



5录井专业词汇(仅参考)Coarse Sand (粗砂岩)Medium Sand(中砂岩)Fine Sand(细砂岩)Marble(大理岩)Limestone(灰岩)Dolomite(白云岩)Quartz(石英)Feldspar(长石)Mica(云母)Calcite(方解石)derrick (mask)D rilling rig (drilling machine) 钻机drawwork 绞车drum滚筒slip 卡瓦hooK大钩hook weight钩悬重monkey board 二层台Circulating & Solids Control System 循环及固控系统drilling mud (drilling fluid钻井泥浆,钻井液water mud 淡水泥浆water-base mud 水基泥浆salt mud盐水泥浆salt-base mud 盐水基泥浆oil-base mud 油基泥浆mud property 泥浆性能mud viscosity泥浆粘度mud conductivit泥浆电导率mud resistivity泥浆电阻sand content 含砂量mud pump (pump) 泥浆泵pump capacity (discharge) 泵排量(泵容量)pump output 泵排量mud room 泵房standpipe 立管hose 水龙带kelly方钻杆HWDP height weight drillpipe 加重钻杆DP drillpipe钻杆DC drill collar 钻铤NMDC non-monel collar 无磁钻铤sub (joint) 接头tool joint box 接头母扣tool joint pin接头公扣near bit stabilizer (box ×box) 扶正器(母扣对母扣)jar 震击器BHA bottomhole assembly 下部钻具总成HDRT high data rate tool 高速数据传输钻具(MWD用)drill stem (drill string) 钻柱core drilling bit 取心钻头bit cone 钻头牙轮bit jets 钻头水眼bit footage 钻头进尺annular 环空wellhead 井口waste pit泥浆坑engine 引擎KB kelly bushing 方钻杆补心Blowout Prevention System 防喷系统kick 井涌blowout 井喷blowout control 井控blowout hookup 防喷装置BOP blowout prevention 防喷器conductor line 导管gas buster 泥气分离器poor boy 泥气分离器deck 甲板well, drilling well井,钻井wildcat well 预探,初探井delineation well 探边井development well 生产井,开发井satellite well 丛式井injection well 注水井direction well定向井deviation well斜井to spud in 开钻to turn on the pumps 开泵circulate to the bottom up 完全循环reaming 扩眼drilling 钻进lost circulation 井漏slough (cave-in) 井塌to stop the pump 停泵PC pipe connection 接单根make a joint 接单根to break down a joint 卸一个单根to trip out the hole 起钻touch sticking 遇卡to running casing, casing 下套管surface casing 表层套管intermediate casing 技术套管to running cementing 固井RIH run in hole 下钻to trip in 下钻touchdown, touching resistance 遇阻RTO round trip operation 起下钻作业short tripping 短起下钻reaming 划眼to finish drilling 完钻well completion 完井to prevent sticking 防卡to prevent caving 防塌to prevent loss of circulation 防漏to prevent blowout 防喷coring formation 取心地层Core Analysis 岩心分析directional angle 方位角the vertical depth 垂直深度Casing 下套管casing 套管casing diameter 套管直径casing job 下套管作业casing running(installation) 下套管casing pressure test 套管试压W ell Cementing 固井open hole 裸眼井cement 水泥cement operation (jobs) 固井作业cement method 固井方法chasing 替浆cement displacement 替浆well string data 钻具数据BHA bottom hole assembly 下部钻具组合bit performance 钻头性能bit characteristics 钻头特征bit number 钻头编号the last drilled bit 上一个钻头bit type 钻头类型drilling cost 钻进成本rig cost 钻机作业成本bit run , footage 钻头进尺bit progress, run length 钻头进尺the bit manufacture 钻头制造商mud density 泥浆密度YP yield point 屈服点cuttings lag time 岩屑迟到时间cuttings size 岩屑尺寸cuttings density 岩屑密度cuttings removal 岩屑上返KICK CONTROL 井控,压井well kick , well blowout 井涌,井喷circulating pressure 循环压力initial data 原始数据killing of a well 压井kick size 井涌体积kick tolerance 井涌极限the minimum formation fracturation pressure 最小地层破裂压力WOB weight on bit 钻压RPM the rotation speed 转速the drilling rate 钻进速度a lithological change 岩性变化drillability factor 可钻性因素average rate of penetration 平均钻速round trip time 起下钻时间lost circulation, mud loss 井漏,循环漏失kick, gas kick, well kick 井涌well blowout 井喷well slough (cave-in) 井塌drilling string not well braked 溜钻percussion drill 顿钻damaged bit 钻头损坏broken teeth 断牙齿lost nozzle 掉水眼lost cone 掉牙轮lost bit 掉钻头bit balling, balling up of a bit 钻头泥包drilling pipe breaking 断钻具touchdown, touching resistance 遇阻touch sticking 遇卡stuck (sticking) 卡钻drill pipe sticking, sticking of tool 卡钻releasing stuck agent, 解卡剂fishing & other operation 打捞和其它作业kill-job, well killing, well control 压井kill job 压井作业drilling rig, drilling machine 钻机drilling platform 钻井平台fixed platform 固定式平台SEMI-submersible 半潜式平台self-elevating drilling platform 自升式钻井平台safe atmosphere 安全空气环境safe bearing load 安全负荷safe concentration 安全浓度safety measure, safety precautions 安全措施safety code, safety regulation 安全规程safety alarm device 安全报警设备safety board 安全工作台safety hat, safety helmet 安全帽safety clothing 安全服safety goggles 护目镜safety shoes 安全鞋。


角,棱角 ang 次棱角 sbang 次圆 sbrnd 圆状 rnd
分选差/中/好 p/mod/w srtd 泥质胶结 ary mtx, cmt
松散 lse 致密的 cpct/tight 质纯的 pure 均匀(不均匀)的 hom (netr) 未定形的 amorp
岩屑 lith frag 含碳物质 carb mat 贝壳碎屑 shell frag
强烈 rng
湿照(直照)dir 均匀的 even 斑点/油斑 pch/spt(stn) 斑点的 sptd
滴照 cut 立即 instant 放射性扩散 blmng 均匀扩散 strmng
上部 upper 下部 under 含 wl 条痕 strk 煤 coal 褐煤 lig 沥青质 bit
石英 qtz 长石 feld 暗色矿物 dk mnrl 白云母 mic/musc
方解石 cal (callitc) 部分长石风化 wthrd feld i/p 白垩质 chkly 燧石 cht
非常圆 w rnd 中晶粒 mxl 结晶 xln 微晶 micrxl
钙质胶结 cal mtx, cmt 高岭土胶结 kao lin mtx, cmt
团块 lmp 块状 blky 次块状 sb blky 碎个 pch 板状、片状 plat
微含钙质 sli calc 不含钙质 no calc
一般 gen 最大的 max 部分 pt i/p 局部 loc 丰富 abdt
花岗岩 granite 片麻岩 gneiss 板岩 slate 玄武岩 bas 辉长岩 gabbro
微弱的 wk(sh、fnt) 暗的 dk
红色 red 浅色、淡色 pale(pl) 浅黄色、米黄色 buff(bf) 杂色 vcol



地质录井岩屑描述英文Lithology descriptionDescription cutting by microscope显微镜下描述岩性, check color颜色, grain size粒度, roundness圆度, hardness硬度, texture结构,Structure构造, porosity孔隙度, cement胶结, content 含有物,mode of occurrence产状。

1.Color颜色:example例如: gray灰色,light gray浅灰色,dark gray深灰色,greenish gray绿灰色,olive greenish gray橄榄绿灰色,brownish gray褐灰色, green绿色, brown褐色, black黑色,red红色, white白色, off white无色, mottled 杂色的,etc等等.2. Litho logy name 岩性定名:clay stone 泥岩,siltstone 泥质粉砂岩,very fine sandstone粉砂岩,fine sandstone 细砂岩, medium sandstone 中砂岩,coarse sandstone 粗砂岩,very coarse sandstone 砂砾岩,granule 细砾岩,小砾岩,pebble 鹅卵石(中砾岩),couble大砾岩,boulder 巨砾岩。

Coal 煤, lignite 褐煤,limestone 灰岩,mudstone 泥灰岩,packstone 泥粒灰岩,iolite 鲕粒灰岩,wackstone 灰泥石灰岩,grainstone 颗粒石灰岩,boundstone 粘结岩,crystalline carbonate 结晶碳酸岩,dolomite 白云岩,basalt 玄武岩,tuff 凝灰岩,magna 岩浆岩,metamorphic rock, 变质岩,gypsum 石膏,anhydrite 硬石膏,igneous rock 火成岩,chart 燧石,quartzite 石英岩,Check grains by microscope with grains chart,显微镜下观察粒度并与粒度板对比确定岩屑粒度。



常用地质录井英文简写强烈strng 中等mod 稀少,低的pr 湿照(直照)dir 明亮的brt 白色荧光wh dir flour均匀的even 金色荧光gld dir flour 湿照5%黄荧光yel dir flour斑点/油斑pch/spt(stn) 黄色荧光yel dir flour 斑点的sptd 暗黄色荧光dk dir flour滴照cut 滴照快速扩散fast cut 滴照暗黄色荧光dk yel cut flour立即instant 滴照扩散中等mod cut 滴照乳黄色荧光mlky yel cut flour放射性扩散blmng 滴照扩散慢slw cut 滴照白色荧光wht cut flour均匀扩散strmng 滴照金色荧光gld cut flour 滴照乳白色荧光mlky wht cut flour上部upper 无烟煤,白煤anthr 重的hvy 下部under 残余物res逐渐grad 含wl 瓷状的porc(porcelaneous) 普见com 条痕strk断面sks(slickenside) 偶见occ 煤coal 孔隙度差(好)(fr)pr por稀有,罕见rr(rare) 褐煤lig 少量的 a few 沥青质bit 微量tr石英qtz 方解石cal(callitc) 高岭土kaolin 长石feld部分长石风化wthrd feld i/p 黄铁矿pyr 暗色矿物dk mnrl 白垩质chkly 海绿石glauc 白云母mic/musc 燧石cht 有孔虫foram角,棱角ang 非常圆w rnd 隐晶crpxl 次棱角sbang 中晶粒mxl粗晶cxl 次圆sbrnd 结晶xln 斑点的spec (spt) 圆状rnd 微晶micrxl分选差/中/好p/mod/w strd 钙质胶结cal mtx,cmt 白云质胶结dolic mtx,cmt 泥质胶结ary mtx,cmt 高岭土胶结kao lin mtx,cmt 凝灰质胶结tuf mtx,cmt松散lse 团块lmp 造浆(粘性的)stky 致密的cpct/tight 块状blky 溶液(解)sol 质纯的pure 次块状sb blky 可塑性plas 均匀(不均匀)的hom(netr) 碎个pch 未定形的amorp 板状,片状plat岩屑lith frag 化石碎屑foss frag 灰质lmy 含碳物质carb mat 生物碎屑biod frag 硅质sil 贝壳碎屑shell frag 碳质斑点carb spec 泥质arg 砂质sdy部分含粉砂slty i/p 微含钙质sli calc 含粉砂slty 部分含泥质重v ary i/p 不含钙质no calc颗粒gr 非常粗v crs 一般gen 非常细vf 砾石pbl 最大的max 细 f 结构tex 部分pt i/p 中粒m 直径dia 局部loc 粗crs 尺寸size 丰富abdt主要的pred dom 泥质砂岩arg sst 花岗岩granite 次要的mnr 碳质泥岩carb clyst 片麻岩gneiss 粘土岩clyst 灰岩limest,lst 板岩slate 泥岩mdst 泥灰岩mrly 玄武岩bas 页岩sh 白云岩dol 辉长岩gabbro 粉砂岩sltst 泥粒灰岩pkst 砂岩sst 砾岩cong/cgl纯净的cln 半透明transl 微弱的wk(sh,fnt) 清晰的clr 透明的transp 暗的dk白色wht 褐色brn 红色red 灰色gy 橄榄色olv 浅色,淡色pale(pl) 中灰色med gy 蓝色bl 浅黄色,米黄色buff(bf) 黑色blk 绿色gn 杂色vcol 黄色yel 紫色purp未固结的uncons 硬frm 硬hd 易碎的,脆性fri,brit 微硬sli hd 非常硬v hd 软或细腻soft,sft 中硬mod hd 极硬extr hd。



2. GEOLOGY 地质2.1 LITHOLOGY CASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION ORDER岩性分类与描述顺序2.1.1 Rock Types 岩石类型Sedi Sedimentry 沉积岩clas clastic 碎屑岩ss sandstone 砂岩mdst mudstone 泥岩sh shale 页岩clyst, clst claystone 粘土岩sd sand 砂mSsd medium sandstone 中砂岩fsst fine sandstone 细砂岩bldr boulder 卵石pbl pebble 卵石grl gravel 砾石cgl conglomerate 砾岩gywk graywacke 硬砂岩cbl cobble 大鹅卵石ark arkose 长石砂岩grnl granule 粒砂brec breccic 角砾岩bioc bioclastic 生物碎屑岩vcrs sst very coarse sandstone 极粗砂岩argl argillite 泥板岩gyp gypsum 石膏anhy anhydrite 硬石膏slt salt 盐岩flint-lingite 隧石carbonate 碳酸盐岩ls limestone 灰岩,石灰岩dolo dolomite 白云石dolst dolostone 白云岩mrls marlstone 泥灰石coq coquina 贝壳灰岩biosp biosparte 生物亮晶灰岩biomi biomicrite 生物微晶灰岩clcar calcarenite 灰屑岩,钙屑灰岩clclt calcilutite 泥屑石灰岩micr micrite 微晶灰岩clcrd calcirudite 砾屑石灰岩clslt calcisilitite 粉砂屑石灰岩grst grainstone 粒状灰岩oolitic limestone 鲕状灰岩Igneous Rock 火成岩intrusive igneous 侵入岩extrusive igneous 喷出岩volc colcanic 火山岩grt granite 花岗岩dr diorite 闪长岩grdr grano diorite 花岗闪长岩qu dr quartz diorite 石英闪长岩dr po diorite porphyrite 闪长玢岩syenite 正长岩gab, gb gabbro 辉长岩qu po quartz porphyrite 石英玢岩an andesite 安山岩bas basalt 玄武岩arag aragonite 纹石,霞石Meta Metsmorphic rock 变质岩phyl phyllite 千枚岩sl slate 板岩sch schist 片岩mbl marble 大理岩gne gneiss 片麻岩qtzt quartzite 石英岩novac novaculite 致密石英岩3.COL Color, Colour 颜色blk black 黑色brn brown 棕色yel yellow 黄色gy, gry grey 灰色or orange 橙色,桔色bl blue 蓝色gn, grn green 绿色wi, wht white 白色pnk pink 粉红色pl purple 紫色lav lavender 浅紫色,淡紫色bf buff 浅黄色tn tan 棕黄色choc chocolate 褐色och ochve 褐色,黄褐色olv olive 橄榄色crm cream 奶油色mott motted 杂色,斑点vocl varicoloree 杂色的amb amber 琥珀色lt light 淡的dk, drk dark 暗的cc color code 颜色代码4.Hardness 硬度VHD very hard 非常硬MHD middle hard 中硬H hard 硬SFT soft 软VSFT very soft 非常软5.Roundness 磨圆sharp angular 尖棱状angle angular 棱角状subangle subangular 次棱角状subrnd subround 次圆状rnd round 圆状well round 磨圆好6.Grain Size Terminology 颗粒大小术语(see app. Table) (见附表)7.Sorting 分选go good 好f fair 一般md medium 中等pr poor 差c coarsely 粗造8.Cementation 胶结,胶结物cp compact 胶结致密dns dense 胶结密实well well 胶结好lse loose 胶结疏松sdy are sandy arenaceous 砂质sdy sandy 砂质mdy are mudy argillaceous 泥质ethy earthy 泥质cly clay 粘土质cal, calc calcarous 钙质si siliceous 硅质lim limy 灰质kao kaolin 高岭土质carb carbonaceous 碳质的qtzc quartzitic 石英质quartzizose 石英质的nac nacreous 珍珠质9.Accessories of Rock 岩石的次要成分min mineral 矿物accessary mineral 次生矿物qz, qtz quartz 石英mic, mica micaceous 云母musc muscovite 白云母biot biotite 黑云母srct sericite 绢云母fld feldspar 长石orth orthpclase 正长石plag plagioclase 斜长石gab gabbro 辉长石py pyrite 黄铁矿lmt limonite 褐铁矿mag magnetite 磁铁矿calc calcite 方解石dol dolomite 白云石gyp gypsum 石膏anhy anhydite 无水石膏sa salt 盐asph asphalt 沥青bit bitumen 沥青gil gilsomite 天然沥青flnt flint 黑燧石,电石cht chert 黑硅石chk chalk 白垩fos fossils 化石micfo microfossil 微化石macfo macrofossil 大化石pl fos plant fossil 植物化石vrtb vertebrate 脊椎动物ancient life 古生物fau fauna 动物群flo flora 植物群spo, spr spore 孢子,孢粉tri trilobite 三叶虫cor coral 珊瑚shl shell 贝壳amm ammonite 菊石alg algae 藻类diat diatoms 硅藻char charophyte 轮藻类grap graptolite 笔石类ost ostracod 介形虫(节肢动物)para paraparchites 介形虫cono conodont 牙形虫crin crinoid 海百合Tent Tentaculities 竹节石属moll mollusc 软体动物Ech Echinoid 海胆类(棘皮动物)Bry Bryozoa 苔藓动物门Ceph Cephalipod 头足纲(软体类)Belm Belmnifera 箭石属(头足类)Brach Brachinopoda 腕足类(动物门)Cyp Cypridopsis 斗星介属(介形类)foram foraminifera 有孔虫类Endo Endothgra 内卷虫属(有孔虫类)Glob Globigerina 抱球虫属(有孔虫类)Gast Gasttropod 腹足纲(软体动物)Fus Fusulinicl 纺锤蜓10.Depositional Distinguishing Feature 沉积识别特征sedimentary structure 沉积构造bdd beded 层状的bndd banded 层状的band band 夹层xlam crosslaminated 交错层理xbdd crossbeded 交错层intbdd interbeded 互层的,夹层的crnk crinkled 褶皱cont contact 接触,界面unconf unconformity 不整合conf conformity 整合crev crevive 裂隙conc concretion 结核,含有物nod nodules 结核。



2. GEOLOGY地质2.1 LITHOLOGY CASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION ORDER岩性分类与描述顺序2.1.1 Rock Types 岩石类型Sedi Sedimentry 沉积岩clas clastic 碎屑岩ss sandstone 砂岩mdst mudstone 泥岩sh shale 页岩clyst, clst claystone 粘土岩sd sand 砂mSsd medium sandstone 中砂岩fsst fine sandstone 细砂岩bldr boulder 卵石pbl pebble 卵石grl gravel 砾石cgl conglomerate 砾岩gywk graywacke 硬砂岩cbl cobble 大鹅卵石ark arkose 长石砂岩grnl granule 粒砂brec breccic 角砾岩bioc bioclastic 生物碎屑岩vcrs sst very coarse sandstone 极粗砂岩argl argillite 泥板岩gyp gypsum 石膏anhy anhydrite 硬石膏slt salt 盐岩flint-lingite 隧石carbonate 碳酸盐岩ls limestone 灰岩,石灰岩dolo dolomite 白云石dolst dolostone 白云岩mrls marlstone 泥灰石coq coquina 贝壳灰岩biosp biosparte 生物亮晶灰岩biomi biomicrite 生物微晶灰岩clcar calcarenite 灰屑岩,钙屑灰岩27clclt calcilutite 泥屑石灰岩micr micrite 微晶灰岩clcrd calcirudite 砾屑石灰岩clslt calcisilitite 粉砂屑石灰岩grst grainstone 粒状灰岩oolitic limestone 鲕状灰岩Igneous Rock 火成岩intrusive igneous 侵入岩extrusive igneous 喷出岩volc colcanic 火山岩grt granite 花岗岩dr diorite 闪长岩grdr grano diorite 花岗闪长岩qu dr quartz diorite 石英闪长岩dr po diorite porphyrite 闪长玢岩syenite 正长岩gab, gb gabbro 辉长岩qu po quartz porphyrite 石英玢岩an andesite 安山岩bas basalt 玄武岩arag aragonite 纹石,霞石Meta Metsmorphic rock 变质岩phyl phyllite 千枚岩sl slate 板岩sch schist 片岩mbl marble 大理岩gne gneiss 片麻岩qtzt quartzite 石英岩novac novaculite致密石英岩2.1.2 COL Color, Colour 颜色blk black 黑色brn brown 棕色yel yellow 黄色gy, gry grey 灰色or orange 橙色,桔色bl blue 蓝色gn, grn green 绿色wi, wht white 白色pnk pink 粉红色pl purple 紫色28lav lavender 浅紫色,淡紫色bf buff 浅黄色tn tan 棕黄色choc chocolate 褐色och ochve 褐色,黄褐色olv olive 橄榄色crm cream 奶油色mott motted 杂色,斑点vocl varicoloree 杂色的amb amber 琥珀色lt light 淡的dk, drk dark 暗的cc color code 颜色代码2.1.3 Hardness 硬度VHD very hard 非常硬MHD middle hard 中硬H hard 硬SFT soft 软VSFT very soft 非常软2.1.4 Roundness 磨圆sharp angular 尖棱状angle angular 棱角状subangle subangular 次棱角状subrnd subround 次圆状rnd round 圆状well round 磨圆好2.1.5 Grain Size Terminology 颗粒大小术语(see app. Table) (见附表)2.1.6 Sorting 分选go good 好f fair 一般md medium 中等pr poor 差c coarsely 粗造2.1.7 Cementation 胶结,胶结物29cp compact 胶结致密dns dense 胶结密实well well 胶结好lse loose 胶结疏松sdy are sandy arenaceous 砂质sdy sandy 砂质mdy are mudy argillaceous 泥质ethy earthy 泥质cly clay 粘土质cal, calc calcarous 钙质si siliceous 硅质lim limy 灰质kao kaolin 高岭土质carb carbonaceous 碳质的qtzc quartzitic 石英质quartzizose 石英质的nac nacreous 珍珠质2.1.8 Accessories of Rock 岩石的次要成分min mineral 矿物accessary mineral 次生矿物qz, qtz quartz 石英mic, mica micaceous 云母musc muscovite 白云母biot biotite 黑云母srct sericite 绢云母fld feldspar 长石orth orthpclase 正长石plag plagioclase 斜长石gab gabbro 辉长石py pyrite 黄铁矿lmt limonite 褐铁矿mag magnetite 磁铁矿calc calcite 方解石dol dolomite 白云石gyp gypsum 石膏anhy anhydite 无水石膏sa salt 盐asph asphalt 沥青bit bitumen 沥青gil gilsomite 天然沥青flnt flint 黑燧石,电石30cht chert 黑硅石chk chalk 白垩fos fossils 化石micfo microfossil 微化石macfo macrofossil 大化石pl fos plant fossil 植物化石vrtb vertebrate 脊椎动物ancient life 古生物fau fauna 动物群flo flora 植物群spo, spr spore 孢子,孢粉tri trilobite 三叶虫cor coral 珊瑚shl shell 贝壳amm ammonite 菊石alg algae 藻类diat diatoms 硅藻char charophyte 轮藻类grap graptolite 笔石类ost ostracod 介形虫(节肢动物)para paraparchites 介形虫cono conodont 牙形虫crin crinoid 海百合Tent Tentaculities 竹节石属moll mollusc 软体动物Ech Echinoid 海胆类(棘皮动物)Bry Bryozoa 苔藓动物门Ceph Cephalipod 头足纲(软体类)Belm Belmnifera 箭石属(头足类)Brach Brachinopoda 腕足类(动物门)Cyp Cypridopsis 斗星介属(介形类)foram foraminifera 有孔虫类Endo Endothgra 内卷虫属(有孔虫类)Glob Globigerina 抱球虫属(有孔虫类)Gast Gasttropod 腹足纲(软体动物)Fus Fusulinicl 纺锤蜓2.1.9 Depositional Distinguishing Feature 沉积识别特征sedimentary structure 沉积构造bdd beded 层状的bndd banded 层状的band band 夹层31xlam crosslaminated 交错层理xbdd crossbeded 交错层intbdd interbeded 互层的,夹层的crnk crinkled 褶皱cont contact 接触,界面unconf unconformity 不整合conf conformity 整合crev crevive 裂隙conc concretion 结核,含有物nod nodules 结核。



英文 carbonized cavern(-ous) caving cemment(ed,ing) cephalopod chalcedony chalk(-y) charophyte chert(-y) chitin(-ous) chlorite chocolate circulate clastic clay(-ey) clayston clean clear cleavage cluster coal coarse coated(-ing) coated grains cobble color (-ed) common compact compare concentric conchoidal concretion conglomerate conodont considerable consolidated conspicous contact contamination content contorted 中文 碳化 洞穴,洞穴状的 塌落物,井壁坍塌 胶结,胶结物 头足 玉髓 白垩的 轮藻类 燧石(的) 几丁质(的) 绿泥的 赭色 循环 碎屑状的,碎屑岩 粘土,(粘土质的) 粘土岩 干净的 清洁的 解理(矿物),劈理岩石 簇,组,束 煤 粗的,粗粒的 表层,外壳 包粒 中粒 颜色 普通的,常见的 致密的 比较,对照 同心的 贝壳状的 固结(作用),结构 砾岩, 牙形刺 大量的,值得考虑的 固结的 明显的,显著的 接触 污染 含量,内容 扭曲 第 3 页 缩写 cb Cav,cav Cvg Cmt,cmt Ceph Chal,chal Chk,chky Char Cht,cht Chit,chit Chlor,chlor choc Circ,circ clas Cl,cl Clst cln clr Clvg Clus C crs cotd,cotg,Cotg cotd gn cbl Col ,coly com cpct cp cncn conch Conc,conc cgl,Cgl cono cons consol conspic ctc contam cont cntrt



用于岩屑描述的标准缩略词整理人:黄灵军录井二分公司2001年2月20日用于岩屑描述的标准缩略词英文词中文词义缩略词about 大约abtabove 在上ab , abv absent 不存在、缺失abs abundant 丰富abd, abnd accumulation 累计accum acicular 针状acicafter 在---之后aft agglomerate 集块岩Aglm aggregate 集合体Aggalgae , algal 藻类Alg , alg allochem 异化颗粒Allo altered 改变的、蚀变的alt alternation 交变的、交互的altgamber 琥珀色amb ammonite 菊石Amm amorphous 无定形的、非结晶的amor amount 总数Amtand 和、及& andesite 安山岩Andes angular 棱角的ang anhedral 他形的、劣形的ahd anhydrite 硬石膏Anhy,anhy anthracite 无烟煤Anthr aphanitic 隐晶质的aph apparent 表观apr appears 出现ap ,aprs approximate 近似的、大约的apprx, aprox aragonite 霰石(文石)Arag arenaceous 砂质的arenargillaceous 泥质的arg argillite 泥板岩argl arkose (-ic) 长石砂岩(的)Ark , ark as above 同上 a.a. asphalt (-ic) 沥青、地沥青(的)Asph , asph assemblage 组合、集合Assem associated 联合的、伴生的assocat 在--- @ authigenic 自生的authg average 平均值、平均的Av , avband (-ed) 带、夹层Bnd , bnd barite 重晶石Bar basalt (-ic) 玄武岩Bas , bas basement 基础、基底Bm become (-ing) 变成bcmbed (-ed) 层Bd , bdd bedding 层理、层面、分层Bdg Belemnites 箭石属(头足类)Belm bentonite (-ic) 斑脱岩的、膨润土(的)Bent , bent bitumen (-inous) 沥青(的)Bit , bit bioclastic 生物碎屑的biocl ,bioc bioherm (-al) 生物礁岩、生物丘Bioh , bioh biomicrite 生物微晶灰岩Biomi biosparite 生物亮晶灰岩Biosp biostrom (-al) 生物层Biost , biost biotite 黑云母Biot birdseye 鸟眼Bdeye black (-ish) 黑(的)、暗淡的blk , blksh blade (- ed) 刀片、刀片状的Bld , bld bleeding 析水bldg bloacky 块状的、断块的blkyblue (-ish) 兰色bl , blsh bored (-ing) 钻孔的Bor , bor bottom 底、底部Btm ,Bbotryoid (-al) 葡萄状的Bot , bot , btry boulder 漂砾、巨砾Bld , Bldr boundstone 粘结碳酸岩Bdst brachiopod 腕足动物Brach , Brac brackish 稍咸的brak branching 分叉的、分支的brhgbreak 断裂、破裂、层缺Brk , brk breccia (-ted) 角砾岩Brec , brec bright 明亮的brt , bri brittle 脆性的britbrown 褐色、棕色brn bryozoa 苔藓动物Brybubble 泡Bublbuff 浅黄色bu , bf burrow (-ed) 掘穴遗迹Bur , burcalcarenite 钙屑灰岩、灰屑岩Clcar calcilutite 泥屑石灰岩Clclt calcirudite 砾屑石灰岩Clcrd calcisiltite 粉砂屑石灰岩Clslt calcisphere 钙球石Clcsp calcite (-ic) 方解石(的)Calc, calctc calcareous 钙质的calccaliche 钙质壳、钙结层、生硝cche carbonaceous 碳的、碳质的、含碳的carb carbonized 炭化cbcasing 套管、下套管csgcavern (-ous) 洞穴、洞穴状的Cav ,cav caving 塌落物、井壁坍塌Cvg , Cav cament (-ed,-ing) 胶结、胶结物Cmt , cmt center 中心cntr cephalopod 头足类Ceph chalcedony 玉髓Chal , chal chalk (-y) 白垩、燧石(的)Chk , chky charophyte 轮藻类Charchert (-y) 燧石(的)Cht , chtchitin (-ous) 几丁质(的)Chit , chit chlorite (-ic) 绿泥石Chlor , chlor , chl chocolate 赭色choccone-in-cone 叠锥c-in-c circulate (-ion) 循环Circ , circ clastic 碎屑状的、碎屑岩clasclay (-ey) 粘土(粘土质的)Cl , cl ,cly claystone 粘土岩Clst, clyst clean 干净的clnclear 清晰的clrcleavage 解理、劈理Clvgcluster 星团、束、族、群Cluscoal 煤C,coal coarse 粗的、粗粒的crs , c , cse coated (-ing) 表层、外壳cotd , Cotg , cotg coated grains 包粒cotd gncobble 中砾Cblcolor (-ed) 颜色Col , col common 普通的、常见的comcompact 致密的cpctcompare 比较、对照cfconcentric 同心的cncn, cncnc conchoidal 贝壳状的conchconcretion (-ary) 固结作用、结核Conc , conc conglomerate (-ic) 砾岩、砾岩的Cgl , cgl conodont 牙形刺、牙形石Cono considerable 大量的、值得考虑的cons consolidated 固结的consol conspicuous 明显的、显著的conspiccontact 接触Ctc ,cont contamination (-ed) 污染Contam , contam,contm content 含量、容量、内容Contcontorted 扭曲、cntrt,contrtcoquina (-iod) 贝壳灰岩Coq , coqidcoral , coralline 珊瑚的Cor , corln core 岩心、核心 Ccorrect 校正corr coring 取心crg covered 覆盖(着的)cov cream 奶油色、米色crm creams 钻井用特级金刚石Crm crenulated 褶皱的cren crevice 裂隙crev crinkled 成波纹的crnk crinoid (-al) 海百合Crin , crinal cross 十字形的、交叉的xcross-bedded 交错层x-bd , xbdd cross-laminated 交错纹理x-lam , xlam cross-stratified 交错层理的x-strat , xstrat cryptograined 隐粒的crpgr cryptocrystalline 隐晶质的crpxl crumpled 揉皱的crpld crystocrystalline 结晶的、晶质的crpxln crystal (-line) 晶体Xl , xln cube , cubic 立方体的Cub , cub cuttings 岩屑Ctgs cypridospsis 介形类Cypdark (-er) 暗的dk , dkr dead 死的、静的dddebris 碎屑、岩屑Deb decrease (-ing) 减少、减小Decr , decr degree 度degrdense 致密的、密集的dns depauperate 发育不全的depau description 描述、说明Descr determine 确定、决定dtrm detrital 碎屑的detr , dtrl devitrified 失去玻璃光泽的devitdiabase 辉绿岩Db diagenesis (-etic) 成岩作用Diagn , diagn diameter 直径Diadiatoms 硅藻Diat difference 差别Dif disseminated 散布、浸染dissem dism distillate 蒸馏Distditto 同上的、同前的do , dto dolomite (-ic) 白云石、白云岩Dol , dol dolocast 白云石晶模dolc dolomold 白云石穴dolmd dolostone 白云岩Dolst dominant (-ly) 占优势的、支配的domdrill collar 钻铤Dcdrilling 钻井drlg drillpipe 钻杆Dpdrill stem test 钻杆测试DSTdrusy 晶簇状druearthy 土状的ea , ethyeast 东、东方、东部 Eechinoid 海胆ech elevation 高程、高度、海拔Elev elliptical 椭圆的elip elongate 延伸、伸长elong , elg embedded 埋入的、嵌入的embd ,embdd enlarged 扩大、放大enlrgequant 相eqnt equivalent 相等的、相当的Equiv estimated 估计的est euhedral 全形的、自形的euhd , euhed euxinic 静海(相)的eux evaporite (-itic) 蒸发盐(岩)Evap , evap excellent 卓越的、优良的exexposed 暴露的expextraclast (-ic) 外来碎屑Exclas , exclas extremely 极端的extrextrusion 挤压extrextrusive rock, extrusive 喷出岩Exv , exvfacet (-ed) 刻面Fac , facfaint 不明显的fntfair 中等的frfault (-ed) 断层Flt , fltfauna 动物(群)Faufeet 英尺(复数)Ftfeldspar (-athic) 长石Fspr , fspr , fld fenestra (-al) 窗、模孔、透明斑点Fen,fen ferruginous 含铁的ferr,fefinal flowing pressure 最终流动压力FFPfinal hydrosfatic pressure最终流体静压力FHPfinal shut-in pressure 最终关井压力FSIPfibrous 纤维状的fibr,fibfigure 形状figfill 充满flfine (-ly) 细的、细粒状的 f , fnlyfissile 易剥裂的fisflaggy 板层、薄层flgflake , flaky 薄片、片状、鳞片状Flk , flkflat 平的、平坦的flflesh 一切生物flsflint 电石、黑燧石flntfloating 漂浮的fltgflora 植物群、植物区系Flo fluorescence (-ent) 荧光Fluor , fluor ,flor foliated 叶片状folfoot 英尺Ftforaminifer , foraminiferal 有孔虫(的)Foram , foram formation 地层Fmfossil (-iferous) 化石(含化石的)Foss , foss ,fosfracture (-d) 裂隙、破裂Frac , frac fragment (-al) 碎片Frag , frag frequent 频繁的freqfresh 新鲜的、淡的frsfriable 易碎的、脆的frifringe (-ing) 边缘、条纹Frg , frgfrosted 结水、霜状条纹frosfrosted quartz grains 霜状表面石英颗粒 F.Q.G.fucoid (-al) 树枝状Fuc , fuc fusulinid 纺锤蜓Fusgabbro 辉长石Gabgastropod 腕足类Gastgas 天然气Ggenerally 一般地gengeopetal 向地性geptgilsonite 硬沥青Gilglass (-y) 玻璃(的)Glas , glas , gl glauconite (-itic) 海绿石Glauc , glauc , glau globigerina (-inal) 抱球虫属Glob , glob globular 球状glblrgloss (-y) 光泽(的)Glos , glos gneiss (-y) 片麻岩的Gns , gnsgood 好的gd , ggrade 等级grdgrading 粒级变化、分选gradgrain (-s , -ed) 粒、颗粒Gr , grgraiu 颗粒grgrainstone 粒状灰岩Grstgranite 花岗岩Grt , grnt granite wash 花岗砂岩G.W.granule (-ar) 粒状(的)Gran , gran ,grnl grapestone 葡萄状灰岩grapst graptolite 笔石Grapgravel 砾石、沙砾Grv , gvlgray , grey (-ish) 灰色的gry , grysh ,gy greywacke 灰瓦岩、杂砂岩、硬砂岩Gwke , gywk greasy 油脂的gsy , grsy green (-ish) 绿色(的)gn , gnshgrit (-ty) 粗砂岩Gt , gt , grty gypsum (-iferous) 石膏Gyp , gyphackly 锯齿状hklhalite (-iferous) 石盐(的)Hal , hal hard 硬的hdheavy 重的hvy hematite (-ic) 赤铁矿Hem , hem heterostegina 异盖虫属Het heterogeneous 非均质hetr hexagonal 六角形的hexhigh (-ly) 高hi homogeneous 均质的hom horizontal 水平的hor , hrznl hydrocarbon 烃Hydcigneous rock (igneous) 火成的Ig , ig impregnated 浸泽的imprg impression 印膜、痕迹、影响Impinitial hydrostatic pressure 初始流体静压力IHPinch 英寸In inclusion (-ded) 包体、包括Incl , incl increasing 增加incr indistinct 不清楚的indst indurated 固结的ind inoceramus 叠瓦蛤属Inocin part 在某种程度上的I.P. insoluble 不溶的insl interbedded 互层的intbd , intbdd intercalatey 夹层、插入层intercal interclast 层间碎屑intclintercrystalline 晶间的intxln , intxl interfragmantal 碎片间的intfrag intergranular 粒间的intgran intergrown 共生的、交互生长的intgn interlaminated 层间的intrlam interpartical 粒间的intpar interpretation 解释intpt intersticies (-itial) 间隙的Intst , intst interval 间隔、层段Intvl , intv interaclast (-ic) 内碎屑Intclas , intclas intraparticle 粒内的intrapar intrusion 侵入作用intrIntrusive rock , intrusive 侵入岩Intr , intr invertebrate 无脊椎的Invtb , Invrtb iridescent 彩虹的、闪光色的iridiron 铁Fe ironstone 富铁岩石、铁石Fe-st irregular (-ly) 不规则的、紊乱的irr , ireg isopachous 等厚的isojasper 碧玉Jaspjoint (-ed,-ing) 节理、接头、连接Jt , jtkaolin (-itic) 高龄土Kao , kao kelly bushing 方补心KB kerogen 干酪根Kerkick off 初始造斜KOlacustrine 湖成的laclamina (-tions , -ated) 薄的、薄层Lam , lam large 大(量)的lge , lrg laterite (-itic) 砖红壤Lat , lat lavender 淡紫色lavlayer 层Lyr leached 过滤的lchd , lchlens , lenticular 透镜状的Len , lentlight 光、淡色的、浅色的ltlignite (-itic) 褐煤Lig , lig limestone 灰岩Lslimonite (-itic) 褐铁矿Lim , lim , lmn limy 石灰质的lmylithic 石质的、岩性的lit , ltc lithographic 石印的、致密晶质的lithgr ,lith lithology (-ic) 岩性学Lith , lithlittle 小、少Ltl , ltllittoral 滨海的littlocal 局部的loclong 长的lgloose 松散的lselower 下部的、早期的、较低的l , lowlumpy 块状的lmpyluster , luster 光泽Lstrlutite 泥质岩、细屑岩Lutmacrofossil 大化石Macrofos ,macfos magnetite , magnetic 磁铁矿、磁性的Mag , mag manganese , manganiferous 锰、含锰的Mn , mn marble 大理石(岩)Mblmarl (-y) 泥灰岩(含泥灰质的)Mrl , mrl marlstone 泥灰岩Mrlstmarine 海的marnmaroon 栗色、紫酱色marmassive 块状的mass , mas material 物质Matmatrix 基质Mtrx , mtx maximum 最大的maxmedium 中等的、介质m , med member 段、成员Mbr meniscus 新月形的men metamorphic rock 变质岩Metametamorphic (-osed) 变质的meta , metaph metasomaticous 交代msmmica (-ceous) 云母Mic , mica micrite (-ic) 微晶灰岩Micr , micr microcrystalline 微晶质microxln , micxl microfossil (-iferous) 微体化石Microfos , microfos ,micfos micrograined 微粒的micgrmicro-oolite 微鲕状灰岩Microol micropore (-osity) 微孔隙Micropor , micropor microspar 微亮晶Microspr microstylolite 微缝合线Microstyl middle 中部、中间Midmiliolid 小栗虫目Milidmilky 乳状的mkymineral (-ized) 矿物Min , min , mnrl minimum 最小minminor 较小的、次要的mnrminute 分钟mnut moderate 中等的modmold (-ic) 模、印膜Mol , mol mollusc 软体动物Moll , mol mosaic 镶嵌mosmottled 斑点、杂色mott , mot mud (-dy) 泥、泥浆的md , mdy mudstone 泥岩Mdst muscovite 白云母Muscnacreous 珍珠的nacno 不、无nnodules (-ar) 结核Nod , nod north 北、北部Nno sample 无样品n.s.no show 无显示n/snovaculite 致密石英岩Novacno visible porosity 无可见孔隙N.V.P.numerous 许多的numobject 目的obj occasional 偶见的occochre 赭石ochodor 气味odoil 石油O , oiloil source rock 生油岩OSRolive 橄榄色、茶青色olvooid (-al) 鲕石、鲕粒Oo , oo oolicast (-ic) 空鲕粒Ooc , ooc oolite (-itic) 鲕状岩、鲕状的Ool , ool oomold (-ic) 鲕状模Oomol , oomol ,oom oncolite (-oidal) 核形石Onc , onc opaque 不透明的op , opqopen hole 裸眼井OHopposite 对应的opporange (-ish) 橙色or , orsh , orng orbitolina 园笠虫Orbitorganic 有机的orgorigin 起点orig orthoclase 正长石Orth orthoquartzite 正石英岩O-Qtz ostracod 介形亚纲Ostr , Ost overgrowth 增生、次生加大ovgth oxidized 氧化oxoyster 牡蛎Oystpacker 封隔器pkr packstone 泥砾状灰岩Pkstpaper (-y) 纸状的Pap , pap part (-ly) 部分的Pt , pt particle 颗粒Par , par parting 裂缝、断口Ptgparts per milliom 百万分之一PPMpatch (-y) 斑点、斑纹Pch , pch , pchy pearly 珍珠状、碎片状prlypebble (-ly) 细砾、卵石Pbl , pbl pelecypod 瓣鳃纲Pelec , plcy pellet (-al) 球粒、团粒Pel , pel pelletoid (-al) 似球粒Peld , peld perforate 射孔perf permeability (-able) 渗透率Perm , K , perm pendular (-ous) 悬垂的Pend , pend petroleum,petroliferous 石油Pet , pet phlogopite 金云母Phlog phosphate (-atic) 磷酸盐Phos , phos phyllite , phyllitic 千枚岩Phyl , phyl phreatic 潜水的、蒸汽喷发的phrpink 粉红的pkpinkish 粉红的pkishpin-point (porosity) 极微小的p.p.pisoid (-al) 豆状的Piso , piso pisolite , pisolitic 豆状岩Pisol , pisol pitted 多坑的pit plagioclase 斜长石Plagplant 植物pltplastic 塑性的plasplaty 片状的pltyplugged & abandoned 填井P&A plugged back 回堵PBpolish , polished 抛光Pol , pol pollen 花粉Poln polygonal 多边形的polypoor 劣质的p porcelaneous 瓷质的porcel , porc porosity , porous 孔隙、孔隙度、孔隙的Por , por , Φpossible (-ly) 可能的poss , pos predominant (-ly) 占优势的pred preserved 保存的prespresent depth 现深度PDprimary 原生的、主要的prim probable (-ly) 大概的、可能的prob production 生产、产量Prod prominent 突起的、显著的prom pseudo- 假-- ps , psdo pseudo oolite (-ic) 假鲕Psool , psool pumice-stone 浮石岩Pstpurple 紫红色purppyrite (-itized , -itic) 黄铁矿Pyr , pyr pyrobitumen 焦沥青Pybit , pyrbit pyroclastic 火山碎屑岩pyrcl , pyrclasquartz (-ose) 石英(质)Qtz , qtz quartzite (-ic) 石英岩的Qtzt , qtztradial (-ating) 放射状的Rad ,rad random 随机的randrange 范围rngrare 稀少的r , rr recemented 再胶结的recem recovery (-ered) 回收Rec , rec recrystallized 重结晶的rexlzdred (-ish) 红的rd , rdsh , r reef (-oid) 礁Rf , rf reguler 正规的reg remains 遗体、残留物Rem , rmn reaming 划眼、扩眼rmg replaced (-ment) 交代、置换Repl , rep residue (-ual) 残余物Res , res , resd resinous 树脂的rsnsrhomb (-ic) 菱形的Rhb , rhb , rhmb ripple 波纹、波痕Rplrock 岩石Rkround (-ed) 圆的rnd , rnddrubble (-bly) 碎石Rbl , rblsacks 袋、包sxsalt (-y) 盐Sa , sasalt water 盐水S.W.same as above 同上 a.a. sample 样品Spl , smpl sand (-y) 砂(质)Sd , sdy sandstone 砂岩sst , Ss saturation (-ated) 饱和Sat , sat scales 尺度、比例scscarce 稀有的scs scattered 散布的scatschist (-ose) 片岩、片状岩Sch , sch secondary 次生的sec sediment (-ary) 沉积物(的)Sed , sed shadow 阴影shadshale (-ly) 页岩Sh , sh shell 贝壳Shlshow 显示Shw siderite (-itic) 菱铁矿Sid , sid sidewall core 井壁取心S.W.C. silica (-iceous) 二氧化硅Sil , sil silky 丝一样的slkysilt (-y) 粉砂Slt , slty siltstone 粉砂岩sltst similar 相似的simsize 大小、尺寸szskeletal 骨骼的skelslabby 板状的slbslate (-y) 板岩Sl , sl slickenside (-d) 擦痕面Slick , slick,sks slight (-ly) 轻微的sli , slily , sl slow 慢的slosmall 小的sml , ssmooth 光滑的,平滑的smsoft 软的sft solution , soluble 溶解,可溶解的Sol , sol , solb somewhat 有点,轻微的smwt sorted (-ing) 分选srt , srtg south 南,南部Sspar (-ry) 晶石,粘土细脉Spr , spr sparse (-ly) 稀疏的sps , spsly speck (-led) 斑点Spk , spk , spec sphalerite 闪锌矿Sphal spherule (-itic) 球粒(状的)Spher ,spher , sph spicule (-ar) 针状的Spic , spic splintery 裂片状的Splin , splty sponge 海绵Spgspore 孢子Spo, spr spot 点、滴spspotted (-y) 斑点(状)sptd , spty squeeze 挤压squstain (-ed,-ing ) 色斑、浸染、着色Stn , stn stalactitic 钟乳石Stalstrata (-ified) 地层、成层的Strat , strat streak (-ed) 条痕Strk , strk striae (-ted) 擦痕、条痕Stri , stri stringer 沉积薄层strgr , strg stromatolite (-itic) 叠层石Stromlt , stromlt stromatoporoid 层孔虫属Strom structure 构造Str , struc stylolite (-itic) 缝合线Styl , styl subangular 次棱角状sbang sublithic 次石质的sblit subrounded 次圆状的sbrndd sucrosic 糖粒状sucsulphur , sulphurous 硫、多硫的Su , su , s superficial oolite (-ic) 表层的、鲕表Spfool , spfool surface 表面Surfswab 抽吸swb syntaxial 共轴的syntabular (-ate) 板、横隔、表格式的tabtan 棕黄色tn terrininous 陆源的、陆生的tertesting 测试tstg texture (-d) 结构Tex , tex think 厚的、粗大的thkthin 薄的、细小的thnthin-bedded 薄层的t.b.thin section 薄片T.s. throughout 遍及thrutight 致密的ti , tttop 顶、盖层Tptop of 顶部T/total depth 总深度TD tough 坚韧的tghtrace 痕迹、痕量、记录道Tr translucent 半透明的trnsl transparent 透明的trnsp trilobite 三叶虫tril , Trilo tripoli (-itic) 硅藻土Trip , trip tube (-ular) 管Tub , tub tuff (-aceous) 凝灰岩Tf , tf , tuf true vertical depth 实际垂直深度TVD type (-ical) 类型Typ , typunconformity 不整合Unconf unconsolidated 未固结的uncons underclay 底粘土层Uc underlying 下伏的undly uniform 一致的、均匀的uni upper 上部的、上面的u , upvadose 渗流Vad , vad variation (-able) 变种、变化Var , var variegated 杂色的、班驳的vgt varicolored 杂色的varic , vcol varved 纹泥、季候泥vrvdvein (-ing , -ed) 脉、岩脉Vn , vn veinlet 细脉Vnlet vermillon 朱红石榴石verm vertebrate 脊椎动物门vrbt vertical 垂直的vert , vrt very 十分vvery poor sample 质量极差样品V.P.S vesicular 多孔状、多泡状ves violet 紫色vi vitreous 玻璃质、透明的vit volcanic 火山岩volcvug 晶洞vugwaiting on 等候wo water 水wtr water cushion 水垫w/c wavy 波状wvy waxy 蜡的wxy weak 弱的wk weather 气候wthr well 井wwhite 白色whwith 同w/ yellow 黄色yelzeolite 氟石zeo zone 带zn备注:1、名词性缩略词均以大写字母开始。



2.GEOLOGY地质2.1 LITHOLOGYCASSIFICATIONANDDESCRIPTIONORDER 岩性分类与描述顺序2.1.1 RockTypes岩石类型SediSedimentry沉积岩clasclastic碎屑岩sssandstone砂岩mdstmudstone泥岩shshale页岩clyst,clstclaystone粘土岩biospbiosparte生物亮晶灰岩biomibiomicrite生物微晶灰岩clcarcalcarenite灰屑岩,钙屑灰岩clcltcalcilutite泥屑石灰岩micrmicrite微晶灰岩clcrdcalcirudite砾屑石灰岩clsltcalcisilitite粉砂屑石灰岩grstgrainstone粒状灰岩ooliticlimestone鲕状灰岩IgneousRock火成岩intrusiveigneous侵入岩extrusiveigneous喷出岩volccolcanic火山岩grtgranite花岗岩drdiorite闪长岩grdrgranodiorite花岗闪长岩qudrquartzdiorite石英闪长岩drpodioriteporphyrite闪长玢岩syenite正长岩gab,gbgabbro辉长岩qupoquartzporphyrite石英玢岩tntanchocchocolate褐色ochochve褐色,黄褐色olvolive橄榄色crmcream奶油色mottmotted杂色,斑点voclvaricoloree杂色的ambamber琥珀色ltlight淡的dk,drkdark暗的cccolorcode颜色代码2.1.3 Hardness硬度VHDveryhard非常硬MHDmiddlehard中硬Hhard硬SFTsoft软VSFTverysoft非常软2.1.4 Roundness磨圆sharpangular尖棱状angleangular棱角状subanglesubangular次棱角状subrndsubround次圆状rndround圆状ffairquartzizose石英质的nacnacreous珍珠质2.1.8 AccessoriesofRock岩石的次要成分minmineral矿物accessarymineral次生矿物qz,qtzquartz石英mic,micamicaceous云母muscmuscovite白云母biotbiotite黑云母srctsericite绢云母fldfeldspar长石orthorthpclase正长石plagplagioclase斜长石gabgabbro辉长石pypyrite黄铁矿lmtlimonite褐铁矿magmagnetite磁铁矿calccalcite方解石doldolomite白云石gypgypsum石膏anhyanhydite无水石膏sasalt盐conoconodont牙形虫crincrinoid海百合TentTentaculities竹节石属mollmollusc软体动物EchEchinoid海胆类(棘皮动物)BryBryozoa苔藓动物门CephCephalipod头足纲(软体类)BelmBelmnifera箭石属(头足类)BrachBrachinopoda腕足类(动物门)CypCypridopsis斗星介属(介形类)foramforaminifera有孔虫类EndoEndothgra内卷虫属(有孔虫类)GlobGlobigerina抱球虫属(有孔虫类)GastGasttropod腹足纲(软体动物)FusFusulinicl纺锤蜓2.1.9 DepositionalDistinguishingFeature沉积识别特征sedimentarystructure沉积构造bddbeded层状的bnddbanded层状的bandband夹层xlamcrosslaminated交错层理xbddcrossbeded交错层poor5clvgclesvage解理,劈理crystalorgrainsize晶体形状与颗粒大小texture结构lstrlustre光泽silky丝绢光泽swellingproperties膨胀度,膨胀性solubiling吸水性accessorymineral次生矿2.1.11 ExaminationforHydrocarbonShows油气显示鉴定hydrocarbonindication油气显示oilshowdescription油气显示描述fluorescenceobservation荧光观察dirfluodirectfluorescence湿照samplefluorescence干照cutfluocuttingfluorescence滴照solventfluorescence浸泡照射nofluonofluorescence无荧光显示microtrace显示相当微弱trace微弱present有,中等important强veryimportant很强7,LUSTER光泽Thecommonusedtermsofthelusterare:关于光泽一般常使用的词组有:coatedpittedfrosteddeeplyetchedfrostysilky覆盖物坑状物霜状表面深度侵蚀霜状的丝绢光泽oilyvitreousglassyshinytranslucentearthy油脂光泽透明的玻璃的发亮的半透明的泥土状waxysootyveletysoapyresinous蜡状的乌黑色天鹅绒状肥皂状树脂状8,CEMENTATION胶结,胶结物calcitedolomitesulfatesironoxidessilicapyriteclayssilts方解石白云石硫酸盐氧化铁硅质黄铁矿粘土粉砂siderite菱铁矿9,STRUCTURE构造Thestructureofsandstonerefersto:砂岩的构造一般是指:laminationsfracturesfracturespatternsbandingnodular纹理裂缝裂缝形式条纹结核状Thecommonstructuresofshalesandsiltstoneare:页岩和粉砂岩的构造是指:massivelumpyplatylaminatedfoliatedfissile块状团块状纹层状薄片状裂片状splinteryflakey鲕粒可分类为:扁球形,球形,椭圆状,不规则状,拉平状4,TEXTURE结构seetothefigure2.3.4(参见表2。



Geology(地质)专业英语词汇2. GEOLOGY地质2.1 LITHOLOGY CASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION ORDER岩性分类和描述顺序2.1.1 Rock Types 岩石类型Sedi Sedimentry 沉积岩clas clastic 碎屑岩ss sandstone 砂岩mdst mudstone 泥岩sh shale 页岩clyst, clst claystone 粘土岩sd sand 砂mSsd medium sandstone 中砂岩fsst fine sandstone 细砂岩bldr boulder 卵石pbl pebble 卵石grl gravel 砾石cgl conglomerate 砾岩gywk graywacke 硬砂岩cbl cobble 大鹅卵石ark arkose 长石砂岩grnl granule 粒砂brec breccic 角砾岩bioc bioclastic 生物碎屑岩vcrs sst very coarse sandstone 极粗砂岩argl argillite 泥板岩gyp gypsum 石膏anhy anhydrite 硬石膏slt salt 盐岩flint-lingite 隧石carbonate 碳酸盐岩ls limestone 灰岩,石灰岩dolo dolomite 白云石dolst dolostone 白云岩mrls marlstone 泥灰石coq coquina 贝壳灰岩biosp biosparte 生物亮晶灰岩biomi biomicrite 生物微晶灰岩clcar calcarenite 灰屑岩,钙屑灰岩 clclt calcilutite 泥屑石灰岩micr micrite 微晶灰岩clcrd calcirudite 砾屑石灰岩clslt calcisilitite 粉砂屑石灰岩grst grainstone 粒状灰岩oolitic limestone 鲕状灰岩Igneous Rock 火成岩intrusive igneous 侵入岩extrusive igneous 喷出岩volc colcanic 火山岩grt granite 花岗岩dr diorite 闪长岩grdr grano diorite 花岗闪长岩qu dr quartz diorite 石英闪长岩dr po diorite porphyrite 闪长玢岩syenite 正长岩gab, gb gabbro 辉长岩qu po quartz porphyrite 石英玢岩an andesite 安山岩bas basalt 玄武岩arag aragonite 纹石,霞石Meta Metsmorphic rock 变质岩phyl phyllite 千枚岩sl slate 板岩sch schist 片岩mbl marble 大理岩gne gneiss 片麻岩qtzt quartzite 石英岩novac novaculite致密石英岩2.1.2 COL Color, Colour 颜色blk black 黑色brn brown 棕色yel yellow 黄色gy, gry grey 灰色or orange 橙色,桔色bl blue 蓝色gn, grn green 绿色wi, wht white 白色pnk pink 粉红色pl purple 紫色lav lavender 浅紫色,淡紫色bf buff 浅黄色tn tan 棕黄色choc chocolate 褐色och ochve 褐色,黄褐色olv olive 橄榄色crm cream 奶油色mott motted 杂色,斑点vocl varicoloree 杂色的amb amber 琥珀色lt light 淡的dk, drk dark 暗的cc color code 颜色代码2.1.3 Hardness 硬度VHD very hard 非常硬MHD middle hard 中硬H hard 硬SFT soft 软VSFT very soft 非常软2.1.4 Roundness 磨圆sharp angular 尖棱状angle angular 棱角状subangle subangular 次棱角状subrnd subround 次圆状rnd round 圆状well round 磨圆好2.1.5 Grain Size Terminology 颗粒大小术语(see app. T able) (见附表)2.1.6 Sorting 分选go good 好f fair 一般md medium 中等pr poor 差c coarsely 粗造2.1.7 Cementation 胶结,胶结物cp compact 胶结致密dns dense 胶结密实well well 胶结好lse loose 胶结疏松sdy are sandy arenaceous 砂质sdy sandy 砂质mdy are mudy argillaceous 泥质ethy earthy 泥质cly clay 粘土质cal, calc calcarous 钙质si siliceous 硅质lim limy 灰质kao kaolin 高岭土质carb carbonaceous 碳质的qtzc quartzitic 石英质quartzizose 石英质的nac nacreous 珍珠质2.1.8 Accessories of Rock 岩石的次要成分min mineral 矿物accessary mineral 次生矿物qz, qtz quartz 石英mic, mica micaceous 云母musc muscovite 白云母biot biotite 黑云母srct sericite 绢云母fld feldspar 长石orth orthpclase 正长石plag plagioclase 斜长石gab gabbro 辉长石py pyrite 黄铁矿lmt limonite 褐铁矿mag magnetite 磁铁矿calc calcite 方解石dol dolomite 白云石gyp gypsum 石膏anhy anhydite 无水石膏sa salt 盐asph asphalt 沥青bit bitumen 沥青gil gilsomite 天然沥青flnt flint 黑燧石,电石cht chert 黑硅石chk chalk 白垩fos fossils 化石micfo microfossil 微化石macfo macrofossil 大化石pl fos plant fossil 植物化石vrtb vertebrate 脊椎动物ancient life 古生物fau fauna 动物群flo flora 植物群spo, spr spore 孢子,孢粉tri trilobite 三叶虫cor coral 珊瑚shl shell 贝壳amm ammonite 菊石alg algae 藻类diat diatoms 硅藻char charophyte 轮藻类grap graptolite 笔石类ost ostracod 介形虫(节肢动物)para paraparchites 介形虫cono conodont 牙形虫crin crinoid 海百合Tent Tentaculities 竹节石属moll mollusc 软体动物Ech Echinoid 海胆类(棘皮动物) Bry Bryozoa 苔藓动物门Ceph Cephalipod 头足纲(软体类)Belm Belmnifera 箭石属(头足类)Brach Brachinopoda 腕足类(动物门)Cyp Cypridopsis 斗星介属(介形类)foram foraminifera 有孔虫类Endo Endothgra 内卷虫属(有孔虫类)Glob Globigerina 抱球虫属(有孔虫类)Gast Gasttropod 腹足纲(软体动物)Fus Fusulinicl 纺锤蜓2.1.9 Depositional Distinguishing Feature 沉积识别特征sedimentary structure 沉积构造bdd beded 层状的bndd banded 层状的band band 夹层xlam crosslaminated 交错层理xbdd crossbeded 交错层intbdd interbeded 互层的,夹层的crnk crinkled 褶皱cont contact 接触,界面unconf unconformity 不整合conf conformity 整合crev crevive 裂隙conc concretion 结核,含有物nod nodules 结核。



地质录井岩屑描述英文Lithology descriptionDescription cutting by microscope显微镜下描述岩性, check color颜色, grain size粒度,roundness圆度, hardness硬度,texture结构,Structure构造, porosity 孔隙度,cement胶结,content 含有物,mode of occurrence产状.1。

Color颜色:example例如:gray灰色, light gray浅灰色,dark gray深灰色, greenish gray绿灰色,olive greenish gray橄榄绿灰色,brownish gray褐灰色, green绿色, brown褐色, black黑色,red红色,white白色, off white无色, mottled 杂色的,etc等等.2. Litho logy name 岩性定名:clay stone 泥岩,siltstone 泥质粉砂岩,very fine sandstone粉砂岩,fine sandstone 细砂岩,medium sandstone 中砂岩,coarse sandstone 粗砂岩,very coarse sandstone 砂砾岩,granule 细砾岩,小砾岩,pebble 鹅卵石(中砾岩),couble 大砾岩,boulder 巨砾岩.Coal 煤,lignite 褐煤,limestone 灰岩,mudstone 泥灰岩,packstone 泥粒灰岩,iolite 鲕粒灰岩,wackstone 灰泥石灰岩,grainstone 颗粒石灰岩,boundstone 粘结岩,crystalline carbonate 结晶碳酸岩,dolomite 白云岩,basalt 玄武岩,tuff 凝灰岩,magna 岩浆岩,metamorphic rock, 变质岩,gypsum 石膏,anhydrite 硬石膏,igneous rock 火成岩,chart 燧石,quartzite 石英岩,Check grains by microscope with grains chart,显微镜下观察粒度并与粒度板对比确定岩屑粒度. Grain size as follow (FIG1)粒度见下及图1:3.Roundnessvery angular ,angular 棱角状,sub angular 次棱角状,sub rounded 次圆状,rounded 圆状,well rounded,as show in FIG 1见图14 sorting:very well sorted 分选极好的,well sorted 分选好,moderately sorted分选中等,poorly sorted 分选差。



阐述expound(explain), state 硬质岩strong rock, film软质岩introduce into weak rock 引入硬质的相应的corresponding competent软质的incompetent 概念conception基岩overview bedrock 概论覆盖层概率probability overburden交错层理cross bedding 概念化conceptualize层面macroscopic bedding plane 宏观的片理补充complement schistosity层理planbedding 规划波痕证明demonstrate, certify, attest ripple-mark泥痕confirmationmud crack证实雨痕compensate, make up, imburse 补偿raindrop imprints 造岩矿物组合式combined type rock-forming minerals粘土矿物interactionclay mineral 相互作用高岭土稳定性评价stability evaluation kaolinite蒙脱石均质性homogeneity montmorillonite伊利石介质mediumillite云母层layer, stratum mica白云母muscovitegeographic and geomorphic 1地形地貌黑云母biotiteland form地形石英quartzgeomorphology, relief地貌长石feldsparlandform unit, geomorphic unit 地貌单元正长石orthoclasegrade 坡度斜长石plagioclaserelief map 地形图辉石pyroxene, picriteriver valley 河谷角闪石hornblenderiver course河道方解石calciteriver bed(channel)河床构造structuregully, erosion gully, gulley, 沟冲结构texturestream(brook)组构fabric(tissue)floodplain(valley flat) 河漫滩矿物组成mineral composition terrace 阶地产状attitudealluvial plain 冲积平原火成岩igneousdelta三角洲岩浆岩magmatic rockstream river fossil course, fossil 古河道火山岩(熔岩)lava channel火山volcanoalluvial fan 冲积扇侵入岩intrusive(invade) rock diluvial fan 洪积扇喷出岩effusive rock divide 分水岭深成岩plutonic rock basin 盆地浅成岩pypabysal rock karst land feature, karst landform 岩溶地貌酸性岩acid rocksolution cave, karst cave 溶洞中性岩inter-mediate rock 地层岩性2基性岩basic rock geostrome (stratum, strata)地层超基性岩ultrabasic rockrock lithologic character, 性岩岩基rock base (batholith) property岩脉(墙)dikebed stratum岩层岩墙rock dike layer, rock stratum 岩层岩床rock sill matrix, parent rock 母岩岩脉vein dyke facies change相变granite花岗岩.流纹岩rhyolite 冲积的alluvial洪积物(层)diorite proluvium, diluvium, diluvion 闪长岩洪积的gabbro diluvial辉长岩冰川沉积物(层)basalt glacier (drift)deposits玄武岩崩积物(层)colluvial deposits, colluvium 橄榄岩dunite残积粘土vulcanic brecciaresidual clay火山角砾岩变质岩火山集块岩volcanic agglomerate metamorphic rock板岩凝灰岩tuffslate千枚岩沉积岩sedimentary rock phyllite片岩碎屑岩clastic rock schist片麻岩粘土岩clay rockgneiss石英岩silty claystone quartzite 粉砂质粘土岩大理岩化学岩chemical rock marble生物岩biolith3地质构造地质构造geologic structure 砾岩conglomerategeotectonic 大地构造breccia 角砾岩tectogenesis 砂岩sandstone构造运动造山运动石英砂岩quartz sandstonevertical movement 升降运动粉砂岩siltstone水平运动horizontal movement calcareous siltstone 钙质粉砂岩perfection(integrity) 完整性泥岩mudstone产状要素shale elements of attitude 页岩attitude, orientation 产状盐岩salinestrike 走向limestone 石灰岩白云岩dolomite dip倾向dip angle, angle of dip 倾角泥灰岩marlfold argillo-calcareous 褶皱泥钙岩fold泥砂岩argillo-arenaceous 褶曲monocline 单斜砂质arenaceoussyncline argillaceous 泥质向斜背斜硅质的siliceousanticlineorganic matter dome 穹隆有机质coarse grain squeeze挤压粗粒中粒上盘upper section medium-grainedlower wall, bottom footwall, sediment (deposit) 沉积物下盘wallboulder 漂石、顽石断距separation cobble 卵石intersect 相交gravel 砾石断层faultsand 砂normal fault 正断层silt 粉土逆断层reversed fault clay 粘土parallel fault平移断层clay grain 粘粒层理bedding, stratification sandy clay 砂质粘土graben地堑clayey sand 粘质砂土horst, fault ridge地垒loam壤土、亚粘土断层泥gouge, pug, selvage, fault gouge sandy loam 砂壤土、亚砂土轻亚粘土stria, striation 擦痕regolith (topsoil) 浮土、表土断裂fractureooze破碎带fracture zone warp mire, 淤泥sludge, mud, oozed节理joint clayjoint set节理组alluvion 冲积物(层).裂隙fissure, crack方解石脉calcite vein碎块岩微裂隙fine fissure, microscopic fissure clastic rock角砾original joint breccia原生裂隙岩粉次生裂隙epigenetic joint rock powder岩屑tension joint debris, debry 张裂隙固结shear joint 剪裂隙consolidationrelief crack卸荷裂隙4水文地质条件 hydrogeological conditions cataclastic texture 碎裂结构大气圈atmosphere platy structure 板状结构水圈hydrosphere lamellose 薄板状岩石圈geosphere lumpy, massive 块状的地表径流surface runoff laminated层状的地下径流subsurface runoff giant thick-laminated 巨厚层流域valley, drainage basinfinely laminated薄层状的流域面积drainage area, river basin area weak intercalated layer 软弱夹层汇水面积catchment areainter bedding,夹层地下水ground water, subsurface water intermediate intercalated bed, interlayer,layer地表水surface waterclayey intercalation 夹泥层大气水atmospheric waterinter-clay 夹泥气态水aqueous (vapour) waterconnectivity 连通性液态水liquid waterinsequent 切层固态水solid wateraffecting zone 影响带吸着水hygroscopic (adsorptive) watern.integrity 完整性介质mediumv. & a. Integrate 空隙voiddegree of integrality 孔隙水压力pore water pressure crumble 破碎静水压力hydrostatic pressurecement 胶结外静水压力external hydrostatic pressure argillization 泥化动水压力hydrodynamic pressure taper-out 尖灭渗透力seepage pressure diastrophism错动外水压力external water pressure faulted bedding plane 错动层面内水压力internal water pressure intermittent断续的水位water level, stage level conjugated joint 共轭节理水头water head a. 透镜状的lens-shaped 含水层aquifercuttings, debris 岩屑透水层permeable layer, pervious layer membrane, film薄膜不透水层(隔水层)aquifuge, impervious layer, stratification 层理layer, impermeable high dip angle 高角度aquiclude low dip angle 缓倾角groundwater ridge anti-dip反倾地下分水岭pore water v. interbed 互层孔隙水n. Interbedding fissure water 裂隙水particle size 粒径karstic water岩溶水tectonosphere 构造层bound water, combined water 结合水compression 挤压hydroscopic water 吸着水homogeneous 均一的pellicular water 薄膜水close, compact 致密capillary water 毛细水tectonite 构造岩gravitational water 重力水mylonite 糜棱岩condensation water凝结水fault breccia断层角砾岩groundwaterof condition 件条藏埋水下地.occurrence可靠性检查reliability checkinggroundwater of 藏水埋深度depth 地下监控模型monitoring and predictionoccurrencemodelpacker permeability test 压水试验监测monitoringengineering investigation 5工程勘察资料datum, data可靠性reliability survey 勘测稳定性stabilityinvestigational stage 勘察阶段安全safetyprimary design 初步设计评估evaluation, appraisepreliminary scheme 初步规划评定assessment, assess, rate preliminary prospecting 初步勘探评价准则criterionground reconnaissance 初步踏勘灾害hazard, calamity feasibility stage可行性研究阶段确定性方法论Deterministic methodologypreliminary stage 初步设计阶段应急行动计划EAP(emergency action plan) reconnaissance, inspection 踏勘事故accidentgeological survey 地质测绘静力(Static Analysis)geological engineering 工程地质测绘)Dynamic Analysis动力(mapping Evidently 明显的borehole operation, boring 钻探Correspondingly adv.相应地; 相关地; 相同geophysical exploration 物探地exploratory adits 洞探rod sounding 钎探exploring mining 坑探trenching 槽探proportion 比例geographic map 地形图geomorphological map 地貌图geological map 地质图实测地质剖面图geological field-acquiredprofile(section)geological structure map构造地质图quarternary geological map 第四纪地质图detail map of geology 地质详图section, columnar 地质柱状图geologicgeologic log纵剖面图longitudinal sectioncross section 横剖面图reveal detail map 展示图rose of joints 节理玫瑰图bed rock contour基岩等高线contour of stratum bottom 层底等高线strata boundary 岩层界线elevation of bed rock surface 岩面高程coordinate 坐标bed separation 分层geological observation point 地质点exploratory point (spot) 勘探点exploratory line 勘探线exploration hole 勘探孔diamond drilling 金刚石钻进安全监控6.。



阐述expound(explain), state引入introduce into相应的corresponding概念conception概论overview概率probability概念化conceptualize宏观的macroscopic补充complement规划plan\证明demonstrate, certify, attest证实confirmation补偿compensate, make up, imburse 组合式combined type相互作用interaction稳定性评价stability evaluation均质性homogeneity介质medium层layer, stratum/1地形地貌geographic and geomorphic地形land form地貌geomorphology, relief地貌单元landform unit, geomorphic unit 坡度grade地形图relief map河谷river valley河道river course河床river bed(channel)冲沟gully, gulley, erosion gully, stream(brook).河漫滩floodplain(valley flat)阶地terrace冲积平原alluvial plain三角洲delta古河道fossil river course, fossil stream channel冲积扇alluvial fan洪积扇diluvial fan分水岭divide盆地basin岩溶地貌karst land feature, karst landform&溶洞solution cave, karst cave2地层岩性地层geostrome (stratum, strata)岩性lithologic character, rock property岩层bed stratum 岩层layer, rock stratum母岩matrix, parent rock 相变facies change硬质岩strong rock, film软质岩weak rock&硬质的competent软质的incompetent基岩bedrock覆盖层overburden交错层理cross bedding层面bedding plane片理schistosity层理bedding波痕ripple-mark泥痕mud crack@雨痕raindrop imprints造岩矿物rock-forming minerals 粘土矿物clay mineral高岭土kaolinite蒙脱石montmorillonite伊利石illite云母mica白云母muscovite黑云母biotite石英quartz】长石feldspar正长石orthoclase斜长石plagioclase辉石pyroxene, picrite角闪石hornblende方解石calcite构造structure结构texture组构fabric(tissue)矿物组成mineral composition 】产状attitude火成岩igneous岩浆岩magmatic rock火山岩(熔岩)lava火山volcano侵入岩intrusive(invade) rock 喷出岩effusive rock深成岩plutonic rock浅成岩pypabysal rock酸性岩acid rock;中性岩inter-mediate rock基性岩basic rock超基性岩ultrabasic rock岩基rock base (batholith)岩脉(墙)dike岩墙rock dike岩床rock sill岩脉vein dyke花岗岩granite流纹岩rhyolite<闪长岩diorite辉长岩gabbro玄武岩basalt橄榄岩dunite火山角砾岩vulcanic breccia火山集块岩volcanic agglomerate 凝灰岩tuff沉积岩sedimentary rock碎屑岩clastic rock粘土岩clay rock¥粉砂质粘土岩silty claystone化学岩chemical rock生物岩biolith砾岩conglomerate角砾岩breccia砂岩sandstone石英砂岩quartz sandstone粉砂岩siltstone钙质粉砂岩calcareous siltstone 泥岩mudstone—页岩shale盐岩saline石灰岩limestone白云岩dolomite泥灰岩marl泥钙岩argillo-calcareous泥砂岩argillo-arenaceous 砂质arenaceous泥质argillaceous硅质的siliceous!有机质organic matter粗粒coarse grain中粒medium-grained沉积物sediment (deposit)漂石、顽石boulder卵石cobble砾石gravel砂sand粉土silt粘土clay《粘粒clay grain砂质粘土sandy clay粘质砂土clayey sand 壤土、亚粘土loam砂壤土、亚砂土轻亚粘土sandy loam浮土、表土regolith (topsoil)软泥ooze淤泥mire, oozed mud, sludge, warp clay冲积物(层)alluvion冲积的alluvial{洪积物(层)proluvium, diluvium, diluvion洪积的diluvial冰川沉积物(层)glacier (drift)deposits崩积物(层)colluvial deposits, colluvium残积粘土residual clay变质岩metamorphic rock板岩slate千枚岩phyllite片岩schist片麻岩gneiss,石英岩quartzite大理岩marble3地质构造地质构造geologic structure大地构造geotectonic构造运动tectogenesis造山运动orogeny升降运动vertical movement水平运动horizontal movement完整性perfection(integrity)-产状要素elements of attitude产状attitude, orientation走向strike倾向dip倾角dip angle, angle of dip褶皱fold褶曲fold单斜monocline向斜syncline背斜anticline《穹隆dome挤压squeeze上盘upper section下盘bottom wall, footwall, lower wall断距separation相交intersect断层fault正断层normal fault逆断层reversed fault平移断层parallel fault.层理bedding, stratification地堑graben地垒horst, fault ridge断层泥gouge, pug, selvage, fault gouge擦痕stria, striation断裂fracture破碎带fracture zone节理joint节理组joint set裂隙fissure, crack(微裂隙fine fissure, microscopic fissure 原生裂隙original joint次生裂隙epigenetic joint张裂隙tension joint剪裂隙shear joint卸荷裂隙relief crack碎裂结构cataclastic texture板状结构platy structure薄板状lamellose块状的lumpy, massive!层状的laminated巨厚层giant thick-laminated薄层状的finely laminated软弱夹层weak intercalated layer夹层inter bedding,intercalated bed, interlayer, intermediate layer夹泥层clayey intercalation夹泥inter-clay连通性connectivity切层insequent&影响带affecting zone完整性integrity n.Integrate v. & a.degree of integrality破碎crumble胶结cement泥化argillization尖灭taper-out错动diastrophism错动层面faulted bedding plane*断续的intermittent共轭节理conjugated joint透镜状的lens-shaped a.岩屑cuttings, debris薄膜membrane, film层理stratification高角度high dip angle 缓倾角low dip angle反倾anti-dip互层interbed v.'Interbedding n.粒径particle size构造层tectonosphere挤压compression均一的homogeneous致密close, compact构造岩tectonite糜棱岩mylonite断层角砾岩fault breccia方解石脉calcite vein(碎块岩clastic rock角砾breccia岩粉rock powder岩屑debris, debry固结consolidation4水文地质条件hydrogeological conditions大气圈atmosphere水圈hydrosphere岩石圈geosphere^地表径流surface runoff地下径流subsurface runoff流域valley, drainage basin流域面积drainage area, river basin area 汇水面积catchment area地下水ground water, subsurface water地表水surface water大气水atmospheric water气态水aqueous (vapour) water液态水liquid water!固态水solid water吸着水hygroscopic (adsorptive) water 介质medium空隙void孔隙水压力pore water pressure静水压力hydrostatic pressure外静水压力external hydrostatic pressure动水压力hydrodynamic pressure渗透力seepage pressure外水压力external water pressure【内水压力internal water pressure水位water level, stage level水头water head含水层aquifer透水层permeable layer, pervious layer不透水层(隔水层)aquifuge, impervious layer,impermeable layer, aquiclude地下分水岭groundwater ridge孔隙水pore water@裂隙水fissure water岩溶水karstic water结合水bound water, combined water 吸着水hydroscopic water薄膜水pellicular water毛细水capillary water重力水gravitational water凝结水condensation water地下水埋藏条件condition of groundwater occurrence地下水埋藏深度depth of groundwater occurrence…压水试验packer permeability test5工程勘察engineering investigation勘测survey勘察阶段investigational stage初步设计primary design初步规划preliminary scheme初步勘探preliminary prospecting初步踏勘ground reconnaissance可行性研究阶段feasibility stage)初步设计阶段preliminary stage踏勘reconnaissance, inspection地质测绘geological survey工程地质测绘engineering geological mapping钻探borehole operation, boring物探geophysical exploration洞探exploratory adits钎探rod sounding坑探exploring mining槽探trenching¥比例proportion地形图geographic map地貌图geomorphological map地质图geological map实测地质剖面图field-acquired geological profile(section)构造地质图geological structure map第四纪地质图quarternary geological map 地质详图detail map of geology地质柱状图geologic columnar section, geologic log[纵剖面图longitudinal section横剖面图cross section展示图reveal detail map节理玫瑰图rose of joints基岩等高线bed rock contour层底等高线contour of stratum bottom岩层界线strata boundary岩面高程elevation of bed rock surface 坐标coordinate分层bed separation地质点geological observation point勘探点exploratory point (spot)勘探线exploratory line勘探孔exploration hole金刚石钻进diamond drilling6安全监控可靠性检查reliability checking监控模型monitoring and prediction model监测monitoring资料datum, data可靠性reliability稳定性stability安全safety评估evaluation, appraise评定assessment, assess, rate评价准则criterion灾害hazard, calamity确定性方法论Deterministic methodology应急行动计划EAP(emergency action plan)事故accident静力(Static Analysis)动力(Dynamic Analysis)Evidently 明显的Correspondingly adv.相应地; 相关地; 相同地。



complete screen 完整屏幕standard screen 标准屏幕display screen 显示屏幕edition screen 编辑屏幕main screen 主屏幕alphanumberic screen 数据屏graphic screen 曲线屏chromatograph screen 色谱屏geological screen 地质屏process window 处理窗口alarm window 报警窗口dialogue window 对话窗口edition window 编辑窗口system window 系统窗口initialization 初始化calibration 标定logging 录井diagnosis 诊断application 应用reservation 后备BIT bit position 钻头位置Bit Depth 井深,钻头井深STD standard depth 标准井深Depth 井深TD total depth 总井深TVD True Vertical Depth 垂直井深KD Kelly Down Depth 方限井深LAG Lagged Depth 迟后井深Reaming Depth 划眼井深WOH Weight On Hook 大钩负荷,悬重WOB Weight On Bit 钻压ROP Rate of Penetration 钻速,钻时RPM Revolution Per Minute 转盘转速SPP Standpipe Pressure 立管压力SPM Stroke Per Minute 泵冲TQ Torque 扭矩Pump 1,2 1,2号泵Pump Count 泵冲计数Pit 1,2. 1,2号罐Pit Sum , Pit Volume 泥浆罐总体积MW Mud Weight 钻井液密度PV Plastic Viscosity 塑性粘度YP Yield Point 屈服点ECD Equivalent Circulating Density 当量循环密度PF=FPG Formation Pressure Gradient 地层压力梯度FRAC Fracture pressure gradient 破裂压力梯度TG Total Gas 总烃,全量TGN Total Gas Normalized 校正的全量Trip Tank 起下钻罐Overpull 超拉Hook Speed 大钩速度Hook Height 大钩高度Swab 抽吸力Surge 冲击力Time On Slip 坐卡瓦时间Time On Hook 重载时间CST chronological sample tacker 井壁取心器BHS borehole status 井眼状况HC hole correct 井眼校正FD fluid density 流体密度FFI free fluid index 自由流体指数CFF compressibility of formation fluid 地层流体压缩系数FFV formation fluid viscosity 地层流体粘度FFT formation fluid test 地层流体测试SW salt water 盐水water saturation 含水饱和度SWT total water saturation 总含水饱和度SWE effective water saturation 有效含水饱和度SWF free water saturation 自由水饱和度WS water salinity 地层水矿化度SG gas saturation 含气饱和度TCP total core porosity 岩心总孔隙度ECP effective core porosity 岩心有效孔隙度SPI surface potential index 地面产能指数CGS calculated gas saturation 计算的含气饱和度GCA gas coefficient A 气体校正系数A GCB gas coefficient B 气体校正系数B GOC gas oil contact plane 油气接触面GOR gas oil ratio 油气比GWR gas water ratio 油水比HD high density 高密度CSP casing pressure 套管压力MASP maximum allowed surface pressure 关井最大允许地表压力FFP final flowing pressure 最终流动压力IHP initial hydrostatic pressure 初始流体静水压力FHP final hydrostatic pressure 最终流体静水压力ISIP initial shut-in pressure 初始关井压力FSIP final shut-in pressure 最终关井压力SICP shut-in casing pressure 关井套管压力SIDP shut-in drillpipe pressure 关井钻杆压力BHIP bottom hole initial pressure 井底原始压力bottom hole horse power 井底水马力FBP final buildup pressure 最终恢复压力FBS final buildup slope 最终恢复压力曲线the field of formation evaluation 地层评价领域the presence of oil underground 地下石油的存在geographical location 地理位置geological time periods 地质年代formation evaluation method 地层评价方法method of geology and geophysics 地质和地球物理的方法exploration logging 勘探录井exploratory well 探井the specified depth 特定的深度the specified location 特定的井位exploration drilling 勘探钻井drilling fluid and cutting analysis logging 钻井液和岩屑分析录井coring and core analysis 岩心和岩心分析wire line logging 电缆测井sidewall coring 井壁取心wireline formation testing 电缆地层测试DST drillstem test 钻杆中途测试the formation fluid 地层流体the hydrostatic pressure 静水压力samples of subsurface formation 地下地层试样the composition and concentration of formation 地层流体的组份与浓度traces of oil and gas 油气含量formation evaluation log 地层评价录井图mud log 泥浆录井图pressure log 压力录井图core log 岩心录井图wireline log 测井图detailed lithology examination 详细的岩性检查interpretation of lithologies 岩性解释interpretation of stratigraphic horizons 地层层位解释pore pressure evaluation 孔隙压力评价the post-drilling behavior of a formation 地层钻后特性4.2.2 Evaluation Methods 评价方法4.2.2.1 Mud Logging 泥浆录井drill returns logging 泥浆录井,钻井液录井mud logging equipment 泥浆录井设备mud logging techniques 泥浆录井技术the subsurface strata 地下地层high pressure formation 高压地层physical properties of the formation 地层的物理性质the crushed cylinder of formation 钻井破碎的地层岩屑properties of the drilling mud 钻井液的性质application of mud logging 泥浆录井的应用complete downhole information 完整的井下资料direct measurement of hydrocarbon gase 烃类气体的直接测量the hydrocarbon content of the mud 钻井液中的烃类含量total combustible gas 可燃气体总量natural gas 天然气liberated gas 逸出气formation gas 地层气cutting gas 岩屑残余气,破碎气TG trip gas 起下钻气BG background gas 背景气CG connection gas 接单根气post-drilling gas 钻后气production gas 生产气recycled gas 再循环气,重循环气mixture mud material gas 混料气carbide test gas 电石气,碳化物测试气petroleum gas 石油气dry gas 干气wet gas 湿气zero gas 零气crude oil 原油a correlative tool 对比工具conventional coring 常规取心core analysis 岩心分析core analysis data 岩心分析数据core analysis information 岩心分析资料the value of core analysis 岩心分析的价值prediction of performance 动态预测porosity, permeability 孔隙度,渗透率fluid saturation 流体饱和度reservoir operation 油藏作业4.2.2.2 Gas 气测录井Gas Synthesis 气体综合解释Gas Chart 气体评价解释图Gas Composition 气体组份解释CGS corrected Gas Saturation 校正的含气饱和度SPI Surface Potential Index 地面产能指数gas well logging 气测录井gas detector 气体含量检测仪continuous gas extractor 连续脱气器a gas mixture 气体混合物gas mixture composition 气体混合物组份the fluid 's nature 流体性质hydrocarbon show 烃显示the true amount of gas 气体真实含量the actual amount of hydrocarbon in ud 泥浆中烃实际含量the actual concentration of gas in the 泥浆中气体的实际浓度SH the hydrocarbon saturation 烃饱和度zones of interpret 解释层段depth starting / ending 深度起止the depth increment 深度增值the replay depth interval 回放深度间隔gas evaluation 气体评价解释Pilex plot 皮勒可斯解释图版Triangle plot 三角形解释图版conclusion 结论gas percent 气体百分含量relative percent 相对百分含量gas ratio 气体比率non productive 非产能区gas 气区oil 油区dry gas 干气区condensate 凝析油区oil and gas 油气区oil and oxydized oil 油和氧化油区gas / oil line 油气界线potato / productive zone 土豆区,生产价值区oil and gas triangle 油,气三角形triangle surface 三角形面积nul triangle 零三角形validation thresholds 有效门限productive target 生产指标quantitative results 定量的结果quantitative interpretation 定量的解释the basis of interpretation 解释基础good qualitative information 良好的定性资料hydraulic equilibrium 水力学平衡BHT bottom pressure 井底压力FP formation pressure 地层压力BHP bottom hole pressure 井底压力pore pressure 孔隙压力the annulus pressure lose 环空压力损失positive differential pressure 正压差negative differential pressure 负压差DP differential pressure 压差an abnormal case 异常情况an overpressured zone 超压带the porous level 多孔层段a high permeability 渗透性强differential pressure factor 压差因素flow rate 流速temperature formation/surface 地层/地表温度pressure formation/surface 地层/地表压力4.2.2.3 Pressure Evaluation logging 压力评价录井abnormal pressure 异常压力overburden pressure 上覆地层压力downhole pressure 井底压力abnormal pressure formation 异常压力地层the evaluation of abnormal formation pressure 异常地层压力评价the overpressure detecting survey 超压检测the evaluation of downhole pressure 井底压力评价the pressure evaluation service 压力评价服务formation type 地层类型soft formation 软地层hard formation 硬地层known formation 已知地层burial depth 埋藏深度cutting size 岩屑尺寸drillablity and rock strength 可钻性及岩石强度the formation pressure gradient 地层压力梯度normal formation pressure gradient 正常地层压力梯度fracture pressure 破裂压力fracturation gradient 破裂压力梯度overburden gradient 上覆地层压力梯度overburden coefficient 上覆地层系数porosity 孔隙度peremable porosity 渗透孔隙度zones of abnormally high porosity 异常的高孔隙度区域the pore space 孔隙空间bottom hole differential pressure 井底压差normal compaction 正常压实abnormal pressure conditions 异常压力情况abnormal drilling parameters 异常钻井参数normalized sigma 标准西格码Poisson coefficient 泊松系数Poisson ratio 泊松比the value of Poisson rate 泊松比比值stress ratio 应力比Poisson's stress equations 泊松应力方程the local coefficient 当地系数the trend line 趋势线left margin 左边界sand line 砂岩线a sand bed in undercompacted shales 欠压实页岩中的砂岩drilling breaks 钻井放空bit wear correction factor 钻头磨损校正系数the raw curve 原始曲线the raw data 原始数据sonic and density data 声波和密度数据matrix density 岩石骨架密度bulk density 岩石体积密度formation density 地层密度trend definition 趋势线确定leak off test 地层漏失试验leak off test data 地层漏失试验数据interval transit time 声音传播间隔时间fluid transit time 流体传播时间matrix material transit time 岩石骨架物质传播时间4.2.2.4 ELOGS &Wire line logging 测井解释和电测ELOGS 测井解释CPI computer processed interpretation 计算机处理解释sonic 声波测井the sonic porosity 声波孔隙度Archie formula 阿尔奇公式Wyllie's time average formula 怀利时间平均公式Rmicro-Rdeep 微电阻率,深电阻率formation water resistivity 地层水电阻率Rw water resistivity 地层水电阻率Rt formation deep resistivity 深探测地层电阻率Rmf mud filtrate resistivity 泥浆滤液电阻率Rxo formation micro resistivity 地层微电阻率primary porosity 原始孔隙度formation neutron porosity 地层中子孔隙度formation temperature 地层温度AMST annual mean temperature 地表年平均温度water saturation 含水饱和度clay content 泥质含量clay point 粘土点filtrate data 泥浆滤液数据fluid point 流体点filtrate salinity 泥浆滤液矿化度filtrate density 泥浆滤液密度matrix data 岩石骨架数据matrix point 岩石骨架点the compaction factor 压实系数consolidated formation 压实地层constant 岩性常数cementation factor 胶结指数clean formation 纯地层water bearing formation 含水地层formation contain hydrocarbon 含烃地层moveable hydrocarbon 可动烃residual hydrocarbon 残余烃moveable hydrocarbon saturation 可动烃饱和度residual hydrocarbon saturation 残余烃饱和度saturation line 饱和度线the base line 基线hydrocarbon density 油气密度salinity 矿化度relative precision 相对精度a graphical method 图表法a statistical method 统计法function selection 功能选择WIRELINE LOG 电测wireline logging tool 电测工具measuring devices 测量设备electronic control and transmission circuitry 电子控制和传输线路wireline logging classification 测井方法resistivity 电阻率测井direct resistivity measurement 直接电阻率测井micro-resistivity measurement 微电阻率测井induction measurement 感应测井SP spontaneous potential 自然电位测井porosity / lithology 孔隙度,岩性测井sonix 声波测井formation density 地层密度测井neutron 中子测井gamma 自然伽玛测井miscellaneous parameters logging 其他参数测井caliper 井径仪borehole geometry tool 井眼几何形状测井仪high-resolution dipmeter to 高分辨率地层倾角测量仪bed thickness, 地层厚度lithology 岩性permeability 渗透率shape, size and communication of the pore space 孔隙空间形状,大小及其连通性presence and type of hydrocarbon 烃类的存在和类型mobility of hydrocarbon 烃类的运移性能formation factor 地层因素correlation 地层对比Humble formula 汉布尔公式interpretation 测井资料解释the analysis of wireline log data 电测资料分析conclusion, result 结论,结果DST drillstem test 钻杆中途测试RFT repeat formation test 重复式地层测试determine the reservoir parameters 确定储集层参数pressure data 压力数据surface pressure 地表压力reservoir static formation pressure 储集层地层静止压力pseudo initial temperature and pressure 视初始温度和压力reservoir permeability 储集层渗透率liquid test 流体测试damage ratio 堵塞率skin effect 表皮效应,污染系数the slope 斜率the intersection 交叉点Horner plot 赫诺图Darcy's law 达西定律milidarcy 毫达西Horner straight line slope 赫诺直线斜率Horner time (production) 赫诺时间(开采时间)the flow pattern 流型flowing time 流动时间the compressibility and viscosity of the fluid 流体的压缩系数和粘度oil formation volume factor 油层体积系数oil compressibility 油压缩率oil viscosity 油沾度net pay zone thickness 产层有效厚度the production fluid 产出液the production rate 产出率,开采速度reservoir average permeablity 储层平均渗透率hole radiul 井眼半径hole diameter 井眼直径gas test 气体测试gas formation volume factor 气层体积因素the critical parameters 临界参数compressibility factor of gas 气体压缩系数gas viscosity 气体粘度gas flow 气体流量net pay zone thickness 净气层厚度formation testing 地层测试wire line formation testing 电缆地层测试repeat formation testing 重复式地层测试formation interval tester 地层间隔测试器multiple fluid sample tool 多节式地层流体取样器the aim of these tools is : 这些工具的目的在于进行fluid identification 流体鉴定oil gravity determination 油比重测定gas analysis 气体分析oil / gas ratio determination 油层/气比测定pressure determination 压力测定flowing pressure 流动压力formation shut-in pressure 地层关井压力hydrostatic pressure 流体静压evaluation of recovered sample 回收试样的评价MWD Measurement While Drilling 随钻测量SWD Seismic While Drilling 随钻地震FMWD Formation Measurement While Drilling 地层随钻测量VSP Vertical Seismic Profile 垂直地震剖面MWDdirectional well 定向井horizontal well 水平井cluster well 丛式井deviation well 定向斜井multiple well 多底井relief well 救援井coordinates 坐标X-, Y- , Z- coordinates X,Y,Z坐标displacement 位移declination 磁偏角hole inclination or hole angle 井斜角maximum hole angle 最大井斜角hole direction 方位角end of deviation 最终井斜azimuth 方位,方位角Geographic North (meridian direction) 地理北,真北Magnetic North (compass direction) 磁北Magnetic Azimuth (MA) 磁方位displacement or closure distance 水平位移horizontal displacement 水平位移vertical section 垂直面vertical, horizontal projection 垂直, 水平投影rate of build up 造斜率dogleg 狗腿DLS (Dogleg Severity) 狗腿严重度,井眼曲率KOP kick off point 造斜点target 靶,目标点vertical depth of target 目标垂深target radius 靶区半径actual hole shape 实际井眼形状MWD tool 随钻测斜工具ESS (Electronic Survey System) 电子测斜仪tool face 工具面tool face angle 工具面角tool face setting 工具面安置角varidril 涡轮钻具,螺杆bent sub 弯接头NMDC (non-magnetic drill collar) 无磁钻铤stabilizer 稳定器centralizer 扶正器drilling jar 随钻震击器SWDmeasured depth 测量深度TVD True Vertical Depth 真实垂直深度mean sea level 平均海平面seismic datum 地震资料checkshot table (地震声波测井)校验炮列表full waveform display 全波形显示seismic energy signal 地震能量信号reflect wavefield 反射波场direct arrivals 直达波reflected arrivals 反射波interval velocity , average velocity 区间速度,平均速度replacement velocity 置换速度drillstring velocity 钻杆传输速度RMS (resistivity of mud sample) velocity 泥浆样品电阻率速度travel times 传输时间interval transit time 区间传输时间vertical section 垂直段plane of vertical section 垂直剖面offset, 偏移,炮检距departure 离差latitude 纵距azimuth 方位,方位角job notes 工作单tripping sheet 起下钻工作单reason for the trip 起下钻原因displacement 替泥浆量,灌泥浆量pull on: even , single , double 起钻钻柱:整立柱,单根,双根stand No. 立柱号trip tank gauge 起下钻罐计量值calculated hole filling per increment 每一个变量计算的井眼灌浆量measured hole fill 测量的井眼灌注量discrepancy 误差,差异well control pre-kick sheet 予压井工作单measured depth 测量井深measured casing shoe depth 测量的套管鞋深度TVD true vertical depth 真实垂直深度casing shoe TVD 套管鞋处垂直深度capacities and volumes 容积与体积drill string data 钻具数据annulus data 环空数据total system volume 总的系统体积bit to shoe volume (strokes, time) 钻头到套管的体积(所需泵冲,时间)surface to bit strokes (time) 地表到钻头循环所需泵冲(时间)S. C.R slow circulation rate 低泵速循环速率read and record 读值与记录well control kick sheet 压井工作单pit gain 罐增益量formation breakdown gradient 地层破裂梯度maximum mud weight 最大泥浆密度M. A.A.S.P maximum allowable annulus surface pressure最大允许环空地表压力I C P initial circulating pressure 初始循环压力F C P final circulating pressure 最终循环压力pressure step-down 压力减小total strokes to kill well 压井所需总泵冲total time to kill time 压井所需总时间M. A.C.P maximum allowable casing pressure 最大允许套管压力drilling information sheet 钻进信息工作单pump and mud information 泥浆泵与钻井液信息string and hole information 钻具与井眼信息up ,down , on bottom off bottom 上提,下放,接触井底,提离井底BHA bottom hole assembly 下部井眼钻具组合BHA No. 下部井眼钻具组合编号BHA types 下部井眼钻具组合类型item , serial No. , length 项目名称,系列编号,长度OD outside diameter 外径ID inside diameter 内径FOND 打捞外径FNL 币打捞内径weight below jar 震击器以下重量total BHA weight 下部钻具组合总重量bouyed weight total 总的浮力重量N / A next assembly 下次装配not applicable 不适用的not available 无效,未利用NA non-available 无资料,不详,不合用varidril 动力钻具bent housig 弯接头orienting sub 定向接头pulse sub 脉冲接头DC drill collar 钻铤pony DC 短钻铤NMDC non-magnetic drill collar 无磁钻铤HWDP heavy weight drillpipe 加重钻杆DP drillpipe tally 钻杆记录表joint length 单根长度stand No 立柱号stand length 立柱长度sum length 总长度casing tally 套管记录表joint length 单根长度sum length 总长make-up length 组合长度casing length 套管钢级tubing tally 油管记录表corrective length 校正长度thread length 丝扣长度sample list 岩样清单item 项目unwashed sample 未洗样dry sample 干样canned sample 罐装样box No. 箱号interval 井深间隔notes, remarks 注释,标记consumable price list 消耗物品价格表item description 项目名称unit price 单价comment 说明material consumption list 材料消耗清单item 项目quantity 数量,用量dairy charge report 日费结算报告mud logging during 作业时间起止signature 签名CO. REP.report 公司代表报告midnight depth 午夜钻进井深previous depth 以前的井深gas reading 气体读值background gas 背景气pipe connection gas 接单根气peak 显示高峰TOT HHP 总的水马力损失BIT HHP 钻头水马力损失geological morning report 地质早报present operation 现在作业情况lithological summary 岩性小结24 hrs operations summary 24小时作业情况摘要24 hrs forecast 未来24小时作业预测wellsite core description report 井场岩心描述报告End of Well Report 完井报告final well report 完井报告final mud logging report 泥浆录井完井报告contents 目录introduction 前言well data 井史数据资料mud logging description 泥浆录井工作描述stratigraphy 区域地层hydrocarbon shows summary 烃类显示摘要pressures discussion 压力讨论summary of drilling events 钻井事件摘要appendix 附录The format end of well report by Halliburtion 哈里伯顿公司完井报告格式contents 目录overview(=well data) 概述(相当于数据大表)well profile 井身剖面图1, Mud logging service provision 泥浆录井设备rig layout and location of sensors 钻机设备平面图及传感器位置sensor specifications 传感器技术规格2, Geology 地质lithological discussion 岩性探讨sampling and dispatch 岩样与岩样清单3, Overpressure 超压,过压overpressure discussion 地层超压讨论overpressure plots 超压绘图4, Drilling 钻井hole section summaries 各井段概述bit data 钻头数据BHA configurations BHA配置mud summary 钻井液概述bit run hydraulics 钻头水力学5, Deviation 井斜deviation summary 井斜概述survey data and plot 井斜数据及井斜图6, Petrophysical analysis 岩石物理学分析gas data summary 气体数据概述gas ratio crossplot 气体比率交汇图7, Time breakdown 作业时效分析well progress plot 钻井进度图rig time analysis 钻机作业时效分析统计8, Inclusions 内附,包含lithology log MD 1:500 1:500测深岩性录井图lithology log TVD 1:500 1:500垂深岩性录井图drilling log 1:500 1:500工程录井图normalised gas log 1:500 1:500校正的气体录井图pressure log 1:2000 1:2000压力录井图drilling data ASCII data diskette ASCII码钻井数据软盘master log 主录井图lygend 图例company 公司名称rig 钻井队名称area 所在地区country 所在国家location 位置elevation 海拔高度water depth 水深depth ref 井深参考RKB rotary kelly bushing 方钻杆补心高度well configuration 井身结构bit size 钻头尺寸hole depth 井眼深度casing size 套管尺寸shoe depth 套管鞋深度spud date 开钻日期TD date 钻至总井深日期TD driller 总井深logged from 录井开始日期logged to 录井作业止depth scale 井深比例pressure evaluations log 压力评价录井图TGN log (total gas normalized) TGN录井图cutting sample log 岩屑录井图core sample log 岩心录井图core sample examination sheet 岩心样品检验结果单gas analysis chart 气体分析图表shale density measurements 页岩密度测量表NB new bit 新钻头NCB new core bit 新取心钻头RRB re-round bit 再次入井钻头BR bit run 钻头进尺WOB weight on bit 钻压SPP standpipe pressure 立压PP pump pressure 泵压RPM revolutions per minute 转盘转速SPM strokes per minute 泵冲CS casing shoe 套管鞋位置CR circulated returns 循环返出物CG connection gas 接单根气TG trip gas 起下钻气WTG wiper trip gas 通井后效气NR no returns 无返出物PR poor returns 返出物较少EL electric log 电测POOH pull out of hole 起钻RIH run in hole 下钻WT wiper trip 通井LAT logged after trip 起钻后测井DS directional survey 定向测斜DST drill stem test 钻杆中途测试DC depth correction 井深校正RMG reaming 划眼WOW wait on weather 等天气WOC wait of cement 固井水泥候凝WOO wait on order 等指令,待命LAT logging after trip 起钻后测井LCM lost circulation material 堵漏剂,堵漏材料FR flow rate 流速FC flow check 溢流检查W weight lb / gal 比重,密度MG mud gradient psi / kft 泥浆梯度V funnel viscosity s /qt 漏斗粘度AV apparent viscosity 表观粘度PV plastic viscosity cp 塑性粘度YP yield point lb / cf2 屈服点,动切力GEL gel strength lb / cf2 静切力PH acidity 酸度moisture 湿度F filtrate cm3 /30 泥浆滤液FL filtrate loss 滤失量CK cake thickness in / 32 泥饼厚度S salinity kg /m3 泥浆矿化度SD sand content % 含砂量O oil content 含油量WL water lose cm 3 / 30 失水SOL solids content % 固相含量PF filtrate alkalinity % 碱度,含碱量GYP gypsum content lb / bbl 石膏含量Additives for drilling fluid 钻井液添加剂releasing stuck agent 解卡剂LCM lost circulate additives / plugging agent 堵漏剂foaming agent, foamer 发泡剂flocculant, flocculating agent 絮凝剂bactericidal agent, biocide 杀菌剂defoaming agent, defoamer 消泡剂emulsifier, emulsifying agent 乳化剂bridge agent 桥堵剂retarder, retardant 缓蚀剂lubricant 润滑剂viscosifier, thickener 增粘剂viscosity-reducing agent, thinner 降粘剂note, comment, 注释,标记remarks 注释,说明All the drilling troubles 、accidents and some main changed parameters should benoted on the logs and real-time charts.所有钻井复杂情况、事故及一些主要的变化的参数均应标注在录井图件和实时打印资料上Run bit No. 4 下入第四号钻头bit parameters, 钻头参数bit manufacture 钻头制造商bottom up / lag time 迟到时间Pump off for 停泵…分钟PC pipe connection 接单根connection gas 接单根气trip gas 起下钻气carbide test 电石气试验carbide gas 电石气change ROP scale 变换ROP比例setting zero 调零,置零gas system re-calibrated 气体系统重新标定midnight depth 午夜井深case steel grade 套管钢级casing shoe 套管鞋位置liner 尾管下深slurry density 水泥浆密度cement quantity 水泥用量cement plug 水泥塞厚度leak off test 地层漏失试验starting drilling 开始钻进drill with fresh water 用清水钻进drill with sea water 用海水钻进POOH to core at 3215m 起钻在3215米取心coring interval 取心井段core length 岩心长度core recovery 取心收获率dumping returns 返出物放掉no gas data 无气体数据NS no survey 未测,没有测n.s no sample 无样品no sample collected 无岩样high total gas due to diesel contamination 总烃显示高值是由于柴油污染所致gas show 气体显示gas peak 气显示高峰值well kick 井涌flow check 溢流检查choke circulating 节流循环raised mud weight 提高泥浆密度short trip 短起下钻change BHA 换下部钻具组合overpull 超拉bit lost in hole 钻头落井,掉钻头broken pipe 断钻具fishing 打捞fish top 鱼顶fish length 鱼长fishing cutter 打捞切割器MU( make up) new BHA 组合新BHAtest MWD tool 测试MWD工具install top drive 安装顶驱cut and slip 倒大绳PU (pick up) 15 joints 配接15根单根raise MW( mud weight) to 18.2ppg 提泥浆密度至18.2ppg reduce mud weight 降泥浆密度check losses or gain 检查泥浆漏失,增益shut in well 关井observed pressures 观察压力squeeze LCM (lost circulated additives) 挤堵漏剂pump spacer fluid 打隔离液displace packer fluid 替封隔液drill break 钻进放空circulate bottom up 将井底泥浆循环出来back reaming / pumping back 倒划眼pump out of hole to shoe 倒划眼至套管鞋。



一、地质专用词语DAILY-USED DESCRIPIO(常用描述内容):10.show显示:油显示及显示颜色(oil show & show color):显示类型及气味(type of show & gas odor):油类型(oil type):例:Siltstone:粉砂岩(在MLREM中用SILTS)LT GY to LT BRNish GY ,Firm ,mod HD-HD, subplaty ,sandy I/P,V ARG I/P & occ Grade to very-fine sands, TR MICA & GYP, No CalC.浅灰~浅褐灰色,中硬、硬~极硬,次板状,局部细砂质,局部泥质重,少量为粉细砂级,少见云母及石膏,无钙质。

GY-DK GY,OCC BRN GY,FRM-MODHD,SL Arg I/P & occ grade to fine sands , contained BLKcarb matter, TR MICA.灰~深灰色,偶见褐灰色,中硬、硬,局部少量泥质,局部见细砂级颗粒,含黑色碳质矿物,少量云母。

Claystone(泥岩):LT GY to LT BRNish GY, OCC LT GRNish GY, mot in PRts BLKY to subblky occ amorphous, soft , Locally sticky in part , occ frm in prc & non-calc, very SLTY in prts, TR carb in prt.浅灰~褐灰色,少见浅绿灰色,局部杂色,块~次块状,少量为不定形状,软,局部粘,少量硬,无灰质,局部含砂质及少量碳质。

SHALE(页岩):GY-GRNish GY , occ prblish –RD, DK-RD , BLKY to subblky , Firm-mod HD, non-calc , very SLTY in prts , TR carb in PRT.灰~绿灰色,少量紫红色、暗红色,片~次片状,硬~中硬,无钙质,局部砂质重,局部见少量碳质。



凹坑pool,chute 白垩chalk白云化灰岩dolomitized limestone白云母muscovite白云石dolomite白云岩dolostone, dolomitite斑点构造mottled structure斑礁patch reef斑晶porphyrotope斑脱岩bentonite搬运作用transportation板状晶体laths半深海helmipelagic半自形晶subhedral棒形蛀木虫迹teredolites clavatus包卷层理convolute lamination包卷构造comvolute structure堡礁(障壁礁) barrier reef抱球虫软泥globigerina ooze比拟试验模式scaled experimental model碧玉jasper边滩point bar辫状河braided channel标志层key bed标准偏差standard deviation表面结构surface texture表皮鲕superficial Oolits表栖动物epifauna表生成岩作用epidiagenesis表生作用epigenesis表土regolith滨湖亚相lake-shore滨面shoreface滨线shoreline冰雹痕hail impression冰川glacier冰-海沉积物glacier-marine sediment 1/21冰川相glacial facies冰碛物till冰碛岩tillite冰水沉积outwash波长wave length波高wave height波痕ripple波状层理wavy bedding剥离线理parting lineation不等粒inequigranular不整合unconformity槽痕flute槽模flute casts侧向沉积作用lateral sedimentation侧向加积lateral accretion测井沉积学well-logging sedimentology 测井相electrofacies层bed层间流interflow层孔虫stromatoporoid层理stratification,bedding,lamination 层流laminar flow层内溶解作用intrastratal solution层系set层系组coset层序地层学sequence stratigraphy次长石净砂岩subarkose次生孔隙secondary porosity次岩屑净砂岩sublitharenite长石feldspar长石砂岩feldspar sandstone长石净砂岩arkose长石净砂岩类arkosic arenite长石杂砂岩feldspathic greywacke长石杂砂岩类arkosic greywacke潮道tidal channel潮间带intertidal潮控三角洲tidal-dominated delta2/21潮坪tidal flat潮上带supratidal潮汐层理tidal- bedding潮汐流ebb current潮汐三角洲tidal delta潮下带subtidal zone沉积分异作用sedimentary differentiation沉积构造sedimentary structure沉积后作用postdeposition沉积环境depositional environment沉积模式sedimentary model沉积盆地sedimentary basin沉积铁矿sedimentary iron ores沉积物sediment沉积物重力流sediment gravity flow沉积相sedimentary(depositional)facies 沉积学sedimentology沉积岩sedimentary rocks沉积岩石学sedimentary petrology沉积作用sedimentation,deposition成分成熟度compositional matuarity成岩作用diagenesis赤铁矿hematite冲积平原alluvial plain冲积扇alluvial fan冲裂avulsion冲流swash冲流回流带zone of swash and backwash冲刷痕scour mark冲洗交错层理swash bedding 冲溢扇washover fan储层reservoir储油窗oil–windows床沙bed床沙形体bed form床沙载荷bed load吹程fetch垂向沉积作用vertical accretion 3/21丛藻迹chondrites粗砾cobble粗枝藻门dasyclads大潮spring tide大陆架continental shelf大陆隆continental rise大陆坡continental slope大洋盆地basin带穴迹taenidium带状迹teanidium袋状钻孔迹rogerella单杯迹monocraterion单成份砾岩oligomictic conglomerate 岛(弧)-海(沟)体系arc-trench system 岛弧island arc等深流contour current等深积岩contourite等趾迹isopodichnus等足迹isopodichnus低镁方解石low-magnesian calcite低弯度河道low-sinuosity channel低位体系域low-stand systems tract 堤岸bank底痕sole mark底积层bottomset底模solecast底栖生物benthos底载河道bedload channel地层strata地层倾斜录井dipmeter log地层水formation water地球化学geochemistry地球物理geophysics地震地层学seismic stratigraphy地震勘探seismic exploration递变层graded layer递变悬浮作用graded suspension 4/21典型浊积岩clastic turbidite电测井electric log叠层石stromatolite叠瓦状排列imbricate arrangement 顶积层topsets动态模式dynamic model动藻迹zoophycus豆粒pisolite段member对称波痕symmetrical ripple鲕粒oolite二叶石迹cruziana反递变层理reverse grading反沙丘层理antidune bedding反向递变的inversely graded泛滥盆地flood basin泛滥平原flood plain方沸石Analcime方解石calcite放射虫Radiolarians放射性测井radioactivity log非补偿(饥饿)沉积starved basin 非显晶质的aphanitic沸石zeolite分流河道distributary channel分流河口砂坝distributary-mouth bar 分流间湾interdistributary分选系数So分选作用sorting粉砂silt粉砂岩siltite,siltstone粉砂页岩silt shale球粒pellet风暴大潮storm surge风成eolian风成波痕eolian ripple,wind ripple风成交错层理aeolian cross bedding 风成岩eolianite5/21风化作用weathering风生流wind-drift current风蚀deflation峰度curtosis缝合线stylolite弗劳德数Froude number浮游生物plankton腐泥sapropel负载(荷)构造load structure复成分砾岩polymictic conglomerate 复理石flysch钙结层caliche干酪根kerogen干盐湖playa高岭石kaolinite高弯度河道high-sinuosity channel 高位体系域high-stand systems tract根珊瑚迹rhizocoralliun耕作迹agrichnia沟模groove casts沟蠕形迹taphrhelminthopsis古拉迹paleohelcura古生态学paleoecology古生物paleontological古水流标志paleocurrent indicator古土壤paleosols古网迹palaeodictyon古斜坡paleoslope骨架岩framestone固着底栖生物sessile benthos光合作用photosynthesis硅镁层sima硅土,二氧化硅silica硅质silic-硅质碎屑siliciclastic国际沉积学家学会IAS(International Association of Sedimentologists) 文档来自于网络搜索海(湖)泛面flooding surface6/21海(湖)滩beach海岸带coastal zone海底扇submarine fan海底峡谷submarine canyon海沟trench海进体系域transgressive systems tract 海浪sea wave海绿石glauconite海平面变化sea-level changes海平面升降eustasy海侵transgression海侵层序transgressive sequence海生迹thalassinoides海滩marine beach海滩脊ridge of a beach海相三角洲marine delta海洋ocean旱谷arroyo, wadi河床(道)channel河床滞留lag河底滞留沉积channel floor lag河控三角洲fluvial delta河口湾estuary河流相fluvial河漫overbank核形石oncilite褐铁矿limonite黑色页岩black shale黑云母biotite红藻植物门rhodophyta后滨backshore后成作用katagenesis,anadiagenesis 弧间盆地interarc basin弧内盆地intra-arc basin弧前盆地forearc basin湖lake湖泊环境lacustrine environment湖泊相lacustrine7/21湖面波动seiche湖沼学limnology滑[动]痕slide mark滑塌构造slump structure滑塌岩slumps还原硫酸盐细菌desulfouibrio,desulfomaculmi 还原作用reduction环境沉积学environmental sedimentology环线迹spirorhaphe黄铁矿pyrite黄土loess灰泥micrite灰泥岩mudstone灰质白云岩calcareous dolostone回流backflow,backwash混杂沉积岩diamicton混杂堆积物mélange混载荷流mixed-load channel火山弹bomb火山灰ash火山灰流ash flow火山角砾岩volcanic breccia火山块block火山泥石流lahar火山碎屑pyroclastic debris,tephra火山碎屑流pyroclastic flow火山碎屑岩pyroclastic rock火焰构造flame structure鸡笼状的chickenwire集合粒aggregate集块岩agglomerate加积accretion加积作用aggradation假亮晶pseudospar尖峰度的jeptokurtic剪切shearing交错层cross beds交错层理cross bedding; cross stratification 8/21交错纹crossed-lamellar交错纹层cross laminae胶结物cement胶结作用cementation胶磷矿collophane礁reef礁核reef core礁后相backreef facies礁麓堆积reeftalus礁前相forereef facies礁相reef facies角度不整合angular unconformity 角砾岩breccias节藻迹phycodes结晶碳酸盐岩crystalline carbonate 界面bounding surfaces金藻门chrysophyta津(波)浪tsunami近滨nearshore进潮口tidal inlet进积作用progradation进食构造feeding structures进食迹fodinichnia晶面crystal face晶体crystal井形穴shafts净砂岩arenite静态模式static model居住构造dwelling structure居住迹domichnia居住潜穴dwelling burrows巨画迹megagrapton巨砾boulder决口扇crevasse,crevasse splay均匀悬浮uniform suspension颗粒grain,particle颗粒流grain flow颗粒岩grainstone9/21颗粒支撑的particle -supported,grain-supported 可劈性fissility可容空间accommodation space克拉通craton孔隙(度)pore,porosity块状层理massive bedding块状砂岩massive sandstone浪成波痕wave-generated ripple浪成沙纹层理wave- ripple bedding浪基面wave base浪控三角洲wave-dominated delta雷诺数Reynolds number-Re类沙蚕迹nereites累积频率曲线cumulative-frequency curve 离岸(裂)流rip current犁沟迹aulichnites丽线迹cosmorhaphe砾gravel砾漠reg砾屑灰岩calcirudite砾屑岩rudite砾岩conglomerate粒度grain size粒度概率图probability plot粒度中值Md粒间孔隙度intergranular porosity粒屑灰岩grainstone粒序层理graded bedding亮晶sparite亮晶方解石sparry calcite亮晶灰岩sparite亮煤clarain裂隙fracture临滨shoreface磷灰岩phosphorite磷酸盐岩phosphate rock菱铁矿siderite流动体制flow regimes10/21流痕rill impression流态flow regime流体化作用fluidization硫酸盐sulphate漏斗形funnel shape陆表海epicontinental sea陆架边缘体系域shelf margin systems tract 陆相terrestrial陆缘海marginal sea陆源碎屑岩terrigenous clastic rocks陆表海epeiric sea绿泥岩chlorite绿藻门chlorophyta,卵石质砂岩pebbly sandstone螺管迹gyrolithes洛伦茨迹corenzinia脉状层理flaser bedding漫流sheet flow漫游迹planoliies煤coal煤化作用coalification锰质岩manganess rock觅食迹pascichnia觅食拖迹grazing trails密度底流density underflow密度流density current密度跃层pycnocline磨拉石molasses母岩source rock, parent rock母岩区provenance,source area 内成岩endogenetic内栖动物infauna内碎屑intraclast钠长石albite钠长石化albitization能量带energy belt泥mud泥板岩argillite11/21泥晶micrite泥晶套micrite envelope泥粒灰岩(泥质颗粒岩)packstone 泥裂mud crack泥流mud flow泥石流debris flow泥质岩mudrock泥页岩argillutite泥支撑的mud supported泥质的argil拟蠕形迹helminthopsis逆行沙波regressive sand wave逆行沙丘antidune年代地层单位chronostratigraphic unit鸟眼构造birds-eyes structure鸟足状三角洲bird-foot delta凝灰岩tuff凝聚颗粒aggregate grains凝块灰岩thrombolite牛顿流体Newtonian fluid牛轭湖ox-bow lake爬迹repichnia爬升沙纹层理climbing ripple bedding 爬行crawling拍岸浪surf盘旋虫科spirillinidae螃蟹迹psilonichnus跑动running泡沫痕foam impression盆内岩intrabasinal rock盆外岩石extrabasinal rock片流sheetwash偏度Sk1,skewness漂砾erratic平均粒径Mz平均值mean平行层理parallel bedding平直河straight channel12/21破浪breaker破浪带breaker zone葡萄石grapestones气候带climate belts牵引[作用] traction牵引流tractive current牵引毯状沉积traction carpet前滨foreshore前积层foresets前三角洲沉积prodelta deposit浅海区neritic province浅滩shoal墙形迹teichichus丘状交错层理hummocky cross bedding 球度sphericity球粒pellet,pellet peloids球状粒peloid曲带迹curuolithus曲流meander曲流裁直neck cutoff曲流河meandering river取心钻井core drilling全球海平面变化eustatic change of sea level 缺氧事件anoxic event群group群体生物colony(organisms)热云nuee ardente热云岩ignimbrite溶解载荷solutional load熔结凝灰岩ignimbrite蠕形迹helminthoida软流圈asthenosphere软泥ooze弱光带disphotic zone萨布哈(盐沼)sabkha三角洲delta三角洲平原delta plain三角洲前缘delta front13/21三联点triple junction扫毛虫sabellarians沙坝bar沙波sand wave沙流sand flow沙漠desert沙漠相desert facies沙丘dune沙蜀迹arenicolites沙体Sand body沙纹ripples沙嘴spit砂sand砂火山sand volcanoes砂流sand flow砂屑detritus砂屑灰岩calcarenite砂岩sandstone砂枕构造pillow structure 筛状沉积sieve deposition山鹿冲积平原bajada山麓piedmont珊瑚coral扇砾岩fanglomerate扇三角洲fan delta扇状三角洲fan-like delta 舌菌迹glossiofunhites蛇形迹ophiomorpha深海pelagic, deep sea深海带abyssal zone深海沟deep-sea trench/2114深海平原abyssal深海扇deep-sea fan深泓线thalweg深水bathymetric深水盆地bathymetric basin 渗透率permeability生长构造growth structure 生物层biostrome生物带biozone生物地层学biostratigraphy生物灰岩biolithite生物礁reef生物颗粒bioclast生物亮晶灰岩biosparite生物内碎屑bioclastic生物泥晶灰岩biomicrite生物丘bioherm生物扰动作用bioturbation生物遗迹化石trace fossil石膏gypsum石化作用lithification石灰岩limestone石漠hamada石英quarts石英砂岩quartz sandstone,silicarenita 石英净砂岩quartzarenite石英杂砂岩quartzwack石针迹skolithos石枝藻litho-thammium始成岩作用eodiagenesis示顶底标志geopetal criterion事实模式actual model数学模式mathematical model刷模brush casts双杯迹diplocraterion双形迹dimorphichus双趾迹diplichifes水道channel15/21水流current,aqueous flow水流痕current mark水流上涌upwelling水流线理current lineation水平层理horizontal bedding水体分层stratification of the water column 水下泥石流subaqueous debis flow水下岩崩subaqueous rockfall水悬浮作用aqueous suspension斯科阳迹scoyenia似海生迹thalassinoides似海星迹asteriacites似蠕形迹helminthopsis似藻迹phycodes碎屑颗粒detrital particle燧石flint,chert他生沉积物allochthonous sediments它形晶anhedral塌积角砾岩collapse braccia塔斯曼迹tasmanadia台地platform苔藓虫fenestrate bryozoans滩bank滩脊beach ridge碳酸盐carbonate碳酸盐岩carbonate rock, carbonatite碳酸盐岩补偿深度carbonate compensation depth 碳酸盐岩隆(建隆)carbonate buildup逃逸构造escape structure逃逸迹fugichnia体系域systems tract天然堤levee,natural levee填集作用packing跳模bounce casts跳跃作用saltation铁岩ironstone铁质岩ferruginous rock停息迹cubchnia16/21同沉积滑塌构造syndepositinal slump structure 同生白云岩syngenetic dolostone同生作用syngenesis透光带photic zone透镜状层理lenticular bedding湍流turbulent flow团块lumps退覆层序offlap sequence洼状交错层理swaley cross bedding外成岩exogenetic rock外来岩块exotic block外生沉积物exogentic sediments弯曲锚形迹ancorichnus coronus晚成岩作用telodiagenesis网状(交织)河流anastomosing stream,anastomosed river 微亮晶microspar微斜长石microcline胃形钻孔迹gastrochaenolites温跃层thermoclime纹层laminae,lamination纹层状的laminated纹理lamination纹泥,季节泥varve雯石(霰石)aragonite紊流turbulent flow无光带aphotic zone无粘结性颗粒cohesionless particle物源区provenance矽藻diatom细砾granule线管迹tigllites相facies相变facies change相标志facies mark相对海平面relative sea-level相序facies sequence(succession)向上变粗coarsening-upward向上变浅shoaling-upward,shallowing--upward 17/21小潮neap tide小间断diastem斜坡地形clinoform泄水构造water-escape structure泻湖lagoon新生变形作用neomorphism新月形沙丘barchan dune信风trade winds星瓣迹asterosoma休息迹resting traces悬浮(移)负载suspended load选择交代作用selective replacement压扁层理flaser bedding压刻痕toll mark压溶作用pressure solution压实作用compaction盐水楔saltwater wedge岩石地层单位lithostratigraphic unit岩石地层学lithostratigraphy岩石圈lithosphere岩石学petrology岩相lithofacies岩相古地理lithofacies paleogeography岩屑rock fragment,lithic岩屑砂岩lithic sandstone,rock fragment sandstone 岩屑净砂岩litharenite岩屑杂砂岩lithic greywacke岩屑质长石净砂岩lithic arkose岩性lithological沿岸流longshore current沿岸沙坝longshore bar盐度salinity盐湖salt lakes盐碱滩salina氧化作用oxidation页岩shale液化liguefaction液化沉积物流fluidized sediment flow18/21液化作用liquefaction伊利石illite遗迹化石ichnofossil,trace fossil遗迹相ichofacies异化颗粒allochem粘结灰岩bindstones硬砂岩greywacke硬石膏anhydrite涌浪swells尤尔斯特龙图解Hiulstrom diagram油气储层地质建模reservoir geological Modeling 油页岩oil shale游泳生物nekton organisms原生孔隙primary porosity有效孔隙度effective porosity羽状交错层理herringbone cross bedding雨痕rain impression原始古网迹protopalaeodictyon圆度roudness越岸沉积overbank deposit运动迹moving traces韵律层理rhythmic bedding杂基matrix杂基支撑matrix supported杂砂岩graywacke,wacke载荷load再作用面(复活面)reactivation surface 藻管迹phycosiphon藻类algae藻团块algae lumps藻团粒algal poliods藻席Algal mats造礁珊瑚hermatypic coral粘度viscosity粘结岩boundstone粘土级clay size粘土矿物clay mineral粘土岩claystone19/21涨潮流flood current帐篷构造tepees障壁barrier障壁岛barrier island障壁沙咀barrier spit障积岩bufflestone沼泽相swamp振荡波痕oscillation ripples 蒸发岩evaporites正常鲕normal Oolits正递变的normally graded正化颗粒orthochems正态分布normal distribution 直观模式visual model指状沙坝bar-finger sand指状钻孔迹trypanites中成岩作用mesodiagenesis 中峰度的mesokertic中砾pebble中值median钟形bell shape众数mode重晶石barite重流层heavy-fluid layer皱饰迹rusophycus蛀木虫迹teredolites铸模mold铸模孔隙moldic porosity铸型cast锥模prod casts坠积物colluvium准层序parasequence准层序组parasequence set浊积石灰岩allodapic limestone浊积岩turbidite浊流turbidity current自生沉积物autochthonous sediments 自生的authigentic20/21自形晶euhedral自悬浮autosuspension组formation组构fabric钻孔迹trypanites21/21。



complete screen 完整屏幕standard screen 标准屏幕display screen 显示屏幕edition screen 编辑屏幕main screen 主屏幕alphanumberic screen 数据屏graphic screen 曲线屏chromatograph screen 色谱屏geological screen 地质屏process window 处理窗口alarm window 报警窗口dialogue window 对话窗口edition window 编辑窗口system window 系统窗口initialization 初始化calibration 标定logging 录井diagnosis 诊断application 应用reservation 后备BIT bit position 钻头位置Bit Depth 井深,钻头井深STD standard depth 标准井深Depth 井深TD total depth 总井深TVD True Vertical Depth 垂直井深KD Kelly Down Depth 方限井深LAG Lagged Depth 迟后井深Reaming Depth 划眼井深WOH Weight On Hook 大钩负荷,悬重WOB Weight On Bit 钻压ROP Rate of Penetration 钻速,钻时RPM Revolution Per Minute 转盘转速SPP Standpipe Pressure 立管压力SPM Stroke Per Minute 泵冲TQ Torque 扭矩Pump 1,2 1,2号泵Pump Count 泵冲计数Pit 1,2. 1,2号罐Pit Sum , Pit Volume 泥浆罐总体积 MW Mud Weight 钻井液密度PV Plastic Viscosity 塑性粘度 YP Yield Point 屈服点ECD Equivalent Circulating Density 当量循环密度PF=FPG Formation Pressure Gradient 地层压力梯度FRAC Fracture pressure gradient 破裂压力梯度TG Total Gas 总烃,全量TGN Total Gas Normalized 校正的全量Trip Tank 起下钻罐Overpull 超拉Hook Speed 大钩速度Hook Height 大钩高度Swab 抽吸力Surge 冲击力Time On Slip 坐卡瓦时间Time On Hook 重载时间CST chronological sample tacker 井壁取心器BHS borehole status 井眼状况HC hole correct 井眼校正FD fluid density 流体密度FFI free fluid index 自由流体指数CFF compressibility of formation fluid 地层流体压缩系数 FFV formation fluid viscosity 地层流体粘度FFT formation fluid test 地层流体测试SW salt water 盐水water saturation 含水饱和度SWT total water saturation 总含水饱和度SWE effective water saturation 有效含水饱和度SWF free water saturation 自由水饱和度WS water salinity 地层水矿化度SG gas saturation 含气饱和度TCP total core porosity 岩心总孔隙度ECP effective core porosity 岩心有效孔隙度SPI surface potential index 地面产能指数CGS calculated gas saturation 计算的含气饱和度 GCA gas coefficient A 气体校正系数AGCB gas coefficient B 气体校正系数BGOC gas oil contact plane 油气接触面GOR gas oil ratio 油气比GWR gas water ratio 油水比HD high density 高密度CSP casing pressure 套管压力MASP maximum allowed surface pressure 关井最大允许地表压力 FFP final flowing pressure 最终流动压力IHP initial hydrostatic pressure 初始流体静水压力 FHP final hydrostatic pressure 最终流体静水压力 ISIP initial shut-in pressure 初始关井压力 FSIP final shut-in pressure 最终关井压力 SICP shut-in casing pressure 关井套管压力SIDP shut-in drillpipe pressure 关井钻杆压力BHIP bottom hole initial pressure 井底原始压力bottom hole horse power 井底水马力FBP final buildup pressure 最终恢复压力FBS final buildup slope 最终恢复压力曲线the field of formation evaluation 地层评价领域the presence of oil underground 地下石油的存在geographical location 地理位置geological time periods 地质年代formation evaluation method 地层评价方法method of geology and geophysics 地质和地球物理的方法exploration logging 勘探录井exploratory well 探井the specified depth 特定的深度the specified location 特定的井位exploration drilling 勘探钻井drilling fluid and cutting analysis logging 钻井液和岩屑分析录井coring and core analysis 岩心和岩心分析wire line logging 电缆测井sidewall coring 井壁取心wireline formation testing 电缆地层测试DST drillstem test 钻杆中途测试the formation fluid 地层流体the hydrostatic pressure 静水压力samples of subsurface formation 地下地层试样the composition and concentration of formation 地层流体的组份与浓度traces of oil and gas 油气含量formation evaluation log 地层评价录井图mud log 泥浆录井图pressure log 压力录井图core log 岩心录井图wireline log 测井图detailed lithology examination 详细的岩性检查interpretation of lithologies 岩性解释interpretation of stratigraphic horizons 地层层位解释pore pressure evaluation 孔隙压力评价the post-drilling behavior of a formation 地层钻后特性Evaluation Methods 评价方法泥浆录井drill returns logging 泥浆录井,钻井液录井mud logging equipment 泥浆录井设备mud logging techniques 泥浆录井技术the subsurface strata 地下地层high pressure formation 高压地层physical properties of the formation 地层的物理性质the crushed cylinder of formation 钻井破碎的地层岩屑 properties of the drilling mud 钻井液的性质application of mud logging 泥浆录井的应用complete downhole information 完整的井下资料direct measurement of hydrocarbon gase 烃类气体的直接测量 the hydrocarbon content of the mud 钻井液中的烃类含量 total combustible gas 可燃气体总量natural gas 天然气liberated gas 逸出气formation gas 地层气cutting gas 岩屑残余气,破碎气TG trip gas 起下钻气BG background gas 背景气CG connection gas 接单根气post-drilling gas 钻后气production gas 生产气recycled gas 再循环气,重循环气mixture mud material gas 混料气carbide test gas 电石气,碳化物测试气 petroleum gas 石油气dry gas 干气wet gas 湿气zero gas 零气crude oil 原油a correlative tool 对比工具conventional coring 常规取心core analysis 岩心分析core analysis data 岩心分析数据core analysis information 岩心分析资料the value of core analysis 岩心分析的价值 prediction of performance 动态预测porosity, permeability 孔隙度,渗透率fluid saturation 流体饱和度reservoir operation 油藏作业 Gas 气测录井Gas Synthesis 气体综合解释Gas Chart 气体评价解释图Gas Composition 气体组份解释CGS corrected Gas Saturation 校正的含气饱和度SPI Surface Potential Index 地面产能指数gas well logging 气测录井gas detector 气体含量检测仪continuous gas extractor 连续脱气器a gas mixture 气体混合物gas mixture composition 气体混合物组份the fluid 's nature 流体性质hydrocarbon show 烃显示the true amount of gas 气体真实含量the actual amount of hydrocarbon in ud 泥浆中烃实际含量the actual concentration of gas in the 泥浆中气体的实际浓度 SH the hydrocarbon saturation 烃饱和度zones of interpret 解释层段depth starting / ending 深度起止the depth increment 深度增值the replay depth interval 回放深度间隔gas evaluation 气体评价解释Pilex plot 皮勒可斯解释图版Triangle plot 三角形解释图版conclusion 结论gas percent 气体百分含量relative percent 相对百分含量gas ratio 气体比率non productive 非产能区gas 气区oil 油区dry gas 干气区condensate 凝析油区oil and gas 油气区oil and oxydized oil 油和氧化油区gas / oil line 油气界线potato / productive zone 土豆区,生产价值区oil and gas triangle 油,气三角形triangle surface 三角形面积nul triangle 零三角形validation thresholds 有效门限productive target 生产指标quantitative results 定量的结果quantitative interpretation 定量的解释the basis of interpretation 解释基础good qualitative information 良好的定性资料hydraulic equilibrium 水力学平衡BHT bottom pressure 井底压力FP formation pressure 地层压力BHP bottom hole pressure 井底压力pore pressure 孔隙压力the annulus pressure lose 环空压力损失positive differential pressure 正压差negative differential pressure 负压差DP differential pressure 压差an abnormal case 异常情况an overpressured zone 超压带the porous level 多孔层段a high permeability 渗透性强differential pressure factor 压差因素flow rate 流速temperature formation/surface 地层/地表温度pressure formation/surface 地层/地表压力 Pressure Evaluation logging 压力评价录井abnormal pressure 异常压力overburden pressure 上覆地层压力downhole pressure 井底压力abnormal pressure formation 异常压力地层the evaluation of abnormal formation pressure 异常地层压力评价 the overpressure detecting survey 超压检测the evaluation of downhole pressure 井底压力评价the pressure evaluation service 压力评价服务formation type 地层类型soft formation 软地层hard formation 硬地层known formation 已知地层burial depth 埋藏深度cutting size 岩屑尺寸drillablity and rock strength 可钻性及岩石强度 the formation pressure gradient 地层压力梯度normal formation pressure gradient 正常地层压力梯度fracture pressure 破裂压力fracturation gradient 破裂压力梯度overburden gradient 上覆地层压力梯度overburden coefficient 上覆地层系数porosity 孔隙度peremable porosity 渗透孔隙度zones of abnormally high porosity 异常的高孔隙度区域 the pore space 孔隙空间bottom hole differential pressure 井底压差normal compaction 正常压实abnormal pressure conditions 异常压力情况abnormal drilling parameters 异常钻井参数normalized sigma 标准西格码Poisson coefficient 泊松系数Poisson ratio 泊松比the value of Poisson rate 泊松比比值stress ratio 应力比Poisson's stress equations 泊松应力方程the local coefficient 当地系数the trend line 趋势线left margin 左边界sand line 砂岩线a sand bed in undercompacted shales 欠压实页岩中的砂岩drilling breaks 钻井放空bit wear correction factor 钻头磨损校正系数 the raw curve 原始曲线the raw data 原始数据sonic and density data 声波和密度数据matrix density 岩石骨架密度bulk density 岩石体积密度formation density 地层密度trend definition 趋势线确定leak off test 地层漏失试验leak off test data 地层漏失试验数据 interval transit time 声音传播间隔时间 fluid transit time 流体传播时间matrix material transit time 岩石骨架物质传播时间 ELOGS &Wire line logging 测井解释和电测ELOGS 测井解释CPI computer processed interpretation 计算机处理解释sonic 声波测井the sonic porosity 声波孔隙度Archie formula 阿尔奇公式Wyllie's time average formula 怀利时间平均公式Rmicro-Rdeep 微电阻率,深电阻率formation water resistivity 地层水电阻率Rw water resistivity 地层水电阻率Rt formation deep resistivity 深探测地层电阻率 Rmf mud filtrate resistivity 泥浆滤液电阻率Rxo formation micro resistivity 地层微电阻率primary porosity 原始孔隙度formation neutron porosity 地层中子孔隙度formation temperature 地层温度AMST annual mean temperature 地表年平均温度water saturation 含水饱和度clay content 泥质含量clay point 粘土点filtrate data 泥浆滤液数据fluid point 流体点filtrate salinity 泥浆滤液矿化度filtrate density 泥浆滤液密度matrix data 岩石骨架数据matrix point 岩石骨架点the compaction factor 压实系数consolidated formation 压实地层constant 岩性常数cementation factor 胶结指数clean formation 纯地层water bearing formation 含水地层formation contain hydrocarbon 含烃地层moveable hydrocarbon 可动烃residual hydrocarbon 残余烃moveable hydrocarbon saturation 可动烃饱和度residual hydrocarbon saturation 残余烃饱和度saturation line 饱和度线the base line 基线hydrocarbon density 油气密度salinity 矿化度relative precision 相对精度a graphical method 图表法a statistical method 统计法function selection 功能选择WIRELINE LOG 电测wireline logging tool 电测工具measuring devices 测量设备electronic control and transmission circuitry 电子控制和传输线路 wireline logging classification 测井方法resistivity 电阻率测井direct resistivity measurement 直接电阻率测井micro-resistivity measurement 微电阻率测井induction measurement 感应测井SP spontaneous potential 自然电位测井porosity / lithology 孔隙度,岩性测井sonix 声波测井formation density 地层密度测井neutron 中子测井gamma 自然伽玛测井miscellaneous parameters logging 其他参数测井caliper 井径仪borehole geometry tool 井眼几何形状测井仪high-resolution dipmeter to 高分辨率地层倾角测量仪bed thickness, 地层厚度lithology 岩性permeability 渗透率shape, size and communication of the pore space 孔隙空间形状,大小及其连通性presence and type of hydrocarbon 烃类的存在和类型mobility of hydrocarbon 烃类的运移性能formation factor 地层因素correlation 地层对比Humble formula 汉布尔公式interpretation 测井资料解释the analysis of wireline log data 电测资料分析conclusion, result 结论,结果DST drillstem test 钻杆中途测试RFT repeat formation test 重复式地层测试determine the reservoir parameters 确定储集层参数pressure data 压力数据surface pressure 地表压力reservoir static formation pressure 储集层地层静止压力pseudo initial temperature and pressure 视初始温度和压力reservoir permeability 储集层渗透率liquid test 流体测试damage ratio 堵塞率skin effect 表皮效应,污染系数the slope 斜率the intersection 交叉点Horner plot 赫诺图Darcy's law 达西定律milidarcy 毫达西Horner straight line slope 赫诺直线斜率Horner time production 赫诺时间开采时间the flow pattern 流型flowing time 流动时间the compressibility and viscosity of the fluid 流体的压缩系数和粘度 oil formation volume factor 油层体积系数oil compressibility 油压缩率oil viscosity 油沾度net pay zone thickness 产层有效厚度the production fluid 产出液the production rate 产出率,开采速度reservoir average permeablity 储层平均渗透率hole radiul 井眼半径hole diameter 井眼直径gas test 气体测试gas formation volume factor 气层体积因素the critical parameters 临界参数compressibility factor of gas 气体压缩系数gas viscosity 气体粘度gas flow 气体流量net pay zone thickness 净气层厚度formation testing 地层测试wire line formation testing 电缆地层测试repeat formation testing 重复式地层测试formation interval tester 地层间隔测试器multiple fluid sample tool 多节式地层流体取样器the aim of these tools is : 这些工具的目的在于进行fluid identification 流体鉴定oil gravity determination 油比重测定gas analysis 气体分析oil / gas ratio determination 油层/气比测定pressure determination 压力测定flowing pressure 流动压力formation shut-in pressure 地层关井压力hydrostatic pressure 流体静压evaluation of recovered sample 回收试样的评价MWD Measurement While Drilling 随钻测量SWD Seismic While Drilling 随钻地震FMWD Formation Measurement While Drilling 地层随钻测量VSP Vertical Seismic Profile 垂直地震剖面MWDdirectional well 定向井horizontal well 水平井cluster well 丛式井deviation well 定向斜井multiple well 多底井relief well 救援井coordinates 坐标X-, Y- , Z- coordinates X,Y,Z坐标displacement 位移declination 磁偏角hole inclination or hole angle 井斜角maximum hole angle 最大井斜角hole direction 方位角end of deviation 最终井斜azimuth 方位,方位角Geographic North meridian direction 地理北,真北Magnetic North compass direction 磁北Magnetic Azimuth MA 磁方位displacement or closure distance 水平位移horizontal displacement 水平位移vertical section 垂直面vertical, horizontal projection 垂直, 水平投影 rate of build up 造斜率dogleg 狗腿DLS Dogleg Severity 狗腿严重度,井眼曲率KOP kick off point 造斜点target 靶,目标点vertical depth of target 目标垂深target radius 靶区半径actual hole shape 实际井眼形状MWD tool 随钻测斜工具ESS Electronic Survey System 电子测斜仪tool face 工具面tool face angle 工具面角tool face setting 工具面安置角varidril 涡轮钻具,螺杆bent sub 弯接头NMDC non-magnetic drill collar 无磁钻铤stabilizer 稳定器centralizer 扶正器drilling jar 随钻震击器SWDmeasured depth 测量深度TVD True Vertical Depth 真实垂直深度mean sea level 平均海平面seismic datum 地震资料checkshot table 地震声波测井校验炮列表full waveform display 全波形显示seismic energy signal 地震能量信号reflect wavefield 反射波场direct arrivals 直达波reflected arrivals 反射波interval velocity , average velocity 区间速度,平均速度 replacement velocity 置换速度drillstring velocity 钻杆传输速度RMS resistivity of mud sample velocity 泥浆样品电阻率速度travel times 传输时间interval transit time 区间传输时间vertical section 垂直段plane of vertical section 垂直剖面offset, 偏移,炮检距departure 离差latitude 纵距azimuth 方位,方位角job notes 工作单tripping sheet 起下钻工作单reason for the trip 起下钻原因displacement 替泥浆量, 灌泥浆量pull on: even , single , double 起钻钻柱:整立柱,单根,双根 stand No. 立柱号trip tank gauge 起下钻罐计量值calculated hole filling per increment 每一个变量计算的井眼灌浆量 measured hole fill 测量的井眼灌注量discrepancy 误差, 差异well control pre-kick sheet 予压井工作单measured depth 测量井深measured casing shoe depth 测量的套管鞋深度TVD true vertical depth 真实垂直深度casing shoe TVD 套管鞋处垂直深度capacities and volumes 容积与体积drill string data 钻具数据annulus data 环空数据total system volume 总的系统体积bit to shoe volume strokes, time 钻头到套管的体积所需泵冲,时间 surface to bit strokes time 地表到钻头循环所需泵冲时间S. slow circulation rate 低泵速循环速率read and record 读值与记录well control kick sheet 压井工作单pit gain 罐增益量formation breakdown gradient 地层破裂梯度maximum mud weight 最大泥浆密度M.最大允许环空地表压力I C P initial circulating pressure 初始循环压力F C P final circulating pressure 最终循环压力pressure step-down 压力减小total strokes to kill well 压井所需总泵冲total time to kill time 压井所需总时间M. maximum allowable casing pressure 最大允许套管压力drilling information sheet 钻进信息工作单pump and mud information 泥浆泵与钻井液信息string and hole information 钻具与井眼信息up ,down , on bottom off bottom 上提,下放,接触井底,提离井底 BHA bottom hole assembly 下部井眼钻具组合BHA No. 下部井眼钻具组合编号BHA types 下部井眼钻具组合类型item , serial No. , length 项目名称,系列编号,长度 OD outside diameter 外径ID inside diameter 内径FOND 打捞外径FNL 币打捞内径weight below jar 震击器以下重量total BHA weight 下部钻具组合总重量bouyed weight total 总的浮力重量N / A next assembly 下次装配not applicable 不适用的not available 无效,未利用NA non-available 无资料,不详,不合用varidril 动力钻具bent housig 弯接头orienting sub 定向接头pulse sub 脉冲接头DC drill collar 钻铤pony DC 短钻铤NMDC non-magnetic drill collar 无磁钻铤HWDP heavy weight drillpipe 加重钻杆DP drillpipe tally 钻杆记录表joint length 单根长度stand No 立柱号stand length 立柱长度sum length 总长度casing tally 套管记录表joint length 单根长度sum length 总长make-up length 组合长度casing length 套管钢级tubing tally 油管记录表corrective length 校正长度thread length 丝扣长度sample list 岩样清单item 项目unwashed sample 未洗样dry sample 干样canned sample 罐装样box No. 箱号interval 井深间隔notes, remarks 注释,标记consumable price list 消耗物品价格表item description 项目名称unit price 单价comment 说明material consumption list 材料消耗清单item 项目quantity 数量,用量dairy charge report 日费结算报告mud logging during 作业时间起止signature 签名CO. 公司代表报告midnight depth 午夜钻进井深previous depth 以前的井深gas reading 气体读值background gas 背景气pipe connection gas 接单根气peak 显示高峰TOT HHP 总的水马力损失BIT HHP 钻头水马力损失geological morning report 地质早报present operation 现在作业情况lithological summary 岩性小结24 hrs operations summary 24小时作业情况摘要24 hrs forecast 未来24小时作业预测 wellsite core description report 井场岩心描述报告 End of Well Report 完井报告final well report 完井报告final mud logging report 泥浆录井完井报告contents 目录introduction 前言well data 井史数据资料mud logging description 泥浆录井工作描述stratigraphy 区域地层hydrocarbon shows summary 烃类显示摘要pressures discussion 压力讨论summary of drilling events 钻井事件摘要appendix 附录The format end of well report by Halliburtion 哈里伯顿公司完井报告格式contents 目录overview=well data 概述相当于数据大表well profile 井身剖面图1, Mud logging service provision 泥浆录井设备rig layout and location of sensors 钻机设备平面图及传感器位置 sensor specifications 传感器技术规格2, Geology 地质lithological discussion 岩性探讨sampling and dispatch 岩样与岩样清单3, Overpressure 超压,过压overpressure discussion 地层超压讨论overpressure plots 超压绘图4, Drilling 钻井hole section summaries 各井段概述bit data 钻头数据BHA configurations BHA配置mud summary 钻井液概述bit run hydraulics 钻头水力学5, Deviation 井斜deviation summary 井斜概述survey data and plot 井斜数据及井斜图6, Petrophysical analysis 岩石物理学分析gas data summary 气体数据概述gas ratio crossplot 气体比率交汇图7, Time breakdown 作业时效分析well progress plot 钻井进度图rig time analysis 钻机作业时效分析统计8, Inclusions 内附,包含lithology log MD 1:500 1:500测深岩性录井图lithology log TVD 1:500 1:500垂深岩性录井图drilling log 1:500 1:500工程录井图normalised gas log 1:500 1:500校正的气体录井图pressure log 1:2000 1:2000压力录井图drilling data ASCII data diskette ASCII码钻井数据软盘 master log 主录井图lygend 图例company 公司名称rig 钻井队名称area 所在地区country 所在国家location 位置elevation 海拔高度water depth 水深depth ref 井深参考RKB rotary kelly bushing 方钻杆补心高度 well configuration 井身结构bit size 钻头尺寸hole depth 井眼深度casing size 套管尺寸shoe depth 套管鞋深度spud date 开钻日期TD date 钻至总井深日期TD driller 总井深logged from 录井开始日期logged to 录井作业止depth scale 井深比例pressure evaluations log 压力评价录井图 TGN log total gas normalized TGN录井图cutting sample log 岩屑录井图core sample log 岩心录井图core sample examination sheet 岩心样品检验结果单 gas analysis chart 气体分析图表shale density measurements 页岩密度测量表NB new bit 新钻头NCB new core bit 新取心钻头RRB re-round bit 再次入井钻头BR bit run 钻头进尺WOB weight on bit 钻压SPP standpipe pressure 立压PP pump pressure 泵压RPM revolutions per minute 转盘转速SPM strokes per minute 泵冲CS casing shoe 套管鞋位置CR circulated returns 循环返出物CG connection gas 接单根气TG trip gas 起下钻气WTG wiper trip gas 通井后效气NR no returns 无返出物PR poor returns 返出物较少EL electric log 电测POOH pull out of hole 起钻RIH run in hole 下钻WT wiper trip 通井LAT logged after trip 起钻后测井DS directional survey 定向测斜DST drill stem test 钻杆中途测试DC depth correction 井深校正RMG reaming 划眼WOW wait on weather 等天气WOC wait of cement 固井水泥候凝WOO wait on order 等指令,待命LAT logging after trip 起钻后测井LCM lost circulation material 堵漏剂,堵漏材料 FR flow rate 流速FC flow check 溢流检查W weight lb / gal 比重, 密度MG mud gradient psi / kft 泥浆梯度V funnel viscosity s /qt 漏斗粘度AV apparent viscosity 表观粘度PV plastic viscosity cp 塑性粘度YP yield point lb / cf2 屈服点,动切力 GEL gel strength lb / cf2 静切力PH acidity 酸度moisture 湿度F filtrate cm3 /30 泥浆滤液FL filtrate loss 滤失量CK cake thickness in / 32 泥饼厚度S salinity kg /m3 泥浆矿化度SD sand content % 含砂量O oil content 含油量WL water lose cm 3 / 30 失水SOL solids content % 固相含量PF filtrate alkalinity % 碱度, 含碱量GYP gypsum content lb / bbl 石膏含量Additives for drilling fluid 钻井液添加剂 releasing stuck agent 解卡剂LCM lost circulate additives / plugging agent 堵漏剂 foaming agent, foamer 发泡剂flocculant, flocculating agent 絮凝剂bactericidal agent, biocide 杀菌剂defoaming agent, defoamer 消泡剂emulsifier, emulsifying agent 乳化剂bridge agent 桥堵剂retarder, retardant 缓蚀剂lubricant 润滑剂viscosifier, thickener 增粘剂viscosity-reducing agent, thinner 降粘剂note, comment, 注释,标记remarks 注释,说明All the drilling troubles 、accidents and some main changed parameters should benoted on the logs and real-time charts.所有钻井复杂情况、事故及一些主要的变化的参数均应标注在录井图件和实时打印资料上Run bit No. 4 下入第四号钻头bit parameters, 钻头参数bit manufacture 钻头制造商bottom up / lag time 迟到时间Pump off for 停泵…分钟PC pipe connection 接单根connection gas 接单根气trip gas 起下钻气carbide test 电石气试验carbide gas 电石气change ROP scale 变换ROP比例setting zero 调零,置零gas system re-calibrated 气体系统重新标定midnight depth 午夜井深case steel grade 套管钢级casing shoe 套管鞋位置liner 尾管下深slurry density 水泥浆密度cement quantity 水泥用量cement plug 水泥塞厚度leak off test 地层漏失试验starting drilling 开始钻进drill with fresh water 用清水钻进drill with sea water 用海水钻进POOH to core at 3215m 起钻在3215米取心coring interval 取心井段core length 岩心长度core recovery 取心收获率dumping returns 返出物放掉no gas data 无气体数据NS no survey 未测,没有测no sample 无样品no sample collected 无岩样high total gas due to diesel contamination 总烃显示高值是由于柴油污染所致 gas show 气体显示gas peak 气显示高峰值well kick 井涌flow check 溢流检查choke circulating 节流循环raised mud weight 提高泥浆密度short trip 短起下钻change BHA 换下部钻具组合overpull 超拉bit lost in hole 钻头落井, 掉钻头 broken pipe 断钻具fishing 打捞fish top 鱼顶fish length 鱼长fishing cutter 打捞切割器MU make up new BHA 组合新BHAtest MWD tool 测试MWD工具install top drive 安装顶驱cut and slip 倒大绳PU pick up 15 joints 配接15根单根raise MW mud weight to 提泥浆密度至reduce mud weight 降泥浆密度check losses or gain 检查泥浆漏失,增益 shut in well 关井observed pressures 观察压力squeeze LCM lost circulated additives 挤堵漏剂pump spacer fluid 打隔离液displace packer fluid 替封隔液drill break 钻进放空circulate bottom up 将井底泥浆循环出来 back reaming / pumping back 倒划眼pump out of hole to shoe 倒划眼至套管鞋。

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Lithology description
Description cutting by microscope显微镜下描述岩性, check color颜色, grain size粒度, roundness圆度, hardness硬度, texture结构,Structure构造, porosity孔隙度, cement胶结, content 含有物,mode of occurrence产状。

1.Color颜色:example例如: gray灰色,light gray浅灰色,dark gray深灰色,greenish gray绿灰色,olive greenish gray橄榄绿灰色,brownish gray褐灰色, green绿色, brown褐色, black黑色,red红色, white白色, off white无色, mottled 杂色的,etc等等.
2. Litho logy name 岩性定名:
clay stone 泥岩,siltstone 泥质粉砂岩,very fine sandstone粉砂岩,fine sandstone 细砂岩, medium sandstone 中砂岩,coarse sandstone 粗砂岩,very coarse sandstone 砂砾岩,granule 细砾岩,小砾岩,pebble 鹅卵石(中砾岩),couble大砾岩,boulder 巨砾岩。

Coal 煤, lignite 褐煤,limestone 灰岩,mudstone 泥灰岩,packstone 泥粒灰岩,iolite 鲕粒灰岩,wackstone 灰泥石灰岩,grainstone 颗粒石灰岩,boundstone 粘结岩,crystalline carbonate 结晶碳酸岩,dolomite 白云岩,basalt 玄武岩,tuff 凝灰岩,magna 岩浆岩,metamorphic rock, 变质岩,gypsum 石膏,anhydrite 硬石膏,igneous rock 火成岩,chart 燧石,quartzite 石英岩,
Check grains by microscope with grains chart,显微镜下观察粒度并与粒度板对比确定岩屑粒度。

Grain size as follow (FIG1)粒度见下及图1:
very angular , angular 棱角状,sub angular 次棱角状,sub rounded 次圆状,rounded 圆状,well rounded,as show in FIG 1见图1
4 sorting:
very well sorted 分选极好的,well sorted 分选好,moderately sorted分选中等,poorly sorted 分选差。

5.hardness determine hardness by needle 用钢针来判断,岩石硬度:
very soft 极软,soft 软, firm较软, moderately hard 较硬, hard硬, very hard 极硬.
6. cement胶结and cement 胶结物:
clay 粘土, argillaceous泥质,kaolinite 高岭土(高岭石),chalk白垩土,glauconite
海绿石,calcareous灰质, siliceous 硅质的。

Unconsolidated 疏松,very poorly 极差,poorly差,moderately 中等,well 好,very well 极好。

7. calcareous bearing 含钙情况:
put cutting onto porcelain and drop ten percent hydrochloric acid on it and check the reaction 把岩屑放到磁盘上,滴10% 的盐酸,观察反应情况。

non calcareous不含钙, slight calcareous微含钙, calcareous 含钙。

8. The way to distinguish cement and cutting ,区别水泥和岩屑的方法:
Put cutting onto porcelain and drop liquid of phenolphthalein on it , if the color turn into red , that means there is cement in the cutting

9. porosity 孔隙度:
very poor 极差,poor差,fair 中等,good 好,very good 极好。

10. direct fluorescence and cut fluorescence 荧光直照和系列对比:
Put cutting onto porcelain, and drop some chloroform (chlorothene) on it , then put porcelain under fluorescent lamp check 把岩屑放到瓷盘上滴上氯仿,然后放到荧光灯下观察。

11. oil bearing description含油描述:
color颜色, odor气味, stain浸染痕迹, percentage of cutting含量,
direct fluorescence and crushed cut fluorescence , nil无(no show), trace少量, poor 差, fair中等, good好,very good 很好。

12. content 含有物:
argillaceous含泥, sandy含砂, salty含粉砂, carbonaceous speck含炭屑,calcareous 含钙, shell含贝壳, igneous fragment火成岩碎块(岩屑), glauconite海绿石, kaolinite高岭石, chalk白垩土, pyrite黄铁矿, algae海藻, ammonite菊石。

14. Structure 构造:
foraminifer 虫孔,karts 喀斯特,microfra裂隙,conchoid

15. luster 光泽:
vitreous 玻璃光泽,metallic luster 金属光泽,milky油脂光泽,satiny luster 丝绢光泽。

16. Formation thickness and combination as follow list:
