
店铺整理了两人英语对话带翻译,欢迎阅读!两人英语对话带翻译篇一Entrepreneurship 自主创业dialogue 1S: why don't you start searching for a job?Your classmates have all begun.你怎么还不开始找工作啊?你同学都已经开始了.J: I want something more challenging.我想做点更有挑战性的事情.S: Like what?比如说呢?J: to run my own business and be my own boss.自己做生意,做自己的老板.S: why do you want to start your own business? Students of your major can easily land a job nowadays.你为什么想自主创业呢?你们这个专业的学生现在很好找工作啊.J: well, I hate being controlled by others,and I don't want to start at the bottom of a steep corporate ladder.我不愿意受制于人,也不想从公司的最底层开始往上爬.S: I don't mean to discourage you,but do you know that most new business fail?are you fully prepared?不是想打击你,你知道很多刚开始创业的人都失败了吗?你做好准备了没?J: sure I am. To avoid risk, I'll start by opening a small online store in order to make the first bucket of gold of my life.做好准备了.为了避免风险,我会先开一个小型网点来掘人生的第一桶金.S: that's down-to-earth. The profits may be low,but you don't have to put in too much overhead.这想法挺现实的.挣得可能不多,但也不用投入更多管理费用.J: yeah, I can work at home, saving the cost of renting an office. And I don't have to hire an extra hand unless I'm extremely busy.对,我可以在家里工作,省下租办公室的钱.如果不是特别忙,也不用花钱雇人帮忙.S: good, in that way,little by little, you can accumulate enough start-up investment for your own company.不错,那样的话,你就可以一点点地为你自己的公司积累创业资金了. 两人英语对话带翻译篇二S: I'm going to work in a multi-national enterprise after gradution.毕业之后我会到一家跨国公司工作.J: but you said your dream was to be an entrepreneur, to be your own boss.可是你说过你想成为一名企业家,当自己的老板.S: I'll do it someday. But it's not the right time now. I have to learn a lot by working as an employee.总有一天我会的,不过现在时机还不成熟.我得先给别人打工,多学些东西.J: it sounds like you've got a perfect plan.你好像已经计划得很完美了.S: you could say so.I'll work hard in that company and try to understand as much as possible about how to run an enterprise.可以这样讲.我会先在那家公司努力工作,多多学习怎样经营企业.J: it can save you lots of time and effort to simply copy a successful business model.通过复制成功的商业模型,你可以省去很多时间和精力.S: yeah,the success stories of that company might be useful for me. And their customers may become the potential ones for my own company.是啊,那家公司的成功经验可能会对我很有帮助.他们的客户有一天也可能成为我公司的潜在客户.J: that's right. You should establish good relationships with them. what else are you planning to do while working for that company?没错,你应该和他们搞好关系.在那工作期间你还打算做些什么?S: well, I'll come up with a detailed business plan to attract the investors.我想拿出一个详细的商业计划,以吸引投资者.J: sounds perfect. I think with all that you have in mind, you'll become a successful businessman. By then,perhaps, I'll join in as a partner of your company.听起来不错.我觉得你很有想法,终究有一天你会成为一名成功的商人,到那时,我也许会以合伙人的身份加入你的公司呢.两人英语对话带翻译篇三SOHO SOHO 一族dialogue1E: I haven't met you at the gym for a long time.好久没在健身俱乐部看见你了.B: yeah, I quit my job, and started working from home. Recently I've got a project to deal with and don't have much time to work out.是啊,我辞职了,在家里工作.最近在忙一个项目,没时间出来锻炼.E: why? You have a decent salary, lots of promotion opportunities and a regular life of going to the office at 9 o' clock and coming back home at 5 in the evening.为什么辞职?你原来的工资不错,升职机会多,朝九晚五的生活也很规律.B: it's not about pay raise or promotion. You know,I hate getting up early in the morning and coming back home late at night.我辞职不是为了加薪或者升职,要知道,我讨厌每天早早起床,却很晚才回家.E: then SOHO is your ideal work style.那SOHO是你理想工作模式.B: yeah, as long as I have a computer and internet access, I can start working. I recently enjoy working in my own place and at my own pace.没错,只要我有太电脑,能上网,就可以工作.我喜欢在自己家里按自己的节拍工作.E: and you don't have to work under that much pressure and control.而且还没那么多压力,不用受人控制.B: absolutely. I can decide when and what to do all by myself.就是,我想做什么,什么时候做,都可以自己决定.E: sounds great. Are there many business opportunies?听起来不错.生意机会多不多?B: yea, I can find enough online.恩,在网上能找到很多机会.E: it's good to have business around. But you should also do some exercise to keep fit.有生意就好.可你也得锻炼,保持身体健康啊.B: thank you for reminding me. I'll continue to exercise as soon as I finish this project.谢谢你提醒我.这个项目一做完我就会继续锻炼身体了.。

大学生英语对话两人学生两人英语对话精选大学生两人英语对话精选大学生两人英语对话精选大学生两人英语对话篇一Tom: Bob, you are going too far this time. 鲍勃,你这次太过分了。
Bob: He deserved it. 他应得的。
Tom: After all, we three are good friends,like brothers. 毕竟我们三个是像兄弟一样的好朋友。
Bob: I know,but he broke the rule first. 我知道,但是他违反规则在先。
Tom: Although that, you can’t beat him up. 尽管这样,你也不可以打人啊。
Bob: Stop,Tom, quit telling me what to do! 闭嘴,汤姆,用不着你告诉我该怎么做。
Tom: OK, you are the boss. I will go. 好,你是老大,我走。
Bob: Go,go,go, I haven’t such a brother. 走,走,走,我没有这样的兄弟。
Tom: You will regret one day. 总有一天你会后悔的。
Bob: I hope that day will not come. 我希望那天不会到来。
大学生两人英语对话篇二Bob: Ann, can“t we talk it over 安,我们就不能好好谈谈吗Ann: We have nothing to say. 我们没什么好说的。
Bob: Let’s forgive and forget, OK 过去的事就让它过去吧。
好吗Ann: That“s easy for you to say! 你说得倒轻松! Bob: Then, what do you want 那你想怎样Ann: I want nothing but you, out of my eyes. 我不想怎样,只想你远离我的视线。

二人英语对话简短10篇【篇1:】Jack: What a wonderful sight!Mia: Yes. I've dreamed a thousand times that | could lie down here to relax. Jack: We are tired of jobs and competition. We need a quiet place.Mia: I'd like to stay here for all my life if possible.Jack: So would I. Look, it might be going to rain.Mia: I don't think it will spoil our trip.Jack: It will give us better feeling and atmosphere if it rains.Mia: Let's kick off our shoes to walk on the green flag stoned roads.Jack: That's a good idea!【篇2:】Jack: I am so hungry I could eat a horse.Mia: How about a snack before lunch?Jack: Where can we buy a snack?Mia: We can buy snacks and beverages at snack bars and snack machines. Jack: Please tell me more about snack machines and beverages.Mia: We will learn a lot this week. Is it fine?Jack: Yes, that is fine with me.【篇3:】Jack: What's up?Mia: Not much at all.Jack: What fun facts are we going to learn today?Mia: We are going to learn about sports.Jack: I love sports.Mia: Me too, it's my hobby.【篇4:】Jack: see you next time.Mia: catch you later.Jack: have a nice night.Mia: take care.Jack: be safe.Mia: I'll see you later.Jack: live long and prosper.【篇5:】Jack: how is your English?Mia: better, i am mad about English.Jack: i am not so mad about it.Mia: why?Jack: because it is hard.Mia: it is not hard if your practice.Jack: i guess you are right.Mia: soon, you will also be crazy about English.Jack: thanks, i like it more already. let's learn some more.【篇6:】Mia: Jane, can you please help me send out these letters by four?Jane: Seems like you're in a rush.Mia: Yes, I have to attend a meeting and I don't have time to finish these letters.Jane: No problem, but please give me the confirmation number and postal fees for the letters. Mia: All right, here is the money. You can keep the change.【篇7:】Jack: Would you please put that cigarette out? I get sick on it.Mia: You do? OK, fine with me.Jack: Thank you so much.Mia: But I also want ya to do me a favor.Jack: What?Mia: You gotta have some better deodorant.Jack: I' m sorry?!【篇8:】Airy: Tom, shall we pass a village?Tom:Yes. If you look ahead, you may see a hill, at the foot is a village.Airy: Wow, I got it. It looks terrific. Can we visit it?Tom:No problem. Generally, farmers are very friendly and hospitable. I'm sure they will feel very happy when we go there.Airy: Really? Then, after you.Tom:According to my experience, this is typical mountainous village. The mountain, the tile roofed houses and the fields create a gorgeous view.Airy: Hold on, please. We'd like to have a panorama of the fields.【篇9:】Tom:Where are you from?Airy: I'm from China.Tom:How old are you?Airy: I'm twenty years old.Tom:Where is your hometown?My hometown is in Shandong province.Airy:Oh!Shandong.The beers made in Shandong is tasty.Tom:Thank you.Airy:Next time , I will have a trip to Shandong.Tom:Ah!That's good.Shandong is beautiful【篇10:】Abby: What have you got this morning ?Belly: Fruit juice, cakes and refreshments, and everything. Abby: What does she like?Belly: I don't know.Abby: What can I do for you, sir ?Belly: I’d like to have a glass of tomato juice, please. Abby: I' II be there. Do you want me to bring something ? Belly: Bring some flowers if you can.Abby: The show is supposed to be good.Belly: Yes.。

小编精心收集了两人英语长对话材料,供大家欣赏学习!两人英语长对话材料1Todd: OK, Chris, Friday the 13th is coming up. So, first of all, are you superstitious?Chris: Yes. When I play sports I'm superstitious. I have a lucky shirt and stuff like that.Todd: Oh, really!Chris: Yeah.Todd: So what's your lucky shirt?Chris: It's a bungy jumping shirt that I got about 10 years ago. It's all falling apart but it's still my lucky shirt.Todd: OK, So you don't wash it or anything?Chris: If I have a good game I don't wash it until I have a bad game and then I wash the badness out.Todd: OK. What sport are we talking about?Chris: I play ice hockey.Todd: Oh, really.Chris: Yeah.Todd: Oh, so your a hockey player! Your a pretty solid guy.Chris: Yeah, I'm a goalie. Being a goalie it's a lot to being comfortable in the position, so if you have a good game you don't touch anything. You do the same routine. Goalies are known to be a little strange.Todd: Wow. So that's cool. Are you still playing in Japan?Chris: I've played a few times but it's just too much trouble to drag my equipment on three trains and a taxi and about a 800meter walk. It's just not worth it right now. If I had a car I'd try for sure.Todd: Oh, that's too bad. Alright, well, good luck and...so right now is your shirt dirty of clean? Your unlucky shirt?Chris: It's just been washed. Yeah, it needed a good washing this time.两人英语长对话材料2Todd: OK, Yoko. We're gonna talk about exercise.Yoko: Exercise!Todd: Now, you go to a gym?Yoko: Maybe three times a week.Todd: OK.Yoko: Yeah. If I can.Todd: OK.Yoko: Cause I have to.Todd: Why? What do you mean? Why do you have to?Yoko: When I went to the USA, I gained a lot. 20 pounds. That was too much for me. So I decided to go to lose weight.Todd: OK.Yoko: If possible.Todd: How did you lose weight?Yoko: I go to the gym and run, maybe 20 minutes. I'm too lazy. I can't keep running for hours. And anyway, so I do aerobics. Do you say aerobics?Todd: Aerobics.Yoko: Yes. Aerobics or something like that.Todd: OK. That's it.Yoko: That's it. And sometimes I swim. Yeah, but I like aerobics better than swimming.Todd: Why?Yoko: Because it's fun.Todd: OK.Yoko: And the music and dancing. Yeah, it's more fun for me.Todd: When you lost the weight did you also diet or did you just exercise?Yoko: I just exercised cause I like eating. I love eating. I can't stop doing that, so... but I try my best not to eat chocolate too much.Todd: Oh, that's your weakness. Chocolate.Yoko: Yeah.Todd: OK. Well, you look great so.Yoko: Oh, thank you. You're so nice.Tood: Oh, thank you. You're so nice.Yoko: You are welcom.Todd: Ok, thank you.Yoko: You are welcome, talk to you soon.两人英语长对话材料3Todd: Hey, Marika!Marika: Hey!Todd: How you doing?Marika: I'm OK. How are you?Todd: Good. Marika do you like summer?Marika: No, I don't like summer it's my least favorite summer.Todd: Wow, why?Marika: Because I don't like hot weather. I don't like being hot and sweaty and uncomfortable.Todd: OK. Well, it's pretty hot in Japan so you must not like summer here.Marika: No, I don't.Todd: Is it hot in summer where you're from?Marika: Yeah, it's pretty hot but usually we go away on the weekends to cottages and we go swimming in lakes and stuff.Todd: Oh, that's nice. Where are you from by the way?Marika: Canada.Todd: So, what's your favorite season?Marika: Winter or fall.Todd: OK. Well, what do you do in the winter?Marika: In the winter, activities you mean?Todd: Yeah.Marika: I go snowboarding and I go to onsens and I walk around and I enjoy the cold weather.。

下面是店铺给大家整理的两人英语口语长对话,供大家参阅!两人英语口语长对话:At a Concert?CARA: That was beautiful. Did you like it, Martin??MARTIN: It was wonderful.?CARA: Did you like it, Howard??HOWARD: Of course.?CARA: Now, Howard, which one is your sister??HOWARD: That woman playing the violin.?CARA: Which one?HOWARD: She has a black dress.?MARTIN: They all have black dresses.?HOWARD: She has red hair.?CARA: Oh, I see. She has beautiful hands. She has long fingers.?MARTIN: Yes, she does. I like her hair. Your hair isn't red.?HOWARD: Our father's hair is red. He doesn't like his red hair.?CARA: Does your sister like her hair??HOWARD: Yes, she does.?CARA: It's very nice.?MARTIN: Is her violin old??HOWARD: Yes, it is. It's very old.?CARA: Martin, who is that man over there??MARTIN: Which man?CARA: He's sitting behind that tall man.?MARTIN: The man with white hair??CARA: No, no. Look to the right. Do you see that tall man??MARTIN: Maybe.?CARA: Who is the man sitting behind the tall man?? MARTIN: I can't see his face.?CARA: Now look.?HOWARD: Is he the man with the large head?? CARA: Yes. He has a round face and brown hair.? MARTIN: He's a Senator.?HOWARD: What's his name??MARTIN: I don't know.?CARA: Where is he from??MARTIN: I don't know.?会话A : 在音乐会上?卡拉:刚才那首曲子很优美。

关于两人英语对话短文情景带翻译如今没有一口流利的英语,了解一些简单的日常英语对话也是很有必要的!今天小编在这里为大家分享一些关于两人英语对话短文,希望这些情景对话会对大家有所帮助!关于两人英语对话短文一New semeSter New Student 新生见面dialogue 1Shmm: Hello! My names Simon. Are you a new student?西蒙:你好,我是杰克.你是新生吗?Daisy: Yes I am. lm Daisy. Nicc to meet you.黛西:是的。
我是黛西.很高兴见到你.S: Nice to meet you too. How are you liking college Iife?很高兴见到你.你觉得大学生活怎样?D: lts awcsome and Im really cnjoying my courses.大学生活丰富多彩,我很喜欢.S: Me too. I think the courses are mcwe cballenging than in high school.我也是.不过我觉得大学的课程比中学更具挑战性.D: I age with you. The Professors are excellent and I am rcally enjoying the classroom discussions.没错.教授非常出色,我很喜欢他们的澡堂讨论.S: Yes, absolutely. Are you busy after classes?是啊。
你课后都傲些什么呢?D: I have gotteninvoIved with somc community scrvicc organizations on campus.我参加了校园里的社区服务活动.S: Oh, rcally? You are great! What kind of voluntcrring do you do?真的吗?你都参加了什么样的志愿者活动呢?D: This summer wc worked as Olympics volunteers as intterpreters.今年夏天,我们参加了奥运会志愿者活动,担任口译人员.S: Thats amazing. So did you go to China to be volunteers?太棒了!所以你去中国了,对吗?D: Yes, I went to Beijing. Such an imprcssivc city--是啊,北京真是一个不错的城市.S: I have always wanted to visit Beijing but I havent had the chance. Maybe next year我一直都想去北京旅游,可直都没去,或许明年吧.D: Youd lovc the city.你一定会喜欢上那个城市的.关于两人英语对话短文二S: HiDaisy!你好,黛西D: Hi Simon. Nice to meet you again嗨,西蒙,很高兴再次见到你S: I hope you are Settling in at school!对新环境还适应吧?D: I am! Ive made lots of fricnds and I really enjoy my courscs.嗯,我已经交了很多朋友了,而且我很喜欢所学的课程.S: Good! Me too! By the way. you didnt tell me what you are studying here.不错,我也是.对了.你还没有告诉我你学的什么专业呢.D: Didnt I? Im doing business studies.天哪,我没有告诉你吗?我在学习商务课程.S:Rcay? Thats great. You bope tojoin a company after graduating?真的吗?不错呀.你毕业后想进公司对吗?D:Maybe. My parcnts mo.red to Canada the year when I was bom. We are living in Toronto. Isuppoes I might get a job in T oronto when I graduate. Its too soon to say really.可能吧.我出生那年我们家搬到了加拿大,我们现在住在多伦多。

小编精心收集了两人英语对话短文及翻译,供大家欣赏学习!两人英语对话短文及翻译篇1Hobbies 个人爱好Frank: hi, Mary! What do you like to do in your spare time?你好,玛丽,空闲时候你都做些什么?Mary: well, I spend a lot of time watching movies.很多时候我都在看电影.F: what a concidence! I also watch a lot of movies.真巧啊!我也爱看电影.M: oh really, Frank? What kind of movies do you like?是吗?弗兰克,你爱看哪种类型的片子?F: actually, I watch whichever movie there is, be it a comedy, a sci-fi or a suspense movie. How about you?实际上,我哪种都看,喜剧片,科幻片或者悬疑片都行.你呢?M: art films are my favorite, but thrillers are cool, too.我最喜欢看艺术片,但是惊悚片也不错.F: really impressive. These two genres are definitely different.真的吗?这两种风格的电影可截然不同啊.M: sure. I enjoy both of them very much.对啊,不过两种我都喜欢.F: how often do you go to the cinema?你常去电影院吗?M: once in a while, I suppose, I usually rent movies at Movie Salon.偶尔去一次,通常我都在电影沙龙租碟看.F: movie salon? What's that?电影沙龙?M: it's a movie rental store in my neighborhood. I've got a membership there.就是我家小区里的一家影碟出租店,我是那儿的会员.F: is it good?那儿好吗?M: yes, you can find almost all new releases there.挺不错的,所有的新电影几乎都能在那儿找到.F: really? Maybe I shall also sign up for its membership.是吗?我也想加入啦.M: why not?可以啊.两人英语对话短文及翻译篇2F: Morning, Mary. I havcn't seen you in a longtime. What's up?早,玛丽I好久不见了,最近忙什么呢?M: Oh, I took up a new hobby.哦,我有‘P卜新爱好.F: So you don't travel a lot now?那你最近不怎么出门旅行了?M: No, Frank. I'm much more interestcd in collecting stamps now.不怎么去T’弗兰克。
二人英语对话[优秀范文5篇]第一篇:二人英语对话A :Hey B,what are you doing now?你在干什么B: Hey A, i'm watching e on,it's really wonderful.我正在看电视。
快来看,它真的棒极了A :What the delicious food it is!It's your favorite show?如此美味的食物!这是你最爱看的节目吗?B: Yeah.I like to watch food program.是的,我最喜欢美食节目了A: Oh,tell me why?告诉我为什么B: For me, food is too attractive对我来说,食物的诱惑力太大了It looks so tempting and taste so delicious.它看起来是如此诱人,尝起来是如此美味A: That sounds good.But i feel this programs only let your appetite even better 那听起来不错。
但是我感觉这些节目只会让你胃口大开B: Of course,these programs let me enjoy the food, but also increased my weight.It is a headache problem for me.当然,这些节目让我欣赏美食的同时,也增加了我的体重,这对我来说是个很头疼的问题B: Ok,i want to know what's your favorite tv program.好了,我想知道你最喜欢看什么节目A :My favorite TV program is “Animal World”.我最喜欢的节目是动物世界B: That's good.Why do you like it?那很好,你为什么喜欢它?A: It tells us many stories of animal life.we can learn the animals' habits and their lifestyle.through it we can understand the importance of living in harmony between men and animals.它告诉我们动物们的生活世界。


小编精心收集了两人日常英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!两人日常英语对话1Ann: I want to have a holiday. Could you give me some advice?我想去度个假,你能给我些建议吗?Lily: What kind of place are you interested?你对什么样的地方有兴趣?Ann: Em..I like village. You know I hate the crowded and clamorous cities.恩,我喜欢乡村。
Lily: Let me see. How about Wuyuan?让我想想,婺源如何?Ann: Where is it? I had never heard about it.婺源在哪,我怎么都没听说过。
Lily: Wuyuan is in the north Jiangxi province. It nears Yellow Mountain and Jingde Town. It’s very quiet. People refer it to as the most beautiful village of China.婺源在江西省的北部,它临近黄山和景德镇,是一个非常安静的地方。
Ann: Great. I will go there.太好了,我就去那了。
两人日常英语对话2大嘴: Did you know whose work is the “Mono Lisa Smile”?你知道蒙娜丽莎是谁的作品吗?脸盆: Of course I know, it is represented as the masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci .当然知道,它是达芬奇的代表作。

下面是店铺给大家整理的简单两人英语长对话,供大家参阅!简单两人英语长对话:烹饪A:Do you like cooking?B:I love it.I really enjoy creating a meal from various ingredients and watching my friends enjoy it.It gives me a real sense of satisfaction.Do you enjoy cooking?A:I don’t like it.It takes up too much time and I really hate having it clean up after the m eal.I can’t stand doing the washing up,drying up and putting all the dishes and cutlery away.B:You can ask the guests for help. My guests usually insist on doing the washing up.I just have to remind them where everything goes.A:So what kinds of dishes do you usually make?I know you like Italian food.B:Italian,Indian and chinese.I’ve only recently started cooking chinese meals and I need some more practice.A:Do you find it hard to get ingredients for Chinese food?B:Not at all.You can find most of them in supermarkets.The ingredients are usually the same as in Westurn food.The way that the food is prepared is the big difference,not the ingredients.A:How long does it take you to cook a meal for 5 or 6 people?B:Obviously,it depends on what I’m cooking.But I’d say it generally takes about one and a half hours.Intermediate:A:Hi,you said that you might need some help with preparing dinner.What would you like me to do?B:Thanks for coming over to help.I really appreciate it.First,could you peel the vegetable s?I’ve put them all in the sink and there is a peeler.A:Ok,I’ll peel the vegetables and you chop them.I’m terrible at chopping vegetables.I always seem to chop them into pieces that are either too big or too small.Wow,you can chop vegetables really quickly,just like professional chefs on TV!B:After you’ve chopped the vegetables,could you fry the meat in a little oil?Just use a very small amount of oil.Fry the meat until it is cooked,then we will add some spices to flavor it.A:Which spices are you going to add to the meat?B:These ones here.The one on the left is very spicy,so we must be careful about how much we add.A:Yes,we don’t want everyone to burn their mouths and have a drink gallons.of water.Ok,I’m really to do the meat.Should I cook it over a low flame?B:Cook it over a high flame,so that it will be ready quickly.Keep stirring the meat around the frying pan.Don’t let the meat stick to the bottom of the pan.A:Right.What are you doing over there?B:I’m mixing the sauce.It’s my speciality.I make it according to my own secret recipe.简单两人英语长对话:肉与鱼A:Which kinds of meat are most popular in your country?B:We eat a lot of chicken,pork and beef.You eat those meat a lot in your country too,don’t you?A:Yes,we do.We also eat a lot of lamb.B:Yes.I’ve hear d that people in your country like to eat lamb chops.A:That’s right.They taste so good.We eat them with mintsauce.Have you ever tried them?B:Yes,I have.I tried them when I visited your country last year.I thought they were very tasty.Can you cook them?A:I certainly can.If I can get some from the butchers,I’ll cook them for you.B:That sounds great.I’ll boring a bottle of wine.Intermediate:A:What do we need for the barbecue?B:Well,I’ve bought a lot of meat.I’ve got pork chops,small steaks,chicken wings and plenty of hot dog sausages and hamburger patties.A:I can’t wait to start cooking.I’ve bought the grill and charcoal.Do you have enough plates and utensils?B:I think so.I bought some paper plates and cups for people to use.It will save on the washing up.A:And if people drop them,they won’t break.We’ll need to buy some buns to make hot dogs and hamburgers.B:They sell them at the shop around the corner.We can go and get some in a few minutes.A:I brought some cheese to make cheeseburgers and some oni ons for the hot dogs.We’ll need some tomato catchup and some barbecue sauce.B:I have the sauce, but remind me to get some catchup at the shop.A:How long does it take to cook meat on the barbecue?B:It only takes a few minutes.Some people like their meat well done,others like it rare.The great thing about the barbecue is that everyone can choose how they want their meat cooked.A:They can cook them themselves to make sure exactly how they like it.B:I hope you haven’t invited any vegetarians.简单两人英语长对话:水果与蔬菜A:Mom,I hate eating vegetables!B:You don’t have to eat them.I don’t mind.A:Thanks, Mom.Can I have dessert now?I love chocolate cake.B:No dessert for you unless you eat all of your vegetables.A:But I don’t like them.It’s not fair.B:You can have some fruits(可数与不可数均可)for dessert.If you eat an apple and a banana,I might let you have a small piece of chocolate cake.A:Ok,actually I don’t mind eating peas and carrots.But I hate broccoli and cauliflower.B:I'll remember that for next time.You’ll get extra peas and carrots,but no broccoli or cauliflower,ok?A:Thanks, Mom!Intermediate:A:Do you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables in your country?B:Yes,we do.The most popular vegetables are potatoes, carrots,peas and cauliflower.The most popular fruits are apples,bananas, pears,peaches,grapes and oranges.Do you like vegetables?A:I like them very much.We also eat a lot of vegetables in my country,but we eat different kinds.B:Which kinds of vegetables do people in your country usually eat?A:We eat a lot of sweet corn,broccoli and eggplant.B:I love eggplant.Unfortunately, it’s quite expensive in my country.So I don’t eat it often.A:Why is it relatively expensive?B:Because we don’t grow it much in my country.We importa lot from orther countries.A:I see.We grow a lot of fruits and vegetables in my country.we expor a lot of melons,grapes,oranges and lemons.In your country,do you eat corn on the cob?It’s very popular in my country.B:We eat it in my country too,but I wouldn’t say it’s very popular.Most people buy frozen sweet corn from their local supermarket.A:Do people usually buy frozen vegetables in your country?It’s very rare in mine.B:A lot of younger people like to buy large packets of mixed frozen vegetables.Peas and sweet corn have been sold in my country for many years.I prefer to buy fresh vegetables.以上是店铺整理所得,欢迎大家阅读和收藏。

店铺整理了2人2分钟英语对话短文,欢迎阅读!2人2分钟英语对话短文篇一Salesgirl: Can I help you?请问您要些什么?Lily: Please give me an apple pie and a cup of milk shake.请给我一个苹果派和一杯奶昔。
Salesgirl: Anything else?还有吗?Lily: No,I think.我想就这些吧。
Salesgirl: OK,please wait a moment...Here you are.好的,请稍等……这是你要的。
Lily: Thank you.How much are they?谢谢,总共多少?Salesgirl: 15 yuan in total.总共15元。
Lily: Here’s 15 yuan.这是15元。
Salesgirl: Yes.Welcome back again.Goodbye.好的。
Lily: Bye.再见。
2人2分钟英语对话短文篇二Salesgirl: Welcome to KFC! What can I do for you?欢迎光临肯德基,有什么我能效劳的?Ann: Yes, I'll have a medium coke.我要一个中杯可乐。
Salesgirl: Anything else?还要其他的吗?Ann: Let me see.Oh,yes.I’ll have a hamburger,a medium chips.我想想。
Salesgirl: OK.Wait a minute...Here you are.请稍等……给你。
Ann: How much?多少钱?Salesgirl: 20 yuan.Do you have a VIP card?20元。

下面是店铺给大家整理的英语二人对话范文,供大家参阅!英语二人对话范文:建议与要求A:Hi. Could you give me a hand with this report?B:Sure. I’d be happy to give you some hints and advice.A:Thanks. Would you mind taking a look at the layout? Do you think it’s appropriate? I want it to be formal, but not boring to look at.B:It looks good to me. I would suggest that you put the client’s logo and our logo on each page. The bosses seem to like that.A:That’s an excellent suggestion. I can easily do it on the computer.B:Why don’t you use a different font the headings? They’ll be more distinct.A:I’ll take that suggestion too. How about the content?B:I think you’ve included all the essential th ings. You might want to make the conclusion a little longer. Restate your reasons clearly.A:Is it OK to include the pictures?B:Definitely! I would include one or two on each page if possible. Remember that you should make the report as eye-catching as possible.A:Thanks for those ideas. I’ll get to work on them right away.A:你能帮帮我完成这份报告吗?B:当然。

店铺整理了两人英语对话短文,欢迎阅读!两人英语对话短文一Susan:All this traffic really gives me a headache.堵车可真让人头疼。
John:No kidding. This morning I was stuck on the bus for almost an hour.可不是,今天早上我在公车上被困了将近一个小时。
Susan:Tell me about it. I’m thinking of buying a car, but I’m still of two minds about which one to get.是啊,所以我正合计买辆车呢,可一直没拿定主意该买哪个。
John:I've been paying attention to ads the last few days, and it seems the car with the best price to performance ratio is a Jetta. If you have the money, maybe a Peugot is better.我最近一直都在看广告。
Susan:Looks like a Jetta then. Otherwise I won't be able to eat.怕是只能买捷达了,不然我还不得喝西北风啊。
两人英语对话短文二May:Can you give me a hand in the kitchen? I don't think I can finish everything by myself.能到厨房搭把手吗?我一个人忙不过来。
Tom:OK. What do you want me to do?好的,要我做什么?May:I need you to wash the dishes.你帮我把这些盘子刷了。

两人英语对话短文情景带翻译在英语考试的听力中,英语情景对话是必考的一类问题,今天店铺在这里为大家分享一些两人英语对话短文,希望这些英语对话对大家有所帮助!两人英语对话短文篇一It's very nice of you to invite me.你真是太好了,请我来做客。
BI'm very glad you could come, Mr. Liu. Will you take a seat at the head of the table? It's an informal dinner, please don't stand on ceremony... Mr. Liu, would you like to have some chicken?刘先生,您能来我很高兴,请上坐。
刘先生,要吃点鸡肉吗?AThank you. This is my first time to come to a Chinese restaurant. Could you tell me the different features of Chinese food?谳谢,这是我第一次来中餐馆,请给我讲讲中国菜的不同特色好吗?BGenerally speaking, Cantonese food is a bit light; Shanghai food is rather oily; and Hunan dishes are very spicy, having a strong and hot taste.一般来讲,广东菜清淡一些;上海菜比较油腻:湖南菜香味浓,辣味很重。
AChinese dishes are exquisitely prepared, delicious, and very palatable. They are very good in colour,flavour,and taste.中国菜做得很精细,色、香、味俱全。

范文书写有哪些要求呢?我们怎样才能写好一篇范文呢?以下是我为大家搜集的优质范文,仅供参考,吧英语对话情景两人篇一c:dont be upset b,i have been looking for a job since three month ago,and now stilling working on it 不要灰心,我三个月前找到了一份工作,如今一直在做。
b: hmm,it seems kind of difficult for us without working experence to find a job对我们这些没有经历的学生来说,找一份工作似乎很难d:i dont think it is the only reason ,you see ,there are so many college graduates from all the provinces every year ,the petition is really fierce 我不认为那是唯一的理由,你看,每年都有那么多来自全国各地的大学毕业生,竞争真的很剧烈。
c:there are for sure job offers ,but many of us dont wanna do the jobs with low salary but heavy work.其实有确定的工作,但是我们都不愿意做薪水低却很繁重的工作b: you got reason, i have expressed to the hr〔 human resource 〕of many panies that i dont caretoo much about salary and work load, i dont understand why i failed in the interview你说的很对,但我对很多公司的人力资部门表示我并不太关心工资多少和工作的负荷,我不明白为什么我还是面试失败了!a:my opinion is that maybe ,youve been toonervous and not confident enough during theinterview 。

二人英语对话3分钟带翻译Tom: Hey, Sarah! It's been a while since we last met. Howhave you been?Sarah: Hi Tom, yes, it has been quite some time. I've been doing well, thanks for asking. How about you?Tom: I'm good, just busy with work lately. By the way, Iheard you went on a trip recently. How was it?Sarah: Oh, yes, I went to Japan last month. It was an amazing experience. The culture, the food, everything was sodifferent and exciting.Tom: That sounds fantastic. I've always wanted to visit Japan. Did you try any traditional Japanese food?Sarah: Absolutely! I tried sushi, ramen, and tempura. I also had the chance to attend a tea ceremony, which was a very unique experience.Tom: Wow, that must have been interesting. I've heard that Japanese tea ceremonies are very formal and full of tradition. Did you learn anything new?Sarah: Yes, I did. The ceremony is not just about drinking tea; it's about appreciating the art of hospitality and the aesthetics of the tea utensils. It was quite an eye-opener.Tom: That's really fascinating. I've also been thinking about learning a new language. What do you think about learning Japanese?Sarah: I think it's a great idea. Japanese is a beautiful language, and it would definitely open up more opportunities for you to explore the culture further.Tom: I agree. I've been looking into some language courses online. Do you have any recommendations?Sarah: I took a few online courses myself, and I found them quite helpful. You could try out Duolingo or Rosetta Stone. They have good reviews and a variety of learning materials.Tom: Thanks for the suggestions, Sarah. I'll check them out. It was great catching up with you.Sarah: Likewise, Tom. Let's not wait too long before we meet again. Take care!Tom: You too, Sarah. Have a great day!翻译:汤姆:嘿,莎拉!我们上次见面已经过去很久了。

2分钟两人英语对话短文带翻译在英语考试的听力中,我们需要通过录音中的情景对话来听取我们所要的答案,今天店铺在这里为大家分享一些2分钟两人英语对话短文,欢迎大家阅读!2分钟两人英语对话短文篇一S: you are an early bird , Tom. What do you do in the morning then?汤姆,你通常起得很早.那么早起都做些什么呢?T: exercise. The morning hours are the most precious period within a single day. We should not pass them up easily. Seize the time and do something useful.锻炼.早晨是一天当中最美好的时光.我们不该轻易放过他.要充分利用时间,做点有用的事情.S: so, you choose to spend it on bodybuilding. Where do you exercise?所以,你把时间花在晨练上了.那你都在哪儿锻炼呢?T: usually, I run to the Black Bamboo Park as a warm-up . Admission is free. Then I start my activites.通常我跑步去紫竹院,正好热热身.那里不用买门票.然后才开始我的活动.S: do you do the same exercises every day?那每天都做同样的运动吗?T: no, I've deliberately kept a balance between various exercises: parallel bars, push-ups, sit-ups, bunny-hops, five-kilometer run, and so on. I alternate them over the weekdays. Sometimes, when I find myself in a bad state, I will simply idle about in the park.不是的.我有意在多项运动之间保持平衡:双杠,俯卧撑,仰卧起坐,兔子跳,五千米跑…一周之内轮流做.有时候,如果发现自己不怎么舒服,就只在公园里闲逛.S: why don't you just stay in bed when you feel unfit for exercising?不舒服的时候,为什么不干脆多睡会?T: It's not easy to keep a good habit, you know. I fear that if I fail to get up early one day, I may find it still more difficult to rise early the next. Besides, a mere walk in the early morning is much fun, too. Here and there in the park, you meet whole gangs of senior citizens who might be singing operas or old songs, playing er'hu, chess, or just chatting and gossiping. It's interesting to join them.你知道,保持一种习惯不容易.我担心的是,哪天我要没能早起,第二天早上恐怕就更难早起了.再说,清晨走一走也是乐趣多多.在公园里四处走走,总能碰上一群老年人,在唱戏或者其他老歌,拉二胡,下棋,或者只是闲聊.跟他们在一起也挺有意思.S: oh, yes. Singing is also a good way of keeping fit, at least mentally.是的.唱歌也是保持健康的好法子,哪怕只是精神上的.2分钟两人英语对话短文篇二L: get up as early as six o'clock only to be jammed at every crossroad and still late for work. What a life! I've had enough of it.6点钟就起床,上了车却一到路口就要堵车,以至于上班迟到.这样的日子真是让人受够了.J: cool down, man. Everyone is fed up with the rush-hour traffic. But life isn't really all that. You should take the initiative and make some changes first.消消气,哥们.谁不烦堵车呢,可是日子不完全象你说的那样,你可以主动地改变生活.L: what should I do then?我该怎么做呢?J: I recommend you ride a bike instead of commuting by bus. It may offer you many beneits. First, it's good for your health. I'm afraid it's not necessary for me to further elaborate. While lots of people spend time like an hour each morning exercising, a bike ride to work not onlybuilds you up, but also makes full use of time. You might as well sleep for an hour longer.我建议你还是骑车上班吧,这对你大有裨益.首先是健康,这我不必多说啦.许多人早上专门抽出一小时锻炼,如果骑车上班的话,既锻炼到了,还能省下这点时间,这样你就可以多睡一个小时.L: I know cycling is always a more favorable choice than a bus. After all, it's a sport. But do you think it a pleasant experience to take in the dirty, pollued air on the road?我知道,骑车总比坐车强.怎么说,它也是项运动嘛.但是在路上呼吸进脏兮兮,受污染的空气,这恐怕也不太好吧.J: well, such things are just unavoidable in a great metropolis like Beijing. I think a still more desirable benefit is psychological. Bicycling home after work can help release your stress. Life in the offices is miserable. You just sit there in a daze, gazing at the monitor and dealing with files and documents. Why don't you give full play to your energy after work? Enjoy the speed on the road. Just think, you are falshing past the poles with your own energy. How great!哎,这些情况在北京这样的大都市是无法避免的.我觉得骑车还有一大好处—心理方面的.下班后骑车回家,可以释放你的压力.办公室的工作太痛苦了,成天迷迷糊糊地坐在那里,盯着屏幕看,处理文档文件.下班后不妨好好释放一下你的能量,享受享受速度.想想看,电线杆子一根接着一根地飞过,这都是你发挥自己能量的结果.多棒的感觉啊!2分钟两人英语对话短文篇三Luq: I'm planning to buy a bicycIe. As you are quite a cyclingcnthusiast, I wish you might give me some advice.我在琢磨着买辆自行车.你是位自行车爱好者,能绘我点建议么?Joeys: With plcasure,chap. But before I start. I need to know what you want a bike for?没问题l我先闯问,你要自行车做什么用?L: My pues are two-fold. On the one hand, I've grown borcd of commuting on suffocating buscs every day and decided to ride to work. On the other hand, bicyclingis a sport. and I intend to build up my body through constantly taking a ride over the weckends.有两方面的原因。

小编精心收集了英语两人情景长对话,供大家欣赏学习!英语两人情景长对话1Todd: OK, Keri, I've heard you talk about your father quite a bit. He sounds like a very interesting man. Can you talk a little bit about him?Kerri: Sure. My dad's name is Robert and he's an interesting guy. He's retired now and lives in Oregon and in his free time he's building an airplane (wow!) Yeah!Todd: So can he fly a plane as well?Kerri: Yeah, he has a private pilot's license.Todd: Wow, that must be pretty difficult. He's actually making a plane from scratch.Kerri: Yeah. Well, he used to be an airplane mechanic, so quite awhile ago. But yeah, he's doing all the riveting, building all the different parts of the plane and assembling it.Todd: Wow! So when do you think he's going to be finished.Kerri: I don't know. I got an e-mail from him recently that said he's just putting the tail section on soon. But I haven't seen a picture of that yet.Todd: Wow. So are you going to go in this plane with your father as soon as it's finished?Kerri: I hope so. He's having someone else test fly it which made me happy when I found out. Although I trust his work cause he's meticulous but it made me feel good that someone else is going to try it for the first time, but yeah, after it's finished, when he's ready to take up passengers.Todd: Cool. Sounds fun.Kerri: Yeah. I think so.英语两人情景长对话2Todd: Hello!Jeanna: Hello!Todd: Hi, what's your name?Jeanna: Jeanna.Todd: OK, Jeanna, how old are you?Jeanna: I'm 15 years old.Todd: 15! OK, are you in high school?Jeanna: Yes, I am.Todd: OK. What do you think about high school?Jeanna: It's fun. Very diverse.Todd: What do you like to study in high school?Jeanna: I like history a lot.Todd: OK. Why do you like history?Jeanna: It's interesting to learn about the past, different things, and different cultures.Todd: OK. What's one thing you don't like about high school?Jeanna: People can be really cruel.Todd: Oh, really! How? How are people cruel?Jeanna: There's a lot of judgmental-ness.Todd: Oh, that's too bad. So, you're nice to everybody?Jeanna: Generally.Todd: OK. OK. Who's your favorite teacher?Jeanna: Probably my English teacher.英语两人情景长对话3Todd: Hello, Yoko.Yoko: Hello, Todd.Todd: How are you?Yoko: Good. How are you?Todd: Good. OK. We're gonna talk about trains.Yoko: OK.Todd: Do you take the train everyday?Yoko: Yes, I have to.Todd: Oh, really?Yoko: Yeah, cause I don't have a car.Todd: Oh, really?Yoko: Yeah!Todd: Are you have happy with that? Do you mind?Yoko: Actually no!Todd: Yeah, well, what's the train like in the morning when you get on?Yoko: It's really crowded.Todd: Yeah!Yoko: Yes.Todd: OK. How much is your train fare?Yoko: Almost 500 yen.Todd: What's the best thing about taking the train?Yoko: Mm, nothing.Todd: Nothing.Yoko: Nothing. I don't think it's great. Ah, I can sleep on the train.Todd: OK. Do you normally get a seat?Yoko: Ah, sometimes I can.Todd: Yeah.Yoko: Yeah.Todd: OK. Do you read?Yoko: Cause I can't read a book. I'll get sick.Todd: Oh, cause your eyes move around.Yoko: Yeah.Todd: Yeah, I gocha. What's the worse thing about the train? Yoko: Ah, too crowded in Japan.Todd: Yeah. It's terrible.Yoko: And I have to pay.Todd: Oh, you have to pay. Your company does not pay. Yoko: No.。