第一章 FLOTRAN 计算流体动力学(CFD)分析概述FLOTRAN CFD 分析的概念ANSYS程序中的FLOTRAN CFD分析功能是一个用于分析二维与三维流体流动场的先进的工具,使用ANSYS中用于FLOTRAN CFD分析的FLUID 141和FLUID 142 单元,可解决如下问题:•作用于气动翼(叶)型上的升力和阻力•超音速喷管中的流场•弯管中流体的复杂的三维流动同时,FLOTRAN还具有如下功能:•计算发动机排气系统中气体的压力与温度分布•研究管路系统中热的层化与别离•使用混合流研究来估计热冲击的可能性•用自然对流分析来估计电子封装芯片的热性能•对含有多种流体的(由固体隔开)热交换器进展研究FLOTRAN 分析的种类FLOTRAN可执行如下分析:•层流或紊流•传热或绝热•可压缩或不可压缩•牛顿流或非牛顿流•多组份传输这些分析类型并不相互排斥,例如,一个层流分析可以是传热的或者是绝热的,一个紊流分析可以是可压缩的或者是不可压缩的。
第4 章FLOTRAN流体分析典型工程实例ANSYS程序中的FLOTRAN CFD流体分析是一个用于分析二维及三维流体流动场的先进工具。
本章重点通过实例讲解介绍FLOTRAN CFD流体分析在工程上的一些典型应用。
本章要点如何解决流体力学问题FLOTRAN流体分析典型工程实例本章案例三维U型管道速度场的数值模拟实际生活中射流现象的数值模拟4.1 如何解决流体力学问题在流体力学的研究中,常用的方法有理论研究方法、数值计算方法和实验研究方法。
第一章 FLOTRAN 计算流体动力学(CFD)分析概述FLOTRAN CFD 分析的概念ANSYS程序中的FLOTRAN CFD分析功能是一个用于分析二维及三维流体流动场的先进的工具,使用ANSYS中用于FLOTRAN CFD分析的FLUID 141和FLUID 142 单元,可解决如下问题:∙作用于气动翼(叶)型上的升力和阻力∙超音速喷管中的流场∙弯管中流体的复杂的三维流动同时,FLOTRAN还具有如下功能:∙计算发动机排气系统中气体的压力及温度分布∙研究管路系统中热的层化及分离∙使用混合流研究来估计热冲击的可能性∙用自然对流分析来估计电子封装芯片的热性能∙对含有多种流体的(由固体隔开)热交换器进行研究FLOTRAN 分析的种类FLOTRAN可执行如下分析:∙层流或紊流∙传热或绝热∙可压缩或不可压缩∙牛顿流或非牛顿流∙多组份传输这些分析类型并不相互排斥,例如,一个层流分析可以是传热的或者是绝热的,一个紊流分析可以是可压缩的或者是不可压缩的。
第4 章FLOTRAN流体分析典型工程实例ANSYS程序中的FLOTRAN CFD流体分析是一个用于分析二维及三维流体流动场的先进工具。
本章重点通过实例讲解介绍FLOTRAN CFD流体分析在工程上的一些典型应用。
如何解决流体力学问题FLOTRAN流体分析典型工程实例三维U型管道速度场的数值模拟实际生活中射流现象的数值模拟第4章FLOTRAN流体分析典型工程实例2 4.1 如何解决流体力学问题在流体力学的研究中,常用的方法有理论研究方法、数值计算方法和实验研究方法。
使用ANSYS 进行CFD 流体力学计算的一些技巧关于计算流体力学主要有以下几个主要问题大家比较关心:(原稿:金泰木,四方机车车辆厂客车产品开发部)1.关于瞬态计算的问题2.关于建模的问题3.关于网格化的问题4.关于动画显示的问题5.关于交变载荷的问题一、关于第一个问题的解答:计算瞬态设置参数与稳态不同,主要设置的参数为:1.FLDATA1,SOLU,TRAN,1 设置为瞬态模式2.FLDATA4,TIME,STEP,0.02, 自定义时间步时间间隔0.02秒3.FLDATA4,TIME,TEND,0.1, 设置结束时间0。
1秒4.FLDATA4,TIME,GLOB,10, 设置每个时间步多少次运算5.fldata4a,time,appe,0.02 设置记录时间间隔6.SET,LIST,2 查看结果7.SET,LAST 设为最后一步8.ANDATA,0.5, ,2,1,6,1,0,1 动态显示结果以上为瞬态和稳态不同部分的设置和操作,特别是第五步。
ansys CFD 实例
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5.1. Laminar and Turbulent Flow Analyses in a 2-D Duct5.1.1. Problem SpecificationApplicable ANSYS Products:ANSYS Multiphysics, ANSYS FLOTRAN, ANSYSEDLevel of Difficulty:advancedInteractive Time Required:1-1/2 to 2 hoursDiscipline:Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)Analysis Type:steady-stateElement Types Used:FLUID141ANSYS Features Demonstrated:solid modeling, mapped meshing, defining anabbreviation on the Toolbar, restart of FLOTRANsolution, multiple solutions, vector displays, linegraphs, path operations, trace particle animationApplicable Help Available:Overview of FLOTRAN CFD Analyses in the FluidsAnalysis Guide, FLUID141 in the Elements Reference.5.1.2. Problem DescriptionThis problem models air flow in a two-dimensional duct. First, you define an arbitrary inlet velocity to simulate laminar flow with a Reynolds number of 90. After you obtain the solution and examine the results, you will increase the inlet velocity to investigate its effects on the flow profile and obtain a new solution. Then, in the third part, you will increase the duct length to allow the flow to achieve a fully developed profile in the solution. Finally, after calculating that the Reynold's number is greater than 4000, you will restart the solution using the turbulent model. Given*Initial value of 1 will be changed to 50 upon restart. Approach and AssumptionsYou will perform two-dimensional analyses using the FLOTRAN element FLUID141. This problem is divided into four parts:A laminar analysis of the flow of air with a Reynolds number of 90An investigation of how a higher inlet velocity affects the flow profile using the laminar modelA laminar analysis of air with a longer duct length to observe a more fully developed flow profileA turbulent analysis of the flow of air with a Reynolds number of ~4600For all solutions, you will apply a uniform velocity profile at the inlet. This includes specification of a zero velocity condition at the inlet in the direction normal to the inlet flow. You will apply no-slip (zero velocity) conditions all along the walls (including where the walls intersect the inlets and outlets). The fluid is considered incompressible and you can assume that the properties will be constant. In such cases, only the relative value of pressure is important, and a zero relative pressure is applied at the outlet.For the initial analysis, the flow is in the laminar regime (Reynold's number < 3000). To compute the Reynolds number of the flow for internal duct flows, the equation is as follows:(Note that in a two-dimensional geometry, the hydraulic diameter is twice the inlet height.)You will increase the inlet velocity to 50 in/s for the second analysis (which will increase the Reynolds number accordingly) and you will rerun the solution.The flow profile for the second analysis shows that the flow is not fully developed, therefore the logical next step would be to increase the duct length in order to allow for a more complete profile. You will increase the length of the duct by 30 inches and rerun the solution.For internal flows, the transition to turbulence occurs within the Reynolds number range of 2000-3000. Therefore for the last solution of air in the duct (Reynolds number ~4,500), the flow will be turbulent. For the last analysis, you will initiate the solution using the turbulent model. You will restart the analysis here (instead of rerunning it) because the problem domain has not changed. Summary of StepsUse the information in the problem description and the steps below as a guideline in solving the problem on your own. Or, use the detailed interactive step-by-step solution by choosing the link for step 1.Before you begin, delete any results files (.rfl) from previous CFD analyses that still reside in your working directory. If you begin an ANSYS session to start a new CFD analysis, and use the same jobname from a file stored from a previous CFD analysis, the program will not start from scratch, but will restart and append to files with the same name (Jobname.rfl and Jobname.pfl). To avoid this situation, delete these results files when starting a new CFD analysis. Another way of avoiding thissituation is to change the jobname to one that was not used in a previous CFD analysis. You can change the jobname in the product launcher before starting ANSYS, or during an ANSYS session by choosing Utility Menu> File> Change Jobname.Preprocessing (Laminar Analysis)1. Set preferences.2. Define element type.3. Create rectangle for the inlet region.4. Create the outlet rectangle.5. Create the transition region between the rectangles.6. Establish mesh patterns.7. Create the finite element mesh.8. Create command on the Toolbar.9. Apply boundary conditions.Back To Top Solution (Laminar Analysis)10. Establish fluid properties.11. Set execution controls.12. Change reference conditions.13. Execute FLOTRAN solution.Back To Top Postprocessing (Laminar Analysis)14. Read in the results for postprocessing.15. Plot velocity vectors.16. Plot total pressure contours.17. Animate velocity of trace particles.18. Make a path plot of the velocity through the outlet.Back To Top Solution (Laminar Analysis with Change in Inlet Velocity)19. Increase the inlet velocity.20. Run the analysis.Back To Top Postprocessing (Laminar Analysis Using New Inlet Velocity)21. Plot total pressure contours.22. Animate velocity of trace particles.23. Make a path plot of the velocity through the outlet.Back To Top Preprocessing (Laminar Analysis with Increase in Duct Length)24. Delete pressure boundary condition.25. Construct additional outlet region.26. Establish mesh divisions for the new rectangle and mesh.27. Apply boundary conditions on new region.Back To Top Solution (Laminar Analysis Using New Duct Length)28. Change the jobname and execute solution.Back To Top Postprocessing (Laminar Analysis Using New Duct Length)29. Read in the new results and plot velocity vectors.30. Plot total pressure contours.31. Animate velocity of trace particles.32. Make a path plot of the velocity through the outlet.33. Calculate Reynolds number.Back To Top Solution (Turbulent Analysis)34. Specify FLOTRAN solution options and execution controls.35. Restart the analysis.Back To Top Postprocessing (Turbulent Analysis)36. Plot total pressure contours.37. Animate velocity of trace particles.38. Make a path plot of the velocity through the outlet.39. Exit the ANSYS program.5.1.3. Preprocessing (Laminar Analysis) Step1: Set preferences.You will now set preferences in order to filter quantities that pertain to this discipline only.1.Main Menu >Preferences2.Turn on FLOTRANCFD filtering.3.OK. Step 2: Define element type. Step 3: Create rectangle for the inlet region.4.Choose 2DFLOTRAN element (FLUID141). 5.OK. 6.Close.1.Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling> Create> Areas> Rectangle> By Dimensions 2.Enter the following:X1 = 0页码,6/38(W)wX2 = 43.Enter the following:Y1 = 0Y2 = 14.Apply to create the firstrectangle and preservethe dialog box for thesecond rectangle. Step 4: Create the outlet rectangle. Step 5: Create the transition region between the rectangles.The transition region, where the flow expands, is bordered on the top by a smooth line tangent to the upper line of both rectangles. This line is created with the "Tangent to 2 lines" option. Note that the prompt in the Input Window will indicate what is to be picked (lines, ends of lines).The area is then created as an arbitrary area through the four keypoints. Note that the area will be bounded by existing lines through those keypoints.3.OK (in picking menu).4.Pick the tangency end of the first line (upper right corner).5.OK (in picking menu).6.Pick the second line (upper line of the larger rectangle.7.OK (in picking menu).8.Pick the tangency end of the second line.9.OK to create the lineThe result is a smooth line between the two areas.Now create the third area as an arbitrary area through keypoints.10.Main Menu> Preprocessor> Modeling> Create> Areas>Arbitrary> Through KPs11.Pick 4 corners in counterclockwise order.12.OK in the picking menu.13.Toolbar: SAVE_DB5.1.3.6. Step 6: Establish mesh patterns.To create a mapped mesh, set the specific size controls along the lines (LESIZE command). The establishment of a good finite element mesh is quite important in CFD analyses.The general finite element philosophy of putting more elements in regions with higher solution gradients applies here. The mesh density should be sufficient to enable the program to capture the nature of the phenomena. For example, a small recirculation region is likely to develop in the expansion region. The greater the number of applied elements implies a higher level of flow details that will be captured.Apply 10 elements in the transverse direction (Y) and bias them slightly towards the top and bottom boundaries. This will help capture boundary layer effects. For high Reynolds number problems, finer meshes should be used. Along the inlet flow direction (X) in the inlet, use the number of divisions tabulated below.Mesh Division StrategyTransverse (Y) direction10 divisions - bias towards wallsInlet region, flow direction (X)15 divisions - bias towards inlet and transitionTransition region12 divisions - uniform spacingOutlet region (initial)15 divisions - larger elements near outletBefore attempting this step, plot the lines for clarity.1.Utility Menu> Plot> Lines2.Main Menu> Preprocessor> Meshing>Mesh Tool 3.Choose Lines Set.4.Pick lines in flow direction along the inlet.5.Apply (in the picking menu).6.Enter 15 as the No. of element divisions.7.Enter -2 as the Spacing ratio (this producessmaller elements near both ends of the line). 8.Apply.The mesh ratio chosen results in smaller elements near the inlet, where the flow is developing, and near the expansion, in which more elements will be placed because of the high solution gradients in that region. There should be a relatively smooth transition in element size from region to region throughout the entire problem domain. You will repeat this process of picking the lines and entering the number of divisions and the ratios, using the mesh division strategy above. Note that the mesh division ratio is applied to the direction of the lines, the larger elements being at the end of the line. This is the reason for the use of a number less than 1 for the upper line of the outlet region and a number greater than 1 for the lower line. (The line directions follow a counterclockwise direction, according to how they were generated.) Transition region:9.Pick the top and bottom lines in the centerarea.10.Apply (in the picking menu).11.Enter 12 as the No. of element divisions.12.Enter 1 as the Spacing ratio (uniformspacing).13.Apply. Outlet region:14.Pick the top and bottom lines in the outletregion.15.Apply (in the picking menu).16.Enter 15 as the No. of element divisions.17.Enter 3.0 as the Spacing ratio (bias towardsoutlet).18.OK.Notice that the upper line is not biasedtowards the transition. The line bias needs tobe "flipped."19.Choose Flip in the Mesh Tool. (toggle toMesh Tool as necessary.)20.Pick the upper line only.页码,11/38(W)w5.1.3.7. Step 7: Create the finite element mesh.21.OK (in the picking menu).Transverse direction:22.Choose Lines Set.23.Pick the 4 transverse direction lines.24.OK to close picking menu.25.Enter 10 as the No. of element divisions.26.Enter -2 as the Spacing ratio (bias towardstop and bottom walls).27.OK.28.Toolbar: SAVE_DB. Step 8: Create command on the ANSYS Toolbar.The ANSYS Toolbar contains a set of buttons that execute commonly used ANSYS functions. It is convenient to establish a command on the ANSYS Toolbar that turns off the display of the triad at the origin. You will accomplish this by accessing the menu controls on the Utility Menu and then choosing to edit the Toolbar.Enter the command name and command itself as an abbreviation.页码,13/38(W)w5.1.3.9. Step 9: Apply boundary conditions.A velocity of 1 inch/second is applied in the X direction (VX) at the inlet, and a zero velocity is applied in the transverse direction at the inlet (VY in the Y direction). Zero velocities in both directions are applied all along the walls, and a zero pressure is applied at the outlet. These boundary conditions are being applied to the lines now so that they do not have to be applied again if remeshing is required.Apply the inlet boundary condition.1.Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads > DefineLoads> Apply> Fluid/CFD> Velocity> OnLines2.Pick the inlet line (the vertical line at the farleft).3.OK in the picking menu.4.Enter 1.0 for VX.5.Enter 0.0 for VY.6.OK.Apply the wall boundary conditions. Choosethe lines which make up the walls and thenapply zero velocities in the X and Y directions.7.Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> DefineLoads> Apply> Fluid/CFD> Velocity> OnLines8.Pick the six lines on the top and bottom.9.OK in picking menu.10.Enter 0.0 for VX and VY.11.OK to apply the condition.You will subsequently see that the wallcondition of zero velocity will automaticallyprevail at the corners where the inlets intersectthe walls.Apply the outlet condition.12.Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> DefineLoads> Apply> Fluid/CFD> Pressure DOF>On Lines13.Pick the outlet line (vertical line on the farright).14.OK (in picking menu).15.Enter 0 for the Pressure value.16.Set endpoints to Yes.17.OK.18.Toolbar: SAVE_DB.At this point, the finite element model iscomplete and the FLOTRAN menus areaccessed to specify the fluid properties alongwith any other FLOTRAN controls that may berequired.5.1.4. Solution (Laminar Analysis) Step 10: Establish fluid properties.Fluid properties will be established for air in the “inches” set of units, where the unit of mass is (lb f-sec2)/in.1.Main Menu> Solution> FLOTRAN Set Up>Fluid Properties2.Choose AIR-IN for both density and viscosity.3.OK.4.OK. Step 11: Set execution controls.Choose the execution control from the FLOTRAN Set Up Menu. Step 12: Change reference conditions.The reference pressure is changed from the default value of 101 KPa to 14.7 psi to maintain a consistent set of units. Likewise, the nominal stagnation and reference temperatures are changed from 293o K to 530o R by setting them to 70o R and adding an offset temperature of 460o R. Step 13: Execute FLOTRAN solution.1.Main Menu> Solution> FLOTRAN Set Up>Execution Ctrl2.Enter 40 Global iterations (Note: 40 global iterationsis arbitrary with no guarantee of convergence.)3.OK to apply and close.1.Main Menu> Solution> FLOTRAN Set Up> FlowEnvironment> Ref Conditions2.Change the reference pressure to 14.7 psi (equivalentto 1 atmosphere).3.Change the nominal, stagnation, and referencetemperatures (in o R) to 70.4.Change the temperature offset (in o R) from absolute0 to 460.5.OK.6.Toolbar: SAVE_DB .2.Close the information window when thesolution is done.5.1.5. Postprocessing (Laminar Analysis) Step 14: Read in the results for postprocessing.Enter the general postprocessor and read in the latest set of solution results, and then create a vector plot. Step 15: Plot velocity vectors. Step 16: Plot total pressure contours. Step 17: Animate velocity of trace particles. Step 18: Make a path plot of velocity through the outlet.1.Main Menu> General Postproc> PlotResults>Defi Trace Pt2.Pick two or three points around the inletregion and one or two points in therecirculation region (along the upper wall ofthe transition region).3.OK (in picking menu).4.Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Animate>Particle Flow5.Choose DOF Solution.6.Choose Velocity VX.7.OK. Ignore any warning messages aboutmaximum number of loops (Choose Close).ANSYS creates a particle flow path basedupon approximations that do not formclosed loops.The resulting trace plot shows the path offlow particles through the duct.8.Make choices in the Animation Controller(not shown), if necessary, then chooseClose.1.Main Menu> General Postproc> PathOperations> Define Path> By Nodes2.Pick the lowest and then the highest point of the outlet.3.OK (in picking menu).4.Enter OUTLET for the Path Name.5.OK.6.File> Close (Windows)orClose (X11/Motif)Now specify the velocity in the X direction(VX) to map onto the path.7.Main Menu> General Postproc> PathOperations> Map onto Path8.Enter VELOCITY as label.9.Choose DOF Solution.10.Choose Velocity VX.11.OK.12.Main Menu> General Postproc> PathOperations> Plot Path Item> On Graph13.Choose the label VELOCITY that youpreviously defined.14.OK to create path plot.15.Close any warning messages.The resulting path plot shows the flow has an almost fully developed laminar profile. The curvelooks relatively uniform and has a parabolic shape.5.1.6. Solution (Laminar Analysis with Change in Inlet Velocity) Step 19: Increase the inlet velocity.The inlet velocity affects the flow profile. Increasing the inlet velocity by a factor of 50 will increase the Reynolds number accordingly. Return to the apply loads function and change the inlet velocity, then execute the solution from a different jobname. Step 20: Run the analysis.You will now restart the analysis from the initial result.Now for the next study, investigate the effects ofincreasing the inlet velocity to 50 inches/second.1.Utility Menu> Plot> Lines2.Main Menu> Solution> Define Loads> Apply>Fluid/CFD> Velocity> On Lines3.Pick the inlet line (the vertical line at the far left).4.OK (in picking menu)5.Enter 50 for VX.6.Enter 0 for VY.7.OK.1.Main Menu> Solution> RunFLOTRANAn error message appears stating that thecoefficient matrix has a negative diagonal.ANSYS produced this message because ituses the Streamline Upwind/Petrov-Galerkin (SUPG) advection scheme bydefault. Although it is more accurate thanother advection schemes, the SUPGscheme can lead to spurious oscillations inthe solution, and may cause nonphysicalsolutions or convergence difficulties. Toremedy this situation without changing toanother advection scheme, you will firstadd some modified inertial relaxation, andthen will execute the solution again.2.OK to remove the error message.3.Close.4.Main Menu> Solution> FLOTRANSetup> Relax/Stab/Cap> MIRStabilizatio5.Enter 0.1 for the Momentum Equation.6.OK.7.Main Menu> Solution> RunFLOTRAN Once again, the GraphicalSolution Tracker is displayed.8.Close.You will now repeat the precedingpostprocessing steps exactly to show theeffects of the higher inlet velocity. Thesesteps are as follows:9.Main Menu> General Postproc> ReadResults> Last Set10.Main Menu> General Postproc> PlotResults> Vector Plot> Predefined11.Choose DOF Solution.12.Choose Velocity V.13.OK.5.1.7. Postprocessing (Laminar Analysis Using New Inlet Velocity) Step 21: Plot total pressure contours. Step 22: Animate velocity of trace particles.3.Choose Total stagnationpressure.4.OK.The resulting contour plot showsthe total static and dynamicpressures that occur in the duct.1.Main Menu> General Postproc> PlotResults> Defi Trace Pt2.Pick two or three points around the inletregion and one or two points in therecirculation region (along the upper wall ofthe transition region).3.OK (in picking menu).4.Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Animate>Particle Flow5.Choose DOF Solution.6.Choose Velocity VX.7.OK. Ignore the warning messages aboutmaximum number of loops (Choose Close).ANSYS creates a particle flow path basedupon approximations that do not formclosed loops. The resulting trace plot shows the path of5.1.7.3. Step 23: Make a path plot of velocity through the outlet.flow particles through the duct.8.Make choices in the Animation Controller(not shown), if necessary, then choose Close.1.Main Menu> General Postproc> PathOperations> Define Path> By Nodes2.Pick the lowest and then the highest point ofthe outlet.3.OK (in picking menu).4.Enter OUTLET for the Path Name.5.OK.6.File> Close (Windows)or Close (X11/Motif).Now specify the velocity in the X direction(VX) to map onto the path.7.Main Menu> General Postproc> PathOperations> Map onto Path8.Enter VELOCITY as label.9.Choose DOF Solution.10.Choose Velocity VX.11.OK. 12.Main Menu> General Postproc> PathOperations> Plot Path Item> On Graph13.Choose the label VELOCITY that youpreviously defined.页码,24/38(W)wThe resulting path plot shows the curve has a bias towards one edge of the outlet. This indicates that the flow has not yet fully developed. (Note that if your plot appears as a mirror image of this one, it is because you reversed the order of picking, that is, you picked from highest to lowest instead of from lowest to highest points at the outlet.)Now in the next study, if the length of the duct's outlet region is increased, the flow may reach a fully developed profile. Increase the duct length by 30 inches.5.1.8. Preprocessing (Laminar Analysis with Increase in Duct Length) Step 24: Delete pressure boundary condition.The results for the lower viscosity case indicate that the recirculation region has extended wellbeyond the outlet. To allow the flow to fully develop by the time it reaches the exit, it must be given more room to do so. Step 25: Construct additional outlet region.14.OK to create path plot.15.Close any warning messages.1.Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Define Loads> Delete> Fluid/CFD> Pressure DOF> On Lines2.Pick All (in picking menu) to delete all pressureboundary conditions.1.Main Menu> Preprocessor>Modeling> Create> Areas>Rectangle> By Dimensions2.Enter the following:X1 =10X2 = 403.Enter the following:Y1 = 0Y2 = 2.54.OK. Step 26: Establish mesh divisions for the new rectangle and mesh.The new rectangle has uniquekeypoints and lines. These must bemerged with their counterparts onthe existing areas.5.Main Menu> Preprocessor>Numbering Ctrls> Merge Items6.Choose All for the Type of itemsto be merged.7.OK.A warning message appearsstating that an unmeshed line is tomerged into a previously meshedline. This is as it should be. Closethe message box.8.Close.9.Utility Menu> Plot> Lines1.Main Menu> Preprocessor> Meshing>MeshTool2.Choose Lines Set.3.Pick line at new outlet.4.OK (in picking menu).5.Enter 10 for No. of element divisions (asbefore).页码,26/38(W)w6.Enter -2 for Spacing ratio.7.Apply.Repeat the procedure for the upper and lowerlines of the rectangle.8.Pick lines at the top and bottom of new outlet.9.OK (in picking menu).10.Enter 20 for No. of element divisions.11.Enter 3 for Spacing ratio.12.OK.Flip the line bias on the upper line.13.Choose Lines Flip.14.Pick the upper line.15.OK (in picking menu).16.Toolbar: SAVE_DB.17.Choose Mesh.18.Pick the outlet area.19.OK (in picking menu) to begin mesh. Step 27: Apply boundary conditions on new region.You must apply boundary conditions to the new region. You will apply zero velocities in both directions along the walls, and a zero pressure at the outlet.20.Close the Mesh Tool.1.Utility Menu> Plot> Lines2.Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads>Define Loads> Apply> Fluid/CFD>Velocity> On Lines3.Pick the new upper and lower walls thatdon't have boundary conditions.4.OK (in picking menu).5.Enter 0 for VX and VY.6.OK.Now apply the pressure boundary conditionat the outlet.7.Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads>Define Loads> Apply> Fluid/CFD>Pressure DOF> On Lines8.Pick the new outlet.9.OK (in picking menu).10.Enter 0 for the Pressure value.11.Set endpoints to Yes.12.OK to apply the boundary condition.13.Utility Menu> Plot> Lines5.1.9. Solution (Laminar Analysis Using New Duct Length) Step 28: Change the jobname and execute solution.Because the addition of an outlet has changed the problem domain, a new analysis is required. You can start a new analysis by changing the jobname from the Utility Menu.Note that a warning message will appear stating that you must exit the Solution processor in order to change the name.file.rfl (by default). You can delete afile in one of two ways:Utility Menu> File> FileOperations> DeletePick the file name, then choose OKORExecute a /SYS command and removethe file with the appropriate operatingsystem command.ANSYS will automatically rename anincorrect results file.Now execute the new solution.5.Main Menu> Solution> RunFLOTRAN6.Close the information window whensolution is done.5.1.10. Postprocessing (Laminar Analysis Using New Duct Length) Step 29: Read in the new results and plot velocity vectors. Step 30: Plot total pressure contours.The resulting contour plot shows the total static and dynamic pressures that occur in the duct. Step 31: Animate velocity of trace particles.Quantities.3.Choose TotalStagnationPressure.4.OK.页码,31/38(W)w 2011/7/14mk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files\ANSYS%20Inc\v110\commonfiles\help\en-us\...7.OK.Ignore the warning messages aboutmaximum number of loops (chooseClose). ANSYS creates a particle flowpath based upon approximations that donot form closed loops.The resulting trace plot shows the pathof flow particles through the duct.8.Make choices in the AnimationController (not shown), if necessary,then choose Close. Step 32: Make a path plot of the velocity through the outlet.The outlet velocity profile can be examined with a path plot. First, establish a path for the path plot.The resulting path plot shows that the flow is almost fully developed. Since the velocity has been increased so much, the flow may be in the turbulent regime. The next step is to check the Reynold's number and activate turbulence if necessary. A consequence of the increased diffusion associated with turbulence is a decrease in the size of the recirculation region. Step 33: Calculate Reynolds number.Calculate Reynolds number in order to determine if the analysis is indeed in the turbulent region (Re > 3000).Recall that the Reynolds number is determined by the following formula:Our flow material is AIR, which has the following properties:p = density = 1.21e-7V = Velocity = 50path.7.Main Menu> General Postproc>Path Operations> Map onto Path8.Enter "velocity" as the User label.9.Choose DOF solution.10.Choose Velocity VX.11.OK. 12.Main Menu> General Postproc>Path Operations> Plot PathItem> On Graph13.Choose the label VELOCITY thatyou previously defined.14.OK to create path plot.15.Close any warning messages.。
“工作流程很重要”——说说ANSYS CFD的仿真分析步骤
![“工作流程很重要”——说说ANSYS CFD的仿真分析步骤](
文章来源:安世亚太官方订阅号(搜索:peraglobal)计算流体力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics简称CFD)是利用数值方法通过计算机求解描述流体运动的数学方程,揭示流体运动的物理规律,研究定常流体运动的空间物理特性和非定常流体运动的时空物理特征的学科。
CFD 也可以称之为流体仿真,是从属于CAE(计算机辅助工程)的一个重要组成部分,从这个角度来讲,CFD 的本质仍旧是工程,所以必须要遵循通常意义上工程的一些原则。
ANSYS CFD 的基本工作流程可以认为分成三个主要的部分:⚫提出问题⚫化简问题⚫解决问题(一)提出问题提出问题,就是要明确仿真目的;这一点其实是最为重要的,但是对于一些仿真工程师来讲却是最容易被忽略的。
在本文中,我们将介绍使用ANSYS CFX进行流体力学模拟的入门知识。
二、ANSYS CFX简介ANSYS CFX是一种流体力学模拟软件,它可以对各种流动和传热问题进行模拟和分析。
三、CFD模拟基本步骤1. 几何建模:在进行流体力学模拟之前,需要创建一个几何模型,用于描述流体系统的形状和边界条件。
可以使用ANSYS DesignModeler等工具进行几何建模。
2. 网格生成:为了进行数值求解,需要将几何模型离散化为网格。
ANSYS CFX提供了自动网格生成工具,也支持导入其他网格生成软件生成的网格。
3. 物理模型:根据具体问题,选择合适的物理模型和边界条件。
ANSYS CFX提供了各种模型和边界条件选项,如湍流模型、传热模型、流体材料属性等。
4. 数值求解:在设定好物理模型和边界条件后,可以进行数值求解。
ANSYS CFX提供了强大的求解器,可以根据设定自动求解流体力学问题。
5. 后处理:模拟完成后,可以对结果进行后处理和分析。
ANSYS CFX提供了丰富的后处理工具,可以进行流场可视化、数据提取和结果分析等操作。
四、案例分析:CFD模拟流过汽车的空气流动以汽车流动为例,介绍使用ANSYS CFX进行CFD模拟的基本步骤和注意事项。
第一章 FLOTRAN 计算流体动力学(CFD)分析概述FLOTRAN CFD 分析的概念ANSYS程序中的FLOTRAN CFD分析功能是一个用于分析二维及三维流体流动场的先进的工具,使用ANSYS中用于FLOTRAN CFD分析的FLUID 141和FLUID 142 单元,可解决如下问题:作用于气动翼(叶)型上的升力和阻力超音速喷管中的流场弯管中流体的复杂的三维流动同时,FLOTRAN还具有如下功能:计算发动机排气系统中气体的压力及温度分布~研究管路系统中热的层化及分离使用混合流研究来估计热冲击的可能性用自然对流分析来估计电子封装芯片的热性能对含有多种流体的(由固体隔开)热交换器进行研究FLOTRAN 分析的种类FLOTRAN可执行如下分析:层流或紊流传热或绝热-可压缩或不可压缩牛顿流或非牛顿流多组份传输这些分析类型并不相互排斥,例如,一个层流分析可以是传热的或者是绝热的,一个紊流分析可以是可压缩的或者是不可压缩的。
ansys-cfd流体分析实例Example on using commercial software“ICEM CFD 5.1”Flow around a circular cylinderY.F.Lin23Two Dimensional problemsFlow around a circular cylinderProblem DescriptionAir flows across a cylinder with the uniform velocity 0.003m/s in the wind tunnel. The length of the wind tunnel (fluid domain) has 25m long and 10 m height. The diameter of cylinder is 1m .Assumption and Boundary Conditions: 1. 2 dimensional problems 2. Steady state condition 3. The uniform flow velocity 4. No Heat transfer5. Neglect the gravitational force6. Constant air densityPre-processing stageIn this stage, we implement the “ICEM CFD” to perform the pre-processing work. The basic steps as follow:1. Establish geometry model2. Block the parts3. Generation the O grid4. Mesh the model and check quality of mesh5. Extrude the mesh6. Reset the BC’s (boundary conditions)7. Output to CFX5.7.1Creating Geometry1. Open ICEM CFDDouble Click the “ICEM CFD” Icon , afterwards, you can see the interface of the ICEMCFD.InOut5DCylinde WallFluid5D20WallOpen File>New Project…:45Set the name with “cylinder_2d”, and Click “Save”2. Creating Geometry: A. PointsClick button “Create Point” and then click button “Explicit Coordinates”Set the points in Cartesian coordinate system(X, Y, Z) with ( X=0, Y=0, Z=0 ) respectively.Click “Apply” button and see the screen: a point is createdA tree widget can be seen at left of the screen (A) and (B)A BThe same method creates other points:X=0; Y=0.5, -0.5 X=-5; Y=5, -5X=20; Y=5, -5 Y=0; X=0.5,-0.567B. Draw line (curve)First of all see the tree widget, open Model>Geometry>Points by right buttonSelect Show Point Names and you can see the name of each point like the figure showed.Now you can create curvesClick button “Create/Modify Curve ”Click button “Create Curve”Note: the left corner of the black screen: Select locationswith left button, middle=done, right=cancelSelect points by using left button of the mouse.Change the name of the Part with “INLET”:8Select PONITS.05 and POINTS.06 with left button (A),And draw a line with middle button “done” (B) and the INLET part is created in the tree widget. The same steps draw the curves named “OUTLET, SIDEA, SIDEB” with the POINTS.07and POINTS.08, POINTS.06 and POINTS.07, POINTS.05 and POINTS.08 respectively.We will see the line and the tree widgetA B910Draw the cylinderClick button “Circle or arc from Center point a nd 2 points on plane”.Set the Part with name “CYLINDER”Click button and select points “POINTS.00,POINTS.01, POINTS.03” with left button respectively (A).A BDraw the cylinder by middle button (B).See tree widget:Close Points name Use button to fit the window.Set the body and material.Click button “Create Body”Choose button “Material Point”and select “Selected surfaces” in the “By Topology” menu. Change the name of the part with “FLUID”; open the Show Point Name of the tree widget and useselect POINTS.06 and POINTS.08.The same way change the part name with “CYLINDER” and select POINTS.01 and POINTS.02. Close Show Point Name and open the tree widget:Open the bodies and you can seeAt last, open the File>Geometry>Save Geometry As…Give it the name with “cylinder_2d”. Click “save”.Now we begin to block the model.Click button “Create Block”See the first one , choose the part with “FLUID”,from the pull down menu select “FLUID”And set the Initialize Blocks type with “2D Planar”Click “Apply” button.A BWe will see that the colors of figure are changed. From (A) to (B)See the tree widget: Model>BlockingThen create some assistant points with button “CreatePoint”{Y=0X=-0.45,-0.4,-0.35,-0.3,-0.25,-0.2,-0.15,-0.1,-0.5, 0.5, 0.1,0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45}{X=0Y=-0.45,-0.4,-0.35,-0.3,-0.25,-0.2,-0.15,-0.1,-0.5, 0.5, 0.1,0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45}Now begin to block the regionClick button “Split Block”Then select button “Split Block”See the split method, select “Prescribed point”Use the put down menu to select the Prescribed point,Use the button firstly select the Edge “INLET”and secondly select the Point “POINTS.03”.We will see the block line in the vertical direction of theINLET.Zoom the fiure.The same way we draw other block lines. From the “POINTS.01 to POINTS.04”See the tree widgetSelect the “Blocking” and select “Index Control”Model>Blocking: Index Control (using right button of the mouse) We can see at the right corner of the screenBy using button and we set I min=2 and see the figureThe same way we set I max =3 , J min=2 , J max=3 And the screen shown thatThe same way block again from “POINTS.00, POINTS.09 to POINTS.44”:(A)(B)(C)After block.See the tree widget: Model>Parts>VORFN :using the right button select “Add to Part”. Click button “Blocking Material”, Add Blocks to PartUsing select blocking regions and we can see Zoom the block regions (A).A B CSelect the blocks in the cylinder or attached the cylinder (B)(C).Using the middle button to set it OK, and you can see blow (D).Click button “Associate”ABDCSelect the associate edge to curve “Associate Edge toCurve”buttonUsing the choose the edge and curveChoosing edge:Select curves:Set O grid CBAClick button “Split Block”Click “Ogird Block”buttonSelect theSee the tree widget: Open Model>Parts>VORFNOpen the VORFN (A)AUsing button to selectin or attached the cylinder (B)(C)(D).B CD EUsing middle button to click “Apply” (E)Close “VORFN” from the tree widget (F)F GClick the “Reset”(G) Mesh the edgesClick button “Set Curve Mesh Size”Using button to select Curve(s):Choose Method with “Element count”Set the Number with 100 and click Apply.See the tree: close the Model>Geometry>points, and the Model>Blocking>edgesUsing right button to select Model>Geometry>Curves:Curve Node Spacing (by using right button)The same way set the “INLET” and “OUTLET” with number 100, the “SIDEA” and “SIDEB”with number 250.Click button “Pre-Mesh Params”Choose Blocking >Pre-Mesh ParamsClick button “Update Sizes”and keep default,Then click ApplySee tree open Model>Blocking>Pre_Mesh: Project faces(by using right button)And we will see a menuClick Yes.Now we will see the mesh of the model.Zoom it see the local partClose Geomery>Points and curves, and Blocking>Edges.Then open File>Mesh>Load from BlockingOpen File>Mesh>Save Mesh As…: and set the name with “cylinder_2d”Open File>Blocking>Save Blocking As…: Save block with the name “cylinder_2d”Check the quality of the meshClick button “Display Mesh Quality”Click ApplyWe can see no negatives mesh.Extrude meshClick button “Extrude Mesh”Use to select Elements:Method 1Click button “Select items in a part”and a menu appears:Click “All” and “Accept”Method 2A BPut the left button and drag it to select all the regions (A)(C). Click middle button to accept (B) Give the New volume part name “FLUID2D”, new side part name “SIDE”, new top par name “TOP”And set the Spacing type>spacing with “0.1”, then ApplyCSo the mesh change a height 0.1 in the Z direction (D)DBox ZoomE FClick button “Shaded Full Display”(E)(F) Check the quality of the extrude meshSee the tree widget:Close top “TOP” (B) Close “FLUID” (C) A BSet the new boundary conditionsSee the tree widget:Model>Parts: Create Part (by using the right button)Click “Create Part by Selection” button From the pull down menu of the Part: select the “CYLINDER” Using and left button drag the regionUsing middle button accepts it, so a new CYLINDER boundary condition has been set (C).CBACThe same way set the INLET, OUTLET, SIDEA and SIDEB boundary conditions. INLETThe Whole Boundary Conditions CA BSee the tree widget:A Open Model>Parts>FLUID(B)B Open Model>Parts>TOP(C)CSix kinds of patternsClick File>Mesh>Save Mesh As…And save the new mesh with name “cylinder_2d_extrude”. Output the mesh file to CFXClick button “Select solver”and choose “CFX-5”Click “Okay”CBFEDAClick button “Write input”Keep default and click “Done”Then the Domain selection appearsKeep the Selected domains with “cylinder_2d_extrude.uns” and click “Done”.Now we will see the created files in working directions:From these files, we must note that only the file named “cfx5” can be inputted into CFX5.7.1 The mesh is finished.Other examples:Example on using commercial software“CFX 5.7.1”Flow around a circular cylinderY.F.LinTwo Dimensional problemsFlow around a circular cylinderAfter established the geometry model, we begin to use CFX to solve this two dimensional case. Processing with CFX-5.7.11.Open CFXDouble click the “CFX” Icon, afterwards, you can see the interface of the CFX.There are three kinds of functions of the CFX:1.CFX-Pre 5.7.1 (set the relevant parameters).2.CFX-Solver 5.7.1 (solve the case by using established physical model)3.CFX-Post 5.7.1 (get the data and figures which we need)CFX-Pre step:1.Import the mesh file from ICEM CFD2.Simulation type3.Domain4.BC’s (boundary conditions)5.Initial conditions6.Solver control7.Output file and monitor points8.Write “.def” file and simulationClick button “CFX-Pre 5.7.1”and run it.Establish a new simulationOpen File>New Simulation…:Select button “General”and give the file namewith “cylinder_2d”. Click “Save”Now we can see the interface of the CFX-PreImport mesh fileSee the middle position of the screen, Click button “Import mesh”Open Mesh>Definition>Mesh Format:From the pull down menu select “ICEM CFD”, (see figure below)Definition>File: Click button “Browse”Find the working direction and select the file named “cfx5”,Then click “Open” button. And “OK”Note: no other files can be inputted in CFX5.7.1Then the mesh file has been inputted into the CFX-PreAnd the left window appears.All of these names were already defined by us in “ICEM CFD”Set the relevant parameters1. Define the simulation type:Click button “Define the Simulation Type”button.Note: the blue color note suggest we should set a domain. Then the simulation type appearsBasic Settings>Option: Select “Transient”Basic Settings>Time Duration>Option: From the pull down menu select Total Time.Basic Settings>Time Duration>Total Time: Set with 42000s.Basic Settings>Time Steps>Option: From the pull down menu select Timesteps.Basic Settings>Time Steps>Timesteps: Set with 1s.Initial Time>Option: From the pull down menu select Autorratic.Then click Apply and Ok2. Create a domain:Click button “Create a Domain”.Set the name with “ cylinder2d” and click OkSee figure below: the color of the domain changed into green, and the window “Edit Domain”appears.General Options>Basic Settings>Location: From the pull down menu select “FLUID2D”Then click “Apply” buttonFluid Models>Heat Transfer Model>Option:Keep by default.Fluid Models>Heat Transfer Model>FluidTemperature: Set the temperature with 25c.Fluid Models>Turbulence Model>Option: Setit with “None(Laminar).Click OK3. Set boundary condtions:Click button “Create a Boundary Condition”Set INLET boundary conditionSet the Name with “INLET” and click OK。
Example on using commercial software“ICEM CFD 5.1”Flow around a circular cylinderY.F.LinTwo Dimensional problemsFlow around a circular cylinderProblem DescriptionAir flows across a cylinder with the uniform velocity 0.003m/s in the wind tunnel. The length of the wind tunnel (fluid domain) has 25m long and 10 m height. The diameter of cylinder is 1m .Assumption and Boundary Conditions:1. 2 dimensional problems2. Steady state condition3. The uniform flow velocity4. No Heat transfer5. Neglect the gravitational force6. Constant air densityPre-processing stageIn this stage, we implement the “ICEM CFD” to perform the pre-processing work. The basic steps as follow:1. Establish geometry model2. Block the parts3. Generation the O grid4. Mesh the model and check quality of mesh5. Extrude the mesh6. Reset the BC’s (boundary conditions)7. Output to CFX5.7.1Creating Geometry1. Open ICEM CFDDouble Click the “ICEM CFD” Icon, afterwards, you can see the interface of the ICEM CFD.Open File>New Project…:Set the name with “cylinder_2d”, and Click “Save”2. Creating Geometry:A.PointsClick button “Create Point”and then click button“Explicit Coordinates”Set the points in Cartesian coordinate system (X, Y, Z) with ( X=0, Y=0, Z=0 ) respectively.Click “Apply” button and see the screen: a point is createdA tree widget can be seen at left of the screen (A) and (B)The same method creates other points:X=0; Y=0.5, -0.5 X=-5; Y=5, -5X=20; Y=5, -5 Y=0; X=0.5,-0.5ABB. Draw line (curve)First of all see the tree widget, open Model>Geometry>Points by right buttonSelect Show Point Names and you can see the name ofeach point like the figure showed.Now you can create curvesClick button “Create/Modify Curve”Click button “Create Curve”with left button, middle=done, right=cancelSelect points by using left button of the mouse.Change the name of the Part with “INLET”:Select PONITS.05 and POINTS.06 with left button (A),And draw a line with middle button “done”(B) and the INLET part is created in the tree widget.The same steps draw the curves named “OUTLET, SIDEA, SIDEB” with the POINTS.07and POINTS.08, POINTS.06 and POINTS.07,POINTS.05 and POINTS.08 respectively.We will see the line and the tree widgetDraw the cylinderClick button“Circle or arc from Center point and 2Set the Part with name “CYLINDER”Click button and select points “POINTS.00,POINTS.01, POINTS.03” with left button respectively(A).Draw the cylinder by middle button (B).See tree widget:Close Points nameUse buttonto fit the window.Set the body and material.Click button “Create Body ”Choose button “Material Point” and select “Selected surfaces” in the “By Topology” menu. Change the name of the part with “FLUID”; open the Show Point Name of the tree widget and use selectPOINTS.06 and POINTS.08.The same way change the part name with “CYLINDER” and select POINTS.01 and POINTS.02. Close Show Point Name and open the tree widget:Open the bodies and you can seeAt last, open the File>Geom etry>Save Geometry As…Give it the name with “cylinder_2d”. Click “save”.Now we begin to block the model.Click button “Create Block”See the first one , choose the part with “FLUID”,from the pull down menu select “FLUID”And set the Initialize Blocks type with “2D Planar”Click “Apply” button.We will see that the colors of figure are changed. From (A) to (B)See the tree widget: Model>BlockingThen create some assistant points with button “CreatePoint ”{Y=0X=-0.45,-0.4,-0.35,-0.3,-0.25,-0.2,-0.15,-0.1,-0.5, 0.5, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45} {X=0Y=-0.45,-0.4,-0.35,-0.3,-0.25,-0.2,-0.15,-0.1,-0.5, 0.5, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45}A BNow begin to block the regionClick button “Split Block”Then select button “Split Block”See the split method, select “Prescribed point”Use the put down menu to select the Prescribed point,Use the button firstly select the Edge “INLET” andsecondly select the Point “POINTS.03”.We will see the block line in the vertical direction of theINLET.Zoom the fiure.From the “POINTS.01 to POINTS.04”See the tree widgetSelect the “Blocking” and select “Index Control”Model>Blocking: Index Control (using right button of the mouse)We can see at the right corner of the screenBy using button and we set I min=2 and see the figureThe same way we set I max =3 , J min=2 , J max=3And the screen shown thatThe same way block again from “POINTS.00, POINTS.09to POINTS.44”:(A)(B)(C)See the tree widget: Model>Parts>VORFN :using the right button select “Add to Part”. Click button “Blocking Material”, Add Blocks to PartUsing select blocking regions and we can seeZoom the block regions (A).Select the blocks in the cylinder or attached the cylinder (B)(C).Using the middle button to set itOK , and you can see blow (D).Click button “Associate”ABD CSelect the associate edge to curve “Associate Edge to Curve” buttonUsing the choose the edge and curveChoosing edge:Select curves:Set O gridCB AClick button “Split Block”Click“Ogird Block ”buttonSelect theSee the tree widget: Open Model>Parts>VORFNOpen theVORFN (A)Using buttonto selectin or attached the cylinder(B)(C)(D).AB CUsing middle button to click “Apply” (E)Close “VORFN” from the tree widget (F)DClick the “Reset”(G)Mesh the edgesFClick button “Set Curve Mesh Size”Using button to select Curve(s):Choose Method with “Element count”Set the Number with 100 and click Apply.See the tree: close the Model>Geometry>points, and the Model>Blocking>edgesUsing right button to select Model>Geometry>Curves:Curve Node Spacing (by using right button)The same way set the “INLET” and “OUTLET” with number 100, the “SIDEA” and “SIDEB” with number 250.Click button “Pre-MeshParams”Choose Blocking >Pre-Mesh ParamsClick button “Update Sizes”and keep default,Then click ApplySee tree open Model>Blocking>Pre_Mesh: Project faces(by using right button)And we will see a menuClick Yes.Now we will see the mesh of the model.Zoom it see the local partClose Geomery>Points and curves, and Blocking>Edges.Then open File>Mesh>Load from BlockingOpen File>Mesh>Save Mesh As…: and set the name with “cylinder_2d”Open File>Blocking>Save Blocking As…: Save block with the name “cylinder_2d”Check the quality of the meshClick button “Display Mesh Quality”Click ApplyWe can see no negatives mesh.Extrude meshClick button “Extrude Mesh”Use to select Elements:Method 1Click button “Select items in a part”and a menu appears:Click “All” and “Accept ”Method 2Put the left button and drag it to select all the regions (A)(C). Click middle button to accept (B)Give the New volume part name “FLUID2D”, new side part name “SIDE”, new top par name “TOP” And set the Spacing type>spacing with “0.1”, then ApplySo the mesh change a height 0.1 in the Z direction (D)ABCBox ZoomClick button “Shaded Full Display ”(E)(F)Check the quality of the extrude meshDSee the tree widget:Close top“TOP ” (B)Close “FLUID ” (C)ASet the new boundary conditionsSee the tree widget:Model>Parts: Create Part (by using the right button)Click “Create Part by Selection” button From the pull down menu of the Part: select the“CYLINDER” Using and left button drag the regionUsing middle button accepts it, so a new CYLINDER boundary condition has been set (C).CBACThe same way set the INLET, OUTLET,SIDEA and SIDEBboundary conditions.INLETThe Whole Boundary ConditionsSee the tree widget:Open Model>Parts>FLUID(B)Open Model>Parts>TOP(C)BSix kinds of patternsClick File>Mesh>Save Mesh As…And save the new mesh with name“cylinder_2d_extrude”. Output the mesh file to CFXClick button “Select solver”and choose “CFX-5”Click “Okay”Click button “Write input”Keep default and click “Done”Then the Domain selection appearsKeep the Selected domains with “cylinder_2d_extrude.uns” and click “Done”.Now we will see the created files in working directions:From these files, we must note that only the file named “cfx5” can be inputted into CFX5.7.1The mesh is finished.Other examples:Example on using commercial software“CFX 5.7.1”Flow around a circular cylinderY.F.LinTwo Dimensional problemsFlow around a circular cylinderAfter established the geometry model, we begin to use CFX to solve this two dimensional case. Processing with CFX-5.7.11.Open CFXDouble click the “CFX” Icon, afterwards, you can see the interface of the CFX.There are three kinds of functions of the CFX:1.CFX-Pre 5.7.1 (set the relevant parameters).2.CFX-Solver 5.7.1 (solve the case by using established physical model)3.CFX-Post 5.7.1 (get the data and figures which we need)CFX-Pre step:1.Import the mesh file from ICEM CFD2.Simulation type3.Domain4.BC’s (boundary conditions)5.Initial conditions6.Solver control7.Output file and monitor points8.Write “.def” file and simulationClick button “CFX-Pre 5.7.1”and run it.Establish a new simulationOpen File>New Simulation…:Select button “General”and give the file name with“cylinder_2d”. Click “Save”Now we can see the interface of the CFX-PreImport mesh fileSee the middle position of the screen, Click button “Import mesh”From the pull down menu select “ICEM CFD”, (see figure below)Definition>File: Click button “Browse”Find the working direction and select the file named “cfx5”,Then click “Open” button. And “OK”Note: no other files can be inputted in CFX5.7.1 Then the mesh file has been inputted into the CFX-PreAnd the left window appears.All of these names were already defined by us in “ICEM CFD”Set the relevant parameters1. Define the simulation type:button.Note: the blue color note suggest we should set a domain. Then the simulation type appearsBasic Settings>Option: Select “Transient”Basic Settings>Time Duration>Option: From the pull down menu select Total Time. Basic Settings>Time Duration>Total Time: Set with 42000s.Basic Settings>Time Steps>Option: From the pull down menu select Timesteps.Basic Settings>Time Steps>Timesteps: Set with 1s.Initial Time>Option: From the pull down menu select Autorratic.Then click Apply and Ok2. Create a domain:Click button “Create a Domain”.Set the name with “ cylinder2d” and click OkSee figure below: the color of the domain changed into green, and the window “Edit Domain”appears.General Options>Basic Settings>Location: From the pull down menu select “FLUID2D ” Then click “Apply ” buttonKeep by default.Fluid Models>Heat Transfer Model>FluidTemperature: Set the temperature with 25c.Fluid Models>Turbulence Model>Option: Setit with “None(Laminar).Click OK3. Set boundary condtions:Set INLET boundary conditionSet the Name with “INLET” and click OKBasic Settings>Boundary Type: From the pull down menu select INLET. Boundary Details>Flow Regime>Option: Select Subsonic.Boundary Details>Mass And Momentum>Option: Select Normal Speed. Boundary Details>Mass And Momentum>Normal Speed: Set it with 0.003 m/s Click OkThe right figure shows us that the INLET boundary condition has been set.Set OUTLET boundary conditionSet the Name with “OUTLET” and click OK。
第一章 FLOTRAN 计算流体动力学(CFD)分析概述FLOTRAN CFD 分析的概念ANSYS程序中的FLOTRAN CFD分析功能是一个用于分析二维及三维流体流动场的先进的工具,使用ANSYS中用于FLOTRAN CFD分析的FLUID 141和FLUID 142 单元,可解决如下问题:∙作用于气动翼(叶)型上的升力和阻力∙超音速喷管中的流场∙弯管中流体的复杂的三维流动同时,FLOTRAN还具有如下功能:∙计算发动机排气系统中气体的压力及温度分布∙研究管路系统中热的层化及分离∙使用混合流研究来估计热冲击的可能性∙用自然对流分析来估计电子封装芯片的热性能∙对含有多种流体的(由固体隔开)热交换器进行研究FLOTRAN 分析的种类FLOTRAN可执行如下分析:∙层流或紊流∙传热或绝热∙可压缩或不可压缩∙牛顿流或非牛顿流∙多组份传输这些分析类型并不相互排斥,例如,一个层流分析可以是传热的或者是绝热的,一个紊流分析可以是可压缩的或者是不可压缩的。
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ANSYS EXERCISE – ANSYS 8.1Flow Over a Flat PlateCopyright 2001-2005, John R. BakerJohn R. Baker; phone: 270-534-3114; email: jbaker@This exercise is intended only as an educational tool to assist those who wish to learn how to use ANSYS. It is not intended to be used as a guide for determining suitable modeling methods for any application. The author assumes no responsibility for the use of any of the information in this tutorial. There has been no formal quality control process applied to this tutorial, so there is certainly no guarantee that there are not mistakes on the following pages. The author would appreciate feedback at the email address above if mistakes are discovered in this tutorial.In this exercise, you will solve the classical flat plate 2-D airflow problem, illustrated below, using ANSYS. The problem is adapted from the textbook, Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, by Munson, Young, and Okiishi. The airflow velocity for flow over the flat plate will be solved for, based on the specified velocity and pressure boundary conditions, and the plate dimensions. Step-by-step instructions are provided beginning on the following page.Notes: The fluid is air, with density, ρ=1.23 kg/m3, and dynamic viscosity, μ =1.79E-5 N-s/m2. The plate is 1 m long, as shown, and is very thin. It will be modeled with a thickness of 0.001 m. The plate is modeled in a square field, with edge lengths of 2 m. The 2 m edge length dimensions are arbitrary. These lengths are chosen large enough such that the effects of the flat plate on the flow are captured completely within the square field. Also, the flow velocity in all directions is zero along the sides of the flat plate.The steps that willbe followed, after launching ANSYS, are:Preprocessing:1. Change Preferences2. Change Jobname.3. Define element type. (Fluid141 element, which is a 2-D element for fluid analysis.)4. Define the fluid. (Air – SI Units.)5. Create keypoints.6. Create areas.7. Specify meshing controls / Mesh the areas to create nodes and elements.8. Zoom in to see flat plate region (optional).Solution:9. Specify boundary conditions.10. Specify number of solution iterations.11. Solve.Postprocessing:11. Plot the x-direction velocity (VX) distribution.12. List VX at Nodes.Exit13. Exit the ANSYS program, saving all data._____________________________________________________________________________ Notes:•It is assumed in this tutorial that the user has already launched ANSYS and is working in the Graphical User Interface (GUI).•The menu picks needed to perform all required tasks are specified in italics in the step-by-step instructions below. It is sometimes more convenient to enter certain commands directly at the command line. The method of direct command line entry, however, is not emphasized in this exercise. Primarily, in this exercise, the analysis will be performed using menu picks from the ANSYS Graphical User Interface.SUGGESTION: As you work through this exercise, on the ANSYS Toolbar click on “SAVE_DB” often!At any point, if you want to resume from the previous time the model was saved, simply click on “RESUM_DB” on this same Toolbar. Any information entered since the last save will be lost, but this is a nice feature in the event that you make an input mistake, and are unsure of how to correct it.Note: Most of the required tasks are performed using menu picks from the ANSYS GUI, as specified in italics in the step-by-step instructions below. It is sometimes more convenient, however, to enter certain commands directly at the command line. The command line is seen on the screen.The Main Menu is on the left side of the screen.The method of direct command line entry is used in some cases in this exercise, whenever this method seems more convenient than using menu picks.Often, as an alternative, an input file, known as a “batch file”, is created, which is simply an ASCII text file containing a string of ANSYS commands in the appropriate order. ANSYS can read in this file as if it were a program, and perform the analysis in “batch mode”, without ever opening up the Graphical User Interface. The batch file option is not covered in this exercise.There are a number of ways to model a system and perform an analysis in ANSYS. The steps below present only one method.Preprocessing:1. Change Preferences. Main Menu -> Preferences -> FLOTRAN CFD -> OK2. Change jobname. At the upper left-hand corner of the screen:File -> Change JobnameEnter “flatplate”, and click on “OK”.3. Define element type:Preprocessor -> Element Type -> Add/Edit/DeleteClick on “Add”. The “Library of Element Types” box appears, as shown. Highlight “FLOTRAN CFD”, and “2D FLOTRAN 141”. Click on “OK”, then “Close”.4. Define fluid properties: Preprocessor -> FLOTRAN Set Up ->Fluid PropertiesOn the box, shown below, change the first two input fields to “AIR-SI”, and then click on “OK”. Another box will appear. Accept all defaults on that box by clicking on “OK”.5. Create keypoints:There are several options available for creating the basic geometry. The method that will be employed involves creating “keypoints”, then generating two separate areas, with corners defined by the keypoints.Preprocessor -> -Modeling- Create -> Keypoints -> In Active CS…Fill in the fields as shown below, then click “APPLY”. When you click on “Apply”, the command is issued to create keypoint number 1 at (x,y,z)=(-1,1,0). Note that when the Z field is left blank, in this case, the blank space defaults to zero, which is desired. Since you clicked on “Apply”, instead of “OK”, then the keypoint creation box remains open.Create keypoint number 2 at (x,y,z)=(0,1,0), using the input shown below. After entering the input, again, click on “APPLY”:Create 12 total keypoints in the same manner. The locations for all 12 are shown in the following table. When the final keypoint is created, click on “OK” instead of “APPLY”.“OK” issues the command and also closes the keypoint creation box.Keypoint Number X-Location Y-Location1 -1 12 0 13 1 14 -0.5 05 0 06 0.5 0-0.0017 -0.5-0.0018 0-0.0019 0.510 -1 -111 0 -112 1 -1Before moving on, it is probably a good idea to check the keypoint locations. Along thetop toolbar choose:List -> Keypoint -> Coordinates Only.A box should open up with the keypoint location information. If any keypoint is not inthe correct location, at this point, you can just re-issue the keypoint creation command for that particular keypoint. To do this, choose:Preprocessor -> -Modeling- Create -> Keypoints -> In Active CS…Fill in the correct information for that particular keypoint in the box, and click “OK”. The keypoint will be moved to the correct location. If you have some keypoint incorrectly numbered above number 12, this will not cause a problem. Just be sure you have keypoint numbers 1 thru 12 located correctly.You can close the box listing the keypoint locations, by clicking, in that listing box, on “File-> Close”.6. Create areas:It may be a good idea to save your model at this point, by clicking “SAVE_DB”on the ANSYS Toolbar. Now, if you make a mistake from which you do not know howto recover, just click on “RESUM_DB”, and the model will resume from the point of the last save.We will create two separate areas. One is the left half of the flow field, and the other is the right half. We will do this by defining areas, as outlined below, using the defined keypoints as corners of the areas. The figure below shows the end result, exceptthe figure shows an extremely exaggerated thickness of the flat plate. This is done forclarity. The black dots denote keypoints, and the circled numbers denote the keypoint numbers.In creating the areas, it is probably easiest to use the direct command line entry approach. At the command line, type in, as shown below: a,1,2,5,4,7,8,11,10Hit “Enter”, and the left half of the flow field is generated as an area, defined by the keypoints entered with the “a” command. Now, create the right half, by typing, at the command line: a,2,3,12,11,8,9,6,5After hitting “Enter”, the right side is generated. Note that, although we have created the flow field in two halves, the entire 2 m x 2 m field could have been produced as a single square. Then, the flat plate could have been cut out of that square. However, the method being employed will produce a line of “nodes” protruding vertically from the center of the flat plate, and this will be desirable when the fluid velocity results are compared to the analytical solution. At this time, the horizontal flat plate appears in the graphics window as a single line, because it is so thin. The plot in the graphics window should appear as:7. Specify Mesh Size Controls / Mesh the Model.There are a number of ways to perform this step, but for this exercise, the procedure has been automated, and will involve typing only a single word, below. The actual method employed would involve entering 24 commands at the command line. Because of the possibility of typographical errors, however, for this exercise, this step has been automated, using the “macro” option within ANSYS. A macro has been created. It is a text file named mshfield.mac. It is available for download on the website from which this tutorial was downloaded. The file, mshfield.mac, should be copied to your ANSYS working directory. The commands in the macro are discussed in the Appendix, at the end of these instructions. However, to execute all of the required commands (assuming you have the file “mshfield.mac” stored in your current ANSYS working directory), all that is needed is to type, at the command line:mshfieldThen, hit “Enter”. All of the necessary commands should be executed, and the mesh should appear, as shown in the following figure on the next page. The requiredcommands are listed in the appendix.GUI with Finite Element Mesh in Graphics Window8. Zoom in to see the flat plate (optional)This step is not necessary, but it may be helpful to you to see the flat plate geometry, and the fine mesh near the plate. If you wish to zoom in, first, it may be best to turn off the X-Y-Z Axis “Triad” display, as it is really just in the way. We know that we defined our model so that +x is to the right on the screen, and +y is upward. To turn off the X-Y-Z Axis “Triad” display, on the menu across the very top of the GUI choose:PltCtrls -> Window Controls -> Window OptionsA box appears. Change the [/TRIAD] option to “Not Shown”, and then click “OK”.Then, back to the menu across the very top of the GUI, select:PltCtrls -> Pan, Zoom, Rotate…The “Pan-Zoom-Rotate” box below appears. On that box, select “Box Zoom”Then, in the graphics window, press the left mouse button, and drag to producea box near the center of the flow area. Then, click once with the left mousebutton, and you will see a zoomed view of the region around the plate, withthe fine mesh. At any time, to return to the full model view, on the “Pan-Zoom-Rotate” box, click on “Fit” (near the bottom of the box).Solution:9. Specify boundary conditions.In Step 6, there is a sketch of the geometry, with an exaggerated thickness for the flat plate. You may want to refer to this figure and the figure on page 1, during the boundary condition specification. The boundary condition specification steps are outlined below, in steps 9a thru 9e, where VX denotes X-direction flow velocity, and VY denotes Y-direction flow velocity. Before beginning the specifications, it is probably best to plot the lines, without showing the areas, for better clarity. On the menu along the very top of the GUI, select:Plot -> LinesYou should then see colored lines, which are the boundaries of the areas. Unless you are zoomed in, the flat plate will probably appear as a single horizontal line. Although not necessary, you may also want to turn on “Keypoint Numbering”. To do this, again on the very top menu, choose: PltCtrls -> NumberingZoomed View of PlateThe box below opens. Click on the box to the right of “Keypoint numbers” to toggle from “Off” to “On”. Then, click on “OK”. If you have the lines plotted, then the keypoint numbers should also show.9a) Specification of VX Value and VY=0 on the line connecting keypoints 1 and 10.One way to do this is to choose, and the ANSYS Main Menu:Solution -> Define Loads-> Apply->Fluid/CFD-> Velocity -> On LinesA picking menu appears, as shown (below, left). Click on the far left vertical line (theline which connects keypoints 1 and 10), and it should highlight. In the picking menu, choose “OK”. (Note that if you accidently highlight the wrong line, you can unselect it using the picking menu, and switching from “Pick” to “Unpick”. But here, it’s probably easiest to just hit “Cancel” on the picking menu, then re-open the picking box, using: Solution -> -Loads- Apply -> -Fluid/CFD- Velocity -> On Lines.)After highlighting the appropriate line, and clicking “OK” in the Picking Menu, a box appears (shown below right). Enter “0.072764” (or your assigned value) for VX, and 0.0 for “VY”, then click “OK”. Since this is a 2-D analysis, you don’t need a VZ value.9b) Specification of VX=VY=0.0 along the edges of the flat plate. Here, we could use the picking option to select the correct lines, as we did in Step 9a. But, it would involve zooming in to pick the correct closely-spaced lines. It may be easiest here to initially just select the correct lines, using two successive command line entries, which are:ksel,s,kp,,4,9lslk,s,1Hit “Enter” after each command. Note that there are supposed to be two consecutive commas, as shown, in the “ksel” command. The first command above selects keypoints 4 thru 9, and the second command selects the set of all lines which have their endpoints within the selected set of keypoints. Now, on the menus, choose:Solution -> Define Loads-> Apply -> Fluid/CFD-> Velocity -> On LinesThis time, when the picking menu appears, you don’t need to pick on any lines in the model, just choose “Pick All” at the bottom of the picking menu. Only the lines of interest are currently selected. When the “Velocity Constraints” box opens, just enter VX=0.0 and VY=0.0, then click on “OK”.Now, it is very important that you re-select all entities. On the very top menu, choose: Select -> Everything (or else, equivalently, you can type, at the command line: allsel , then hit “Enter”.Then, on the top menu, choose: Plot -> Lines8c) Specification of atmospheric pressure on five of the six lines that define the outer boundary. These are the lines defined by end keypoints 1-2; 2-3; 3-12; 12-11; and 11-10. Note that the farthest left vertical line, connecting keypoints 1 and 10, is not included in the set. Here, we can return to the picking menu method. Choose:Solution -> Define Loads-> Apply -> Fluid/CFD-> Pressure DOF -> On LinesA picking menu opens. Click on all five of the lines noted above to highlight them. If you make a mistake in picking, it may be best to just click on “Cancel” in the picking menu, then re-start step 8c. Once the correct five lines are highlighted, choose “OK” in the picking menu, and the “Pressure Constraint” box will open, as shown below. Enter “0” for “Pressure value”, and click “OK”. This “0” value indicates atmospheric pressure.10. Specify Number of Solution Iterations:Solution -> FLOTRAN Set Up ->Execution CtrlThe box below appears. Change the first input field value to 500, as shown. No other changes are needed. Click OK.11. Solve the problem:Solution -> Run FLOTRANThe problem will run until the specified 500 iterations are completed. This will take a few minutes. When the solution is completed, a box will appear that reads “Solution is Done!”. You may close this box.Postprocessing:12. Plot the x-direction velocity distribution.First, read in the results by selecting:General Postproc -> Read Results-> Last SetThen, to plot, choose:General Postproc -> Plot Results ->Contour Plot-> Nodal SoluThe box below opens:Highlight “DOF solution” and “X-Component of Fluid Velocity” and click “OK”. In the graphics window, a plot, as shown below, should appear. Note that the velocity values corresponding to the colors are shown in the legend to the right.You may want to zoom in closer to the flat plate to get a better view of the velocity distribution near the flat plate. See Step 8 for instructions on zooming in to get a closer look. It is also possible to save plots in the graphics window to graphics files, in formats such as “TIFF”, “JPEG”, or “BITMAP”, and subsequently insert them into a word processing document. This option is not covered in this exercise. If you want to try this, though, you can select, from the top menu: PltCtrls -> Hard Copy -> To File. A box opens up with the plot file creation options.13. List VX at Nodes.13a. Select nodes along the plate center (x=0.0 meters).For comparison with the analytical solution, you will need a listing of specific x-direction velocities at specific locations in the flow field. ANSYS has calculated VX, VY, and the pressure at each “node”. Because of our method of creating the model by automatic “meshing” of the areas, at this time, we do not know specific node numbers at specific locations. But, we can get a listing of node numbers, including the locations of each node, and also a listing of velocities by node numbers. To keep the amount of information to a workable level, it is probably best to include in these lists only a subset of nodes. To get such a list, we can first select only the nodes at x=0 (at the center of the plate – recall the plate ends are at x=-0.5 m and x=+0.5 m). This is a case where it isprobably easiest to just use the direct command line entry option, rather than operate through the menus. On the command line, type:nsel,s,loc,x,0Hit “enter”.Then, reduce the selected set even further by reselecting, from the currently selected set, only those nodes above the plate, up to y=0.15 m. To do this, type, at the command line:nsel,r,loc,y,0,0.15Hit “enter”.13b. List the locations of the selected nodes.On the very top menu, choose List -> Nodes. In the box that appears, on the “Output listing will contain” option, choose “Coordinates Only”. Then for the “Sort first by” option, select “Y coordinate” as shown below:Then, just click on “OK” at the bottom. A listing box appears:You can get a hard copy of the information in this box by clicking, in this listing box:File -> Print.You can also save this information to a file using the option:File -> Save As.If desired, you may close the node listing box to get it out of the way. To do this, in that listing box, choose: File -> Close.13c. List x-direction velocity (VX) at each of these nodes.First, for convenience, sort the nodes so that the results listing will list the velocities of the selected nodes in ascending order of y-location. Choose:General Postproc -> List Results -> -Sorted Listing-> Sort NodesIn the box that opens, shown below, select “Ascending Order”, for “ORDER”, and highlight “Geometry” and “Y”, as shown, and hit “OK”. This produces another listing box of node locations, which you may close.Then, to get the list of nodal velocities, select:General Postproc -> List Results -> Nodal SolutionIn the box that appears, select “DOF Solution” and “X Component of Fluid Velocity”, as shown, then click “OK”.The listing, as shown below, should appear. You will probably want to either print these velocities out, or save them to a file, as you did the node locations. The locations of the same nodes have already been listed, in Step 13b, above. Since you now have velocities (VX) at various y-locations, all at the center of the plate (x=0), the results for these nodes can be checked with the analytical solution.Re-select all nodes in the model for additional plotting, or listing, as desired. To do this, simply type, at the command line: “allsel” and hit enter:Or else, on the very top menu, choose: Select -> EverythingSubsequent lists and plots will include all nodes. Steps 12 and 13 can be repeated to get listings of velocities and pressures of nodes at other locations. Of course, Y-direction velocities (VY) are also available. In addition, there are options for velocity vector plots, and also animations of the steady-state flow, available on the ANSYS Post-processor.14. Exit ANSYS, Saving All Data. On the ANSYS Toolbar, choose:Quit ->Save Everything -> OKTo recall the model and solution at a later date, assuming you have deleted no files, simply re-launch ANSYS, specify the same working directory as before, re-issue the same jobname as used in Step 2 of these instructions, and then click on “RESUME_DB” on the ANSYS Toolbar shown above.To see the resumed model in the graphics window, you may then need to click on “Plot” on the very top menu, then, choose either “Elements”, “Nodes”, or “Areas”, depending on which entities you wish to plot.Appendix – Discussion of Step 7 (This appendix is included for discussion only, and may be skipped.)The commands on the following page are designed to produce a fine mesh near the plate, but a more coarse mesh away from the plate. In Step 7 of these instructions, all of these commands were issued automatically, by simply typing “mshfield”. This only worked because a file named “mshfield.mac” was copied to your ANSYS working directory. This is not a standard ANSYS command. It is a user-created macro containing a string of commands.Regarding the mesh, a fine mesh was desired near the flat plate, where the velocity gradients are highest. This is necessary to accurately calculate the flow velocity near the plate. However, away from the high velocity gradient region, a fine mesh is not necessary. For solution accuracy, there is no problem with simply creating a very fine mesh in all regions of the model. However, producing a fine mesh in regions where it is not necessary results in longer solution time and higher computer memory and hard drive storage requirements, without significantly increasing the solution accuracy. Therefore, it is useful to control the mesh. A discussion of the method used follows: •We first select the two horizontal lines, which define the plate top and bottom, and we specify that there are to be 100 element divisions along each of these lines. This is accomplished with the first five commands.•Then, the vertical line along the center of the flow field, above the flat plate, is selected, and 30 element divisions are specified, with a spacing ratio of 0.01. This means that the ratio of the longest division to the shortest is 100. This is done with commands 6 thru 8.•Next, the vertical line along the center of the flow field, below the flat plate, is selected, and again, 30 element divisions are specified, with a spacing ratio of 100. This is handled with commands 9 thru 11. Note: It may be confusing that in one case we entered a spacing ratio of “0.01”, and in the other case, we entered a spacing ratio of “100”. In both cases, this means that the ratio of the longest division to the shortest is 100. The line “directions” (which are determined and stored internally in ANSY) were automatically determined when the areas were generated. Because of these directions, in the first case, the spacing ratio of “0.01” will produce the smallest element divisions at the ends of the lines nearer the plate. In the next case, a spacing ratio of “100” is needed to produce the smaller divisions nearer the plate. It is possible to check the directions of all lines, but it is not necessary in this exercise, because the required commands have already been determined for you.•Next, the two vertical lines at the ends of the flow fields are selected, and the number of element divisions specified for each is 20. The spacing ratio is uniform, so no spacing ratio is entered. This is handled with commands 12 thru16.•Next, the four horizontal lines, at the top and bottom of the flow fields, are selected, and the number of element divisions specified for each is 10. Again, the spacing ratio is uniform, so no spacing ratio is entered. This is handled with commands 17 thru 21.•Everything is re-selected with the “allsel” command, command number 22.•The element shape is set to triangular, with the “mshape” command. Triangular elements are sometimes better than quadrilateral elements for irregularly shaped areas, such as we have.•The two areas are meshed, using the “amesh” command.The mesh that should result was shown in Step 7 of these instructions.Rather than use the macro “mshfield.mac”, in Step 7, the commands below could have been issued in the order shown below, at the ANSYS command line. The user would not have typep the numbers in parentheses, but would have just typed the commands. These numbers were included for reference only. The user could have typed the commands, exactly as shown, including all commas, and hit “Enter” after each command was typed. The macro “mshfield.mac” is simply an ASCII text file containing the string of commands below (without the numbers).Commands:(1) ksel,s,kp,,4,6(2)lslk,s,1(3) ksel,s,kp,,7,9(4) lslk,a,1(5) lesize,all,,,200(6) ksel,s,kp,,2,5,3(7) lslk,s,1(8) lesize,all,,,30,0.01(9) ksel,s,kp,,8,11,3(10) lslk,s,1(11) lesize,all,,,30,100(12) ksel,s,kp,,1,10(13) lslk,s,1(14) ksel,s,kp,,3,12(15) lslk,a,1(16) lesize,all,,,20(17) ksel,s,kp,,1,3(18) lslk,s,1(19) ksel,s,kp,,10,12(20) lslk,a,1(21) lesize,all,,,10(22) allsel(23) mshape,1,2d(24) amesh,all。
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ansys-cfd流体分析实例D234Open File>New Project…:56Set the name with “cylinder_2d”, and Click “Save”2. Creating Geometry: A. PointsClick button “Create Point” and then click button “Explicit Coordinates”Set the points in Cartesian coordinate system(X, Y, Z) with ( X=0, Y=0, Z=0 ) respectively.Click “Apply” button and see the screen: a point is createdA tree widget can be seen at left of the screen (A) and (B)A BThe same method creates other points:X=0; Y=0.5, -0.5 X=-5; Y=5, -5X=20; Y=5, -5 Y=0; X=0.5,-0.578B. Draw line (curve)First of all see the tree widget, open Model>Geometry>Points by right buttonSelect Show Point Names and you can see the name of each point like the figure showed.Now you can create curvesClick button “Create/Modify Curve ”Click button “Create Curve”Note: the left corner of the black screen: Select locationswith left button, middle=done, right=cancelSelect points by using left button of the mouse.Change the name of the Part with “INLET”:9Select PONITS.05 and POINTS.06 with left button (A),And draw a line with middle button “done” (B) and the INLET part is created in the tree widget. The same steps draw the curves named “OUTLET, SIDEA, SIDEB” with the POINTS.07and POINTS.08, POINTS.06 and POINTS.07, POINTS.05 and POINTS.08 respectively.We will see the line and the tree widgetA B10Draw the cylinderClick button “Circle or arc from Center point and 2points on plane”.Set the Part with name “CYLINDER”Click button and select points “POINTS.00,POINTS.01, POINTS.03” with left button respectively(A).A BDraw the cylinder by middle button (B).See tree widget:Close Points name Use button to fit the window.Set the body and material.Click button “Create Body”Choose button “Material Point”and select “Selected surfaces” in the “By Topology” menu. Change the name of the part with “FLUID”; open the Show Point Name of the tree widget and useselect POINTS.06 and POINTS.08.The same way change the part name with “CYLINDER” and select POINTS.01 and POINTS.02. Close Show Point Name and open the tree widget:Open the bodies and you can seeAt last, open the File>Geometry>Save Geometry As…Give it the name with “cylinder_2d”. Click “save”.Now we begin to block the model.Click button “Create Block”See the first one , choose the part with “FLUID”,from the pull down menu select “FLUID”And set the Initialize Blocks type with “2D Planar”Click “Apply” button.A BWe will see that the colors of figure are changed. From (A) to (B)See the tree widget: Model>BlockingThen create some assistant points with button “CreatePoint”{Y=0X=-0.45,-0.4,-0.35,-0.3,-0.25,-0.2,-0.15,-0.1,-0.5, 0.5, 0.1,0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45}{X=0Y=-0.45,-0.4,-0.35,-0.3,-0.25,-0.2,-0.15,-0.1,-0.5, 0.5, 0.1,0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45}Now begin to block the regionClick button “Split Block”Then select button “Split Block”See the split method, select “Prescribed point”Use the put down menu to select the Prescribed point,Use the button firstly select the Edge “INLET”and secondly select the Point “POINTS.03”.We will see the block line in the vertical direction of theINLET.Zoom the fiure.The same way we draw other block lines. From the “POINTS.01 to POINTS.04”See the tree widgetSelect the “Blocking” and select “Index Control”Model>Blocking: Index Control (using right button of the mouse) We can see at the right corner of the screenBy using button and we set I min=2 and see the figureThe same way we set I max =3 , J min=2 , J max=3 And the screen shown thatThe same way block again from “POINTS.00, POINTS.09 to POINTS.44”:(A)(B)(C)After block.See the tree widget: Model>Parts>VORFN :using the right button select “Add to Part”. Click button “Blocking Material”, Add Blocks to PartUsing select blocking regions and we can see Zoom the block regions (A).A B CSelect the blocks in the cylinder or attached the cylinder (B)(C).Using the middle button to set it OK, and you can see blow (D).Click button “Associate”ABDCSelect the associate edge to curve “Associate Edge toCurve”buttonUsing the choose the edge and curveChoosing edge:Select curves:Set O grid CBAClick button “Split Block”Click “Ogird Block”buttonSelect theSee the tree widget: Open Model>Parts>VORFNOpen the VORFN (A)AUsing button to selectin or attached the cylinder (B)(C)(D).B CD EUsing middle button to click “Apply” (E)Close “VORFN” from the tree widget (F)F GClick the “Reset”(G) Mesh the edgesClick button “Set Curve Mesh Size”Using button to select Curve(s):Choose Method with “Element count”Set the Number with 100 and click Apply.See the tree: close the Model>Geometry>points, and the Model>Blocking>edgesUsing right button to select Model>Geometry>Curves:Curve Node Spacing (by using right button)The same way set the “INLET” and “OUTLET” with number 100, the “SIDEA” and “SIDEB” with number 250.Click button “Pre-Mesh Params”Choose Blocking >Pre-Mesh ParamsClick button “Update Sizes”and keep default,Then click ApplySee tree open Model>Blocking>Pre_Mesh: Project faces(by using right button)And we will see a menuClick Yes.Now we will see the mesh of the model.Zoom it see the local partClose Geomery>Points and curves, and Blocking>Edges.Then open File>Mesh>Load from BlockingOpen File>Mesh>Save Mesh As…: and set the name with “cylinder_2d”Open File>Blocking>Save Blocking As…: Save block with the name “cylinder_2d”Check the quality of the meshClick button “Display Mesh Quality”Click ApplyWe can see no negatives mesh.Extrude meshClick button “Extrude Mesh”Use to select Elements:Method 1Click button “Select items in a part”and a menu appears:Click “All” and “Accept”Method 2A BPut the left button and drag it to select all the regions (A)(C). Click middle button to accept (B) Give the New volume part name “FLUID2D”, new side part name “SIDE”, new top par name “TOP”And set the Spacing type>spacing with “0.1”, then ApplyCSo the mesh change a height 0.1 in the Z direction (D)DBox ZoomE FClick button “Shaded Full Display”(E)(F) Check the quality of the extrude meshSee the tree widget:Close top “TOP” (B) Close “FLUID” (C) A BSet the new boundary conditionsSee the tree widget:Model>Parts: Create Part (by using the right button)Click “Create Part by Selection” button From the pull down menu of the Part: select the “CYLINDER” Using and left button drag the regionUsing middle button accepts it, so a new CYLINDER boundary condition has been set (C).CBACThe same way set the INLET, OUTLET, SIDEA and SIDEB boundary conditions. INLETThe Whole Boundary Conditions CA BSee the tree widget:A Open Model>Parts>FLUID(B)B Open Model>Parts>TOP(C)CSix kinds of patternsClick File>Mesh>Save Mesh As…And save the new mesh with name “cylinder_2d_extrude”. Output the mesh file to CFXClick button “Select solver”and choose “CFX-5”Click “Okay”CBFEDAClick button “Write input”Keep default and click “Done”Then the Domain selection appearsKeep the Selected domains with “cylinder_2d_extrude.uns” and click “Done”.Now we will see the created files in working directions:From these files, we must note that only the file named “cfx5” can be inputted into CFX5.7.1 The mesh is finished.Other examples:Example on using commercial software“CFX 5.7.1”Flow around a circular cylinderY.F.LinTwo Dimensional problemsFlow around a circular cylinderAfter established the geometry model, we begin to use CFX to solve this two dimensional case. Processing with CFX-5.7.11.Open CFXDouble click the “CFX” Icon, afterwards, you can see the interface of the CFX.There are three kinds of functions of the CFX:1.CFX-Pre 5.7.1 (set the relevant parameters).2.CFX-Solver 5.7.1 (solve the case by using established physical model)3.CFX-Post 5.7.1 (get the data and figures which we need)CFX-Pre step:1.Import the mesh file from ICEM CFD2.Simulation type3.Domain4.BC’s (boundary conditions)5.Initial conditions6.Solver control7.Output file and monitor points8.Write “.def” file and simulationClick button “CFX-Pre 5.7.1”and run it.Establish a new simulationOpen File>New Simulation…:Select button “General”and give the file namewith “cylinder_2d”. Click “Save”Now we can see the interface of the CFX-PreImport mesh fileSee the middle position of the screen, Click button “Import mesh”Open Mesh>Definition>Mesh Format:From the pull down menu select “ICEM CFD”, (see figure below)Definition>File: Click button “Browse”Find the working direction and select the file named “cfx5”,Then click “Open” button. And “OK”Note: no other files can be inputted in CFX5.7.1Then the mesh file has been inputted into the CFX-PreAnd the left window appears.All of these names were already defined by us in “ICEM CFD”Set the relevant parameters1. Define the simulation type:Click button “Define the Simulation Type”button.Note: the blue color note suggest we should set a domain. Then the simulation type appearsBasic Settings>Option: Select “Transient”Basic Settings>Time Duration>Option: From the pull down menu select Total Time.Basic Settings>Time Duration>Total Time: Set with 42000s.Basic Settings>Time Steps>Option: From the pull down menu select Timesteps.Basic Settings>Time Steps>Timesteps: Set with 1s.Initial Time>Option: From the pull down menu select Autorratic.Then click Apply and Ok2. Create a domain:Click button “Create a Domain”.Set the name with “ cylinder2d” and click OkSee figure below: the color of the domain changed into green, and the window “Edit Domain”appears.General Options>Basic Settings>Location: From the pull down menu select “FLUID2D”Then click “Apply” buttonFluid Models>Heat Transfer Model>Option:Keep by default.Fluid Models>Heat Transfer Model>FluidTemperature: Set the temperature with 25c.Fluid Models>Turbulence Model>Option: Setit with “None(Laminar).Click OK3. Set boundary condtions:Click button “Create a Boundary Condition”Set INLET boundary conditionSet the Name with “INLET” and click OK。
(其实很多格式都可以,根据喜好)1.从开始菜单启动WorkBench2.新建mesh cell拖动左边Mesh图标到Schematic中即可3.关联几何文件本例的几何文件是由CatiaV5另存的IGS格式,也可以用Ansys自带的DesignModeler制作,那就要点击New Geometry,而不是Import Geometry。
4.启动ICEM在ICEM中做两件事:建3个Named Selection(inlet、outlet、wall);划分网格。
4.1.创建Named SelectionA.右键进气(液)面,选Create Named Selection,命名为inletB.同理,选中对面的出气(液)面,命名为outletC.同理,选中剩余8个面,命名为wall。
4.2.划分网格A.点击Mesh调出网格划分选项B.展开Sizing,选Relevance Center为Fine,意思是网格划分较细C.另外,做如下设置D.点击Update,生成网格E.保存F.关闭ICEM,回到WB 5.建立一个CFX cell6.Update CFX Cell7.进入CFX-Pre7.1.进入快速设置7.2.设置好一页后点击Next7.3.刷新并保存,退出CFX-Pre8.求解8.1.进入求解器8.2.直接运行8.3.退出求解器9.查看结果9.1.进入后处理器9.2.新建一个观察平面点击apply查看结果点击Apply查看结果。
ANSYS CFD管道流体分析经典算例 Fluid
![ANSYS CFD管道流体分析经典算例 Fluid](
Fluid #2: Velocity analysis of fluid flow in a channel USING FLOTRAN Introduction:In this example you will model fluid flow in a channelPhysical Problem:Compute and plot the velocity distribution within the elbow. Assume that the flow is uniform at both the inlet and the outlet sections and that the elbow has uniform depth.Problem Description:T he channel has dimensions as shown in the figureThe flow velocity as the inlet is 10 cm/sUse the continuity equation to compute the flow velocity at exitObjective:T o plot the velocity profile in the channelT o plot the velocity profile across the elbowYou are required to hand in print outs for the aboveFigure:IMPORTANT: Convert all dimensions and forces into SI unitsSTARTING ANSYSC lick on ANSYS 6.1in the programs menu.S elect Interactive.T he following menu comes up. Enter the working directory. All your files will be stored in this directory. Also under Use Default Memory Model make sure the values 64 for Total Workspace, and 32 for Database are entered. To change these values unclick Use Default Memory ModelMODELING THE STRUCTUREG o to the ANSYS Utility Menu (the top bar)Click Workplane>W P Settings…The following window comes up:o Check the Cartesian and Grid Only buttonso Enter the values shown in the figure above•Go to the ANSYS Main Menu (on the left hand side of the screen) and click Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Keypoints>On Working PlaneCreate keypoints corresponding to the vertices in the figure. The keypoints look like below.Now create lines joining these key points.M odeling>Create>Lines>Lines>Straight lineT he model looks like the one below.Now create fillets between lines L4-L5 and L1-L2.C lick Modeling>Create>Lines>Line Fillet. A pop-up window will now appear. Select lines 4 and 5. Click OK. The following window will appear:T his window assigns the fillet radius. Set this value to 0.1 m.Repeat this process of filleting for Lines 1 and 2.The model should look like this now:N ow make an area enclosed by these lines.M odeling>Create>Areas>Arbitrary>By LinesS elect all the lines and click OK. The model looks like the followingT he modeling of the problem is done.ELEMENT PROPERTIESSELECTING ELEMENT TYPE:•Click Preprocessor>Element Type>Add/Edit/Delete... In the 'Element Types' window that opens click on Add... The following window opens.•Type 1 in the Element type reference number.•Click on Flotran CFD and select 2D Flotran 141. Click OK. Close the Element types window.•So now we have selected Element type 1 to be solved using Flotran, the computational fluid dynamics portion of ANSYS. This finishes the selection of element type.DEFINE THE FLUID PROPERTIES:•Go to Preprocessor>Flotran Set Up>Fluid Properties.•On the box, shown below, set the first two input fields as Air-SI, and then click on OK. Another box will appear. Accept the default values by clicking OK.•Now we’re ready to define the Material PropertiesMATERIAL PROPERTIESW e will model the fluid flow problem as a thermal conduction problem. The flow corresponds to heat flux, pressure corresponds to temperature difference and permeability corresponds to conductance.Go to the ANSYS Main MenuClick Preprocessor>Material Props>Material Models. The following window will appearA s displayed, choose CFD>Density. The following window appears.F ill in 1.23 to set the density of Air. Click OK.Now choose CFD>Viscosity. The following window appears:N ow the Material 1 has the properties defined in the above table so the Material Models window may be closed. MESHING: DIVIDING THE CHANNEL INTO ELEMENTS:G o to Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Cntrls>ManualSize>Lines>All Lines.I n the window that comes up type 0.01 in the field for 'Element edge length'.N ow Click OK.Now go to Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh>Areas>Free. Click the area and the OK. The mesh will look like the following.BOUNDARY CONDITIONS AND CONSTRAINTSG o to Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid CFD>Velocity>On lines. Pick the left edge of the outer block and Click OK. The following window comes up.E nter 0.1 in the VX value field and click OK. The 0.1 corresponds to the velocity of 0.1 meter per second of air flowing from the left side.R epeat the above and set the Velocity to ZERO for the air along all of the edges of the pipe. (VX=VY=0 for all sides) O nce they have been applied, the pipe will look like this:•Go to Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid CFD>Pressure DOF>On Lines.•Pick the outlet line. (The horizontal line at the top of the area) Click OK.•Enter 0 for the Pressure value.•Now the Modeling of the problem is done.SOLUTIONG o to ANSYS Main Menu>Solution>Flotran Set Up>Execution Ctrl.•The following window appears. Change the first input field value to 300, as shown. No other changes are needed. Click OK.G o to Solution>Run FLOTRAN.W ait for ANSYS to solve the problem.C lick on OK and close the 'Information' window.POST-PROCESSINGP lotting the velocity distribution…Go to General Postproc>Read Results>Last Set.Then go to General Postproc>Plot Results>Contour Plot>Nodal Solution. The following window appears:•Select DOF Solution and Velocity VSUM and Click OK.•This is what the solution should look like:•Next, go to Main Menu>General Postproc>Plot Results>Vector Plot>Predefined.The following window will appear:•Select OK to accept the defaults. This will display the vector plot to compare to the solution of the same tutorial solved using the Heat Flux analogy. Note: This analysis is FAR more precise as shown by the following solution:•Go to Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Define Path>By Nodes•Pick points at the ends of the elbow as shown. We will graph the velocity distribution along the line joining these two points.•The following window comes up.•Enter the values as shown.•Now go to Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Map onto Path. The following window comes up.•Now go to Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Plot Path Items>On Graph.•The following window comes up.•Select VELOCITY and click OK.•The graph will look as follows:。
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v1.0 可编辑可修改Example on using commercial software“ICEM CFD ”Flow around a circular cylinderTwo Dimensional problemsFlow around a circular cylinderProblem DescriptionAir flows across a cylinder with the uniform velocity s in the wind tunnel. The length of the wind tunnel (fluid domain) has 25m long and 10 m height. The diameter of cylinder is 1m .Assumption and Boundary Conditions: 1. 2 dimensional problems 2. Steady state condition 3. The uniform flow velocity 4. No Heat transfer5. Neglect the gravitational force6. Constant air densityPre-processing stageIn this stage, we implement the “ICEM CFD” to perform the pre-processing work. The basic steps as follow:OutleWall (SideA)1.Establish geometry model2.Block the parts3.Generation the O grid4.Mesh the model and check quality of mesh5.Extrude the mesh6.Reset the BC’s (boundary conditions)7.Output toCreating Geometry1. Open ICEM CFDDouble Click the “ICEM CFD” Icon, afterwards, you can see the interface of the ICEM CFD.Open File>New Project…:Set the name with “cylinder_2d”, and Click “Save”2. Creating Geometry:A.PointsClick button “Create Point” and then click button “Explicit Coordinates”Set the points in Cartesian coordinate system(X, Y,Z) with ( X=0, Y=0, Z=0 ) respectively.Click “Apply” button and see the screen: a pointis createdA tree widget can be seen at left of the screen (A) and (B)A BThe same method creates other points:X=0; Y=, X=-5; Y=5, -5X=20; Y=5, -5 Y=0; X=,B.Draw line (curve)First of all see the tree widget, open Model>Geometry>Points by right buttonSelect Show Point Names and you can see the name ofeach point like the figure showed.Now you can create curvesClick button “Create/Modify Curve”Click button “Create Curve”Note: the left corner of the black screen: Selectlocations with left button, middle=done,right=cancelSelect points by using left button of the mouse.Change the name of the Part with “INLET”:A BSelect and with left button (A),And draw a line with middle button “done”(B) and the INLET part is created in the tree widget.The same steps draw the curves named “OUTLET, SIDEA, SIDEB” with the , and , and respectively.We will see the line and the tree widgetDraw the cylinderClick button“Circle or arc from Center point and2 points on plane”.Set the Part with name “CYLINDER”Click button and select points “, , ” withleft button respectively (A).A BDraw the cylinder by middle button (B).See tree widget:Close Points nameUse button to fit the window.1111Set the body and material.Click button “Create Body”Choose button “Material Point”and select “Selected surfaces”in the “By Topology”menu.1212Change the name of the part with “FLUID”; open the Show Point Name of the tree widget and use select and .The same way change the part name with “CYLINDER” and select and .Close Show Point Name and open the tree widget:Open the bodies and you can seeAt last, open the File>Geometry>Save Geometry As…Give it the name with “cylinder_2d”. Click “save”.Now we begin to block the model.Click button “Create Block”1313See the first one , choose the part with“FLUID”, from the pull down menu select “FLUID”And set the Initialize Blocks type with “2DPlanar”Click “Apply” button.A BWe will see that the colors of figure are changed. From (A) to (B)1414See the tree widget: Model>BlockingThen create some assistant points with button“Create Point”{Y=0X=,,,,,,,,, , , , , , , , , }{X=0Y=,,,,,,,,, , , , , , , , , }Now begin to block the regionClick button “Split Block”Then select button “Split Block”1515See the split method, select “Prescribed point”Use the put down menu to select the Prescribedpoint,Use the button firstly select the Edge“INLET” and secondly select the Point “”.We will see the block line in the vertical directionof the INLET.Zoom the fiure.1616The same way we draw other block lines.From the “ to ”See the tree widgetSelect the “Blocking” and select “Index Control”1717Model>Blocking : Index Control (using right button of the mouse)We can see at the right corner of the screenBy using button and we set I min=2 and see the figureThe same way we set I max =3 , J min=2 , J max=31818And the screen shown thatThe same way block again from “, to ”:(A)(B)(C)A B CAfter block.See the tree widget: Model>Parts>VORFN :using the right button select “Add to Part”.1919Click button “Blocking Material”, Add Blocks to PartUsing select blocking regions and we can seeZoom the block regions (A).A20202121Select the blocks in the cylinder or attached the cylinder (B)(C).Using the middle button to set it OK , and you can see blow (D).Click button “Associate”ABD CSelect the associate edge to curve “AssociateEdge to Curve”buttonUsing the choose the edge and curveChoosing edge:ASelect curves:22222323Middlebutton:Set O gridClick button “Split Block”Click “Ogird Block ” buttonCBSelect theSee the tree widget: Open Model>Parts>VORFNOpen the VORFN (A)AUsing button to select in or attached the cylinder (B)(C)(D).B C2424D EUsing middle button to click “Apply”(E)Close “VORFN” from the tree widget (F)2525F GClick the “Reset”(G)Mesh the edges2626Click button “Set Curve Mesh Size”Using button to select Curve(s):Choose Method with “Element count”Set the Number with 100 and click Apply.2727See the tree: close the Model>Geometry>points,and the Model>Blocking>edgesUsing right button to selectModel>Geometry>Curves:Curve Node Spacing (by using right button)The same way set the “INLET”and “OUTLET”withnumber 100, the “SIDEA”and “SIDEB”with number 250.Click button “Pre-Mesh Params”Choose Blocking >Pre-Mesh Params2828Click button “Update Sizes” and keepdefault,Then click ApplySee tree open Model>Blocking>Pre_Mesh: Projectfaces (by using right button)And we will see a menuClick Yes.2929Now we will see the mesh of the model.Zoom it see the local partClose Geomery>Points and curves, and Blocking>Edges.Then open File>Mesh>Load from BlockingOpen File>Mesh>Save Mesh As…: and set the name with “cylinder_2d”Open File>Blocking>Save Blocking As…: Save block with the name “cylinder_2d”Check the quality of the mesh3030Click button “Display Mesh Quality”Click ApplyWe can see no negatives mesh.Extrude meshClick button “Extrude Mesh”3131Use to select Elements:Method 1Click button “Select items in a part” and a menu appears:Click “All” and “Accept”3232Method 2A BPut the left button and drag it to select all the regions (A)(C). Click middle button to accept (B)Give the New volume part name “FLUID2D”, new side part name “SIDE”, new top par name “TOP”And set the Spacing type>spacing with “”, then ApplyCSo the mesh change a height in the Z direction (D)3333DBox ZoomE FClick button “Shaded Full Display”(E)(F)Check the quality of the extrude mesh3434See the tree widget:Close top “TOP” (B) Close “FLUID” (C)AB3535CSet the new boundary conditionsSee the tree widget:Model>Parts: Create Part (by using the rightbutton)Click “Create Part by Selection”buttonFrom the pull down menu of the Part: select the“CYLINDER”Using and left button drag the region36363737Using middle button accepts it, so a new CYLINDER boundary condition has been set (C).The same way set the INLET , OUTLET , SIDEA and SIDEB boundary conditions.INLETThe Whole Boundary ConditionsACAC BAB CSee the tree widget:Open Model>Parts>FLUID(B)AA3838Open Model>Parts>TOP(C)Six kinds of patternsCBC BF EDA3939Click File>Mesh>Save Mesh As…And save the new mesh with name“cylinder_2d_extrude”.Output the mesh file to CFXClick button “Select solver” and choose “CFX-5”Click “Okay”Click button “Write input”4040v1.0 可编辑可修改Keep default and click “Done”Then the Domain selection appearsKeep the Selected domains with “” and click “Done”.Now we will see the created files in working directions:4141v1.0 可编辑可修改From these files, we must note that only the file named “cfx5” can be inputted intomesh is finished.Other examples:4242Example on using commercial software “CFX around a circular cylinder43434444Two Dimensional problemsFlow around a circular cylinderAfter established the geometry model, we begin to use CFX to solve this two dimensional case.1.Processing with CFXDouble click the “CFX” Icon, afterwards, you can see the interface of the CFX.There are three kinds of functions of the CFX:1.CFX-Pre (set the relevant parameters).2.CFX-Solver (solve the case by using established physical model)3.CFX-Post (get the data and figures which we need)4545CFX-Pre step:1.Import the mesh file from ICEM CFD2.Simulation type3.Domain4.BC’s (boundary conditions)5.Initial conditions6.Solver control7.Output file and monitor points8.Write “.def” file and simulationClick button “CFX-Pre and run it.Establish a new simulationOpen File>New Simulation…:4646Select button “General” and give the file name with “cylinder_2d”. Click “Save”Now we can see the interface of the CFX-Pre4747Import mesh fileSee the middle position of the screen, Click button “Import mesh”Open Mesh>Definition>Mesh Format:From the pull down menu select “ICEM CFD”, (see figure below)4848Definition>File: Click button “Browse”Find the working direction and select the file named “cfx5”,Then click “Open”button. And “OK” Note: no other files can be inputted inThen the mesh file has been inputted into the CFX-Pre4949And the left window appears.All of these names were already defined by us in “ICEM CFD”Set the relevant parameters1. Define the simulation type:5050。