by all means; expand customer team by customers’ spread.(4) Listen to more voices of customers. The implementation of customer satisfaction must establish a set of customer satisfaction analytical processing system., examine customers’ satisfaction for supermarkets’ goods and service with scientific means, the information is fed back to supermarket management in time, supermarkets can improve work incessantly, thereby, meet customers’ demand timely and truly. At present, many international chain supermarket companies are trying to shorten the distance between customers with the advanced communication systems. If modern chain supermarkets just want to sell goods out, or make" one-shot deal", these kinds of supermarkets are impossible to succeed in this furious competitive market. Selling these goods out is only the beginning of this deal; the real long-term deal is customers’ after-service response. When some supermarkets sell products, they declare "We will provide the best after-service, solve all your worries", but customers’ opinions, complaints and worries after buying, they think it is customers’ business not theirs. However, they don't know such method sharply dampens customers’ further consumption enthusiasm, it also impairs supermarkets’ image. Excellent supermarkets notice listening to customers’ voices, regard customers’ complaints as opportunities, which is not only in favor of establishing long-term friendly relation with customers, but also builds up favorable supermarket image.3The operational philosophy of customer satisfaction is a comprehensive reform of customer service value; its importance is not underestimated. The fundamental standard of measuring supermarket sales performance should be customer satisfaction, not other sales performance. Do not worry about how to earn money, go all out to fulfill customer satisfaction, customers can care for your turnover.连锁超市顾客满意策略顾客满意策略的主导思想是:超市的整个经营活动要以顾客满意度为方针,从顾客的角度、观点来分析消费需求。

1 顾客满意文献研究顾客满意是衡量人类社会生活质量的重要标准,是衡量一个国家或组织的社会生产力的重要指标。
人类社会进入20 世纪五六十年代以来,经过几十年的社会实践和理论研究,特别是近20 年的社会实践,“顾客满意"越来越被社会认可和接受,已经成为世界性潮流。
1.1 顾客满意理论产生的背景顾客满意度理论最早起源于20世纪初的消费心理学研究,20世纪后期,随着市场经济的高速发展,顾客满意度理论研究走出了象牙塔,进入实用研究阶段。
美国白恩咨询公司(BAIN)的研究显示,保留顾客和公司利润率之间有着非常高的相关性.顾客不履约率下降5% ,则公司利润率将上升25%~85% (因行业的不同而不同)。

模型中共包含七个因素(潜变量):超市形象、质量期望、质量感知、感知价值、顾客满意、顾客抱怨、顾客忠诚,其中前四个要素是前提变量,后三个因素是结果变量,前提变量综合决定并影响着结果变量(Eugene W. Anderson & Claes Fornell,2000;殷荣伍,2000)。
表7-1 设计的结构路径图和基本路径假设设计的结构路径图基本路径假设超市形象对质量期望有路径影响质量期望对质量感知有路径影响质量感知对感知价格有路径影响质量期望对感知价格有路径影响感知价格对顾客满意有路径影响顾客满意对顾客忠诚有路径影响超市形象对顾客满意有路径影响超市形象对顾客忠诚有路径影响2.1、顾客满意模型中各因素的具体范畴参考前面模型的总体构建情况、国外研究理论和其他行业实证结论,以及小范围甄别调查的结果,模型中各要素需要观测的具体范畴,见表7-2。
表7-2 模型变量对应表潜变量内涵可测变量(一) 超市形象根据MARTENSEN在固定电话、移动电话、超市等行业中的调查研究,某超市总体形象的评价(a1)与其它超市相比的形象(a2)1见spss数据文件“处理后的数据.sav”。

1. 产品品质超市的产品品质对顾客满意度影响较为显著,其中有85%的顾客对产品品质总体较为满意。
2. 服务质量服务质量也对顾客满意度影响较大,有83%顾客对服务质量总体较为满意。
3. 价格在超市中,价格也是重要的考虑因素之一。

关键词:顾客感知价值,营销策略,顾客忠诚,核心竞争力Research on Marketing Strategy of Ex at Qinhuangdao Based OnCustomer Perceived ValueAbstractThe market of supermarket industry is huge, with low entry threshold, the competition is fierce. Ex supermarket at Qinhuangdao since the end of 2009 opening, has been in a complex competitive environment. On one hand it competes with Guan Yuan, the local supermarket of Qinhuangdao, for customers, on the other hand, it has to compete with the new Carrefour at the moment. In the future, there will be more challenge form Wal-mart. The Ex at Qinhuangdao now is facing many problems in its own management. It must solve these problems quickly to enhance the competitiveness, win customer loyalty and keep a foothold at Qinhuangdao.This paper takes Ex at Qinhuangdao as research object, aims to improve the customer perceived value, points out the existing management problems of Ex, including lack of competitiveness on commodity prices, sales blank, information communication block, complex handling, unsatisfied staff literacy and lack of parking ground. Based on this problems, this paper analyses the reasons and then put forward suggestion on improvement, such as low-price strategy, open morning market, change the existing way of information transmission, simplify the management mode, improve staff quality, design a new parking scheme and so on, in order to achieve customer loyalty and enhance enterprise core competitiveness.Key words: Customer Perceived Value;Marketing strategy;Customer loyalty;Core competitiveness目录1绪论 (1)1.1选题背景和意义 (1)1.2研究思路 (1)1.3技术路线 (2)2理论基础 (4)2.1顾客感知价值 (4)2.1.1顾客感知价值的特点 (4)2.1.2顾客感知价值的驱动因素 (4)2.1.3顾客感知价值与企业核心竞争力的关系 (4)2.2顾客忠诚 (5)2.2.1顾客忠诚的分类 (5)2.2.2顾客忠诚的培育 (6)2.2.3顾客忠诚的价值分析 (7)2.3 20/80理论 (7)2.3.1二八法则的提出 (7)2.3.2 20%的顾客创造了企业80%的利润 (7)2.4顾客细分 (8)2.4.1顾客细分的必要性 (8)2.4.2顾客细分与差别定价 (8)2.5需求价格弹性 (9)2.5.1需求价格弹性的分类 (9)2.5.2影响需求价格弹性的因素 (9)2.5.3不同顾客的需求价格弹性不同 (9)3某某超市秦皇岛店现状 (10)3.1某某超市秦皇岛店的背景 (10)3.2某某超市秦皇岛店的优势 (10)3.3某某超市秦皇岛店经营中存在的问题 (11)3.3.1商品价格缺乏竞争力 (11)3.3.2顾客断档 (12)3.3.3信息沟通不畅 (12)3.3.4把简单的事情做复杂 (13)3.3.5员工业务素质低 (15)3.3.6缺少停车场 (16)4某某超市秦皇岛店经营问题的原因分析 (17)4.1做战略时缺乏整体规划 (17)4.2没有从顾客的角度出发换位思考 (17)4.3没有进行顾客需求调查 (19)4.4与顾客缺乏沟通 (20)4.5缺乏后台管理 (20)5改进策略及意见 (21)5.1施行降价促销策略 (21)5.2开设早市 (22)5.3改变现有信息传递方式 (22)5.4简化管理方式 (23)5.5提高员工职业素养 (24)5.6设计新的停车方案 (25)结论 (27)致谢 (28)参考文献 (29)附录 (28)附录A (28)附录B (33)1 绪论1.1 选题背景和意义超市在商品销售梁道中的地位举足轻重,最近几年在我国发展迅速,受到了消费者的亲睐。

2满意度概念1965年Cardozo [1]首次将“CS”即“顾客满意”这一概念引入营销领域,此后顾客满意度的研究迅速发展起来,各个专家、学者经过研究对顾客满意的定义,基本上可以概括为两类:(1)以消费过程中的行为定义的顾客满意度这一观点被称为特定交易观点,是从顾客个人行为的角度出发的认为顾客满意是事后对购买中某种特定行为的评价。

1、对顾客满意定义的研究Oliver和Linda (1981)认为,“顾客满意是一种心理状态,顾客根据消费经验所形成的期望与消费经历一致时而产生的一种情感状态”。
1990年,美国质量协会借鉴了 SCSB的调查方法和模型,构建了美国顾客满意度指数模型,并于1993年在美国进行了测试,该种模型包括六个变量,它在SCSB模型的基础上添加了质量感知因素。

大型超市的顾客满意度研究本科毕业论文毕业论文题目: 大型超市的顾客满意度研究-以上海家乐福为例毕业论文(设计)原创性声明本人所呈交的毕业论文(设计)是我在导师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。

2满意度概念1965年Cardozo [1]首次将“CS”即“顾客满意”这一概念引入营销领域,此后顾客满意度的研究迅速发展起来,各个专家、学者经过研究对顾客满意的定义,基本上可以概括为两类:(1)以消费过程中的行为定义的顾客满意度这一观点被称为特定交易观点,是从顾客个人行为的角度出发的认为顾客满意是事后对购买中某种特定行为的评价。

Marketing Customer SatisfactionSince the late eighty s of the 20th century, the customer satisfaction strategy has increasingly become the enterprise has more customers share, overall management means of gaining competitive advantage.Strategy, customer satisfaction is the modern enterprise to obtain customers "currency vote" Change over time, the great abundance of social material wealth, customers also has the subject -- the demands of consumers in the across the material lack of times, the pursuit of the number of times, the pursuit of quality of the era, in the late eighty s of the 20th century into the era of the emotional consumption. In our country, with the rapid development of economy, we also have rapidly across the material lack of times, the pursuit of the number of times and the pursuit of quality of the era, to this day, step by step towards the emotional consumption age. In the emotional consumption era, companies with similar products has been achieved at the same time, homogeneity, can, same price, consumers pursue is no longer the quality, function and price, but comfortable, convenient, safe and secure, speed, newly established, environmental protection, clean, pleasant, interesting, consumers increasingly focus on the product can bring vitality to their lives, enrichment, comfortable, aesthetic and spiritual culture grade, and exceed consumer expectations of pre-sale, sale, after-sales service and consulting. That is to say, people's pursuit of today is to have the sense of fulfillment and satisfaction to the heart of goods, is a high value-added goods and services, the pursuit of values and consciousness, personalized and diversified intangible satisfaction era has come.And adapt to changing consumer value pursuit of the competition between enterprises, also by the product competition, price competition, technological competition, advertisement competition, brand competition development to today's image, reputation, cultural competition and service competition, competition of customer satisfaction. This competition is the enterprise in the field of wide Angle, width of space and time within the scope of the high-level, embodies the comprehensive strength of competition. It includes organization innovation, technology innovation, management innovation, the industrial foresight, product research and development force, centripetal force, service customers, customer affinity, peer RenTongLi, social contribution, pr communication communication forces driving force, enterprise culture, environmental adaptability, and so on. How these integrated image force and the synthetic integrated lasting competitiveness, which is CS strategy to solve the problem. CS era, enterprise is no longer centered on "self", but in the "customer as the center"; "Customers for honour", the slogan of "customer satisfaction" is no longer a mere formality, but the real action based enterprise management of a new philosophy. Companies are no longer with standard quality, your satisfaction is the management idea, but in customer satisfaction, business philosophy to win the customer high loyalty. The focus of enterprise management strategy is no longer to gain or maintain market share, but to gain customer satisfaction as the business philosophy. Therefore, the focus of the marketing strategy is no longer the competitors, but on the customers, and on the demand of the reality and potential customers. When companies provide products and services to customers in advance of expectations, customer basic satisfied; If far exceed customer expectations, and far higher than other peers, customers truly satisfied; If the enterprise can continuously or for long to customer satisfaction, customer loyalty. Loyal customers will not only constantly repeatpurchase, will also buy other related products or services; Loyal customers will not only actively recommend he bought product from others, and to the enterprise competitors promotion has the immune ability of a dissatisfied customer will not satisfied told 16-20 people, and each one will be transmitted to the defendant when 12 to 15 people. In this way, a dissatisfied person will affect the 2, three hundred. In the popularization of the Internet today, its influence is larger. According to the survey of the U.S. auto industry, one will be satisfied with the 8 potential deals, with at least one pen. And another survey shows that companies 5% increase the loyalty of customers, the profit will be increased by 25% to 25%. The 80% of the profits of an enterprise comes from 20% of loyal customers; And a new customer acquisition cost is 6 times to maintain an old customer costs. So, a famous American scholar tang page, Perth, points out that decided to hold the key to the success of an enterprise is not the market share, but in the customer share.Then, companies through extensive market research, direct contact with customers, customer feedback and other ways to get to know customers in all aspects of the real demand and potential demand. Rely on their loyalty to the enterprise satisfaction of sales and service personnel, regular, quantitative and comprehensive measurement of customer satisfaction, in order to accurately grasp the enterprise management and the "customer satisfaction" the gap between target and its key areas, to further improve the business activities of enterprises. Rely on high affinity of the enterprise culture, high efficiency of humanistic management and the joint efforts of the whole, to customers with high value-added products, a high standard of family-like services, to win customers constantly change and improve satisfaction, win more customers. Such as haier has always put customer needs as the first, standing in the customer's point of view of product development, design, and provide personalized, human nature and practical products, from episodic TV to new color TV "anti" change, from a small child prodigy washing machine hand rub type washing machine, from refrigerators to the little prince "wisdom eye" frequency conversion air conditioning, from 17 hours make mike freezers to after-sale one-stop service stars, notting have is not in order to meet customer needs and provide satisfaction to the value of goods and services. And as Microsoft's each kind of product is concentrated the best developers in the world, than customers want good products, at the same time sales of globalization of economies of scale formation, reduce the price to a minimum. And this is the secret to the success of Microsoft in the past 20 years.To sum up, the emotional consumption era, how to decide which products and the production and business operation service power is no longer belongs to the enterprise, but belong to the consumer, to measure efficiency of enterprises and the existing value of the decision to customers, enterprises should try to cater to the customer, value to satisfy customers, to get "monetary vote" from customers as much as possible. And CS strategy to get the votes in competition.Two main steps of marketing strategy, customer satisfaction.First, the cultural establishment in the enterprise to the customer as the center, customer interests first, take customer satisfaction as the goal of business philosophy.Customers in CS theory refers to the internal staff and external customers (including distributors, wholesalers, agents, final consumer and raw materials suppliers, partners, etc.), customer satisfaction, including staff and external customer satisfaction, customer loyalty. Mechanism of enterprise success lies in customer satisfaction and loyalty, employees is thekey to customer satisfaction and loyalty. Employee satisfaction and loyalty of enterprise is consumers' satisfaction and loyalty to the enterprise products and services, customer satisfaction and loyalty is the inevitable result of the employee behavior. No employee satisfaction and loyalty, it is impossible to create customer satisfaction of products and provide premium services, customers are not satisfied with naturally not loyalty, away from the enterprise. When the employee satisfaction and loyalty will be in contact with the customers with great enthusiasm into their intellectual capital, creative service for the customer, customer requirements and timely find trends, improve the added value of products and services in a timely manner, hold fast to the customer's heart, their satisfaction. Fedex, found that when the internal employee satisfaction rate increased to 85%, their customer satisfaction rate is as high as 95%, and corporate profits are very optimistic. Employee attitude determines everything here.Therefore, the enterprise must be customer satisfaction management concept penetration in the in the mind of employees, reflected in the management, loyal to the staff, in their research and development, manufacturing products, provide marketing services to customers. Such as hubei, "all employees get education is centered on the customer is the highest principle of enterprise management. Customers are benefactor, is a friend, is a teacher, is the customer gives us the opportunity to work, the value of work, work fun and work significance. We should sincerely thank to your heart's content as the customer, customer satisfaction is our work goal, create the most value for customers of products and services is our highest goal. Guided by these principles, would rather let oneself can't let to lose customers who has become a" hubei "employees' code of conduct. To make the customer feel the" hubei "consumption is a kind of enjoyment, is a kind of value enjoy. After customers pay a cost, a expectations for their own consumption, and consumers have finally come to consumption in the heart can have a evaluation standards, if the content value, he would come again later, such as value, he may come back later; otherwise, consumers will not come again. So, the purpose of" hubei "is to provide consumers with value of products and services. So under the guidance of business philosophy and customer satisfaction marketing," hubei "fire in the city it is not hard to understand.Second, let customers participate in product design and development.Companies to customers as the center, through the market segmentation, a wide range of research to understand the needs of the target public and value, standing on the customer's point of view of product development, design, providing personalized and humanized high value-added products and services, is correct, but must let customers participate in product design. Use of the Internet and the CAD technology to establish effective communication and information exchange with customers, timely grasp the various requirements of the customer information and customer value, encourage a variety of information sources to timely update the customer information database. After analysis, the summary, understand the nature of customer demand, and the nature of the customer demand information become the enterprise each department of Shared resources. To design products, to provide customer satisfaction services. Now, many companies have adopted a named: "product configurator" system to help users to participate in product design. Namely in the computer to store all the latest information, product module and replace at any time, marketing personnel at the scene of the sales through the Internet, according to user needs or together with the user configuration ofthe need to meet the value of the product. Shanghai gm company production car to operators and users are very satisfied, because let users involved in the design of the product. And haier whether for sichuan farmers can wash sweet potato washing machine production, production of "the little prince" refrigerator for Shanghai users, or the anti color TV, haier's "wisdom eye" frequency conversion air conditioning, star one-stop after-sales service and so on, are all based on the needs of users, absorb the advice of customers participate in product design, the design and development of customer satisfaction of rich humanistic value of goods and services, have won more customers heart naturally.Third, to provide services in the whole process of the customer satisfaction and personality service.Full service for the customer's shopping and consumption of each link to meticulous and thorough service, heart services. Is the whole process of the consumers from the moment they produce consumption desire of commodity use value out of the entire process, tender care for consumers, make consumers is closely combined with its own brand, let consumers enjoy culture, service, concept, feel the benefit, willing to consume your products or services, make consumers feel fully satisfied in every level, and to win customer loyalty. Sales stage --, must ensure that customers receive timely and quality services, pre-sale consultation training participation, transfer information, create shopping needs, make rational choice to customers, help customers to buy their practical gratified commodity; Sale support to provide convenient, maximize product function, make the customer feel the affection and value; After sales services to value-added feedback back, make customers feel warmth and love. Haier air conditioning, is like an old lady bought on my way home by the "dirty" driver ran, haier after learning, free immediately send a new air conditioning, haier to the old lady and decided after delivery in place. Inner Mongolia a user due to fire in the home, just bought the haier refrigerator burn out, haier jump from computer service network to the user after the detailed address, the chosen car fixed with four days to get to the refrigerator. This premium services must win customers satisfaction exceed expectations.In today's emotional consumption era, people pursue the sense of fulfillment and satisfaction to the heart of goods, high added value is highly personalized value goods, the pursuit of values and consciousness of diversification, personalization, and intangible satisfaction. Therefore, the enterprise will no longer attention on all the differences of general demand, should be aimed at the pursuit of the individuality of each different consumers, to design and develop enterprise products and services, to adapt to the current consumption trend of individuation and diversification. In the face of increasingly complex consumption tendency, the enterprise to manage customer demand for personalized marketing, and customer information feedback system is the key to establish customer database, customer relationship management (CRM), collection to understand consumers' requirements and preferences of the constantly changing, and new expectations of the enterprise, in order to better provide customers with personalized service.Fourth, cultivate customer loyalty.In the restaurant industry, the satisfied customer brand transformation in the proportion of 60% to 80%. It shows that satisfied customers do not necessarily can become loyal customers. 80% and 80% of the profits from an enterprise's loyalty customers, marketing customer set Aracature corp. chief executive Larry Light in Advertising Age magazine, saidearnings from loyal customers are nine times as many loyal customers. Sustained growth, wal-mart was able to become a top 500, fundamental reason is that it attracts customer loyalty management ability.Is customer loyalty from customers feel, passing through two-way communication and mutual relationship, the value of is relentlessly to provide special products or services through the enterprise. Make customer loyalty and enterprise top management must have the determination to persistently, and financial support, to define enterprise loyal customer, understand customer's demand is, what was the cause of their departure, who bought a product, why? Know the motivational factors and create customer loyalty. Cultivate loyal customers marketing method has two kinds:One is to properly handle the customer complaints. As long as properly handle customer complaints, 82% of customers will buy goods again. To properly handle the customer complaints, require companies to establish a good set of humanized management "complain" system. First, sets up "the customer complaints, is the best gift to the enterprise, it is good to improve the enterprise management" concept, Second, the enterprise must establish effective complaints handling policy and system, and training staff, correctly handling customer complaints, standing in customer's point of view to deal with customer complaints; Third, handling customer department to rotate, so that each business unit can timely understanding of customer satisfaction, and gain the experience of handling customer complaints; Fourth, the establishment of all customer complaints database, in order to timely treatment and prevent the occurrence of public relations crisis.The second is to build a loyal customer database. Only through the database to track survey analysis, can know exactly what companies have customers share will increase how much, how long does it take to reach a share. The core of loyal customer database is a relational database, it consists of a series of marketing programs from different side of children library. Loyal customer database, can provide information needed for the premium services for employees; To collect all the details related to the customer to create conditions; Strengthen with the customer's quick link; For the development of new products and new services to create conditions; Interactive two-way communication with customers for long time, in order to provide the potential demand, and seems to have thought of the thought of meet the expected value of a product or service.。

2文献研究2.1 顾客满意文献研究顾客满意是衡量人类社会生活质量的重要标准,是衡量一个国家或组织的社会生产力的重要指标。
人类社会进入20 世纪五六十年代以来,经过几十年的社会实践和理论研究,特别是近20 年的社会实践,“顾客满意”越来越被社会认可和接受,已经成为世界性潮流。
2.1.1 顾客满意理论产生的背景顾客满意度理论最早起源于20世纪初的消费心理学研究,20世纪后期,随着市场经济的高速发展,顾客满意度理论研究走出了象牙塔,进入实用研究阶段。
美国白恩咨询公司(BAIN) 的研究显示, 保留顾客和公司利润率之间有着非常高的相关性。
顾客不履约率下降5% , 则公司利润率将上升25%~85% (因行业的不同而不同)。

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附录AppendixCustomer Satisfaction Strategy in Chain Supermarket sCustomer satisfaction strategy’s main idea is: the guideline is that the whole operational activities of supermarkets are for customer satisfaction, in customers’ view to analyze consumpt ion demand. By satisfying customers’ need to realize supermarkets’ operational aim.The fundamental purpose of supermarkets’ customer satisfaction is to cultivate customers’ trust on supermarkets, to enhance customers’ satisfaction for the whole supermarke ts’ operational activities. In order to do this, we must know the new marketing strategy’s content, and carry it out seriously. Its implementary points can be summarized as the following main aspects: (1) Shaping " customer first" business philosophy. The operational philosophy of "customer first" is the most fundamental motivation for serving customers, meanwhile, it also conducts making decisions, connecting all the departments of supermarkets to strive for the customer satisfaction. This operational philosophy is not only emphasized in senior management, more important is to embed it into everyone’s heart, and help personnel understand the importance of this philosophy.From its basic meaning, the operational philosophy of "customer first" has three gradations: customer is the highest, the customer is always right, everything for the customer.Customer is the highest. Customers are the external public who has direct relation with the supermarket’s future and destiny. To some extent, the market is the customer, lost public is the same as losing the market. The fate of one supermarket without market can not be well imagined. Therefore, the essence of the market-oriented is the customer-oriented, in the specific concept, customer is the highest. This idea requires thatsupermarkets should put customers at the first position of operation and management system, let customers feel the God’s real existence, thus, customers will produce acknowledgment and affiliation mentally for supermarkets.The customer is always right. The idea of the customer is always right is very difficult to set up from the logic point of view; it doesn’t conform to the objective reality either. However, in order to achieve the supermarket’s aim, as long as customers’ faults do not constitute a great loss to supermarkets, supermarkets would give" right" to customers. This is the important expression of customer satisfaction. The idea of the customer is always right includes three meanings: first, customers are the purchasers, not trouble makers; second, customers understand their own demand and hobby, which is just the information that supermarkets need to collect; third, because of customers’ "natural consistency", quarrelling with one customer is quarrelling with all the customers, in the concept of customer is wrong, supermarkets are absolutely not the winners, thereby, you will lose customers, it also means losing the market, losing profit.Everything for the customer. If it is said that customer is the highest is the starting point of supermarket management, then everything for the customer is the end-result. Everything for the customer requires supermarkets should consider everything from customers’ point of view, think what customers think, customers’ need is supermarkets’ need.(2) Treat personnel with hospitality. Customers in supermarkets can be broadly divided into two categories: one is the external customer; the other is the internal customer. External customers are the target customers of supermarkets; super markets’ ultimate goal is to satisfy external customers, then gain profit. But most supermarkets ignore the more crucial factor --- internal customers’ satisfaction, that is to say, supermarket personnel’s satisfaction. Personnel are the carriers that prom ote supermarkets’ management philosophy and service mind to final customers, they are also the major components of personnel satisfaction and customer satisfaction. A high personnel loyalty is equally as important as a high customer loyalty. If supermarkets want to retain the best customers, they must retain the best personnel.(3) Try to retain customers. If supermarkets pay attention to customers’ long-term return, they must well prepare for the initial reception of customers’ service work, improve the ratio of repeat buyers. A foreign study shows: A satisfactory customer can incur eight potential deals, at least one of them may be traded; an unsatisfactory customer can affect twenty-five persons’ purchasing will. So, retaining customers is more effective than attracting customers. The key of retaining customers lies in customers’ satisfaction. If one customer really satisfies, he or she would say to others about the nice products of supermarkets, pay little attention to the advertisements of those competitive brands, and not sensitive to price; besides, they will provide some good ideas about goods and service, due to the trading practices, this method can save trading cost. Hence, the strategy of customer satisfaction requires retaining customers by all means; expand customer team by customers’ spread.(4) Listen to more voices of customers. The implementation of customer satisfaction must establish a set of customer satisfaction analytical processing system., examine customers’ satisfaction for supermarkets’ goods and service with scientific means, the information is fed back to supermarket management in time, supermarkets can improve work incessantly, thereby, meet customers’ demand timely and truly. At present, many international chain supermarket companies are trying to shorten the distance between customers with the advanced communication systems. If modern chain supermarkets just want to sell goods out, or make" one-shot deal", these kinds of supermarkets are impossible to succeed in this furious competitive market. Selling these goods out is only the beginning of this deal; the real long-term deal is customers’ after-service response. When some supermarkets sell products, they declare "We will provide the best after-service, solve all your worries", but customers’ opinions, complaints and worries after buying, they think it is customers’ business not theirs. However, they don't know such method sharply dampens customers’ further consumption enthusiasm, it also impairs supermarkets’ image. Excellent supermarkets notice listening to customers’ voices, regard customers’ complaints as opportunities, which is not only in favor of establishing long-term friendly relation with customers, but also builds up favorable supermarket image.The operational philosophy of customer satisfaction is a comprehensive reform of customer service value; its importance is not underestimated. The fundamental standard of measuring supermarket sales performance should be customer satisfaction, not other sales performance. Do not worry about how to earn money, go all out to fulfill customer satisfaction, customers can care for your turnover.连锁超市顾客满意策略顾客满意策略的主导思想是:超市的整个经营活动要以顾客满意度为方针,从顾客的角度、观点来分析消费需求。