

冀教版英语八年级下册Unit 8:Lesson 46 Protect Our Environment

冀教版英语八年级下册Unit 8:Lesson 46 Protect Our Environment
Teaching aids:Text book Computer-Assisted
Teaching procedure
T:Look atsomepictures, What can you see from them?
Phrases:again and again, make a difference to
Difficult points:Totalk abouthowwe protect our environment
Teaching method:Task- based teaching learning in doing
throw garbage on the ground
sort the waste before throwing it away
cut down trees in forests
turn off the tap when we are brushing our teeth
Group works
Let the Ss to know how totalk about the ways to protect our environment.
Group 2----to save water,we need to
Group3----to recycle,we need to
Group 4----to make less pollution,we need to
Group5----to make a big difference to our environment,we need to

冀教版八年级下册英语Unit8 Lesson 47 Connected to Nature

冀教版八年级下册英语Unit8 Lesson 47 Connected to Nature
14. Weare_____________ (connect) bytheInternet. connected
15. You_______________ (grow) sincethehlaasvtteigmreoIwsanwyou.
三、连词成句 16. classes, have, break, between, we, a _______________________________.
提示:点击 进入习题
1 natural
6 isfilledwith
2 weak
7 startout
3 respect
8 need; togrow
4 ant 5 dead
9 liveoff 10 dead; dieoff
二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 11. Hisparents________ (die) afewyearsago.
died Heisanorphan(孤儿). 12. Peopleshould________ (respect) andunderstandeachroetshpeerc.t
13. Ants, dovesandcatsare____l_iv_i_n_g (live) things.
9. YangJiang, afamousfemalewriter,

冀教版八年级英语下册 Unit8 总复习 练习题教学课件PPT初二公开课

冀教版八年级英语下册 Unit8 总复习 练习题教学课件PPT初二公开课

英语·冀教版·八年级下册Unit 8 Save Our World Lesson 43: Let’s Clean Up!一、根据句意及汉语提示写出单词1. We should pay (注意) to our safety no matter where we are.2.[2020辽宁辽阳灯塔市实验中学期末改编]There is too much (垃圾) in the kitchen. Could you please take it away?3.Students find that many rubbish bins in different colours are laid in the (校园).4.[2020江苏盐城中考]Scientists say that music makes our brain "feel happy" and it (解释) the importance of music in cultures all over the world.5.[2021江苏常州金坛区模拟] There will be less (污染) in our city if we take action to protect the environment.答案1.attention 句意:不管在哪里,我们都应该注意我们的安全。

pay attention to"注意……"。

2.rubbish/garbage 句意:厨房里垃圾太多了。


3.schoolyard 句意:学生们发现校园里放了很多不同颜色的垃圾桶。

4.explains 根据and前的内容可知,此处应用一般现在时,又因主语是it,故应用动词的第三人称单数形式。

5.pollution 句意:如果我们采取行动保护环境,我们城市的污染就会减少。

冀教版八年级下册英语 Unit 8 Lesson 44 Environment Clubs 授课课件

冀教版八年级下册英语 Unit 8 Lesson 44 Environment Clubs 授课课件

知识点 2 Howmuchgarbagedoyouthrowawayafte rlunch?
考点2 throwaway扔掉;失去 考向一 动副短语,宾语是代词,放中间;宾语是名词,
放中间或后边! eg:
wones. 你应该把旧椅子扔掉,买些新的。
InNorthAmerica, many
考向一 常用短语: reduceto减少到……; reduceby减少了……
eg: Thenumberofthestudentshasreducedto200 thisyear.
Wehavereducedthepriceby10percent. 我们已经把价格降低10%了。 考向二 reduce的反义词为increase(增加)。
考向一【le易as错t修点饰】不可数名词时,一般用来指量,不指 具体的数。little——less——least
eg:Hedidtheleastworkofall. 在所有人当中,他做了最少的工作。
Ihavefewerdressesandlessmoneythanyou. 我的连衣裙及金钱都比你的少。 考向二 least,less也可作副词,用来修饰形容词或动词。 eg:Ithappenedjustwhenweleastexpectedit. 它发生在我们最料想不到的时候。 考向三 atleast至少,其后常跟表示数量的词。 eg:Atleasttenpeoplewerekilledinthecrash. 至少有十人在撞车事故中丧生。

冀教版八年级下Unit8 Lesson 62课件(共14张PPT)

冀教版八年级下Unit8 Lesson 62课件(共14张PPT)

Fill in the blanks with the proper forms.
worried (worry) . 1. Don’t be ________
2. The air and water _____(be) clean in Dalian. are 3. Then those waste things get______ made (make) into new things . 4. I think cars and big factories make the _____(much) most pollution .
4. What does she think pollute the environment?
She thinks cars and big factories make the most pollution.
Language Points
1.I don’t worry about it too much.
Learning aims: 1. Learn the new word: can 2. Learning tips 3. Do good things to protect our environment
Can you remember?
Don’t throw cans everywhere. They pollute our environment.
1. Where does Liu Yan live?
Dalian in Liaoning Province. 2. What does Liu Yan think people waste? She thinks people waste paper and water. 3. Why does she take short showers? Because she wants to save water.

冀教版八下英语课件 Unit 8 Save Our World Lesson 43

冀教版八下英语课件 Unit 8 Save Our World Lesson 43
it! Look at this piece of paper! Danny: Oh no!
Learning Tip
World Environment Day began in 1972. It's organized by the U. N. every year in different countries. Its aim is to remind people to protect the environment.
八年级英语下(JJ) 教学课件
Unit 8 Save Our World Lesson 43: Let’s Clean Up!
➢ Key words & phrases: attention; rubbish; pollution; explain; clean up; draw one’s attention;
is too much _r_u_b__b_is_h___ left by the factories.
Marina: If this goes on, the fish will die. People should do something to stop the _p_o_ll_u_t_io_n___.
pollution this week. A: Good idea! We would finish cleaning in an hour!
3. Complete the dialogue with the correct forms of the words in the box. pollution rubbish schoolyard agree clean attention
Playing soccer.

2021年冀教版八年级英语下册Unit8 Lesson 43 优质课课件(共15张PPT)

2021年冀教版八年级英语下册Unit8 Lesson 43 优质课课件(共15张PPT)

II. 用适当的介词填空。 1. I will finish the job ___in___ two hours. 2. You should explain your plan ___to___ the students carefully. 3. What can you do __w_i_th__ this rubbish? 4. Please pick __u__p__ that paper. 5. Today we have a lot __o__f __ homework to do.
Unit 8 Save Our World!
We will learn:
► Talking about Cause, Effect and Purpose
► Using “it”
► It is a waste to use paper only on one side. ► We should respect the earth and all the living things on it. ► I think it’s our duty to protect the environment.
Language Points
1. Look at all of this rubbish! 看这有这么多垃圾!
rubbish n. 垃圾,废物,废话 同义词:garbage rubbish collection垃圾堆 rubbish pail垃圾桶
The cupboard was full of old papers, broken toys and other rubbish. 碗橱里尽是些旧文件、 坏掉的玩具和其他一些没用的东西。

冀教版英语八年级下册Unit 8 Lesson 46 Protect Our Environment

冀教版英语八年级下册Unit 8 Lesson 46 Protect Our Environment

八年级下Unit8<<Lesson 46 Protect Our Environment>>一.【教材简介】本单元话题是“保护环境,拯救地球”,主要是学习有关日常生活中与环境相关的单词,以及围绕着环境污染与环境保护展开的对话、语篇,相关的语法知识是代词“It”做形式主语的用法,以及情态动词“should”的用法。




三.【学法指导】1. 在情景中学。


2. 注重综合技能的提高。


3. 积极参与。


四.【目标预设】1.知识与能力目标:重点突破本单元的重点句型,搞清难点,make sure(that)......, (Never ) forget to do.........,unlike.......,We should............,We shouldn’t............ 能够读懂相关题材的短文,能够简单表达对保护环境的看法,能写出相关话题的短文,并应用到现实交际中。

2. 过程与方法目标:依照导入----认知----理解---巩固----反馈的过程,合理分配好课堂教学的‘密度’‘广度’‘深度’,采用个人、小组、集体、师生互动的灵活课堂模式,创造生动、活泼的英语课堂。

3. 情感态度与价值观:引导学生在学习语篇的过程中如何理解、表达有关环保的话题。



一个字,遇合了当下便是“聚”义;散亦一字,分别了当下便是“散”义。我不吃誓言鸦片,故不问聚后何时散,散后何时聚,该聚自然会聚,该散放心一散。 ? ?连语言都应该舍弃,你我之间,只有干干净净的缄默,与存在。
I have two jiao . I have the least money of all.
a leaking tap You can’t use the water that leaks out .
throwaway chopsticks
Listen read and talk : Listen to the tape and the answer the questions below .
回家,倒像抱着久被蒙尘的心,眉目之间戚然有悔。 这是早课,她正襟危于案前默诵经文,忽然婆婆推门进来,说是有话要问。她赶紧起身,延请婆婆入座,自己则靠着案角坐在地毯上,脑里还留着经文中的警句,婆婆是怎么起话头的她毫无用心,大约是蔬果油盐一斤多少钱……猛地,一句



4. I’m a little bit ____B____. I want to drink some hot water.
A. angry
B. thirsty
C. tired
D. embarrassed
5. —After the big exams, we can finally have a good rest.
8. 所有生物的生长都需要食物和水。 All living things ___n_e_e_d__ food and water ____t_o___ ___g_r_o_w__.
9. 一些鸟以鱼为食。 Some birds ___l_iv_e___ ___o_f_f___ fish.
10. 如果鸟吃了病鱼或死鱼, 它们会相继死去。 If the birds eat the sick or __d__ea_d___ fish, they may ___d_i_e___ ___o_f_f___.
D. had
【点拨】句意为“我们每个人都有一个人生目标, 它将指引我 们走向光明的未来”。由主句的主语each of us 可知谓语动词 用单数, 且句子的时态是现在的情况, 用一般现在时。故选A。
3. I’m not sure whether I can hold a party in the open air,
3. People are trying to save some endangered __s_p_e_c_i_e_s__ (物种).
4. The ___a_n_t___ (蚂蚁) is a social insect. 5. Kobe Bryant, a former basketball player, ___d_ie_d___ (死)

2014八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Save Our World lesson 47 Connected to Nature课件 (新版)冀教版

2014八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Save Our World lesson 47 Connected to Nature课件 (新版)冀教版

Task 2
Give more suggestions about how to protect the environment and then make a report.
Task 3
Give living things are connected to each other.
Read again and fill in the blanks
live off depend on start out be filled with die off species connect respect The natural world ______________ is filled with living things. Living things __________ weak and small and start out slowly grow strong and big. All living things need food and water to grow. We are different in some ways, but all living connected We all live on the same things are __________. planet, and we depend _________ on each other. Some birds _________ fish. If the birds eat the sick or live off die off We should dead fish, they may _______. respect the earth and all the ________ species on it. ________

冀教版八年级下册 lesson 8:Why are plants important 课程教学设计

冀教版八年级下册 lesson 8:Why are plants important 课程教学设计
nguage aims:
3.Emotional aims:
Master the words and phrases.
Talk about the importance of plants.
Learn phrases:出示短语take energy from, in a word, be made from, It’s pleasant to do, fulfill one’s basic needs
Listen & Do (Listen to the tape and do the following exercises)
5.When the weather is sunny and hot, you can sit in theshadeunder a tree.
Read and Answer
1.What are Danny, Jenny and Brian talking about?
2.Where can the trees and plants take energy from?
1.Knowledge aims:
Master the words and phrases: basic, pleasant, shade, fulfill, soil; It’s pleasant to do..., take energy from, be made from, in a word



1.素材积累 【短语】 ①关闭 turn off ②总是;一直 all the time ③扔掉 throw away ④保护环境 protect the environment
⑤打扫 clean up ⑥把……分成…… divide...into... ⑦世界环境日 World Environment Day ⑧产生影响 make a difference
2.写作指导 ①文章是介绍保护环境的方法,应使用第 一 人称和 ___一__般__现__在____时态。 ②该文章主题内容为介绍保护环境的方法和采取的措施,文 体应为 说明文 。
论意义 Protecting the environment is important for everyone.
【中间句】 ①We should go shopping with cloth bags instead of plastic bags. ②Remember to turn off the lights when you leave the classroom. ③Don’t throw away garbage everywhere. ④We should turn off the tap when we don’t use it. ⑤It is a waste to use paper only on one side.
Fourth, the garbage can be divided into four categories: recyclable, harmful, dry and wet waste.Before putting the garbage into the dustbins, we should learn how to sort it.And we can reuse cloth bags instead of plastic ones.

八年级英语下册 Unit 2Lesson 8 作业课件 (新版)冀教版

八年级英语下册 Unit 2Lesson 8 作业课件 (新版)冀教版

. beautiful
[2020江苏镇江中考改编]A man had a garden. He planted 1.
rose and watered it carefully. Before the rose blossomed (开花), he
There are two kinds lowering plants.
Almost all the trees around us are flowering plants. You can know some trees from
nothing good can possibly come from us. We give up watering the
roses in us, and 7.
(slow) they die. We never realize the gift
1.a 2.How 3.lost 4.before 5.grow 6.ourselve s 7.slowly 8.discover 9.At 10.times
everybody’s spirit. The good qualities planted in us at birth, 5.
(grow) among the thorns — our weaknesses. Many of us look at 6.
(we) and we only see our weaknesses. We lose heart, thinking that
1.It’s .pleasant to walk in the forest



If we pollute the rivers and oceans,fish may get sick or even die.如果我们污染了河流和海洋,鱼可能会生病,甚至死亡。
◎观察思考: 1.Lei Feng has been dead for many years, but his spirit is still encouraging us.雷锋已经去世很多年了,但他的精神仍然在激励着我 们。 2.My cat died two years ago.It has been dead for two years.Its death makes me sad.我的猫两年前去世了。它死了两年了。它的死 让我很悲伤。
根据汉语意思完成句子 1.他已经死亡并且被埋了很多年了。 He’s been dead and buried for years. 2.小狗的死令他很伤心。 The death of the little dog makes him sad. 3.这条可怜的狗没有食物了,快要死了。 The poor dog has no food.It is dying .
dead 形容词 表示状态,常作表语或定语,意为“死亡的;无生命的”
【拓展】 (1)die of 意为“死于”,常指因疾病、年老等自然原因而死亡,多指 内因。 (2)die from 意为“死于”,常指因战争、意外等情况而死亡,多指外 因。 (3)die off意为“相继死去;灭绝”。 (4)die for意为“为……而死”。
4.许多动物都已经灭绝了。 Many kinds of animals have died off . 5.过去,许多人因饥饿而死去。 Many people died of hunger in the old days. 6.那位老人死于一场交通事故。 The old man died from a traffic accident.

冀教版八年级英语上册第2单元《Lesson 8 Email Helps!》课件(共16张PPT)

冀教版八年级英语上册第2单元《Lesson 8 Email Helps!》课件(共16张PPT)
• You have to believe in yourself. That's the secret of success. 人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。

活动二:Read and write true (T) or false (F).
1. Danny’s favourite subject is P.E. (T ) 2. The teacher was very angry with Danny. (F ) 3. Li Ming’s favourite subject is English.( T ) 4. Li Ming hates maths. (F )
3.The best time ___ is in autumn.
A.travelling B.to travel C.travels D.traveled
4.Please help me ____my English.
2. 按要求改写下列句子。 1.Mary helps me to learn English.(改为同义句)
活动一:Read and Answer What subjects do Jenny and Brain like best?
•9、要学生做的事,教职员躬亲共做;要学生学的知识,教职员躬亲共学;要学生守的规则,教职员躬亲共守。2021/8/262021/8/26Thursday, August 26, 2021 •10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。2021/8/262021/8/262021/8/268/26/2021 10:58:51 AM •11、只有让学生不把全部时间都用在学习上,而留下许多自由支配的时间,他才能顺利地学习……(这)是教育过程的逻辑。2021/8/262021/8/262021/8/26Aug-2126-Aug-21 •12、要记住,你不仅是教课的教师,也是学生的教育者,生活的导师和道德的引路人。2021/8/262021/8/262021/8/26Thursday, August 26, 2021

2014八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Save Our World Lesson 45 Let's Sort Garbage!课件 (新版)冀教版

2014八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Save Our World Lesson 45 Let's Sort Garbage!课件 (新版)冀教版

Read the dialogue and answer the following questions
1. Why are Danny and Jenny surprised
after sorting the garbage?
Because almost all of it can be reused or recycled! They need to throw only one small bag of garbage.
Read the dialogue and answer the following questions
1. Why are Danny and Jenny surprised after
sorting the garbage? 2. How do people waste paper? 3. What will Danny do with the broken toy car? 4. Why is it dangerous to drop litter / rubbish carelessly?
World in Rubbish…… City in Rubbish……
Life in Rubbish……
What are good ways to solve the problem of rubbish / garbage?
Lesson 45 Let’s Sort Garbage
Listen to the dialogue and write true or false
Qs: 1. How many groups do the Japanese sort their garbage? What are they?



Lesson 8: Unit Review单元复习◆课文英汉对照Ⅰ. Building Your Vocabulary 增强你的词汇A. Fill in each blank with the proper word from the list. Use the correct form. 从方框中选出合适的词,并用其正确形式填空。

need需要hold握住kick踢set 落下get 变得1. Days __________ longer in spring.白天在春天__________长了。

.2. When we play soccer, we __________ the ball.我们踢足球时,我们__________球。

3. It’s still cold. I _________ my jacket and boots.还是很冷,我__________我的夹克和靴子。

4. The sun _________ in the evening.太阳在傍晚__________。

5. Please _________ the swing for me.i want to climb down.请为我_________秋千,我想爬下来。

答案:1. get2. kick3. need4. sets5. holdB. Find the proper words in this unit.从本单元中找出合适的词。

1. the opposite of pull: __________“拉”的反义词:_____________2. a short- lasting fall of rain: __________持续时间不长的降雨:_____________3. something that is true or real: __________一件真的、不捏造的事:_____________4. way from one place to another, where cars, buses can drive: __________从一处到另一处,小汽车、公共汽车可以在上面行驶的路:_____________5. a piece of ground where children play in a school: __________孩子们在学校玩耍的一块场地:___________C. Fill in the blank with the proper word. The first letter is given. 用合适的单词填空,首字母已给出。

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2. 观看日出和日落 3. 和……意思相同
4. 害怕打雷闪电 5. 害怕荡秋千6. 从……上掉下源自7. 发出很大响声 8. 上升
9. 在温暖的阳光下
10. 12小时的日光 11. 相当吸引人
12. 直到…… 才
13. 一个接一个 14. 看见某人正在做… 15. 十五分钟后
16. 轻轻地吹
17. 一大片花
18. 爬上山坡
19. 骑自行车兜风 20. 打他的头
21. 打某人的脸
22. 如此不同
23. 推某人一下
24. 在秋千上玩
25. 部分雷阵雨天 26. 最后,终于
27. 抓紧,坚持
28. 临时照顾他表妹 29. 伤到她自己
30. 变化很大
Grammar And Useful Expressions
Lesson Eight
Unit Review
thunder and lightning
Activities people usually do in sping
go mountain climing
go cycling
fly kites
play soccer
go to the park to exercise
• 合成词,如:foot –ball - football • 表示提建议的句型有哪些? • 关于天气和日期的句型有哪些? • 关于天气的词汇有哪些?
sun --- sunny rain ---- rainy cloud --- cloudy snow ---- snowy storm --- stormy thunder --- thundery shower --- showery fog --- foggy wind --- windy
• Write a passage about spring . • Write at least 80 words
go on a trip
plant trees
take photos
go boating
• Spring is life Spring is hope So is love and happiness. Spring renews. Without spring, life is forlorn. Spring is nostalgia (乡愁) after bitter storm. Put spring in your heart