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Unit 1 In-depth Reading- Into the Ivory Tower

Vocabulary Preparation

1. graduate

vi. 毕业graduate from…从…(地方)毕业

* 你是从哪所大学毕业的?

Which university did you graduate from?

* I could skip every lecture for a month and still graduate.

Chinese meaning: 我可以一个月不去上课还可以照常毕业。

n. 毕业生;研究生

* 他是牛津大学的毕业生。

He is a graduate of Oxford/an Oxford graduate.

* 她是文学专业的研究生。

She is a graduate student in literature.

graduation n. 毕业

2. abroad

adv. 在国外,到国外travel/go/live abroad 去国外(旅行/生活)

* 小时候,我们从未去过国外。

We never traveled/went abroad when we were kids.

* The Harry Potter movies are very popular now, both at home and abroad.

Chinese meaning: 哈利波特的电影目前非常受欢迎,无论是在国内还是国外。

C.f.: abroad aboard在(船、飞机、公共汽车、火车等)上;登上(船、飞机、公共汽车、火车等)

* 飞机失事导致机上的160名乘客全部遇难。

The plane crashed killing all 160 passengers aboard.

* 为了出国,他正在努力争取奖学金。

He was going for a scholarship in order to go abroad.

3. challenge

n. 挑战challenge of sth./doing sth. …的挑战pose a challenge to sb. 对(某人)构成挑战face/meet/take a challenge 面对/迎接/接受挑战

* 他愿意接受各种角色的挑战。

He liked to accept/meet/the challenge of playing all roles.

* 这次罢工对政府构成了严峻的挑战。

The strike (has) posed a challenge to the government.

v. 挑战challenge sb. to sth. 向(某人)挑战(某事)

* After dinner my brother challenged me to a tennis match.

Chinese meaning: 晚饭后,我弟弟向我发出挑战要和我打一场网球赛。

challenger n. 挑战者challenging adj. 挑战的,考验能力的

4. experience

n. 经历,阅历;经验

* 我从自己的经验中得知这项工作有多难。

I know from my own experience how difficult the work can be.

* 他童年的经历给他上了很好的一课。

His childhood experience/His experience as a child taught him a good lesson.

vt. 经历;体验

* 许多老人在退休以后会经历许多问题。

Many old people will experience a lot of problems after they retire.

* Quite a number of women will experience anxieties when they are expecting a baby. Chinese meaning: 许多女人在怀孕期间都会有焦虑的体验。

experienced adj. 经验丰富的inexperienced adj. 没什么经验的


vt. (正式用法)等候;期待

* 请在大堂等候总统。

Please assemble in the lobby to await the President.

C.f.: await wait

* 他们都在等待着欧文的到来。

They were all waiting for Owen's arrival.

* Death awaits all men.

Chinese meaning: 人终有一死。

6. impact

n. 巨大影响have an impact on sth./sb. 对(某事/某人)造成巨大影响

* 计算机对现代人的生活造成了巨大影响。

The computer has a great impact on the lives of modern people.

v.影响impact on/upon

* The new Act will impact on/upon the development of food industry.

Chinese meaning: 新法案将会影响食品工业的发展。


n. 建议

* You may get handy tips on using school library by talking to professors.

Chinese meaning: 通过与教授交谈,你可以得到很多使用图书馆的实用建议。

n. 小费

* 在那家西餐厅吃完午饭,我总会留下5美元的小费。

I often left a 5 dollar tip after having lunch in the western style restaurant.

n. 尖端

* What's her name? It's on the tip of my tongue but I simply can't remember.

Chinese meaning: 她叫什么名字来着?话到嘴边,我一时想不起来了。


v. 有计划地使用;谨慎使用budget (sth.) for (sth.) 为了(某事)有计划地使用(某物)* 如果我们为了将来精打细算地使用时间,我们就离成功更近了一步。

If we budget our time carefully for the future, we will be one step closer to success.

n. 预算 a tight budget 预算紧within/over budget 未超出/超出预算
