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一、since last few weeks, i have been constantly checking my weibo and paying much

attention to the case of zhuling. she was poisoned by thallium, and that brought her

permanent paralysis. chinese people want the poisoner punished and justice done. yet

until this moment, the criminal is still at large. to fight for zhuling’s interests

and everyone’s interests as well, over 130,000 users have signed a petition at the

website of white house, demanding the us investigate a suspicious woman. it may be

unreasonable; but this is actually an outlet for the publics long-term

dissatisfaction at the absence of justice.

二、while some guilty people are free, some innocent people are prisoned for years.

in last few months, the press highlighted the events that several men spent a long

time of their life in prison as a result of miscarriages of justice. what is worse

is we don’t know exactly how many people are still suffering from it at the moment,

and how many people would.

we doubt if justice is still alive in china, we wonder if the law still protects

our people’s life and property, we question if there is still anyone who fights for

our fundamental rights.

三、however confused or inexperienced, i, a freshmen majoring in law, try to figure out these questions. the word justice is usually associated with courts of law. people might say that

justice has been done when a man’s innocence or guilt has been proved beyond doubt.

however, the reality is: we usually undertake an arduous journey seeking the truth

but we can never be sure that we will find it. and judges, however wise or eminent,

are human and can make mistakes. such disappointing reality must frustrate some

people, especially who know little about law, who naively think law can’t go wrong.

so, when something does go wrong, their faithfulness is suddenly shattered and they

will never believe in law again.

四、but i believe that law can make differences.

i admit chinese judicial system is way far from perfect, but i can also see the

remarkable progress of it. the transformation is undertaken and more rights are

entitled to people. an increasingly transparent, just and efficient image of

judicature is clearer. a proper legal framework is starting to replace the habit of

personal relationships as the principle weapon and defense the people’s interests.

all these above show that we are stepping forward.

i believe in law, and i believe it is better to fight for justice than to rail

at the ill. but truth be told, i am not really proud of it. during the economic takeoff, we

face great challenges, such as food safety, environment protection and disparity

between rich and poor. our beautiful country and our children’s futures are too high

a price to pay for economic growth.

a healthier and sustainable economic development is based on good order. and since

law is order, we should exert the influence of law on economic fields to boost the

economy and protect people’s interests at the same time.

二、a series of reports on poisonous food, especially the melamine scandal, has
